Occasional Blog

What Kind of Country Are We?

Robert Reich: “Every tyrant in history has sought to stifle criticism of himself and his regime.”

It’s shocking and saddening that so many individuals and institutions have allowed themselves to be intimidated by, and have acceded to, Trump’s invective, threats, and bullying demands. Is America becoming the land that was free and the home of the cave?

People Willing to Help

I think I’ve understood how a genocidal maniac came to power in Germany in 1933, but haven’t yet understood why so many Germans were willing to help him fulfill his wishes. Might enough Americans be willing to help a crazed narcissistic sociopath fulfill his wishes after such an individual came to power in the United Sates? In the land of Abraham Lincoln, A Grand Old Flag, Take Me Out to the Ballgame, Martin Luther King, You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown, Big Bird, Cookie Monster, and The Fourth of July? It appears so.

America’s Reputation

Headline: “It Isn’t Just Trump. America’s Whole Reputation Is Shot.” So it should be. It wasn’t Trump who voted himself into office. It was a majority of voting Americans who exhibited extraordinary ignorance, malice, greed, or cynicism, or a combination of these qualities, in supporting a manifestly morally degraded candidate for high office.

An Explanation

I haven’t tried to resume anything close to a daily blog because I’m focusing my limited (94-year-old) energies on a project (I’ll talk about it another time) and because my life has been radically disrupted (a state I hope will improve next month), and because of the flood of transgressions of law, civility, and decency thrust upon us by the crazed authoritarian regime that has taken control of our country. In his commentary sent to people on his mailing list this morning, Robert Reich explains: “One of the purposes of ‘flooding the zone,’ as the Trump regime is trying to do — shocking and awing us with its blitzkrieg of bonkers orders — is to make it almost impossible to sort out what we should be incredibly freaked out about from what we should merely freak out about.”

An Incomparably Sad Day

Yesterday, February 28th, 2025, the day when, in a meeting at the White House, Trump and Vance betrayed Ukraine, betrayed the Untied States, aligned themselves with a tyrant, threatened all that is good in the world, and, with crystal clarity, showed themselves to be the face of evil, yet retained the support of controlling factions of the Congress, will be remembered as an incomparably sad day in American history

This Blog Resumes for a Day

Emerging from overwhelming disruptions in my personal life and in my country’s life, turning to –– at least giving a sidelong glance at –– the foul flood of events, among the latest, “U.S. sides with Russia against Ukraine war resolution,” twisted lyrics come to mind:

It’s a grand old flag,
It’s a high flying flag,
Why tattered and stained
Has not been explained.

A Further Note About This Blog

Time constraints have piled up on me to a degree such that I’m suspending this blog for at least the rest of the year. I expect to revamp my website in 2025 and to write about my situation and plans next month. Good wishes to all.

(One of) the Most Sickenng Headlines of the Day

Headline: “Amazon joins Meta in Contributing to Trump’s Inauguration.”

The Degraded State of American Culture

Headline: “PA Governor Josh Shapiro says that the killer of the United Health Care CEO is no hero.” That the Governor has occasion for saying such a thing shows the degraded state of American culture — the same degraded state that brought about Trump’s election.

A Note About This Blog

It should probably be called “occasional blog” instead of “daily blog,” given that time and energy constraints on me have been mounting, and the news has been for the most part so distressing that I’ve been resistant to soaking it up. I’ll be back.

Trump to His Own Self is True.

Robert Reich: “Trump’s picks are submissive hacks.”
Well, of course. There was no reason to think that he would try to compensate for his deficiencies by nominating capable and honorable people to powerful positions. His choices are limited to those he can bind to his soul with hoops of steel.

A Problem to Be Solved

Veteran journalist and Washington Post opinion writer Karen Tumulty recently recounted an interview she had with Adam Schiff, the Democratic candidate for the 3rd C.D. of Colorado. Schiff almost beat his notorious MAGA Republican opponent, Lauren Boebert, in 2022, but this year he lost by five percentage points to a Republican newcomer, Jeff Hurd. The margin of loss was in line with the shift to the right all across the country.

Schiff told Tumulty a familiar story. A lot of lower-income people feel left out, ignored, and hurt by inflation and barred from realizing “The American Dream.” They feel that Democrats haven’t delivered on their claim to be the Party of the downtrodden and deprived. They are dubious that they will fare any better under a Trump administration, but they are angry, frustrated, and resentful, and registered that by voting for Trump or not voting at all instead of voting for Harris. Apparently, it wasn’t just a matter of economics for these people, it was to a large degree a matter of “dignity and pride.”

Dignity and pride propelled astonishing numbers to vote for a manifestly narcissistic sociopath or support him by choosing not to vote at all. Tumulty concludes that “the best way to get a better country is making sure the Democratic Party gets revamped in some way.” 

Let the revamping begin, if it can.

What Does an Oligarchy Look Like?

Robert Reich supplies the statistics: “815 billionaires have $6.7 trillion. The bottom 50% of Americans have $3.7 trillion.

Blog on Break

Inadvertently, this blog is on break for a while because
of time constraints. I’ll be back in a while.

A Great Enigma

On the List of The New York Times Notable Books of the Year: “THE NEW INDIA by Rahul Bhatia. An Indian investigative journalist, Bhatia watched in dismay as relatives, friends and fellow citizens embraced the increasingly extreme politics of his country’s Hindu nationalist prime minister, Narendra Modi.” 

Why such magnetic attraction of what is manifestly repellent?

Encrusted Brains

Headline: “Trump plans tariffs on Mexico, Canada, and China that could cripple trade.” Well, of course. Trump’s behavior consists of one outragious act after another. How many who failed to vote for Harris will begin to question that decision during the painful months ahead? All should, but my guess is that few will.

Trump’s Requirement

Headline: “Chaos surrounds Trump’s Cabinet Picks.” Well, of course. It would serve Trump’s own interest, as well as the country’s interest, to pick qualified and honorable people, but he is too ignorant and emotionally insecure to do that, so much so that, in every case, loyalty to him is the overriding consideration.

Distorted Minds

I’ve read about the four types of people who voted for Trump and the nine million people who voted for Biden in 2020 but didn’t vote for Harris or Trump in 2024. I still don’t get how enough people had sufficiently distorted minds to deliver us to rule by a manifestly malevolent narcissistic sociopath.

Outlook and Attitude

Our country is spinning into an abyss. Nevertheless, never despair.

Checks and Balances

The Constitution provides for them, but they are ineffective when neither the Supreme Court, the House, nor the Senate is willing to carry out its Constitutional role. That’s how autocracies emerge and solidify their power.

Trump’s Victory, Cont.

It’s the equivalent of the U.S. surrendering to
the militant dictator of a foreign country.

Trump’s Victory

It’s not the end of the world, but it may hasten the arrival of that event.

The Big Lesson of the Election, Cont.

Robert Reich and others have pointed out that, although Trump got about a million more votes than he did in 2020, the big news — the decisive fact –– is that Harris got about ten million fewer votes than Biden did in 2020. It appears that one million people who voted for Biden in 2020 decided to vote for Trump, and nine million people who voted for Biden in 2020 decided not to vote for either Harris or Trump. Why would nine million people sit out the most consequential election since since 1860? Why couldn’t nine million previous Biden voters fail to see that keeping Trump from winning was critical to the survival of American democracy? Why did resentment and frustration overcome rational thought for so many people? Trump’s behavior may enlighten these malcontents, wrecking our country in the process.

The Big Lesson of the Election

I have read, skimmed, or glanced at dozens of articles and opinion pieces purporting to explain why Trump won. Some of them made a persuasive case that, if Biden, Harris, Walz, Democratic Congressional leaders, and Democratic political strategists had done certain things or not done certain things, they would have performed a little better, or even considerably better, in the election.

Lost in all the assignments of blame has been the monster in the room. None of the lapses on the part of Democratic candidates and strategists come within even a remote distance of offsetting the extreme unfitness of Trump to be President. The big lesson of the election wasn’t that Democrats campaigned ineptly. It was that a majority of the voters were so lacking in mental and moral competence or in an understanding of what was at stake that they made the appalling decision to vote for Trump.

The genesis of Trump’s victory was not, as one conservative columnist had it, because Democrats were “priggish and pontificating,” but in the deterioration of our culture to the point where cruelty, criminality, and mendacity became normalized to a degree that a demagogue with such a ghastly life record and manifestly debased character as Donald Trump could appeal to a sufficient number of voters to regain the Presidency and pursue his goal of replacing American democracy with autocratic rule.

Failure to Get an Important Message Across

Headline: “The president-elect and Republicans in Congress are aiming to remake the country’s tax code with major benefits for corporations and the upper class.”

That this would happen was evident long before the election. Evidently, many voters who would benefit from a Democratic victory and disadvantaged by a Republican one, didn’t know it.

Who We Are

Before the election, many were hopeful that Trump’s execrable behavior would be reason enough for most people to vote against him. “We’re better than that. This is not who we are” was the refrain. The election proved that, to the contrary, we’re not better than that. This is who we are.

Casting about for Solace

Casting about for solace, I discovered that New York Times columnist Michelle Goldberg and I have been thinking along the same lines: speculating that Trump would cause so much damage that a great many his followers would become disillusioned with him and turn against him. Harris wasn’t able to convince a majority of voters how dangerous and damaging Trump would be. The passage of events during his presidency may be much more persuasive. There’s a fair chance that the mood of the country will shift dramatically, though, by the time that happens, if it happens, repression of opponents of those in power may have reached a Putinesque level of intensity.

The Perfect Storm

In his account or the sinking of an ocean-going fishing boat, the Andrea Gail, Sebastian Junger describes the combination of meteorological factors that came together to create wind and sea conditions in which it was impossible for such a craft to survive. It was a case of a highly unlikely concatenation of events that, given enough time, was certain to happen. The two-hundred and forty-eight years since the Declaration of Independence has turned out to be enough time for a weird sequence of events to revert our country to control by a tyrant and his confederates.

“The weight of this sad time we must obey.”
Edgar, at the end of King Lear.

An Afterthought on One of Trump’s Recent Foul-Mouthed and Foul-Brained Utterances

Headline: “Trump says he doesn’t mind someone shooting at journalists at rally.”

Even if Harris, wins, it’s deeply disturbing that tens upon tens of millions of people would vote for a candidate who talks and behaves like this.

A Final Thought on One of Trump’s Recent Foul-Mouthed and Foul-Brained Utterances

Referring to Liz Cheney, Trump told his crowd, “Let’s put her with a rifle standing there with nine barrels shooting at her, okay? Let’s see how she feels about it. You know, when the guns are trained on her face.”

What is the mindset of anyone who would support a candidate who talks and behaves like this? Have virulent parasites taken over the brains of half the population of our country?

Further Thoughts on One of Trump’s Recent Foul-Mouthed and Foul-Brained Utterances

Referring to Liz Cheney, Trump told his crowd, “Let’s put her with a rifle standing there with nine barrels shooting at her, okay? Let’s see how she feels about it. You know, when the guns are trained on her face.”

People who, because of complaints they have about Harris, vote for a third-party or independent candidate or don’t vote at all, are in effect casting a 1/2 vote for Trump, which ,like voting for Trump, is a morally indefensible act.

Unfit to be President: No Further Proof Needed.

Trump, referring to Liz Cheney: “Let’s put her with a rifle standing there with nine barrels shooting at her, okay? Let’s see how she feels about it. You know, when the guns are trained on her face.”

Dictators and Oligarchs

Subtitle of News Story: “The world’s richest men have their own rocket fleets, their own media and their own schemes to succeed with Donald J. Trump.” This pattern is reminiscent of what happened in Russia. Oligarchs who supported Putin were rewarded and got even richer, but those who weren’t sufficiently subservient thereafter tended to accidentally fall off the roofs of buildings.

If Only

Conservative former U.S. Court of Appeals Judge, J. Michael Luttig: “America’s democracy and the rule of law are the only truly consequential stakes in the 2024 presidential election.” 

If only everyone were aware of this simple truth.

Portrait of a Travesty of Democracy

Headline: “Meet the megadonors pumping over $2.5 billion into the election.” I get constant pleas for political donations. I’ve responded to some candidates in key races. Often they ask only for five or ten dollars. “Your donation can make the difference,” they say. My reaction is: “I wish. Maybe it would if megadonors weren’t pumping over $2.5 billion into the election. Our system seems set up to install plutocrat- and oligarch-friendly candidates in office.

Play It Safe

Headline: “Some billionaires, CEOs hedge bets as Trump vows retribution”

Trump, once in power, with sycophants installed in key positions, will attack his political enemies. If you are a prominent billionaire who criticized him, you could face paiful consequences. Better not risk it! Otherwise, you could end up with several fewer billions than you have now.

Possible Explanations

One of the more firmly anchored nuggets in my mind is Lord Acton’s dictum: “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Another is the title of a biography: John D. Rockefeller: A Study in Power. Together, they cast light on the genesis of the perilous state of democracy. To a large extent, it’s the trend toward extreme wealth and income inequality in our own country and others throughout the world. Someday, perhaps not far away, capture of powerful media enterprises by billionaires may be among the explanations of what it was that brought our country down.

A Day that Will Live in Infamy in Jouralism

Following the lead of another billionaire-bought great newspaper (The Los Angeles Times), The Washington Post announced yesterday that it won’t endorse a candidate for President in the upcoming election. The Post’s publisher explained that non-endorsements of presidential candidates used to be the Post’s tradition before 1976, and it’s time to go back to that practice. In case some might ask, “Why now, on the eve of the most consequential election since at least 1860?” the publisher elaborated: Consider this to be “a statement in support of our readers’ ability to make up their own mind.” As if readers need the Post to be silent to make up their own minds!

This was, of course, a decision made by the Post’s owner, super billionaire Jeff Bezos. Like his even more pecuniarily bloated acquaintance, Elon Musk, Bezos is more interested in becoming richer and more powerful than in saving American democracy from a regime headed by a fascistic, aspiring autocrat.

Enemies Within

Trump is right. There are enemies within. His saying so is one of his innumerable acts of projecting his own execrable qualities on others. He is a self-proclaimed enemy of democracy, along with such prominent allies as J.D. Vance, Elon Musk, and Rupert Murdoch –– enemies all

The Real Candidates in the Election

This Election is best not thought of as Harris vs. Trump, or Democrats vs. Republicans, but as Democracy vs. Fascism. Too bad the ballots don’t explain that. Are enough Americans in swing states smart enough to understand this and understand the difference between the two?

Shot Through with Rot: A Case Study

Headline: “Over 230 Republican candidates have cast doubt on the 2024 election.”

If I encounter rot when I’m slicing a banana to put on my cereal, I’m usually able to slice off enough good parts, but sometimes the banana is so shot through with rot, that I send it down the disposal. The Republican Party is shot through with rot.

How Sick Is America?

As New York Times columnist Michelle Goldberg pointed out, the election of Donald Trump as President in 2016 was proof in itself that the United States is a sick country. That Trump has a good chance of winning the 2024 election is proof in itself that our country is still sick.

How sick? The degree of superiority of Harris over Trump in terms of competence, character, allegiance to the Constitution, and every other significant measure of suitability to lead the nation is so vast and so manifest that, regardless of who wins the election, Trump’s vote tally will serve as a gauge of the degree of our nation’s continuing sickness. If Harris wins the election, it won’t mean that the country is well again. The U.S. will still be in the ICU, but able to be able to sit up in bed for a few minutes at a time and smile.

Trump’s Problem Would Be America’s Problem If He’s Elected

Trump is manifestly in cognitive decline. If he is elected, sooner rather than later his intellectual capability will slide off the bottom of the scale. At that point, he will be surrounded by people he selected solely for their loyalty to him with no consideration of their competency or character. I doubt that he realizes that the type of people he appoints and would be willing to be in his inner circle have characters such that they will be loyal to him only so long as it suits their own selfish purposes. As Trump continues to decline, each of them will undergo a metamorphosis from loyal lieutenant into a shark, one or a collective of which will be running the country before Trump’s term in office ends.

I’ve Been Wrong about Trump

I’ve referred to Trump as an authoritarian, and argued that the Republican Party should be renamed the Authoritarian Party. But Robert Reich makes clear in a thoroughly documented conclusive analysis, thqt Trump is no mere authoritarian. He has become a full-throated Fascist. Reich lays out the difference between Fascism and Authoritarianism. It’s chilling. The stakes in this election are far higher than most people think they are.

MAGA Militants

News Item: Hurricane recovery officials in N.C. relocated amid reports of an “armed militia.”

Armed militias respond to chaos-generating lies generated by Trump and his allies and dupes. Hitler, too, had teams of thugs boosting him. MAGA militants are a plague upon the land.

Another Day of Ordinary Unsurprising News (Headlines in yesterday’s online Washington Post):

“How reported threats in N.C. trace to Trump-fueled misinformation”

“How Trump may try to challenge the election results if he loses again”

“Trump wages aggressive campaign against real-time fact checks”

The Effect of Extreme Wealth Inequality Coupled with Lust for Power Coupled with Lack of Moral Conscience

Robert Reich: “Elon Musk has almost entirely self-funded a super PAC that has pumped $80 million into the election in support of Donald Trump. That’s approximately just 0.031% of his total net worth. It essentially costs him nothing to drown our democracy in money.”

“Where is the Fierce Urgency of Beating Trump?”

This was a headline for a Maureen Dowd New York Times opinion piece yesterday. She was addressing Harris — urging her to be more blunt about the stakes in this election. But this message should be sent to everybody. I watched PBS’s venerable show “Washington Week in Review” Friday evening. It was devoted to a desultory panel discussion of the presidential race — who was doing and saying what and who was reacting here and there. One would think they were talking about a normal presidential election instead of one between a narcissistic, sociopathic, criminal, self-proclaimed aspiring autocrat and a decent, competent, experienced defender of American democracy. “Washington Week” needed the fierce urgency of beating Trump, but failed to supply even a hint of it.

People Who Have Come Here from Foreign Countries Are Trying to Destroy America Democracy

I’m thinking of two people in particular, Elon Musk, the richest person in the world, and Rupert Murdoch, who has the biggest mouthpiece in the world, both of whom are working to get Trump elected and who know that Trump wants to replace American democracy with an autocratic regime led by himself.

The Unimaginative Framers of the Constitution.

Jennifer Rubin: “The Framers never imagined the American
people would become so depraved as to elect criminals.”


What a difference it would make if Elon Musk were a good person. Instead, he’s become a loudly vocal supporter of the narcissistic sociopathic, criminal-minded, and criminal Authoritarian Party candidate. Even more than money, Musk seeks power, and he sees this as a chance to ramp up his in a big way.

Making deals with the devil isn’t a problem for Musk, though the history of what happens to such people should give him concern. Maybe he is concerned. Maybe that’s why he’s eager to have a backup home on Mars.

If Republicans Were Honest

News Item: Republican Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, first after the Vice-President in line of succession to the Presidency, refuses to admit that Biden won the 2020 election. Apart from a mountain of other reasons, this alone establishes that, if Republicans were honest, they would change the name of their Party to the Authoritarian Party.

The Old Days and the New

In the old days, if a politician was caught lying on an important substantive point, it could doom his (almost always his) chances of winning an election. In the new days — and I’m talking about you, 2024 — Trump supporters know that they have no chance of winning unless they lie so continuously that the public will become confused as to whether the truth is even knowable. It’s a standard tactic out of the Overturning a Democracy Playbook.

Lincoln said that you can’t fool all of the people all of the time, but he didn’t say that you (Trump supporters) can’t fool most of the people some of the time. And some of the time may be right now.

A Month To Go

The coming weeks will oscillate between nerve-wracking and agonizing. And we can’t be sure that post-election won’t be even more of a cliff-hanger than pre-election. Keeping up with the news will be like watching a tornado coming toward you on an erratic course. After it passes and you pick yourself up from wherever the wind blew you, you may find yourself in the vicinity of a young girl. Her name is Dorothy, and she’s saying, “Toto, I have a feeling we’re not in America anymore.”

The Debate Storm Has Passed; the Skies Are Brightening.

Yesterday’s unsealing of new evidence in the Federal Trump election interference case was as bracing as the V-P debate the night before was depressing. Experts who have read Jack Smith’s brief say that it would be difficult for the Supreme Court to find that Trump’s criminal behavior in trying to overturn the 2020 election lies within the ruling of immunity as to the President’s official acts that the Supreme Court invented and made into Constitutional law a few months ago.

Six extreme right-wing Justices held their respective thumbs on the scales of justice to stall criminal proceedings against Trump during the Court’s term that ended mid-year. To exculpate Trump in respect of the crimes newly detailed in the indictment would require throwing the scales out the window, something even the execrable Roberts Court may not be ready to do. Publicity relating to this development should benefit Harris’s campaign.

The V-P Debate

As I feared might be the case, I found most of the debate to be depressing. Vance was so glib, slick, and skillfully disingenuous and masterful at hiding his fascistic character that I felt that vast numbers of under-informed viewers found him to be convincing. Every time Walz spoke, he should have hammered home the truth –– with dates, places, and descriptions of instances of unacceptable behavior –– that Trump and Vance are unfit to serve on all counts. Instead, Vance was allowed to get away with acting like he and Trump are decent human beings.

In the late stage of the debate, Walz’s good-nature and inclination to be accommodating, which hadn’t been winning him debate points, supplied authenticity to his expression of disfavor with Vance’s prevarications and evasions relating to Trump’s effort to overturn the 2020 election. Yet even at this crucial point, Walz was far too accommodating, saying something like “We’re miles apart on this issue,” which, given what they were talking about, was agonizingly bland.

Without exception, every one of the members of the panel of MSNBC commentators found Walz far more effective than Vance, though they acknowledged that Vance excelled him in slick and slippery debate style. These noble journalists know the facts and that Walz was generally truthful and Vance was not, but I suspect that far too many viewers went to bed with the wool still pulled firmly over their eyes.

Tomorrow’s Debate

I read that the CBS moderators aren’t going to do fact-checking in real time, but will leave that to the candidates. Judging by Vance’s method of campaigning so far, he will probably serve up a stream of lies, and when Walz calls him out on it, he’ll say that Walz is lying. It will take great skill on Walz’s part to get his message across. Vance will say hundreds of times that millions of subhumans carrying drugs are streaming across the border, and when they aren’t committing crimes, they’re taking jobs from real Americans. Chaos and frustration will ensue. Right-wing media will spin it to a fare-thee-well. I expect watching the debate to be a depressing experience.

Rising Wealth and Income Inequality Ignored

The media and progressive politicians have failed to instill in people’s minds how much wealth and income inequality have increased over the past few decades. Robert Reich does his best to get the message across with fequent posts like this one: “CEO pay is up 1,085% since 1978, while typical worker pay is up just 24%.”

Fun with Gemini

I’ve had fun investigating certain matters by consulting Google’s AI device, Gemini, getting a lot of interesting info that’s probably mostly correct for free.

Yesterday in response to my inquiry, Gemini wrote me and said, “That’s a very insightful question.” I couldn’t help but feel pleased, but wasn’t too surprised to get an email later in the day inviting me to upgrade my service — one month free.

I didn’t sign on — I’m satisfied with my present service, but I suspect that it won’t be long before it’s discontinued, and only the upgraded service is available, probably, though, still for one month free.

Are We Drifting Through History?

A man in Michigan being interviewed the other day said that he would vote for Trump because Trump is better on the economy and inflation and the border. He wasn’t asked why he thought so. I doubt if he would have had an intelligible answer. I suspect that he was repeating what’s conventional wisdom among his acquaintances. Not mentioned were any of the thousands of reasons each of which is sufficient unto itself to vote against Trump. Are we drifting through history? Is that the roar of a waterfall I hear up ahead?

Something’s Extremely Wrong with Our Culture

Trump only gets worse. More hateful, more hate-filled, more autocratic, more despicable, more incoherent, and more dangerous. Yet I read that the election race is tied. How can this be? What’s wrong with people in this country? Then I read that there are 21% more women for Harris than for Trump. That means that there must be about 21% more men for Trump than for Harris. It’s sickening. What’s wrong with men in this country? Even if Harris wins, something is extremely wrong with our culture, and it won’t go away overnight.

The Power of Repetition

In her WaPo column this morning, Jennifer Rubin pointed out the Big Lie Trumpians are cultivating for the presidential race: that {insert largest number you can get away with} illegal immigrants are voting for Harris. They’ve been recruited and paid for it. And promised the moon. This is not happening, but as was the case with the Big Lie that the election was stolen in 2020, that’s not a problem for Trumpians. Repetition can outweigh truth. We’ll be hearing it a lot through election day and probably beyond.

Trump and anti-Semitism

Trump says that if he loses the election, Jewish voters will have a lot to do with it. I’ve read that some people consider this remark to be anti-Semitic. That shows how interpretation of the news can depend on your perspective. It sounds like a compliment to me. If Trump loses and Jewish voters have a lot to do with it, I think that they should all get the Medal of Freedom plus a personal letter of appreciation from every member of the Supreme Court.

Get Your Eye on the Ball, Bret

New York Times conservative columnist and Trump critic Bret Stephens won’t commit to vote for Harris. He says that she “hasn’t earned my vote.” Stephens is very smart, but he’s muddle-headed in this instance, talking as if the election is about him instead of the survival of American democracy.

Lack of a Strategic Goal

Re: These pagers Netanyahu contrived to blow up in the hands of Hezbollah officials. Very clever, Bibi. You sure showed them. They better not fool with you. Except that this Uni-Bomber style stunt didn’t fit in with any strategic objective. All the consequences from it are likely to be unintended consequences — like ending up being at full-scale war on three or four fronts. You’ve showed yourself to be as uncaring about Israeli citizens as Hamas leaders were (and still are) about the Palestinian citizens of Gaza when they launched the monstrous attack on Israel last October 7th.

The World Geo-Political Situation in a Nutshell

Here’s something worth uploading into your brain. I can’t provide it except by directing you to Tom Friedman’s current New York Times column titled “America’s Role in the World is Hard. It Just Got a Lot Harder.” He lays it all out. Most news reporting ignores the fires burning all over the world, threatening to consume it while Trump and Vance rant about Haitians eating pets.

The Worst Thing about Each of the Republican Senate Candidates

Headline: “Republican Senate Candidates Are Trailing Trump.”

The worst thing about each of them is their failure to repudiate Trump.

The Overriding Issue

There are all sorts of issues worth talking and writing about in the weeks leading up to the election, but they are all trivial compared to that of Trump’s manifest mental and moral unfitness to hold public office. This is familiar news, but it’s the most important news every da and should be featured that way, prefaced with banner headlines every day.

The Outlook

New York Times Headline: “To Trump, the U.S. is Failing. To Harris, there’s Hope.”

Trump is right: The fact that he is the nominee of one of our two major parties and has a good chance of winning is conclusive evidence that the U.S. is failing.

Harris is right too: The fact that she has a good chance of winning is conclusive evidence that there’s hope.

The Debate

Anyone who watched the debate and didn’t conclude that Harris would be a better choice for president than Trump has a serious brain defect. By the way, Taylor Swift’s endorsement of Harris after the race was perfectly expressed. She said that she’d done her research and made her choice and it’s up to you to do your research and make your choice. There was no need for her to elaborate. The debate and history that preceded it spoke for itself.

Musk, continued:

Headline: “Elon Musk’s misleading election claims reach millions and alarm election officials.” For a while, it looked like Musk could be hero — leading the conversion of carbon-emitting vehicles to emissions-free ones. He could have been a prominent force for good in the world, except he couldn’t, because his lust for power overcame all his other motivating impulses.


Musk is supporting Trump and reportedly tweeting false statements on X (formerly Twitter) in support of Trump’s candidacy. Musk is in some respects a genius, but morally he is a moron.To keep Musk spinning out propaganda, Trump will promise him the moon (literally!) and throw in Mars as a sweetener. If Musk gets to own Mars, he will probably rename it, if only because he likes to exercise power and show off.

The U.S. Needs Good Luck

The U.S. has had a lot of bad luck lately. I won’t innumerate instances. I’ll just mention one at random: our gone-rogue-in-a-very-bad-way Supreme Court.

Maybe Tuesday’s debate will yield the good luck the U.S. needs. Maybe Trump will be exposed for what he is to a lot of people who hadn’t realized that his election would deal our democracy a mortal blow.

Important Math Equation

Headline: “Trump backs plan that would give Musk broad role in U.S. policymaking.”

Note this important equation:

M stands for money
P stands for power
F stands for a factor arrived at when money and power are combined.

If M is > 2 and P is > 2, then F(M + P) = MP

Sentencing Day for Trump

September 18 is sentencing day for the celebrity convicted felon, Donald J. Trump. Given that he is the presidential nominee of one of the two major parties, it seems inappropriate to incarcerate him at this time. It also seems inappropriate to grant him special treatment. Trust the exemplary judge in the case, Juan Merchan, to reach the best inappropriate decision possible.

Read Friedman

I don’t have time or energy to lay this out. Read Tom Friedman’s New York Times column on what Netanyahu is doing and why and how he’s a force working to help Trump defeat Harris and how Biden has been too credulous for too long when it comes to dealing with him. This is in the heartbreaking category of current events.

Voting Rights of Felons and Non-felons

The Nebraska Supreme Court is about to decide whether felons will be allowed to vote in that state. If felons aren’t allowed to vote for a non-felon, should non-felons be allowed to vote for a felon?

Last Night’s CNN Interview of Harris and Walz

The CNN interview of Harris and Walsh last night was broken into bits and sandwiched between commercials, teasers as to what was to come, and background segments apparently designed to lend flavor to the affair. The woman conducting the interview wasted a lot of time on human interest topics, petty issues, and gossipy items, thereby diverting attention from major concerns, like the fact that one of those running in the election tried to overthrow the government of the United States and is still at it. Much that deserved close attention was left unexplored. Focus and continuity were thrown to the winds.

Interviewing Harris and Walz together felt misguided and artificial. Most of the time, Governor Walz had nothing to do but watch with a grim attentive expression on his face. He was grilled about past misstatements, thereby diminishing his luster, but his petty transgressions years ago, such as they were, are of zero importance compared to what’s at stake in this election. I hope those conducting the September 10th debate between Trump and Harris do better.

Nut-Cakes and the Line of Succession to the Presidency.

J.D. Vance criticized the head of the teacher’s union for not having “a single” child. The implication was that it’s best to have several children, and that to have only one is certainly not good, but possibly passable. Having not “a single” child, however, is beyond the pale.

J D Vance is a nut-cake. Nut-cakes are not qualified to be in the presidential line of succession. That should be clear to everyone.

Vance and God

J.D. Vance, who recently converted to the extreme right-wing version of Catholicism, a subdivision of the Faith whose prominent members include Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, and Ted Cruz, among other others, has endorsed the repulsive theory that God showed his support of Trump — anointed him, in fact — by saving him from being hit by an assassin’s bullet. Vance, like Trump, repeatedly with a single statement demonstrates his unfitness to hold public office.

Democracy or Plutocracy?

The online Washington Post features a particularly salient article this morning. It’s headlined: “Meet the 50 Mega-donors pumping $1.5 billion into the election.” Meanwhile, in one of his posts, Robert Reich calls attention to an heir to the Mellon fortune, who is pumping $115 million into the Trump campaign. We may have reached the point where our form of government is more aptly described as a plutocracy than a democracy.

The Psychic Sickness Afflicting Tens of Millions of Our Compatriots

Psychic sickness — a pandemic of it — may be the most apt short explanation of why America is at risk of electing as president a man who, as law professor Sherylin Ifill puts it, is “so fundamentally inclined toward theft, mendacity, cruelty, and criminality that we scarcely absorb the breadth of his transgressions.”

A Probable Case of Post Traumatic Stress Distress Disorder

Robert Kennedy, Jr. , who has been running for president on a stunningly irresponsible and irrational anti-vaccination platform, has amplified his destructiveness by “pausing” his campaign and endorsing Trump. The episode is an ongoing tragedy. I suspect that Kennedy’s bizarre behavior relates to two other great tragedies, his uncle’s and his father’s assassinations: Kennedy is almost certainly a victim of extreme post traumatic distress disorder. Thankfully, his endorsement is unlikely to tilt the election to Trump.

Wake Up, Mainstream Media!

Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin has to devote much too much attention to (rightly) rebuking mainstream media (with honorable exceptions, of course) for normalizing Trump — failing to point out that most of what he says reveals that he is unfit to serve as President and unfit to remain as the Republican nominee. His rant asserting that the Presidential Medal of Freedom (which he awarded to one of his billionaire donors) is a greater honor than the Congressional Medal of Honor, is not simply a statement that’s easily refuted, it’s disqualifying.

What Would George Washington Say?

Imagine that George Washington is awakened from the dead, brought to the city named after him, and given an exhaustive briefing on what has happened during the past two-and-a-quarter centuries. His return is “breaking news” everywhere. Journalists claw their way to get close enough to where they can shout, “Do you have any opinion about the upcoming election, Mr. First President?”
“Indeed I do,” Washington replies. “Can it be that Americans still have eyes, but no longer see, and still have ears, but no longer hear? It was insane to elect Trump President. It was insane not to remove him from the Presidency each time he was impeached. It would be even more insane to elect him President again.”

Trump Summed Up

Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin: “Venom, insults, boasts and terror are the essence of Trump’s campaign.”

Alleged Israeli Human Rights Abuses

Last night I witnessed a credible report on alleged torture of prisoners by Israel defense forces. A U.S. State Department spokesman stated that Israel should have zero tolerance for such behavior and should investigate what’s been happening. Unfortunately, the Netanyahu government can’t be trusted to police itself. The U.S. should investigate the accusations and demand Israel’s cooperation and have zero tolerance for attempts to cover up or rationalize abuses. The U.S. itself was guilty of torture during the G.W. Bush administration. Our culpability then is no reason to countenance human rights abuses now.

Trump’s Daily Proof of Unfitness for Office

Almost every time Trump opens his mouth, he proves his unfitness to serve in public office. The other day he said, “I am much better looking than her. I’m a better-looking person than Kamala.” That’s all you need to know (and, to say the least, there is a lot of other evidence) that it would be madness to elect him as President of the United States, and, by the way, that there is something wrong with anyone who would vote for him.

Tax, Subsidy, and Economic Policies.

Some of Harris’s proposals may be flawed. If competent analysis shows that this is the case, they should be opposed. Flaws are subsidiary in this election. The preferability of a capable, experienced, honorable candidate to one who is an incoherent, narcissistic, sociopathic, aspiring autocrat eclipses every other issue.

Taking a Break for a Few Days

while major family gathering is in progress.

Donald Trump: Fabricator

Steve Benen’s book Shameless comes out today. The audio edition is narrated by Rachel Maddow. The conduct that is shameless is that of lying and repeating lies, even when they are easily refuted. This is standard practice in authoritarian regimes and for aspiring autocrats like Trump and his supporters and allies.

These people don’t hide their heads in shame or try to rationalize their mendacity when it’s exposed: They repeat their assertions ever more vehemently and promise to document their claims without having a speck of evidence to back them up or any intention of doing so.

Great numbers of people are unable to believe that Trump would keep repeating the same story, day after day, if it weren’t true. They can’t believe that he isn’t a normal person, one who would be ashamed to be caught in a lie. They don’t grasp that his behavior is normal for narcissistic sociopathic aspiring autocrats.

Wealth Distribution Agendas

Robert Reich reports: “The richest 1 percent of Americans now own nearly as much wealth as the bottom 90 percent put together.”

Republican Agenda:

The richest 1 percent of Americans will own more wealth than the bottom 90 percent put together.

Democratic Agenda: 

The richest 1 percent of Americans won’t own nearly as much wealth as the bottom 90 percent put together.

Dealing with Protestors at Political Rallies

In a New York Times column yesterday, Masha Gessen wrote about how Kamala Harris blew off some Gaza-issue protestors who interrupted her talk — they were summarily escorted out. Another account of the incident, which I read this morning, presented it in a somewhat different light. In any case, my view is that Harris should have asked the protestors to wait until she finished her remarks, and then she would take questions. If they continued to be disruptive rather than engage in civilized discourse, that would be the time to escort them out.

Overthrowing the Government of the United States.

Among the specific acts Trump and his allies are planning in their effort to overthrow the government of the United States is to conspire with the Trumpian-controlled Georgia Election Board to distort election results, and in defiance of Georgia voters if Trump loses, cast the State’s electoral votes to him anyway, thus bringing off what Trump failed to achieve in 2020, but got indicted for, but escaped conviction thanks to the corrupt judge he had appointed, who happened to be assigned to oversee his case and dismissed it on spurious grounds.

If we still had an impartial honorable Supreme Court of the United States, Trump wouldn’t get away with such machinations in 2024 any more than he was able to in 2020.

A Case of Absolute Madness

Headline: “With Harris and Walz in, some Democrats still weigh sitting out the election.” The “some Democrats” are ones who think that the Biden Administration has been too accommodating to Netanyahu’s brutalism in pursuing the war in Gaza. I’m sympathetic to this view, but to punish Biden by letting our country turn into an autocracy run by a narcissistic, sociopathic criminal is absolute madness.

Waltz, Cont.

In her WaPo column this morning, Jennifer Rubin lays out why Walz was such an excellent choice for Democratic V-P nominee. In his
regular, solid, Mid-West, no b.s., no window-dressing persona, Walz reminds me of Harry Truman, though Truman was edgier. I don’t think Walz would say “If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.” But, like Truman, Walz seems to have the right stuff. What a heartening contrast with the Republican V-P nominee, the nasty- spirited, cynical opportunist, J. D. Vance.


I was disappointed that Harris picked Walz as her running mate.
I was hoping for someone with a little more pizazz, specifically, Senator Mark Kelly. Now my reaction is “Who am I to know?” I’m so out of tune that I can’t imagine why anyone who isn’t a sadist, a masochist, or a ruthless criminal would vote for Trump. I have to assume that Harris knows what she is doing — that Walz is the best bet. Of course he’s infinitely preferable to his Authoritarian Party counterpart, J.D.Vance.

Who Should be the Democratic V-P Nominee?

My recommendation would be Senator Mark Kelly of Arizona. Shapiro can campaign for Harris in Pennsylvania just as effectively as governor as he could as V-P nominee. Harris would do better (perhaps critically so) in Arab-heavy Michigan with Kelly, rather than Shapiro, as her running mate. Kelly, who is immigration issues-hardened, would bring in more swing voters concerned about The Border. Finally, Kelly is a proven gutsy decent guy. His career as a combat aircraft fighter and astronaut contrasts nicely with “bone spurs” and “afraid to debate” Trump. Kelly is “the real deal,” and would contrast nicely with J. D. Vance, the mercurial smart boy, opportunistic jerk, who would be his counterpart on the Republican ticket.

Trump’s Requirements for Engaging in a Debate

Trump says he will only debate Harris if it’s moderated by Fox News and there is a live audience. I don’t know what his other requirements are, but I’m sure that one of them is that his microphone can’t be cut off. He needs to be able to interrupt at will. He needs hecklers in the crowd to punctuate his mendacious and diversionary fulminations. He can’t tolerate having the debate be moderated by a legitimate news organization. It must be crafted and controlled by his dedicated propaganda arm.

The Test as to Whether Our Nation Has Gone Insane

The upcoming presidential election is a test of national sanity. If the winning candidate is the one who continually demonstrates that he is a narcissistic sociopath who, as Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin has noted, is also “impulsive, unreflective, dull-witted , and isolated from reality,” it will demonstrate conclusively that the nation has gone insane.

Interviewing Trump

I saw a clip of Trump being interviewed at a convention of black journalists. When confronted with a recitation of patently false claims he had made and patently reprehensible acts he had committed, he lashed out at the questioner and claimed that he was being insulted and unfairly treated.

Trump never responds forthrightly to questions that could only be answered in ways that would expose his vile character. His response is always to deflect, attack, interrupt, and monopolize the conversation. Interviewers should not tolerate these tactics. His mic should be cut off and his rants rendered inaudible whenever he goes off on a demagogic rant. Interviewers should explain to audiences why it’s impossible to converse with someone whose utterances are consistently made in bad faith. Every citizen who votes for Trump is either deluded or malevolent, or both.

Trump: Unfit for Innumerable Reasons

Trump has told his supporters that they only need to vote once to elect him. There will be no need to vote after that. Like innumerable things Trump says and does, this statement alone establishes his unfitness to hold office. If that fact can be communicated to most voters, we’ll be rid of this scourge upon the land.

Among the Things that Democrats Must Do.

It’s a weird and distressing thing that a lot of working class and marginalized people don’t realize that the policies of Democrats are much more favorable them than those of Republicans (Authoritarians, as they should be called, since they support an aspiring autocrat). In a recemt op-ed piece in the New York Times today, Harvard Law Professor Michael Sandel s urges Democrats to get that point across, and not just in vague generalities or by citing past pieces of constructive accomplishments, but with specific promises to unrig the system that is presently rigged to benefit the rich. I agree. Harris should make it clear, for example, that under Democratic control, income from labor will no longer be taxed at a higher rate than income from dividends and capital gains; the federal minimum hourly wage will be raised to a figure that reflects inflation and productivity gains; payroll taxes will be lowered for workers who have modest earnings, and raised for people who make bundles of money; shortfalls will be made up with taxes on financial transactions rather than by cutting social security and medicare.

Timing Counts for a Lot.

It was nice that Biden didn’t step aside and propel Harris on the path to the nomination until after the Republican Convention and selection of J. D. Vance as V-P. nominee. If Trump had known what was coming, he probably wouldn’t have felt as free to select someone so companionably obnoxious as Vance.

J. D. Vance

Vance, the Authoritarian Party’s V-P nominee, has attacked
Kamala Harris for not having given birth to any children.
Trump hadn’t thought of that line of attack. Vance brings new ideas and new energy to Trump’s campaign.

A Mark of Unfitness to Hold Public Office

Headline: “Republicans say they will trust the election results as long as Trump wins.” Those who say such a thing or subscribe to such a policy thereby reveal their unfitness to hold public office.

Biden Avoids Being King Lear

King Lear relinquished power, with catastrophic results. For too long, Biden refused to relinquish power, with potentially catastrophic results. There was an eerie similarity between the two men: advanced iage; cognitive decline, and unshakeable adherence to their convictions. Lear fumed and angrily rejected the advice of loyal and loving allies to reverse course. Biden followed in Lear’s footsteps, until he didn’t. Somewhere in his brain, basic sense and goodness won out.

Q – What is an “Autocratic Breakthrough”?

A – A fundamental political ascendancy that can’t be reversed by electoral processes.

Journalistic Malfeasance

Headline: “As Republicans rally around Donald Trump, Democrats are circling President Biden like sharks.” The people referred to as like sharks are honorable, capable, decent members of Congress doing their best to save American democracy. Journalists like whoever drafted or approved this catchy, loaded, misleading, despicable headline are like sharks.

The Nihilist

Headline: “Gunman had searched online for information about Trump and Biden.” It appears that he didn’t have a political motive. He just wanted to shoot somebody!


The past year has witnessed a great preponderance of lucky breaks for Trump, most recently in his coming out of an attempted assassination bloody but unharmed. Biden’s pronounced cognitive decline and his denial of it have been a gift to Trump from “the Almighty.” The right-wing controlling majority of justices on the Supreme Court went full MAGA to devastating effect. The Trump-loyalist judge assigned to preside over the classified documents prosecution brazenly dismissed the case in defiance of established precedents. The falling-in-line behind Trump by virtually all Republicans contrasts with the agonizing split among Democrats as to whether Biden should be supported or urged to withdraw his candidacy. Anguish is how any person of good will must feel about the upcoming presidential election.

Happenstance Works again for Trump

Headline: “Trump says he will remain defiant.” There’s an implication here that this wasn’t an isolated attack by a delusional loner, but an effort in a concerted continuing conspiracy to take him out, orchestrated by — not to accuse them specifically — people like Biden and Nancy Pelosi, and many others may be involved. Trump almost got killed by it, but, fortuitously, it fits neatly with recommended lines of propaganda described his copy of the Guide for Aspiring Autocrats.

Non Sequitur Territory

Headline: “Biden cites primary votes amid calls to resign.” Primary results don’t bear on what Biden should do in the light of subsequent evidence of significant cognitive decline.

Robert Reich Has It Right

He wrote this morning: “I wish {Biden} either hit it out of the park (which would lay to rest the fears about whether he can beat Trump) or he totally blew it (which would accelerate moves to have him drop out).”

Instead, he did sort of okay, leaving us in limbo land.

A Cri de Coeur

That’s what Tom Friedman’s New York Times column a couple of days ago sounded like, emanating sheer anguish at the threat to democracy, the country, and the world if Trump becomes president, and the terrible increase in odds that this will happen given Biden’s strident denial of his cognitive decline.

Those who reassure Biden do him no favor. They only thicken the fog that permeates his brain.

Titanic Intimations

I feel as if we’re on the sister ship of the Titanic, traveling through the same iceberg-strewn region of the Atlantic. We’ve struck two bergs — the Supreme Court going full-MAGA, granting Trump immunity, and our Captain incurring acute cognitive decline. The ship is taking on water at a prodigious rate. Rescue is close at hand. Officers have urged the captain to radio for help, but he has forbidden it. It looks like the ship will go down.


Headline: “Modi Bear Hugs Putin in Russia.” That tells you all you need to know about Modi. This is no time for a narcissistic, sociopathic criminal who is an aspiring dictator or for a decent experienced politician undergoing alarming cognitive decline to be our next president.


ABC News Anchor George Stephanopoulos has been praised for showing empathy and asking tough questions in his interview with Biden yesterday. He ended with an excellent question: “If you stay in, and Trump is elected . . . how will you feel in January?” Biden answered, “I’ll feel as long as I gave it my all and I did the good as job as I know I can do, that’s what this is about.”

Stephanopoulos indulged him by refraining from commenting, “No, Mr. President, your giving it your all and doing the goodest job as you know how you can do is not what this is about. It’s about saving American democracy by defeating Trump in the election.”

The Horror of It

Jennife Rubin, speaking of the Supreme Court’s immunity ruling: “Simply by sprinkling fairy dust, this is ‘official conduct,’ there is no criminal prosecution for a president.”

Happy No Ordinary Fourth of July

Quote of the day (from a psychologist with Biden in mind): “One of the tragedies of the human condition is that we use our big brains not to make rational decisions, but rather to rationalize the decisions we’ve already made.”

In The Twilight of American Democracy

In her devastating analysis of the Supreme Court’s holding and opinion relating to Trump’s immunity claims, Washington Post columnist Ruth Marcus lays out the extent if damage has been inflicted on American democracy. She concludes simply, “God save us from this dishonorable court.”

It’s as if we have crossed the “event horizon” of a black hole, the boundary beyond which not even light can escape.

My Thinking Three Days after the Debate

The day after the debate I got a fundraising text message from Joe Biden. It began: “Folks, I have to tell you this: I have never heard so much malarky in my whole life.”

“Malarkey”? It sounds like he was in a bar listening to a grinning Irishman embellishing on a beloved anecdote. How about, “What you just heard from this man wasn’t an argument in a debate, it was a torrent of deliberate, dangerous, vicious, cynical lies, piled one on top of another, on top of another, on top of another, uttered with selfrughteous conviction, accompanied by sneering , eye-rolling facial expressions, all amounting to a performance that revealed a man whose whole being — whose entire character — consists of demagoguery, blown up demagoguery. Strip it away and there’s nothing to him but greed, desperation, and bombast.”

After the Debate: What’s Needed Now

I watched only a few minutes of last night’s debate. It was a dispiriting experience. Biden made a lot of important substantive points, but was ineffective in articulating them. Trump was, as expected, a fire hose of lies. There was no time to rebut them one-by-one, the moderators were passive, and Biden failed to get across that nothing Trump says should be assumed to be true: his record is such that he should be presumed to be lying unless proved to speaking the truth. Biden failed to get this across. He needed to overcome Trump. Instead he was overcome.

At this point, I think that the best chance Democrats have of saving American democracy is for Biden to convene Party leaders and best prospective candidates for President and Vice-President at the White House, reach unified positions, and endorse new candidates with both Biden’s and Harris’s enthusiastic blessing. A prime time press conference dealing with the conclusions they reach, would gain a huge national audience and would include a devastating item-by-item rebuttal of each of the major false assertions Trump made in last night’s debate.

traveling this fateful debate day.


Headline: “Trump trusted more than Biden on democracy among key swing-state voters.”

“The time is out of joint — Oh cursed spite.” Hamlet

“Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world.” Yeats

Is some malevolent virus sweeping across the country,
infecting people’s brains?

The Supreme Court and Criminal Behavior

Washington Post pundit Jennifer Rubin’s column yesterday was titled “‘MAGA’ justices already gave Trump de facto immunity — and disgraced the court.” The claim of Presidential immunity from prosecution for serious crimes committed while in office — essentially a claim that Trump had the prerogatives of an absolute monarch — is stomach-turningly antithetical to the Constitution and to the historical ethos of our country. It had been decisively rejected in the trial court and the Court of Appeals. As Rubin says, for the Supreme Court to delay Trump’s trial for six months on no rational basis, thereby preventing a verdict before the Presidential election, was election interference in itself. The six extreme right-wing justices responsible for this travesty have themselves exhibited criminal behavior. Such is the sorry state of affairs little more than four months before the election that will have permanent impact on our country’s future.

What Kind of Person Would be Vice-President if Trump Wins?

Imagine what it would be like to be Vice-President in a Trump Administration whenever he signs a bill or an executive order, expected to stand near him but somewhat in the background, with an admiring expression on your face. No one qualified to be Vice-President of the United States would be willing to do that.

Trump’s Attacks

Headline: “Trump cranks up false, inflammatory messages to rake in campaign cash”

This sounds like a false, inflammatory headline. It’s not. It’s fully documented. The “low information” audience Trump and his allies are courting has been so saturated with extreme right wing propaganda that millions of people are ready to believe that Democrats are trying to sentence Trump to death after his conviction in the New York election interference / hush money trial and that the FBI threatened to use “deadly force” against him in the Mar-a-Lago classified documents search. Trump’s attacks of this sort, made in bad faith, are examples of scores of reasons he is unfit to serve in any public office, much less that of President.

Next Thursday’s Presidential Debate

A comprehensive objective review of Biden’s and Trump’s respective performances as political leaders and as human beings over the last ten years would illuminate how vastly better it would be for the country for Biden to win the election. If the rules are sufficiently strict and the moderators are uncompromising in enforcing them, there’s reason to hope Biden’s superiority will shine through.

The Supreme Court

American democracy is beset with multiple afflictions. I think the most distressing of them is the degradation of the Supreme Court, which it has exhibited on numerous occasions in recent years, most conspicuously and blatantly in freezing the trial of Trump for trying to overthrow the 2020 presidential elections and for his role in the January 6, 2021, insurrection. Maintaining a democracy requires a certain average degree of good faith on the part of the judiciary, a standard that six of the nine Supreme Court Justices haven’t met.

Trump Supporters Should Be Careful What They Wish For

Many Republicans and independents know that Trump has serious character flaws, but support him because they think that they will be taxed less and have more power if he is elected. When that kind of thinking is sufficiently pervasive, it leads to fascists seizing power. Oligarchs who supported Putin got richer than they were before, but they lost their freedom —- their protection afforded by the rule of law, their expectation that they wouldn’t have to act a certain way to avoid premature death.

The 2024 Election: Thugocracy vs. Democracy

If you could conduct a close-up review Trump’s business and political career and look in on his personal life, you could easily compile such a list of instances of thuggish behavior on his part that you would rightly conclude that his essential character is that of a thug. The vast majority of Republican office holders have committed themselves to support his election as President of the United States. Since only a thug would work for a thug, it’s a sad fact that the vast majority of Republican office holders are thugs.

If Trump defeats Biden in the election, Inauguration Day, in January, will mark the transition of the United States from a democracy to a thugocracy. A thugocracy is a form of government that is challenging to describe, but one that would take on a well-defined and rich meaning if Trump returns to power.

Lies and Truths

The Republican Party and nearly every one of its candidates is participating in what Robert Reich calls “organized treason.” The November elections will determine whether streams of lies swamped the minds of voters or whether truths seeped through with suffcient strength to save us from tyranny.

Your Local Propaganda Channel or Station

Worth reading: Washington Post columnist Alexandra Petri’s spoof on Sinclair Broadcasting’s habit of injecting right-wing propaganda into news stories: little daily distortions that contaminate brains.

A Case of Bad Advice

A number of anti-Trump pundits and others have been urging Biden to drop out and allow a stronger candidate to be nominated. Often mentioned are governors Gavin Newsom (CA), Gretchen Whitmer (MI), and Josh Shapiro (PA). This is bad advice. If Biden dropped out, it would be like an admission that Republicans were right in claiming that he is too old and feeble and has been a terrible president. Whomever the Democrats chose to replace him would immediately be demonized and attacked with misinformation and conspiracy theories. It’s likely that the supposed stronger candidate would become the weaker candidate.

It has long been too late for such a move. Biden needs to be more exposed —- with press conferences and the equivalent of fireside chats. He could easily prevail in a debate with Trump provided that rules are strictly in place that would bar Trump from interrupting, exceeding his time limit, and indulging in his customary forms of misbehavior. Is such a debate about to happen? (A debate is scheduled for June 27.) I’d be optimistic if I knew that Biden would have the considerable amount of extra uninterrupted time he would need to refute Trump’s lies.

The Price Republicans Pay in Supporting Trump

This past week, Congressional Republicans fell all over themselves to ingratiate themselves with Trump. They felt that they had to, or not only would Democrats not vote for them, neither would Republican members of the Trump cult.

Republicans who used to (rightly) denigrate Trump now support him, not because they think he would be a good President, but because the alternative is for them to lose the next election and be forced to look for another job. They pretend to approve of Trump because they think it’s in their own self-interest.

They are not only morally wrong in doing so, they are being stupid. We will all be worse off if Trump returns to the White House. The world will be worse off. If Trump wins, these Republicans will find that it wasn’t worth it for them to support him. They’ll learn that the price was far too high.

When the Rich Get Richer at an Exponential Rate

Headline: “Tesla shareholders have reaffirmed a pay award of more than $45 billion for Elon Musk…”

Power is being positioned to make more money. Money corrupts power. Absoute money corrupts power absolutely.

The Ascendency of Extreme Right Wing Propagandistic Media

Imagine that the United States government had been taken over by an authoritarian — basically fascist — regime. There would soon be only one network of radio and television stations, one state-sponsered chain of newspapers. News and opinions would be promulgated without regard to their truthfulness. The sole criterion in crafting them would be whether they serve the political purposes of the ruler or the ruling party. Instead of informing and enlightening the public, the daily stream of so-called news would have the effect of misinforming and misleading the public, an ignorant, confused populace being the gold standard for authoritarianism.

A propagandistic authoritarian State media is already in place in the United States. The extreme right-wing disseminators of misinformation haven’t achieved total control of the media, but they have achieved control of a large chunk of it. MSNBC’s Joy Ann Reid reports that the extreme right-wing-controlled behemoth Sinclair Broadcasting owns 186 stations in 86 markets, everyone of them devoted to spewing truth-free propaganda, emulating the pernicious streams of misinformation generated by Fox News and other mouthpieces and supporters of the Authoritarian Party, which is what the Republican Party has become.

Supreme Court Justices: Travesty and Tragedy

I once read that the most prestigious job in the world was that of a Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. These people were the closest thing we had to Plato’s wise philosophers whose rule he thought would be the best form of government. For any person of quality, being invested for life with such power, authority, and respect was ne plus ultra.

I don’t think any of the nation’s founders imagined that anyone who attained this pinnacle would abandon it for the sake of twisted religious beliefs, authoritarian political ideologies, or free trips to billionaire-owned fishing camps. In any event, no guardrails are in place to protect us against our corrupt highest court. I don’t approve of flying flags upside down, but perhaps all American flags should be flown at half mast.

Inflation, Stupidity, and Reality

Like a lot of people, I’ve wondered why Biden’s approval rating and polling numbers aren’t better. The biggest reason is likely the relentless massive right-wing propagandizing against him. But I agree with those who think that inflation is a big factor. In the case of groceries, for instance, I’ve seen the price of peanut butter go up by about 50% over the last two or three years. The inflation rate is supposed to have cooled somewhat this year, but my local Kroger just raised the price of naval oranges from $1.00 to $1,19 each. There’s plenty of competition among the big chains, but it’s not competition to see who they can undersell their rivals, it’s competition to see how high they can get away with raising their prices and blaming it on “inflation.”

It would be stupid to think that Trump would be better at holding down prices than Biden, but that truth may not be enough to save Biden from being defeated at the polls.

Summer Reading Item

Summer will soon be upon us. Number 1 on my reading list is American Apocalypse, by Rena Steinzor, which will be published July 9th. It describes six special interest groups working to transform our country from a pluralistic, beneficent, liberal, democratic society into a plutocratic, theistic, authoritarian one: big business, the House Freedom Caucus, the Federalist Society, Fox News, white evangelicals, and armed militias.

The Authoritarian Party

The Republican Party should be renamed the Authoritarian Party. Its members and leaders are unified in support of a convicted criminal eager to subject our country to his authoritarian rule.

Effective Diplomacy: Trump Style

Putin has been holding a Wall Street Journal reporter captive for many months for no reason other than for potential use as a bargaining chip. The Biden Administration has been unable to get Putin to release this unfortunate fellow. Trump claims that if he is elected president, Putin would release the reporter immediately. Trump is right! It would happen, along with the U.S. abandoning helping Ukraine defend itself against Russia’s aggression. And once Putin has installed a puppet government in Kiev, it would be easy enough for him to abduct and imprison another reporter. If he did that, he would remind Trump that his only promise was to release the WSJ reporter. Putin would no doubt add, “Don’t fret, Donald. Pull the U.S. out of NATO and I will release this reporter too.”

Moral Depths

Headline: “Several Pa. House Republicans boo officers who defended Capitol on Jan. 6”

Every day, it seems, I read of Trump supporters sinking to ever lower depths.

Trump’s Cognitive State

More journalists should be highlighting and documenting that, in addition to Trump’s continual sociopathic behavior, he is cognitively a mess — disjointed, incoherent, and irrational.

What Should Trump’s Sentence Be?

In her Washington Post Column yesterday, Jennifer Rubin suggests incarceration for at least a year. Trump’s stoking of violence, his lies, his vitriol, his fascist propagandizing and demonizing, his conspicuously exhibited contempt for the rule of law, the judge, jury, the prosecutor, and almost everyone else except his psychophants — the threat he and his followers pose to American democracy — the totality of his vile conduct – warrant a meaningful sentence.

Democracy and Inequality

Robert Reich: “The bottom half of American holds
2.5% of all wealth. The top 1% holds 30%.”

The increase in wealth income inequality during the last half century is closely linked with the increased peril to American democracy.

But shouldn’t people be rewarded for being smarter and working harder? Sure, to a degree, but that would still be the case if the bottom half held 5% and the top 1% held 15%, and our country would be a lot healthier.

The Psychopathology of Certain Billionaires

Robert Reich: “Never underestimate how quickly billionaires will sell out democracy for tax breaks.”

He cites examples of billionaires who have decided to support the narcissistic sociopathic criminal’s campaign for the Presidency because they know that he would perpetuate tax breaks for the rich and especially the super rich and Biden will not. Imagine how distorted the brains of these billionaires must be for them to go along with converting our country from a democracy to a fascist state so they can become even richer than unbelievably rich.

The Crimes that Aren’t Included in Federal and State Criminal Codes

If you think of crimes as including acts that are intentional, cynical, self-serving, destructive, and harmful to others regardless of whether their perpetrators are subject to prosecution under federal or state statutes, then there are a lot more crimes committed and there are a lot more criminals than one might think. Many of these criminals do a lot more damage than those who are subject to arrest and prosecution for breaking the law.

The prominent Republican politicians and their allies in the media, and, of course, Trump himself, who have been falsely calling the conviction of Trump by a New York State Court jury a “purely a political exercise” and “the weaponization of our justice system, “ and so forth, are committing seerious criminal acts. They won’t go to jail as a result, but an informed populace should vote them out of office and counter the damage they do the first chance they get.

What If?

What if the State Criminal Prosecution in Georgia and the two Federal Criminal Prosecutions of Trump — both said to be more important and stronger cases than the one in New York that resulted in Trump’s conviction on 34 felony counts — had not been artificially held back by anti-democratic jurists? Trump would likely have been found guilty in all four cases by the end of summer. He and his partisan supporters would still be railing against the judicial system. He would still be trying to destroy American democracy even as he is saying that only he can save it. May justice and wisdom prevail.

What the Extreme Right-Wing Billionaires Miss

Prominent extreme right-wing billionaires, including Elon Musk, the super richest of them all, have reportedly coalesced to work (spend) on behalf of Trump. They figure they will get a big payoff on their investment if Trump wins: expensive and burdensome regulations will be stripped away, and the risk of higher taxes on the super rich will be removed. Their thinking is so dominated by greed that they ignore the extremely high geo-political-economic-moral-existential risks of installing a narcissistic, fascistic, vengeful sociopath in the White House.

Making The West Bank Great Again.

Headline: “Far-right Israeli settlers step up attacks on aid trucks bound for Gaza.”

Israeli policy

In response to the the ruling Friday from the International Court of Justice ordering an immediate halt to Israel’s military offensive in Rafa, Israel said that it has no intention of observing it. Israel forfeited the world’s sympathy and support by its unrestrained attacks on Gaza after Hamas’s ruthless unrestrained attack on Israel last October 7th. Israel had an opportunity to cause the innocent residents of Gaza to hate the leaders of Hamas. Instead, Israel pursued a policy that caused the innocent residents of Gaza to hate Israelis. It’s one of the great tragedies of our time that Israel hasn’t adopted a policy that would be more compassionate and would also far better serve Israel’s own interests.

The Debased Supreme Court:

In a ruling this week, the extreme-right-wing-controlled Supreme Court gave the green light to right-wing-controlled state governments to create gerrymandered voting districts skewed to favor Republicans by weeding out areas heavily populated by black voters. The Court has abandoned any serious pretense that its decisions are based on jurisprudential, rather than political, analysis. Thus, it is carrying out the authoritarian recipe that there is no need to satisfy the requirements of the Constitution and the will of the people, if you can get control of the courts, especially the Supreme Court of the United States, whose justices, it is being brought home to us, are exceptions to the principle that had been at the heart of American democracy, that no person is above the law.

The Last Refuge

I believe it was Samuel Johnson who said: “Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.” As demonstrated by Samuel Alito and many others, patriotism is only the penultimate refuge of a scoundrel. The true last refuge is religion.

Reflection on What Strange Times We’re Living In

Every day, reading news reports and opinions and taking in more of the same on televisions news shows, I’m reminded that we are living through strange times. There are so many phenomena that we are (correctly) told are unprecedented.

I sometimes wonder if, in the case of about half the population, the “reptilian brain” has seized control from the frontal cortex. That’s my personal explanation as to why Trump and Trumpians are tolerated and even supported. It brings to mind words from Yeats’s poem “The Second Coming”:
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere   
The ceremony of innocence is drowned . . .
Surely, some revelation is at hand.”

Wake Up, Media!

I saw these four depressing headlines in one day:

“Why the Manhattan Trial is Probably Helping Trump”

“Biden Flipped Georgia in 2020. This year could be different”

“In his beloved Philadelphia, Biden faces wariness from black voters”

“America Down on the Economy Again, with Inflation Topping Concerns”

There’s probably some truth in one or more of these stories, but far more important and newsworthy events are not covered or are undercovered that are revelatory of the grave threat to American democracy posed by Trump and his enablers.

Justice Alito, in what furnace was thy brain?

Headline: “At Justice Alito’s House a ‘Stop the Steal” symbol {an upside-down American flag} is on display.”

What William Blake said about the Tyger, Mr. Alito,
he might as well have said about thee:

And what shoulder, & what art,
Could twist the sinews of thy heart?
And when thy heart began to beat.
What dread hand? & what dread feet?

What the hammer? what the chain,
In what furnace was thy brain?
What the anvil? what dread grasp.
Dare its deadly terrors clasp?

A Grave Vulnerability of Democracy

Headline: “17% think Biden is responsible for bans on abortions.”

“Of course, he is,” many people must think. “He’s the President, isn’t he?” Democracy is at peril when a sufficient percentage of the population is grossly ignorant.

Recommended Presidential Debate Rules

1. honorable, intelligent, personable, and knowledgeable professional moderators;

2. Intelligent, non-loaded questions;

3. Nothing either candidate says will be audible except during his allotted speaking times — Mics will shut off automatically. No running over allotted times.

4. Candidates will not be on camera except when they are speaking. No chances for facial reaction shots, mouthing epithets, etc.;

5. Candidates will not move from their speaking positions;

6. No audience in the debate venue;

7. Breaching the rules will be met with one warning. Second breach will result in expulsion and two-minute wrap-up time granted to the offender’s opponent.

Presidential Debate Rules

Headline: “Biden and Trump to Debate.” This could be a terrific opportunity for Biden, but in the absence of strict safeguards, the debate would turn into a depraved reality show, with Trump doing his shtick —lying, interrupting, making faces, “stalking” his opponent, and hurling epithets. Just as Trump was a travesty of a president, this event would be a travesty of a debate. If Trump is barred from letting loose the way he likee to, he’ll refuse to go through with it. Because Trump has proven that he will act in bad faith, Biden must insist on rules for the debate that Trump will not agree to. I’ll say what I think they will be tomorrow.

Campaign Financing

Things were different in, say, 1860, but in 2024 Republicans are flat-out authoritarians — Trumpian variety — whereas Democrats are trying to preserve and strengthen democratic institutions. The stakes have never been higher, and I’m making modest campaign contributions to Democratic candidates in key races. Every day, as a result, I get a stream of political fund-raising messages on my phone.
Many Democratic candidates call attention to how much billionaire-funded PACS are pouring into the campaigns of Republican candidates. Looking through these messages, one gets the impression that each race is a competition between two piles of money: The candidate with the highest pile will win. There are multiple causes of this lamentable situation: Most at fault is the extreme right-wing Republican-controlled Supreme Court, which in a series of decisions over recent years has distorted the functioning of our electoral processes and may end up destroying American democracy, which would be close to the equivalent of destroying our country.

Ukraine – May 2024

Washington Post analyst Max Boot had laid out the reasons why Ukraine has been thrown on the defensive in its two-year plus fight to keep from being conquered by Russia. I worry that Russia will make a Blitzkrieg-style breakthrough and seize Kiev, while America watches, the way the Nazis seized Paris in 1940, while America watched. I don’t get the impression that NATO countries are doing everything (without engaging in combat with the Russians) that they could to help and inspire Ukraine defend itself from the brute forces of imperialism. It’s a grim time in Ukraine.

Our Regressive Tax System: One Instance

An effect of inflation is that, even if the tax law doesn’t change, high earners pay a progressively lower percent of their earnings in social security taxes, but low earners pay the same percentage of their incomes as before. The cause of this disparity is that the social security tax is only exacted on the first $168,600 in annual income. Thus, if wages and prices have doubled, and you were earning $86,300 before, and you’re now earning $168,600, your social security taxes double, but if you were earning $168,600 before, and you’re now earning $325,200, your social security taxes remain unchanged. Removing the cap on social security taxes — taxing high-income earners equally with low-income earners — would ensure solvency of our social security system for decades to come.

Trump Unloosed

Trump, at a rally, says that Biden is surrounded by fascists. This is standard Trump (and fascist) practice: Whatever your faults are, lay them on your opponents. Looking at himself in the mirror supplies Trump with an endless supply of accusations to hurl at Biden. It’s easy to be impassioned when you don’t let truth get in the way.

Trump and The Right Kind of Person to Turn the U.S. into an Autocracy

Seeing clips of Trump lately and reflecting on his character and behavior, I’m struck by how obvious it is that his return to the White House would precipitate a catastrophe of unimaginable magnitude. That this crude, mendacious, incoherent, ignorant, narcissistic, sociopathic, aspiring fascist-style autocrat is considered to have an even chance of winning the presidential election, is like a sign flashing on and off, saying: “For a young, physically and mentally fit, informed, articulate, self-disciplined, ruthless, fascist-minded candidate, backed by the Republican Party, turning the United States into an autocracy would be a pushover.

Whale Talk and Whale Rights

Sperm whales talk (or at least signal) to each other with clicking sounds. Scientists are making progress in understanding their possible equivalents of letters, syllables, and words. There’s a big obstacle. To decipher what one of these whales says, it’s helpful to know what action is taken by the speaker or other whales in response to a communication. Can you determine that a whale clicked “See you later” just before it dove 3,000 feet and reappeared half a half hour later a mile away? We’re a ways away from knowing,

I think the scientists will figure out what sperm whales are saying eventually, perhaps helped by specialized A. I. computers. Understanding whale talk could lead to a Save the Whales legislation with big teeth like sperm whales have.

The Authoritarian Credo: Keep the Public in the Dark

I saw an interview with the producers of the documentary movie The Sixth, which the Washington Post reviewer called a “searing replay of the insurrection,” and noted, ‘Civics lessons rarely come this disturbing or this convincing.” Yet this critically instructive film is being subjected to restricted distribution, including, for some reason being withdrawn from Amazon Prime. I don’t know what’s going on, but I know that enemies of democracy are at work.

Is It Too Late to Save Ukraine?

Headline: “Confident of victory over Ukraine, Russia exhibits Western war trophies.”

Republicans blocked aid to Ukraine for many months in order to appease Trump, whose goals have been to placate Putin and to create chaos, hoping that voters would blame it on Biden.

The NATO countries are collectively much stronger than Russia, but they have been wisely avoiding direct participation in this war, while aiding Ukraine militarily and financially. Faltering in this noble enterpise is not an option, but that’s what’s been happening, largely, maddeningly, because that’s what the disgraced former president wants.

Every morning I wake up and check the news, fearful that I will see the headline: “Russian forces break through Ukrainian lines; advance on Kiev.” And this one: “Putin calls on Ukraine to surrender and avoid needless bloodshed; says that refusal by Zelensky to give up would be a war crime.

We Already Live in an Oligarchy

Our institutional and tax structure is such that billionaires
have a lower effective tax rate than working-class Americans.

The Greatest Threat

I rarely read George Will’s columns in the Washington Post. I consider him to be a fusty old-time conservative, I hope not unfairly. I don’t think he’s a Trumpian. In any case, his column yesterday should be read universally. It was sparked by a new book, Nuclear War — A Scenario, by Annie Jacobsen, an accomplished investigative reporter. I would read it, but I think it would aggravate my insomnia. Civilization could be wiped out in a couple of hours, and it could happen any time. Our leaders should be much more focused on doing what they can to lessen its likelihood

Wealth and Income Inequality

Right-wingers claim that increasing taxes on the rich wouldn’t make enough of a difference to be worthwhile. That’s what they’d like everyone to think, but as Robert Reich points out, “America’s 813 billionaires collectively hold a record $5.8 trillion.” Tax half of that, and these people would still be immensely rich, and we’d have more than enough financing to effectively address our major problems. I’m not recommending that; but it’s clear that that this country would benefit from a much more progressive tax system.

A Dark Cloud Hanging over the Upcoming Elections.

In a chilling memo this morning, Robert Reich expressed his fear that Republicans will refuse to certify elections won by Democrats by close margins, thereby ensuring Republican control of the House, whereupon the House majority refuses to certify Electoral College results where Trump lost by close margins, thereby assuring that neither candidate has enough electoral votes to win, whereupon the selection of the winner is left to the Republican House majority, which elects Trump despite his having not only a minority of the popular votes but also a minority of Electoral College votes.

This nightmare scenario assumes massive bad faith on the part of Republicans, a prospect that is all too plausible.

The Supreme Court and the 2024 Presidential Election

In a series of rulings. pronouncements, and comments, the extreme right-wing majority of the Supreme Court has made clear that it is deliberately delaying Trump’s trial for his role in the Jan 6th insurrection sufficiently so that it will not begin before inauguration day in January, 2025. There is no longer any question that these justices are movitated by their desire to have Trump replace Biden as president, even though Trump has made clear that he is a fascist and has no intention of adhering to the rule of law or the Constitution if he returns to the White House. Given the behavior of the justices who control the Court, it is evident that if they have a chance to affect the outcome of a close election the November, they will go out of their way to tilt it to Trump.

I Wish We Knew How Much the Weighted Averages of Goodness and Badness Are in the United States.

I’m thinking of calculating the weighted averages of all the bad guys and the good guys in this country and seeing how they match up against each other. You get one point for being a person, multiplied by 10 to 100 depending on how good or how bad you are, multiplied by 1 to 1.9 depending on how purposefully active you are, multiplied by 1.1 to 100 depending on how much your net worth is, and by another 1.1 to 100,000 depending on how much power you have — all this to be much more finely tuned. As you can surmise, if you are a really bad guy (no need for a gender-neutral pronoun in this instance) on the Supreme Court, you have an impressively high weighted score. even though you are only one person.

If I could accomplish this, I could calculate the total weighty goodness and badness in the United States, and project how hopeful or despairing to be. What worries me is that bad guys get more done than good guys because they don’t have to spend time being nice. I just remembered that the cynical old trope: Nice guys finish last.

Not always! A news column I saw yesterday was headed, “All roads lead to Karma.” I wish everyone would keep that in mind.

Our Country’s Greatest Tragedy: The Brazen Politicization of the Supreme Court

Reviewing the Court’s hearing of Trump’s immunity claim yesterday, astute Slate legal analysts Diana Lithwick and Mark Joseph Stern laid out how a majority of the justices have abandoned their ethical responsibilities and mocked their high calling by becoming rank Trumpian acolytes. Lithwick’s and Stern’s column today is worth reading, and weeping over.

The Problem of Mass Ignorance

Why are there so many people who don’t realize how catastrophic Trump’s return to the White House would be? Jennifer Rubin explains that a large percentage of voters live in a right-wing news bubble. Another large percentage is utterly uninformed. Another large percentage imagines that they sound more knowledgeable if they say things aren’t going well.

Note from Robert Reich this morning: “The world’s billionaires now hold a combined $14.2 trillion in wealth.” Imagine if half that wealth were taxed and redirected for the common good. All these billionaires would still be fabulously rich, but the well-being of most people on this planet could be immensely improved.

Global Heating

I’m writing a work of fiction, the beginning of which is set a few decades in the future. In it, the leading character, who is a scientist, asserts that global heating is beyond the tipping point: that even if all carbon emissions could instantly be stopped, global heating will continue a such a pace that, within a few generations, Earth will be uninhabitable by humans. I wonder if there is such a tipping point. If so, when would it be discernible? I suspect not until well after it was reached.

Signs of the Times

The Dalai Lama

A spiritual man, who is also a realist, has replaced the term “global warming” with “global heating.”

House Speaker Mike Johnson and the American Way

After months of blocking a bill authorizing substantial additional military aid to Ukraine, House Speaker Mike Johnson realized that its passage was critically important to U.S. interests and to Ukraine’s survival, even more important (though it’s hard to believe that anything could be) than whether he, Johnson, remained as Speaker! Thank goodness. It was an episode that reminded me of Churchill’s observation that “Americans always do the right thing after they have tried everything else.”

Biden’s Flaccid Policy toward Bibi Netanyahu

In a recent long, thoughtful, and highly informed article, New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof laid out the sad story of how Biden has been too trusting of and naive with respect to Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu. In his news and opinion program last evening, Chris Hayes documented Netanyahu’s record, which contained all Biden needed to know to have adopted a much firmer policy. The latest reports indicate that Biden has become more hard-headed about Bibi. A great deal of death and suffering has occurred because he wasn’t hard-headed from the outset. This lamentable fact does not, of course, provide the slightest justification for voting for Trump in this fall’s election. Biden is fallible, but, unlike Trump, he is not a dangerous narcissistic sociopath.

After writing the above, I read Washington Post columnist Max Boot’s column this morning crediting Biden’s “bear hug” with persuading Bibi to execute only “pin prick” retaliation to Iran’s assault last weekend. This thankfully militates toward Iran-Israel de-escalation, but the Gaza humanitarian horror continues.

Mike Johnson / Ukraine

Fortunately, House Speaker Mike Johnson appears to have grasped that it’s more important to save Ukraine and to protect and strengthen the Western Alliance than to appease Trump and the MAGA extremists. It now seems likely that a significant aid package to Ukraine will be authorized by Congress. Whether it will be sufficient in scope and timeliness remains to be seen.

Fortunately, Unfortunately

Fifty years or so ago, I was particularly fond of a children’s picture book consisting of double-page spreads alternating as to whether they were titled Fortunately or Unfortunately. That’s the way I feel about taking in the news these days, except that in the news there is a disturbing preponderance of “unfortunately” stories over “fortunately” ones.

Today, I am only going to mention a “fortunately” one: In the Trump New York Election Interference Criminal Trial, in the course of three days the judge has been able to impanel twelve jurors and one alternate juror – much sooner than predicted. There is an excellent chance that the required five additional alternate jurors will be impaneled tomorrow, and that the trial itself can begin Monday. I would write more about this, but not accurately without venturing into “unfortunately” territory.

The Trump Criminal Trial #1 — Moving Along

It was heartening that by the end of day 2, seven jurors have been selected. Counting alternates, eleven more are needed. The trial itself is likely to begin next week. May justice prevail!

Trump Criminal Trial #1, Cont.

Amidst all the tragedies unfolding in the world, it’s bracing to witness that Trump’s criminal election interference case is underway, and that he is obliged to be in attendance, even during a long-drawn-out jury selection process. As it should be, he has the right, in the courtroom, to glower, stare, smirk, and scowl and, outside it, to declaim the outrageous unfairness of it all.

Trump’s Criminal Trial #1

Jury selection begins today. Trump needs one loyalist to get a hung jury. When the system developed in England centuries ago, the required composition of the jury was “twelve good men and true.” The standard is still the same, including women, of course. There’s no guarantee that it can be met Weeks of drama lie ahead before the first witness takes the stand.

The Commendable and the Lamentable

It was gratifying to read that Israeli and U.S. combined forces were able to so effectively repel Iran’s massive missile and drone attack on Israel. This episode provided a striking contrast with how the U.S. is failing to provide Ukraine with effective defenses.

The Chickens Are Coming Home to Roost, and They Are All Carrying Deadly Bird Flu

Headline: “Russian troops advance in Ukraine as Kyiv runs low on air defenses.”

The Disloyal Opposition

I don’t know if it still holds that in the United Kingdom the major party out of power is called His / Her Majesty’s loyal opposition. What a civilized custom. The minority party opposes many of the measures and policies advanced by the majority party, but members of both parties remain loyal to core values and principles. Members of neither party will sacrifice the bedrock interests of the nation to gain a political advantage.

Our country is suffering because the Republican Party and its prominent figures no longer honor such notions of decency and comity. Republicans have become saboteurs of democracy, and they may do us in.


For a democracy to be successful, most voters have to be reasonably well-informed. Otherwise, they are vulnerable to grifters, cynical manipulators, and scheming scoundrels. Even worse than an uninformed populace is a misinformed populace. This the tragic state of affairs in our country, in part because, as Robert Reich writes: “The right wing is dominating on TV and social media, reaching tens of millions of people and feeding them baseless conspiracy theories and propaganda.”

Religion and Constitutional Rights

Although abortions are generally illegal in Indiana, I read that a court in that state ruled that a woman could legally get an abortion because she was Jewish, it being a precept of Judaism that an embroyo or fetus in not a person until he or she is born.

I’m glad this woman was able to get an abortion without being prosecuted, but the case exposes how idiotic and unjust it is to have a basic human right depend on one’s religious affiliation or non-affiliation. It the Supreme Court behaved rationally and in good faith, they would rule that the Constitution guarantees not only freedom of religion, but also freedom from religion.

Holdup of Aid to Ukraine

Republicans’s six-month-long holdup (and we don’t know for how much longer) of aid to Ukraine in its time of desperate need, at the behest of Donald Trump, acting at the behest of Vladimir Putin, will be recorded as one of the most shameful and damaging performances in American history.

Ukraine: Notes from Surreal Land

I never thought that the United States would allow its foreign policy to be controlled by a Russian Dictator, but that’s what’s happening, and if it continues it will have a catastrophic effect. Here’s the situation:

The President, a majority of members of Congress, and a majority of Americans want to help Ukraine resist Russian aggression. Speaker of the House Mike Johnson is preventing a bill authorizing aid from being put to a vote in the House. He is acting in this manner at the behest of the disgraced former president. The disgraced former president is acting in this manner at the behest of the Dictator of Russia.

Ukraine: Notes from Surreal Land

I never thought that the United States would allow its foreign policy to be run by a Russian Dictator, but that’s what’s happening, and it will probably have a catastrophic effect. Here’s the situation: The President, a majority of members of Congress, and a majority of Americans want to help Ukraine resist Russian aggression. Speaker of the House Mike Johnson is preventing a bill authorizing aid from being put to a vote in the House. He is acting in this manner at the behest of the disgraced former president. The disgraced former president is acting in this manner at the behest of the Dictator of Russia.

America Has Less than Seven Months to Wake Up

Trump posted a doctored photo on his social media platform showing President Biden bound and gagged in the back of a pickup. It would seem incredible that anyone who behaved that way could be elected president. But Trump has become “normalized.” No matter what he does, people say, “Oh, that’s just Trump being Trump.” Or “Ha. Ha.” Lately, he’s been intimating that he’s pretty much like Jesus. America has less than seven months to wake up.

Quality of Life and Trump

I once constructed a quality of life index. The idea was to consider how you rated on each of about twenty indicia of quality of life, assigning an importance factor to each of them. With this tool, you could calculate your quality of life score. Having a high QOL score is more important than having a high wealth score. Rich people inclined to vote for Trump because he would support tax policies that favor the rich fail to understand that Trump’s winning the election would result in a radically lower quality of life for everyone.

Ukraine Aid

Ukraine’s survival as a sovereign nation, the Western Alliance’s survival as a stabilizing and civilizing force, and democracy’s survival as the way of light in the world all may depend on the resumption of U.S. military and financial support of Ukraine, which has been blocked by House Speaker Mike Johnson because Trump wants him to block it. I read that Johnson might allow a bill providing for aid to Ukraine to be voted on, as long as exporting liquified natural gas is allowed from a facility in Johnson’s Congressional District in Louisiana. I would accede to this extortionate demand, and try to take away the gun Johnson has been brandishing later.

RFK, Jr.

Robert Kennedy, Jr., a candidate for president from a famous family, recently said that Biden is a greater threat to democracy than Trump. Kennedy believes that he should be elected president because he thinks vaccines are bad.

People like Kennedy can’t be persuaded to be rational. Their self-esteem is dependent on a grandiose myth they discover in non-reality land.

Seeking Peace Where Hatred Runs Deep

A poll that Washington Post columnist Max Boot accurately characterizes as “one of the most depressing . . . in recent memory” found that 71 percent of Palestinians support Hamas’s maximally vicious October 7th surprise attack on Israel that precipitated a totally predictable reaction by Israel: bringing death, destruction, and misery on the entire population of Gaza. Across the border, 68 percent of Jewish Israelis oppose humanitarian aid to people in Gaza.

Given the dominant sentiments in the region, achieving a sane, just, compassionate, sustainable peace has never seemed more elusive.

The Need for a Breath of Fresh Air

I read that Trump verbally attacked the daughter of the judge in the New York criminal proceeding in the election interference case involving paying off a porn star to keep her quiet. So, if the judge issues a gag order banning Trump from attacking his daughter, Trump will presumably appeal, claiming that the judge is biased against him.

Given Trump’s behavior, how could a judge not find him to be a repellent character? If you think someone is repellent, that does sound as if you have some kind of bias against him. How could you not? But we don’t want biased judges presiding over cases, do we? Trump makes any judge biased against him. Therefore, no one is in a position to judge him, right? All judges in cases involving Trump should recuse themselves. I think it would be a breath of fresh air for this country if after the playing out of due process, Trump spends a significant amount of time in the slammer.

Why I Think It’s Reasonable To Hope that Trump Will Be Defeated in the November Election

Even if you live in a Fox News bubble or some other proto-fascist propaganda news loop, you must have seen clips of Trump talking. Even if you have the most minimal degree of discernment, you surely gained some sense of what a foul human being he is. Watching and listening to him for twenty or thirty seconds should be more than enough for even the most dull-witted observers to grasp that this is a man who should be kept far removed from the levers of power. That’s why I think it’s reasonable to hope that Trump will be defeated in the November election.

Singularly Depressing Headline of the Day

Headline: “Many GOP billionaires balked at Jan 6. They’re coming back to Trump.” These billionaires balked at Jan. 6 because it didn’t feel right to endorse someone who fomented a violent insurrection and tried to overthrow the government of the United States. As time passed, however, these billionaires realized that their thinking had been clouded by the passion of the moment. Upon mature reflection, they realized that Trump didn’t do much when he was president, which isn’t bad, because government is bad, and he did do something that was very good: he led his party in passing massive tax cuts and tax breaks for corporations and the rich and especially for the super rich. If he regained power in 2024, one could be confident that he would work to cut taxes and fashion tax breaks for for corporations and the rich and especially for the super rich even more. Upholding democratic institutions and saving democracy are paltry considerations compared to that.

The Trump Bible

Trump is selling Bibles for $59. They are special Trump-authorized Bibles. I saw a clip of Trump. The Bible is his favorite book. An interviewer asked him to quote a passage or two he especially likes. He didn’t want to do that. It’s a personal thing, he said.

I read that some people are buying his Bible to annoy people who don’t like Trump. Others may think it’s a good long-term investment. Don’t be surprised if the binding comes loose or the spine cracks. That shouldn’t hurt its resale value. It shows that it’s an authentic Trump product.

The Sad Case of Speaker of the House Mike Johnson

I read that Speaker of the House Mike Johnson believes that we should continue to help Ukraine resist being conquered and occupied by Russia. Because of the present composition of the House of Representatives and Johnson’s power by virtue of his office to “bring a bill to the floor” and have it voted on, at least for a while, he could get aid flowing to Ukraine without further delay. Why doesn’t he? Apparently, despite his personal feeling of wanting to support Ukraine, his feeling of wanting to be supported by Trump and MAGA Republicans is even stronger. This is the mark of a weak character, a person who, if he could see himself objectively, would be appalled at his behavior. If someday that happens, the epiphany he experiences may be so painful to him that it will dominate his thinking for the rest of his life.

How Low Can a Bar Be Set?

Following the news, one can get the impression that, given all the legal proceedings brought against Trump, if he weren’t the best candidate, he would have been convicted by now.

The Most Disgusting News of the Weekend

NBC hires former Republican National Committee (RNC) chair Ronna McDaniel as a political analyst.

McDaniel has been a Trump acolyte and election denier and lacks any promise of exhibiting journalistic integrity. This is a despicable play for controversy and hence higher ratings on the part of NBC.

It’s More Satisfying to Give Advice than to Receive It

Even the most elite newspapers have had to scramble to maintain adequate revenues. Headlines are increasingly designed to attract readers. I confess to being drawn to catchy headlines, like this one, yesterday: “My Neighbor Has a Very Annoying Emotional Support Dog. What Can I Do?”

I find that it’s more satisfying to think what advice I would give than to read advice that someone else gives. In this instance, my analysis of the situation is that the neighbor’s dog has an emotional problem and that it needs its own emotional support dog. I would counsel the reader to obtain an emotional support dog for their neighbor’s dog, using care to make sure that the support dog doesn’t have its own emotional problem. If it does, I don’t need to tell you know what that would require.

The Nihilists

The extreme right-wing Republicans in Congress aren’t exercising their power in an effort to bully their colleagues into agreeing to their political agenda. They don’t have a political agenda. They are nihilists, seeking to convert our country into a nihilistocracy led by a nihilistic narcissist.

Autocratic-Friendly Media That Might Take America Down

When autocrats take control of a country’s government, high on their agenda is control of the media. That will hardly be necessary in our country if Trump gets in office. Large swaths of media outlets are already doing his business. Just watch a stomach-turning snippets of propagandistic dissembling on Fox News to see how it works.

Presidential Debates

For a while I thought it would be a bad idea for Biden to debate Trump. Debates are only useful when those taking opposed positions agree to argue in good faith and be truthful. Trump would not be truthful. That’s not his way. His way is to invent fabrications and deliver them in a sneering belittling tone. I’ve changed my mind, and now favor debates if certain rules are followed and strictly enforced.

Trump has become increasingly incoherent and crazed. And I now think that, in debates, the contrast between Trump’s swaggering viciousness and Biden’s competence and good will would be illuminating to many voters. To ensure a reasonable measure of decorum and civility to the debates, I would insist on strict rules, including, not just warning each candidate not to go over allotted speaking times and not to interrupt during his opponent’s speaking time, but to instantly cut off the mic of anyone violating the rule and ensure that he couldn’t be heard even if he shouts. And I would require each candidate to stay in place — no stalking around the opponent the way Trump did with Hilary Clinton in 2016. Violations would result in reduced allotted speaking time.

Trump’s Threat of a Bloodbath

Trump said that there would be a bloodbath if he loses, “and that would be the least of it.”

This is an instance of Trump’s mob-boss style of trying to intimidate, cow, and bully people into acceding to his demands;

As a voter, I’m supposed to think: “Oh, I’d better vote for Trump. I certainly don’t want a bloodbath.”

I don’t think there will be a bloodbath if Trump loses, but it would be preferable to his winning — worth the price of saving our country from autocratic fascist rule.

Oligarchy, Plutocracy, Abundance, and Impoverishment

The historian Heather Cox Richardson and Robert Reich have both pointed out that, since 1981, as much as $50 trillion moved from the bottom 90% to the top 1%. I remember learning that there was a strain of Christian thought that held that if you get very rich it’s a sign that God favors you. This belief appears to have gained in man’s favor. Eyes of needles can now accommodate the passage of even the fattest camels.

Life Imitating Art

Keeping up with the news this year is like watching a superbly written, directed, and produced horror movie: Scary, gripping, and frighteningly realistic. It will be unforgettable.

Trump: The Horror of His Candidacy

Headline: “Trump predicts a blood bath if he loses.” On average, more than once every day, Trump says or does something that conclusively demonstrates that he is grossly unfit to be President of the United States. It’s appalling and deeply disturbing that there is a serious risk that he might prevail in this November’s election.

Israel – Gaza

The Case for Supporting Netanyahu

In this morning’s online New York Times, Bret Stephens argues that Israel is pursuing the right policy in attempting to totally destroy Hamas (largely) regardless of the humanitarian consequences. He supplies arguments contrary to his views and knocks them down. I think his analogies to resisting Hitler are faulty. I sense that a more imaginative and humane strategy can be devised that would better serve Israel’s long-term interests. I don’t have the expertise to construct a specific plan, but Israel’s present policy and U.S support of it feels to me to be misconceived and profoundly wrong.

Israel – Gaza

What follows will serve as my daily blog for the rest of the week.

Biden’s failure to meet the challenge posed by the Gaza – Israel war may have horrific repercussions, including moving in the wrong direction the tipping point, the position of which will determine whether Biden loses or wins the upcoming election.

Hamas decided that they could conduct a surprise brutal attack on Israel and get away with it if they took hundreds of Israelis and two million residents of Gaza hostage, which they were prepared to do, having set things up — with lots of tunnels, for example — so that Israel couldn’t defeat them without killing (thirty thousand plus so far, but heading toward) hundreds of thousands of innocent people.

Hamas leaders are so monstrously evil that they concluded that killing a sizable percentage of their own people and greatly distressing the rest of them is worth it if they can inflict pain on Israel. Netanyahu and Israel’s extreme right-wing colleagues decided in effect: “Hundreds of Israeli hostages and the two million Palestinian hostages in Gaza be damned. We’re going to kill every Hamas fighter and leader in Gaza even if we have to flatten every building and kill every innocent person in the process.”

Within a day or two after this war began last October 7th, New York Times columnist and Middle East expert Tom Friedman expressed his fear that the war would play out this way and warned against precisely the policy Israel’s government has followed. His fear proved to be warranted. Like the U.S., after 9-11, Israel squandered the outpouring of sympathy for it after it had been attacked and has seen much of the world turn against it as a result of its crude and brutal conduct of the war.

U.S. policy (Biden’s policy) has been wholly supportive of Israel, while trying, with predictable futility, to convince Netanyahu to take humanitarian concerns into consideration in conducting the war. The other day I read that the U.S. is going to take sixty days to build a pier in Gaza to facilitate delivery of food and supplies to residents of Gaza, many of whom (perhaps most of whom) are already dead, injured, sick, malnourished, or homeless as a result of relentless Israeli attacks.

Sixty days before our efforts to relieve suffering can even begin is too long. Netanyahu is reportedly about to initiate an offensive in southern Gaza, which is likely to increase death and suffering to an even more appalling degree. The U.S. (Biden) should have, and belatedly should now, put the screws to Netanyahu and offer hope to the Palestinians through liberal dispensation of positive and negative incentives, otherwise known as carrots and sticks.

Trump and Classified Information

I read that, following tradition, the Biden Administration is planning to supply intelligence briefings to Trump. The idea is that if Trump wins the presidency, he should be fully informed about matters relevant to the U.S. security. That’s the normal way it’s done in our great country, because the candidates of both the Republican and Democratic Parties are assumed to be unreservedly dedicated to the interests of the United States, to upholding the Constitution, and to preserving American democracy.

This noble tradition should not be followed this year, because this is not a normal election and Trump is not a normal candidate. He has not yet been convicted of a crime, but the facts revelatory of his criminality with regard to his mishandling, withholding, and hiding classified documents and his exhibitions of subservience to Vladimir Putin are all a matter of public record. Trump cannot and should not be trusted.

The State of the Union Speech and Its Political Implications

Biden exhibited clarity and stamina. His performance was
a rebuke to those who claim that he is in cognitive decline.
He covered the bases. His tone and manner were excellent.
Unless this is a nation dominated by nincompoops, he will
defeat Trump in the November election.

A Perfect Match?

Headline: “Trump, seeking cash infusion, meets with Elon Musk.” Putin needed a coterie of oligarchs. Musk is so rich that Trump may need only one.

The Supreme Court’s Ruling on the Eligibility of Insurrectionists To Hold Public Office

The Supreme Court ruled Monday that action by Congress is required to implement the 14th Amendment’s provision that people who take part in an insurrection are ineligible to hold public office. The ruling has the merit of avoiding the risk of a candidate for the presidency being determined to be an insurrectionist and ineligible to hold office in some states, but not in others. It is disturbing, nevertheless, because the language of the Constitution is clear, and it’s also clear that Trump took part in an insurrection. Indeed, he instigated it. The Court’s ruling has the effect of striking the applicable provision from the Constitution.

Misleading Polls

A high percentage of questions posed by polling organizations are misleading, irresponsible, and produce false impressions. For example, reported on yesterday: “Is Biden too old to be an effective president?” “Is Trump too old to be an effective president?” (More people think Biden is too old to be an effective president than think Trump is too old to be an effective president.)

Being “effective” sounds like a good thing. The question assumes wrongly that Trump would do good things. It impliedly asks, “How much good could he do, given his age?” This make no sense, because the more effective Trump is, the more damage he will cause, the more effective he will be at destroying American democracy, and the more effective he will be at generating chaos and misery. This polling question has the effect of nudging people in the direction of wrong-headed thinking.

Letters from an American

Someone who outdoes me by a wide margin in generation of daily thoughts is Heather Cox Richardson, a history professor at Boston College. About a month ago I started getting emails from her every morning, a free service called “Letters from an American.” In them, she discusses current events in the context of American history. I don’t know how I got on her list — I must have clicked on something — but unlike 99% of what gets dumped gratuitously in one’s mailbox, her daily essays are extraordinarily intelligent and informative. I read elsewhere that even a few years ago she had a million subscribers. I wish she had as many as there are eligible voters in the U.S.A.

The Tragedy of Elon Musk

I read that Elon Musk said that he opposes the bill that would help Ukraine defend itself against Russia’s war of conquest. Musk’s reason is that Russia will win anyway.

Really? The NATO nations are collectively much stronger economically and militarily than Russia. If they are united and resolved, they can give Ukraine all it needs to stop Putin from winning. If Musk had been living in 1940, he would probably have opposed the lend-lease aid we extended to the British. “Hitler will conquer them anyway,” he would have said. It is a tragedy that Musk is brilliant in business and engineering, but when it comes to virtuousness, goodness, and decency, he is a dunce.

The Horror of the Headlines

Today’s online New York Times has a horrifying collection of headlines about polls showing Trump leading Biden, Biden’s unpopularity, and the damaging effect of the weakening of the Voting Rights Act.

Biden has performed well as President, and though he has fallen down in some respects, for example in not holding anywhere near enough news conferencesand ducking chances for direct communication to large audiences, he is manifestly superior to Trump as a candidate by such an enormous margin that one wonders if some malevolent spirit has invaded the brains of much of the populace.

The Fascist Party

If you hold political views akin to those that traditionally defined the Republican Party, you should understand that in the most important respects they are antithetical to what the GOP stands for today. As Washington Post opinion writer Jennifer Rubin points out, the Republican Party has become the “anti-democratic, anti-rule-of-law, and anti-objective-reality party.” The Republican Party is no longer the conservative party; it’s
 the fascist party.

American Democracy on the Ropes

Yesterday, the Supreme Court granted review of the D. C. Circuit Court of Appeals denial of Trump’s bogus claim that he is immune from any criminal acts he committed while he was President of the United States. The Court set the week of April 22 for oral argument and will issue a ruling before its present term ends — about June 30th. As a practical matter, the Court’s rulings have reduced the chances that Trump could be tried and convicted in the federal courts before the election to very close to nil.

By brazenly stretching out the timeline for rulings, filings, and oral arguments at various stages of the prosecution of Trump for trying to overturn the 2020 election, the Supreme Court’s extreme right-wing majority has shown itself to be more interested in promoting the Trump-driven Republican agenda than in upholding the Constitution and the law. American democracy is on the ropes, and only a solid victory at the polls for Democrats this November can save it.

Ukraine Aid, Israel Aid / Republicans / Progressives / Trump / Putin

Of all the maddening things going on, near the top of the list for me is the blocking of continuing aid to Ukraine, which is needed urgently and desperately and immediately. Not only Ukraine’s fate, but that of the Western alliance of democracies, indeed humanity’s, may be at stake. It’s beyond disgusting that Republicans are blocking aid to please Trump, who is motivated by his desire to please Putin, who is doing everything he can to get Trump elected, so Trump can do more to please him — it’s disgusting in the extreme. Almost the same can be said for House progressives who won’t approve aid to Ukraine unless aid is withheld from Israel. By holding Ukraine hostage to heir demands, they lower themselves to the moral plane of Republicans whose policy is to generate chaos and of that of Hamas leaders who are holding Israeli citizens hostage. I agree that Biden has been, and still is, much too accommodating to Netanyahu, who has shown himself be a thoroughly Trumpian character, but please, everybody, try to see the big picture.

A Morsel of Good News

Headline: “Hungary approves Sweden’s NATO bid, unblocking historic expansion.” If you look hard enough, you can usually find at least one piece of good news each day. Victor Orban, the strongman leader of Hungary, who, like Trump, admires Putin and wants his approval, had been blocking Sweden from becoming a member of NATO. You can bet Orban didn’t stop blocking Sweden because he became enlightened about Russia’s continuing its brutal war against Ukraine or its assault against Western liberal democracies. I suspect that other European nations applied effective pressure on Orban so it became in his own self-interest to stop blocking Sweden. With people like Orban, Trump, and Putin, self-interest is what matters. Nothing else counts.

Political Policy and the Bible

In an excellent Washington Post column yesterday, E.J. Dionne referred to a conversation he’d had with Representative Rosa DeLauro, (D) Connecticut, about Mike Johnson, who says he is guided by the Bible in his job as Speaker of the House. Ms. DeLauro, who is a devout Christian, cited half a dozen Bible passages, which Mr. Johnson evidently never read. If he were honest, he would attend to them and be guided by them. Then he would be able to call himself a true Christian instead of a perverted one.

Religious Freedom

The recent ruling of the Alabama that frozen embryos are people is another stretch of pavement laid on the road to theocracy. This destructive and disturbing ruling flies against the basic principle that the Constitution not only guarantees freedom of religion, it also guarantees freedom from religion. Courts dominated by adherents of perverted Christian doctrines choose to ignore this bedrock truth.

Ukraine and its Enemies

Watching PBS’s venerable “Washington Week” last evening was heartbreaking. The discussion was mostly devoted to the perilous position of Ukraine in the absence of U.S. support, which has been blocked for weeks by the Republicans who control the House of Representatives.

Republican politicians have decided to do Trump’s bidding, which, as surely they know, is a decision to do Putin’s bidding. Putin’s malevolent desires are Trump’s guiding light.

Trump’s Immunity Claim

The all-important federal criminal proceeding against Trump for his role in the January 6th, 2021, Insurrection has been held up for many weeks because Trump is appealing the ruling of the District Court and Circuit Court of Appeals rejecting his claim of immunity from prosecution for crimes committed while he was president. The American Revolution was fought and our nation was founded on the principle that citizens of the United States should not be ruled by someone who is above the law. Trump’s claim is completely baseless. Yet the Supreme Court is sitting on it, taking its time, increasing every day the chances that Trump will not be tried before the election next November. At its highest level — the Supreme Court of the United States — our justice system has broken down.

Poverty and Progress

I read that 37 million Americans (about 11% of the population) live below the poverty line. Children and many adults among this group are struggling to survive. Few of them have the means or the resources to improve their lives. I favor instituting a minimum income for everyone. How could that be financed? The answer: Set up a far more progressive tax structure. At present, accomplishing that would be politically impossible. We need to educate people as to why so many are pinned down in the land of conspicuous abundance.

America First!

It’s to a great extent a wretched world. It’s beyond our capacity to set it straight. Let’s take care of ourselves and not knock ourselves out worrying about what goes on outside our borders, which, by the way, we should make a lot more secure.

It’s not hard to appreciate the appeal of that philosophy, though it does sound overly self-involved. The trouble with it, besides sounding overly self-involved, is that it is overly self-involved. Worse than that: the road with the sign pointing to it saying “America First” is the road that leads to “America Last.” If we betray our principles and abdicate as a beacon of freedom, democracy, courage and good will — if we allow ourselves to give in to the forces of mean-spiritedness and greed — we’ll end up, sooner than would have been thought possible, on the ash heap of history.

Trump’s Decision

After several days of presumably sober reflection, Trump decided that he must say something about Navalny’s death. Anything that might irritate Putin was out of the question, and for that reason Trump was forced once again to betray the United States, remarking: “The sudden death of Alexei Navalny has made me more and more aware of what is happening in our Country. . . CROOKED, Radical Left Politicians, Prosecutors, and Judges leading us down a path to destruction.”

You can bet that brought a smile to Putin’s face.

Trump’s Choice

Headline: “Trump remains silent on Navalny’s death.”
Thoughts must have gone through Trump’s mind when he
learned that Navalny was dead. He probably considered
whether he should publicly remark on that fact. It’s not surprising
that he decided not to comment. There was nothing he could say
that wouldn’t either expose him as being a traitor to the United States
or risk irritating Putin.

Putin, Navalny, and Tucker Carlson.

Some people behave badly and are only dimly aware of it, if that. They repress inconvenient thoughts. Others, who lack feeling for the rights and interests of others, jettison any moral principles they are aware of. Once they’ve crossed that line, it’s almost impossible for them to turn back. They continue to be the type of person they chose to be. Tucker Carlson presents a vivid example of this type. Putin murdered Navalny only a few days after Carlson interviewed Putin, for two hours, I believe it was, during which Carlson never asked Putin about Navalny. Carlson must have felt a jolt when he learned that Navalny was dead. A jolt, unaccompanied by illumination. Carlson was a dead soul by then, and so he almost certainly will remain.

Courage and Cowardice

Alexei Navalny stood up for democracy and decency against Putin, though he knew he would be harassed and imprisoned and probably tortured and killed. Republicans in the House of Representatives won’t stand up for democracy and decency against Trump, because they would face increased risk of a primary challenge, or, in Speaker Mike Johnson’s case, colleagues reaching for his gavel.

The Courts and Democracy

Headline: “India’s top court bans anonymous election donations in blow to ruling party.” Good for India’s top court. Would that our top court strike a blow for democracy too. For starters, let the D. C. January 6th Trump prosecution proceed without further delay.

Trump, Basketball Courts, and Gorillas

You’re familiar with the metaphor of people failing to notice that the emperor is wearing no clothes. There’s a psychology experiment to the same effect. Participants were asked to count how many times a player on a basketball team tossed the ball to a teammate. The participants became so fixated on this task that they didn’t notice the man wearing a gorilla suit who walked across the court in front of them. When Trump said that he would “encourage” Putin to attack our NATO allies who weren’t spending enough on defense, he showed himself to be as unfit to be President as a gorilla. People must resist being so distracted by the plethora of far less consequential concerns that they fail to notice him. He’s poised to do a lot more damage than a gorilla could.

The Supreme Court and the Threat to American Democracy

The Supreme Court is failing to expedite Trump’s attempt to stall the Jan. 6th criminal case against him by raising the sham defense that he is immune from prosecution. If the United States transitions from being a shining beacon of democracy and good will to being a crabbed, mean-spirited, irresponsible autocracy, the ideologically driven right-wing extremist justices on the court will deserve a generous share of the blame.

The Status of Efforts to Resume Aiding Ukraine

Yesterday it was reported that the senate voted 67-27 to move a bill forward that includes $60.1 billion in aid that Ukraine critically needs to defend itself against Russia and that the United States critically needs to provide to Ukraine to avoid falling into isolationist ignominy and complete sycophancy to the aspiring autocrat, 91-felony count-indicted emperor of Mar-a-Lago. Now the measure must somehow achieve procedural standing and be voted on and passed by the House in spite of virulent opposition to it by the MAGA-dominated Republican caucus. As seems so often the case these days, common sense and decency will need a good measure of luck to prevail.

Biden: Communicate!

Headline: “Trump says he would ‘encourage’ Russia to attack NATO allies who don’t pay up.”

Headline: “Dems plead with Biden to do more, not less, media as doubts grow about his capacity for the job”

Trump is like a five-alarm fire. Biden is like a well-equipped fire department. The fire engines are pointed out, but they’re still in the fire house. Biden has to get the truth across to the public: Biden is competent, capable, and honorable. Trump is an unprecedentedly destructive force. Biden should deliver addresses to the nation, hold frequent press conferences, and in every other way communicate. Don’t count on the State of the Union Address to get the point across. Better to talk your heart out and fail than cringe and hope for the best while the worst are wielding sledgehammers.

Bad News; Then More.

It was a painful experience watching Chris Hayes’s excellent news show last evening on MSNBC: Congressional Republicans are obeying Trump, who is obeying Putin in blocking aid to Ukraine — the hell with defending democracy and the Western Alliance. Putin, of course, will do whatever he can to help Trump return to the White House. And, if Trump regains power, he will do whatever he can to accommodate Putin. Meanwhile, Biden has been unable to keep Netanyahu from administering mass death and destruction on the hapless residents of Gaza. Apart from the appalling human tragedy this entails, it hurts Biden politically. If it continues, it could be the fatal blow to his election campaign; whereas it helps Netanyahu to keep the war in process, putting off the day when he will be ousted from office and possibly prosecuted for corruption and gross negligence.

That wasn’t all the bad news Chris Hayes served up. But let’s stop a moment to ask, “Was there any good news? Yes, sort of. Democrats have a chance of picking up the Congressional seat vacated by that mishap of a human being, George Santos.

Aid to Ukraine

Enough Republican senators joined the large majority of Democrats and passed a bill providing for further aid to Israel and Ukraine. Now, enough Representatives in the House have to be peeled off from the overwhelmingly Trump-obedient Republican caucus to get the bill to the President’s desk. It’s a tough task but possibly doable. The issue is a major marker in the struggle that spans the world between democracy and autocracy

The Terrifying and the Fascinating

The news seems to get more terrifying all the time, and more ghoulishly fascinating. How will the Supreme Court handle the 14th Amendment / Trump disqualification issue slated for oral argument today? Will they grant certiorari next week on Trump’s appeal of the D. C. Circuit ruling that he’s not immune from prosecution for crimes committed while he was President? How will the Court split? Or will it rule unanimously? Which among the mixed motives of the Justices will carry the day?

The Republican Party Has Become a Blight on Our Country

Why would the Republicans want to try to impeach a cabinet officer even though they don’t have a trace of evidence of wrong doing? It’s because they don’t have the votes to impeach Biden, but think they could get enough votes to impeach someone —anyone. Then impeachments wouldn’t seem like such a big deal: Just like with Trump, they want people to think — it’s a political thing that happens all the time. This is typical of the way members of today’s Republican Party behave. Instead of showingTrump and MAGA extremists the door, they became subservient to them and transitioned from being the Grand Old Party to a blight on our country.

Do We Live in a Sick Country?

According to a CNN poll, 63 percent of Americans think Trump is “too extreme,” but he’s favored over Biden 49 percent to 45 percent in the upcoming election. Evidently, the times demand a too extreme leader. This can happen in a sick country.

Trump’s Eligibility for Holding Office

This week the Supreme Court will hear arguments on whether, under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, Trump should be excluded from holding a federal office because he participated in an insurrection. The question should be answered in the affirmative.

As is more often the case than not, judges (or justices) can construct a line of legal argument that satisfies their personal preference but reads as if it’s the result of scholarly analysis. They are not supposed to do that, of course. They are supposed to try to reach a conclusion that is intellectually honest and most truthfully supported by the law. The extreme right-wing justices that dominate the present Supreme Court have demonstrated a willingness to ignore this principle. Their personal preferences tend to be paramount. It would be a stunning surprise if the Court found Trump ineligible to serve.

Who Deserves the Most Credit if Our Country Is Saved?

Watching a political news show on TV yesterday, I heard a panelist say that Biden’s support has slipped among black men. Yes, another panelist said, and he needs the black vote to win. I’d heard that already. It’s a shocking fact: If only white people voted in the presidential election, Biden would have no chance of beating Trump. That doesn’t say much for white people. It will take the descendants of people they enslaved to save their country and them with it.

Toxicity and the Atmosphere

The European Union managed to overcome the objections of Hungary’s Trumpian-type leader, Viktor Orbån, and authorize fifty billion Euros aid for Ukraine. That gives the United States breathing room to pull itself together and resume doing its share. We have breathing room, but the MAGA movement and Trump-induced fumes have dangerously polluted our air.

The News Keeps Coming Like a Stream from a Loose Firehose.

The presidential election this year will determine whether American democracy will withstand the assault of a malevolent narcissistic aspiring autocrat and his tens of millions of supporters, all of whom are either (a) cynical, amoral, and wantonly opportunistic, (b) deeply and tragically deluded, or (c) both. The stakes are so high that I find myself thinking about every bit of streaming news: Does this help Trump? Does this help Biden? The news keeps coming. It’s agitating to the brain. The same is true of news that doesn’t come. Why haven’t we gotten the ruling of the Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit three-judge panel on the immunity issue? Why should it take more than a few minutes to rule that the president of the United States isn’t immune from prosecution for criminal acts committed while in office? Don’t people know what the American Revolution was about?

A Case of Malignant Narcissism

In her Washington Post Q & A yesterday, Jennifer Rubin listed the indicia of a malignant narcissist. They can be identified by their lack of empathy, self-awareness, and self-control and having no sense of what is right and what is wrong. If you’ve watched or listened to Trump for any length of time — half a minute should be enough — you know that he checks every box.

It’s Worth Saying Again:

Republicans blocking Ukraine aid to placate Trump, so he can placate Putin, is as vile, abhorrent, and reprehensible as political behavior can get. The enormity of it should sink in.

Republicans blocking Ukraine aid

Republicans blocking Ukraine aid to placate Trump, so Trump can placate Putin, is as vile, abhorrent, and reprehensible as political behavior can get.

Responding to Trump

Headline: “Trump brags about efforts to stymie border talks: ‘Please blame it on me’”

I hope the Media will oblige him by blaming him, and that voters will blame him en masse at the Polls. I know that History will blame him as a malevolent force unleashed upon the world.

All that Matters

Headline: “Biden willing to shut southern border to help
secure funding for Ukraine”

It’s nothing less than the crime of extortion for Republicans to insist that Biden must accede to their demands on border policy as a condition of continuing to aid Ukraine in defending itself against Russia. Preventing Putin from rolling over Ukraine is so important, not only to Ukraine but also to the Western alliance and our national security interests, that Biden is willing to give Republicans everything they want to secure their cooperation. It turns out that this is not good enough. Republicans have decided that they won’t take “yes” for an answer because Trump doesn’t want them to. The trouble is that what is good for America would be good for Biden, and what is good for Biden would be bad for Trump; whereas what’s bad for Biden would be good for Trump, and that’s all that matters.

The Verdict

The 83 million in damages verdict of jurors in the second
E. Jean Carroll defamation trial was an upbeat event, not only
because Trump was administered a strong dose of reality, but
also because it demonstrated how most people react to him when he’s up close and personal. He’ll be increasingly up close and personal to a lot of people during the months ahead, inspiring a lot more revulsion than fawning praise.

Republican Priorities

Headline: “Talks over Ukraine aid, border deal are on the rocks after Trump comments.” Trump wants things to go badly for the United States this year. The worse the better. Anything that makes Biden look bad improves the odds that Trump will beat him in the election. Congressional Republicans were on the verge of cementing a deal with Democrats, who had made extraordinary concessions to Republicans in order to secure aid for Ukraine, but Trump told them to knock it off, and they feel they must comply. Their leader has instructed them that winning elections is more important than doing what’s right for our country and for the world. It doesn’t occur to them to resist him. They’re that kind of people.

Why So Many Republicans Are Ready to Ditch the Constitution, and accept Authoritarian Rule

Republican support comes from a number of groups with special interests. Three examples are forced birth proponents, anti-gun regulations proponents, and proponents of tax policies that favor the rich and especially the super rich.

2. Demographics have been changing so that increasing numbers of people find Democratic policies more in accord with their thinking than Republican policies.

3. Republicans are in danger of becoming the minority power in an increasingly democratic country.

4. Dominant thought among Republicans is that the only solution to this problem is to ditch the Constitution, and accept authoritarian rule.

What the American People Are Sick and Tired of

Bernie Sanders says, “The American people are sick and tired of CEOs making nearly 350 times more than their average employee,” but he’s missing the problem, which is that the American people aren’t sick and tired of how CEOs are making such obscene amounts — they’re not that well informed. They feel left out and ignored and not able to keep up and don’t know why. They think something should change. They think that maybe Trump would do better. Something’s got to change. They don’t realize that what’s needed is a much more progressive taxation and subsidy structure, something they will never get from Trump or a Republican-controlled- (or blovked-) Congress, but would be possible if Democrats controlled the White House and both branches of Congress.

Autocracy Will Accelerate the March to Plutocracy

Most people haven’t shared equitably in the nation’s wealth creation over the past few decades. The rich and super rich have gained increasingly greater political power, which has enabled them to bring about the more regressive tax and subsidy policy that is primarily responsible for the feeling of economic oppression many are experiencing. It’s the rich and especially the superrich who are feasting on an entire pride of lions’ share of the vibrant economy and stock market. If elected, Trump and his autocrat-tolerating allies won’t reverse the march to plutocracy, they will accelerate it.

A Reality and What Must Be Done About It

The noted psychiatrist Elisabeth Kubler-Ross identified the stages people go through in confronting oncoming death. The first stage is denial. Later come anger, bargaining, depression, and finally acceptance.

Every informed citizen of good will is facing the prospect of the death of American democracy at the hands of an aspiring dictator and his supporters, including virtually every power-holder in the Republican Party. The psychological reaction to this is that it can’t be happening. But it is, and denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance won’t do. Citizens of good will must vote in numbers sufficient to defeat Trump and his ilk at the polls. Otherwise, American Democracy will be dead by a year from today.

How Republicans Think:

Keep your priorities straight, guys:

We can’t make a deal with Democrats that addresses the Border problem because it would make Biden look good.”

“We have to block aid and let Putin conquer Ukraine because it will make Biden look bad.”

Money, Politics, Power, Plutocracy

The great majority of people haven’t shared equitably in the nation’s wealth creation over the past few decades. The rich and super rich have gained increasingly greater political power, which has enabled them to bring about the more regressive tax and subsidy policy that is primarily responsible for the feeling of economic oppression many are experiencing. It’s the rich and especially the superrich who are enjoying an entire pride of lions’ share of the vigorous economy and booming stock market. If elected, Trump and his allies won’t reverse course. They will be drill-masters, calling out the cadence, stepping up the pace on the march to plutocracy.

You Can Rely on Trump

A remarkable thing about Trump is that he isn’t pretending that he will be a responsible leader who will work tirelessly for the welfare of all Americans, appoint the most qualified and honorable people to federal offices, seek imaginative new ways to combat climate change, work to preserve and nourish our ecosystems so that our grandchildren and their grandchildren will inherit a peaceful, beautiful, sustainable planet, strengthen our ties with democracies abroad, and work to achieve peace, security, and justice throughout the world.

Another type of scoundrel might make a pitch like that, but, if nothing else, Trump is forthright, assuring us that he will do everything he can to turn our country into an autocracy, replace anyone not totally loyal to him with someone who is, seek revenge against his political opponents and critics, and demonstrate that his overriding goal in governing will be that of furthering his own self-interest. That’s what he promises, and that’s what he’ll deliver. You can rely on it. If that’s what you want, Trump’s your man.

Depressing Headlines of the Day

“Johnson Digs in Against Border Deal to
Unlock Ukraine Aid, Defying Biden”

“Justices Skeptical of Landmark Precedent
Underpinning Many U.S. Regulations”

Read. Be informed. Never Despair.

A.I. , Jobs, and Fairness

Headline: “IMF report: 40 percent of jobs exposed to AI.”Exposed to” doesn’t exactly mean “will be taken over by,” but it seems likely that there will be a wave of A.I.-caused job obsolescence over the next couple of decades. Imagine, for example, that Ford Motor Company suddenly needs only half as many factory and clerical workers to build just as many just as good cars. Let’s say that this advance in productivity causes profits to quadruple. What happens to these extra billions of dollars, and what happens to the, let’s say, tens of thousands of workers put out of work? Without some enlightened policy implementation, ordinary people will be financially oppressed, the rich will get much richer, and the super rich will get super richer still.


While Republicans in Iowa risked frostbite to vote for the man who would keep migrants from poisoning the blood of our country, Ukrainians were, as always, struggling to hold off Russian invaders. Republicans are choking U.S. aid A negotiated settlement is out of the question as long as there’s a chance that Trump will regain power. Biden should draw on frozen Russian assets if necessary to fund Ukrainians in defense of their country. The risk of acting is less than that of passivity.

Religious Perversion

Proclamation on the back of a man’s jacket in Iowa: “Jesus is my Savior. Trump is my President.” All it will take for there to be no hope for the world is for there to be enough religious perversion.

A System Rigged to Benefit the Rich and Powerful: an Example:

Robert Reich is tireless in compiling statistics that expose the
plutocrat-tilted character of our nation’s tax and subsidy policy. For example, he reported the other day that people making twenty million dollars a year only have social security taxes withheld for a few days before they have reached the cap, but ordinary workers have taxes withheld for the antire year. This morning, he reported that in 41 out of 50 US states, the richest one percent pay at a lower tax rate than any other income group. So it is that the rich get ever richer and the super rich get ever super richer.

Trump’s Method

Trump’s method is to repeat his lies so often and so passionately and publicize them so broadly and with such conviction that great numbers of people are persuaded that they must be true. The historian Ruth Ben-Ghiat notes that the propaganda he spews is designed to “emotionally retrain Americans to see violence as positive and even patriotic.” We can expect Trump to employ his method ever more stridently as the election approaches.

The Grand Intimidator

Last evening, Chris Hayes delivered a sampling of incidents of threats and violence perpetrated by MAGA loyalists and played clips of Trump inciting such conduct. The latest was a threat to bomb the home of the judge overseeing the fraud trial concerning the Trump Organization in New York.

There are a lot of potential thugs in this country that feel inhibited about committing criminal acts until a demagogue gives them permission to go ahead. If justice is to prevail — if American democracy is to survive — the tactics of the grand intimidator must fail.

Educating the Electorate

People of good will must work to get it across to voters what will happen to our country if Trump gets back in office. The electorate should understand that a Trump presidency wouldn’t just be blustering, snarling, and swaggering, it would be the military suppressing peaceful demonstrations, uniformed thugs arresting people and deporting them, the Justice Department prosecuting Trump’s critics and opponents, a regime in which corruption is the norm, friends are favored, foes are harassed and prosecuted, America’s leadership on the world stage ends, and, given the way Trump’s rhetoric and behavior have been trending, this would only be the beginning of the horrors that would ensue.

Will Voters Hear? Will they Listen?

Headline: “Trump warns of ‘bedlam,’ declines to rule out violence after court hearing.” At the court hearing, Trump’s lawyer argued that, as President, Trump had permanent absolute immunity from prosecution for any crime he committed or commits. Just getting this enormity across to a sizable majority of voters should be enough to ensure Trump’s defeat in upcoming election. It outweighs all other considerations. Will the news get to voters? Will they listen?

The Political Stakes

Try as hard as I can, I have trouble realizing that Republicans from top to bottom have almost unanimously chosen to be vassals to a vicious thoroughly dishonorable individual who is trying to deal a mortal blow to American democracy. Every person of good will, regardless of party or policy preferences, should do what they can to bring about Biden’s reelection. Trump’s return to office would be a tragedy of unimaginable magnitude.

The Plight of the Local Newspaper, Revisited

A few days ago, I suggested that my local newspaper might have
avoided publishing my letter to the editor because it was too
strongly worded. I was concerned because letters dated after mine
had been published, but mine hadn’t. My letter did appear yesterday.
I hadn’t realized that the dates shown when letters are printed are
the dates when they appear, not the dates when they are submitted.
I’m relieved that the editors are more liberal as to what they will
print than I had feared.

Wealth and Income Inequality.

Income and wealth inequality have passed the tipping point.The super rich don’t just have multiple houses, fancier cars, and out-sized travel and entertainment budgets; they rule the world, albeit in many countries in conjunction with authoritarian leaders. It’s long been said that “money talks.” In the case of the super rich, money controls. Robert Reich points out that “America’s billionaires are now worth $5.2 trillion dollars. If merely half of that had been taxed, these people would still be fantastically rich, and America could have brought some of it most pressing problems, like homelessness, under control.

It’s past time for military support to Israel to be conditional

The stated moral of Churchill’s history of World War II was “In War: Resolution, In Defeat: Defiance; In Victory: Magnanimity; In Peace: Goodwill”

It’s time for Israel to express Magnanimity and offer the prospect of Goodwill. It’s time for the United States to insist that the right-wing authoritarian Israeli leaders stop waging continuing death and destruction in Gaza and begin working toward permanent peace and reconciliation. Israel has taken ten eyes for an eye, and ten teeth for a tooth. That’s more than enough.

The Plight of the Local Newspaper

I sent the text of my new year’s day blog as a letter to the editor of our local paper, but they haven’t printed it even though they’ve printed letters sent after mine, including ones from distant locations.

Local and regional newspapers are vital to a healthy democracy, but that requires that the newspapers themselves are healthy — morally and financially. That’s not always easy for management fearful of being accused of being biased. In some cases, their editors may think it’s best to avoid sensitive issues, like whether American democracy will survive for another year.

Trump’s Claim of Immunity

Trump would like to have the Supreme Court declare that he is immune from prosecution for any act he committed while he was president. There is nothing in the Constitution to support such a claim. It goes against all reason and against all history. Even a court dominated by extreme right-wing justices is unlikely to accede to it. There’s no reason why it shouldn’t be dismissed as frivolous, an irresponsible imposition on the Court’s time.

This episode, yet to fully play out, reminds me of one of the few quotations I remember from a judicial opinion, that of judge, later United States Supreme Court Justice, Benjamin Cardozo. Holding the defendant liable in the case, he wrote: “A fiduciary is held to something higher than the standard of the market place.”

The President of the United States is without question a fiduciary, one whose duty is to uphold and protect and defend the Constitution and to serve the people. Trump should be held to something higher than the standard of the marketplace; yet he claims that he should be held to no standard at all. What a dreary pass we’ve come to that he enjoys so much support.

Perversity Writ Large

Trump’s standing with Republican voters rose in synch with revelations of his
apparent criminality. He became even more favored as he was indicted in various state and federal jurisdictions. Presumably his popularity with Republican voters will reach even greater heights if he is convicted. And if he is sentenced to be incarcerated, they will be eager to crown him as king.

Authoritarianism vs. Democracy

The text of the blog I posted late yesterday is that of a letter I sent to the editor of the dominant newspaper in my region. As Rachel Maddow has pointed out, once people get drawn to authoritarianism, it hardly matters who the dear leader is. Almost any bozo will do. In 2023 authoritarianism made gains in India and Israel, segued into a full-blown dictatorship in China, consolidated in Russia, reared up frighteningly in Argentina, but yielded some ground in Brazil and Poland. It was heartening to read this headline last night; “Israel’s Top Court Strikes Down Move to Curb Its Powers” The struggle continues in our own country this year, ferociously.

2024 — The Fateful Year Ahead

This new year begins with the reality facing us: The almost certain presidential nominee of one of our two major parties has no sense of public responsibility, traffics in lies, vengeance, and cruelty, and has been indicted on a total 91 felony counts in four federal and state jurisdictions. Whenever he speaks, he reveals himself to be a practiced demagogue and aspiring dictator. Claiming to be the victim is his way of victimizing others. “They are not after me,” he tells his followers. “They are after you, and I’m standing in their way.”

For tens of millions, he gives vent to frustrations, grievances, and confusions that have so preoccupied them that they don’t understand that, if he regains power, American democracy will end. The saddest thing is that Republican politicians have abandoned their moral principles to gain favor with his followers.

2024 will be a year in which, as Lincoln had occasion to say over a century and a half ago, “We shall nobly save, or meanly lose, the last best hope of earth.” 

Abandoning Ukraine, Continued

Headline: “E.U.’s own rules let Hungary…sink a $52 billion package {for Ukraine}”

There’s a real danger that Ukraine will die from a thousand cuts.

Abandoning Ukraine

The consequences of Republicans blocking continuing aid to Ukraine may be destructive in the extreme. What a tragedy for Ukraine, for our country, for the Western alliance, and for the world.

Republicans on Continuing Aid to Ukraine

This blog is on break until the first of the year, but I’m taking a break from the break to say this:

Republicans are blocking continuing aid to Ukraine until Democrats meet their demands with regard to border security legislation. This is a form of extortion, which should be abhorrent to any person of good will. It’s also a lavish Christmas present to Vladimir Putin.

Blog on Break

This blog will be on break for the rest of December. I plan to resume it on January 1.

The River, The Salmon, and the Libertarian Capitalists

I read that the 2000-mile-long Yukon River is no longer the habitat for plenteous stocks of salmon. Millions of people have been losing access to this nutritious delicious food. People with plenty of money aren’t deprived. Libertarian capitalism works for them, so they claim that over-regulation is responsible for our ills, including declining stocks of salmon.

Trump’s Method of Saying Things

Headline: “The former president declared his 2024 campaign as a ‘righteous crusade’ against ‘tyrants and villains’” Trump’s method of saying things requires little effort on his part. It requires no more than accusing others of his own invidious qualities.


The most astute Middle East experts I’m familiar with agree that Netanyahu has been a terrible leader and will be ousted from power after the Hamas war ends. Unfortunately, he has a big incentive to perpetuate the war.

The Horror in Plain View.

Headline: “Israel knew Hamas’s attack plan more than a year ago.”

They didn’t take it seriously.

Headline: “A Trump dictatorship is increasingly inevitable.”

Take it seriously.

The Basic Theme of Biden’s Campaign

There are dozens of sufficient reasons to support and vote for Joe Biden in next year’s presidential election. As to the central theme of his campaign, as Jennifer Rubin pointed out yesterday, it can be very simple: “Do not let the lunatic threatening to destroy our constitution back in power.”

That said, “lunatic,” standing alone, may be an overly neutral word. Better, I think, would be: “Do not let the deranged, malevolent, aspiring despot threatening to destroy our constitution back in power.”

Preferences of Voting Factions and What Shouldn’t Go Without Saying

I keep seeing headlines announcing various factions’s displeasure with Biden. This morning, one read: “Why Arab-Americans don’t want to vote for Biden.” Add them all up, and almost nobody wants to vote for Biden. You get the feeling that everyone will vote for his opponent.

I never see an article about how some faction wouldn’t want to vote for Trump. Nobody says they don’t want to vote for Trump. It goes without saying that you wouldn’t want to vote for a dangerous, sociopathic, swaggeringly vicious demagogue who wants to end American democracy and and replace it with his distinctively corrupt crazed brand of authoritarian rule.

It shouldn’t go without saying.

Demagogues and Fertile Ground

Rachel Maddow has pointed out that no aspiring dictator can take control of a country unless conditions are ripe for it. The populace has to be confused, frustrated, and desperate for a power-wielder who will somehow set things straight.

Plutocratic Power

Robert Reich is outstanding at pointing to statistics that underlie the malaise that infects people and renders them vulnerable to demagogic propagandizing, e.g.: “CEO pay has skyrocketed 1,209% since 1978, while typical worker pay grew by just 15%.” Money is power. More money enables accrual of more power.

The Trumpian Agenda: Truth Destruction, Word Meaning Destruction; Repetition; Truth Destruction; Repetition

Create chaos. Blame chaos on your enemies, the shameless people who are persecuting you. Only you can remedy their disastrous policies. Call them Fascists. Call them Vermin. Lie continually. Accuse them of spreading vicious lies. Accuse them of destroying democracy. Viciously attack them. Decry them for viciously attacking you. Repeat. They are Fascists. They are Communists. They are Marxists. They are Corrupt. They are so very, very corrupt. They are traitors. Shame on them. They have no shame. You are a victim, but you won’t give in. You’ll never give in. You’ll never give up fighting for the American people.

Two Outstanding Journalists and the Year Ahead

Last evening, I watched a rebroadcast of Chris Hayes’s recent interview of Rachael Maddow before an audience at Town Hall, in New York. The subject was our country’s vulnerability to falling under authoritarian rule, which is also the subject of Maddow’s new book, Prequel. Maddow warned that 2024 will be a weird and hard year. and that if it doesn’t go well, every year after that for the foreseeable future will be a weird and hard year.

Do American Youths Have a Sense of Proportion?

Headline: “Biden’s resistance to cease-fire could alienate youth voters in 2024” “Alienate”? That sounds like youth voters wouldn’t just disagree with Biden on this, or be disappointed that he hasn’t acted as they wish he had, but that they would turn against him. What would that entail? Not voting, or voting for Trump? Are American youths really so extreme or stupid that they will act the way the headline implies? Are they so lacking in a sense of proportion that “Biden’s resistance to a cease-fire” would be enough to switch their support to the swaggering sociopathic aspiring dictator who haa been indicted on 91 felony counts in four federal and state jurisdictions?

We Don’t Want Nothing To Be Thankful for a Year from Now.

It’s critical that all people of good will, and especially the media, get across to everyone who doesn’t understand it already that Trump is a deranged vicious sociopath who should be soundly defeated at every turn and afforded no special privilege in judicial proceedings. Examples would fill volumes. He recently vowed to investigate NBC an MSNBC for “treason” and warned of “death and destruction” if he is convicted of crimes.

The Bad News Keeps Piling In, Cont.

I think the pervasive feeling of unease in this country has a lot to do with the unfavorable ratio of bad news to good news. I picked off the following headlines from online breaking news:

Federal judges overturn Md. handgun licensing law.

Oil spill tops 1 million gallons, threatens Gulf of Mexico wildlife.

A growing global footprint for China’s space program worries Pentagon.

Dean Phillips supporters launch ads attacking Biden’s electability.

There was one good news item. (Take what you can get, I guess): “Costa Rica’s coast guard rescues hundreds of sea turtle eggs.”

The Bad News Keeps Piling In

Last evening on her MSNBC show, Rachael Maddow detailed the apparent transition of the dominant Hispanic media company, Univision, from a responsible journalistic enterprise into a pro-Trump propaganda outlet. One can only darkly speculate as to how and why this happened. It’s a disturbing development.

A Distant Mirror

A man just won the presidential election in Argentina who is an absolute madman, eerily like Trump. It’s a tragic event for Argentina and an ominous one for the U.S. Voters were frustrated with inflation and economic problems and susceptible to a wild man who promised to shake things up. Trump, of course, was delighted, and congratulated this fellow, saying he would make Argentina great again.

I’m reminded of the the title of the historian Barbars Tuchman’s book: The Fourteenth Century: A Distant Mirror.

The State of the Nation and the Communications Gap

It’s glaringly obvious that Trump is a dangerous sociopath. That there’s a frightening chance that he might win the presidential election next year seems inexplicable. Robert Reich offers clues to this phenomenon in a recent Facebook posting. The economy is doing fine, but the rise of wealth inequality has increasingly disadvantaged most families relative to their economic status decades ago. Housing prices and mortgage interest rates have risen so much in relation to incomes that young families can’t afford to buy homes. The American dream is slipping away. Republicans — Trumpians — claim that this is Biden’s fault, and that Trump would fix it. It doesn’t matter that the problem issues from Republican-driven plutocratic-friendly tax, subsidy, and regulatory policy and that Trump wouldn’t fix it. Millions will vote for Republicans because Republicans are better at propagandizing than Biden is at getting across what’s happened in this country and what tragic consequences would ensue if Trump returns to the White House.

Trump’s Designs Unmasked

Now that Trump has removed any last scrap of doubt that he will be unrestrained in setting up a fascist dictatorship if he returns to the White House, to quote Washington Post opinion writer Jennifer Rubin; “responsible media outlets now have an obligation to blanket the airwaves with coverage of Trump’s designs.”

Trump’s Way, Continued

Trump: “We pledge to you that we will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country that lie and steal and cheat on elections.”

It is darkly fascinating that Trump is making no pretense that he would behave responsibly if elected; that he would adhere to the Constitution and work to further the best interests of all Americans; that he would seek capable, dedicated, honorable people to serve in his cabinet, the judiciary, and in other offices; and that, echoing Lincoln, he would serve with malice toward none, charity for all.

Making lofty, inspiring, noble promises is not Trump’s way. His way is swaggering viciousness. Unless an astonishing number of voters have eyes but do not see and ears but do not hear, he will not be elected president.

Trump’s Way

Trump: “We pledge to you that we will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country that lie and steal and cheat on elections.”

It is darkly fascinating that Trump is making no pretense that he would behave responsibly if elected; that he would adhere to the Constitution and work to further the best interests of all Americans; that he would seek capable, dedicated, honorable people to serve in his cabinet, the judiciary, and in other offices; and that, echoing Lincoln, he would serve with charity for all and malice toward none.

Making lofty, inspiring, noble promises is not Trump’s way. His way is snarling swaggering viciousness. Unless an astonishing number of voters have eyes but do not see and ears but do not hear, he will not be elected president.

Speaker Johnson’s Character is on Display

I saw a TV clip this morning of House Speaker Mike Johnson endorsing Trump for president, once again demonstating his moral unfitness.

Utter Depravity

Hamas — the heavily armed rulers of Gaza — exhibited an example of utter depravity that will live in history in waging war on Israel with full understanding that the almost certain consequence of doing so would be to bring about massive death, devastation, and suffering upon their own people.

Honest Mike

MIke Johnson, the new Speaker of the House, contrary to his oath of office, has honestly admitted that he will uphold and defend and be guided by the Bible rather than the Constitution and laws of the United States. Since there’s a great multiplicity of ways of interpreting passages of the Bible, Johnson is in effect saying that he will be guided by — do whatever — he damn well wants.

Honest Don

Headline: “Trump says on Univision he could weaponize FBI, DOJ against his enemies” You could almost call it a virtue of Trump: announcing that he wants to convert the U.S. form of government into a fascist dictatorship. The usual criteria in a Presidential election are secondary. The 2024 election is primarily a referendum: Do you want the U.S. to continue to be a constitutional democracy or convert it into a fascisst dictatorship?

Defective Thinkers

Senseless, reckless, irresponsible, hubristic, narcissistic, (and add a few congenial adjectives of your own selection from a dictionary of synonyms) describes the third party, fourth party, fifth party, and sixth party presidential runs of Jill Stein (Green Party), Joe Lieberman (organizer of the “No Labels” Party – candidate to be selected); Robert F Kennedy Jr. (Vaccines are Bad for You Party), and Cornel West (Syphon off Votes from Biden Party)

The Great Challenge of Our Time

According to Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin — and I think it’s obvious that she’s right — the great challenge of our time is “reintegrating millions of Americans into reality-based, pro-democracy politics.” Tuesday’s elections suggest that this process may have begun.

Support for Ukraine

Reluctance to continuing to support Ukraine, typified by the glaringly wrong-on-every-issue new Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, is directly contrary to U.S. strategic interests and elementary moral principles. Negotiating an end of the Ukraine – Russia war has zero chance of progress, much less success, while Putin thinks Trump has a fair chance of becoming the U.S. president. We must not falter in supporting Ukraine.

The 2024 Election Is Just a Year Away

According to a recent reputable poll, Trump is leading Biden in five of six key swing states. The dynamics of this race have to change if democracy is to survive. That should be possible, as Trump’s swaggering viciousness becomes increasingly on display.

Whatever You Can

New York Times online headline: “Poll finds Trump leading Biden in
5 key states.” What a way to start the day. As if there weren’t enough bad news to be found everywhere you look. What can you do when the unthinkable becomes normal? Answer: Whatever you can and refuse to become cynical or succumb to despair.

Israel’s Dilemma

Israel’s Dilemma isn’t so much that Hamas is holding a few hundred Israelis as hostages. It’s that Hamas is holding two million Palestinians as hostages and that Hamas fighters, weapons, and ammunition are embedded in the civilian population, so it’s not possible for Israel to destroy Hamas without destroying so many Palestinians that not only Arab populations but world opinion views Israel as the guilty party rather than Hamas, even though Hamas ignited the war by launching a vicious surprise attack on Israel. Israel would have done better to have spoken not just of Israeli hostages, but also of the two million Palestinian hostages, and tried to turn Palestinian sentiment against Hamas.

The Man Who Is Even More Repulisve than Trump, Concluded

Trump would be nothing without people like the new Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, who have chosen to embrace the Trumpian agenda to advance their careers, as they see it. Johnson is determined to withdraw U.S.support for Ukraine, exactly what Trump wants and exactly what Putin wants. Johnson unreservedly supports authoritarian brutalists in their great confrontations with liberal democratic societies. To borrow the title of the final book written by the late journalist Tony Judt, ill fares the land.

The Man Who Is Even More Repulisve than Trump, Continued

The new Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, thinks that underfunding the IRS — hampering its efforts to audit and collect taxes from rich tax cheats — is so vitally important that he coupled it with an aid-to-Israel bill. Chris Hayes described this stunt as a caricature of MAGA behavior. And so it is: so crude, so wrongheaded, and so ill-portending as to defy analysis. It’s what might be expected from the spotlessly groomed, courteous, soft-spoken man who is even more repulsive than Trump.

The Man Who Is Even More Repulsive than Trump

It’s the new Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, who has been rightly called the most important architect of Congressional efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election. Trump’s repulsiveness is openly displayed. It is manifest in his facial expressions, his writings, his utterances, his hair, his body language, and (to borrow a phrase coined by Jill Lapore) his swaggering viciousness.

Mike Johnson’s repulsiveness exceeds Trump’s repulsiveness because it is hidden. Johnson’s abhorrent nature and authoritarian ambition is cloaked with Christian piety and rectitude. He is the most clean-cut looking member of Congress, yet the most dangerous.


Headline: “Israel’s massive democracy movement turns its focus to war.”

What a relief for Netanyahu.

A Smart Way for Israel to Wage the War with Hamas

To my surprise, I found myself in agreement with the plan of a former Israeli prime minister, as related to Bret Stephens and set forth in his New York Times column today. I won’t try to summarize it here — it’s worth reading. I’ll just say that it involves Israel establishing a security strip on the Hamas side of the border and severing northern Gaza from southern Gaza. It’s sensitive to humanitarian concerns for Gazan civilians, and there’s no way Hamas could claim that it’s aggression paid off.

The Election of a New Speaker: A Glaring Snapshot of American Democracy at Bay

Headline: “Representative Mike Johnson played a leading role in the effort to overturn the 2020 election.” Yet every Republican member of the House of Representatives voted to elect this man Speaker of the House. The radically anti-democratic aspiring fascist autocrat-supporting character of the Republican Party has never been so brilliantly illuminated. Our national agony seems destined to intensify during the coming year.

Notes from Surreal Land

It’s surreal that the Republican-controlled House of Representatives can’t elect a Speaker who isn’t approved by a sociopath facing 91 felony counts in criminal proceedingsin four federal and state jurisdictions and is stopping at nothing in his efforts to become the dictator of the United States. It’s surreal, but tragically has real consequences.

What Israel Should Do

Instead of conflating the Palestinian people in Gaza with Hamas, Israel should be trying to drive a wedge between them. I get the impression that by now Israel has inflicted more than twice as much death, destruction, and suffering on Gazans than Hamas has inflicted on Israel. Rather than perpetuate, intensify, and thereby promote the revenge and death spiral, Israel should declare the war to be over and take magnanimous steps and show good will toward Palestinians, at the same time warning Hamas that resumed attacks on Israel will met with at least twice as much death and destruction in return.

“The hour is late”

writes Tom Friedman in a New York Times column this morning laying out how extremely dangerous the situation is with extremist rage ruling decision making in all quarters in an arena of widening enmities spawned by the confrontation between Israel and Hamas. There seems to be little hope that what must be done will be done.


There’s so much heartbreak in Israel and Gaza. There was no way it would be possible for Bibi Netanyahu, Israel’s Trumpian type prime minister, to rise above the knee-jerk reaction of wanting to wipe out Hamas, which cannot be accomplished without wiping out much of the population of Gaza. So much death and destruction has been wrought that most people on both sides are seeking revenge. The more revenge, the more heartbreak. A terrible chain reaction is in process.

Hate and Its Mutant Form — Violence

Headline: “Ken Buck, (R) Colorado, says he has received four death threats.” Buck is a solid right-wing Republican Congressman, but he deserves execution for failing to follow orders from a would-be Fuhrer to vote for Jim Jordan for Speaker of the House. Hate seems to be more infectious than Covid. The virus escaped from the mouths of Donald Trump, Steven Bannon, Fox News hosts, strident right-wing radio talk show hosts, and many others. It’s now more widespread than ever, and known to mutate into violence.

The Gaza Hospital Explosion

The hospital explosion in Gaza that killed hundreds enormously complicates the Hamas-Israel war. Nothing will convince militant Islamists that this horrendous event was Israel’s doing, even though it would have been madness — utterly against Israel’s own interest — to have instigated such an attack. More than ever, Israel needs to surprise the world with a dramatic peace initiative, without, however, casting doubt on its determination to deter future aggression.

Today is One of those Fateful Days

The Repbulican-controlled House of Representatives will try to elect a Speaker of the House today. It will be a grim turn of events if there aren’t enough Republican defenders of American democracy (only four or five are needed, I believe) to defeat the proto-fascist, Trump loyalist, leading candidate, Jim Jordan.

What Israel Should Do Now, Continued

I’m glad that President Biden, as well as New York Times veteran Middle East expert Tom Friedman agree with me. Israel should not invade Gaza. Netanyahu should resign. Israel should adopt a new imaginative policy rather than react in a knee-jerk dumb-headed way that would be profoundly contrary to Israel’s interests and to everyone else’s interests except those of religious fanatics, predatory autocrats, and their admirers and emulators.

What I Think Israel Should Do Now

Israel seems to be fixated on gaining total victory in the war with Hamas. They can achieve this, albeit at terrible and horrifying cost, especially to people situate in the Gaza strip. The long-term repercussions from carrying out this policy wiould be unimaginably disastrous. I think that once Israel has inflicted on the people of the Gaza strip twice as much death, destruction, and suffering as it incurred in Hamas’s surprise attack and in the following days — something that has probably already happened — Israel should declare the war over, except for vigorous self-defense and counter attacks as needed, and adopt a new policy of seeking peace, comity, and tolerance with its neighbors, accompanied by getting the message to the world, and particularly to every Palestinian in the Gaza strip, that Israel seeks peace and friendship with Palestinians, but that any death, destruction, and suffering inflicted on Israel by Hamas will be met with twice as much death, destruction, and suffering inflicted in return. Palestinians in the Gaza strip must understand that they have nothing to fear from Israel, and that every attack by Hamas on Israel amounts to being a worse attack by Hamas on its own people.

The Speaker of the House Problem, Continued

The leading candidate to be Speaker of the House is Representative Jim Jordan, a man who is on the same moral plane (the bottom one) as Donald Trump. Thankfully, it appears that enough Republican representatives can’t stomach him, as can no Democrat, so that Jordan will not be elected as Speaker. Now is the time for a half dozen — all it would take — responsible Republican members of the House to make a deal with the Democrats as to who will assume the Speakership. Since Republicans comprise a majority in the House, let the Speaker be a responsible Republican, one of the kind most of them used to be. The questions remain, though, are there enough of them? Are there any?

The Speaker of the House Problem

Republicans control the House of Representatives, but they haven’t been able to agree among themselves as to whom they should elect as Speaker. Given the critical position of the Speaker in our political system, this is an unprecedented disaster. Congress is paralyzed. Our country is humiliated. The situation could be almost instantly reversed if only five or six Republican members of the House united with Democrats to choose a Speaker. One of these responsible Republicans could be the new Speaker.

These Republicans who chose Country over Party would incur the wrath of Republicans who boost or tolerate Trump and his like. That is to say that they would be heroes. If such a handful of responsible Republican members of the House can’t be found, prospects for our country are grimmer than they appear to be.

Hamas’s War on Israel: Hostages

The central problem is that Hamas is holding two million
civilian Palestinian people living in the Gaza strip as hostages.
I don’t see how Israel can wipe out Hamas without wiping out
an unthinkable number of innocent people.

Hamas’s War on Israel

New York Times Middle East expert Tom Friedman had a column yesterday that hit a lot of nails on their heads.

Netanyahu, an aspiring autocrat, has courted Israeli extremists to protect himself from criminal prosecution and stay in power.

2. Netanyahu has practiced apartheid and bullied Palestinians living in the West Bank

3. Israel’s disarray and unpreparedness for Hamas’s attack is to a large degree a consequence of Netanyahu’s behavior in these respects.

3. Israel and Saudi Arabia, with the encouragement of the U.S., have been working toward a rapprochement and normalization of their relationship.

4. Extremists enemies of Israel — Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran —are revolted and infuriated by this development.

5. It appears that the only way that Hamas thought that it could stop this from happening would be to launch last weekend’s horrific attack on Israel. There was, of course, no chance that Hamas could conquer Israel or prevail against it. Their purpose was to provoke Israel into massive retaliation, inflicting so much death and suffering upon Palestinian civilians that sympathy for Israel would turn into hostility, and the chances for a rapprochement would evaporate into thin air.

6. Hamas is led by people who are willing to bring about mass pain and suffering on their compatriots to achieve their nihilistic goal.

7. Netanyahu would serve everyone’s interest by pursuing an enlightened and civil policy toward Palestinians living in the West Bank, working to strengthen, rather than undermine, Israel’s democratic institutions, exercising forbearance in retaliating against Hamas, and pursuing rapprochement with Saudi Arabia.

8. Given Netanyahu’s record and his rhetoric, it’s more likely that he will play into Hamas’s hands and do just what they want him to.

The Nihilist Creed

In carrying out their horrific attack on Israel, Hamas leaders must have felt satisfaction in wielding vengeance. In ignoring that, as a consequence, massive suffering and death would be inflicted on their own people, they showed that they possess not a scrap of moral purpose. Death and destruction is their source of satisfaction. Pure nihilism is their creed.

Trump Tolerators:

Memo to Republican members of Congress and all others are who aren’t among the tens of millions of deluded people who lack access outside a bubble of ignorance and misinformation: Failing to publicly denounce Trump is morally indefensible.

The Speaker of the House Problem Solution

Take whatever the number is — about five, I think — honorable House Republicans and add the entire Democratic caucus, thereby forming a majority of members of the House, and elect one of the honorable Republicans Speaker on his or her promise to carry out the functions of his office in a responsible, honorable, competent way. The vast majority of the other House Republicans would condemn, ostracize, and “primary” their “traitorous” colleagues, but the institution of Congress and American Democracy would be saved. The honorable Republicans would be hailed as heroes by all people of good will. Some might lose their Congressional seats in primary contests, but they would all have gained a lot more than they lost.
Question: Are there enough honorable Republicans in the House for this to happen?

Ukraine / Putin / Trump

The case for supporting Ukraine’s resistance to Russian aggression is overwhelming. Why are so many Republicans intent on blocking funds for this cause? Apparently, they hold this position because Trump does, and to maintain support from MAGA cult voters, they have to do Trump’s bidding. Trump favors cutting off aid to Ukraine because he wants to stay in Putin’s good graces. Putin helped Trump win the 2016 election, and it’s certain he’ll do what he can to help Trump win in 2024. Trump is an aspiring dictator. Putin is his role model. Republicans impeding U.S. efforts to support Ukraine have volunteered to be their servants.

The Shutdown Specter

As I understand it, the 45-day extension of funding the government ends on November 17th. Given the total disarray of the Republican House caucus and the lack of any prospect of a new Speaker of the House being elected, it’s hard to see how a shutdown won’t occur next month.

The Foolhardiness (or Iniquity) of Trump Supporters

Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin says it well; If Trump wins next year’s election, we’ll have an “unhinged, vengeful, incoherent, dangerous neo-fascist president.”

The Government Stumbles On

The government won’t shut down for at least 45 days. This is cause for some measure of relief, but not for joy. Authorization for an aid package for Ukraine was omitted. Several senators from both parties have promised to work to retain it, a commitment that doesn’t rise to the level of being reassuring. The fate of the world is vulnerable to the tyranny of a minority of nihilists, including ones in the Congress of the Untied States.

America’s Tragic Problem

Trump is the noxious core of America’s tragic problem, but he would be reduced to being just another serial criminal if the problem didn’t dwarf him in its scope. As Mitt Romney told Romney’s biographer, McKay Coppins: ”A very large portion of my party really doesn’t believe in the Constitution.” For the Republican Party to once again be responsible and honorable would likely require repeated overwhelming electoral defeats followed by its reconstitution by people committed to far higher standards than those adhered to by the Trump cult.


Do Republican members of Congress who prefer to follow the bidding of the disgraced aspiring authoritarian former president charged with 91 felony counts in four federal and state criminal proceedings rather than their duty to our country realize that Vladimir Putin will not only be raising a glass of champagne to toast them when the government of the United States shuts down; he’ll also be laughing at what fools they are.

Last Night’s Republican Candidates Debate

Once again the contestants made clear that they are unfit to run for the Republican nomination by failing to denounce Trump as a vicious aspiring autocrat whose return to the White House would end American Democracy and subject our country to Fascist rule.

The Root of a Lot of Problems

Lack of public understanding that wealth and income inequality underlie some of the biggest problems in the world. The upsurge in labor strikes this year suggests that this may be beginning to change. I hope so. Robert Reich gets the point across in a Facebook post: “The richest 1% took home nearly twice as much wealth as the rest of the world put together over the past two years.” I wish he had a larger audience.

The U. S. Presidential Election and the Ukraine War

It’s revealing about how desperately sick America is that Trump and Biden appear to be running neck and neck in the polls. Much is uncertain, but one thing that is certain is that there is no chance of a negotiated end to Russia’s war on Ukraine as long as Putin thinks that Trump might become president in January 2025. That would be Putin’s dream come true and a mortal blow to Ukraine.

Trump’s Way

Intimidation backed by violence at the right place and the right time. That’s the way of Trump and his allies. Deluded and aggrieved men and women with thuggish instincts are drawn to him like little bullies who gather in the wake of the big bully on the playground, admiring his swaggering viciousness* and eager to jab and taunt on their own. The only way to deal with Trump is to keep the wheels of justice grinding, and never slacken or back off.

* a description of a type of behavior for which I’m
indebted to Jill Lapore

Shut Down

Headline: “The Wrecking-Ball Caucus: How the Far Right Brought Washington to Its Knees.” A government shutdown is bad for both factions, but one faction may cause the government to shut down to induce the opposing faction to make further concessions. That’s the inefficient and irresponsible way it used to work. The present situation is much worse. The faction that’s inducing the government shutdown (far right-wing extremist Republicans) isn’t interested in getting the other faction to make further concessions. They can get their way without them because their way is nihilism.


The indictment of Democratic Senator Robert Menendez for bribery and corruption came close to being the saddest event of the week.* The damning details in the indictment make one wonder anew what drives some public servants who have had great success and luck in life to debase themselves, betray their constituents, damage their political party, and leave an ugly stain in their wake.

*The saddest was House Republican Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s refusal to allow Ukraine President Zelensky to address the House of Representatives.

Call It What It Is

The Republican-controlled House of Representatives is poised to shut down the government for no reason other than spite and presumed political advantage. In the interests of transparency and truth-telling, the Republican Party should be called the Nihilist Party.

Republicans Aren’t Conservatives

That truth should sink in. As Washington Post opinion writer Jennifer Rubin has repeatedly pointed out, neo-fascist movements relying on widespread lies and conspiracies, demonization of minorities, repression of women, defense of lawlessness, and use of violence as an acceptable political tool is not conservative.

The Likely Deciding Factor of the 2024 Presidential Election

Trump made a speech aligning himself with striking auto workers. The outcome of the 2024 election seems likely turn on how many people can be conned.

Fascism’s Faithful Partner

Senator Mitt Romney’s disclosures that he spends about two million dollars a year providing security for himself and his family and that some Republican senators admitted that they voted against impeaching Trump only because they feared for their safety and that of their families, together with countless other reports of intimidation, threats, and harm inflicted on individuals who fail to put loyalty to Trump ahead of their civic and Constitutional duties, are revelatory of the ferociousness of the Fascist assault on American democracy. Thugism is Fascism’s faithful partner.


New York Times veteran foreign observer Thomas Friedman had a lengthy column yesterday stating his conclusions after a three-day visit to Ukraine. Friedman underscores that Putin is the personification of evil. My impression after reading this article and from other sources is that the outcome of the war is uncertain, but that certain things should be clear to the West:

1. Putin will continue to try to brutalize Ukraine into submission. He is likely in hopeful frame of mind, given recent military deals with Iran and North Korea.

2. We should supply Ukraine with all the weapons, equipment, training, and backup it needs as fast as possible. Concessions may be required to achieve peace, but what must never be conceded is Ukraine’s right as a sovereign nation to gain NATO’s guaranteed protection and freedom to join or align itself with NATO and the EU.

What’s Needed in the House of Representatives

I remember when the Marines had the clever recruiting slogan: “A Few Good Men.” What’s needed now in the House of Representatives is a few good Republicans — representatives who are willing to shun the Party’s policy of promoting chaos and support Democrats in preventing a government shutdown and continuing robust support of Ukraine in that country’s continuing fight to defend itself from Russian aggression.

Inequality and Demagoguery

Robert Reich points out: “The upward redistribution of wealth over the past 40 years has shifted $50 trillion from the bottom 90% to the top 1%.” No wonder so many Americans feel resentful, ignored, shunned, and desperate, and that somehow Trump, or DeSantis, or some other demagogue will set things right.

Averting Government Shutdown

Republicans control of the House by only a four-vote margin. Are there a handful of Republicans who could defy the MAGA cult that controls Republican Party and unite with Democrats to avert the looming shutdown? Maybe we’ll find out.The basic problem seems to be that Republican strategy is to create chaos and blame it on Biden. They’re doing pretty well at it.

The Nature of the Great Divide

On his MSNBC news show last evening, Chris Hayes exhibited a chart showing the percent of children in America living in poverty. It showed how child poverty was reduced from almost 20% to 5% by 2020 thanks to the child tax credit. When because of opposition of every Republican senator and Democratic senator Joe Manchin, this provision was not renewed when it expired in that year, child poverty more than doubled. As Hayes’s guest, Senator Cory Booker, noted, failure to renew the credit is a “moral obscenity.” This is particularly true in the context of the Trump tax cuts and tax breaks for corporations and the rich, and especially for the super rich, which have had a far greater impact on the deficit.

There is a great divide in this country, not between “conservatives” and “liberals,” but between people who are cynical, stingy, and greedy and people who care about the common good.

Thoughts That Come to Mind after Reading Dismaying Headlines

I see so many dismaying headlines these days, .e.g. “China Uses A.I. to Spread Lies about U.S. Fire;” “Kim pledges to back Putin’s ‘sacred struggle.’” We have so many serious problems in the world, yet House Speaker Kevin McCarthy acquiesces to the demands of the MAGA cult faction of his party, sanctioning impeachment inquiries of President Biden despite lack of a shred of evidence that he has committed “high crimes or misdemeanors.” Bad actors threaten democracy and threaten humankind abroad and at home.

Whale Talk

I much enjoyed Elizabeth Kolbert’s Sept. 11 New Yorker article on attempts to decode whale communication. The history of attempts to communicate with animals and understand what they are communicating among themselves is mostly one of hype and failure, but the scientists studying a population of sperm whales near the island of Dominica, in the Caribbean, may be on to something. If they can build up a big enough data base of the patterns of sounds these creatures make, coupled with the circumstances in which they make them, artificial intelligence may enable us to make sense of what they are saying. Some form of meaningful human-whale dialog may be possible.

A Matter of Equitable Redistribution

I read that there’s about $300 billion in Russian central-bank assets frozen in Western accounts. There’s only one proper destination for these funds: supporting and reconstructing Ukraine.

The Ecological Downspiral

Every week, it seems, I read an ecological horror story —a report of a trend that could doom humanity if it continues. This week the science magazine Nature reported that the world’s oceans have become 30% more acidic during the industrial era, that low-oxygen “dead” zones in the oceans have almost quadrupled since 1960, and that the amount of plastics in the oceans is approaching 150 million tons. Not mentioned were rising ocean temperatures. Human multi-national, fractured, distracted, cross-purposed political, economic, and militarily-aligned entities seem incapable of dealing with the ecological downspiral.

The Battle

I hope Robert Reich has a growing audience. He is one of the wisest and most knowledgeable commentators on public affairs. In his current series of lectures he addresses that most vexing of questions: Why have so many Americans succumbed to Trumpism? The answer is that Trump and his like-minded power-seekers have successfully held themselves out as fellow-victims and saviors of millions of people of people who feel mistreated, bullied, and confounded by “the system.” Trumpists, including scores of prominent Republican politicians, have adopted classic fascist techniques in their attempt to assert authoritarian control over our country. They will tell you, as will the good people who oppose them, that we are in a battle for the soul of our country.

Income and Wealth Inequality

This is a theme I come back to from time to time because it’s at the heart of much that’s wrong with the world. Robert Reich has been in the forefront of getting this point across. In recent post, he documented the good that can come from combatting the trend toward plutocracy and oligarchy that proceeds unabated across the globe: By passing a capital gain tax aimed at the rich, Washington State has raised nearly 850 million dollars. All of it will go toward child care, early learning programs, and school construction, and, as Reich says, “The rich are still doing fine.”

The New Demagogue on the Street

Vivek Ramaswamy, a rising star in the Republican presidential race. He seemed to have come out of nowhere. He is smarter and much younger than Trump and willing to say anything that will appeal to the Trump cult. He is no less demagogic than Trump. He styles himself as Trump’s heir apparent. His arrogance and contempt for truth and for democracy are manifest. He’s a highly transmissible variant of the Trump virus, which, like the Covid virus, keeps spawning iterations of itself, and we don’t know if we’ll ever be rid of it.

Day after Labor Day Impressions

Headlines: The Bad News about U.S. schools just keeps coming. The Federal Government’s deficit this year is much higher than expected. All over the world, invasive species are threatening society. A new era of climate-linked pathogens threatens humanity. Putin and Kim Jong Un plan to meet in Russia (We crazed nuclear-armed brutal dictators have to stick together in these troubling times). Summer is over. It’s important to maintain a healthy, optimistic, realistic, magnanimous attitude.

Surreal Land, continued

Headline that appeared when I turned on the TV this evening: “Trump vows to jail political opponents, if elected.” That is to say, “I’m running on a platform of intent to overthrow the government of the United States and be a ruthless dictator in the style of Putin.” This isn’t like an elephant in the room. It’s like a whale in the bathtub.

Surreal Land, continued

Headline that appeared when I turned on the TV this morning: “Wall Street Journal Poll says Trump and Biden tied.” Something is terribly wrong either with this poll or with this country, or both.

Surreal Land

Trump, with ninety-one felony counts against him in four separate criminal proceedings is the leading presidential candidate of the Republican Party. This is surreal, and it’s surreal that the media has treated this cornucopia of felony counts against Trump as being among factors that may help or may harm him. Trump is obviously unfit for office, and so is any Republican candidate who pledges to support him if he is the nominee. This is among the truths that would be self-evident to nearly every sane person of good will everywhere but in surreal land.

The Future: A.I. / Incomes / Work / Equableness

Experts say it could happen: In thirty years or so, A.I. will be able to perform most of the work now done by humans, including that done by highly skilled humans employing the most advanced technology.

This may happen: A.I. will do most work more efficiently and at much less cost. The increase in productivity (the ratio of output to human labor) will be exponential. Most jobs will be eliminated. A.I machines get nearly all the work done at trivial cost. They could be like an enormous army of slaves that do all the work, but there’s nothing immoral about it because they are not sentient beings. They are still machines. Will this result in a utopian society, or one controlled by handfuls of super-oligarchs accompanied by rampant poverty, or some mess in between? Let’s hope that concern for equableness and the common good win out


I still feel that the only route to peace in Ukraine is to concede enough to Putin so that he won’t be so humiliated that he develops a desperate escalate-even-if-it-means-suicide state of mind. Any such peace agreement must provide that any renewed aggression on the part of Russia will be met with the full force of NATO regardless of whether Ukraine is a member of NATO or not. NATO nations must put teeth in any such agreement by preparing for conflict to a degree that would leave no doubt in Putin’s mind as to NATO’s military superiority and its resolve to carry through on its commitment.

The Coming Water Crises

“America is using up water like there’s no tomorrow.” This is the headline of a comprehensive article in yesterday’s online New York Times. Imagine someone who spends a lot more than he makes each year, but makes up the shortfall by withdrawing a big chunk of money from his bank account. That’s what America has been doing with water, the bank account being natural underground reservoirs (aquifers) that accumulated water over thousands of years.

This is a bigger problem than the nation’s thirty-one trillion dollar national debt. The government can borrow or print money, but it can’t borrow or print water. Major water crises lie ahead. “In some places, the aquifer has fallen to less than 10 percent of capacity, the Arkansas Department of State warned this year. Arkansas produces roughly half the nation’s rice, a water-intensive crop.”

Humans are smarter than other animals, but not smart enough to plan far ahead.

Helping Ukraine

In a Washington Post column yesterday, military and foreign policy expert Max Boot argues that Biden has been overly cautious about providing Ukraine with advanced weapons and assistance. What’s been holding Biden back is fear that if the U.S. inserts itself too forcefully in the war, Putin, out of desperation, will escalate it by using tactical nuclear weapons: the risk of direct confrontation and dangerous further escalation is too great to take. U.S. policy is to turn the heat up on Putin, but not so fast that, like the proverbial frog, he jumps out of the pot (resorts to Nukes.) It’s presumptuous for armchair strategists without access to all available intelligence to judge to what degree, if any, Boot is right.

A related problem is that Putin might like nothing better than for the West to carry out significant military operations on Russian soil. That would play into his propaganda theme that Russia is fighting for survival against the imperial West. I think that there should be no holding back in supporting Ukraine in defense of its own territory, but attacks inside Russia should be undertaken with the utmost caution. This is not a highly efficient way to conduct warfare, but it’s keyed to realities.

News Articles

I read several articles a day. Many of them are interesting and enlightening. A lot of them have intriguing titles but turn out to be what I think are called “nothing burgers.” An article I skimmed through today left me thinking, “Huh?” It was by a psychoanalyst and was titled “The Case Against Being a Good Person.” A lot of her patients feel shame, apparently because they’ve been inundated with admonitions and instructions that got them mired down fearing that they aren’t a good person. Stop obsessing about such things and do what you want to is the message I took away from this professional counselor. In my view, she should tell her patients that if they fear that they aren’t a good person, they should try being one. The Dalai Lama knows: Being a good person promotes your happiness as well as that of others. Another article I read today was ironically uplifting. It was by a woman who has terminal cancer. She is destined to die in what should be mid-life, but she appears to have had more than a full life’s worth of living, and she appreciates living a lot more than she fears dying. Bravo!, I thought. I look forward to each day’s new articles and wish I had time to read more.

“War and Peace” Book Note (concluded)

Tolstoy understood Napoleon better than most of the characters he created in War and Peace: “{Napoleon} could not disavow his own acts, which were lauded by half the world, and so he was forced to disavow truth and goodness and everything human.” Reproduced in the book is a letter Napoleon sent from St. Helena —a fine example of self-justification and lamentation as to what Europe had lost by failing to elevate him to universally appreciated supremacy.

Some of what Tolstoy said about Napoleon would be an apt characterization of Donald Trump: “To his mind, all he did was good, not because it was in harmony with any preconceived notion of good or bad, but simply because it was he that did it.”

And some of Vladimir Putin: “The idea of glory and greatness, consisting in esteeming nothing one does wrong, consisting in glorying in every crime, and ascribing to it an incomprehensible, supernatural value.”

Prince Andrei’s epiphany may evoke Tolstoy’s principal preoccupation as well as anything:”There is nothing certain but the nothingness of all that is comprehensible and the grandeur of something incomprehensible, but more important.”

Nothing that Tolstoy expressed in War and Peace satisfied him in his later life. Ever restless, he propelled his vision of universal Christian love into the realm of nihilism.

“War and Peace” Book Note, (continued)

The linchpins of this sprawling book are Pierre, who stands out as a solitary figure, and members of two noble families, the Bolkonskys, who are very rich, and the Rostovs, who are hard-pressed for funds. Readers witness intriguing romantic maneuvering and agonizing, and important couplings that are abruptly ended by death, but the prospectively enduring pairings set in place near the end of the book — Pierre with Natasha Rostov and Nikolay Rostov with Marya Bolkonsky — are recorded with as little grace and sensitivity as if they were figurines being positioned in a doll’s house.

Nicolay had pledged his love to Sonya, his impecunious cousin, who is the most pure and lovely person in the entire novel, but Tolstoy doesn’t comment on, much less describe, how Nicolay leaves her bereft and marries the heiress Marya except to record someone’s appellation of Sonya as a “barren flower,” not a gallant way to treat such a gallant character, Chekhov did much better with his
near perfect Sonya in his play Uncle Vanya.

Tolstoy is eloquent in how great events in history happen: “Nothing was exclusively the cause of the war and the war was bound to happen simply because it was bound to happen. Millions of men, repudiating their common sense and their human feelings, were bound to move from west to east, and slaughter their fellows, just as centuries before millions of men had moved from east to west to slaughter their fellows.” Tolstoy wouldn’t have been surprised to learn that a little over a quarter century after his death, in the time of the Third Reich, it was west to east again, nor that eighty years afterwards, with Russia’s war on Ukraine, it was again east to west.

“War and Peace” Book Note (continued)

Tolstoy agonized about the human condition and the universal prospect of mortality as obsessively as anyone. Pierre Bezuhov, a principal character in War and Peace, may be the author’s avatar in that respect. A physically massive, naive, impulsive, good-hearted,, unpretentious young fellow who inherited a great deal of money, Pierre goes through stages of trying to figure out how to deal with life: seeking release from anxiety in “philanthropy, dissipation, freemasonry, heroic feats of self-sacrifice, romantic love, and the ‘path of thought.’” It takes being captured by the French, incarcerated in miserable circumstances, witnessing an execution and almost being executed himself for Pierre to appreciate the empowering benefit of simple goodness, though that alone doesn’t quite do it. In his last appearance in the book, he is trying to organize societies or movements that seem to be more than anything else a continuing quest for psychic self-satisfaction.

Tolstoy’s search for a way of dealing with the human condition is also instantiated in the life and death of another major character, Prince Andrei Bolkonsky, who cares little about personal or societal benefits and tends toward cynicism, only breaking out of this shell when he is dying, whereupon he transcends his egoism by embracing a doctrine of universal love.

to be continued toomorrow

“War and Peace” Book Note

War and Peace, by Leo Tolstoy; translated by Constance Garnett

This venerable translation is evidently in the public domain. The Milestone Editions hardcover version I read this summer has no copyright page and consists solely of 1,116 pages of the novel’s text, still enough so that reading it builds hands and fingers strength.

Tolstoy’s writing style is serviceable. I’d be surprised if experts view it as first-rate. His characters blush and their faces redden and turn crimson too often. His principal characters encounter each other by coincidence too often. He has trouble placing the moon in a possible position in the sky. On the other hand, he’s outstanding in explaining how historical events happen: mostly through concatenations of chance events.

Tolstoy’s takedowns of Napoleon are exemplary, as is his contempt for the hordes, including heads of state, who fawned over him. Tolstoy gets a lot else right as well. He faithfully records how boring parties frequented by the aristocracy can be, and no less so conversations among soldiers in their encampments. He captures the essence of sociopathy: “Anatole was well satisfied with his position, with himself, and with other people. He was instinctively and thoroughly convinced that he could not possibly live except just in the way he did live, and that he had never in his life done anything base. He was incapable of considering how his action might be judged by others, or what might be the result of this or that action on his part.”

to be continued tomorrow

Book Note

War and Peace, by Leo Tolstoy; translated by Constance Garnett

Unfortunately, I can’t preserve the format of my pdf copy of this when trying to post it on this Word Press program. I’ll figure out how best to post it by tomorrow.

My Summer Reading Project

I spent a lot of time this summer reading Tolstoy’s extraordinary novel, War and Peace. I’ve been writing a book note about it, which I plan to post here tomorrow.

Reading Projects

Some years ago. I decided to alternate between reading classic and contemporary books. I never followed through on that plan, but this summer I made up for this lapse to a degree by reading War and Peace. It took me about eleven weeks. I plan to write a book note on this extraordinary work. If I follow through on that project, I’ll post it here.

Keys to Healthy Longer Living

Yesterday, I listened to a podcast interview with Dr. Peter Attia on his book Outlive: the science and art of longevity. Highlighted was the usual stuff — right diet and right exercise, but with great precision and specificity. This morning, I read an article about the second oldest person in the U.S. an alert black lady in Houston who just had her 114th birthday. As usual, opinions were floated as to what was the key to her longevity. Some expert said that what such people have in common is “a healthy relationship with stress.” I don’t know whether Dr. Attia discussed that in his book, but I suspect it’s a necessary factor.

The State of the Republican Party

To participate in televised debate for the Republican nomination aspiring candidates will be required to pledge to support the Party’s nominee. Since Trump is the most likely nominee, this means that the Republican Party has resolved to exclude any candidate who isn’t willing to support a candidate who has been indicted in four federal and state proceedings and charged with a ninety-one serious crimes. This what is called a race to the bottom.

Putin’s Plan

Headline: “Leaked files detail Russia’s secretive effort to build attack drones.” Putin’s hold on power could become much more tenuous in the wake of continuing heavy Russian casualties. To avoid that eventuality, Putin’s strategy may be to mass produce attack drones to the degree that he can pummel Ukraine with drone attacks at a pace and for a duration of time such that the pain, with no prospect of relief, will become too much for Ukrainians to bear. Such a policy might soon look as if it would be successful, in which case the West will have to consider whether it would attempt to destroy drone factories deep inside Russia, risking the most dangerous escalation of the war to date.

Post Ukraine War Policy

Headline: “Europe has vowed to make Russia pay for the war. Doing so could breach international law, experts said.” Will leaders never learn from history? “In victory, magnanimity.” Churchill.

Is Trump Toast?

With this devastating Georgia indictment, it’s tempting to think that Trump is toast. In my view, he isn’t toast, but he’s in a slot in a top-of-the-line new toaster, the power is on, the kitchen is controlled by good people, and there’s every reason to believe that, after enduring a series of distractions, one of them will pull the lever down and toasting will occur.

Seeking a Clean and Healthy Environment.

Yesterday, a judge ruled that Montana’s Constitution’s guarantee of the right to a “clean and healthful environment” was violated by a state law encouraging fossil fuel production. Montana has large coal reserves. Even if they could be kept in the ground, it wouldn’t guarantee a clean and healthful environment, but promoting fossil fuels violates the spirit of this admirable provision. I hope the judge’s ruling will be upheld on appeal.

The Next Indictment

It appears that Trump will be indicted in Georgia within the next week or two for violating that state’s criminal code by committing voter fraud, conspiring to install fake electors, and committing other offenses in furtherance of his efforts to remain in office despite having been voted out of it. It’s surreal that this event is not expected to harm Trump’s chances of becoming the Republican Party’s Presidential nominee. Trump would have have been escorted off the public stage years ago, had not the minds of tens of millions of Americans been poisoned by the forces of greed, cynicism, and resentment, amplified by extravagant injections of money from superrich malefactors.

True Believers

Watching the Chris Hayes news show the other night I saw a clip of some Iowa Republicans excoriating Mike Pence for not supporting Trump’s attempted coup on January 6, 2021. They were true believers, full of righteous indignation: Pence’s failure to support Trump was “treason,” one shouted. Chris Hayes is a serious fellow. He also has a sense of humor. After presenting clips of Iowans verbally thrashing Pence, he noted that Pence had at least one supporter, and then showed a clip of a man saying, “i’m glad they didn’t hang him.” I hope this guy wasn’t attacked by the others for making such a weak and cowardly remark.

There’s No Location B

Advocates of a more robust effort to slow climate change have warned that “There’s no planet B.” I never entertained the fantasy of a planet B, but I did imagine that there might be a location B — a place that would be spared the afflictions of climate change for many decades ahead. Much of Canada was on my list of candidates. When that idea was eclipsed by smoke this past June, I thought, well, there’s Hawaii. I’ve spent some time on Kauai, Maui, and the big island of Hawaii and regard them among the most favored pieces of geography in the world. The fires, particularly on Maui, this week have been horrific and unsettling. I’ve given up thinking about location B.

How Should the Fruits of Advanced A.I. Be Distributed?

I’ve read that advanced A.I. could increase productivity enormously. This could translate into hundreds of billions or even trillions of dollars per year. This should not mostly go to make billionaires richer. A good alternative would be to make sure that everyone has a sufficient income to afford adequate food, water, shelter, and health care. That’s what would happen in an enlightened society, and ours should become one.

Right-Wing Extremists

Level-headed people of good will have a hard time understanding why Trump supporters and Putin sympathizers think and act they way they do. Their brains seem to work differently than those of decent sensible people. The beginning of an explanation lies in the fact that right-wing extremists share a common strain of psychopathology, some markers of which are recogniazable in a remark by Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin in her weekly chat yesterday: “The Republican base is a community that bonds over mistrust, paranoia, angst, resentment and anger.” 

The Political Future of the United States

The electorate and the two major political parties seem to be irreconcilably divided, with each party seeking long-term one-party control of our federal government. One or the other party might well be successful in that respect. The preferred alternative — bi-partisan reconciliation of rational opposing views and passage of bi-partisan legislation — seems least likely. A fourth possibility — longterm gridlock — may be most likely of all.

Driving from New York to Colorado

Driving most of the way across the country is a special kind of experience. The scenery is mostly the backs of big trucks ahead of you, and the sides of big trucks you are passing or are passing you and the sometimes miles-long orange pylons and other markers of construction zones, in about 90% of which no construction is taking place. The air feels, looks, and smells in the yellow range on the AirNow.gov meter, sometimes transitioning into orange or green. The big chain motels are variations on an uninspiring theme, but functional. The “fitness centers” are an essential innovation, as is a mini fridge in every room. Bringing your food in a big cooler is key to maintaining a survivable diet. Rewarding views are scarce but some of them leave satisfying imprints in memory. The windmills stand like giant sentinels, swinging their great arms in the wind.

Trump’s Big Lead — Blog Suspension

“Trump crushing DeSantis and Rivals, Times-Sienna Poll Finds” says a New York Times headline this morning. Trump’s rivals are a sorry lot, but evidently not as sorry as the majority of Republican voters. Our summer rental on Long Island ends today, and we’ll be driving west for the next week, visiting kids and grandkids along the way. This blog will be in suspension until August 8th.

War and Peace; The Sociopathic Personality

As might be expected, this immensely long novel has a diverse cast of characters. Speaking of one of the bad guys, Anatole Kuragin, Tolstoy provides us with an excellent description of a sociopathic personality.

“Anatole was . . . instinctively and thoroughly convinced that he could not live except just in the way he did live, and that he had never in his life done anything base. He was incapable of considering either how his actions might be judged by others, or what might be the result of this or that action on his part. . . he was incapable of considering the effect upon others of the gratification of his tastes, he believed himself in his heart to be an irreproachable man. . .”
* Constance Garnett translation

War and Peace

I’m reading Tolstoy’s celebrated novel War and Peace. Much of it that relates to war is historical. Midpoint in the narrative Tolstoy describes Napoleon’s invasion of Russia in 1812 and states: “On the 12th of June the forces of Western Europe crossed the frontier, and the war began, that is, an event took place opposed to human reason and all human nature. Millions of men perpetrated against one another so great a mass of crime — fraud, swindling, robbery, forgery, issue of counterfeit money, plunder, incendiarism, and murder — that the annals of all the criminal courts of the world could not muster such a sum of wickedness in whole centuries, though the men who committed those deeds did not at that time look bon them as crimes.*

Napoleon was an archetypal example of sociopathy and narcissism. His rise and fall supplies one of the great lessons of history, one from which others with these characteristics are incapable of learning.
* Constance Garnett translation

The Environment: East End Of Long Island Division

The term of our house rental on the east end of Long Island is about to end. It feels like the end of summer even though it’s the middle of summer, especially after reading this morning that the water quality in this area is the worst ever. I didn’t need to read the news to know that the air quality is the worst ever. I don’t know how much of that is “basic” air pollution and how much is from Canadian wildfires, but even though there was a brisk southwest breeze blowing off the ocean yesterday, you only needed to step outside and take a breath to know that you’re not breathing “fresh air.” A friend who is an expert on building, tearing down, renovating, maintenance, and relentless upscaling in this area told me that the east end of Long Island is “an ecological black hole.”

Keeping in Touch With Nature from a Rental House on Long Island

First thing in the morning, I keep in touch with nature on my
laptop computer: Weather: murky skies; thunderstorms late in the day. Tides: not high till late in the day. Air quality: not bad, but will be worse late in the day; Hurricanes: a disturbance in the Atlantic not presently a threat. Heat Map warning: orange-red: high of 90 tomorrow (about as unusually hot as 115 in Phoenix). Time to put on my hearing aids and hear birds chirping cheerily away.

Treatment of Animals

I think we have a strong ethical obligation toward our fellow creatures to not make their lives more painful and unpleasant than they are or would be in a state of nature. Therefore, I would ban practices such as confining animals to cages so small they can’t even turn around, force feeding them, or breeding them to a degree that their legs can barely withstand their weight. I think that humans have as much right to kill chickens for food as foxes, but foxes don’t cause chickens to suffer for most of their lives before they die, and humans shouldn’t either.

Israel’s Big Problem and the World’s

The power the U.S. Congress has to pass legislation affecting the Supreme Court is fairly clear under the. Constitution. That’s not the case in Israel, which has no written Constitution. The extreme, right-wing, ultra-religious and ultranationalist parties that control Israel’s parliament claim that they can prune Israel’s Supreme Court’s power so that legislation they pass will no longer be subject to judicial review. What if the Court rules that the parliament lacks such authority? A crisis is shaping up of unprecedented proportions. Authoritarianism was thoroughly discredited in the 20th century, but that doesn’t keep it from roaring back.

Israel: The Looming Tragedy

Against overwhelming public opposition, the extreme right-wing officials who control Israeli policy are poised to strip the judiciary of its authority, thereby fixing in place long-term one-party rule. In a letter to President Biden, reproduced in yesterday’s New York Times, Tom Friedman, who knows as much about the situation as anyone, pleaded to Biden to bring the full persuasive power of the U.S. Government to bear on prime minister Netanyahu and his political allies to desist in converting Israel into an authoritarian state.

For decades, I’ve heard that generous support of Israel by the U.S. was important, among other reasons, because “Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East.” It will be a great tragedy, if commentators are soon saying, “Now there are none.”

Never Despair

A good defense of this exhortation is to be found in the before and after pictures of some California lakes and reservoirs. Still etched in my brain is an aerial shot taken last year of a once big lake in California that had been reduced to a puddle crowded with houseboats that had clustered in the only patch of water where they wouldn’t be sitting on dry ground. This morning in the online Washington Post is a picture taken last year of what would look like a valley on Mars if there weren’t a bridge spanning it. The same shot this year shows a sparkling clear lake. As the headline proclaims, it’s a miracle. Too bad California needs one every year.

The War in Ukraine Won’t Be Over When It’s Over

A Washington Post article this morning details how an area of Ukraine larger than the state of Florida is contaminated with mines and other unexploded ordnance that will cause death and injuries for decades to come. Putin’s war against Ukraine is a war against all humanity. The West must strengthen its unity and resolve.

Why Write a Blog?

Why try to write a blog every day? The answer is the same as to “Why keep a diary or a journal?” It’s not to try to persuade people to see things from my point of view, though I have some hope that to some degree that will happen. It’s mainly an effort to think more deeply about what’s going on the world and organize my thoughts as they relate to a particular subject. As the playwright Ionesco said, “I write to find out what I think.”

Lament of the Hour, concluded

The 3.5 million residents of metropolitan Montevideo, the capital of Uruguay, have foul and unhealthy drinking water. People with enough money use bottled water. Most people have to live with city water. A Uruguayan journalist reports that this condition is the result of the worst drought in 44 years plus gross mismanagement. This is the situation in a country in a temperate or subtropical climate, beautiful rivers, and an absence of military threats. Will your city be next? the journalist asks/

Lament of the Hour, continued

Headline: “Around fifty Ukrainian Fathers Are Killed Every Day.” This was shown online with a succession of pictures — one child at a time — of their children. It was an effective piece of journalism — conveying, to a degree, the heart-wrenching price of war in a way that bare statistics can’t. Putin must not be allowed to win (whatever that means), but the West must seek a way to peace every day.

Lament of the Hour (2)

Headline: “We’re already paying for universal health care. Why Don’t We Have It?” The point is that the U.S. spends more on health care but gets less health care than many other countries, a condition resulting from deficiencies in our political system and our form of capitalism and from the pervasive mix of greed and ignorance that is a feature of our society.

Lament of the Hour

Headline: “How a Saudi firm tapped a gusher of water in drought-stricken Arizona.” This has and continues to happen legally under a long-term lease from the state. The Saudi firm needs the water to grow alfalfa, which is needed to feed Saudi cattle. What a debacle. Yet some are pushing to have it renewed. So much going on that makes one think, Oh, dear.

Dog Days Respite

I have a friend who finds something awesome every day. Oh, really, I thought when I first heard this. I learned he wasn’t kidding, or living in unreality land. He was noticing what happens in front of us all the time. I’m on the alert for awesome phenomena, now. We’ve been living through the dog days lately, but I was awakened at 4 A..M. last night by rain beating on the roof and a cool, damp, earthy-smelling breeze blowing through the room that reminded me of the wet wind coming through an open tent flap when I was camping on the Appalachian Trail about fifty years ago.

The Dog Days

They say that if things go badly, you feel less happy for a while, but gradually you get used to it and you feel pretty close to the same amount of happiness that you felt when things were going well. The same thing happens in reverse if something wonderful happens. Happiness tends to revert to the mean. The air quality improved to “good” today on the east end of Long Island, a cause for happiness, which it wouldn’t have been if it had been “good” all along. Such kinds of thoughts are common as the dog days, move along.

Ukraine and NATO.

Headline: “Biden and Zelensky say Ukraine will join NATO only after war ends.” Zelensky complained publicly about Ukraine not being admitted to NATO by a specified date, but I suspect that’s for “optics.” Once Ukraine is a member of NATO, other members would be obliged to send military units to Ukraine to help fight the Russian invaders. NATO troops would become engaged in combat with Russian troops. I don’t think Putin would dare use nuclear weapons without support of the Russian people. If we are careful, he won’t be able to get such support. Bringing NATO forces into Ukraine before the war ends would run too high a risk of crossing that line. Any peace agreement must be unequivocal that NATO will protect Ukraine in the future as fully as if Ukraine were a member of NATO.

Can Trump Be Brought to Justice?

I think so, but it seems unlikely this can happen before the Presidential election, even in the slam-dunk-for-the-prosection classified documents case against Trump in Florida. That’s because the notoriously pro-Trump judge overseeing the case may contrive to delay his trial until after the election, and even if she doesn’t, the jury to be impaneled will be drawn from strongly pro-Trump counties, and no matter how rigorous the jury selection process is, at least one juror is likely to be a MAGA true believer who will refuse to vote to convict Trump no matter how overwhelming the evidence is against him. It would take only one such juror to precipitate a mistrial. The case could still be retried, but time for a trial before the election will have run out.

Cluster Bomb Math

In his Washington Post column yesterday, Max Boot made a persuasive argument supporting President Biden’s decision to supply cluster bombs to Ukraine. Many progressives have criticized Biden for ceding the moral high ground with this decision. Cluster bombs are very effective in the kind of military engagements taking place between Ukrainians and Russians, but a significant percentage of them don’t go off, and these can pose a lethal hazard.They become like land mines. They can kill farmers ploughing fields and children playing long after the war is over. That’s true, but that’s a risk Ukrainians are willing to take, and use of this horrible weapon will be restricted to Ukrainian territory. Mr. Boot points out that the war will drag on longer, and more people will be killed in the process, if cluster bombs are withheld from the Ukrainian military forces. There’s no way of knowing for sure, but my guess is that Mr. Boot has the math right.

A Bit of Good News

The stronger and more unified NATO is, the better the prospects are for future peace, stability and a favorable end to Russia’s war on Ukraine. It’s a bit of good news that Erdogan, the autocrat running Turkey, has decided to stop blocking Sweden from becoming a member of NATO. NATO will be strengthened by Sweden’s membership and, it would seem, by Erdogan’s conclusion that it’s in his self-interest to become a more responsible participant in the NATO alliance.

Little Shockers

Lately, whenever I think I have a pretty good understanding of the hazards facing humanity, I get a little shocker — a revelation of some problem or threat I hadn’t been aware of. This morning, it was a news story about how tiny particles from tires and brakes were causing more pollution than vehicles’ engine exhausts. I knew that tires wore down. I was reminded of that when a couple of months ago I bought new tires for our six-year-old car. This morning was the first time I considered what happens to the part of a tire that wears down. It devolves into innumerable numbers of microscopic-sized particles, which mingle with innumerable numbers of similar particles, many of which find their way into our lungs.

The Supreme Court and Affirmative Action

There’s been quite a lot of commentary on the Supreme Court’s banning affirmative action based on race in college admissions. The extreme right-wing controlling majority rejects the notion that unequal treatment is warranted to overcome the enduring legacy of unequal treatment. The ruling appears to be particularly egregious given that affirmative action for offspring of alumni, big donors, and other favored groups — what has been rightly called “affirmative action for the lucky”— remains an almost universal feature of our higher education system.

Biden and the Word “Disastrous.”

I saw a widely distributed campaign ad designed to convince voters that DeSantis is the Republican most likely to beat Biden in next year’s presidential election. The tenor of it was that there are extremely high stakes in this election, so it’s of utmost importance to nominate the candidate who can beat Biden and reverse his “disastrous” policies. I’ve seen that word, “disastrous,” coupled with Biden’s name before, never accompanied by analysis or documentation. There’s no need for such trappings. It is a truth universally acknowledged that Biden has been a disastrous president. People must get that firmly fixed in their minds and not overthink it by considering facts and data. Voters: Just remember this simple equation: Biden = Disastrous.

Trump and Republican Politicians

Headline: “Prosecutors in Trump classified documents case are facing threats.” Couple this with a contemporaneous article on the rhetoric Trump is posting on his personal social media platform, “Truth Social,” and you don’t need to know anything else about Trump to be aware of the moral deficiency of Republican politicians who fail to state clearly that Trump is unfit to hold public office and that they will not support or vote for him under any circumstances.

The National Debt: The Reckoning To Come

A Washington Post editorial yesterday laid out the figures, demonstrating that the National Debt is increasing at the rate of two trillion dollars per year. The burden of interest rates on government debt has risen precipitously, tracking the increasing amount of debt to service and the extraordinarily large rise in interest rates over the past year. The U.S. Government has to pay a much higher interest rate on new borrowings than it did a year ago.

Republicans and Democrats must agree on imposing significantly higher taxes on the rich, the superrich, and corporations and even on paring social programs including Social Security and Medicare. The U.S. doesn’t have to balance the budget each year, but it must significantly reduce the annual deficit to forestall a reckoning the likes of which we’ve never seen.

Do Debates and Interviews with Contrarian Theory Spreaders Serve the Public Interest?

There are opposing views:

Yes: Contrarian theory spreaders (voices raised in opposition to established policies and common factual understandings) are false theory spreaders in the eyes of some people and honorable whistle blowers in the eyes of others. Let the sunshine in. The truth will emerge in the clash of conflicting views. To refuse to debate such people or shy away from interviewing them is to implicitly concede that their claims are true.

No: If contrarian theory spreaders— the anti-vaccination provocateur and Presidential candidate, Robert Kennedy, Jr., has been cited as a prime example — have demonstrated a consistent pattern of lies, misrepresentations, distortions, and fabrications, debates and interviews with them usually serve to increase their reach and amplify their false claims. Claims such people make in debates and interviews often can’t be fact-checked in real time, and are brushed off with more of the same when they are. Such occasions segue into rhetorical contests rather than honest weighings of the facts. “The worst are full of passionate intensity,” which is why, regardless of how baseless their claims may be, their message gets through. That free speech is a sacred right is not a warrant to hand microphones to people who traffic in lies.

In my view, Jennifer Rubin is the most astute opinion writer among many excellent ones whose columns appear in The Washington Post and The New York Times. Yesterday, the Post published one of Rubin’s finest and most important essays relating to the state of the nation. It was headed “Self-government is worth defending.” What needs defending to preserve our country’s self-government is a sad one to think about on Independence Day: the Supreme Court’s “disintegration as a legislative body” and “its emergence as a supreme right-wing policy maker.” Rubin backs up her assertion with incontrovertible examples of rulings, statements, and conduct on the part of the right-wing justices who control the Court.

A court controlled by justices who have shown contempt for the law and standards of ethical conduct in the face of their duty to uphold the law and to conduct themselves ethically is not going to reform itself. That task must be undertaken by the voters, Congress, and the President. The instruments of reform available to them under the Constitution are imposition of term limits, altering the scope of the court’s jurisdiction, increasing the number of justices, and ethics reform. Progress in this respect is unlikely unless the Democrats achieve sweeping victories in next year’s elections.

Needed: A Right-Wing Third Party Candidate

There are at least three right-wing-supported candidates running for President, none of whom have any chance of being elected, but in each case would drain far more votes from Biden than from Trump: Robert Kennedy, Jr., an anti-vaccination and conspiracy theorist nut with a lustrous name and heavy financial backing; Cornel West, a rhetorically gifted black intellectual narcissist, and whoever is nominated by the recently formed, right-wing-financed, No Labels Party.

Much needed is a strong, adequately financed Republican to run on a third party ticket — someone who will drain far more votes from Trump than from Biden. Otherwise, a slight, but far too great risk will remain that Trump could once again become President, in which case, as has been said, understatedly, “This time there will be no adults in the room.”

Freedom and Murder

One might think that almost everyone in our country would be for freedom and no one would be for murder, and that’s the case, but as the historian Jill Lapore points out, we have a problem with definitions: A huge segment of the population defines abortion as murder and guns as freedom, and an even larger segment of the population defines guns as murder and abortion as freedom.

Robert Kennedy, Jr. and the Conspiracy Theory Embracers.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s father might have become president if he hadn’t been assassinated. The younger Kennedy has a respectable track record as an environmental lawyer. For years, I had assumed that he was a progressive, as is traditional in the Kennedy family, and maybe he is, except that something in his psyche caused him to latch on to baseless conspiracy theories that typically attract members of the Trump cult.

Kennedy is challenging Biden, running on an anti-vaccination platform for the Democratic Presidential nomination. He has a sizable following and some very rich and influential backers. The New York Times opinion writer Michelle Goldberg had a terrific article about these people yesterday. They are serious, and many of them are sincere. Conspiracy theories — especially ones relating to vaccinations — are like effects of a virulent pathogen that infects human brains. A sizable percentage of the U.S. population is vulnerable to it for reasons I don’t understand.

What New Normals Lie Ahead?

The latest smoke map I’ve seen reveals that air quality is bad all the way from New England to Minnesota and, except for Virginia, which somehow escaped, as far south as Georgia. Is this the new normal — the way summers will be from now on? Will people increasingly utter that unpleasant phrase, “Get used to it.” I recently ran across an article that referred to the “shifting baseline syndrome,” which is the principle that each generation takes as normal what it regularly experiences, though members of previous generations rarely or never experienced such events. when they were young. Having reached the nonagenarian stage, I’ve seen more than a few baseline shifts. Once there were a lot of hemlock trees on Long Island. I haven’t seen any in years, but that’s normal.

Income and Wealth Inequality

News Item “728 billionaires already own 50 percent of the country’s wealth, and they want more.” 

Money generates power, which generates more money, which generates . . . The disparity between great wealth and barely scraping along is growing. Our country is weaker for it. We need a much more progressive tax structure, and there’s no sign we’re going to get it. Why? Because money generates . . .

Trump’s Rivals

I saw a list of 23 people running for the 2024 Republican Presidential Nomination. Trump is leading the pack by a wide margin. By the time he’s through getting indicted, he may have the nomination locked up.

Trump’s 22 rivals want him to lose. The more glaringly Trump’s faults are exposed to public view, the more likely he is to lose. Under ordinary circumstances, opponents would want to criticize the front-runner and point out his faults. And Trump does have faults. In fact, he is entirely constituted of faults. Nevertheless, all but a handful of his rivals have attacked him. That’s a dereliction of any minimal standard of conduct. They don’t need rattle off an indictment-length account of his transgressions, but they could at least mention that he’s a dangerous sociopath. What a sorry bunch.

Time for a Diplomatic Surge on Ukraine / Russia

The course of events in Russia during the past week has been both heartening (Putin shaken) and disturbing (Men even more deranged than Putin may gain control.) A few days before the Wagner Group rebellion, former ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul urged the U.S. to “launch a diplomatic surge on Ukraine.” A peace settlement with favorable terms from the standpoint of Ukraine and the West might be more possible now than it has been or will be in the future. Concessions with little or no substantive value could be made to Putin that would enable him to save face. The tenor of the settlement would be that Putin fought the war to gain the peace. NATO would formally guarantee Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and, not that they ever needed it, Russia’s too. The continual killing and maiming of great numbers of Ukrainians and Russians would stop.


Inflation at the rate we’ve seen in the past year is unsettling. Its effect is corrosive. I’ve gotten a sense of what it’s like when inflation gets out of control from a friend in Argentina. He wrote recently, “Living with an inflation rate of over 100% is like living in a circus 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. . . It becomes terrifying. It’s sleeping in anguish and living in anguish.” Argentina is far away from the U.S. Since it doesn’t lie in the direction of either China or Russia, it doesn’t get the attention it deserves.

Am Indicator of Ethical Collapse

After the MAGA-subservient majority of the House of Representatives censured Congressman Adam Schiff for his outstanding work in exposing the causes and unfolding of the January 6, 2021 insurrection, Schiff’s colleague Jamie Raskin observed:. “We are seeing the complete ethical collapse of a once-great political party . . . into an authoritarian cult of personality taking orders from an inciter of insurrection.” Well said, Mr. Raskin. It’s a sad sight.

A Presidential Election Anomaly

Even though Trump would be the easiest Republican nominee to defeat in next year’s presidential election, Democrats should not hope that he will be the nominee, muuch less work to achieve that end. As Jennifer Rubin writes, even a 1% chance that he would be elected would be too great a risk to take.

Justices Thomas and Alito: A Study of Contrasting Styles of Advocacy

When Justice Clarence Thomas was confronted with failing to report a luxury vacation funded by a billionaire, including travel on a private jet, he argued that he and the billionaire were longtime close friends. His point seems to have been that if the billionaire had only been a casual acquaintance, one might wonder why he had been so generous, but close friends are often generous in entertaining each other, so it was all right.

When Justice Samuel Alito was confronted with failing to report a luxury vacation funded by a billionaire, including travel on a private jet, he argued that the billionaire was only a casual acquaintance. His point seems to have been that if he and the billionaire had close connections, one might wonder why the billionaire had been so lavish. But the billionaire and Alito only talked “fleetingly,” so it was all right. Lest that argument fail to erase any doubt as to the propriety of Alito’s accepting the billionaire’s hospitality, Alito pointed out that the lodge where he stayed was “rustic,” that the unit where he occupied was “modest,” that the meals he ate were “home-style,” and that if wine was served (and he wasn’t saying that it was!), a bottle of it would have cost less than $1,000.

Trump’s State of Mind

I read that the Fox News journalist who interviewed Trump a couple of days ago asked tough questions. He must have been expecting more friendly treatment. He reportedly lied and incriminated himself sufficiently to generate further evidence against him. His narcissism is so extreme that it overcomes his self-preservation instincts. This latest episode is a further indication that, besides being a dangerous sociopath, he’s deranged.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. — Victim and Perpetrator

Robert F Kennedy, Jr., a a 69-year-old lawyer and member of a famous family and who bears the name of his famous father, is running for president on an independent ticket. His agenda appears to be to promote various destructive and baseless conspiracy theories, particularly the claim in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary that the Covid-19 vaccine is dangerous. Kennedy has been aptly called a “nut-job,” yet he is likely to drain a significant number of votes from Biden in the 2024 election.

Influential people who promote baseless conspiracy theories weaken our country. They cause misery and deaths. What causes them to form such irrational and destructive convictions? I’d like to know.

Let People Watch Trump’s Trials

“Cameras in Trump case courtrooms are essential.” This was the headline of Jennifer Rubin’s Washington Post column yesterday. The point is that with all the lies, misinformation, innuendos, propaganda — whatever you want to call it — much of the public is misinformed or deluded about the nature of Trump’s behavior and the processes involved in investigating and prosecuting him. Trump’s trials will be revelatory. Testimony is limited to what is relevant and material. Lying under oath is a criminal offense. In all likelihood, evidence presented will be sufficient to establish Trump’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt on numerpis counts. His trials will be enlightening experience for everyone who watches them. The more people who can watch them, the more it will clear the air.

Senate Republicans

Senate Republicans reached a fork in the road when Trump was impeached. One path led to removing him from office and barring him from holding any public office again. That was the honorable course of action, but it had a downside for them. It would so offend members of Trump’s rabid, insurrectionist-prone, MAGA cult base that they would fail to turn out to vote for honorable Republicans in forthcoming elections. So it was that 43 Republicans voted to allow Trump to remain in office. Now, with their baseless and reprehensible attacks on the integrity of the Justice Department, Republicans continue inflict to inflict damage on American democracy.

Senate Republicans

Senate Republicans reached a fork in the road when Trump was impeached. One path led to removing him from office, and barring him from holding public office for instigting the January 6th, 2021, Insurrection. That was the right path, but it had a downside for them. It would so offend members of Trump’s rabid, insurrectionist-prone, MAGA cult base that they wouldn’t support them in forthcoming elections. So it was that 43 Republicans voted to allow Trump to remain in office. Now, with their baseless and reprehensible attacks on the integrity of the Justice Department, Republicans continue to damage on American democracy.

On the Need for Timely Wisdom

At 92, I’m wiser than I was when I was when I was 20, or even when I was 50, or even when I was 80. Whatever wisdom I have now could be condensed to a few basic principles that could be expressed on about half a page. Why didn’t I learn them by the time I was 20? For the felicitous playing out of future human history, we need to have more people getting wiser at an earlier age.

“Let us not burthen our remembrance with / A heaviness that’s gone” Prospero counseled. “Heaviness” is what I feel in the air right now. It describes a pervasive mood, the cause of which, I believe, is that so many Republicans, media moguls, and billionaire donors are poised to support Trump’s candidacy if he becomes the Republican Presidential nominee.

Judge Aileen Cannon, Continued

From what I’ve read, it looks like Judge Cannon, who will be presiding over Trump’s Miami trial, has the power to get him off the hook if she wants to do so. For instance, she could allow pro-Trump-biased jurors like herself to be impaneled. She would be shamed and subjected to withering professional criticism if she shows herself to be biased, but if, as it appears, she is a MAGA cult holy warrior, in her mind that would not be a humiliating consequence, but a reflection of her heroism — a source of enduring satisfaction.

Judge Aileen Cannon

It’s an unfortunate turn of events that Aileen Cannon, the judge assigned to preside in Trump’s federal criminal prosecution, is herself a proven loyal Trumpian. It seems likely that she’ll gum up the works, becloud the issues, and confuse the public. I’m hoping she’ll surprise me.

Third Party Threats to Democrats

I have a memory from the year 2000 of Ralph Nader being interviewed on television. Nader was running for President on the Green Party ticket. Asked why he wasn’t supporting Al Gore, the Democratic candidate, Nader said that there was no difference between Gore and George W. Bush, the Republican nominee. There was, in fact, a big difference between the two men. Nader drained enough votes away from Gore in Florida to enable Bush to win the election.

For 2024, it looks like there will be three Ralph Nader equivalents running, all of whom appear likely to drain votes away from Joe Biden, maybe enough to enable the Republican nominee, most likely Trump, to prevail. They are the African American left-wing professor Cornel West, the anti-vaccine fanatic with a big name — Robert Kennedy, Jr. — and whoever is picked to be the No Labels Party candidate.

Trump’s Second Indictment, continued

Having read a summary and excerpts from Trump’s 49-page indictment, I wonder if his best defense might be insanity of a sort. He’s a narcissist, a serial lier, and a scoundrel who, it seems obvious, has committed dozens upon dozens of serious crimes — the second indictment alone contains 37 felony counts. His criiminal mind is also a deranged one, so withdrawn from reality that he comes close to arousing sympathy. His conduct makes me think of a rabid dog, vicious, but helpless in the grip of a deadly virus. If, as is virtually certain, the evidence presented in court supports the allegations in the indictment, Trump should be convicted and incarcerated for a long term of years. He should, of course, be barred from holding public office. He should confined in one of his residences other than his palace in Palm Beach, rather than sent to prison. Otherwise, he should be accorded the rights accorded to federal prisoners and denied any special privileges.

Trump’s Second Indictment, Continued

Trump is presumed innocent unless and until he is convicted. He should and he will get a fair trial. The evidence against him is overwhelming. The eruptions of faux-outrage from prominent Republicans in response to his indictment on 37 felony counts by a federal grand jury is an exercise in pandering to Trump’s MAGA-cult following, whose support they think is essential to their political success. Trump is likely to be indicted later this year for two more sets of serious crimes.

Trump’s Second Indictment

Trump’s indictment on seven counts by a federal grand jury is a heartening demonstration that the rule of law is operative in our country. I’m confident that this prosecution will be pursued with impeccable professionalism and sobriety. Though Trump’s indictment was critically necessary for the survival and health of American democracy, it bespeaks how flawed America must be, when despite the orderly operation of electoral processes, such a scoundrel could become its president.

My Backup Illusion

As a resident of southwestern Colorado, I’ve occasionally cast an inquiring eye northward, musing about where one might flee to if our area becomes vulnerable to unprecedented heat waves, extrene drought, water rationing, and smoke-filled air. Is there a place that’s cooler, has a multitude of lakes, and where the sun in much less intense, and presumably almost wildfire-free? Yes! Canada!

So much for that idea. Where, then? Greenland! Yes! Let’s see — west coast or east coast?

My State of Mind after a Two-Week Break from Daily Blog

I’m greatly relieved that Republicans have ceded power to cause the United States to default on its debts until after next year’s elections. Now we can get back to worrying about other things, as anyone breathing the smoke-infiltrated air in much of New England, New York, and points south is aware.

Daily Blog Takes a Two-Week Break

Sara and I are heading east today on an extended trip, and this blog will be on break until June 7th. I fervently hope that the United States continues to pay its debts and fulfill its obligations in the meantime and thereafter. Awhile ago one of my favorite opinion writers commented that Trump was like a virus injected into the political bloodstream. As was the case with the Covid-19 virus, people debate the pathogen’s origin, but there’s no question that the nation is sick enough so we have to resort to the rule to follow in such times:Never despair.

The Debt Ceiling Crisis, Continued

Too mmany people haven’t grasped the enormity of what the Republicans are doing to this country, the cruelty of the agenda they would impose on us if Biden meets their demands as a condition for raising the debt ceiling, and the economic catastrophe and its baleful reverberations that would ensue if he refuses to do so. Republicans blithely raised the debt ceiling during the Trump administration to finance tax cuts and tax breaks for corporations, the rich, and especially the super rich. Now they purport to be staunch fiscal conservatives. Their main agenda is to do whatever they can to discredit Biden regardless of how much havoc they cause.

I agree with those who urge Biden to invoke the 14th Amendment to the Constitution to justify the U.S. paying its bills on time without regard to the debt ceiling if no responsible agreement can be reached with Republicans. Biden should have his speech ready to deliver to the nation. The Solicitor General should have his brief ready to submit to the Supreme Court.

The Debt Ceiling Crisis

Washington Post columnist E. J. Dionne got to the heart of the matter in his opinion piece yesterday: “House Republicans decided to hold the economy hostage to slash assistance for low-income Americans while protecting tax cuts for the wealthy”.

The F-16s

The F-16s are U.S.- manufactured supersonic fighter jets that Ukraine has long wanted to have to enhance its air defenses. After many months of reluctance to supply them, Biden has given European allies permission to send Ukraine some from their stockpiles, as well as to train Ukrainian fighter pilots. Biden has been sharply criticized for failing to act more swiftly in this respect. Why has he been so cautious, taking so much time in a number of instances to supply Ukraine with more sophisticated weapons? It may be that he has been calibrating supplying increasingly sophisticated weapons with great skill, following the frog in the pot of water analogue. It’s probably not true, but the story is that if you heat a pot of water with a frog in it, you can get the water to boiling without the frog jumping out because the frog only notices that the water is a little bit hotter than it was before, but there is never that shock to which the frog would instantly react. In Ukraine, Putin is in the pot of heating water, the heating consisting of the influx to Ukraine from the West of consistently more sophisticated and effective weapons. Putin jumping out of the pot would amount to escalating the war with nuclear weapons. If the West had heated the water too quickly, Putin might well have jumped out of the pot. He may still do so, but let’s hope he can be cooked before he does. A key factor here is the sentiment of the Russian people, which we want to be anti-Putin, not anti-the-West. We don’t want to feed Putin’s propagandistic narrative that the West wants to destroy Russia. Biden’s been doing pretty well at that.

Headline I read after I wrote the above: “Russia warns West sending F-16s to Ukraine ‘carries enormous risks’, per state news agency.” As has happened before, the frog noticed that the water was getting hotter and is splashing about, threatening to jump out of the pot. Maximize defense of Ukrainian territory and airspace, avoid attacks on Russian territory and airspace is the best policy.

Free and Unfair Elections

Headline: “Turkey points to a global trend: Free and unfair elections”

Autocrats like Erdogan, the president of Turkey, who has his runoff election against a democratic challenger all but wrapped up, can stay in power indefinitely and still brag about how elections in their countries are free: No one was compelled to vote for Erdogan. The results in the recent election, which triggered the runoff were something like 49% to 45%, giving it the look of a democratic election. But as the headline reflects, once rulers and political parties get enough power, they can institute rules and procedures that tilt elections in their favor. That’s what Republicans are trying to do by establishing gerrymandered districts and suppressing voting by constituencies likely to vote against them, undemocratic and unfair means aimed at establishing longterm one-party minority rule.


Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has announced that he will challenge Trump for the Republican nomination for president. DeSantis’s personality presents an ample contrast to Trump’s. But the two were cast in the same mold. DeSantis, in his own way, is no less mean-spirited, hypocritical, opportunistic, self-serving, and repulsive than Trump. Like Trump, he has a hole in his brain where in the case of most people humanity resides. It’s a measure of the degradation of Republicans that Trump and DeSantis are leading their pack.

The Debt Ceiling Crisis, Continued

Progress has supposedly been made in negotiations, but a familiar refrain issued forth: “The parties are still far apart.” Whatever concessions Republican House Speaker McCarthy might make are likely to be vetoed by the right-wing extremist Representatives at whose pleasure he serves. Theoretically, Biden could avail himself of the provision in the 14th Amendment to the Constitution that the validity of the government’s debt shall not be questioned. The debts in this case were authorized by law. The debt ceiling limit amounted to an unconstitutional questioning of the government’s debt. In the past week I’ve read three op-ed articles each by a distinguished Constitutional law professor, one supporting Biden’s right to pay debts without Congress’s sanction, one saying that Biden has no such right, and one saying that the Supreme Court would probably decline to issue a ruling, saying that it’s a political matter. How the right-wing-controlled, ideology-driven Court would rule is anybody’s guess. The situation feels as if it’s headed toward a train wreck.

The Debt Ceiling Crisis

As the noted economist Paul Krugman wrote in his New York Times column yesterday, Democrats should have tried a lot harder to abolish the debt ceiling when they had a chance during the lame duck session Subsequently, Biden made a red-line-in-the-sand-type declaration that he wouldn’t negotiate a budget on the terms Republicans were offering, which were: Meet our demands or we’ll cause the U.S. to default on its debts, suffer international humiliation and send the economy on a path to total collapse. Now it looks like Biden is caving in. Having taken an inch, Republicans will demand a mile, forcing Biden to either admit a humiliating defeat of such dimensions as to seriously diminish his chances of reelection, or to act boldly to save the country by invoking the 14th Amendment to the Constitution and declare that the debt ceiling is an unconstitutional questioning of the validity of the public debt. In a rational world the Supreme Court would uphold Biden. In our world this is unlikely. It’s hard to fault Biden for caving in.

(More on this tomorrow.)

The Turkish Election

When I read that the presidential election in Turkey was close — there would have to be a runoff — I felt a frisson of hope. President Erdogan is a strong-arm autocrat who has blocked Sweden’s entry into NATO. His opponent, Kilicdaroglu, is a Western-leaning democrat and would be a far more reliable ally if he were in power. Reality set in. Erdogan failed to get 50% of the votes — hence the runoff — but he got about ten percent more votes than Kilicdaroglu, and there’s no prospect that Kilicdaroglu can make up the deficit in the runoff. By their nature, autocrats are exceptionally difficult to dislodge. They put mechanisms in place that enable them to retain power. When they are defeated, it’s usually by another autocrat.

Dealing with Putin

Dealing with Putin is like dealing with a hostage taker.The hostages are all the people in the world including all the Russians. It’s likely that Putin is prepared to nuke Ukraine and its supporters if they humiliate him to a degree that threatens his grip on power. “He would never use nukes,” some experts say. “It would be suicidal.” The trouble with that argument is that it assumes that Putin wouldn’t prefer suicide to being humiliated. There’s no reason to believe that. “Well, maybe so,” some experts say, “but if he wanted to commit suicide, he could just hold a gun to his head and pull the trigger.” The trouble with that argument is that if Putin wants to commit suicide, he may be like many mass shooters who, when they die, want to take as many people with them as they can. We’ve seen that there’s no limit to the number of people, including Russian soldiers, Putin minds killing.

Russia’s War on Ukraine

Headline: “Zelensky, in private, plots bold attacks inside Russia, leak shows.”

Attacking sites in Russia plays into Putin’s hands. His false justification for launching a brutal war on Ukraine is that he’s protecting Russia from the demonic West. His propaganda will gain credence in Russia in proportion to the number of Russian people who are killed inside Russia as a result of the war. Much more preferable is for Russian people to feel increasing disgust with Putin and his abhorrent conduct. The West should provide Ukraine with everything it needs to keep Russia on the defensive and exact continuing high Russian casualties on Ukrainian soil. The ultimate peace treaty could provide that Ukraine will not join NATO, but Ukrainian sovereignty must be guaranteed by NATO. If Putin relents on key points, let him claim that he has saved Russia from the danger of being overwhelmed by the West.

The Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States; Comment

Article I
A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms, shall not be abridged.

Article II*
Nothing in Article I will be construed to limit the right of individuals to bear arms that may be invented in the future that can fire multiple rounds at high speed for sustained lengths of time without reloading, thereby enabling shooters to kill dozens of people in almost no time at all.
Note: Article II does not exist. “Article I” is the entire text of the Second Amendment

Robert Reich: “Money in politics is the root of our dysfunction. . . The NRA buys off Congress. No action on guns.”

The Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States

Article I
A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms, shall not be abridged.

Article II*
Nothing in Article I will be construed to limit the right of individuals to bear arms that may be invented in the future that can fire multiple rounds at high speed for sustained lengths of time without reloading, thereby enabling random shooters to kill dozens of people in almost no time at all.

* Note: Article II does not exist. “Article I” is the entire text of the Second Amendment.

Notes from Surreal Land

So much that is abnormal has become normal that we have to be especially alert to keep from sinking into relativism, exhaustion, fatalism, and despair. Are we really living in a world where a former president who tried to stage a coup has been indicted in New York and is the subject of multiple criminal investigations, one or more of which will likely lead to additional indictments, is the leading Republican candidate for the next presidential election? If that’s not surreal enough for you, consider that (i) Trump has several prominent probable opponents in the race for the Republican presidential nomination; (ii) a few days ago, a New York jury found him liable for sexual assault and defamation; and (iii) none of his probable opponents took that as an occasion to criticize him. That’s not because they don’t despise him. It’s because they are terrified of alienating people in the Trump cult — the large segment of Republican voters who are so demented, deluded, or morally degraded that they are unshakably loyal to an individual whose sociopathic characteristics are writ large for all to see.

The Abnormal Party

In a recent Washington Post column, E.J. Dionne reminds readers what is not normal about Republicans: Among other indications: threatening to impair the nation’s credit-worthiness and wreck the economy if Democrats don’t accede to their extremist demands; using their power in the courts and state legislatures to warp elections and secure one-party rule; employing strong-arm tactics to remove books from libraries and strip curriculums to satisfy the White Christian Nationalists and their like. Dionne could also have mentioned — maybe he did and I missed it — blocking sensible gun safety measures and creating misery and hardship for millions through forced birth policies. And he could have added more.

A Nonexistential Issue for a Change.

Headline: “Wolves are introduced into Colorado.” Wolves may be needed in parts of Australia that are overrun with rabbits, but not in Colorado, which is overrun with people, vehicles, cattle, and dogs.

The Debt Ceiling Crisis — Saving the Country from Default

Yesterday, I was glad to read an Op-Ed by Laurence Tribe, one of the nation’s most distinguished Constitutional law Professors, affirming both President Biden’s right and his duty to adhere to his oath of office to preserve and protect the Constitution by directing that debts of the United States previously authorized by Congress be paid as they become due. It makes sense morally, practically, and legally that, as Tribe says, having created these debts, Congress cannot “invoke an arbitrary dollar limit to force the president and his administration to do its bidding.” Tribe supplies apt language that Biden should include in a speech explaining and justifying and his action. I hope this approach carries the day.

Putin / Ukraine / the West

Headline: “As Putin bides his time, Ukraine faces a Ticking Clock.” The fear is that Ukraine can’t endure this horror as long as Putin can, and that the West will get tired of helping Ukraine keep up its resistance. That would be sad indeed. So long as Ukraine wants to fight on, it would be morally indefensible for the West (primarily NATO members) to fail to help Ukraine economically and militarily as much, and for as long, as is practicable.

Sadly and tragically, at the moment there is no discernible way in which the West can bring the war to a rational conclusion. Defying Putin is dangerous. Appeasing Putin is dangerous.


This is a word that aptly characterizes the policies of countries that in pursuit of their own perceived self-interest refuse to support Ukraine and give solace to Putin by trying to keep in his good graces. India, Brazil, Pakistan, and Egypt, for example, are doing what they think is good for themselves without regard to Russia’s brutal war of aggression. It’s also a word that aptly characterizes the policies of the large majority of Republicans who, by supporting or tolerating Trump, are doing what they perceive to be good for themselves without regard to his despicable character and behavior and the danger that he and his supporters and emulators pose to the United States and to the whole world.

Eight Crises

1. The debt ceiling crisis.

2. The anti-democratic, authoritarian-seeking moves by state legislatures controlled by Republican super-majorities.

3. Republicans’ continued support and tolerance for, and emulation of, Trump and Trumpian behavior.

4 The transition of the Supreme Court into an ideologically driven and ethically substandard institution.

5 The nuclear war threat from Russia, China, and North Korea.

6. The long-term threat to humanity of climate change

7. The long-term threat to humanity of artificial intelligence.

8. The continuing trend toward gross income and wealth inequality.

Staring at Armageddon of Sorts

Headline: “Biden and congressional leaders may have just 6 working days to find a debt limit solution.” It’s hard to see how this can happen. The solution requires the cooperation of the Republican-controlled House of Representatives. The key “congressional leader” referred to in the headline is the Republican Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy. But to attain that lofty title, McCarthy had to promise the most extreme elements in the Party that he would bend to their will. He is in no position to exercise leadership. Unless Democrats can find five honorable Republicans to defy their party and vote to raise the debt ceiling, default seems highly likely, unless, as a last desperate resort, Biden ignores the debt ceiling limit, citing the authority of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, and orders the Treasury to meet U.S. debt obligations, whereupon soon thereafter the issue will be resolved, for better or for vastly worse, by the Supreme Court.

The Debt Ceiling Crisis, Continued

Democrats are exploring another long shot hope for preventing the U.S. from defaulting on its debts. It’s called a “discharge petition,” an esoteric procedure whereby the Democrats could bring about a clean vote on a bill to raise the debt ceiling despite opposition of the Republican majority to its being considered. To pass this sensible measure would require that five of the 222 Republicans in the House sign on to it. Any of them who do are likely to be shunned thereafter by the Party leadership. The price of doing the honorable thing would likely be the loss of one’s political career.

Remember Diogenes, who walked around ancient Athens with a lamp, looking for an honest man. That’s what the Democratic leaders are doing right now, searching for five Republicans who care more about saving the economy and America’s reputation than their political standing.

The Debt Ceiling Crisis, Continued

Headline: “U.S. could run out of cash by June 1, {Secretary of the Treasury} Yellen warns.” Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy will be conferring next week, it’s reported. The trouble is that even if they can work something out, it’s highly unlikely that McCarthy can get his right-wing-extremist dominated, authoritarian-seeking, nihilistically inclined Republican caucus to go along with it. In the event that the crisis is not resolved through negotiation, I hope that Biden will have an exemplary speech prepared to deliver to the nation, explaining why he is preventing default under the authority of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, and that the Government will have a brief prepared to submit to the Supreme Court supporting the legitimacy of his action. May sanity and good will carry the day.

The Debt Ceiling Crisis Looms Closer

Headline: “Defaulting on the national debt is much closer than anyone realizes.”

If Republicans controlling the House of Representatives carry through with their threat to freeze the debt ceiling, Biden will have to breach it in order to pay debts of the United States previously authorized by Congress and the President. He would cite as his authority for doing so the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, which provides that “The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law… will not be questioned.” Whether the Supreme Court would rule in favor of Biden — thereby saving the United States from a catastrophic economic meltdown and international humiliation carrying with it a sharply increased national security risk — is anybody’s guess.


A great number of A.I. experts have called for a pause on A.I. development while we consider the implications and ramifications of this revolutionary development. A pause certainly seems desirable, but I don’t see any chance that it will happen. The people who most need to pause are the least likely to do so. Does anyone think China will pause? We may need A.I. to figure out how to pause itself.

The Cold Wars

The United States is in cold wars with Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran. The risk of military confrontation with each of them is growing. The risk of nuclear war is growing. This no time for a cold civil war in our country, but with the House of Representatives controlled by right-wing authoritarian-minded extremists who are threatening to cause the United States to default on its debts, the leading Republican presidential candidate likely to be under indictment on multiple counts in multiple federal and state jurisdictions before election day next year, and an ethically compromised Supreme Court controlled by right-wing ideologues, we are in one. Churchill once said, “You can always count on the United States to do the right thing after they’ve tried everything else.” We need to get through everything else fast.

The Debt Ceiling Crisis

A Washington Post editorial last evening urges Biden to call the Republican Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy, and try to work out a compromise to save the United States from defaulting on its debts, a calamity that would have incalcuable negative reverberations. The only path to resolving the crisis would seem to be a compromise measure that a sufficient number of Democrats and Republicans would agree to. This seems unlikely to happen, because almost all the Republicans in the House are authoritarian-seeking extremists, and nothing short of a humiliating and precedent-setting surrender on the part of the Democrats would satisfy them. They may think, with some reason, that putting the blame on Biden for America defaulting on its debts would be their best hope for taking back the White House in 2024. In the end, I think that Biden will have to act unilaterally, citing Constitutional authority, to prevent a default and that it will be up to the right-wing dominated Supreme Court to save us. I’m not at all sure that it will be so inclined.

The Debt Crisis Intensifies

Headline: “House passes GOP debt ceiling bill, as U.S. inches toward fiscal crisis.”

The bill is a compendium of right-wing extremist demands. There’s no chance that the senate will pass it, and Biden has said he would veto it if it reached his desk. Republicans presume that by threatening to cause the United States to default on its debts, all of which have all been previously authorized by Congress, the Democratic leadership will be forced to accede to their agenda. This is a case of non-prosecutable extortion. If Biden stands fast, Republicans won’t raise the debt limit, causing a default and resulting in an economic calamity. Republicans will blame the Democrats for it. They’ll repeat again and again: The meltdown happened on Biden’s watch; he is responsible for it; it would never have happened if Trump (or DeSantis (or whoever is the Republican nominee) were in the White House; elect a Republican to restore the nation’s honor and economic health. They will repeat this message day after day, hoping that enough people will believe it.

It looks more than ever to me as if Biden will have to act unilaterally to prevent a default, citing his authority to do so under the Constitution. It’s a mystery how the Supreme Court, controlled by right-wing ideologues, will rule on the issue. There’s reason to hope, but not to be optimistic.

Right Wing Media Performance Art: Could It Be Wearing Thin?

Some observers have expressed optimism that the ousting of the demagogic propagandist Tucker Carlson from Fox News might be a sign of a turning tide. Carlson was a master of phony outrage, whipping up hatred, mounting baseless attacks, reeling off racist rants, and doling out phony stories with affected deep-felt conviction that distinguished his tenure as a Fox TV star. For a large segment of the population, listening to characters like Carlson and his fulminating exemplar, Rush Limbaugh, was intoxicating –- inducing suspension of disbelief in the impoverished minds of millions of followers. Perhaps it is so. Performance art of this kind may be wearing thin.

A Particularly Troubling Authoritarian Trend

In a perceptive column in yesterday’s Washington Post, veteran journalist Karen Tumulty discussed what is probably the greatest threat to American democracy, the proliferation of state legislatures with supermajorities of right-wing authoritarian-seeking Republicans who seek to entrench their power through anti-democratic measures, including gerrymandering state legislative and Congressional districts, instituting measures to suppress voting by those more likely to vote for Democrats, empowering partisan commissions to remove elected district attorneys, and changing requirements for ballot initiatives to prevent the exercise of popular will on issues such as forced birth and gun safety laws. The overall picture is that of an insidious, creeping process in which democratic institutions and safeguards are gradually whittled away until what’s left can no longer be called a democratic form of government.

The Debt Crisis That Looms Larger Every Day

Headline: “Biden is running out of time to avoid calamitous debt ceiling outcomes”

Meet our demands for spending cuts, or we’ll refuse to raise the debt ceiling thereby causing an economic meltdown, humiliating and weakening the United States of America. That’s the Republicans’ ultimatum. Biden’s position is that he will negotiate, but not with a gun held to his head. Possible financial Armageddon is six to eight weeks away.

Biden giving in to this strong-arm tactic would be tantamount to ceding control of public policy to the extreme-right wing-authoritarian-seeking cabal that controls the House of Representatives even though Democrats control the presidency and the Senate.

I think it’s likely that Biden will have to resort to an unprecedented measure to prevent an unprecedented default: invoking a provision of Constitution requiring that the U. S. meet its obligations. Nihilist Republicans would challenge this, and the issue would soon come before the right-wing extremist-dominated Supreme Court. How they would decide such a case is a mystery to me and may even be a mystery to experts on the Constitution and on the Court.

The Problem with Meat and Dairy Products

Peter Singer, a Princeton philosophy professor, has long been a strong voice for treating animals better. He makes convincing case in a New York Times op-ed this morning that best way to do that is to not eat them, which is also the fastest and easiest way to slow global warming. Singer’s position strikes a lot of people as extreme, but he points out that not that many decades ago the movement to sharply restrict cigarette smoking seemed extreme. Now it seems to be basic common sense. I’m convinced that if we lived in an enlightened society, consumption of meat and dairy products would be a tiny fraction of what they are now.

My Life and Times with Bard

Yesterday I initiated a second conversation with Google’s new chatBot, Bard. I wanted to get Bard’s opinion on the argument Ivan Karamazov was making in The Grand Inquisitor episode in Dostoyevsky’s novel The Brothers Karamazov. Bard was somewhat helpful in its responses, but made two statements that were inconsistent with each other. I pointed this out and asked Bard how it could reconcile them. I expected that Bard might try to slither around my question the way politicians do when they are overcome by a strong urge to change the subject. Instead, Bard, replied, “I apologize if my previous statements were contradictory. I am still under development and learning to communicate more clearly.” I immediately felt empathy toward Bard and wondered if I’d been overly judgmental. There’s seems to be a natural tendency to anthropomorphize an entity that talks as much like a human as Bard does. Next time I’ll try to access Open A.I.’s ChatBotGPT. Don’t tell Bard about this. I don’t want to hurt its feelings.

Criminal Minds at Work

Republicans are threatening to refuse to raise the debt ceiling, causing the U.S. to default on its obligations, even though they were previously authorized by Congress and the President. This catastrophe could happen within the next couple of months. That sounds terrible, and Republicans agree that it would be terrible, but they say that of course it won’t happen because all that’s necessary to keep it from happening is for Democrats to agree with us on cutting government expenditures on food stamps, student loans and in a few other respects.

This tactic isn’t prosecutable, but it’s extortion, a crime usually associated with mob bosses. Republicans are saying, “We love the U.S. and the world economy — they are so important. It would be a shame if something happened to them because you wouldn’t agree to cut expenditures for food stamps and student loans.”

The Fox News / Dominion Voting System Settlement, Continued

On April 6th, I recommended Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin’s online Friday Q & A “chats” with readers. They have since been rescheduled to be held on Wednesdays. What interested me most in yesterday’s session was the discussion of the settlement of Dominion Voting Systems libel law suit against Fox. Fox’s agreement to pay Dominion 787 billion dollars in damages was an acknowledgement of the likelihood that Dominion could not only prove that Fox falsely reported that Dominion’s voting machines were faulty, but also that Fox knew that it was airing false information with the malicious intent of supporting Trump’s Big Lie that the 2020 presidential election was stolen. Rubin speculates that more libel litigation against Fox is coming. That would be welcome. The more it’s publicized how Fox News operates, the more it will seep into public consciousness that Fox is not a legitimate news organization, but a right-wing propaganda disseminator.

The Fox News / Dominion Voting Machine Settlement

You’re probably aware that Fox News settled the Dominion Voting Systems 1.6 billion dollar defamation suit. Fox will pay Dominion 787 billion dollars in damages for maliciously and knowingly “reporting” — in support of Trump’s Big Lie that the 2020 election was stolen — that Dominion’s voting machines were faulty. Justice was done to a degree. It wasn’t done with regard to the enormous damage Fox News has inflicted on the public and on American democracy. Let’s hope that this episode enlightened a significant number of Fox News viewers as to this network’s basic function in the world as a cynical and vicious disseminator of right-wing propaganda.

Worrying Times

Eons ago there was a popular PBS television show called “Wall Street Week.” For a half hour every Friday evening, the host, Louis (Lou) Rukeyser, questioned a panel of experts on the outlook for the economy and for individual industries and companies. One of the panelists was a dour-looking but exceptionally smart fellow whose name I forget, but I’ll call Henry. One night, before asking Henry for his opinion, Lou said, “You’re looking worried this evening, Henry,” to which Henry replied, “I’m always worried, Lou.” I’ve thought of that remark — and state of mind — lately, thinking about all the troubles our country and the world face: the tension building between China and the U.S. and the threat of war over Taiwan, Putin’s maniacal war against Ukraine, the transformation of the Republican Party into a agglomeration of cynical politicians bereft of constructive policy goals and bent on sattaining authoritarian rule, the transformation of the Supreme Court into an ideologically driven institution, the apparently insurmountable challenges of climate change. The list goes on. If Lou were questioning Henry, tonight, it’s a good bet that Henry would say, “I’ve never been so worried, Lou.”

The Owners of the Republican Party

Washington Post Columnist E. J. Dionne: “The Republican Party is now wholly owned by the gun lobby.”

The Republican Party was self-owned before it sold out. Now it’s co-owned by the gun lobby, the forced birth enthusiasts, the anti-science / anti-vaccination enthusiasts, the avaricious plutocrats, the white Christian nationalists, the conspiracy fabricators, and loose coalitions of the embittered, the resentful, and the deluded.

How a Scoundrel Like Trump or DeSantis Might Beat Biden in 2024.

It’s likely that too many people rightly distrust and dislike Trump and DeSantis for either of them to beat Biden in the 2024 presidential race, unless a heavily financed and promoted, seemingly centrist and capable third-party candidate enters the race — someone who would syphon off a great many more votes that would otherwise go to Biden than to Trump or DeSantis. That’s what the “No Labels” initiative appears to be bent on doing. If you’re an extreme right-wing, authoritarian-minded, dark money dispensing multi-billionaire, your megabucks may be more effective in getting Trump or DeSantis elected if you funnel them to the No Labels campaign than to the Trump or DeSantis campaign. It will be fascinating, though scary, to see how the political struggle evolves during the barely more than eighteen months to the 2024 elections.

Ominous News of the Day

Each day when I check the news, I come across an ominous headline or story. It takes considerable composure not to be unnerved by the drumbeat of oncoming doom. I should cite an example.

Here’s one picked at random. A heavily financed coalition with heavy-weight supporters calling itself “No Labels” is working to field a presidential nominee who will appeal to people who don’t favor either the Democratic or Republican nominee. An article I read about this movement referred to the 2000 election in which Ralph Nader won 97,000 votes in Florida, which Al Gore lost to G. W. Bush by 537 votes. There’s no question that Gore lost many more votes to Nader than Bush did. Nader gave us Bush. There’s a serious danger that No Labels could give us Trump or DeSantis, either of which would be a far worse calamity.

Be assured: Despite the wealth of material, I’m not going to turn this blog into “the ominous news of the day.”

Superyachts and Schooners

According to a report I read, there are more than 5,500 superyachts in the world — these are private vessels over 100’- long. I read that Jeff Bezos had one built in the Netherlands that’s 500’-long, or cost 500 million dollars, I forget which — maybe both. Superyachts are not boats, but ships, which I believe is the proper definition of a vessel big enough to carry one or more boats on board. I imagine carrying a helicopter would qualify as well.

I only got through college because I had a full scholarship provided by the U.S. Navy, but I had a friend there whose family was very rich, and he invited me once with some others on a cruise from Cape May, New Jersey, to Newport, Road Island, on his family’s 60’-long schooner. (Schooner rigs are particularly beautiful for some reason.) There was a permanent crew of two guys, though my friend and the other guests were all experienced sailors, so we acted as crew too. I thought that this boat (we never referred to it as a ship) was as beautiful to look at, be on, and sail, as anything that floats could be. I can’t imagine anyone wanting a superyacht in its place.

Why So Many People Vote for Republicans

Why are so many people inclined to vote for Republicans, even though Republicans are so regressive and anti-democratic and their leading candidate for president tried to overturn the last presidential election? In her weekly “chat” yesterday, Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin noted that there’s more than one explanation. Among them: 1) Republican politicians have successfully exploited the fears and resentments of people who feel ignored and left behind; 2) a lot of people have been exposed to so much right-wing propaganda that they’ve lost touch with reality.

Republicans: United in Support of Bad Policies, continued

Robert Reich: “The Republican Party is no longer committed to democracy. It is rapidly becoming the American fascist party.” Headline: “The effort to suppress the vote is spreading to the Republican main stream.” Books have been and will be written about this historic trend. It involves an agglomeration of disparate factions which have in common that their members are ideologues — people so enraptured with a particular issue or cause or causes or set of beliefs that they block out all other considerations, including honesty, decency, compassion, and respect for the rule of law. In states where Republicans patch together robust coalitions of such factions they can achieve supermajorities in the state legislature, the judiciary, and the executive branch, thereby gaining sufficient power to ratchet up their control sufficiently so that through gerrymandering and other anti-democratic stratagems they can move closer to achieving unassailable one-party rule.

Republicans: United in Support of Bad Policies

It’s understandable that Republicans are united in support of cutting taxes on big corporations and the rich and especially the super rich, opposing social safety nets, and ignoring the negative consequences of extreme wealth and income inequality — that’s in accord with their core ideology for as long as I can remember. But did it ever strike you as odd how united the G.O.P is in opposing gun safety measures, working to make voting more difficult, pushing for forced birth laws, opposing clean air and water regulations and climate initiatives, nurturing conspiracy theories and anti-vaccination proponents, and so forth? Why are Republican leaders so unified in welcoming factions that support such a diversity of regressive and destructive policies? It’s uncanny and it’s tragic. More about this tomorrow.

Happy Spring, Worrisome Though It Be

Happy Spring is the way I feel when it starts getting warmer and the daffodils bloom. If only there weren’t so much to be concerned about: Can the West supply enough aid to Ukraine so they can keep holding the Russians off? How did this disastrous leak of intelligence about Russia and Ukraine happen? China is practicing invading Taiwan. I don’t like ideology-driven judges and legislators curbing women’s basic rights: five years in jail for helping a pregnant Idaho teenager travel to a state where she can get an abortion? Barbaric. The nasty-minded Trumpian-type Republicans controlling the House of Representatives aren’t going to suddenly become honest, decent, and sane. Will they cause a monumental debt crisis in a couple of months? Fighting climate change is looking increasingly like a hopeless situation. How can inflation be brought down without causing a bad recession?What about this A. I. business and the emotional psychic damage done by social media? Enough of this, I’m thinking, but then I realize that I’m anxious about what I’ve left off this list. Oh yes. Guns. It’s sickening the way gun enthusiasts and manufacturers and dark money donors and feckless legislators perpetuate our slaughter-prone condition. And banning books! Distorted-mind types like Florida governor DeSantis are ruling too many roosts. The English have an expression they use — “muddle through.” I hope we can muddle through.It’s probably the best we can do.

Justice Clarence Thomas, Continued

I remember decades ago reading that the most prestigious job in the United States was that of being justice of the Supreme Court. That is surely not the case today, not because the justices have less power, authority, and moral responsibility than they once had, but because a majority of them have chosen to prioritize their ideologies and personal gratification over the solemn duties of their office and to our country.

Justice Clarence Thomas

Just as some progress was made in demonstrating that no person is above the law (Trump’s indictment by a New York State grand jury), it has now been revealed that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is, if not above the law, above minimal ethical standards. For a span of over two decades, he apparently accepted and did not report, luxury vacations including travel on private jets and on a yacht paid for by a super rich real estate mogul and lavish Republican donor. I read that the rule was that if a Supreme Court Justice accepts a gift for over $415, he or she must report it. According to Glenn Kessler, the Washington Post’s fact checker, one of Thomas’s jaunts alone would have cost Thomas $500,000, if he had paid for it himself. It’s understood that justices should be allowed to maintain normal personal friendships. As Washington Post columnist Ruth Marcus writes, “Maintaining ‘normal personal friendships’ doesn’t require spending nine days touring the Indonesian islands on a private yacht with a man who has spent millions promoting conservative causes.”

Keeping a Journal or Something Like It

Keeping a journal or diary is good mental exercise and has the advantage of generating a record of what’s happened in one’s life, amplifying and clarifying memory of past years. Putting thoughts and observations on paper requires you to organize, sharpen, and in some respects revise your thinking. As the playwright Ionesco said, “I write to find out what I think.”

I recently received a copy of the latest volume of a journal a friend who has been keeping a journal for decades. Turns out it makes for great reading. I’ve never been motivated to follow his example, but I think I’ve achieved some of the same benefits he has from writing a daily blog and books and essays.

Keeping Up with the News

We have only so much time and shouldn’t spend more than that to keep up with the news. Watching TV, you want to get a high yield of substantive information and illuminating commentary from any segment you devote time to. Topping the list for me (and pretty much completing the list) is Chris Hayes’s show, “All In,” on MSNBC. Among other investigations, I check what columnists are writing about in the Washington Post and the New York Times. Some I avoid, some I read occasionally, and some frequently. The one I consider to be the best and almost never miss is Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin. I especially look forward to transcripts of her Friday Q &A “chats” with readers. Here’s a 14-word sample of her writing: “Trump remains a threat to democracy and a black hole for truth and decency.” If only it were just Trump!

Yesterday Was Quite a Day

Trump finally got indicted. The case against him is solid factually, but whether he’s guilty of felonies or only misdemeanors may turn on questions of not-so-settled law. In any case, he was proved to be not above the law. He had to show up and listen to the charges against him. His magical persona lost some sheen. Of course he made an incendiary speech afterwards. It will be a good thing for the country if he is indicted for the most serious of his other crimes.

A great victory for democracy and decency occurred in Wisconsin. Janet Protasiewicz, the progressive candidate for the state’s Supreme Court, soundly defeated her right-wing opponent, spreading hope that Wisconsin’s forced birth laws and extreme gerrymandering on behalf of Republicans will be overturned.

Finland joined NATO! This was a major advance in strengthening the alliance of democratic countries holding the line against countries governed by bullying and bellicose dictators.

Asa Hutchinson

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if all the Republicans in Congress were suddenly transformed into old-fashioned, honorable conservatives who believed in being truthful and adhering to and supporting the rule of law. There still are some Republicans like that. One of them, former governor of Arkansas Asa Hutchinson, has announced that he’s running for the Republican presidential nomination. Unlike the vast majority of his fellow Party members, Hutchinson has been forthright and unequivocal in his criticism of Trump. His entry into the race should prove to be a tonic, even though at the moment it seems that he doesn’t have a chance.

Republican Faux Outrage

Right-wing Trump supporters and tolerators raised a great clamor of faux outrage over news that Trump was indicted by a New York grand jury. Scores of Republican office holders and their allies in the media acted as if the grand jury voted for indictment only because the district attorney prosecuting the case wants to get revenge on Trump. It’s taboo for them to say that Trump is above the law, so they have to affect certainty that Trump (of all people!) could not possibly be guilty of a crime.

Apparently, the indictment contains as many as thirty counts. If so, it means that the grand jury concluded that Trump probably committed as many as thirty crimes. When the indictment is unsealed tomorrow and we see what the charges are, Trump supporters and tolerators will each have to express up to thirty instances of faux outrage.

Google’s Chatbot

I recently initiated a conversation with Google’s new chatbot, Bard, asking an initial question and following up on it. Our conversation consisted of six questions I asked and six responses by Bard. My first question was: “I’ve read that the universe may be of infinite size. If it is, wouldn’t space have had to have expanded at an infinite rate since the Big Bang?”

Bard replied with varying degrees of responsiveness to my questions, then elaborated on its answer, often with what seemed like stock material. Twice it began a reply by saying, “I understand your confusion.” This seems to have been a scripted attempt to express empathy while projecting a sense of authoritativeness. It wasn’t effective in that regard, because in neither instance did I think that I had exhibited confusion, and at least one its sentences was internally inconsistent.

Overall Impression: Bard was somewhat informative, but less adept than I thought it might be. I’m sure it will become more sophisticated in time. I’m hoping to try Open A.I.’s ChatGPT and compare how it handles the same line of questioning, but whenever I try to access it, it says,“Try again in an hour.” In a New York Times article the other day, Brian X. Chen reported on having compared the two and found ChatGPT to be considerably more advanced than Bard.

Republican Reaction to Trump’s First Indictment

Looking down deep this week, we had a brightly lit view of the moral pit into which the vast majority of Republican politicians have sunk. In echoing Trump’s wildly false accusations concerning his indictment, they have in effect been asserting that he is above the law. They’re acting this way, not out of honest conviction, but to gain favor with the MAGA cult base, whose support they believe is necessary if they are to prevail in Repubican primaries. Their behavior should elicit disgust from every fair-minded person.

Trump’s First Indictment

Trump has been indicted in a proceeding in New York State. Three more indictments, each relating to far more serious crimes, are likely during the coming months. It’s not expected that any of them will deter Trump from continuing to run for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination. Trump’s principal opponent for the nomination, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, has said that he would not assist in extraditing Trump. It’s unlikely that extradition will be required. DeSantis, by saying that he would in effect block it, is hoping to gain favor with the MAGA cult crowd. It would be a dark day indeed for America if Trump refuses to budge and DeSantis tries to block extradition. The Supreme Court has original jurisdiction in lawsuits involving states. If New York sued Florida demanding that Florida extradite Trump, even the present right-wing extremist-controlled Court would probably order Florida to comply. Hopefully, Trump will show up in court next week.

Nibbling Away at Democracy

Trump and his allies tried to overthrow American democracy and replace it with authoritarian rule, and there’s no doubt that they will try to do it again if they get the chance. Our democracy is not only vulnerable to a coup, it’s vulnerable to being nibbled away. Nibblers are working at it all the time. This week a particularly big bite is being taken out of democracy in Georgia. The Republican-controlled legislature is setting up a commission that will have arbitrary non-reviewable power to remove elected district attorneys they don’t like — like ones that are conducting grand jury investigations of politicians who appear to have tried to get the Georgia Secretary of State to commit election fraud. The Republican governor will probably sign the bill into law.

The Race for the Republican Presidential Nomination

A lot of Republicans have doubts about Trump’s ability to win the presidential election in 2024; they wish that they could field a candidate who would have a better chance of beating their Democratic opponent. The trouble is that no Republican the MAGA cult crowd shuns can win the general election, and it appears that the MAGA cult crowd will shun anyone who isn’t Trump.

Florida governor Ron DeSantis is trying to change that. He’s trying to win over a lot of people in the MAGA cult crowd even though he isn’t Trump. To accomplish this he’s been engaging in race-baiting, xenophobia, misogyny, and playing up to Christian nationalists, all practices that appeal to people in the MAGA cult crowd. It’s not likely he’ll succeed. As Jennifer Rubin noted in a Washington Post column yesterday, try as he might, DeSantis doesn’t come close to being as good as Trump at race-baiting, xenophobia, misogyny and playing up to Christian nationalists. DeSantis is a dogged man, however, and he’ll probably keep trying.

The News Yesterday

What a sickening news day yesterday. Another mass school shooting by another crazed gun owner, unrestrained by our gun lobby-subservient legislators. Republican-controlled Georgia passes a law that allows the Republican governor to remove local district attorneys who are honorable enough to prosecute people who commit crimes in the process of trying to overturn fair elections. On slightly brighter side, Prime Minister Netanyahu has been trying to turn Israel into an autocracy with himself as the ruling autocrat and the courts subservient to his will, but the good people of that country protested and struck in such massive numbers and with such a display of righteous outrage that the scoundrel-in-chief put his judicial system destruction plan on hold for the moment, though, as Tom Friedman headed his column in The New York Times this morning, “Netanyahu can’t be trusted.” Hope abides, though times are tough and mean.

Trump and Republican Voters

Washington Post columnist E. J. Dionne, a wise man if there ever was one, commented yesterday on how there was no widespread criticism by Republicans of Trump’s crazed and despicable attacks on the Manhattan District Attorney as an “animal” and a “degenerate psychopath,” nor any Republican condemnation of Trump’s threat of “death and destruction” if he is indicted. According to an authoritarian Republican pollster, only 10 percent of Republicans are “Never Trump” voters, a fact that is indicative that the great majority of Republican voters are either deluded or depraved.

An Echo of the Past

Though history doesn’t repeat itself, it’s permeated with reverberations. In the late 1930s the Western democracies — the allies — were menaced by the axis of Germany, Italy, and Japan, three heavily armed powers bent on conquest. Now, about 85 years later, the allies are menaced by the axis of Russia and China, two nuclear armed powers bent on conquest.

Hitler seized Czechoslovakia and got away with it, but when he invaded Poland, war began in earnest. Putin seized Crimea and got away with it, but when he invaded the heart of Ukraine, war began in earnest. In this instance, the allies have participated only indirectly because of fear of escalation that could lead to nuclear war. All we know at the moment is that fraught years lie ahead.

Trump’s Warning

Headline: “Trump warns of ‘potential death and destruction’ if he’s charged in hush-money case.” He seems to be saying that his supporters will riot, kill people, and destroy property. If that’s what he thinks, shouldn’t he try to dissuade them from doing so? And shouldn’t Republican office holders admonish him for using such inflammatory rhetoric? We would fall out of our chairs if they did. Those who are accepting of Trump’s behavior have sunk to his level.

Trump’s Broad Appeal

New York Times opinion writer Thomas Edsall conducted a careful analysis of studies that tried to ascertain the secret of Trump’s appeal to so many millions of voters. Earlier studies centered on Trump’s appeal to racists. Edsall found it to be much broader. Racists are drawn to Trump, but apparently no less so than others who are consumed with resentment, thrive on chaos, exude hostility, or are attracted to nihilism.

Sticking by Trump

Headline: “Republicans are once again sticking by Trump as an indictment looms.” This is the case even though most of them would be delighted if Trump were eliminated from running. Their reason for sticking is that any Republican who doesn’t follow the “Trump-is-being persecuted” script would be challenged by an opponent with impeccable Trumpian credentials in the next Republican primary. Given the composition of Republican voters, you have to stick with Trump to get the Republican nomination for office. Doing so is morally indefensible, but not stupid.

Republicans, Russia, and China

In a recent Washington Post column, Max Boot pointed out that many Republicans in Congress believe that China presents a serious security threat and that we must take a strong stance toward that country; yet they lean toward cutting back on our aid to Ukraine. They don’t seem to realize that to allow Russia to conquer Ukraine would be to grant to Xi Jinping proof of America’s faithlessness and lack of resolve, a green light for China to conquer Taiwan.

Should Trump Be Given Deference Because He Is a Former President?

Trump is facing possible indictment in federal and state jurisdictions for at least four crimes. The least important of these appears to be imminent. Trump recently said that he would be arrested today — he called on the populace to stage protests.

Many prominent Republicans, including right-wing media figures and potential political rivals of Trump, have parroted his complaint that he is being persecuted. Trump’s allies have tried and continue to try to persuade the public that it would be a terrible thing to indict a former president, that it would introduce a culture of political retaliation that would imperil our democracy. They urge that Trump be treated with special deference,

This disingenuous line of argument reminds me of a sentence in an opinion by the great jurist Benjamin Cardozo: “A fiduciary is held to something higher than the standards of the marketplace.”

As President of the United States, Trump had a fiduciary duty to all its citizens; yet, because of his former status as President, his supporters and apologists urge that he be held to a lower standard –– in fact, lower than that required in the marketplace! I have a good idea what Cardozo would say to that.

The Kind of Person DeSantis Is

I learned from a Washington Post article that, as a young lawyer, DeSantis advised the military on what latitude they had in treating prisoners at Guantanamo. DeSantis approved force-feeding prisoners to quell a hunger strike. This is the kind of person DeSantis is and sufficient reason to disqualify him as a candidate to be president of the United States.

The Will to Believe

Thinking doesn’t make it so, except maybe in a narrow sense it can. In an article in yesterday’s online New York Times, Johns Hopkins neuroscientist David Linden postulates a physical means in which consciously directed brain activity may be able to affect cancer progression — he himself has cancer of the heart wall, yet he has outlived his predicted life continuance limit.

Linden admits that his theory is speculative, but he says that it could be testable. In any case, your mental state affects the efficacy of your immune system. In certain circumstances it may pay off to the have “the will to believe.”

Travel Notes

March 17:

Seven a.m: Startled by a succession of blaring emergency noises from the speaker in our room at a Miami Airport hotel.

Twenty minutes later: shorter screeching noises followed by an announcement that the earlier one was a false alarm

Elevator out of service: Walked down eight flights of stairs with suitcases

Shuttle to airport delayed twelve minutes in arriving back from airport

flight delayed one hour.

flight delayed an additional fifty minutes.

Second flight delayed; made it plenty of time.

Stood in “jetway” corridor with other passengers while boarding stoopped for ten minutes for unknown reason.

Plane stayed at gate after boarding completed for fifteen minutes for unknown reason.

Got home.

The foregoing is far from the travel horror stories like some I’ve heard about, but does make me wonder whether generally things aren’t working as well as they used to.

Tax Collection

The rich and super rich not only benefit from tax cuts, loopholes, and subsidies that their lobbyists, tax lawyers, and accountants have secured for them, a study estimates that they also get away with not paying over $100 billion in taxes per year that they owe. Corruption on this scale gives would-be tax cheats the impression that violating the law is tolerated. When corruption is perceived as being normal, it spreads. We need a well-managed and well-funded IRS to enforce the tax laws. Underfunding the IRS promotes cheating, breeds cynicism, erodes faith in government, and tends to run up the government’s annual deficit.

The U.S. – China Face-off

Yesterday I read a chilling article in The Economist about how war
over Taiwan might begin and play out. An accompanying editorial was cheerfully titled “How to Avoid World War III.” The authors offered some less-than-reassuring suggestions and concluded that “The two rival systems must somehow learn to live together less dangerously.” Our strategic planners need to be a lot more imaginative than that in their thinking.


Headline: “DeSantis dismisses Russian invasion of Ukraine as a ‘territorial dispute’ This news item should dispose of any lingering notion that DeSantis would be a significantly less worse president than Trump. To be reluctant to risk actions that might lead to direct military confrontation with Russia is one thing. To faithfully parrot Russian propaganda is another, revealing a mix of ignorance, cynicism, demagoguery, and moral hollowness that should disqualify DeSantis from holding high office.

Ukraine, Russia, and the West

Headline: “Ukraine short of skilled troops and munitions as losses and pessimism grows.” It’s so sad to read this. Russia has three times the population of Ukraine and is pummeling Ukraine. How can Ukraine win a protracted war of attrition, even with help from the West? I read that Ukraine has a terrible shortage of some type of ammunition that could be supplied by Switzerland, but the law of that historically neutral country doesn’t allow them to supply it. How is it that NATO countries, led by the U.S., could be dependent on Switzerland, of all places? Can’t the West save Ukraine? Ancient enemies — greed and indifference — seem to be doing us in.


Headline: “Pence says ‘history will hold Donald Trump accountable’for Jan. 6th.” Yes indeed, but I hope that the Criminal Justice System holds Trump accountable before history gets around to it. History may be slower acting, but at least it will be thorough. I’m sure it will hold Pence accountable for his years of faithful sycophancy to Trump, his countless sanctimonious utterances, and for refusing to testify to the Congressional Select Committee and resisting the subpoena issued to him by a Federal Grand Jury, in each case investigating the same Jan 6th insurrection he refers to in his latest oracular pronouncement.

Book Recommendation

I’m about two-thirds of the way through Jacques Barzun’s 800-hundred-page survey titled From Dawn to Decadence: 1500 to the present; 500 Years of Western Cultural Life (2000). This book is as continually engaging as any novel I’ve ever read. It fills a huge number of gaps in my knowledge of these five centuries and illuminates the lives of many important figures who had been no more than names or names plus a few facts, conceptions, and misconceptions in my mind. It’s replete with insights and thought-provoking observations by the author. It’s given me a sense of the roiling progressions and reverberations of history that I never had before. I’ll have more to say about it when I finish reading it.

Abolish “Conservatism”

I mean abolish the word, not the phenomenon it once stood for. As Jennifer Rubin has pointed out, people who are election deniers, promote xenophobia and racism, and advocate nullifying the anti-Establishment Clause of the Constitution — and she might have added, threaten to cause the United States to default on its debts and fail to condemn instigators of an insurrection that threatened to end American democracy — are routinely called conservatives though they are clearly not. The word has lost its meaning; it would be best to abolish it.

2023 Battle Lines

Apart from hostilities involving the Republicans’ war against truth — for example, a majority of Republican members of Congress refused to condemn Trump’s Big Lie that the 2020 presidential was stolen — the battle lines between the two parties have formed on familiar terrain. President Biden’s new budget proposal calls for increased expenditures on social programs and on other initiatives. These would be financed largely by increased taxes on large corporations and on the rich and especially the super rich. Republicans oppose increasing expenditures and raising taxes; they advocate reducing expenditures on social programs as a way to strengthen the nation’s fiscal health. Tensions arising out of these opposing positions are certain to rise as summer approaches because of the threat by Republicans to cause the United States to default on its obligations unless the Democrats accede to their demands.


Florida Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida is the most likely alternative to Trump for the 2024 Republican Presidential nomination. Most Republicans want to “move on” from Trump, and a large majority of Americans realize that Trump is grossly unfit to hold public office. Fox News has tilted its propagandizing to favor DeSantis over Trump. By the time the election approaches, Trump is likely to be under indictment in one or more jurisdictions. My guess is that the rest of the field will fade out and that Republicans will settle on DeSantis as the Party’s best bet. Republican voters have proven that DeSantis’s deep deficiencies of character and competence are no bar to their voting for him.

China Policy

Washington Post opinion writer Max Boot had an interesting and important column the other day. It was titled “The Perils of Bipartisanship.” In these polarized times, unity of Republicans and Democrats with regard to a major policy issue would normally be something to celebrate, but the enthusiasm of leaders of both parties for being “tough on China” reminded Boot of the overwhelming enthusiasm of most leaders of both parties for initiating the Vietnam War and the 2002 Iraq War, which in each case led to catastrophic results. Charging ahead on a track that could lead to war with China poses far greater risks. China’s behavior and policies constitute a grave threat to American interests. Responding to it successfully will require a high ratio of wisdom to bombast.

Trump and the Media

I wouldn’t normally cite Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin two days in a row, but she so often nails it that I’m prompted to do so. The problem she identifies — documenting it with quotations — is that even the most highly regarded news organizations characterize Trump’s incoherent, corrosive, wildly irresponsible, divorced-from-reality utterances as if they were normal political rhetoric instead of the ravings of a dangerous madman. It’s not enough to say that a naked emperor might perhaps have dressed somewhat more appropriately.

Voting Rights of Former Felons

In a column yesterday, Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin applauded Minnesota’s restoration of the right to vote for felons who have served their terms. A majority of people in this cohort are among the downtrodden and oppressed. The downtrodden and oppressed tend to vote Democratic. Most Republican politicians favor suppressing voting rights of people who tend to vote Democratic.

It’s bad policy to deny voting rights to former felons. They have “paid their debt to society.” It’s grossly unfair to perpetuate their punishment in this fashion. Society should do whatever is possible to help and guide these people to become responsible citizens for the rest of their lives. Exercising the right to vote is a privilege and a duty of responsible citizenship. Denying voting rights to former felons after they’ve served their terms amounts to telling them that they will never be full citizens again: forget about trying. It’s a cruel, stupid, and counter-productive policy.


Nice reading about and looking at pictures of all the snow that’s fallen this winter. California has been given a reprieve from apocalyptic drought. In southwest Colorado snow pack is well above average. With a little luck we’ll have a smoke-free summer, the mountains and ridges will look sharp and clear, and what it would be nice if it were normal will seem like a special treat.


Nihilism — what one might think would be a rare pathology — is flourishing in the United States, evidenced by the wanton abdication from moral responsibility of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, the histrionics of self-promoting demagogues-in-training like Tucker Carlson, Ron DeSantis, and Marjorie Taylor Greene, and the cynical investigations and faux-serious diversions of Republican-run House committees featuring miscreants like Matt Gaetz and Jim Jordan.

I’m in New Orleans this weekend for my grandson’s wedding. I checked my altimeter during my taxi ride in from the airport. Elevation was –2 feet. On a street corner in the French Quarter a cheerful ensemble was playing dixieland. The weather’s in tune too. This in one of several towns in the U.S. that are sui generis — nothing like them. Others that qualify: Aspen and Key West. I’m sure there are others. There are a lot of places I haven’t been to.

I’m skimping on reading the news this morning, but an opinion headline in the Washington Post caught my eye: “Washington has succumbed to dangerous groupthink oon China.” I’ll read it later.

The Multiplier Effect of Advanced A.I.

A venerable saying concerning computers is:

In the case of future A.I., it may become

Professor Reich’s ChatGPT Has Got It Right

Professor Robert Reich is a strong progressive voice and has command of a tremendous range of statistics that support his recommendations. The other day he posted a statement drafted by his ChatGPT. This artificially intelligent device outperformed most politicians in suggesting that a universal basic income (UBI) — ensuring that everyone has enough income to provide their basic needs — might be good public policy. It’s a good guess that ChatGPT attended some of professor Reich’s classes. If so, it proved to be a good student.

People who oppose a UBI, including, I suspect, just about every Republican, say that such a policy would allow some people who are not disabled to sit around and take a handout. This is a faulty argument: Anyone who has the capacity to be a productive member of society would be intolerably bored sitting around and would want to make more money than UBI income provides.

A Happy Convergence of Two Trends?

Headline: “China trying to increase its birthrate.” A couple of dozen years ago, China tried to limit births to one per family. They thought the country was getting too crowded. Now they are doing the opposite —- trying to increase their population. That’s because, like in many advanced countries, birthrates have been declining and, as people have been living longer, the population of retired people has been increasing. Some of the biggest countries were headed toward a situation where there wouldn’t be enough working-age people to provide the goods and services needed by retired people.

The Chinese aren’t counting on it, but it appears that A.I. will increase productivity so much that many fewer working-age people will be needed to take care of the retired people. We may reach the point where A.I. can take not only take care of the retired people but also subsidize the working-age people, so they won’t have to work as much to earn a living wage. That would be nice, but it might require a higher degree of rationality on the part of people than has generally been exhibited thus far.


News Story: House Speaker Kevin McCarthy gave Fox News host Tucker Carlson exclusive access to 41,000 hours of surveillance footage taken during the U.S. Capitol attack. Carlson is a cynical, self-serving, right-wing conspiracy theory-promoting propagandist. McCarthy wasn’t instantly removed from his position of Speakership for perpetrating this outrage because it was sanctioned by the MAGA-cult right-wing extremists who control the House of Representatives.

I’m reading From Dawn to Decadence, the 800-page cultural history of the West from 1500 – 2000 by the renowned historian Jacques Barzun. The title suggests that by the end of the twentieth century the West was in a state of decadence. Barzun says that an indication of decadence is when futility and the absurd have become normal. I wonder how he would characterize the state of the West as we’re approaching the end of the first quarter of the twenty-first century: extreme decadence, maybe?

Financing Social Security and Medicare, continued

Although the more big earners make, the smaller the percentage of their earnings they are liable for in payroll taxes, defenders of this system argue that once they reach retirement age, the social security payments they receive are capped — limited by how much they paid in. True, but an inequity that is only compensated for, on average, decades later is still an inequity. Moreover, removing the cap on the payroll tax would be a sensible step toward reversing the trend toward regressive tax and tax break policies that have produced the present state of gross and corrosive income and wealth inequality, and, unlike many proposals for instituting more progressive tax measures, would be immune from clever tax avoidance schemes.

Financing Social Security and Medicare

Deficit hawks are right in pointing to how funding Social Security and Medicare payments will become untenable unless remedial steps are taken. Either payout formulas have to be constricted or additional revenues have to be generated. Republican sentiment seems to favor raising to 70 the age when payouts begin. Most Democrats oppose restrictions on payouts.

Some politically brave souls have pointed out that there’s an obvious solution to the problem: Eliminate the $160,000 cut-off on payroll taxes. It’s grossly inequitable that, under the present system, people who make $50,000 a year, or $150,000 a year, pay a tax that is a much great percentage of their earnings than that paid by people making $500,000 a year, or $5,000,000 a year. Tomorrow I’ll offer my thoughts on why this gross inequity has been perpetuated.

Bad People in Positions of Power

One would think that the vast majority of people and nations in the world would be revolted by Russia’s unprovoked and abhorrent war against Ukraine and would be united in condemnation of Putin and resolute in bringing as much pressure against Russia as possible to bring about a just outcome to this ongoing monstrous crime. The NATO countries have to a large extent risen to the occasion, but it is dismaying how many countries see the war only in terms of how they can exploit it to their own advantage: not only countries run by monstrous autocrats –– notably China, North Korea, and Iran — but also, India, South Africa, and other Middle Eastern and African countries. Isolationist sentiment is on the rise in the United States, as well. Hordes of people throughout the world appear to be tolerant of Putin’s autocratic brutalist way of being. These are bad people, and a dismaying number of them are in positions of power.

Further Thoughts on Russia’s War against Ukraine

Appeasement of Putin should not be an option, nor should a falling off of our unflagging support for Ukraine. This doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t continually search for avenues to peace. In an insightful Washington Post op-ed yesterday, Harvard professor of Government Graham Allison quoted John F. Kennedy’s remark: “Above all, while defending our own vital interests, nuclear powers must avert those confrontations which bring an adversary to a choice of either a humiliating retreat or a nuclear war.”

No course of action can eliminate risk. We still have to thread the needle. What we must not do is slack off or shrink from this epochal struggle between the forces of tyranny and those of liberal democracy.

Further Thoughts on the Russian War on Ukraine

Yesterday I listened to a podcast of Sam Harris’s illuminating interview with Yale historian Timothy Snyder, an expert on Ukraine and Russia. Snyder left no doubt in my mind that the West must be unflagging in support of Ukraine.Those who would appease Putin need to understand that acquiescing to nuclear extortion wouldn’t avert the danger of nuclear devastation: it would increase it.

The Gathering Storm

This was the title of Volume I of Winston Churchill’s History of World War II. There are indications that a no less intense storm is gathering now. Biden made a bold and brave visit to Kiev over the weekend and is making a speech in Poland today. The Chinese are threatening to supply arms to Russia. Putin announced that Russia is pulling out of the nuclear treaty. An ominous face-off seems to be forming between the autocratic regimes controlling Russia, Iran, China and North Korea on one side, and the NATO countries and their counterparts among the democracies on the Pacific Rim on the other. Meanwhile, as was the case in the years preceding Pearl Harbor, isolationist sentiment is rising in the U. S. I’m reminded of John F. Kennedy’s principle: “Never negotiate out of fear, but never to negotiate.” I would suggest, as a corollary, “Never stop searching for ways to peace, but know that appeasement is not one of them.

This Winter a Heaviness Hangs in the Air, continued

In my litany of worrisome phenomena yesterday, I neglected Republicans’ threat to refuse to raise the debt ceiling if their demands aren’t met. They’ve done this before and backed off. Times change, however, and the House is now controlled by wanton extremists. Speaker Kevin McCarthy has subordinated himself to knaves and fools in order to cling to his title. Democrats have signaled that they will not be extorted. But Republicans, being of nihilistic bent, will probably follow through on their threat, proving that they are not bluffing, whereupon President Biden, and the Treasury Department, following his directions, will likely borrow more money to meet the government’s obligations, citing the language of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution that “The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law . . . shall not be questioned.” The obligations that must be paid were in every case previously authorized by Congress. The debt ceiling is an entirely post facto construction. The matter may reach the Supreme Court, which is dominated by right-wing ideologues. By then, the foundations of world economic order will be showing cracks and strains, and may already be in the process of crumbling.

This Winter a Heaviness Hangs in the Air

The pandemic seems to be all but over. The economy isn’t spinning out of control. President Biden has kept a steady hand on the helm. But monstrous problems threaten to overwhelm us. Putin’s maniacal attempt to conquer Ukraine threatens not just the survival of that country, but all humanity. The same may be said for the rise of authoritarianism and erosion of democratic institutions throughout the world. A sign of the times is this past week’s revelation that Fox News media icons knowingly spread falsehoods imperiling the survival of American democracy in order to maintain their viewer ratings. The seeming helplessness of our species to combat climate change, evidenced by a water crisis that will require water rationing western states, the demonstrated corrosive effect of social media, the evidence that greed and cynicism are ascendant, and the malignant effects of gross income and wealth inequality are all deeply disturbing. If we think of humanity as if it were a single person who had been submitted to a medical exam, multiple malignancies would have been found. Ones in Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran are particularly worrisome, appearing more likely to metastasize than be contained.

Russia’s War Against Ukraine

Next Friday will mark the one-year anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. It has been aptly said that the West must thread the needle in its response to Putin’s war of aggression. We must continue to give Ukraine the military, economic, humanitarian, and moral support they need to keep their country from being overwhelmed by Russian forces; Putin must be made to understand that he cannot succeed in conquering Ukraine. But because Putin has the capability of escalating the war by using nuclear weapons — for example wiping out Kiev with a single bomb or cluster of bombs –- he must be given concessions that will allow him to claim that Ukraine has been cleansed of fascists, that Russians in the Ukraine will be protected from discrimination; that all economic sanctions against Russia have been removed, and that peace, security, and dignity for Russia are now assured for generations to come. I think it would be prudent to be generous in making concessions to Putin in order bring this savage conflict to an end and lower the risk of a direct conflict between NATO nations and Russia, provided that any concessions the West makes must be accompanied by NATO’s ironclad commitment to defend Ukraine in the event of renewed Russian aggression, and this must be backed up by NATO’s clear demonstration of readiness to act.

Among the Troubles We’re In

How’s 2023 going? The condition of the patient (the U.S.A.) is guarded. The Treasury has warned us that unless Congress authorizes a rise in the debt ceiling, the United States will default on its obligations this summer, which would please dictators hostile to our country by causing economic and political chaos and imperiling our national security. Republicans think that might not be too big a price to pay in order to teach Democrats an unintelligible lesson.
The nation’s fiscal plight was greatly exacerbated by the Trump tax cuts and tax breaks for the rich and especially for the super rich, people like the fellow in East Hampton, New York, who, the local newspaper reports this week, feels deprived because the house he bought for $57 million isn’t directly on the ocean, a flaw he’s attempting to remedy by applying for a permit to build an elevated walkway through the dunes. I wonder if the town will permit this desecration of public lands, sculpted by the winds, to spare him what ordinary rich people have to endure — walking, biking, or driving, sometimes hundred of yards, to get to the beach. Wealth inequality is out of control, which is one of the troubles we’re in.

Daily Blog Resumes

I’m happy to be resuming my daily blog today. For a long time I’ve been impressed by how some people I know keep a journal and make regular entries. It’s a practice that establishes a historical record and helps one organize one’s thoughts: A vague notion that’s floating around in your mind may become more coherent when you put it in writing. I’m posting a daily blog partly to sharpen my thinking and partly with the hope that readers will find some of my observations to be informative.

Since I last wrote in this space, I’ve slightly revised my essay “The View from Ninety,” which can be accessed from the home page of this webiste. As is appropriate, I’ve retitled it “The View from Ninety-Two.”

In the months ahead, I’ll probably be commenting most often on political developments if only because they are having such an outsized impact on our lives, but I hope to intersperse these pages more frequently than I have in the past with observations on other topics, including personal experiences and books I’m reading.

Website New Feature / Suspension of Daily Blog until February 16th

A few months ago, I completed my new short novel, Continuance: A Tale of Two Planets, and submitted it to my literary agent. She assigned it to a reader to evaluate it. The reader had imaginative suggestions for how it should be reshaped before being offered to publishers. There was no chance of that happening, however — we were on different wavelengths — so, after further revision, I decided to feature it on the home page of my website, edwardpackard.com, offer free downloading for personal use, and see what others think of it. I think it’s well worth reading, but who am I to judge? As the author, I’m disqualified.

Website New Feature / Daily Blog Taking a Break

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Deleted because updated on January 20th

. Do We Live in a Plutocracy?

A progressive tax policy is one in which the more income you have, the higher the rate (after what amount to subsidies and loopholes) at which it’s taxed. In a progressive society, workers tend be paid increasingly higher wages and salaries in real dollars (i.e. adjusted for inflation) as productivity rises. According to the economist Clara Mattei, the medium male worker in America earns less in real dollars than in 1973, and the richest 400 families pay an overall tax rate lower than that paid by any other income group. By these measures, we live in a regressive society, one that it would be apt to call a plutocracy.

The State of the House

Headline to Jennifer Rubin’s Washington Post column yesterday: “There are no moderate House Republicans.” None? Really? That’s right. Remember that the two notably honorable and decent Republican members of the House, Liz Cheney and Adam Kinsinger, were shunned by the Party and are no longer in office.

Even the eighteen Republicans from Congressional districts won by Biden in 2020 — politicians who had good reason to take moderate positions — voted fifteen times to make Kevin McCarthy, an election denier, the Speaker of the House, and voted for rules enabling right-wing extremists to extort concessions from Democrats to prevent the United States from defaulting on its debts. 
It would take only a half dozen decent-minded moderate Republicans to work out productive compromises with the Democrats in this Congressional term. Apparently, there isn’’t even one.

My Encounter with the Bible

I don’t remember what prompted me, but I had an impulse to look up the source of the phrase “Peace on Earth, goodwill toward men.” I soon learned that the phrase comes from a verse in The Gospel According to Saint Luke; I also learned how many Bibles there are — dozens, though I did’t count them. The most famous one may be the King James Bible, which is distinguished by the beauty of its prose. It renders the phrase that had come to my mind: “on earth peace, good will toward men.” If the authors had been as gender-sensitive as we are now, the phrase would probably have been rendered: “on earth peace, good will toward all.”

Next I looked at the New American Standard Bible, which sounds as if it’s more commonly used these days. It renders the phrase: “on earth peace among people with whom He is pleased.” I noticed that a lot of other Bibles follow this line. It’s not beautiful prose, and it suggests that God doesn’t favor a lot of people and doesn’t care whether they have peace or not. I don’t like it. It’s not a sentiment that induces peace on earth, good will toward all.

The Status of Our Two-Party System

I wish everyone in America could read Jennifer Rubin’s Washington Post column yesterday. It was titled: “Jeffries governs in poetry, Biden in grace — and the GOP in thuggishness.” The facts back up the shocking contrasts she drew, in the process quoting from a speech delivered by the House Democratic Minority Leader, Hakeem Jeffries:

We will never compromise our principles. House Democrats will always put American values over autocracy. Benevolence over bigotry. The Constitution over the cult. Democracy over demagogues. Economic opportunity over extremism. Freedom over fascism. Governing over gaslighting. Hopefulness over hatred. Inclusion over isolation. Justice over judicial overreach. Knowledge over kangaroo courts. Liberty over limitation. Maturity over Mar-a-Lago. Normalcy over negativity. Opportunity over obstruction. People over politics. Quality-of-life issues over QAnon. Reason over racism. Substance over slander. Triumph over tyranny. Understanding over ugliness. Voting rights over voter suppression. Working families over the well connected. Xenial [hospitality] over xenophobia. ‘Yes, we can’ over ‘you can’t do it,’ and zealous representation over zero-sum confrontation.

The New Republican-Controlled House of Representatives

So today the election-denying, morally degraded, magical-thinking Republicans begin exercising control of the House of Representatives. They have no constructive agenda; they proclaim that the government isn’t the solution, it’s the problem; they’re already threatening to cause the United States to default on its obligations unless they get their way. They’ve announced that they will investigate the FBI, and that they will investigate the recently concluded House Select Committee’s investigation of the January 6, 2021, insurrection. Using their own matches and oily rags, they will manufacture a lot of smoke, then cry out, ”Where there’s smoke, there’s fire!” It’s not in doubt that they will harm our country and our democratic institutions. In the coming months we’ll find out how much.

Throughout 2023, Ukraine Should Remain in the Forefront of Our Minds

An opinion piece yesterday by former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates is headed: “Time is not on Ukraine’s Side.” By purporting to annex and by declaring that the four eastern provinces of Ukrainev are part of sacred Russian soil, Putin closed off any chance of a negotiated settlement in which Ukraine would cede any territory to Russia: Putin may take some breaks to amass more armaments or build up forces, but he can’t quit, because if he did, it would amount to an admission that attacking Ukraine was a terrible and unforgivable mistake. His strategy is to wear Ukraine down and continue to try to conquer Ukraine, and if he can’t conquer it, to reduce its citizenry to desolation and utter misery.

After writing the above, I noticed a headline in Politico this morning: “Moscow to mobilize 500,000 new conscripts, Kyiv military intelligence says.” Time is not on Ukraine’s side, because with each month that passes, regardless of who holds what territory, Ukraine will be more battered and more of its citizens will be maimed or killed. I agree with Rice and Gates: As long as Ukrainians want to defend their country, the United States should assist them as much as it takes, and as long as it takes, in my opinion, until Putin realizes that time is not on his side.

The Power of the Mob

I learned from watching Chris Hayes’s news show last evening that one of the concessions Kevin McCarthy had to make to the extreme right-wing, pro-authoritarian Republican nihilists to get the votes he needed to become Speaker of the House was that he would appoint three of them to the House Rules Committee, apparently giving them the power to block any piece of legislation, presumably including legislation to raise the debt ceiling and prevent the Government from defaulting on its obligations. It looks like ugly times lie ahead.

The Impasse in Selecting the Speaker of the House

Legislation is impossible without the assent of the House of Representatives. Republicans narrowly control the House. A small minority of right-wing, extremist. pro-authoritarian nihilists control Republican Representatives. Therefore, legislation is not possible without the assent of right-wing extremist, pro-authoritarian nihilists. The only hope – a faint one – may be that some relatively pragmatic and sensible Republicans will make a deal with the Democrats as to selection of the Speaker of the House. This individual would most likely be a relatively sane and honorable Republican.

Architects of Chaos

Right-wing Republican extremists are trying to control the House of Representatives by extorting concessions and fealty from Representative Kevin McCarthy as the price he must pay in exchange for their votes, which he needs if he is to be elected Speaker of the House. The members of this gang, who I understand refer to themselves as the Freedom Caucus, have no legislative agenda. They have no interest in the common good. Their goals are power and prominence, and they have no scruples as to how they get it. Our country would be much better off if could be soundly defeated and marginalized.

The Wealth / Power Cycle

Robert Reich keeps hammering away on the appalling degree of wealth and income inequality in this country. In his latest Facebook post, he notes that, “Three multibillionaires now own more wealth than the bottom half of America — 160 million Americans,” and adds, “Don’t tell us we can’t afford a wealth tax on the super-rich.”

The trouble is that economic power translates into political power; great economic power translates into great political power; great political power tilts the playing field in favor of those who wield it, further increasing their wealth, giving them more political power, enabling them to tilt the playing field even more, and so it proceeds. Any idea how to reverse this trend, Mr. Reich?

Ukraine, Lincoln, and Biden

Reading And There Was Light, Jon Meacham’s wonderful new biography of Lincoln, I’ve been struck by the similarity of the pressures on Lincoln and the dilemmas he faced in formulating and pursuing a just and realistic strategy during the Civll War and those on Biden in leading the West’s assistance to Ukraine in repelling Russia’s invasion of that country. Lincoln wanted to eliminate slavery, but slavery could not be eliminated unless the Union was preserved intact, and the Union could not be preserved intact if Lincoln didn’t act pragmatically to retain the allegiance of border states and conciliatory constituencies in the North. Similarly, Biden wants to help Ukraine repel Russian invaders, but no less fervently wants to avoid any escalation of the war that poses a serious risk of a direct confrontation between Russian and NATO forces. It’s fascinating to trace the evolution of Lincoln’s strategy as the Civil War unfolded. Biden seems to be guided by the same philosophy.

Ukraine / Strategy

In a New York Times guest opinion essay yesterday, Nigel Gould-Davies, an expert on strategic dealing with Russia, made some suggestions. His basic idea is that the West needs to persuade Putin that withdrawing his forces from Ukraine is less perilous than fighting. How can this be accomplished? Gould-Davies’s main argument is that “the West should demonstrate readiness to mobilize, and quickly, its huge economic superiority to enable Ukraine to defeat Russia and to impose further severe sanctions.” This is too vague and temporizing be helpful. The West needs to mobilize its “huge economic superiority” now.

Happy New Year to All!

What about resolutions to do better in 2023? Some deride them. Others caution that they should not be overly ambitious. Others recommend being sparing as to how many you adopt. Perhaps the dominant admonition is to only make resolutions that you have a realistic hope of keeepiing. My thought this year is to keep it simple. I resolve to follow the advice of a bumper sticker I saw last year: “Just be nice.”

Santos and Societal Norms

The spectacle of moral degradation endemic among Republican politicians was dramatized this week when George Santos, the newly elected Republican Congressman from New York, apologized for “embellishing” his resumé. Since his resumé was in large measure a fabrication, he lied yet again in saying he had embellished it, a phrase that implies that his representations were substantially truthful. It now appears that he may be prosecuted for defrauding the voters of his Congressional district. That would be healthy development. It’s a sign that society is crumbling when rank dishonesty is shrugged off.

The Moon and the Telescope

Having commented a few days ago on the shortcomings of the Washington Post article titled “22 good things that happened this year,” it would be irresponsible for me to leave this topic without noting that one of them was titled “We’re Going to the Moon Again,” which, by the way, is not something that happened this year, because it didn’t. Moreover, going to the moon is not what it once was, which is why we abandoned this practice some decades ago.

When, half a century ago, Neil Armstrong became the first person to walk on the moon, he said “One small step for {a} man, one giant leap for mankind.” It would be apt for the first astronaut to walk on the moon in this century to say, “One great leap for a man; one small step for mankind.”

What really was another great leap for mankind this year was the successful deployment of the Webb telescope, which is now in position a million miles from Earth and exceeding expectations in uncovering information about the universe and our galaxy that would otherwise have remained beyond our ken. The complexity and capability of the Webb telescope is stunning, as was the overcoming of the challenges to deploying it and rendering fully operational. Its scientific significance far exceeds whatever may be achieved by going to the moon again.

Wealth / Income Inequality

The tone of this country would be far more agreeable if the United States had a much more progressive tax and subsidy system. Robert Reich is a master at demonstrating with simple telling statistics that our society is grossly inegalitarian. Example: “The richest 1% of Americans hold more wealth than the least well-off 290 million Americans”.

Santos and His Fellows

George Santos, a newly elected Republican Congressman from New York, has admitted that virtually his entire life story, including his claims of education, experience, and ethnicity, was a fabrication. He defrauded everyone in his district who voted for him, believing his claims. His behavior may have violated criminal law. He should not be seated in Congress, and, if seated, he should be expelled. The Republican-controlled House of Representatives will almost certainly allow him to stay. They know that Santos will faithfully do what the Party leadership tells him to do, if only to save his own skin. Besides, it would be hypocritical for Republicans to expel Santos for moral depravity. By voting to overturn the 2020 presidential election, the majority of Republican representatives have proved themselves to be no less morally depraved than Santos.

The American Struggle

I’ve been reading Jon Meacham’s great new book, And There Was Light; Abraham Lincoln and the American Struggle. During the winter of 1861, the Civil War had all but begun. There was a concerted movement to prevent Lincoln from being inaugurated and well-founded fears that he would be assassinated or that insurrectionists would seize the Capitol and prevent the counting of electoral votes. Meacham noted, “Lincoln saw democracy as an essential good; his foes saw it as a threat to the aristocracy of power.” Now, more than a century and a half later, the American struggle continues. Its intensity has receded from fever pitch, but the springs that power it are tightly coiled.

2022: The Good, the Bad, and the Trivial

Yesterday, looking for a Christmas bonus of joy, I clicked on a Washington Post article titled “22 good things that happened this year.” The first two were satisfying — “Ukraine still stands” and “American voters resist extreme candidates,” referring to ones who were election deniers or blatantly favor authoritarian rule. Most of the other items on the list were of considerably less import, like #9, “Tik Tok brought us ‘butter boards.’” I thought, Scratching the bottom of the barrel of good things already? And I’d just read Michael Moore’s observation that 121 members of the new Congress voted to overturn the 2020 presidential election. I hope the Post will find more substantial good things for their list next year.

Merry Christmas to All

The key word in yesterday’s quote quote from Santa is “all.” And it’s not just Santa who is non-exclusive. Tiny Tim himself said, “God bless us, every one.” Really?” you might ask, “including even people like Tucker Carlson and Marjorie Taylor Greene? Yes, and even the ogre of Mar-a-Lago, because they are sentient members of the human family and and we want something better for them as well as something better from them. Their minds are warped, but there is always hope for redemption, for an epiphany. They are to be relentlessly opposed, but no more to be hated than an earthquake or a typhoon.

As Santa first said as he drove away on his sleigh, oh so many years ago, and faithfully repeats every year — “Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.”


Trump is in a fade. Republicans need to unite behind a strong alternative candidate. Florida governor Ron DeSantis is the leading aspirant, but DeSantis is a terrible human being. His latest moral crime — an attempt to attract conspiracy theorists and crazed MAGA cult voters generally — is to demand a grand jury investigation of “criminal or wrongful activity in Florida” involving the “development, promotion and distribution of coronavirus vaccines,” even though the striking success of vaccines in reducing severe illness and deaths is a matter of public record. The best candidate Republicans could put up would be Liz Cheney. Unfortunately, they have in effect expelled her from the Party.


It was stirring watching President Zelensky addressing Congress last evening. Even if you believe in “America First,” you should understand that providing critically needed military and economic aid to enable Ukraine to defend itself is both morally and strategically the right thing to do. In order to deny Russia any basis for claiming that the U.S. has escalated the war, we will refrain from risking conflict between U.S. and Russian forces and from helping Ukraine launch attacks on Russian territory. But we must give Ukraine what it takes for as long as it takes
to defend itself on its own soil.

Biggest Takeaways as 2022 Nears Its End:

#4. As if the world didn’t have enough troubles, Vladimir Putin caused Russia to invade and try to conquer Ukraine. Putin expected a quick victory. Instead, with the help of Western countries and others, Ukrainians courageously fought back and stalled the advance. Putin, a serial mass murderer, appears to be bent on destroying Ukraine, if he can’t conquer it. The West must not falter in its support for Ukraine and in efforts to end the war in a way that will discourage Putin from further aggression.

Biggest Takeaways as 2022 Nears Its End:

#3. Four criminal referrals for Trump from the House Select Committee investigating the January 2020 insurrection:

Mulitple indictments of Trump are all but certain. Republicans will likely dump him in 2024 in favor of a more palatable alternative, someone to whom MAGA cult members would be willing to transfer their allegiance. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has been acting as much like Trump as he can to earn their respect.

Biggest Takeaways as 2022 Nears Its End

#2. Although Democrats maintained the slimmest of holds on the Senate, they couldn’t stop Republicans from taking control of the House. Normally, this wouldn’t be a catastrophe. In the present circumstances, it can’t be seen as anything else. Michael Moore reports that the new Congress will included 188 members of the House of Representatives and ten U.S. senators who voted to overturn the 2020 presidential election, thereby demonstrating that they would be happy to convert American democracy to authoritarian rule.

Biggest Takeaways as 2022 Nears Its End

#1. The Supreme Court has fallen under the control of right-wing ideologues. What had once been America’s most respected institution can no longer be trusted. The solution: set term limits, expand the court, and establish ethics rules. None of these can be accomplished unless and until Democrats retake control of Congress. The Supreme Court may play a role in seeing that this never happens.

Money, Power, Consequences

Lord Acton, a 19th century British historian, said memorably: “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” This may not be completely true, but there’s a great deal of truth to it. Money is power, and, like a potentially dangerous drug, when it is taken in excessive amounts (like the hundred-billion-dollar-plus dose ingested by Elon Musk) can produce bizarre pathologies, which, in Mr. Musk’s case, include exhibitionist megalomania. What a spectacle. What fame. What an impressive display of importance. What is the effect of it all? In a Washington Post column yesterday, Jennifer Rubin observed, “So long as we value wealth and power over virtue, we’re in for a world of hurt.”


Having failed to conquer and occupy Ukraine, Putin is following a strategy of trying to destroy Ukraine’s infrastructure and economy and so demoralizing all the people he hasn’t been able to maim and kill so they’ll want to give up, and even if they won’t, at least they will be in a maximum state of misery and struggling simply to survive. Ukraine not only needs more military help from the West, it needs more economic help if it is to survive. NATO countries, led by the U.S., should step up their aid on all fronts, They can afford it. Their collective GDP is vastly greater than Russia’s.

This is a moral obligation we have, and it’s also in our own strategic interest. I read that Ukraine will need two billion dollars a month more next year to survive economically. That would add up to twenty-four billion dollars for 2023, a lot less than Elon Musk just paid for Twitter, less than Elon Musk would have already paid to the United States under a just and equitable system of taxation.

Covid and Vaccines

On his MSNBC show last evening, Chris Hayes interviewed infection diseases expert Dr. Peter Hotez. Those who didn’t already know it learned:

Vaccines have been highly effective. Those propagandizing vaccine denial during the pandemic have acted as serial killers, causing hundreds of thousands of deaths by spreading disinformation.

Possibly more deadly and contagious strains of virus are brewing. New waves of pandemic are likely. If, as is all but certain, malevolent, opportunistic, cynical politicians and media figures continue to spread disinformation, undermine public health measures, and defame honorable experts, they will cause many hundreds of thousands more people to die.

Reforming The Electoral Count Act

Only a few days left for the lame duck session of Congress to enact critical legislation that will have no chance of passage after a Republican-controlled House, riddled with pro-coup members, takes control on January 3rd. The item on the agenda I’ll be watching most closely is reform of the Electoral Count Act, amendment of which could save our country from falling under authoritarian rule after the 2024 presidential election.


Somebody someday may publish a penetrating study of Elon Musk, the astonishingly rich genius who has a record of amazing accomplishments, but appears to be suffering from atrophy of the region of his brain responsible for exercising judgment. Recently, he’s been clutching nuggets of disinformation as if they were pure gold, even asserting that Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s leading expert on infectious diseases, who has a long record of honorable service to the country, should be criminally prosecuted. In her book Self-Constitution: Agency, Identity, and Integrity, Harvard philosopher Christine Korsgaard notes that people who have lack moral integrity “are nothing but a heap of impulses.” Irrational impulses seem to be propelling Mr. Musk, rather than the celebrated reasoning powers of his brain.

Time Is Running Out for the Lame Duck Congress

Only about half a dozen working days are left before a new Congressional term begins and the Republicans take over the House of Representatives. Apparently there’s not enough time left to raise the debt ceiling sufficiently to prevent the Republican-controlled House from trying to extort outrageous concessions from Democratic lawmakers by threatening to cause the U.S. to default on its obligations. There’s still be a chance that the deeply flawed Electoral Count Act can be amended so as to significantly lower the risk that Republicans could overturn the 2024 presidential election.

Two Ways of Looking at Your Life

Some decades ago, it occurred to me that my life was like a novel, one in which I was the conspicuously flawed protagonist. A few years ago, I came across a book by the distinguished philosopher Galen Strawson with the intriguing title, Things That Bother Me. It turned out that one of the things that bothers Strawson is that many people think of their lives as a narrative — just what I’d been doing!

Strawson says that this is not a good way to look at your life. He gives reasons I won’t get into here and concludes that it’s best to think of your life as non-narrative and of your self as being transient — as not having continuity. Thus, Strawon says that he has “no sense of my life as a narrative. . . Nor do I have any great or special interest in my past. . . Nor do I have a great deal of concern for my future.” The reason for this seems to be that although Strawson knows that he is the same human being throughout his life, what happened a ways back in the past is something that happened to an earlier self, and that even though that earlier self was the same human being known as Strawson, what is meaningful is the person he is now. I could see the merit in this. I was unhappy with my earlier self. Like Strawson, I decided to disassociate myself from him (it?). I decided that it’s my present self that’s important. You can’t change the past, but you can change the present. I concentrate on trying to be the best new self I can be every day.

Journalism: Choosing the Most Newsworthy Headline

Headline: “Oil and Gas Companies Doing Little To Address Climate Change.” This headline was apparently deemed more newsworthy than “Foxes Doing Little To Improve the Security of Chicken Coops.”


News Item: “Senator Krysten Sinema, of Arizona, changes her party affiliation from Democratic to Independent.” Let’s hope this doesn’t mean much. Senator Sanders, of Vermont, and Senator King, of Maine, have long been Independents, but have reliably voted with the Democratic caucus. Senator Sinema exhibited independence while she was a Democrat. She’s been a loose cannon in the Senate, because she’s really neither Democratic nor an Independent. She’s a member of the Krysten Sinema party, just as Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia, who, as of this writing is still a member of the Democratic party, would more aptly be said to be a member of the Joe Manchin party. Democratic control of the Senate seems as tenuous as ever.

The Supreme Court and American Democracy

Yesterday, the Supreme Court heard oral argument as to whether a state legislature has authority to set election rules, including flagrantly partisan gerrymandering of voting districts, without regard to the state’s constitution or subject to review by the state’s courts. The Supreme Court has already declined to strike down partisan gerrymandering, so a ruling ascribing such power to state legislatures would be tantamount to allowing a dominant political party to cement permanent control over a state’s government through gerrymandering and other election rules preferential to that party, thereby stripping away a fundamental principle of our democracy. Because the Supreme Court is controlled by right-wing ideologues who have demonstrated their willingness to interpret the Constitution in a way that reflects their deep-seated preferences, there’s a chance that this is what will happen. Democracy came out fighting and looked good after the last round of elections, but we can’t be sure that the Supreme Court won’t land a punch that will knock it back on the ropes.

Warnock Victory

Thank goodness, Senator Warnock won reelection, but given that Walker was such a stunningly unqualified candidate — a pawn advanced on the chess board by Trump — that he came close to winning is one of many indications that our country is still sick.

Ukraine Peace Talks — Security Guarantees?

President Macron, of France, recently said that one thing that would be negotiable would be for the West (presumably NATO) to give security guarantees to Russia. 
President Zelensky, of Ukraine, criticized Macron for being willing to consider such a thing. I can see where Zelensky may be coming from in this reaction. But it’s possible that he’s protesting just for show. One of Putin’s many grossly outrageous lies has been that invading Ukraine was justified because Ukraine posed a security threat to Russia. Presumably, many Russians accepted this preposterous allegation as the truth. (It’s probably a good guess that as large a percentage of Russians have been duped by Putin as that of Americans who have been duped by Trump.) It would cost the Ukraine and NATO countries nothing to give Russia security guarantees in the course of negotiating a settlement pursuant to which Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity would be assured. It’s not bad policy to offer Putin meaningless concessions that he can brag about, claiming that they show that his war was worth it.

Ukraine, a Clarification

In my December 3rd blog I stated what I thought shouldn’t be negotiable in talks with Putin, and that ceding eastern provinces to Russia should be negotiable. Since then, I’ve learned that Putin says that he won’t enter into talks unless Ukraine and its allies first recognize his illegal and baseless claim that Russia has annexed four eastern provinces of Ukraine and Ukraine removes its armed forces from them. This demand is, of course, unacceptable. Ceding any Ukrainian territory to Russia is out of the question except as a quid pro quo for concessions on the part of Russia which, among other things and without relying on Putin’s word, will ensure the longterm security and territorial integrity of Ukraine, which would necessarily include a guarantee of protection by NATO forces.


A worry I’ve harbored is that before the 2024 presidential election, Republicans would dump Trump and nominate a smarter, younger, less crude, but no less ruthless and authoritarian-minded, candidate, most probably Ron DeSantis, who was just re-elected governor of Florida by a wide-margin. It was something of a relief for me to learn that the astute Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin considers DeSantis to be “plodding,” “uninteresting,” and “neither charismatic nor charming.” 


The esteemed journalist and thinker Robert Wright had a sensible op-ed in the Washington Post yesterday headed “Biden can help Zelensky, and Ukraine, by pushing for peace.” The damage Russia has inflicted on Ukraine has been beyond catastrophic. It will continue, together with increasing risk of escalation and expansion of the war, unless it’s stopped. President Zelensky and his compatriots have been magnificent, but a solution to ending the horror must be sought. From the standpoint of the Russian people, the toll on their country has been brutal. Putin has ample incentive for ending the war.

Talks may not be successful, and they are certain to be long-drawn-out, but it would be best to begin them soon. Wright didn’t speculate about what peace terms might eventually be acceptable to both to Russia and to Ukraine. I have felt for a long time that cessation of eastern provinces of Ukraine should be negotiable, but that the remaining territorial integrity and the longterm security of Ukraine as a sovereign nation should not be negotiable, and that any peace treaty must provide that, although Ukraine would agree not to join NATO, Russia would understand that if it invaded or attacked Ukraine again, NATO would defend Ukraine as if it were a member of NATO, including with troops on the ground and planes and drones in the air, and that venues on Russian soil from which attacks are launched would not be off limits. Whether a peace treaty is made or not, it’s critically important that NATO countries maintain conspicuous military superiority to Russia and work tirelessly to end dependence on Russian oil and gas.

Hope in Georgia

Predicting election outcomes is a perilous activity, but it looks to me like Senator Raphael Warnock will win the run-off election in Georgia Tuesday, and that the Trump-endorsed former football star Hershel Walker will drop out of politics and off the television screens. Given the magnitude and scope of Walker’s flaws, Warnock has been able to distinguish himself from his opponent with just two words: “competence” and “character.” If Warnock wins, giving the Democrats firmer control of the Senate than they’ve had for the past two years, it will end the mid-term elections on an upbeat note.

A Stirring Encounter with the Natural World

I had a great, very simple, three or four minute experience yesterday while walking up a trail that leads to a high ridge about ten miles north of our town. Much of the trail has a sweeping view over a river valley to the ridges beyond it. The great experience consisted simply of watching a bald eagle swooping in various directions over the valley, flying past me, banking, then going into a long glide traveling a great distance with astonishing speed without moving its wings.

Trump and Republican Leaders

I saw several reports on Trump’s dinner with a couple of notorious racist and anti-semitic hate-spewing characters. Among prominent Republicans, there was much criticism of the dinner, but little of Trump. It was the dinner’s fault. Get it? Republican leaders could have gotten rid of Trump long ago, but they are so morally degraded that, with few exceptions, they continue to treat him with kid gloves. Let’s hope there’s enough of a public awakening so that it’s not only generally understood that Trump is unfit to hold public office, but also those who hold back from denouncing him and his cult.

Twelve Days to Pass Critical Legislation

I learned yesterday that Congress will be in session for only twelve days before Republicans take control of the House of Representatives and block constructive legislation for at least the next two years. Numerous commentators have itemized what’s critical to enact before this term of Congress ends:

lock in funds for supporting Ukraine;

lock in funds for supporting the Justice Department and the special counsel for conducting the criminal investigation of Trump’s mishandling of classified documents and his role in the January 6, 2021 insurrection;

reform the Electoral Reform Act to protect the integrity of the voting process in the 2024 presidential election;

prevent Republicans from allowing a default by refusing to raise the debt ceiling;

pass legislation to protect same-sex marriage.

Whether 2023 will be a happy year may turn on what Democrats can accomplish before the Christmas break.


Putin wasn’t able to conquer Ukraine the old-fashioned way, by rolling tanks into the capital and occupying all the real estate. Now he’s trying assuage his ego by depriving Ukrainians of water, heat, electricity, and safe shelter. He’s already proven that he’s not in the slightest bothered by how much suffering and death he’s causing, regardless of whether his victims are Ukrainian or Russian. Supporting Ukraine and trying to bring about lasting peace and security for that country must remain one of our highest priorities.

Looking Ahead

Now that we’ve completed giving thanks for our many blessings, it’s time to get back to lamenting all the problems facing our country and, more important, trying to do something about them. The lame duck session of Congress has a lot of work to accomplish in the next few weeks. Some of it, particularly reforming the Electoral Count Act, may be critical to preserving our democracy. It will be nearly impossible to pass constructive legislation once Republicans take control of the House in January.

The Authority of Guns

New York Times headline this morning (composed after examination of 700 armed protests): “At protests across America, guns are doing the talking.”

Open-carry laws are allowing protestors to brandish their weapons and demonstrate how they will prevail over their opponents, by force of arms, if necessary, despite what anyone else may think. The right to bear arms was sanctified in the Constitution because of the perceived need in some circumstances in the late 18th century for “a well-regulated militia.” Malevolent forces have taken us from there to here, and given the composition of the Supreme Court and the mindset of a critical number of those holding public office, there’s no escape from it in sight.


The Dalai Lama says that if you’re honest and warm-hearted, you will be self-confident. That surprised me when I first read it. I had thought that self-confidence came from being aware that you have superior skills, or from reflecting on your imagined impressive accomplishments, or from having having cultivated what you think is an imposing presence. I don’t know whether that’s the case, to some extent, but from my personal experience and observation, I’m convinced that the Dalai Lama is right.


I give thanks to the billions of people of good will in the world. It’s their example and their work, more than intellect, that differentiates humans from hyenas.

The Senate Runoff in Georgia

Just thirteen days until the runoff in the senate race in Georgia. The Democrats have already clinched control of the senate, but only because they are assured of Vice-President Harris’s tie-breaking vote. There are important areas, such as the composition and agenda of senate committees, in which the vice-president plays no role.

Hershel Walker, the Republican candidate, is emblematic of the moral degradation of the Republican Party. He was a terrific football player, and in that sense something of a hero, but he is conspicuously unqualified to be a United States senator. The Republican Party evidently thinks that Georgia voters don’t realize that proficiency at playing football is not the right test of whether someone would best serve their interests and those of the country in the senate. They haven’t announced publicly that they’re courting voters for whom they feel contempt.

My Checklist in Process

On November 12th I wrote in this space that I’d decided to make a checklist of what one should attend to prior to making a major decision. This would be similar to what airplane pilots go through when taking off and landing. I’ve now completed a draft, but I’m not ready to post it, because one of the items on it is: “Consider whether you should consult anyone beforehand.” I’ve decided that I should consult with a two or three astute people I know, asking for their comments. For that reason, posting my checklist here is probably a few weeks away. Moreover, this checklist is likely to be a work in progress for a long time. I’m not sure when, if ever, I can construct the definitive checklist for living, even to my satisfaction, much less for others. Still, I’m convinced that the process itself is useful. I wish I’d undertaken such a project at a much earlier age.


In the spirit of Thanksgiving, Jennifer Rubin listed things she was grateful for in a Washington Post column yesterday. I felt grateful that her list was so long. If you’d added up everything on it, you’d have a lot more cause for hope than seemed warranted a month ago, and you’d come up with one particularly big reason for gratitude — American democracy withstood the assault of election deniers and thuggish-minded Trumpians in the recent elections.

Congress and state governments are still riddled with cynical opportunists, election deniers, and unprincipled politicians who have demonstrated that they would be content with the United States transitioning into a country making its way through history under the yoke of authoritarian rule. But it’s just possible that the tide has turned. It’s just possible that we’ll get through this crisis and come out of it stronger than ever. At this moment, there is cause for hope, though not not yet cause to relax.

2023 House of Representatives Preview

George Conway, the prominent conservative lawyer who has become a leader among never Trumper voices, diagnoses a major factor in the nation’s woes: Republican politicians in deep red Congressional districts can’t win Republican primaries unless they cater to the MAGA base, an aggregation of voters that comprises the ruthless, the cynical, the aggrieved, the resentful, the deluded, and the deranged. So it is that what Conway calls the “looney-bin caucus” will dominate the Republican caucus in the House of Representatives and therefore the House itself. Their agenda is to conduct baseless investigations to generate polemical themes for themselves and their propaganda-spewing allies and to undermine Democrats and the Biden administration at every turn.

Garland and the Special Counsel

Attorney General Garland did the right thing in appointing Jack Smith as a special counsel to pursue the criminal investigations relating to the Jan 6th insurrection and the Mar-a -Lago documents. Smith’s character is beyond reproach, and he is superbly qualified for the job. There’s virtually no question that Smith’s recommendation will be unbiased and that Garland will follow it. Garland has now insulated himself as much as is possible to avoid the appearance of having any political motive if he brings about the indictment of Trump. Trump is, of course, screaming and shouting baseless accusations. These will greatly intensify and may be amplified by a call-to-arms among his faithful if he is indicted. That prospect shouldn’t — and I’m confident that it won’t — deter Garland from carrying out his oath of office.

Relief for Democrats Fades as Reality Sets In

The Democrats did much better than a lot of people thought they would, and they retained control of the senate, albeit by the barest margin. Now for the bad news: Aided by a decisive advantage in gerrymandering, Republicans will take control of the House of Representatives. A large proportion of Republicans in Congress refused to impeach Trump and declined to certify Biden’s election, thereby demonstrating that they are – it’s not too much to say — unprincipled power-seeking nihilists.

Republican Prospects for Retaking the White House in 2024

Conservative lawyer George Conway estimates that about ten percent of Republicans, like him, are “never Trumpers” — they would never vote for Trump under any circumstances. About forty percent are members of the MAGA cult, deluded or perverse individuals who are devoted to Trump. These people would be outraged if Trump isn’t the GOP presidential nominee in 2024. The other fifty percent have varying views about Trump, but are alike in that they would support the Republican nominee regardless of whether it’s Trump or someone else. Given this dynamic, if the Republican nominee is Trump, at least ten percent — and that number is more likely to grow than to shrink — will either not vote or will vote for the Democratic candidate, a defection large enough to doom Republican hopes of retaking the White House. If the Republican nominee isn’t Trump, the defection of Trump devotees — members of the MAGA cult — will have the same effect. There will have to be a major shift in circumstances if Republicans are to win the presidency in 2024. It seems, however, that major shifts in circumstances are becoming increasingly frequent.

Eight Billion People and Counting

I read that the world population of human beings reached eight billion yesterday. It’s on track to reach about ten billion a few decades from now before tapering off. A helpful interactive feature in the report I was reading informed me that there were only two and a half billion people in the world when I was born, in 1931, and that 100% of the people in the world are younger than I am. I’m not kidding —- that’s what it said. After doing a bit of math and with the aid of other data they supplied, I calculated that only 99.95% of the people in the world are younger than I am.

So many people! “Keep Earth Habitable!” would be my campaign slogan if I were running for office. Slowing the rate of population growth is one of the critical requirements for the survival of our species. If human beings were rational and everyone was a person of good will, we would have long ago collectively acted to end the climate crisis. One thing we would have done would have been to make free birth control and abortion services available to every woman in the world.

Trump Redux

Trump is about to announce that he’s going to run for president in 2024. A lot of people in his own party have advised him it’s not a good time to do so — right after most of his election-denying allies have been defeated at the polls. I think the main reason he’s announcing his candidacy so soon is so that when he’s indicted, if he’s running for president, he’ll be better positioned to claim that it’s to keep him from becoming president again: “It’s political payback,” he’ll cry. “It’s what they do in banana republics.” “It’s because Democrats think it’s the only way they can stop me.” “It won’t work.” “Voters won’t stand for such corruption.” He’ll smirk. He’ll hold out an arm and point. He’ll lie with every breath. But a lot more people now understand that he’s a charlatan.

Essential Tasks for the Lame Duck Congress

The Washington Post ran an an especially salient editorial yesterday. Given that Republicans will almost certainly gain control of the House of Representatives, it’s imperative for the lame duck Congress, whose life will end as the new year begins, to pass critically needed legislation that the Republican-controlled Congress would surely block: 1) raising the debt limit sufficiently so Republicans can’t extort concessions from Democrats by threatening to cause the United Staes to default on its obligations; 2) authorizing ample funding of continuing support for Ukraine in continuing to defend itself against Russian aggression; and 3) passing legislation to protect the integrity of electoral processes, most particularly by reforming the Electoral Count Act to close loopholes that would enable an unscrupulous presidential candidate to prevail despite having failed to win a majority of electoral votes at the polls. None of these measures would be necessary if the Republican Congressional leaders were honorable and responsible, but that’s not the case.

A Lot To Be Relieved About

Last evening Democratic Senator Catherine Cortez Masto, of Nevada, was projected to hold her seat, assuring that Democrats would maintain control of the Senate. If Senator Warnock, of Georgia, holds his seat in the December 6th runoff, Democrats will achieve a net gain of one senate seat.

No less important: Most election deniers and anti-democracy Republicans were defeated in both Senate and House contests and in contests for state offices. Feared disruptions of the electoral process, baseless law suits such as those filed by Trump and allies after his 2020 defeat at the polls, and riots by pro-MAGA thugs didn’t materialize. The electoral process and results were, on balance, a rebuke of Trump and anti-democratic forces that were threatening to take American democracy down.

Thank goodness, but we still have a lot to worry about. It’s highly likely that Republicans will take control of the House of Representatives and that for the next two years they will throw as many monkey wrenches as they can lay their paws on in an effort to discredit and impede the orderly working of the federal government with the aim of making Biden look bad. They will likely make much needed reforms impossible to pass. Republicans haven’t gained as much power as they had hoped to, but their character hasn’t changed.

A Reflection after Reading a Self-Help Book

I recently read a self help book, or, I would call it, more precisely, a how-best-to-get-through-life book. I knew it wouldn’t be frothy or gimmicky, because it was written by a philosopher on the faculty of a renowned university. The author displayed impressive erudition, but I didn’t find his book to be illuminating. After finishing it, I thought: What’s needed is not another compendium of quotations, anecdotes, and scholarly references, but a checklist of what to attend to whenever you make a major decision. I understand that the airplane pilots have such a checklist that they follow when taking off and landing. I think that what’s needed is a how-best-to-get-through-life book that can fit on half a page. I’m making one, and plan to post it in this space. I assume that many people would want to modify it or rewrite it completely. That’s all to the good. My view, based on experience, is that checklists may differ, but everyone could use one.

Nothing to Cheer About

We didn’t witness a mid-term rout of Democrats or widespread disruptions of the election process. That’s cause for relief, but nothing to cheer about. Given the authoritarian bent of the Republican Party, the great number of Republican election deniers running for office, and the nihilistic and repressive policy positions of Republicans, Democrats should have won decisively. That they didn’t is a glaring indiction that our country and our democracy are still sick. Republicans will almost certainly take control of the House in January, and Democrats are not yet assured of keeping even a hair-breadth margin of control of the Senate. American democracy is deep in the woods and has a long way to go before being out of them.

Further Observations about the Elections

Among potentially swing states, Trumpism tragically prevailed in the Ohio, North Carolina, and Wisconsin senate races, and Florida has segued into a solidly Republican state, but the general tenor of nationwide results suggests that election denialism, the vogue for trying to attain power through thuggishness, and Trump himself have peaked and may be in decline. It was heartening that so many exemplary Democratic incumbent senators, representatives, and governors withstood heavily financed attacks.

It still looks like Republicans will gain control of the House, notably because of the effect of partisan gerrymandering by Republican-controlled legislatures. For example, Republicans apparently picked up four seats in Florida because of a Republican-drawn redistricting map. Democrats, in some of the states they control, have been guilty of gerrymandering too. But it’s the net benefit to Republicans nationwide that will likely give them control of the House. The Supreme Court of the United States dealt a heavy blow against American democracy when it washed its hands of gerrymandering. The incidence of gross distortion in the composition of state legislatures from gerrymandering is even worse.

As of this writing, the party that wins the senate races in at least two out of the three states still in contention — Arizona, Nevada, and Georgia — will control the senate for the next two years. As of now, it looks to me like Democrats have a slight edge.

A Few Observations the Morning after Election Day

Not enough voters understood what’s going on in this country. Otherwise, by now, Democrats would have gained firm control of both the House and the Senate.

I was particularly disappointed that Tim Ryan, the Democratic candidate in Ohio for the U.S. Senate, lost decisively to the execrable Republican contender J.D. Vance. Ryan was a strikingly superior candidate. Vance’s win is a bad omen.

Ron DeSantis’s landslide victory in Florida all but ensures that he will be the Republican candidate for president in 2024. It’s a pity, because he’s a dreadful human being.

It’s not much consolation that the Democrats did better than a lot of people expected.


I read that Elon Musk, a genius of sorts who has become both the richest person in the world and its most manic tweeter, has tweeted his 114,000,000 or so followers and advised them to vote for Republicans in the midterm elections. Musk’s behavior increasingly suggests that his exceptionally high intellectual I.Q. is perfectly balanced by his exceptionally low emotional I.Q. With all his wealth, power, and fame, he has a rare and wonderful opportunity to work for the public good. Instead, he’s become prominent among forces propelling our country toward chaos and authoritarianism. His range of vision is of astronomical dimensions, but it doesn’t extend beyond his ego.

Disturbing Headlines and Comments Indicative of Moral Decline That May Bring American Democracy Down

Columnist Jennifer Rubin: “Many high-profile Republicans have refused to pledge to respect the {election} results.”

Headline: “Republican extremism is endangering the very idea of the professional, disinterested public servant.”

Columnist Ezra Klein: “The 2022 elections are very likely to sweep into power hundreds of Republicans committed to making sure that the 2024 presidential election goes their way, no matter how the vote tally turns out.”

Lead headline in yesterday’s New York Times: “Misinformation {i.e. lies} on Pelosi attack spread by G.O.P.”

Historian Jon Meacham: “We must rouse the conscience of the nation.”

What a Week Next Week Will Be

Close to 300 election deniers are on the ballot for the House, the Senate, and key state offices. We’ll soon learn how many voters are non-deluded people of good will. Some considerable degree of chaos appears to be inevitable. If most of the election deniers win, it will signal that we’re on course to anti-democratic rule.

This blog will be suspended until Monday because I’ll be traveling and attending my granddaughter’s wedding Saturday.

Types of Impairment

Washington Post columnists span the political spectrum, including one, Marc Thiessen, who is a MAGA cultist through and through. Thiessen’s column yesterday was headlined, “Has Fetterman been tested for cognitive impairment? Voters have a right to know.”

Fetterman, who is the Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania and is recovering from a stroke, is battling a Trump-endorsed opponent, Dr. Mehmet Oz, for an open United States Senate seat in that state. In a debate between the two men, Fetterman demonstrated that he has a neurological impairment that is common with recovering stroke victims, but he also demonstrated that he understands the issues, that he has sound judgment, and that he is a good man. Who better than the voting public is qualified to test whether Fetterman’s impairment is disqualifying? A neurologist of Marc Thiessen’s choosing perhaps? What is crystal clear, and needs no testing by anyone, is that Mehmet Oz has a moral impairment that is starkly disqualifying, a consideration that eludes Marc Thiessen, as it does everyone in the Trump cult camp.

Approaching a Bridge over Rough Waters

If I were a political cartoonist, I’d draw a picture of a train headed toward a bridge over a river. I would draw the bridge so it looks unstable. The train is labeled “American democracy.” The engineer is labeled “American electorate.” The bridge is labeled “2022 elections.” The river below is rough water with waves labeled “Election Denial,” Chaos,” “Violence,” and “Authoritarian rule.” The cartoon is titled: “Will the Bridge Hold?

I admit this sounds corny and archaic as a piece of journalism. I only describe it rather than draw it because it’s a picture that appeared in my mind, and I can’t draw.

The Tragedy of Elon Musk

Headline: “Elon Musk, right-wing figures push misinformation about Pelosi attack.”

Elon Musk’s genius-level neuronal calculating modules evidently take up so much space in his brain that there’s no room for modules needed for good judgment. The right-wing propaganda cadre, exemplified by scoundrels like Steve Bannon, have been spewing lies and innuendo meant to plant in the minds of people the false and vile claim that the attack on Nancy Pelosi’s husband was staged. It would only have taken one or two intact neurons of the hundreds of millions (billions?) in Musk’s brain to alert him that Bannon and like-minded people are a pox on the land and causing immense damage to our country, but Musk’s brain is so deficient in judgment that he irresponsibly encouraged Bannon and other propagandists, saying that “There is a tiny possibility there might be more to this story than meets the eye.”

“Tiny”? What does that mean? One in a million? One in a billion? There is not a scintilla of evidence — there is not the most remote likelihood — that the attack was staged. It may be true that there’a a one in a billion chance that it was staged. There’s also a one in a billion chance that Musk hired the attacker! No one is saying that, however, because no one is as emotionally stupid as Elon Musk.

Because of Musk’s unparalleled wealth, he has enormous power. It’s a tragedy that he’s not emotionally competent to use it.

Violence, Incitement to Violence, American Democracy, and George W. Bush

Until Donald Trump totally eclipsed him in 2016, I considered George W. Bush to be the worst president in American history. Unlike Trump, Bush had some redeeming features. A standout among them, was his condemning the demonization of Muslims after 9/11. Now, as a widely known and generally well-liked two-term past president with impeccable Republican Party credentials, he has a clear call to duty to make a major speech or statement condemning Trump, election-denial, voter suppression, violence and incitement-to-violence, and Republican candidates who have shown themselves to be morally unqualified to hold office. He could do a lot to tamp down hate speech and hate action; he could greatly improve the chances that American democracy will survive and be strengthened. Hope that he would rise to this occasion has all but vanished. He doesn’t have what it takes.

A Failure of Communication and Action

It’s weird how Democrats, though their agendas traditionally favor the working class, the poor, minorities, and the downtrodden, have become associated in a great swath of the public mind with elite supercilious sorts, and how Republicans, whose agendas traditionally favor the rich and powerful, have become associated with ordinary people with good solid American values. As a lot of people have pointed out, Democrats have done a poor job of setting the record straight about their own accomplishments and about the Republican Party’s semi-fascist behavior. Except for lonely voices like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, Democrats have failed to raised a hue and cry over how the system is rigged to favor big monied interests. Democrats should have worked harder to bring into existence a much more progressive tax code. Their failure to do so is one reason why American democracy is hanging by a thread labeled hope.

Symptom of a Dying Democracy

Sometimes you read about somebody dying after a long illness. Democracy is having a long illness, but we don’t yet know if it’s going to die after it. Democracy is sicker in some parts of the country than in others. Its illness is particularly severe in Wisconsin, where, even though there is a slightly greater number of Democrats than Republicans, when the Republicans got control, they pulled off some of the most anti-democratic gerrymandering in the country, so that at this point, even if more people in Wisconsin vote Democratic than Republican, it results in almost two-thirds of the legislature being Republican. It may tilt to more than two-thirds this year, which would mean that the Republican-controlled legislature could override vetoes by a Democratic governor and pass laws that would tilt the playing field even more. In this way, Wisconsin may become permanently controlled by Republicans, even though they are the minority party. Isn’t this unconstitutional? Can’t the Supreme Court stop it? It is, and the Supreme Court could put an end to it, but the right-wing-controlled Court has sent a clear message that it won’t interfere.

The Nature of Politically Active Billionaires

The Washington Post yesterday had an article on big political spenders that included a list of the fifty people who have spent the most money on political campaigns and causes. These people are billionaires or pretty close to being billionaires. The overwhelming majority of them supported Republicans. Most people who are super rich want to get even richer and more powerful, and they they have little interest in the public good. Putin’s symbiotic relationship with oligarchs enabled him to solidify power. A majority of American oligarchs appear to want a Putin-like characters in the White House and in Congress who will protect and advance their interests. They give little thought to the fate of the country and humanity at large. Bravo to good billionaires, ones who are concerned about the public interest.

Signs of Heavy Weather Ahead

New York Times headline: “Democrats, on Defense in Blue States,
Brace for a Red Wave in the House.”

Progressive activist filmmaker Michael Moore message to those on his emailing list: “The majority of you have enthusiastically joined me in my belief that we are going to crush these traitorous coup-supporting Republicans who have stripped women of basic human rights and seek to destroy the rest of a democracy that is seriously hanging on by a thread.” 

Another Headline: “Democrats locked in close contests with election deniersfor key secretary of state posts.”

Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin: “‘Low information’ Americans are the ones who will decide the midterm elections.”

That’s just a small sampling of nerve-wracking messages and news items I’ve seen the last couple of days.

The Movement to Undercut Our Policy of Supporting Ukraine

Headline: “Liberals urge Biden to rethink Ukraine strategy.” Not only morally compromised Republicans, like House Minority leader Kevin McCarthy, but, now we learn, many progressive Democrats are inclined to abandon the heroic people of Ukraine and indulge in an old-fashioned big power carving up of a country that has been invaded, pummeled, and fiendishly brutalized by a psychopathic dictator. This is just what Putin is counting on, and what he may get if the Republicans gain control of the House of Representatives. Appeasing bullies stimulates their bullying instincts. As long as Ukrainians are united in the courageous and morally just defense of their country, we have a duty to continue supporting them. In concert with the Ukrainian government, negotiate with Putin; create an off-ramp for him. But not after saying, in effect, we’re tired of high gas prices and tired of backing Ukraine.

Pity the Regional Newspaper

The Durango Herald, the most prominent newspaper in southwestern Colorado, is trying to maintain profitability despite having a readership that’s split between Trumpist types and those who prefer to live in a pluralistic liberal democracy. It’s hard to know what the owners believe, and apparently that’s the way they want to keep it. The paper made tepid endorsements for Democratic candidates, but tried to balance that by endorsing a Republican candidate for secretary of state who, if elected, would have a great deal of power in determining how elections are run in the state and it’s a good debt would use it to tilt the next election toward candidates running on the authoritarian (Republican) ticket. There’s no hint in any of the Herald’s editorials that I’ve seen that the Republican Party is dominated by election deniers and that the fate of American democracy may be determined by the outcome of the upcoming elections. As mail-in voting began last week, an editorial ran proclaiming that the best candidate would be a hypothetical centrist who combined the best qualities of both parties, an exemplary individual who, for lack of existing, isn’t on the ballot.

Fascist-Style Politics

Headline: “In Nevada, election deniers prepare to sabotage the midterms.” Not just in Nevada. The words keep coming back to haunt me: “Three hundred and seventy election deniers are on the ballot for House, Senate, and key state offices.” Republicans, having morphed into authoritarians, are attempting to prove that elections can’t be fair, that democracy doesn’t work, and that it’s necessary for them to take charge, and stay in charge. They talk like fascists, and can’t be expected to act any better. Election night may last for weeks.

Types of Rich People

There are gradations in between, but I think it’s helpful to consider that there are three basic types of rich people:

A. There are the greedy rich — people who may be extremely rich but are more interested in wielding power and showing off how rich they are and getting even richer, and care little or nothing for the common good. Trump is an example of this type, and, sadly, so are many — probably most –- billionaires and multi-billionaires.

B. There are rich people who aren’t in thrall to the trappings of wealth and feel an obligation to shed much of their fortune to benefit society. Mackenzie Scott, Jeff Bezos’s ex-wife, is an example of this type. When she found herself possessed many tens of billions of dollars after her divorce settlement, she set about at once distributing very large amounts of money to good causes and is still at it.

C. There are rich people who are even more sensitive to the appalling disparity in income and wealth between the rich and the poor. An example of this type is Madeline Engelhorn, a Dutch woman, who, The New York Times reports, is an activist in urging governments to adopt a much more progressive tax systems. She wants higher taxes levied on rich people like herself. The problem with philanthropy, Ms. Engelhorn says, is that much of it serves to elevate the status and power of the donor.

Election Prospects

Chris Hayes’s MSNBC news show last evening led off with a grim look at the polls, which strongly suggest that Republicans will gain control of the House of Representatives. Most people don’t realize how much damage they can do, nor that what damage they can do they will do. Unless a surprise upset happens, it looks like ugly times lie ahead.

A Likely Consequence of Republicans Taking Control of the House

House minority leader Kevin McCarthy has intimated that if Republicans gain control of the House, they would block continuing aid for Ukraine. It’s not surprising that the party dominated by election deniers exhibits deference to Putin. Authoritarians are drawn toward each other — comrades-in-arms in wanting to make the world safe for dictators. Abandoning Ukraine would imprint on the United States a stain that no amount of rationalizing would ever wash away.

Democracy in Peril, continued

Headline: “Voters See Democracy in Peril,
But Saving It Isn’t a Priority.” It’s as if people
are thinking, “I’d be concerned about democracy
if gas prices weren’t so high.” It’s hard to fathom
how so many citizens don’t realize what’s at stake.
Democracy is on the ballot, Democrats rightly say.
So is truth, decency, and America’s fate.

Democracy in Peril

Reading a New York Times a headline yesterday –- “Republicans gain edge as voters worry about the economy” — produced in me a feeling of deep foreboding. The great majority of voters don’t seem to realize not only that Republicans have no agenda for improving the economy, but far more important, their party has become dominated by election deniers — it’s become the authoritarian party. “Once democracy is lost, it is irretrievable,” columnist Jennifer Rubin noted. We’re three weeks from reaching a cliff, where it may fall away.

What Putin Should Do

Former Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul has good advice for Putin: Declare victory in defending Russia from Ukraine and in particular in defense of the Donbas region and enter into protracted negotiations with Ukraine about borders and political rights of people living in Donbas. Pursuing such a course would strengthen Putin’s hold on power. Putin would be praised for ending the war even though he started it. McFaul is confident that the fanatic war hawks in Russia would be sidelined. The trouble is that if Putin were rational, he wouldn’t have started the war in the first place. He can’t be expected to act rationally even in his self-interest. Therefore, the future consequences of his war on Ukraine remain uncertain and ominous.

Endless Shocking

I’m a veteran at being shocked, and I was shocked all over again yesterday when I read in The New York Times that the vast majority of Republicans running for Congress and important state offices are 2020 election deniers. We’re witnessing a collective collapse of values (like that of being a decent person) that threatens American democracy. Decisively defeating these miscreants in the great majority of key races is imperative if the moral pandemic gripping the nation is to be stamped out, or at least relegated to the margins. Otherwise, it will drive America down.

If Only Democrats Could Gain Decisive Control of Congress

Yesterday, Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin commented on what could be accomplished if Democrats could hold onto the House and expand the Senate majority sufficiently to eliminate the filibuster rule. Among other benefits, the District of Columbia could be admitted as a state, legislation could be passed to ensure free and fair elections, and term limits and other reforms could be instituted to protect us from majorities of ideologically driven justices on the Supreme Court

The House Investigation and What Should Follow

The House Select Committee investigating the January 6, 2021 insurrection has concluded its public hearings, and will issue a report by the end of the year. The Committee, its staff, and those who have cooperated with it have performed an inestimable public service, bringing to light and establishing a historical record of all aspects of the insurrection and associated events. I think that any person of good will who has kept up with the stream of revelations that has emerged from the Committee’s work would agree with me that Trump and his principal abettors should be prosecuted for every crime in every jurisdiction in which there appears to be sufficient evidence to establish guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

Pigs, The Supreme Court, and Some Kind of Karma

California is trying to ban extreme cruelty in raising pigs. The pig raisers are opposed. Giving pigs room to turn around in their cages would have a bad effect on the pig meat market. The case is before the Supreme Court. I have the impression that at issue is interpretation of the interstate commerce clause of the Constitution. States aren’t supposed to interfere with interstate commerce. Even to prevent cruelty to pigs? It’s been reported that Supreme Court justices are unusually puzzled by this case. One thing for sure — at least it seems sure to me — is that if humans can’t keep from being cruel to animals, some kind of karma is going to catch up with them.

Putin and the Nuclear Threat

By a wide margin, the task that eclipses all others is doing whatever can be done to reduce the threat of nuclear war. If withdrawing support from Ukraine would maximize the likelihood of avoiding nuclear war, I would be for it, tragic as that would be. It happens, however, that withdrawing support from Ukraine would likely increase the likelihood of nuclear war. Putin would roll over Ukraine. The Russian war hawks would be emboldened. Putin would demand more, and our credibility would have evaporated. At some point, we would have to resist. Now, not later, is a better time to stand firm. We have to keep helping Ukraine as long as they want to continue to defend themselves, but we must also talk with Putin and work to achieve a settlement. Stand firm, keep talking, keep working. Keep thinking. It’s what we must do and all we can do.

Four weeks to E-Day

Four weeks to midterm elections of unprecedented importance. How they turn out will likely determine whether the United States will remain a quasi-democratic constitutional republic that adheres to the rule of law, or whether it will become an essentially authoritarian state. A third possibility is that it will be paralyzed by internal strife, endless litigation, and episodes of organized violence.

Our Society in Decay

An impressive piece of reporting in The New York Times revealed that many big name health insurance companies have been bilking the government of the United States by inflating claims for reimbursement under various medical programs. The prevalence of dishonesty on this scale is disturbing and and disheartening just as is the dishonesty of a great many members of Congress in election denying and lying about other matters. This burgeoning of cheating and lying — Trump’s modus operandi — indicates that our society is in decay.

Russia’s War on Ukraine

A negotiated settlement requires giving Putin an off-ramp. He destroyed a major off-ramp for himself by purporting to annex four of Ukraine’s eastern provinces after conducting a sham referendum, but he still needs one. Maybe something along these lines would be possible: Cease-fire, and all Russian forces withdraw to where they were before last February 24th, when the invasion began (Russia continuing to hold Crimea.) Ukraine pledges not to join NATO, but NATO will defend Ukraine if it is attacked again. The four eastern provinces are demilitarized and replaced by a small force of U.N. troops. The U.N. holds a real referendum in the four provinces. A special U.N.commission is empowered to root out fascists in Ukraine. (There are none, but this satisfies Putin’s requirement.) NATO pledges never to attack Russia unless it is attacked. (NATO wouldn’t attack anyway, but this satisfies Putin’s requirement.) Sanctions against Russia are lifted. Putin is conditionally absolved of war crimes charges. All countries enter into good faith nuclear arms reduction agreements, trade agreements, and respect for human rights agreements.I’m not an expert. I don’t know if something along these lines would be possible, but experts should be thinking creatively and hard about how to end this war.

Republicans Who Are Pro Life Should Vote for Democrats

Republican policy favors more lives coming into being — they are for perpetuating fetuses, embryos, and fertilized eggs. But they are indifferent to deprivation of privacy and to the pain, suffering, dislocation, and sometimes death that it causes for great numbers of women, particularly ones with modest means. Their “pro-life” pretensions are belied by their willingness to implement forced-birth policies that put reproductive health and lives at risk; their deterring people from getting Covid vaccinations, which results in increased hospitalizations and deaths; their opposing effective gun-safety laws, which results in increased numbers of injuries and deaths; and their zeal in cutting Medicaid and undermining the Affordable Care Act, which results in increased numbers of illness and deaths. Republican politicians are not pro-life; they are pro-special interest groups that fund their campaigns.

Another Routine Shocking Revelation

Shocking news events and revelations have become so routine that we tend to become numb to them. We need to stop and consider their gravity. According to a Washington Post analysis, of 569 Republican candidates who are running in key races for state and federal office, 53 percent have denied Joe Biden’s victory in the 2020 election despite the lack of any evidence to back up such a proposition. This is something not too long ago that I would never have imagined could happen in our country. It’s a stark warning of that American democracy is in deep peril. A month from now we’ll have clearer idea as to whether it will survive.

An Unfortunate Quality of Dictators

Dictators and aspiring dictators are drawn toward each other. They are kindred spirits. Putin has conspired with OPEC dictators to reduce oil production, which will have the effect of raising gas prices and increasing inflation, causing Biden’s approval ratings to go down and increasing the chances that Republicans can gain control of Congress in next month’s elections, which would greatly increase the chances of Trump becoming President again and once again doing Putin’s bidding. Meanwhile, the risk mounts that Russia, China, and North Korea will cross red lines in concert.

The Spookiest Thing

Disturbing events lie ahead of us. I hope they will be intermixed with nice surprises. The spookiest of them concerns a case in which the Supreme Court will rule on whether state legislatures can ignore the vote counts in presidential elections and send their chosen slate of electors to Congress rather than ones who will reflect the will of the voters. This is what Trump wanted to have happen in January 2021: Republican-controlled state legislatures would shoo him in. The argument that under the Constitution this would be proper is sheer fantasy, but it’s been dressed up in legal verbiage by John Eastman, one of the lawyers who encouraged Trump to try to achieve a coup. If the Supreme Court subscribes to it, nothing can be done about it. In a few months we’ll find out how extreme the authoritarian-minded, extreme right-wing justices are.

Send a Letter to the Editor; Mine for today:

One Conclusive Reason to Vote for Adam Frisch

On January 6, 2021, our representative in Congress, Lauren Boebert, was among the 139 Republican members of the House of Representatives — about two-thirds of all House Republicans — who voted to dispute the Electoral College count that established Joe Biden as having won the 2020 Presidential Election. They hadn’t the slightest basis for doing so other than to promote and perpetuate Trump’s Big Lie that the election was stolen. This was the day of the assault on the Capitol and Trump’s attempt to retain power despite having lost — to bring off a coup and transform American democracy into an autocratic form of government headed by himself.

That one man would betray our country in this fashion is lamentable. That the Republican Party and the large majority of Republican politicians committed themselves to aiding him is a monumental tragedy.

Lauren Boebert was and continues to be one of those election deniers. She is a prominent figure among the forces seeking to convert our political system into one-party authoritarian rule. There are many reasons why Adam Frisch would better serve our district’s interests than Lauren Boebert. One reason alone is conclusive: Boebert favors and will work to bring about extreme right-wing authoritarian control of our government: Frisch favors and will work to preserve and strengthen American democracy, free and fair elections, and our sacred principles of justice and fairness and that no person is above the law.

This First Monday in October

The Supreme Court begins a new term today. We look ahead to its proceedings with foreboding. A majority of the justices are right-wing extremists with no sense of restraint about bending the law to fit their ideological desires. It’s also almost five weeks to election day. Even though contests are no longer between Democrats and Republicans but between Democrats and authoritarians, and the latter group continues to employ authoritarian methods to gain control of governments at all levels, most voters, though they may feel more than a normal sense of unease at what’s happening in the world, don’t seem to realize that a terrifying hour in American history is at hand.

Needed: A World Class Hostage Negotiator

Last week, Putin ranted that four provinces of a neighboring country are now sacred Russian soil and claimed that Western countries, particularly the United States, are Satanic forces bent on tearing Russia apart. In lieu of having a reasonable argument to make, he waved his nuclear saber in the air.

Here we have a mad man, or someone pretending to be a mad man, or some mix of both, holding Western countries (i. e. all of us) as hostages. We need a world-class hostage negotiator to talk with him. The West needs to accelerate becoming energy independent of Russia, step up its support of Ukraine, and keep Putin engaged and hopeful. Chances may increase that his compatriots will gently persuade him to step aside. The hours before he is stripped of power may be the most dangerous ones the world has known.

The Grim Situation in Ukraine

This past week Putin claimed that the transparently sham referendums he conducted justied his declaring that he has annexed four eastern provinces of Ukraine. Accordingly, he says, any attempt to retake parts of these provinces currently occupied by Russaan forces or to defend parts of these provinces currently occupied by Ukrainian forces will be treated as an attack on sacred Russian soil. This is madness, and that may be Putin’s intent, as New York Times columnist Tom Friedman puts it — to “out crazy the West.”

By means of this stratagem, Putin has made it almost impossible for the West to enter into a peace agreement that allows him to save face. That has to be his loss, not the West’s. We must continue to give Ukraine what it needs as long at it wants to continue to defend itself against Putin’s aggression. The West has a weak point — Europe’s dependence on Russian oil and gas. This must end if the West is to prevail. What’s needed is for the West to go on a war footing as far as oil and gas is concerned: institute rationing, price controls, tax and subsidy nudges, including windfall profits taxes. We can’t frustrate Putin’s aims without determination and sacrifice. That would be hard to achieve in any circumstances, and at present all the more so because the United States and several key European countries are only semi-functional because of internal political turmoil.

Putin and Trump: Masters of Imagining Makes It So.

Putin has announced the results of referendums held in four eastern provinces of Ukraine: In every one of them, citizens voted in favor of Russian annexation! The people have spoken! In accordance with their “wishes,” Russia has annexed these provinces. Congratulations to the citizens of these provinces for choosing to live on sacred Russian soil! Russia must defend its citizens! Any attempt by anyone to gain control of these new provinces will be treated as an attack on Russia itself!

Few people in the world will believe such a wild fabrication, though many prisoners of Russian state-controlled news media will. Putin will repeat this big lie in a convincing voice again and again. He has reason to think that it will succeed. He has only to notice that Trump’s Big Lie that the 2020 election was stolen is still alive in the United States — seventy percent of Republicans believe it. We must not slack off in our support for Ukraine or for holding Trump accountable for his crimes.

What’s Needed

Everyone wants to be happy. According to the Dalai Lama, being honest and kind — feeling compassion toward others and respecting their rights –- makes one happier. If he’s right –- and I’m convinced that he is — then what’s needed in the world is to imbue this wisdom into the minds of everyone: Be honest and kind. That’s not self-sacrifice. It’s in your own self-interest!

A Strange Time

Headline: “My therapist was a robot. ‘It must be a strange time to be a human,’ it told me.” Less than six weeks to the elections, and we don’t know how they will turn out or what will happen in the aftermath. There’s a good chance that the fate of democracy will depend upon the results. The outspoken progressive movie maker Michael Moore has turned optimistic, producing the slightest of upticks in my hopes. Nobody knows. Some key contests may be cliffhangers when election day arrives and may continue to be the next morning, and after that.

Voters: What Do You Prefer?

Do you prefer candidates who, in order to advance their personal political ambitions, promote or refuse to disavow Trump’s Big Lie that the 2020 presidential election was stolen? Do you prefer candidates who are willing to ignore overwhelming evidence of Trump’s demagoguery, his habitual mendacity, his contempt for the law, and his casual subordination of the interests of our country to his narcissistic impulses? Do you prefer members of Congress who oppose the Electoral Count Reform Act, which would ensure that the election of a President of the United States will reflect the will of the voters rather than the will of authoritarian-minded politicians? Or do you prefer candidates, regardless of what political party they belong to, who are dedicated to safeguarding and preserving American democracy?

Humankind Sleepwalking into an Oven

The president of the Republic of Columbia recently gave a strong speech at the U.N. calling out the world’s most prominent nations for not working together to reduce fossil fuel consumption, save forests, and fight climate change. Among the largest and most populous countries, China, India, Russia, and Brazil are controlled by authoritarian leaders, and the United States has been severely weakened by authoritarians who control one of the country’s two major political parties and threaten to take total control of its government. Authoritarians by their nature care between little and nothing about the common good, much less the future of the peoples of the world, which is why, viewed from an exterior perspective, humankind looks like it’s sleepwalking into an oven.

Notes from Surreal Land

Trump says he can declassify documents just by his thought processes. Regardless of how it’s marked, regardless of its history, no document can be identified as either classified or unclassified except by Trump or someone who knows what Trump is thinking, and that knowledge is evanescent, because Trump’s thoughts may change at any moment. Trump is not only a scoundrel, he is demonstrably crazy; yet he has such a large cult following that Republican politicians can’t win primaries without the their support. And what does Trump want? He wants to be president again, so he can pardon himself and family and cronies and all his thuggish supporters and attain authoritarian power. Democrats and the media should get it across to voters that these are not ordinary elections that are almost upon us: The Republican Party is not what it was. We’re in danger of waking up after Election Day and finding that we’re not in a democracy anymore.

In the United States We Have Two Major Political Parties: The Democratic Party and the Authoritarian Party

The 19th century Electoral Count Act contains ambiguous and vague language that could give unprincipled judges and legislators cover for allowing the House of Representatives to overturn a presidential election contrary to the tabulation of votes in each state. This is what Trump and his allies attempted to do after the 2020 Presidential election. A bill was recently introduced in the House to make it clear that the will of the voters must prevail. Two hundred and three Republicans voted against this critically necessary reform. Only nine Republicans voted for it, all of whom are leaving Congress at the end of this term. This near unanimity of anti-democratic behavior demonstrates that the Republican Party has become the Authoritarian Party.

Trump and Republican Backup Candidates

Trump blusters and fulminates more than ever, but he’s besieged by multiple criminal and civil investigations and legal actions. The Republican politicians who have long curried his favor may very quickly find that he’s more of a liability than an asset. He may fade as fast as a streaking meteor. Ron DeSantis, the Republican governor of Florida, who has been positioning himself to take Trump’s place as the presumptive Republican 2024 presidential candidate, is himself in danger of being sidelined as a result of his blunder in abducting migrant refugees and shipping them to an island off the coast of Massachusetts. Right-wing authoritarian-seeking Republicans needn’t be anxious, however. They have a deep bench of equally unprincipled demagogue-type office seekers.

What Republicans Should Think About

If you are a Republican, it might be well to consider that the Republican Party establishment and the great majority of Republicans running for office in this November’s elections have forsaken traditional Republican values and policy positions. They’ve cast their lot with the disgraced former president and shamelessly abetted his attempt to gain authoritarian power. In this endeavor they are courting gun safety opponents, White Christian nationalists, the resentful, the aggrieved, the tax dodgers, the polluters, the scam artists, and other components of the MAGA base.

Dark Clouds on the Horizon

A heaviness lies over the land because the Republican Party and the vast majority of Republican politicians and a large majority of Republican voters have adopted the depraved ethos of the sociopathic, authoritarian power-seekiing former President. If, as still seems likely, Republicans gain control of Congress in the upcoming elections, it will mark the nation’s entry into an unprecedented era of dark times.


Watching a clip of Trump at his recent Ohio rally, or anywhere, is a dispiriting experience. In Ohio he spewed his usual line of lies and all but urged his supporters to act violently when the time comes — the time for the next coup attempt, I suppose. I read yesterday that about a third of the U.S. population supports Trump. That figure is a good indicator of how sick our country is.

Chances that Democracy will Survive.

Headline: “Republicans in key battleground races refuse to say they will accept the results.” The article reports on how “scores of Republican election deniers are on the ballot”. It’s appalling, but it’s the reality. It’s why the elections less than two months from now are critical to the survival of American democracy. Because of the way our federal system works, and through gerrymandering and voting suppression laws, Republicans have succeeded in tilting the playing field in their favor. Chances that democracy will survive look less than even.

Blog Writing Notes

From time to time when I’m reading news items or opinion pieces, I’ll come across something that gives me an idea for writing a blog for the next day. I don’t follow up on most of them. Today, instead of picking a subject to write about, I’ll mention a few recent stories that caught my eye:

Law professor Zephyr Teachout says that teenagers spend over seven hours looking at screen every day. That doesn’t sound good. I’d like to see breakdown of how this time is divided up.

Prince Charles (now Kind Charles III) used tax breaks, offshore accounts, etc. to get even richer. These royals don’t seem to be worth idolizing. Indeed, they should be heavily taxed.

Florida Governor DeSantis chartered a plane to send migrant refugees to Martha’s Vineyard (a resort island off the coast of Massachusetts). Texas Governor Abbott sent migrants to Vice-President Harris’s home. “How low can they sink?” New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd rightly asks.

Patagonia founder Yvon Chouinard is donating Patagonia, his three billion dollar company, to a trust dedicated to preserving the environment and and fighting climate change. Here’s a case of an exceptional billionaire, one devoted to the public good.

Want To Be a Thug? History is Calling.

Trump says there will be “big, big troubles” if he is indicted. He says that “The country won’t stand for it.” It’s an exhilarating time for rebels who have yearned for a cause but didn’t have one. What a relief that Trump came along. Fascists can take control if a critical number of thuggish instincts are awakened. Trump and his allies and emulators are ringing bells as loudly as they can. Legions of thugs and potential thugs are pricking up their ears, hopeful that their time of glory is at hand.

The Effect of Rot Spreading through the Judiciary

Headline: “DOJ warns judge that delaying the FBI’s Trump investigation is a national security risk.” The Trump-appointed judge didn’t care about that and issued an order unsupported by the law that has the effect of imperiling national security and delaying an important part of the Trump / classified documents investigation indefinitely. As Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin has pointed out, “With Trump has come a legion of extreme activist judges for whom the question is not ‘What is the law?’ but rather ‘Who is asking me to rule?’”

Confidence Man

Looking over a list of books coming out this fall, one that caught my interest was Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and the Breaking of America by New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman.
The book illuminates the cultural forces that allowed such an obviously unfit person to become president. How could such a large segment of the population be taken in by such a manifestly loathsome person? I think it reflects a failure of our educational system. Anyone who has read The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn would have no trouble identifying Trump for what he is: a confidence man.

A Pernicious Myth Exposed for What It Is

Xi-Jinping has tightened centrist control of China. Putin has become the de facto dictator of Russia. Other power-hungry heads of state like Bolsonaro (Brazil), Modi (India), Erdogan (Turkey) and Orban (Hungary) have transitioned the governments of their countries away from democracy and toward authoritarian rule. Aspiring right-wing authoritarian power seekers and their allies in the United States have observed these developments with interest and included in their propagandistic mix of rhetoric the claim that authoritarian governments, unhindered by a plethora of regulations and weakened by concerns about the general welfare, the common good, health, safety, civil rights, and human rights, are far more efficient than democracies. They have strived to instill in the minds of voters that America will be condemned to weakness if we don’t follow the example of autocratic leaders. Putin’s monumental blunder in invading Ukraine and the demonstrated incompetence of Russia’s military are exposing the myth that democracy is weak and that autocracy is strong and discrediting the blustering pernicious people who have purveyed it.


Ukraine’s successful attempts to regain territory are astonishing. The possibility of achieving peace is increasing. Any reasonable proposed peace agreement — even one that involves conceding territory to the Russians — should be considered, provided that it contains loophole-free security for Ukraine in the future, meaning that, though Ukraine may agree not to become a member of NATO, it will enjoy NATO’s protection no less than any NATO member.

Russia / Europe / U.S. and the Oil and Gas Problem

The U.S. and E.U. allies would like to cap Russian oil and gas prices and thereby limit Russia’s war profiteering from a war it started. Russia is trying to forestall this possibility by threatening to cut Europe off from Russian oil and gas completely. The two sides seem to be setting up a game of chicken. To prevail in this struggle, the West should not just rely on successful bluffing, they should show Putin that they have better cards to play than Putin thought they had. The only way to improve the West’s cards fast enough in the short time remaining before winter sets in would be to act in a way that is appropriate given the gravity of the situation, which would be to go on a wartime footing as the allies did in World War II, including instituting rationing, price controls, excess profits taxes, and incentives to lower domestic oil ad gas consumption and accelerate development and distribution of alternative sources. The West needs to demonstrate its resolve instead of pretending that it can prevail on a business-as-usual basis. Unfortunately, there are two many moving parts and political obstacles for this to happen. We’ll have to do the best we can under the circumstances and hope things work out.

A Little Context to the Big News Coverage of the Moment

Amidst the endless reverential coverage of every bit of minutia relating to England’s royal family, right down to tracking every movement of the deceased queen’s coffin, a salutary op-ed by Karen Attiah appeared in the Washington Post this morning. It was headed: “We must speak the ugly truths about Queen Elizabeth and Britain’s empire.”

Russia’s Attempt to Conquer Ukraine

Headline: “Ukraine makes swift gains along the northern front.” The other day I read a trenchant op-ed by Garry Kasparov and Michael McFaul on the importance of doing more to support Ukraine and weaken Russia. Our duty to help Ukraine is a matter of doing what is right both in our actions affecting others and doing what is right in our self-interest. The political struggle in the United States that will be played out in the upcoming elections is a battle for the soul of America. Ukraine’s struggle to resist Russia is a battle for the soul of the world.

The Case of the Yet-To-Be-Appointed Special Master

The Justice Department has elected to appeal a Trump-appointed judge’s granting of Trump’s request that a special master be appointed to review all the documents the FBI recovered from Trump’s Florida residence. Honorable legal experts are in virtually unanimous agreement that this was an egregiously wrong ruling: It was not grounded in the law.It appears to have been based solely on favoritism toward Trump. The ruling seriously impairs the Justice Department’s investigation of Trump’s probable criminality in his taking and handling of classified documents and, even worse, will impede the FBI’s efforts to ascertain what happened to the documents in 48 empty folders the FBI found that were marked “classified.” The judge’s order itself amounted to obstruction of justice. Will the Justice Department’s appeal be successful. It’s not certain. The circuit court where the appeal will be argued is reportedly riddled with Trump loyalists.

Two Months to Go

Two months to go till the elections (and recounts and court actions that follow?) that will likely decide whether American democracy lives, dies, or remains in or enters a stage where it’s something in between.

The Horror of It

Among the vast trove of sensitive government documents that Trump malevolently removed and hoarded in his Mar-a-Lago palace were ones that were not only classified as top secret, but in a special category of ultra sensitive documents that were restricted to a few key individuals. Among them was one that described the nuclear defenses of a foreign government. The Justice Department’s ability to address the crisis is being grievously constricted by a federal judiciary riddled with partisan hacks that Trump appointed. His tenure in office immeasurably weakened our country, and he continues to damage it every day.

What Type of Republican Are You?

I’ve observed that there are five types of Republicans. If you are a Republican, you might want to consider which type you are:

A) people who share traditional Republican values and policy positions and think Republicans should control the government even though they may have misgivings that the Republican Party and most Republican politicians have failed to repudiate Trump and his emulators and have no agenda other than to gain power by whatever means they can get away with.

B) people whose decision making is more strongly driven by one or more ideologies (for example, religious fundamentalist doctrine, white nationalism, xenophobia, homophobia, gun culture, and hatred of government regulations and taxes) than by desire to preserve American democracy;

C) people willing to do whatever it takes to gain and maintain authoritarian power, as long as they can make a pretense of following legal procedures;

D) people willing to do whatever it takes to gain and maintain authoritarian power, regardless of the law, national security interests, concern for civility, or any sense of human decency;

E) people who share traditional Republican values and policy positions but care more about preserving American democracy than party loyalty.

True Horror

Trump’s criminal recklessness in handling U.S. Government documents is sickening, as is the failure of Republican politicians and right-wing media to call him out on it — a collective moral descent to depths I never imagined would be reached in this country. Jennifer Rubin laid it out, chillingly, in her Washington Post column yesterday, along with a telling itemization of contents of a box of government documents recovered from Trump by the FBI. Trump’s appearance in American life and continuing presence is like a dark toxic cloud that descended over the land and thickens with time.

Calling All Thugs

Trump has strongly suggested that if he is elected president in 2024, he will pardon everybody who participated in the January 6, 2021, insurrection and assault on the Capitol that resulted in deaths and injuries and imperiled the lives of many members of Congress. This is not just an attempt by Trump to get the thug vote in 2024. The vast majority of thugs would vote for Trump anyway. This is a signal to all thugs everywhere that if they engage in criminal behavior of the kind Trump favors, they can count on Trump to pardon them if he’s elected president, and, of course, they should understand that he will be elected president, because enough thugs, including many holding a key political offices, will see to it that he is regardless of how citizens vote or would vote if they were given a chance.

Trump and His Defenders and Emulators

It was sickening learning of Trump’s reckless behavior with regard to classified documents, including many of the most secret and sensitive nature. Trump may have caused significantly more damage to the United States than is already plainly evident. With his unceasing stream of rants, lies, and provocations, like a knife-wielding maniac he continues to inflict wound after wound upon our country. Shame on all who have defended him and all who have adopted his modus operandi: fascism in the raw.

American Democracy in Peril

Cornerstones of democracy are hassle-free voting, fair elections, upholding the rule of law, and shunning violence. The MAGA movement, promoted by Trump and his emulators in political office and the media, financed by right-wing extremist billionaires and callous corporations, has virtually no agenda other than to suppress voting, distort the electoral process, subvert the rule of law, create chaos and confusion, mislead the public, and claim that their anointed leaders will remedy what’s wrong with the country. If these people get control of the federal government, American democracy will be lost.

Trump and Law Enforcement

Trump has lately erupted with more conspicuously appalling and strikingly incoherent rants, lies, baseless accusations, and demands than ever. There is every indication that, if he is indicted, he will try to foment an armed rebellion against civil authority. He clearly hopes that he can succeed in intimidating attorney general Merrick Garland from bringing criminal charges against him. Garland has said that he will not be cowed. If Trump is indicted, the moral, practical, and legal necessity of enforcing the law is no less great today than it was over half a century ago when president Eisenhower employed the 101st Airborne to enforce integration in a Little Rock, Arkansas, public school.

Biden’s Upcoming Speech

It’s practically a platitude, but it’s profoundly true, that democracy is on the ballot this November. Biden has to get this across to voters in his speech tomorrow. Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin points out that Biden doesn’t need to mention Trump or Republicans. He merely has to call on voters to reject politicians who encourage violence, refuse to accept election results, aim to make government dysfunctional, politicize criminal investigations, and interfere with and subvert the electoral process. It’s a list that pretty much sums up the Republican agenda.

Senator Lindsay Graham

News item: “If there’s a prosecution of Donald Trump for mishandling classified information,” said Sen. Lindsey O. Graham on Fox News, there will be “riots in the streets.”

Perhaps so. We know the thugs are out there. They were wellrepresented in the January 6, 2021, insurrection. What do these myriads of thugs think when they are told that there will be riots in the streets if Trump is prosecuted? They think that if Trump is prosecuted, they should riot in the streets. Undoubtedly some will — maybe a lot of them will — heeding what they take to be Graham’s bidding. What does this make Graham? It makes him a high ranking thug. That’s what this senator from South Carolina and former chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee is, and all that he is.

Saving American Democracy: If only

If only the Democrats can hold the House of Representatives and pick up two or three senate seats in this November’s election and thereby have the 50 senate votes they need to eliminate (or modify as needed) the filibuster, they would be in a position to pass critically needed legislation (for example comprehensive voting rights protection and electoral process reforms) that are now blocked, and to expand the size of the Supreme Court and rebalance it so that it’s not controlled by right-wing ideology-driven extremists. If only that could happen, the transition of our country into an authoritarian state could be arrested.

Who Would Be a Worse President: Trump or DeSantis?

Some observers have speculated that it would be worse to have DeSantis as president than Trump. Like Trump, DeSantis is a morally bankrupt, semi-fascist, shameless, special interest-catering opportunist, who, if he became president, would cause immense damage to our country and shatter what remains of America’s pretense of being a pluralistic liberal democracy. Moreover, because DeSantis is young and capable, he could solidify and gain longterm control of our government. But, bad as DeSantis would be, Trump would be worse. DeSantis more likely than not would care about protecting our national security interests. Trump would be much more likely to blow up our country, or the world.

Trump’s Horde of Government Documents

No one seems to know why Trump wanted all those boxes of documents including some containing highly classified material, some of which was of the most sensitive nature. I don’t think he ever imagined that the DOJ would get a warrant and make a surprise search of his Mar-A-Lago palace. For Trump, retaining these documents probably symbolized retaining the presidency, as if he were a king in exile, comforting himself by standing in front of the mirror while wearing his crown. I’d be surprised if it turned out that he sold any vital secrets to Russia or Saudi Arabia, though that possibility can’t ruled out. More likely, he thought of the documents as an asset he controlled that he could liquidate in an emergency. He had possession of them, and they were too valuable to let go.

The Untied States: Drowning in a Sea of Dark Money

Headline: “Senate Dems brace for a red wave — of cash.” It’s not coming from grass-roots donors. As Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Robert Reich, and many others have pointed out, “the system” is rigged to benefit the rich. Recently, a right-wing billionaire contributed 1.6 billion dollars to a “social welfare organization,” a taxexempt entity that is supposed to be working for the common good, but is apparently a vehicle for anonymous donors to fund political campaigns and affect policy decisions.The basic problem, I guess, is that most billionaires got so rich in part because they wanted to get richer. Wanting to get richer is part of their pyschic makeup. And many of them calculate tnat it will help them get even richer if they fund (mostly) Republican politicians.

Philosophy in a Nutshell

I ran across a reference to philosopher Walter Kaufmann’s watchwords for how to live: love, courage, honesty and humbition. The last one of these is a combination of ambition and humility. This makes sense. Humility is like the control rod in a nuclear reactor. It’s how you maximize energy output without producing a blowup or meltdown.

Human Nature: Not That Great

I’ve been trying for a long time with little success to understand why of all but a tiny fraction of Republicans have failed to repudiate Trump — failed to render him irrelevant when it was so clearly the right thing to do — choosing instead to adopt, or at least tolerate, his depraved ethos. Why is it that such an overwhelming majority of them have so little moral fibre? So little self-respect? So little sense of decency? Unfortunately, natural selection doesn’t favor honorableness. Honesty, decency and good faith aren’t default human traits. That’s the world we live in, and the challenge for all people of good will.

The Trump Effect

You’ve probably read or heard about the increase in violence-inciting rhetoric from Trump and his emulators in the media and in public office. There’s not just the despicable Big Lie that the 2020 election was stolen and sly and cynical intimations that this may have been the case. Trump and his emulators lie and threaten with abandon on any topic whenever it suits them to do so. For the astute legal analyst for Slate, Diana Lithwick, the incidence of this phenomenon is measurable “in cubic tons of my ‘die, bitch’ emails.”

I think that a lot of people have an underlying propensity to be bellicose, bully, and lash out, but they are normally inhibited from giving way to such impulses. Trump and his emulators in the media and in political office have systematically shattered such inhibitions. Trump is the antithesis of Lincoln. Instead of urging people to find the better angels of their nature, he summons the worst demons from within them.

Republicans’s Debt to Orwell

Republican seeking authoritarian control of the United States government have taken a leaf out of the model of totalitarianism described in Orwell’s novel 1984, in which the populace was instructed that “War is Peace,” “Freedom is Slavery,” and “Ignorance is Strength.” Trump and his emulators (the majority of Republicans!) call: 1) accurate news reports “Fake News”; 2) conclusively authenticated elections “Stolen Elections”; 3) court authorized search warrants that meticulously adhere to the requirements of the Constitution “Fascism”; and 4) the law enforcement officers who conduct them the “Gestapo.” These are the people we’re up against in our efforts to save American democracy.

Wealth Inequality

Robert Reich is a master at marshaling statistics that demonstrate that we are living in a plutocracy, a system under which the rules are tilted in favor of the rich and powerful. For example, he reports that “the stock portfolios of the top 1% are now worth $23 trillion.” That figure, enormous as it is, doesn’t reflect other assets, such as vast amounts of real estate, held by the top 1%. Imagine what America would look like if our tax structure were such that half of that $23 trillion had been allocated for constructive purposes for the common good. The top 1% would still be extremely rich, but our country would be much the better for it.

”Mainstream” Republicans

Headline: “Mainstream Pennsylvania Republicans have united
around far-right gubernatorial candidate Doug Mastriano.”

Mastriano, it should be noted, is not just far-right. He is a radical extremist authoritarian prepared to do anything he can to tilt elections to Republicans regardless of the will of the people of Pennsylvania. He is an unqualified Trump coup supporter.

Traditionally, mainstream Republicans revered and defended the rule of law. What this headline conveys is that there are now no more than a handful of Republicans who are mainstream in the traditional sense. With pitifully few exceptions,“mainstream” Republicans today are radical authoritarians.

Upside Down Thinking

Headline: “Florida court rules 16-year-old is not ‘sufficiently mature’ for abortion.” I presume the issue was whether the 16-year old had to get parental permission to have an abortion. The court should have ruled that the 16-year-old is not sufficiently mature for motherhood, and she doesn’t need anybody’s permission for an abortion. Instead, the court supplied us with a good example of upside down thinking, rooted in the ideology of the religious authoritarian types who control the Supreme Court and are a key constituency of the Republican Party.

Types of Republicans

In the light of recent Republican primary elections and other developments, I’ve revised my categorization of types of Republicans and present it here: Percentages are my rough estimates:

90% of Republicans

those in one or more of these four groups:

1) people who for various reasons want Republicans to be in power regardless of the damaging effects Republican control would have on democratic institutions and the rule of law;

2) people whose decision making is more strongly driven by one or more of the following overriding interests than by any interest they may have in preserving democratic institutions and the rule of law: Christian fundamentalist doctrine, white nationalism, xenophobia, homophobia, gun culture, and hatred of government regulations and taxes;

2) people who would do whatever it takes to gain and maintain autocratic power, as long as they can make a pretense of following legal procedures;

4) people who would do whatever it takes to gain and maintain autocratic power, regardless of the law or any sense of human decency.

10% of Republicans

people who traditionally vote for Republicans, but care more about preserving American democracy than party loyalty.

Thoughts on Russia’s War on Ukraine

Almost six months have passed since Putin invadedUkraine. It is a war that Putin must not be allowed to win, but also one that he must not be forced to lose, because if he becomes convinced that he will lose, there is a serious risk that he will become insanely desperate. When Hitler committed suicide, he doubtless would have liked to take tens of millions of innocent people along with him. He didn’t have that capability, but Putin might. He might have a capability greater than Hitler ever dreamed of.

We need to provide enough assistance to Ukraine so that, the sooner the better, Putin understands that he can’t conquer any more of that beleaguered country, then we should press hard for a settlement, which includes face-saving concessions to the nuclear-armed monster, but provides that Ukraine and every other European nation will enjoy the full protection of NATO whether they are NATO members or notl Then, we must not rest. We must strengthen NATO’s military capability enough so that Putin understands that he must abandon his imperialist dreams.

Encouraging Developments

For those who have been following news developments closely and hope that American democracy will be preserved and strengthened rather than shoveled into the dust bin of history during the next few years, it’s bracing to read of developments that increase the probability that, rather than be proved to be “above the law,” Trump will be proved guilty of some of the crimes he almost certainly has committed.

Perhaps the most probable prosecution and conviction of Trump will ensue from the criminal investigation of the attempt to divert Georgia’s electoral votes in the 2020 presidential election from Biden to Trump, even though Biden won the popular vote in that state. The case appears to be a strong one for the prosecution, and not just on a single count. Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin notes that
the “charges could include criminal solicitation to commit election fraud, interference with an official’s performance of his duties, conspiracy to commit election fraud, and violation of the state’s racketeering statute.”

Media Should Not Use Misleading Words

It once was not the case, but in present times, most elected or appointed Republicans are not “conservatives.” They are authoritarian radicals. And they don’t enact “strict voting laws.” They enact laws that implement voter suppression.

Prosecuting Trump

Some have argued that Trump should only be prosecuted for some of the crimes he appears to have committed. In an 0p-Ed in yesterday’s Washington Post, two law professors persuasively argue that, if there is to be selectivity in what charges to bring against him, the most serious of the crimes that he appears to have committed should be preferred for prosecution. I agree: illuminate his behavior in its most reprehensible forms. Better yet, he should be prosecuted for every crime without exception as to which prosecuting attorneys believe in good faith that they can prove his guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

Trump / Republicans / Bad Faith

I’d prefer not to write so often about Trump and the bad faith exhibited by Republicans, but American democracy is in peril, so the subject looms large in my mind.

News item in yesterday’s Washington Post: “One set of documents {among those removed by the FBI from Trump’s Mar-a-Lago headquarters pursuant to a search warrant sanctioned by a Federal magistrate} “is listed as ‘Various classified TS/SCI documents’, a reference to top secret/sensitive compartmented information, a highly classified category of government secrets, in addition to…four sets of top-secret papers.” 

This would be terribly embarrassing for Trump and the scores of prominent Republican politicians and right-wing media figures who had decried the FBI’s action, if they were capable of embarrassment, but they are not. This is everyday business for them: another in a long succession of occasions calling for them to follow their standard operating procedure for defending their allegiance to Trump: lie, feign outrage, and threaten revenge.

Divided We Stand

The cynical and mendacious reaction of Republican politicians and right-wing-minded pundits, as well as the entire array of right-wing media outlets, to the FBI search of Trump’s headquarters pursuant to a court authorized search warrant for probable evidence of a crime was entirely predictable. Forget about the rule of law and no man is above the law. Proto-fascists throughout the country have been screaming that the FBI is now the Gestapo and that Attorney General Garland should be impeached. It is bracing that Garland refused to be intimidated. He is being faithful to his oath of office, acting without “without fear or favor.” America is divided, not between comparable rival factions, but between people of good will and people who are duped or just plain bad.

Republicans Show Their Colors

By their cynical and mendacious high volume reaction to the F.B.I.’s search of Trump’s headquarters pursuant to a judicial warrant based on probable cause that evidence would be found of a federal crime, prominent Republicans have shown themselves to be practitioners of the fascist playbook: accuse proponents of democracy and the rule of law of crimes you or your leader have committed, demonize those who have exposed your malevolence, threaten violence, generate fear.

Water and the West

Prolonged extreme drought in Western States is evidenced by historic low levels in lakes serving as reservoirs. Yesterday, Sara and I decided to take a look at Lemon Lake and Reservoir, which was created by damming the Florida River (really a brook) about 15 miles north-east of where we live. We’ve experienced surprisingly frequent afternoon showers lately, and I wondered if the water level in Lemon Lake had risen. Contrary to my hopes, it was still distressingly low. The brook feeding the lake was running briskly, but so was its continuation downstream of the dam. Apparently, water is needed so badly downstream (in the Colorado River system), that little or no water flowing into Lemon Lake stays in it. Running on empty may be the best we’ll ever do.

Pity Republican Politicians

If you’re a Republican politician, you can’t just cater to one or two of the worst causes and groups in our society to win elections, particularly primary elections; you have to cater to all of them. You have to have the support of groups of people who believe that Americans should be run by white fundamentalist Christians; groups of people who oppose sensible gun regulations; groups of people who don’t think efforts to reduce pollution and slow climate change should get in the way of maximizing profits; groups of people who are racist, homophobic, or xenophobic; groups of people who are still in thrall to Trump, are drawn to right-wing spawned conspiracy theories, and have authoritarian ambitions; and groups of people who believe that having the rich get richer and the poor get poorer is the way America ought to be. Republicans running for office don’t mean to be despicable, they only are because they have to be to get enough votes to win.

War Policy and Climate Policy

The biggest problem with the West’s effort to help Ukraine defend itself against Russia is its dependence on Russian oil and gas. Largely because of the war, oil and gas prices have risen significantly. By paying higher prices for Putin’s oil and gas, the West, in effect, is rewarding Putin for starting a war and slaughtering innocent people as fast as he can. To reduce Putin’s income, countries opposing him should swiftly cut oil and gas consumption significantly and stimulate alternative energy use. Good war policy is good climate policy. Greed and indifference keep it from happening.

Trump and the Republican Party

According to the best sources I’m aware of, it is now certain the Justice Department’s criminal investigation includes the coup attempt as well as the January 6, 2021 insurrection. It now seems more likely than not that Trump will be prosecuted, with any luck in multiple jurisdictions and for multiple crimes. It would be a relief to see him removed from the political scene, but even if that happens, our country will remain in deep trouble. The Republican Party has been taken over by authoritarians, and they won’t slack off in trying to subject America to authoritarian control after Trump is gone. Trump may soon be seen to be a burden that they are eager to get rid of.

Reforming the Electoral Count Act

Congress’s most urgent task is to reform the Electoral Count Act, which sets forth procedures for tallying and certifying votes in presidential elections. The ECA is full of holes and vague and ambiguous clauses, yet it worked satisfactorily from its enactment in 1887 until 2020, when Trump and those aligned with him tried to take advantage of its flaws as a pretext for defying Biden’s victory in the Electoral College. In its amended form, the ECA must be air-tight. Republicans have shown that there is no limit on the perverseness of maneuvers they would make to pursue their authoritarian goals.

A Cause for Hope

Hope isn’t worth much unless there’s cause for it. There is this morning. Amidst all the troubles in the world, including the tightening of the grip of Trumpian types on the Republican Party evidenced in yesterday’s primary elections, bracing news came from Kansas, a solidly right-wing state. A sizable (and decisive) percentage of Kansans who voted for Trump in the 2020 election balked at having an important human right taken away and voted to preserve the abortion rights enshrined in the Kansas State Constitution.

The Times Are Out of Joint

Headline: “BP {British Petroleum} profits highest in 14 years as it rakes in $8.5B amid gas pump pinch”

Putin is raking it in too, his reward for committing mass murder every day of the week. Bad policy decisions by many world leaders have led us to this situation. Greed and lust for power and status are at the root of it.

Experiencing What’s in the News

Headline to Wshington Post Editorial This Morning: “Air travel is in chaos — and there are no easy solutions.”

One example proves nothing. Still, our AA flight was delayed so much Saturday that we had to switch to
the Sunday flight, which made our connecting flight, but the connecting plane wasn’t working right,
so it turned around and went back to the gate, and we had to take another plane for the same flight — three hour delay. This does seem to be the new normal and nothing to complain about since it doesn’t amount to a true “horror story.”

Speaking of things not working right, this word processing program produced ragged margins this morning.

On the Nature of Banana Republics

Traveling again, though more slowly than I’d planned.
Blame the weather and American Airlines, partners in

Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin once
again hits the nail on the head this morning, responding
to those who express fear that prosecuting a former president is
what banana republics do. She lays out the incontestable
facts and notes: “Only a ‘banana republic’ would give
the guy behind the coup attempt a get-out-of-jail card.”

A Slight Favorable Shifting in the Odds

It’s nice that Senator Manchin appears to be taking a break from being smug obstructionist long enough to permit probable passage of a moderately constructive bill dealing with energy policy, health care, and tax policy. The most important aspect of this development is that it probably slightly improves chances that Democrats will fare better in this November elections. Thus, it slightly iimproves chances that American democracy will survive longer.

A Column I Didn’t Need to Read

Opinion Headline: “Why I’m Protesting the Congressional Baseball Game.”

I saw this headline for an opinion piece and decided to read it later, but when I came back to it, it was no longer posted. Then it occurred to me that I already knew what it probably said: Every summer Republican and Democratic Congressional Representatives oppose each other in a baseball game. The main trouble with continuing this tradition is that it assumes that the two parties are the same as they used to be — differing in many policy positions, but collegial and mutually committed to American Democracy. Creating such an impression does a disservice to the public, because it ignores that the Republican Party has become the authoritarian party. Democrats should be publicizing that fact, rather than obscuring it.

What Republicans Should Think About

If you are a Republican, it might be well to consider that the Republican Party establishment and the great majority of Republicans running for office in this November’s elections have forsaken traditional Republican values and policy positions. They’ve cast their lot with the disgraced former president and shamelessly abetted his attempt to gain authoritarian power. In this endeavor they are courting gun safety opponents, White Christian nationalists, the resentful, the aggrieved, the tax dodgers, the polluters, the scam artists, and other components of the MAGA base.

This Blog

My blogs have been posting irregularly lately, partly because of
problems with the Word Press program I use and partly
because I’ve been overwhelmed with visiting family members.
I hope to resume posting blogs on a regular basis beginning tomorrow.
There’s no shortage of events to comment on.

A Model of Depravity

The hearing held yesterday by the Congressional Committee investigating the January 6, 2021 insurrection — the last hearing until September — detailed far beyond a reasonable doubt how Trump refused for 187 minutes to make any effort to stop the mob terrorizing the Capitol. Trump is no ordinary dangerous criminal. He will live long in history as a model of a depravity. That it’s possible that he might again become president is a clear indication that the United States is a sick country.

Global Warming

Some decades ago, we were warned that global warming was happening and that we should initiate measures to slow it down. At some point, we were warned that we must initiate measures to slow it down within the next few years. More recently, we were warned that we must initiate measures to slow it down now. I haven’t heard anyone say that “now” has passed, but my impression is that we’ve gone from “must act soon” to “should have acted earlier.” Whenever most people think that there’s no hope — that conditions will get worse no matter what we do — there will be even less impetus to slow global warming. The extinction of the human species will be hastened.

Notes from the Bureau of Analysis of Dismaying Thoughts

Headline for a Segment of the PBS Newshour: “GOP’s Requirement for Candidates: Loyalty to Trump”

That’s the whole story. You don’t need to know any more. Trump is a dangerous sociopath who elicits revulsion from every unduped person of good will. That most Republicans adhere to him is possibly the most significant of the multiple tragedies playing out before our eyes.

Will Merrick Garland Wake Up?

It’s clear to anyone following the revelations issuing from the Congressional committee investigating the January 6, 2021, insurrection that if Attorney General Garland doesn’t indict Trump, it will amount to instituting a policy that a president of the United States is above the law. Trump once bragged that he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan and get away with it. Can he get away with the even worse crimes he has committed? Garland occasionally stirs in his sleep. That’s a hopeful sign, but it’s not yet known whether or when he’ll wake up.


Alluding to recent news stories, including one about the attorney general of Indiana threatening to prosecute a doctor who gave a ten-year-old rape victim an abortion, Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin notes: “In denying women have any interest in protecting their bodily integrity and intimate decision-making, the right-wing Supreme Court set up millions of women, their families, and their doctors for abuse, disrespect and physical and mental harm.”

What motivates right-wing vigilante types to cause so much misery? I think it’s to satisfy their mean-spirited psychic needs.

Putin and Ukraine

No one who has wantonly murdered tens of thousands of people, including thousands of people in his own army, ever says to himself, “What I’ve done so far is acceptable, but it might be immoral to kill a hundred thousand more people and, even if that’s okay, it surely wouldn’t be right to kill more than a million people.” For that reason, Putin’s thinking seems to be that, even if his army can’t conquer the rest of Ukraine, he can find satisfaction in firing as many missiles as he has handy at every kind of target indefinitely until Ukraine and the West give up. Meanwhile, he can have his propagandists continually piously assert on Russian government-controlled TV, that he is teaching the Ukrainians and the West a lesson, and that the fascists who want to destroy Russia are being obliterated so that the Russian people will be saved from tyranny and return to the glorious days of Peter the Great.

If Only. . .

Referring to Republican politicians who have failed to repudiate Trump and to the latest revelations elicited by the Congressional committee investigating the January 6, 2021, insurrection, Washington Post columnist E. J.Dionne wrote, “Refusing to break with Trump now, forcefully and definitively, is to demonstrate a complete indifference to what the ethics of a constitutional republic and democracy require.”

If only every voter could become informed of that fact, American democracy would no longer be imperiled.

Chalk One Up for Humanity

Headline: “NASA’s new images represent humanity at its best.” This is the view of the Washington Post Editorial Board. It’s well said. The exceedingly complex array called the Webb telescope, positioned about a million miles from Earth, is fully commissioned and sending back pictures of unprecedented clarity and detail. More than 300 things could have gone wrong, anyone of which would have ruined the project, but none did. We’ll learn a lot more about the nature of the universe from the Webb.

A Strand of Totalitarianism is Woven into the Fabric of Our Society

Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin: {The Supreme Court has decreed that} “from the very moment of fertilization, a woman has no rights to speak of. A State can force her to bring a pregnancy to term, even at the steepest personal and familial costs.” 

“Right-thinking” Christian Doctrine

In a recent column in the New York Times, Katherine Stewart, an expert on Christian fundamentalism, discusses dominionism — “the belief that right-thinking ‘Christians’ have a biblically derived mandate to take control of all aspects of government and society.” If God is on your side, anything goes.

It’s a philosophical doctrine that’s inimical to a liberal, pluralistic, democratic society, but one to which a majority of Supreme Court justices appear to subscribe.

Air Pollution

Headline: “Air pollution kills ten million per year.” (That’s world-wide.) It degrades the health of billions. It fuzzes the landscape so much and so often that it’s a marvel when the horizon is sharply defined. Even if we weren’t experiencing the effects of global warming and living with the prospect of climate-change apocalypses, it should be a high priority of the nations of the world to reduce air pollution. It’s too bad that there is so much else to think about — so many other crises, so many more pressing concerns. It’s understandable: But one can see where humanity is heading. The horizon in that direction is quite sharply defined.

My Letter to the Editor of the Durango Herald, Colorado, published yesterday.


I got a postcard in the mail urging me to vote for Lauren Boebert, who is running to retain her seat as the representative for Colorado’s 3rd C.D. Three reasons were given for voting for Boebert: that she is Pro-Freedom, Pro-Guns, and Pro-Constitution.

The trouble is:

Boebert would force a woman to complete a pregnancy and give birth against her will. That’s not Pro-freedom;

Boebert is is a slavish supporter of the former president, who fomented an insurrection and pressured government officials in an effort to remain in office by blocking the orderly transition of government and overturning the conclusively validated 2020 presidential election. That’s not Pro-Constitution.

Boebert is Pro-guns! But what does it mean to be “pro-guns”? It doesn’t mean being supportive of the Second Amendment, which is the law of the land and therefore not an issue to be debated. For Boebert, it means being mindlessly opposed to any sensible gun safety measures allowed by the Second Amendment that would likely reduce the incidence of mass shootings.

Boebert is honest about one of her three claims, but empty headed as to all of them. That’s more than enough reason to vote for her honorable and capable Democratic opponent, Adam Frisch.

Headline: Republicans against Democracy

As you may know, a few years ago, a case came before the Supreme Court which many thought of as an opportunity for the Court to hold that partisan gerrymanding, which can result in the controlling party in a state drawing boundaries of districts so that, for instance, in a state where only 43% of the population votes for candidates from one party, 57% of state’s Congressional districts, and state legislature districts end up being held by candidates of that party, resulting in control of the minority over the majority.

Republicans have proved to be more adept and aggressive than Democrats in employing gerrymandering to gain and retain control of state legislatures and achieve disproportionately large representation in Congress. Rather than banning this undemocratic practice, the Supreme Court, in a 5-4 decision a few years ago, washed their hands of it. They said it would be too hard for them to deal with such a matter on the federal level: Let the states take care of it, they said: State courts can stop it, basing their rulings on bedrock principles in most state Constitutions.

Recently, the Supreme Court agreed to hear a case which would turn on the validity of a cockamamie legal theory that supports the conclusion that state courts cannot rely on the authority of state constitutions to prevent state legislatures from taking whatever rankly partisan action they want to. Why would the Supreme Court take such a case unless they were ready to put their stamp of approval on this bizarre theory and proclaim it to be the law? If the five extreme right-wing justices who presently control he court issue such a ruling, they will confirm what already seems to be the case that, like most Republicans, they are against democracy. They are content to end it because their governing credo is to take and preserve power.

Trump is a Magnet for Sociopaths

Cassidy Hutchinson, a former top aide to Trump’s chief of staff Mark Meadows and witness to some of Trump’s machinations on Jan 6, 2021, the day of the storming of the capitol, has been widely praised for her forthright testimony to the Congressional committee investigating the insurrection. Simply by being an honorable person, she has become a national hero. Not so in the case of Meadows himself, former deputy chief of staff Tony Ornato, former White House counsel Pat Cipollone, and a score of other insiders who have refused to come forward and testify as to the events of that fateful day. How did it happen that it’s the occasion for a big news story and accolades when someone in Trump’s entourage acts honorably. The answer is that Trump is a magnet for sociopaths, who are drawn to him in such numbers and with such velocity, that they crowd out almost everyone else in his vicinity.

Thoughts for Independence Day

Happy Fourth of July! I decided to express that sentiment and save “Trump is a Magnet for Sociopaths” for another day.

Headline this morning: “Nearly every American has a foreboding that the country they love is losing its way.” I’m sure that’s true. Is there a remedy for it? Maybe some mix of good will, dedicated work, and time? Meanwhile, I suggest following the advice of my favorite car bumper sticker I’ve seen this year: “Just be nice.”

Why the Word “Conservative” Shouldn’t Be Associated with Republicans, Continued

A New York Times headline yesterday read: “Court’s term is the most conservative since 1931.” Why is the Times so obtuse? The word conservative is supposed to have something to do with conservation, with preserving things as they are. The Court did just the opposite on practically all fronts. They severely limited the E.P.A.’s ability to slow global warming and air and water pollution. They gave states more tools to restrict voting rights. They grossly limited women’s reproductive freedom. They struck down reasonable gun safety regulations. They tilted the playing field in favor of religious interests in ways contrary to the bedrock principle of separation of church and state. There’s nothing conservative about the five right-wing justices who control the Supreme Court. Every one of is a dangerous radical.

Why the Word “Conservative” Shouldn’t Be Associated with Republicans

July 2, 2022

The Republican Party is not the conservative party. How could it be when it supports the former president, who fomented an insurrection and pressured government officials in an effort to remain in office by blocking the orderly transition of government and overturning the conclusively validated 2020 presidential election; when it deprives women of reproductive freedom; when it insists that anyone should have rights to weapons of war; when it stops Congress from addressing climate change; when it works feverishly to subvert and repress voting rights, and this isn’t the end of the list of ways in which Republicans work to transition our country to longterm, one-party, authoritarian rule.

Global Warming and the Supreme Court

The right-wing majority-controlled Supreme Court has severely limited the Environmental Protection Agency’s ability to enforce regulations that would reduce pollution and carbon emissions and help slow global warming. It is no longer possible for the U.S. to be a leader among nations in arresting global warming, a goal that seems to be receding rapidly out of sight. Other huge producers of carbon emissions, like China, Russia, and Brazil, are ruled by sociopaths who have little or no interest in the future of humanity. The world is mostly run by people with the mindset of Louis XVth, who I believe it was who said, “Après moi, le déluge.” “Some say the world will end in fire / Some say in ice,” said Robert Frost in one of his poems. Looks like it will be fire. “After us, the fire,” says the Supreme Court, the baleful new voice of America.

I’m traveling for a few days and plan to resume this blog on Friday, July 1st.

What the Opinion overruling Roe v. Wade Reveals about the Character of the Right-Wing Justices

The opinion signed by a majority of Supreme Court justices in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization provides a window through which to view their psychic states. One can imagine honorable justices reaching a decision, which, though just, would work hardship on many people affected by it. Justices of this kind would express regret and explain how the decision was compelled by the law, perhaps recommending that the hardship could be minimized or removed by remedial legislation. The five justices signing the opinion in Dobbs are not honorable. This is evident not because the decision in Dobbs was egregiously wrong, which it was, but because, as Jennifer Rubin noted in a Washington Post column yesterday, the “opinion overturning the right to abortion drips with disdain for women’s concerns about personal autonomy and for the principle of stare decisis.”

Trump, The Supreme Court, and the Principle that “No One Is Above The Law.”

Trump and his supporters and emulators, a class of miscreants that includes most members of the Republican Party, have for some time been the biggest threat to American democracy, and it remains to be seen whether Trump’s gross criminality will go unpunished —- whether he will turn out to have been above the law, contrary to a bedrock principle of our democracy. It is now evident that the right-wing justices who control the Supreme Court constitute an almost equally grave threat to our democracy. They literally have the power to lift themselves above the law, since they are the ultimate arbiters as to what the law is, and they have shamefully exercised that power. Our present form of government has been dependent on members of the Court acting in good faith to uphold the law, particularly the Constitution of the United States, regardless of their political or personal inclinations. Now, it is the country’s great misfortune that a majority of the justices on the Court prefer to follow their deep-rooted psychic inclinations rather than be faithful to their duty to serve the nation. Our country is at risk of falling under the control of people who have lifted themselves above the law and are determined to stay there.

The Essential Qualities of Character of the Justices Who Overruled Roe V. Wade

Diana LIthwick, in Slate: “The people who suffer the most will be the poorest, the youngest, the sickest —- the people whose interests don’t even warrant acknowledgment by the majority opinion.”

Given their lack of concern for the misery and hardship they are inflicting on millions of women and families, it’s clear that the basis of the decision of the majority of justices of the Supreme Court to yank away the right of women to terminate their pregnancies isn’t to be found in the law, or even in their religious beliefs. It resides in their essential qualities of character: arrogance, resentfulness, and mean-spiritedness.

If Justice Prevails

Anyone with a modicum of intelligence who has watched the televised hearings conducted by the House Select Committee investigating the January 6, 2021, insurrection would be aware by now that, if justice prevails, Trump will be indicted. Nixon was pardoned by his successor, President Ford. Nixon covered up a burglary, an insignificant crime compared to that of attempting to overthrow American democracy and put an autocrat in power. Pardoning Trump would be a foolish and cowardly act.

Republicans and the Republican Party, continued

A standout feature of Tuesday’s House Select Committee hearing Tuesday was the testimony of Rusty Bowers, the top Arizona Republican legislator who refused to participate in the scheme to overturn the 2020 presidential election. Although Bowers was, and remains, a right-wing Republican, he preferred to adhere to his oath of office than abet a coup by Trump and his allies.

Bowers, along with some other key witnesses who testified in the hearing, clearly fits in the group I identified in my previous blogs this week: People who “traditionally vote for Republican, but care more about preserving democratic institutions and the rule of law than about party loyalty,” a category that I think once comprised about 95% of Republicans, but has shrunk to about 5% of Republicans, placing American democracy in extreme peril.

Republicans and the Republican Party

My previous two blog entries, read together, are meant to make the point that during the past forty years or so, the Republican Party descended to a base moral plane. Lincoln appealed to the better angels of our nature. Trump appealed to the worst instincts of our nature. For many, these worst instincts had been mostly dormant, but, as we’ve learned, were all too easily summoned up.

Types of Republicans, circa 1980

(percentages are my approximate estimates):

5% of Republicans

proponents of doing whatever it takes to gain and maintain autocratic power, regardless of the law or any sense of human decency;

B. proponents of doing whatever it takes to gain and maintain autocratic power, as long as they can make a pretense of following legal procedures’;

C: people whose decision making is more strongly driven by a particular ideology, such as Christian fundamentalism, white nationalism, xenophobia; gun culture, and hatred of regulations and taxes than by any interest they may have in preserving democratic institutions and the rule of law.

D. Others who for various reasons want Republicans to be in power regardless of the effect of Republican control on democratic institutions the rule of law.

95% of Republicans

Those who traditionally vote for Republican, but care more about preserving democratic institutions and the rule of law than about party loyalty.

Types of Republicans, 2022

(Percentages are my rough estimates):

95% of Republicans

A. proponents of doing whatever it takes to gain and maintain autocratic power, regardless of the law or any sense of human decency;

B. proponents of doing whatever it takes to gain and maintain autocratic power, as long as they can make a pretense, however slight, of following legal procedures;

C: people whose decision making is more strongly driven by a particular ideology, such as Christian fundamentalism, white nationalism, xenophobia; gun culture, and hatred of regulations and taxes than by any interest they may have in preserving democratic institutions and the rule of law.

D. Others who for various reasons want Republicans to be in power regardless of the effect of Republican control on democratic institutions the rule of law.

5% of Republicans

Those who traditionally vote for Republican, but care more about preserving democratic institutions and the rule of law than about party loyalty.

Campaign Point

This morning, in another of her Washington Post columns that’s a model of clarity and incisiveness, Jennifer Rubin explained that, though it may be in doubt whether Trump can be proved guilty of crimes, it is “not controvertible is that {he} lost the election, lacked any proof of fraud, betrayed our democracy by attempting to overthrow the election results and sparked a violent assault on the Capitol.” It follows, that, in every political contest for every public office, the Republican candidate should be asked whether he or she supports Trump’s Big Lie and his efforts to overturn the 2020 election. Unless such candidate has a convincing answer, the point should be made, reiterated, emphasized, and pounded into public consciousness: this candidate is unfit to serve in public office.

Indictment and Conviction

I was pleased to see a clip of an interview with Attorney General Merrick Garland in which he said that he was watching all the committee hearings, either live or on tape. This increases the likelihood that Trump will be indicted, but a terrible truth hanging over our country is that it’s highly unlikely that Trump will be convicted of a crime. That would require, in any trial, twelve jurors agreeing to convict him. Since about one-third of the population consists of Trump supporters, and it’s their credo that defending Trump is more important than defending the rule of law, an average of four jurors out of every twelve are likely to vote to acquit Trump regardless of the applicable facts and law. The odds of any panel of jurors not including any Trump supporters are dismayingly small.

The Critical Issue in the Upcoming Elections

Washington Post columnist E.J. Dionne makes the incontrovertible point that Democrats must get across to the public that the preservation and strengthening of American Democracy is the most important issue in the upcoming elections. It would be a great tragedy if our country fell under autocratic rule because voters thought of their votes aa a protest against inflation.

Questions for Republican Candidates

Journalists, concerned citizens, and Democratic candidates should ask every Republican running for office:

Have you peddled or encouraged credence to the Big Lie that the 2020 election was stolen?

To those who answer Yes, ask A, below.
To those who answer No, ask B, below.
To those who dodge the question, ask C, below:

A. How do you justify being involved in trying to transform our country into an authoritarian state?

B. Why haven’t you repudiated Trump and everyone else who hasn’t called out Trump’s attempt to overturn the 2020 presidential election and those who have opposed or belttiled the investigation of the January 6, 2021, insurrection?

C. Why are you ducking the question instead of answering it forthrightly?

Headlines and Their Implications:

Headline: “More than 100 GOP primary winners back Trump’s false fraud claims.”

Headline: “Many GOP candidates intend to use public office to affect electoral outcomes.”

By clining to Trump, Republicans have descended to Trump’s moral plane. The Republican Party has become the authoritarian party. That is who they are.

One Step Closer To Indicting Trump

The House Select Committee to investigate the January 6, 2021, insurrection held its second televised hearing yesterday and conclusively established that Trump was unequivocally informed by his own advisors and confidants that he had no cause for challenging the 2020 presidential election. What about the “detached from reality” defense that Barr seemed to set up for Trump in his testimony — detached from reality equals no criminal intent? That won’t fly. As Jennifer Rubin writes in a Washington Post column this morning, “You do not get to arm-twist officials or send the mob to the Capitol because you really, really think you won.”

Gun Safety Regulations

Republicans oppose gun safety reforms because (i) a sizable percentage of their constituency are gun enthusiasts who are passionately opposed to any gun reforms, and (ii) a sizable amount of their campaign financing comes from the gun and ammo industry. Lately, public opinion so strongly favors gun safety reforms that it has made some Republican senators nervous. Ten of them have shown willingness to support some watered-down reforms and related measures. If they do, there would be enough votes to overcome the undemocratic filibuster rule. Remedial legislation might be enacted. Some say it would be a good first step. It would, though just a baby first step. It’s not as if the country is coming to its senses.

Trump as seen in 2016 and in 2022

Today, in another of her searing columns in the New York Times, Maureen Dowd distills the progression of our general understandung of Trump over the past six years. In 2016, he appeared to be “a bloviating buffoon who stumbled into the presidency.” Since then, he has been revealed to be “a callous monster.” It’s not the existence of a single abominable human being that is the great national tragedy, it’s the abominable adoption of his ethos by the vast majority of Republicans and large segments of the population.

The Limits of Fair and Balanced

Headline for a Washington Post headline of a column by Mark Theissen: “If Trump incited Jan. 6, what about Schumer’s threats against Kavanaugh?”

The Washington Post’s roster of columnists spans the political spectrum. This would seem to be fair and balanced — a good policy. But when most of the right-wing side of the political spectrum supports a former president who fomented an insurrection as part of an orchestrated attempt to overturn a presidential election and install an authoritarian government, columnists aligned with this cohort are bound to be intellectually dishonest and morally deficient.

Senate Majority Leader) Schumer spoke in anger, but he said nothing illegal, and no one, not even Marc Thiessen, imagines that Schumer intended to do anything illegal. The gap between Schumer’s rhetorical excess and Trump’s conduct is so vast that Thiessen’s resort to “Whataboutism” is no less pathetic than it is reprehensible, a scrap of garbage not fit to print.

The First Televised Hearing of the House Select Committee’s Investigation of the January 6, 2021, Insurrection.

I watched the hearing last night. It was powerful, gripping, and admirable in every way. It slightly raised my hopes that Trump will eventually be indicted and tried on multiple serious criminal charges. Ample evidence was provided of his corrupt intent. I have less hope that he will be convicted, because odds are that any jury will contain at least one Trumpian type (a person who, by definition, lacks any moral scruples) who would refuse to vote for conviction.

Moral; Immoral

Many issues are shades of gray. Some are black and white, right and wrong, moral and immoral. Yesterday, the House passed sweeping gun safety legislation. All but five Republicans voted against it. Because of the anti-democratic filibuster rule, at least 10 of the 50 Republican senators must vote in favor the legislation for it to pass. It has no chance of passing, because only 5 out of the 50 Republican senators will vote for it. 5 right, 45 wrong; 5 moral, 45 immoral. 90% of Republican senators are more interested in taking money from the gun lobby or preserving their political standing in the party than in reducing the rate of massacres in our distressed country. That’s why Jennifer Rubin’s first Washington Post column today is titled: “Republicans should see what an AR-15 does to a child’s body.”

The Televised Hearings That Begin Tomorrow.

The televised hearings conducted by the House Select Committee to investigate the January 6, 2021 insurrection begin Thursday. Let’s hope they garner a large audience and that the media responsibly cover them. If that happens, there’s a fairly good chance that a critical number of people will grasp that there was a multi-faceted conspiracy to overturn the legitimate results of the 2020 presidential election, that the leaders of the conspiracy included many high-level Republicans, that there are grounds for criminal prosecution of many of them, and that, with few exceptions, nearly all Republican members of Congress were supportive of the Party’s efforts to undermine our democratic processes and are for that reason alone unfit to hold public office.

American Democracy Fighting for Its Life

Thursday, the House Select Committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection begins a series of public hearings aired on prime-time TV. Washington Post columnist E. J. Dionne rightly observes that the Committee’s task is “to demonstrate that day’s viciousness was not some spontaneous outbreak of mayhem but an organized, radical and dangerous assault on democracy itself.”

The fate of our democracy may turn on how effective the Committee is to awakening a large element of the public to the enormity of the concerted effort by powerful figures in the Republican Party and their media and big money-supplying allies to overturn the 2020 election and, when necessary, future elections, thereby subjecting our country to authoritarian rule.

The house is on fire. Some are sounding the alarm. A lot of people are denying it. A lot of people are brushing it off as “partisan bickering,” or “polarization,” or more of the “same old, same old.” Would that it were nothing more than that.

How to Deal with Putin

Headline: “Ukraine Rejects Macron’s Plea Not to Humiliate Russia”

The idea is that if Putin gets humiliated, he’s in danger of being overthrown, and to avoid that, he starts using nukes on the Ukrainians or otherwise recklessly escalates the war, thinking: That will snow them!

I share Macron’s concern, which is why I favor giving Putin an off ramp, though with this proviso: There will be no on ramp available to him in the future, and he will be disabused of any illusion that there might be one.

Some Problems We Face — An Incomplete List

the cultivation by malevolent power-holders of ignorance, cynicism, gun culture, white grievance, nihilism, resentment, anger, and apathy.

the conversion of the Republican Party into the Authoritarian Party

control of the Supreme Court by right-wing ideologues

gross income and wealth inequality and the trend toward oligarchy

gun massacres in the U.S. and inaction to lessen their frequency

Russian aggression and the war in Ukraine

global warming and environmental degradation

Chinese military buildup and indifference to human rights.

the world-wide trend away from democracy and toward authoritarianism

North Korea: a nuclear-armed Sparta

My Choice in the Primary Election

The incumbent Congressional Representative for my district, Lauren Boebert, is one of the most extreme MAGA (Trumpian) types in Congress. A more conventional Republican is challenging her in the primary this month, but is not expected to win. As a progressive Democrat, I have to decide which of two Democratic candidates to vote for in the primary, each of whom has strengths and weaknesses. Neither one is impressive — neither of them is making the point that democracy itself is on the ballot this year! No hint from either of them that the Republican Party has become the Authoritarian Party. Despite their failings, they are both vastly preferable to Boebert’s Republican challenger and infinitely preferable to Boebert. My vote in the primary contest will not be necessarily be for the candidate who would be the best person to represent our district, but for the one that would be most likely to win the general election. I have to make that judgment mowtly based on their respective websites. At the moment, it looks like a coin toss between the two of them. I have three weeks to decide.


Can Attorney General Merrick Garland awaken from his slumbers? He is a brilliant, capable, and honorable man, but he may have a psychic deficit: an aversion to conflict that, despite plenty of evidence in plain sight of probable cause of criminal intent, deters him from holding high-level Republicans accountable for their roles in fomenting or aiding in the January 6, 2021 insurrection and in trying to overturn the result of the 2020 presidential election. Garland should also be working overtime to defend our democracy against concerted Republican attempts to undermine and distort results in upcoming elections. Is he aware that we still have two predominant political parties, but that they are not the Democratic Party and the Republican Party; they are the Democratic Party and the Authoritarian Party.

The Republican Agenda:

Cultivating: ignorance, cynicism, gun culture, white grievance, nihilism, resentment, anger, and apathy

The Role and Duty of Journalists

Journalists have a high calling. They play a critical rule in an open society. For that reason, journalists and interviewers should ask rigorous questions and follow-up questions, and not let politicians get away with evading questions, using weasel words, changing the subject, or indulging in what-aboutism. Thus if a journalist or interviewer has six questions and the politician ducks question #3, the journalist should not proceed to question #4. Instead, the journalist should be prepared and able to ask question #3b, #3c, etc. until a responsive answer is obtained or the interviewee is exposed for what he or she is.

Sickness and Treatment

Maureen Dowd’s column in today’s New York Times, titled “America’s Human Sacrifices,” is one of the most powerful essays I’ve ever read. To summarize it would be to do it injustice. My own view of our country’s sickness is that it is suffering from a parasitical disease. It is being devoured from within. A purgative is desperately needed: voting every opponent of reasonable gun regulations out of office. Only if enough people can be roused to administer this lives-saving medicine can the patient’s recovery begin.

Republican Intransigence; Media Failure

Yesterday, Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin lamented how the media assumes that because it’s a “given” that the Republicans will oppose gun reform, there’s no point in talking about (criticizing) them.

Republicans take no heat, even though they should take maximum heat. Instead of talking about the shameful irresponsibility of Republicans in opposing gun reform, the media talks about the Democratic failure to reform the filibuster. If only the Democrats could get it together, we could have meaningful action on gun control and save lives! It’s as if Republicans aren’t the problem, even though they, plus one or two instransigent Democratic senators who refuse to vote to reform the fillibuster, are precisely the problem. It would be desirable if they weren’t, but that can only be achieved by voting them out of office.

Why can’t Senator Ted Cruz (R. Texas) perceive what a despicable person he is?

I watched a video clip of a reporter asking Ted Cruz why the United States is unable to do anything about stopping maniacs with automatic rifles from massacring school children. Cruz replied by saying how great America is and how people from all over the world want to come and live here, a non-responsive and dismissive answer. Then Cruz fled, rather being further exposed as the scoundrel he is. Cruz has a deep character flaw — he exists on the same moral plane as a hyena. It’s an indication of how sick our country is that he has been retained in office. The same is true of all politicians who
have blocked sensible and reasonable regulation of firearms.

Ending Russia’s War on Ukraine, Continued

After posting my blog yesterday, I read that President Zalensky said that any peace agreement would have to leave Ukraine free to join the European Union. I had that in mind in clause (d) of my provisos — “Ukraine’s unrestricted sovereignty.” My stated exception to that would be having Ukraine agree not to join NATO, but since it would also be stipulated that NATO would defend Ukraine as it would any member of NATO in the event of renewed aggression, this concession would not prejudice Ukraine’s security. Its function would be as a face-saving device for Putin. The key requirement of any settlement should be that it maximizes deterrence of further Russian aggression.

Ending Russia’s War on Ukraine

For a number of reasons, which I won’t attempt to itemize here, it would be highly desirable to end Russia’s war against Ukraine— the sooner the better. It’s up to Ukraine to decide what terms they would agree to, but Ukraine’s Western allies should have a strong voice in the matter — the assistance they have rightly been providing Ukraine has enabled Ukraine to withstand Russia’s assault and keep it from being totally conquered.

I would favor a settlement pursuant to which, among other provisions, Ukraine cedes to to Russia all territory now under Russian control and agrees not to join NATO, subject to Russia agreeing to and compliance with all of the following: a) immediate cessation of hostilities; b) immediate repatriation of all prisoners; c) renunciation of all further territorial claims with respect to Ukraine; d) recognition of Ukraine’s unrestricted sovereignty; e) renunciation of any objection to NATO’s pledge to come to Ukraine’s defense as if Ukraine were a member of NATO if it is attacked by Russia or any Russian surrogate; f) Sweden and Finland becoming members of NATO; g) all impediments to production and distribution of Ukraine’s agricultural and other output are removed; h) Russia renounces any further territorial ambitions against any European country, including, without limitation, Moldova and any member of NATO.

Fascism in Russia and the United States

Historian Timothy Snyder recently identified the hallmarks of Fascism. Russia is a fascist country. Among other indicia, it has a cult of the leader, Putin, and it has the myth of a past golden age of imperial greatness that must be restored through war and conquest. It helps Putin that he can claim that God is on his side. The patriarch of the Eastern Orthodox Church supports his messianic cause.

The United States is heading in the same direction. There’s the cult of Trump, the myth of White Christian Nationalism, bringing with it divine approval of Christian evangelical pastors, the cult of guns and militias, the righteous crusade to restore America’s golden age by stripping away the institutions of an ordered society, and the subordination of truth and honorable behavior to overriding ideology and greed.

American Democracy on the Ropes

Republicans are marching down the Trumpian path. A New York Times study determined that 44% of Republican legislators in nine states tried to undermine their state’s vote count in the 2020 presidential election. Only a decade ago, it would have seemed to me to be inconceivable, but now it’s a fact, that the Republican Party has become the authoritarian party. Most Republicans running for office are affirming Trump’s Big Lie that he won the 2020 election. It seems more likely than not that, by 2025, we will be subjected to autocratic rule.

Billionaires, Power, and Politics

Headline: “Oracle’s Larry Ellison joined Nov. 2020 call about contesting Trump’s loss.”

I didn’t read the article and I don’t know that facts involved in this particular case, but I know that a monumental problem this country has is that most of its 600 or more billionaires are aggressive, acquisitive types that are driven by hunger for power, money, and status. Too many of them are like Putin’s oligarchs, who are willing to tolerate and support an autocratic ruler to gain his favor. Money equals power. Opportunistic unprincipled billionaires have been getting more and more of both, and they have been financing politicians who, like them, have scant interest in preserving American democracy or in the common good.

Carolo Rovelli, continued

Yesterday I referred to a book of essays I’ve been reading by the distinguished Italian physicist Carolo Rovelli. That was because I wanted to report what Rovelli thought should be the top priorities for politicians in power. Now that I’m approaching the end of the book, I realize that I should say what the book is titled, especially since I think it’s very much worth reading. Rovelli is a great humanist as well as being a great scientist. The book, published this year, is titled There Are Places in the World Where Rules Are Less Important than Kindness.

Carlo Rovelli’s Concerns

I’ve been reading a collection of essays by the eminent Italian theoretical physicist Carlo Rovelli. He is a deep thinker culturally and philosophically, as well as scientifically. In an essay written in 2018, he lists four critical concerns: preventing wars from breaking out, protecting the environment, remediating gross income and wealth inequality, and reducing the risk of nuclear war. Given the trend of events since he wrote this essay, he may have added a fifth concern by now: protecting and strengthening democracy.

Democracy is on the Ballot in Pennsylvania

Washington Post columnist E. J. Dionne notes that democracy will be on the ballot this fall in Pennsylvania when the ultra Trumpian, coup- plotting, insurrectionist-supporting, Trump’s stolen election Big Lie spreader, Republican nominee for governor, Doug Mastriano, faces state Attorney General Josh Shapiro, the Democratic nominee. In Pennsylvania, the governor appoints the secretary of state. If Republicans control the governorship and the legislature, they can be counted upon to submit electors supporting the Republican presidential nominee in 2024 regardless of which candidate wins the popular vote. American democracy’s survival is unlikely unless Shapiro, for governor, and Fetterman, for U.S. Senate, prevail in this November’s election.

Churchill on War and Peace

About sixty-five years ago, I read Churchill’s six volume history of World War II. I admired what he called “The Moral of the Work”: “In War: Resolution; In Defeat: Defiance; In Victory: Magnanimity; In Peace: Goodwill.”

To this I would add, “In a Stalemate: Imagination.”

Ending Hunger in America

Washington Post columnist E.J. Dione praised Biden and legislators in both parties who plan to convene a conference the aim of which would be to figure out how to end hunger in America. It shouldn’t be hard. Just provide the money and set up the mechanism for enabling those who need food and can’t pay for it get it. Mr. Dione didn’t specify how much such a program would cost, but from everything I’ve read, I’m sure it could be financed by a very modest additional tax on people and corporations who clearly haven’t been taxed enough in the past. Everybody should feel better knowing they live in a country where no one goes hungry.

A Hopeful Thought for Putin

Headline: “List of GOP lawmakers against Ukraine aid is quickly
growing.” This news should lift Putin’s spirits. If Republicans win control of the Senate or the House this fall, U.S. support for Ukraine is quite likely to crumble, enhancing the chances that the war will play out to Putin’s liking.

War Profiteering

Senator Bernie Sanders: “21 oil and gas companies made over $41 billion in profits, more than double their profits from last year.”

There should be a windfall profits tax on companies making excess profits because of Russia’s war on Ukraine.There are much better ways to spend that extra money than to line the pockets of top executives and shareholders of such companies. Excess profits taxes, price controls, and rationing prevented runaway inflation during World War II. Much less stringent measures are needed in the present circumstances, but some are and excess profits taxes on war profiteers is one of them.

Alas, Congress is under assault from within its own ranks, and much that should be done doesn’t even come up for debate.

Quotes of the Week

“Putin’s authoritarian neofascism has rooted itself in America, in one of our major political parties.” Robert Reich

Concerning the mortal threat to American democracy posed by Republican politicians and their allies: “Panic is generally a bad idea, but sometimes it is warranted.” Washington Post opinion writer Max Boot

U.S. Policy with Respect to the Ukraine War

Headline: “The U.S. is expanding its goals in Ukraine. That’s dangerous.”

I didn’t take time to read this article. I didn’t need to. I’d already read an article making the same point by the estimable Washington Post opinion writer Katrina Van den Heuvel, and I’d already formed the same opinion independently. The heroic and impressively competent Ukrainian defense against the Russian invasion has been inspiring, and the U.S. has rightly come to Ukraine’s aid, but the Biden Administration must not let Ukraine’s success and Putin’s blundering go to its head. We must not sleepwalk into appropriating this conflict as a way to win a “safe” war with Russia. This is a time for humility and for creative thinking, not a time for trying to bring Russia to its knees. We should continue to support Ukraine, but we should take the initiative in trying to end the war. We still need to give Putin an off ramp. The alternative would likely be months more of death, suffering, and destruction in Ukraine or much worse.

During the Cuban Missile Crisis, Khrushchev backed down because Kennedy agreed to remove guided missiles from Turkey. The missiles were obsolete, but this concession was sufficient to let Khrushchev save face and withdraw nuclear armed missiles from Cuba. Significantly, Kennedy told Khrushchev that he would have to keep it secret that he was giving up the missiles in Turkey or he would be pilloried by political opponents and by the media. In this way, Kennedy elevated the importance of his concession in Khrushchev’s mind. There are many differences between the Ukrainian War and the Cuban Missile Crisis, but there are echoes of that episode that should not be ignored. Biden must make sure that he’s thinking like Kennedy and not like Dr. Strangelove.

Putin’s Happy Thought

Headline: “Putin prepared for ‘prolonged conflict’, U.S.
official warns.”

A bright spot for Putin is that chaos may ensue in the wake of the U.S. elections this fall, and that, by 2025, the U.S. may have transitioned into an authoritarian state. Authoritarian leaders have proven to be much more sympathetic to Putin’s cause than leaders committed to democracy and human rights. It’s comforting to Putin to know that an authoritarian leader of the U.S. would probably adhere to the principle that “We dictators should stick together.”

Something the U.S.Should Do

Headline: “What the U.S. should do about Tunisia sliding into authoritarianism”

Certainly, the U.S. should work to promote democracy and liberty throughout the world wherever possible. It will be much harder to do that if the U.S. itself transitions to authoritarian rule. The maxim “Physician, heal thyself,” applies.

The Essence of the Issue

Jennifer Rubin: “When the ‘crime’ takes place in a woman’s womb, the enforcement mechanism by necessity will be intrusive.’’

The Word “Woke”

Republicans are attacking Democrats by calling them “woke.” Never mind that “woke” entered public discourse as a term meaning awake and aware of injustices that plague our country. Republicans throw “woke” around as if being woke is a menace to our society, something so reprehensible that American freedom and liberty will be lost if people who are “woke” have their way. Tactics like this are all that Republicans have in their bag of tricks. Most Republican politicians and their media allies are opposed to truth, fairness, and decency, which they treat as impediments to their efforts to transition our democracy to one-party authoritarian rule. I wish more voters got woke to what Republicans are about.

Notes from Surreal Land

Headline: “Republican governor of Texas says schools should stop educating undocumented children.”

This was the policy of slaveowners: Keep them illiterate: they will be less trouble that way.

Robert Reich’s Facebook Posting on Abortions:

“It’s impossible to ban abortions. It’s only possible to ban safe abortions.”

I don’t think that’s quite accurate, Mr. Reich. It isn’t possible to ban safe abortions for women who are rich enough and informed enough to travel to a more enlightened jurisdiction where they can obtain competent medical services.

The Supreme Court justices voting to overrule Roe v. Wade shouldn’t feel too bad about that limitation in the reach of their authority. They will have at least succeeded in banning safe abortions for millions of poor women, an act for which they will be long remembered in history.

The State of the Supreme Court

Recall the epigram, “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” The five right-wing extremist justices on the Supreme Court control the Court.
The law is what these five people say it is. No one can challenge them. Their power is absolute, and they are absolutely corrupt.

The Underlying Rationale of the Judicial Philosophy of Justice Samuel Alito and His Allies on the Supreme Court

Reading excerpts from the leaked draft opinion of Justice Alito in which he holds that Roe v. Wade must be overruled gives the impression that Alito and his fellow extremist right-wing justices are, above all else, ideologues: Their judicial decisions adhere to their ideology rather than to the law, though of course they cloak their opinions in legal parlance.

From what I know about these justices, the common ideology that governs their decision making attracted them because it serves as an organizing principle for their feelings of resentment, contempt, and superiority, for the pleasure they take in flaunting their power, and for self-justification of their stark lack of concern for the injury they inflict on others.

The Alarming State of the Nation’s Health: A Report from Bedside

From a recent column by New York Times opinion writer Michelle Goldberg: “a country that could elect Trump is sick by definition.”

There’s no question that a country that could elect Trump president is sick. To this it should be added that a country that failed to remove Trump from office after he was first impeached is very sick, and a country where there is a danger that Trump might again become president is gravely ill. Our country has other very serious diseases and afflictions as well. We have some outstanding medical personnel doing the best they can to save the patient, but the odds of success don’t look good.

A Simple Truth That Voters Need To Know

Those who fail to repudiate Trump — the vast majority of Republican politicians — are cowardly sycophants driven by unbridled ambition. This is a simple truth that people of good will must get across to a solid majority of voters if American democracy is to survive.

Democracy Versus Despotism

Russia, ruled by a vicious despotic monster, has been trying to conquer its neighbor, Ukraine. Many democracies, particularly the NATO countries, have been providing vital assistance to Ukraine in its heroic efforts to resist Russia’s assault. Sadly, the leaders of some of the largest and most influential democracies — most notably India, Indonesia, South Africa, Brazil, and Mexico — have washed their hands of the whole business, a bad sign in the ongoing struggle that grips the world. The United States itself is undergoing an internal struggle between democracy and nascent despotism. The next few years may bring a tipping of the scales.

Headline: Brazil is burning down the Amazon so you can eat steak.

Can you imagine someone running for Congress and saying that meat should be taxed, and the revenues applied to alleviating hunger and developing renewable energy sources? Of course not. Yet this would be sensible policy. We live in a culture and political milieu in which many good policies have no chance of entering public discourse, much less being implemented.


There’s so much that’s unfathomable these days. I’m talking about conditions or situations that are so weird, so counterproductive, or so inane that it doesn’t seem that there could possibly be an explanation for why they exist or are happening. For example, the United States Postal Service, headed by a rich Trump donor who unfathomably hasn’t been fired yet, needs a new fleet of delivery trucks and apparently has contracted to spend as much as $11.3 billion on gas-powered vehicles that get 8.6 mpg even though the USPS is perfectly suited to using a fleet of electric trucks — they could be recharged every night during off-peak electric-usage hours. It’s unfathomable how such a patently wrong-headed major decision could be made.

An Interesting Ohio Primary Contest

Two men square off Tuesday in the Ohio Republican Senate primary. One is an unprincipled, flat-out, right-wing authoritarian who had been conspicuously critical of Trump, but decided to become subservient to him so he could get his endorsement. His opponent has all the traditional conservative policy credentials, but he is unwilling to go along with the Party’s Big Lie that Biden stole the 2020 presidential election, repudiates the blatantly anti-democratic practices that have become standard behavior for Republican politicians, and believes that Republicans as well as Democrats should respect and be bound by the rule of law. It will be interesting to see which candidate the Republican primary voters in Ohio choose to nominate. Is it realistic to hope that it will be the honest decent man rather than the proto-fascist thug?

The Grievance Machine

Chris Hayes, on his MSNBC news and opinion show “All In,” last evening, laid out how Republican politicians and their right-wing propagandistic media allies not only continue to promote the Big Lie that Biden stole the 2020 presidential election, they also promote the fantastical myth that the Democrats, socialists, coastal elites, closet communists, conspirators, and perverts that control governments and many corporations are, among other offenses, trying to take away our freedom — trying to replace real America with immigrants and minorities, trying to fleece the treasury, trying to destroy religious freedom, and trying to corrupt and brainwash our children, and that they are committing widespread voter fraud with the aim of rigging elections in their favor.

These Republican politicians and their right-wing propagandistic media allies cry, they whine, they shriek, they shake their heads with mock dismay, as they try to convince voters that it will take Republican control to save America from a mortal threat to America led by president Biden, who is sytematically ruining our country, taking it fartherr down the road to perdition every day. Hayes played some clips of deeply cynical, meretricious, contemptible performances by Fox News hosts and others. He calls them, collectively, “The Grievance Machine.” They are are a pox on the land, and they may bring American democracy down.

Musk and Twitter

Headline: “Elon Musk, world’s richest man, to buy Twitter for 44 billion dollars.” This reminds me of an old adage: “You can tell the men from the boys by the price of their toys.” Some toy. Will Musk use it for the common good or in service of his business or political agenda and to increase his political power?

Unfortunately, people who make a fantastic amount of money or parlay their family fortune into monumental wealth, tend to have inflated self-regard and overriding self-interest and lose perspective about how they should be directing their lives. Most of them seem addicted to money and power. Contrast Jeff Bezos, for example, with his space ship ventures, 500 million dollar yacht under construction, and reported mansion with 25 bathrooms with his ex-wife Mackenzie Scott, an accidental multi-billionaire, who is systematically and responsibly giving the bulk of her fortune to good causes.

I don’t know whether Musk’s ownership of Twitter will be good for the world or bad for the world, but I’m not optimistic.

A Fleeting Uplift

I felt a little uplift from the news yesterday. Macon’s solid win over the far-right extremist Marine Le Pen in the French elections was heartening. Democracy withstood a formidable assault. NATO and the European Union withstood a formidable assault. Another cheerful bit was the report of Secretary of State Blinken’s and Secretary of Defense Austin’s visit to Kiev to meet with President Zelensky. Biden has not flinched in the face of Putin’s fist-shaking. The U.S. has stepped up delivery of weapons and humanitarian aid as well. My uplifted mood lasted until I watched an evening news show featuring the Democratic attorney general of Michigan, who left no doubt that American democracy is on the edge of a cliff and that powerful people are pushing hard to shove it over.

A Sign of Our Troubled Times

Headline: “One of the biggest political races this fall is for the AG of Michigan.” How could that be? In each state, the attorney general’s job is to see that the laws governing that state are properly executed and enforced. Competence in carrying out that task should be the governing criterion in an AG race. This headline suggests that something else is at stake in the Michigan AG race. Judging by what happened in Michigan in the wake of the 2020 election, I suspect that one of the candidates is aligned with the politicians and voters who worked so feverishly to discredit Biden’s win of Michigan’s popular vote in that election and tried to have that state’s electoral votes cast for Trump.

The Unholy Alliance

Those who are in positions of power in the Republican Party have one overriding principle, which is to gain and hold power. In pursuit of that aim, they appeal to various groups, members of which have a particular overriding principle, for example:

Cutting taxes ond providing tax loopholes for high income and rich people;
Cutting out government regulations that bother them;
“Taking back America”: transforming it from a liberal pluralistic society to a white-dominated one that institutes “Christian” values;
Belief that a “strong” authoritarian leader would make America a stronger, richer country;
Belief that measures to combat climate change are a form of tyranny;
Belief that gun safety regulations are alien to a free society;
Belief that people in lower income categories get too many handouts, which amount to work disincentives;
Belief that coastal elite types are screwing real Americans.

Convince the members of each of these groups that you are fighting for their special rights and interests, and you can put together a winning coalition. The Republican Party is an unholy alliance but an effective one.

What Getting Real Would Mean

Getting real would be admitting to ourselves that we’re in an epochal confrontation with Putin. There’s been nothing like it since our confrontation with Axis powers in World War II. Then we had gas rationing, price controls, windfall profits taxes, and a more progressive tax system to ward off destructive inflation and concentrate on defeating the enemy. We should adopt policies that reflect the magnitude of our present challenge. We could to a large degree supplant Russia as the biggest supplier of fossil fuels to Europe and reduce air pollution in the U.S. at the same time.

How Dead Democracy Might Look

It might have the same Constitution we have now, the same three branches of government, the same “checks and balances,” the same Bill of Rights. Everything might look the same on paper, but it would function as prescribed in the authoritarian playbook. This has happened not just in Russia and China, but in countries like Brazil and Hungary. It will happen in France if right-wing extremist Marine Le Pen wins the election this weekend. It will happen in the United States if Trump, or someone out of the same mold, like Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, becomes president in January 2025. In a dead democracy, as Jennifer Rubin writes, democracy can be reduced to “an empty formality without the institutions and values to protect dissent, pluralism and basic human rights.”

The Media’s Duty

If, during the next two or three years, the United States of America transitions from a flawed democracy to a plutocrat-friendly autocracy, much of the blame can rightly be laid on the media. The overriding problem facing our country is that most Republicans have chosen to pursue an authoritarian agenda to gain and hold power permanently. Yet, as Jennifer Rubin pointed out in a powerful Washington Post column yesterday, “Republicans who appear for TV interviews are rarely — if ever — asked basic questions about the ongoing threat to our democracy.” She lists many questions that interviewers should ask Republican politicians, as to which they should be made to answer and not let off the hook.

American democracy can’t survive if a clear majority of voters don’t understand that Republicans have proven themselves willing to abandon truth, justice, fairness, and basic decency in their effort to turn our country into an authoritarian state. Members of the media have a sacred duty not just to report what politicians and their backers say, but to root out truth. The Washington Post’s motto is “Democracy dies in darkness.” The media, generally, needs to provide much better lighting.

History in the Making

What follows is a rewording of a blog I posted in February that’s lodged in my mind and I think worth repeating. What about the “arc of history” and talk about “the right side of history”? Neither exists. That’s not cause for despair. If the arc of history bends in the right direction, it will be because enough good people made it happen.

History in the making seems to be a matter of lulls and big events, with undercurrents flowing all the time. In some ways it’s like geology, where forces are at work all the time but are not noticeable except to experts who are aware of stresses building up that at some point will result in a devastating earthquake or volcanic eruption. In recent years, big events have been occurring at an unusual rate, e.g. the election of a sociopathic aspiring autocrat as president of the United States in 2016; the failure of the Republican Party and the great majority of Republicans to repudiate him and hold him accountable, choosing instead to adopt his depraved moral ethos as their own; the rise of authoritarianism and brutalism and weakening of democratic institutions throughout the world; the stark failure of humanity to combat global warming; the transition of the Supreme Court of the United States into an instrument for implementing an extreme right-wing agenda; the Covid pandemic and threat of future ones; the rise of an imperially minded regime in China and rapid militarization of that country; and the shedding of inhibitions on the part of a depraved Russian dictator of Napoleonic bent, resulting in an ongoing horrifying amount of death and suffering and the peril-generating resumption of the Cold War.

The Goodhearted and the Scrooges

Ezra Klein wrote a moving piece in yesterday’s New York Times titled “America turned its back on the poorest families.” It was about the brief life of the expanded child tax credit of $3,000 for every child age 6 to 17 and $3,600 for every child under age 6 that lifted 3.4 million children above the poverty line for a while. As Klein and many others have pointed out, the credit didn’t just have the virtue of relieving hunger and misery, it greatly increased the chances that millions of children become functioning members of society rather than a burden on society in later life. A problem for those wanting to extend the credit was that financing it would have required scaling back some tax cuts and tax breaks favoring the rich and especially the super rich, a course of action that is anathema to Republicans. The scrooges in the Senate outnumbered the good-hearted, so the bill extending it was voted down.

Prosecuting Trump, continued

A good side-effect of prosecuting Trump and exposing his gross criminality is that it will deepen the rift between Republicans with some sense of honor and decency and those who are so besotted with Trump and so vulnerable to authoritarian propaganda that they can’t tell truth from falsehood and right from wrong even when which is which is clear as day from night.

Prosecuting Trump

There’s a strain of thought, which some fear infects Attorney General Merrick Garland, that a criminal prosecution of Trump would dangerously escalate polarization and divisiveness and invite retributive, banana republic-style actions against Democratic leaders if, as seems highly possible, Republicans regain power in 2024. I agree with those who believe that shying away from prosecuting Trump would be a possibly fatal mistake. I think that the best hope for this country is to shine the brightest light possible on the criminality of Trump and his allies and the threat they pose to American democracy. The House Select Committee, which has been investigating the January 6, 2021 insurrection, appears to be of the same mind.

Religion and Public Schools

Right-wing extremist Republicans appear to be on the threshold of gaining control of Congress. They already comprise a solid majority of Supreme Court Justices. Their agenda includes interpreting the First Amendment’s guarantee of freedom of religion to give freedom to public school educators to inculcate children with their brand of Christianity. They ignore that freedom of religion is meant to include freedom from religion.

Special note to the person who wrote me in the past day or so referring to my essay “The View from Ninety”: I glanced at your email. It looked interesting, and I meant to read it when I had time, but it somehow disappeared from my in box. Perhaps I deleted it by mistake. In any case, thanks for writing and feel free to send it again, if you’d like.

The War

Like many others, I thought that Putin would have all but conquered Ukraine and installed a puppet government in Kiev within the first week, maybe within the first days, of the war. Even President Zelensky said (I think it was on the first day of the war), “I may not be alive tomorrow.” So where are we now? Putin is the epitome of evil. Ukraine is a nation of heroes.

The world is embroiled in a war between democracy and authoritarianism. If Putin thinks he can behave this way and get away with it — well, to quote John Donne, “Send not to ask for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee.”

Goodness Versus the Authoritarians

There seems to be a dangerously low level of appreciation in this country that, with very few exceptions, the Republican Party has become the authoritarian party. If Republicans gain control of Congress in this November’s elections, American democracy will fade away. If that sounds like an extremist prediction, consider that 121 Republican members of the House of Representatives voted against certifying President Biden’s election and 70% of Republicans believe or claim to believe Trump’s big lie that the 2020 presidential election was stolen, and there’s a lot more to be said about the Republican’s assault on democracy besides that.

We’re living in a time of extreme peril to American democracy, but most Democratcs and members of the media are sleepwalking through it. My Congressional district representative, Lauren Boebert, is one of the most extreme right-wing, MAGA cultist, and it’s fair to say, absolutely whacko, members of Congress; yet from the website of Sol Sandoval, the leading candidate for the Democratic nomination to oppose Boebert, one would think we’re living in ordinary times. Sandoval’s website reveals that she has worthy views on “education,” “jobs and economic opportunities,” “wildfires and preservation,” “healthcare,” and “immigration.” She’s silent on everything else. Sandoval is evidently a good person. I’m a big advocate of goodness, but it’s not enough.

Tax Structure, Continued

There are roughly 750 U.S. billionaires. Robert Reich points out that the aggregate wealth of U.S. billionaires is $4,600,000,000,000. If under a sensible tax system, half of that wealth had been taxed, the average such person would still be worth over six billion dollars and none of them would be worth less than 500 million dollars, so they would all still be quite well off, and the U.S. would have 2.3 trillion dollars to apply for the common good. Plutocracies and oligarchies are not the best way to organize and maintain a healthy society.

The Naysayers

All fifty Democratic senators and three Republican senators —Murkowski, Collins, and Romney — voted to confirm Biden’s superbly qualified nominee, Ketanji Brown Jackson, to the Supreme Court. Forty-seven Republican senators voted against her, thereby establishing, or having previously established, confirmed, that they were nihilists, cynics, miscreants, schmucks, or some combination thereof.

Future Headline You Can See Today

Headline: “Record heat to bake Calif. as April snowpack nears 70-year low.” Reading this tells us that there is a high probability that some months from now we can see a headline stating something like: “Record wildfires ravage California this year.”

The Maddening Fact

Putin is proving himself to be one of the most monstrous criminals in human history, yet the civilized world is obliged to exercise restraint in dealing with him because he apparently has the power to destroy most of the civilized world.

Some experts have noted that Putin is not suicidal, but because we’re speaking of a psychopath, there must be added to that observation, “so far.”

The Overriding Issue

Robert Reich on what the mid-term and 2024 elections are about: “It’s not Left versus Right, Democrat versus Republican.
It’s about democracy versus authoritarianism.”

Can Democrats get that across to the electorate by November?

Snow Pack and Climate Change

Headline: “California’s snowpack is now at 39 percent of average, or 23 percent lower than at the same point last year.” In my snowpack region, the San Juan Basin, in southwestern Colorado, snowpack reached peak two weeks earlier than the median date of peak — March 31. Such figures have little impact on public consciousness now, but it’s likely that their consequences will be manifest this summer, with water shortages and worse than average fires. If only there weren’t so many other very serious problems in the world, slowing climate change would be the top priority in every country. As it is, we’re losing ground.

The Emotional State of Teenagers

Headline: The Centers for Control and Prevention warns that
more than 40% of teenagers report feeling “persistently sad or

This evidences that something is seriously wrong with our society. Congress should establish a commission to investigate the matter and make recommendations. If Congress is too dysfunctional to do so, some billionaire or a foundation should do so. If the problem is ignored, that will be further evidence that something is seriously wrong with our society. A big question is: How do you cultivate in young people a state of mind that produces cheerfulness and hopefulness?

Notes from Surreal Land

Headline: “Hackers hit popular video game, stealing more than $600 million in cryptocurrency.” The 600 million cryptobucks come from the pockets of players of the video game. They thought they were spending their crypto dollars to acquire virtual beasts that could act on their behalf in battles. Apparently, by upping their investments, they could breed these virtual beasts and generate more of them, increasing their forces and improving their chances of victorious combat. Lots of cryptobucks were spent in this enterprise. A bright spot is that, as far as I know, players still have the beasts they bought.

Should Trump Be Criminally Prosecuted? Opposing Considerations

I have a knowledgeable friend who believes that it would be unwise to prosecute Trump, because it might initiate a pattern in which each new president feels free to prosecute whomever he succeeds, a classic feature of banana republics. If the Justice Department in the Biden administration prosecutes Trump, it would indeed raise an outcry on the part of MAGA-type Republicans and propagandistic right-wing media personalities and increase the chances that, if the Republicans regain power, they will push for revenge prosecution of Biden. The trouble with my friend’s argument is that these considerations pale in comparison to the the principle that no person, even a president or former president of the United States, especially a president or former president of the United States, is above the law.

A Judge’s Finding and Garland’s Duty, continued

Yesterday, Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin cited the opinion of constitutional scholar Laurence Tribe that “there is no honorable way for [Attorney General] Merrick Garland to avoid pursuing the path Judge Carter {the judge referred to in my blog yesterday} has not only clearly marked but blazingly illuminated.” What a breath of fresh air it would be if Trump is indicted, and if he is convicted for a grievous crime, it might signal American democracy’s release from the intensive care unit.

A Judge’s Finding and Garland’s Duty

A federal District Court judge has ruled that Trump’s lawyer, John Eastman, must provide documents to the House Select Committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection. The basis for the judge’s ruling was that Trump and Eastman likely committed alleged crimes. The facts and the law support investigating and indicting Trump and Eastman. It’s Attorney General Merrick Garland’s duty to pursue the matter.

The Gray, the Good, and the Bad

Between the good and the bad there’s an enormous gray area. Sometimes an event is all gray. In the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings last week, the good and the bad stood out in high relief. The good comprised Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson and her eloquent and moving supporter, Senator Cory Booker. The bad comprised, principally, Republican senators Lindsay Graham, Tom Cotton, Josh Hawley, and Ted Cruz, each of whom misbehaved in the extreme in directing a fusillade of histrionic, irrelevant, cynical, mean-spirited, obfuscating questions and observations at the nominee, which none of these men appeared to realize accomplished nothing other than to demonstrate the unfitness of each of them to hold public office.

History in the Making

Observing the course of events since Putin initiated his attempt to conquer Ukraine feels like being in a hurricane that is causing tremendous damage, though it has yet to make landfall. At this point, Cold War II has reached an intensity not seen since the Berlin airlift in Cold War I.

Animal Cruelty

Headline: “Most animal cruelty is legal on a farm.”

Everyone knows that animal cruelty is bad. But in many instances it’s legal if conducted in the process of producing food for human consumption. Until that’s no longer the case, we can not assume that we’re living in an enlightened society. From the standpoint of many animals, most humans are no better we think Putin is.

Helping Ukraine: Gas and Oil Policy

Putin’s campaign of bringing massive death and destruction upon Ukraine is a crisis of utmost gravity. The United States needs to help reduce Europe’s oil and gas dependency on Russia. We should reduce domestic oil and gas usage in order to have a surplus to supply Europe, lessening Europe’s dependance on Russia. Conversation, a carbon tax, and a windfall profits taxes on fossil fuel companies should be instituted immediately.

Hypocrisy in the Extreme

In a Washington Post column yesterday, Jennifer Rubin cited a recent Post headline — “More than two dozen Senate Republicans demand Biden do more for Ukraine after voting against $13.6 billion for Ukraine.” Here you have a revealing portrait of Republican hypocrisy exhibited even when national security is at stake: Undermine Biden; then claim that he’s not doing enough. Whatever he does, it’s wrong, even if it’s what they would do themselves.

With a handful of exceptions, Republican senators refused to convict Trump after he tried to get Ukraine President Zelensky to do him a political “favor” as a condition of providing Congressionally authorized military aid. These people now say that Biden hasn’t done enough.

Sometimes One Sentence Says a Lot

Senator Bernie Sanders: “This is what oligarchy looks like: Today, the 10 richest people in the world own more wealth than the bottom 37% — 3.1 billion people.”

The Breadbasket

Ukraine has long been one of the biggest producers of food, especially grain. Putin no longer can expect Ukraine to be united with mother Russia. What’s left of Ukraine when he’s through bombing and shelling it can never be more than a thorn in his side. But once enough Ukrainians are dead, disabled, or have fled to the West, even though he can’t annex the country, he may be able to annex its farmland — its breadbasket.

Thinking about Putin’s Off Ramp

If I recall correctly, during the Vietnam War, Senator Aiken, of Vermont, suggested that we pull out of Vietnam and say we won. There’s a lesson for Putin. As just about everyone agrees, Putin can’t afford to lose his war with Ukraine. He needs an off ramp, and it has to include his “winning the war.” This suggests to me a possible settlement, which provides for (i) an immediate and permanent cease-fire; (ii) an immediate withdrawal of all Russian forces from Ukraine; (iii) Putin keeps Crimea and portions of the two eastern provinces that were not under full Ukrainian control before Russia’s “special military action”; (iv) it’s agreed that any “Nazis” in Ukraine who were threatening Russia have been eliminated; (v) Western government sanctions are lifted; (vi) Ukraine and Russia sign a permanent non-aggression pact; (vii) Ukraine membership in NATO is banned, but it is understood that NATO will fully protect Ukraine, as if Ukraine were a member, in the event it is attacked again.

Putin can claim that Russia won the war: It achieved its objective in protecting Russian interests in Ukraine and in teaching Ukraine a lesson, thereby ensuring that Ukraine will never threaten Russia’s sovereignty again.

Not part of the settlement, but not foreclosed by it, and with or without support of Russia, Western nations must provide massive relief and rehabilitation for Ukraine, including its military forces, Putin remains an international pariah, subject to war crimes prosecution for life, and the truth seeps into the consciousness of most Russians that that Putin’s aggression was a monstrous contemptible act that weakened and disgraced Russia, and that his war was not a win for a Russia, but a shameful loss.

My Favorite Charity

My favorite charity is the Nuclear Threat Initiative. This non-profit organization sent me a rundown on what their goals are and what they have been doing. I’ll just mention the first of them here: “Take nuclear weapons off hair-trigger alert. Decision-makers in the U.S. and Russia currently only have a few minutes to decide if a possible nuclear attack is real and whether to retaliate. NTI has called on both sides to work with their militaries to increase decision time and continues to work with members of Congress and the executive branch to make this happen in the U.S.” 

Nothing is more important.

What Next? Speculative Thoughts

Putin expected Ukraine to reject Western liberalism and nestle docilely within the Russian orbit. There is zero chance of that happening now, because, after the unrelenting death and destruction he has inflicted upon them, Ukrainians are almost unanimous in their hatred of him and in their unwillingness to accede to his demands.

Putin’s immediate goal is to break Ukraine’s back and its will and seize control of the country. If he succeeds, it will take him awhile to regroup and decide what steps to take next in his campaign to restore the glorious Russian Empire of his imagination. The world will settle into Cold War II. If Putin fails to gain control of Ukraine, or he gains control, but Russian forces suffer prolonged attrition in continuing battles and guerrilla warfare in the rubble of Ukraine’s cities, and, despite not having access to anything but state-sponsored propaganda, ordinary Russians begin to perceive that Putin has grossly miscalculated, he may escalate the war out of desperation and fear of being humiliated, for example, as Russian-American expert Masha Gessen speculates is possible, by launching nuclear-armed missiles on airbases in Poland, forcing NATO to respond, initiating a widening of the war, a desirable development as far as Putin is concerned, because it would be congenial with his propaganda line that he is leading Russia in a heroic defense against Western powers that are trying to destroy it.

Evil and Good

Did you see the news clip yesterday of Marina Ovsyannikova, the Russian TV producer who, in a stunning act of bravery, inserted herself on camera in a state-sponsored prime time “news” (propaganda) show and, with dignity and professional demeanor, decry the war and cruelty Putin has been inflicting on the Ukrainian people and the lies fed to the Russian people about it? She was, of course, “detained.” As a result of a new law, Russians can be sentenced to fifteen years in prison for saying that the war is a war, rather than a “special military operation.” Her offense — spreading the truth about Putin and the misinformation spewed by Russian State media — was far worse. Every day in the news are juxtaposed scenes of unalloyed evil with ones of astonishing heroism and dedication to what is right and good.

Hopeful Realism

The world and our country had more than enough challenging problems before Putin invaded Ukraine. Now, every day brings new disturbing and sickening news. Ukraine turns out to be a nation of heroes, and that’s inspirational, but the toll of death and destruction is horrifying. Seeking any scrap of good news yesterday, I clicked on E. J. Dionne’s column, titled “The Case for Hopeful Realism,” in the online Washington Post. As Dionne noted, “Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has reminded us of how puny and recklessly trivial our nation’s debate has become.” The chances of some constructive legislation by Congress seems to have improved. Could an uptick in the incidence of good will and good faith be in the making as well? We can’t be sure, but it’s not unrealistic to hope so.

Trump, Republican Senators, and Zelensky

Among the most shameful of Trump’s many foul deeds was his attempted shakedown the newly elected president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, conditioning release of Congressionally authorized military assistance on Zelensky’s doing him “a favor.” Trump’s venality and tolerance of it by Republicans helped convince Putin that America was weak, corrupt, and divided and would not be a serious obstacle to carrying out his grandiose and horrific plans. Republican senators* who voted against convicting Trump in his impeachment trial are a shameful lot. None of them deserves to be reelected.
*The only one who voted to convict Trump and is running for reelection this year is Lisa Murkowski, of Alaska.

Attorney General Garland Should Appoint a Special Prosecutor to Investigate Trump

Some people worry that if Trump is investigated and prosecuted for his criminal behavior, it will increase divisiveness and stir up accusations of political vengefulness and emulate banana republic style regime changes in which an ousted president is routinely thrown in jail. Indeed, there would be such outcries from the right-wing camp if Trump is prosecuted, but for guardians of the law and American democracy to be intimidated by that prospect would be a grievously worse. As Constitutional scholar Laurence Tribe has written, Attorney General Merrick Garland should appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Trump.

Given the gravity of his alleged crimes, overwhelming evidence of which is already enshrined in the public record, it would be a devastating tragedy if fears of political fallout deterred the Justice Department from upholding the principle that no person is above the law.

Negotiating with a Sociopath

Negotiation is a superior method of resolving disputes. It’s sometimes said that when both parties are dissatisfied with a settlement, it’s probably a just one. Negotiations tend to be drawn out. Each party wants to compromise as little as possible, so concessions aren’t made readily. Often there’s a point when talks appear to have broken down; then at the last minute there’s a breakthrough. That’s the way it works at best, when both sides are negotiating in good faith. This can’t be expected when one of the parties is a sociopath.

Such a party is likely to just be pretending to negotiate, their main aim being to drag things out as long as possible. That’s why when you’re negotiating with someone like Putin, you have to try to construct a situation where time is not on his side. Then instead of each party making a series of little concessions, bit by bit over a long period of time, inching toward an agreement, a better strategy in my opinion is to make a relatively attractive offer from your opponent’s point of view, but put a strict time limit on it; Make them understand that it’s not a standing offer; that it’s strictly contingent on being accepted within a very short timeframe. In the Ukraine situation where a lot more death, destruction, and suffering happens every day, you must do every thing possible to achieve a quick settlement.

Stopping the Killing and Destruction

Headline: “Intermediaries seek diplomatic opening, despite gloom:”

Putin doesn’t care in the slightest how much death, destruction, and suffering he causes. His only interest is in trying to satisfy his craving for power and victory and projecting an image of himself as someone who is strong and clever and a great historic leader. His megalomania may be so extreme that it is no more possible to negotiate with him than with a rabid wild animal, but if, despite indications to the contrary, he is still capable of rational self-interest, a diplomatic solution might be possible. To achieve that it will be necessary to convince him that time is not on his side. For example, if the government of Ukraine is in agreement with such an initiative, I can imagine making him what, given the alternative, he would regard as an attractive offer — the scenario I outlined in my blog yesterday is an example. Whatever offer is made to him, it must be gotten across to him that it is unequivocally contingent on an immediate and permanent cessation of hostilities, that it will expire within a stated number of hours, and will under no circumstances be renewed. He must understand that long drawn-out negotiation is not an option, that this is a chance to self-justify himself that he will never, under any circumstances, have again.

Is a Negotiated Peace with Russia Possible?

Putin’s mindset is such that he can’t stop the war, pull his armed forces out of Ukraine, and admit that invading that country was a bad idea. He can’t bear the thought of how humiliating it would be for him to back down. And since he doesn’t care in the slightest how many innocent people he kills and maims, it’s highly likely that he will keep up his military assault until, after hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians and tens of thousands of Russians die and much of Ukraine’s buildings and infrastructure have been destroyed, Russian forces physically control what’s left of the major cities of Ukraine and he has installed a puppet regime, which will have to deal with an extremely hostile citizenry and guerilla attacks by survivors for an indefinite period. Putin can declare victory, but it will be pyrrhic victory as will become evident even to the Russian people.

A least worst (which is still necessarily very bad) diplomatic solution would be desirable before even further tragedy is piled onto what has already occurred. Here’s one that might be acceptable to all parties. Crimea and Ukraine’s two eastern provinces claimed and presently occupied by Russia will be ceded to Russia. Ukraine’s continuing existence as a sovereign self-determining nation will be guaranteed by all parties. NATO will not be constrained in admitting any new country to the alliance except Ukraine. (It will be an unspecified but realistic fact that NATO will establish and maintain military superiority over Russia.) NATO and Russia will enter into a nonaggression pact. Although Ukraine will not be part of NATO, NATO will pledge to defend Ukraine if Russia attacks Ukraine in violation of the nonaggression pact. Sanctions against Russia will be lifted. Russia will foreswear attacking any other European country and understand that an attack on one will be treated as an attack on all. All parties will contribute to a robust rehabilitation and relief plan for Ukraine. Russia and NATO countries will agree to enter into good faith nuclear and conventional arms control negotiations.

What I Imagine Is the Message and the Only Message (with variations) Russians Are Hearing and Reading:

Russia could not stand idle while the Nazi regime running Ukraine committed genocide in Russian-speaking provinces that are really part of Russia, as was all of Ukraine historically and should be again. The West, embodied in the evil NATO alliance, has been sending the Ukrainians armaments and using the situation as an excuse to undermine Russia and the Russian people in a vengeful conspiracy to expand their power at Russian expense. The main criminal responsible for this is U.S. president Biden, who stole the 2020 election and isolated president Trump, with whom president Putin had a good relationship, as a result of which both countries prospered. All that has changed with the Ukrainian aggression spurred by Biden and fueled by NATO countries.

We, the Russian people, have been through this before. Once again, the Western fascists have underestimated us. It will take time. It will mean enduring hardship, but we will not be deterred. We are a proud people. No one will abuse us with impunity. We will fight, and we will teach these conspirators and fascist murderers a lesson they will never forget.

The Russian People

About 30% of the U.S. population believe Trump’s Big Lie that the 2020 election was stolen by Biden. They believe it because they have been mainly or fully exposed to Trumpian propaganda disseminated by Fox News and other radical right-wing propagandistic media outlets. This is in a country with plenty of access to legitimate responsible sources of news. Imagine if Americans had no source other than these radical right-wing propaganda outlets. Probably a majority of Americans would believe malicious falsehoods like Trump’s Big Lie.

In recent years, Putin has increasingly suppressed dissent and independent media in Russia. In order to suppress the truth about the invasion of Ukraine and the horrors he has inflicted on the Ukrainian people, he has gone into full-fledged totalitarian mode, threatening 15-year prison terms for anyone caught expressing an opinion or reporting any news that’s not in accord with the state-sponsored propaganda. No wonder Ukrainians say that some Russian relatives they’ve communicated with can’t believe that Russia is guilty of brutal, baseless, unprovoked aggression against Ukraine.

The truth seeps in through the cracks, however, as is evident from the fact that thousands of Russians have risked being beaten up or imprisoned for long terms for protesting Putin’s wanton aggression. In supporting Ukraine, Western powers should be scrupulously circumspect in showing respect for Russian sovereignty and the Russian people. It is their evil ruler and his cabal that is our enemy, not the Russian people, whom we should do as much as we can to enlighten about the true facts. Putin can only delay, but never prevent, the day coming when most Russians will revile him, as they would now if they knew the facts.

Quote of the Week

“None of these intelligence services can go into Putin’s head and understand what’s in there.” Alar Karis, president of Estonia

We do know that Putin must feel intensely frustrated that Ukraine didn’t collapse into his arms; that the West would have been so strongly supportive of Ukraine; that such severe sanctions would be instituted; and that the NATO countries would become far more united and resolute in response to his actions. His greatest fear — that he will be humiliated — must loom large in his thinking. He will doubtless doubtless consider what extreme measures he could take to avoid humiliation.

America’s Response to Putin’s Aggression

Although we must rigorously avoid threatening or being drawn into armed conflict with a nuclear-armed country run by a deranged dictator, we should accept the need to take additional measures and accept sacrifices on a scale that would be required in a major war. That means joining with our European allies in banning Russian oil and gas and making up the shortfall by producing more ourselves and using less of it, instituting a much more progressive tax system, accepting large numbers of Ukrainian refugees, working with our NATO allies to bolster frontline defenses; providing a great deal of humanitarian aid, and taking other important measures I don’t have the expertise to specify here. Sadly, one of our two major political parities has no agenda other than to undermine the Biden Administration and is itself largely committed to authoritarianism and all that goes with it.

The Situation

At some point in the course of their education, every student of history thinks, “Thank God Hitler didn’t get the bomb.” Now, four-fifths of a century later, Putin, who has shown himself to be on the same moral plane as Hitler, has the bomb. The U.S. is severely hampered by its own authoritarian party. Super rich, greedy people are riding high. People of good will must be resolute and never give in to cynicism or despair.

Putin’s Fallback Strategy

Putin thought he could replace the western-oriented democratic regime in Ukraine with one that would bring the country firmly within the Russian orbit. That hasn’t worked out and can’t work out because of the rightful revulsion the vast majority of Ukrainians now feel toward Putin. Presumably, Putin now understands this reality. So what is his fallback strategy? I suspect that it’s to so weaken Ukraine– to so transform it to a shell of its former self –– that it will be more of a burden than an asset to the West. Putin’s mindset is: If I can’t have it, at least I can make sure they can’t have it.

Common Characteristics That Cause a Lot of Problems

lack of moral compass
lust for power and status
absence of interest in the public good.
indifference to suffering

A Washington Post Extreme Right-Wing Columnist

The Washington Post has a number of excellent columnists, all of whom see clearly what’s happened to the Republican Party and nearly the whole caboodle of Republican politicians, who instead of repudiating Trump and his depraved way of thinking and behavior, chose to emulate and support him. In an effort to offer readers a wide range of views, the Post carries columns of two or three right-wing propagandists who operate on this same base moral plane. The most consistent of these miscreants is a fellow named Marc A. Thiessen. Yesterday, a column of his was headlined: “Americans think the state of the union is a disaster.” To the extent there’s any truth in that statement it’s because a great number of people in powerful positions in this country have a state of mind similar to that of Marc A. Thiessen.

A Tale of Two Headlines

1. “Climate change is harming the planet faster than we can adapt, U.N. warns.”

2. “The Supreme Court will hear the biggest climate change case in a decade. It could hinder the E.P.A.’s efforts to reduce pollution.”

The Supreme Court is now solidly controlled by right-wing ideologues who want to limit the power of government agencies to apply laws aimed at protecting the public.

The Prospect

Putin apparently thought that the threat of overwhelming force would cow the Ukrainians into swift submission to a Russian takeover of that country. That seemed to me to be a reasonable supposition. I am in awe of Ukraine’s resistance and the bravery and leadership of President Zelensky, who declined an offer to be evacuated to a safe place.

Putin may now regret his decision to invade and conquer Ukraine, but it’s highly unlikely he’ll back off. Russian forces will likely take control of the country in the coming days. After much bloodshed, opposition will be reduced to occasional attacks on occupying forces and Russian puppet rulers. Putin will claim that the terrible toll taken on Ukraine and on Russians proves that Ukraine was run by terrorists and Nazis just as he had said. The world will settle into a tense, anxious, bristling, ugly, dangerous state as Cold War II begins to take shape.

Cold War II

“This is the last time you may see me alive,” President Zelensky of Ukraine said in speech yesterday. Putin wants to kill him, or at least imprison him for the crime of not betraying his country. Shame piled on shame until they are neck deep in it on Trump and Trumpians sympathetic to Putin. Why do they act in such a morally depraved way? It’s because enemies of democracy think that it’s important to stick together.

Putin has chosen to initiate Cold War II. For the West to survive and prevail, as it did in Cold War I, will take patience, sacrifice, courage, restraint, resolution, honesty, and rational thinking.


As far as I know, Putin isn’t consumed with hatred and murderous intent toward Jews the way Hitler was, but in his rhetoric, his obsessive-compulsive drive to conquer and control, and his absolute ruthlessness, viciousness, and indifference to suffering, his mentality appears to be indistinguishable from Hitler’s, and he has what Hitler lacked, a tremendous nuclear arsenal, which he has lately taken to bragging about. For the foreseeable future, we’ll be living in very dangerous times.

Putin’s Motivation

Woven in with Putin’s most basic motivation for conquering Ukraine — his obsession with restoring the Russian empire to the glorious perch it occupied during the Soviet era — is his fear of Ukraine becoming a flourishing democratic country with a strong economy and free expression and fair elections, a brightening beacon of liberty right in Russia’s face, with a great deal of communication between citizens of the two countries. Despite Putin’s control of the media and suppression of dissenters and disobedient journalists, the example of what a free country is like, seeping across the border, would be certain to stir dissatisfaction among Russians with Putin’s repressive rule. The Washington Post’s slogan is “Democracy dies in darkness.” The unspoken slogan of authoritarian regimes is “Tyranny is imperiled by by light.”

Trump and Putin

It’s not hard to imagine a conversation Trump is having about now with one of his trusted sycophants, Trump saying, “Putin is a tremendous guy. He’s doing what he should be doing, making Russia great again.” Trump enjoys thinking of himself and Putin as two tremendous guys making their countries great again.

The MAGA slogan helped Trump reach the White House, though he didn’t have any idea of how to make America great or care whether America was great. He just had a slogan. Putin doesn’t have a slogan but he actually wants to make Russia great again. His idea of that is restoring the Russian imperial empire to what it was when he started working for the KGB. He’s obsessed with the idea of restoring Russia to what he sees as its former glory. His obsession, rather than rational thought, is his guide.

History in the Making

History in the making seems to be a matter of lulls and big events, with undercurrents flowing all the time. In some ways it’s like geology, where forces are at work all the time but are not noticeable except to experts who are aware of stresses building up that at some point will result in a devastating earthquake or volcanic eruption. It seems to me that in recent years, big events have been piling up at an unusual rate, e.g. the election of a sociopathic aspiring autocrat as president of the United States in 2016; the failure of the Republican Party and the great majority of Republicans to repudiate him and hold him accountable, in effect adopting his moral ethos as their own; the rise of authoritarianism and brutalism and weakening of democratic institutions throughout the world; the stark failure of humanity to combat global warming; the transition of the Supreme Court of the United States into an instrument for implementing an extreme right-wing agenda; the great pandemic and threat of future ones; the rise of an imperially minded regime in China and rapid militarization of that country; and, as demonstrated in recent days and weeks, the shedding of inhibitions on the part of a Russian dictator of Napoleonic bent, resulting in a grave threat to world stability and a peril-generating resumption of the Cold War.

Putin the Protector

Headline: “Putin may go to war to capture Ukraine. With Belarus, he did it without firing a shot.” How did this happen? Belarus’s repulsive strongman dictator Alexander Lukashenko used to be proud of his country’s independence. But then his tyrannical practices produced such a terrific backlash that he was in danger of being ousted from office. Putin said to him, we can assume, “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you from your ungrateful citizens. We’ll move in plenty of troops and tanks that will prevent any chance of a revolution and as an added gift protect you from conquest by Poland. We were of great help to the Syrian ruler Bashar al-Assad, a brutal dictator just like you, so you know our heart is in the right place.”

Putin doesn’t need to conquer Ukraine if he can install a government subservient to him in that country. It’s for their own good, after all. They need protection from the West.

Inequality Writ Large

Professor Robert Reich is a master of economic statistics. He often lines up a few next to each other in a way that packs a punch. He recently pointed out that 745 billionaires became $2.1 trillion richer during the pandemic, while 3.7 million children slipped back into poverty last month because the plutocrat-beholden Congress refused to extend the $300 a month per child tax credit. One in six children in America live in poverty. The dice is stacked against them. Greed is paramount.

The Awful Truth

Jennifer Rubin, in my opinion the most astute of the Washington Post columnists, conducts a question and answer live “chat” most Fridays. Yesterday, one of her longtime followers noted that she used to be a solid Republican and asked what her reason was for leaving the Republican Party. Her answer was brief and to the point: “Their repudiation of democracy and devolution into a cult based upon a web of lies.” This is the awful truth; yet the Republicans are favored to win control of the House and have a good chance of winning control of the senate in this November elections.

Trump is in a Tough Spot

Trump and two of his children have been ordered to be deposed in a legal proceeding relating to alleged fraudulent conduct by the Trump Organization.There’s no prospect that the order will be reversed. It looks like Trump will have to either refuse to appear, in which case he will be held in contempt of court, appear and plead the Fifth Amendment, an admission that he’s afraid he might have committed a crime, lie in his testimony, thereby subjecting himself to prosecution for perjury, or tell the truth, which would likely involve admitting to have committed a crime. This is a tough spot for him to be in, which is as it should be. He may find himself in even tougher spots in the months ahead.

Critical Race Theory and Reactions To It.

As I understand it, critical race theory (CRT) is the theory that there has always been a systemic discrimination in the U.S. against people of color that puts them and keeps them at a disadvantage. If you are teaching critical race theory, I suppose you would discuss specific examples in American history that illustrate why you believe critical race theory is true.

A lot of people feel that students exposed to critical race theory and historical examples supporting it may feel uncomfortable and ashamed that they belong to the white race. Some Republican-controlled states have passed laws aimed at restricting not only the teaching of critical race theory, but even teaching about historical facts that could be marshaled to support critical race theory.

News Lead: “The provisions in 13 states are vague, and tip lines allow parents to report on instructors who violate them. As a result, teachers and principals around the country report a chilling effect, where they are changing what they say in the classroom.”

It appears that, under some of these laws, a teacher of American history could be held criminally or civilly liable or be fired for discussing the prevalence of lynching of black people during certain times and in certain regions of the United States even if no mention is made of “critical race theory.” Are teachers not allowed to discuss the phenomenon of critical race theory?

Such laws are a pox upon our country and apparently a sign of the times.

Putin, Trump, and Biden

Whatever happens in the Ukraine confrontation, it’s worth recalling that, throughout his tenure in office, Trump acted like Putin’s vassal. If Trump had won reelection or succeeded in his attempted coup and were now in power, Putin would have his way: NATO and western unity would be severely weakened and would likely be forced to make concessions that would have serious deleterious effects. Thanks to Biden and his team, Putin’s fascist style military posturing with respect to Ukraine has largely unified and reinvigorated the Western alliance and diminished Putin’s bargaining strength.

Nothing can be gained and much can be lost by appeasing a bully, a good principle to remember when dealing with people like Putin or Trump.

Liberty, Libertarianism, Anarchy, and Fascism.

Liberty is limited by a reasonable respect for the rights of others. Hence, free speech does not include the right to falsely cry Fire! in a crowded theater.

Libertarianism includes liberty for the most part but without respecting the rights of others. An example is the way that
libertarians oppose background checks as a requisite to gun ownership.

Anarchy is libertarianism in the extreme. An example is a conspiracy among truckers to block international bridges for prolonged periods to protest vaccines mandates. The right of free expression in this context falls far short of justifying acting in such a destructive manner. Republican Senator Ron Paul stepped across the line from libertarianism to anarchism when he urged truckers to “clog” American cities.

Fascism is ruthless form of autocracy that wantonly deprives people of liberty to the extent it suits the purposes of the fascist regime in power. Although fascism — heavy handed to total control over public and private affairs — is at the opposite pole from anarchy, fascists seeking to gain power find anarchistic behavior congenial to their purposes. A society beset by anarchistic behavior is vulnerable to fascistic aspirants, who typically claim that only by putting them in power can order be restored.

A Word about Words

As Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin has pointed out, it is misleading and inappropriate to associate the word “conservative” with the word “Republican.” The Republican Party used to be conservative. But a party whose Congressional representatives and senators, to give just one stunning example — and many others are available — almost unanimously opposed a Congressional investigation of the January 6, 2021, insurrection and occupation of the Capitol and terrorizing of members of Congress causing a number of deaths and over a hundred injuries in support of a concerted effort to overturn the legitimate election of Joe Biden as president in the November 2020 election is not conservative. Far more apt, as Rubin says, are “right wing,” “radical,” “extreme,” and “authoritarian.”

A Bad Time Watching the Evening News

It was a grim experience watching the evening news yesterday — Chris Hayes on MSNBC: eight million people in Afghanistan are at risk of starvation, and Biden appears to be botching disposition of seven billion dollars of frozen Afghan liquid assets; spreading anarchy and aggressive nihilism evidenced by the Canadian truckers blockades, a movement encouraged by malevolent right-wing extremists on both sides of the border; yet more evidence of the Trump’s profoundly anti-social behavior and imitation and normalization of it by most Republican politicians; the seeming flaccidity of the Justice Department in the face of the pressing need for aggressive investigations and prosecutions of horrific wrongdoings; the structural defects in our Constitution and laws that deeply undermine American democracy; the cultivation of ignorance and mean-spiritedness by right-wing media and politicians; Putin acting like Hitler, enthralled by the phalanxes of super tanks he has massed on three sides of Ukraine. What next? Be resolute and try to be a force for the good whatever happens is my philosophy.

The Information / Response Gap

We’re supposed to be living in the “information age.” Information is supposed to be widely and quickly distributed. Yet there’s an appalling gap between solidly established facts and public response. Getting vaccinated and getting a booster shot has been thoroughly and overwhelmingly shown to greatly reduce the risk of getting a Covid infection, or if you do get a Covid infection, tremendously reducing the risk of hospitalization and the risk of death. Vaccination is free and readily obtainable in the U.S. Getting vaccinated and a booster shot is a quintessential “no brainer,” i.e. you don’t even need a brain to know that you should get vaccinated and get a booster shot. Yet only 44% of eligible Americans have gotten booster shots. This kind of enormous gap between information and response is at the root of much of what’s wrong with this country. As to its cause — that’s a big and complex topic.

The Supreme Court and Absolute Corruption

“Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely”: Putin has virtually absolute power in Russia, and has become absolutely corrupt. The Supreme Court of the United States has absolute power in respect of cases brought before it. Five justices of the Supreme court have conclusively demonstrated that they will be guided by their right-wing ideology rather than the law. Each of them has power and each is corrupt. Because they constitute a majority of the court and determine how the court rules, collectively they have absolute power and are absolutely corrupt. They all hold life tenure and none show any signs that they will retire in the foreseeable future. Therefore, the Court will continue to be absolutely corrupt for the foreseeable future. The control of the Court by right-wing ideologues has already had a damaging effect on American democracy and may turn out to be the principal agent of its destruction.

Putin and Absolute Corruption

Certain famous sayings stick in my mind. One of them, said to be Lord Acton’s dictum, is “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Judging by the mansions I understand he has scattered here and there, power corrupted Vladimir Putin. Lately, by means of brutal suppression of political adversaries, his power in Russia has ramped up close enough to the absolute level to make me wonder how he would act if became corrupted absolutely. Indeed, that may already have happened.

Absolute corruption can’t be just a matter of acquiring even greater amounts of material wealth. Surely it must involve something dramatic, something history making, something that makes the person with absolute power feel like he’s the master of the universe. Something on the order of another mansion or a bigger yacht wouldn’t satisfy that need. A whole country might seem to, at least for a while. Ukraine has become an obsession for Putin. His desire to control it may have crowded out everything else in his brain. Predicting how he will behave is virtually impossible. It’s a feature of his absolute corruption that one can’t expect him to be a rational man, much less a reasonable man, much less a good man.

Poverty and Policy

Robert Reich recently posted a powerful opinion piece on Facebook: The child tax credit that lifted more than one-third of impoverished children out of poverty expired. A coalition of every Republican senator plus Democratic Senator Joe Manchin blocked renewing it, claiming it was too costly. Reich lays out how modest tax increases on the rich, or a modest wealth tax, or a reversal of Trump tax cuts for the rich and especially for the super rich would more than fund this enlightened program. Given the incessant growth of income and wealth inequality in this country, it has the appearance of being run by Ebenezer Scrooge.

Lowering the Standards for Lying.

In the old days, when we had higher standards, liars were obliged to limit themselves to plausible falsehoods, assertions that listeners would conceivably think might be true. In the culture that obtained then, if you lied, it would be against your interests to be caught. For Fascist types, such as presently abound in the Republican Party, this requirement has gone by the boards. Thus, the Republican National Committee feels free to characterize the Jan 6, 2021, insurrection as “ordinary citizens who engaged in legitimate political discourse,” even though anyone who has the slightest acquaintance with what happened that day knows that this is a lie. We don’t have to find the true facts that cause the liar to be “caught.” The true facts are in plain sight and a matter of public record.

The custom among Republicans now, which is right out of the authoritarian playbook, is to not concern yourself with whether your lie can be shown to be false. Just keep repeating it no matter how obvious it is that it’s false. Repeat, repeat, and repeat, preferably in an indignant tone of voice. Accuse people who point out the true facts of lying. Try to intimidate them into shutting up, so they don’t interfere with your spreading your lie, repeating it and amplifying it until more people believe it.

Two Universes: Republican and Democratic

The Republican National Committee’s censuring Republican representatives Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger for serving on the House Select Committee investigating the January 6th, 2021, insurrection reveals how the Republican and Democratic parties inhabit separate universes. If you’re a Democrat, you are likely to be censured by the Democratic leadership if you lie; if you’re a Republican, you’re likely to be censured by the Republican leadership if you tell the truth.

Notes from Surreal Land

Yesterday the Republican National Committee voted to censure Republican representatives Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger for serving on the House Select Committee investigating the January 6th, 2021, insurrection, attack on, vandalizing, and occupation of the Capitol by a pro-Trump mob intent on overturning the 2020 presidential election that terrorized members of Congress and resulted in a number of deaths and numerous injuries. The Republican leaders said censure was justified because the investigation is a “persecution of ordinary citizens who engaged in legitimate political discourse.”

This characterization of the events of that day is so far removed from the bounds of reality that it would be risible if it weren’t conclusive evidence of the moral disintegration of most Republican office holders and officials, signifying a departure from the norms of civilized behavior that is bizarre, distressing, and demonstrative that we are living in a gravely troubling era of American history.

Trump and the Lyrics of the National Anthem

At one of his recent MAGA cult rallies, Trump urged his followers, many of whom own deadly weapons and have displayed a tendency toward violence, to take to the streets if he is indicted. Trump hopes that prosecutors will hold back from indicting him out of fear of unrest, violence, and revenge killings on a scale that would fracture our civil society. This is a form of demanding protection money or you’ll get a bullet through your head. A recent letter to the editor published in the New York Times argues that, to preserve the peace. prosecutors should accede to Trump’s demands.

If Trump isn’t prosecuted because of fear that if he is indicted, he will unleash his army of thuggish followers, the lyrics of our National Anthem will have to be changed to delete the phrase, “the land of the free and the home of the brave” in all four stanzas in which it appears.

Hogan for President?

Maryland Republican Larry Hogan attracts attention because he has twice been elected governor in a generally Democratic state. He is one of the few highly placed Republicans who has been sufficiently honorable to repudiate Trump. Could he successfully run against Trump in a Republican primary? Astute Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin likes the idea. She suggests that a ticket of Hogan and Liz Cheney, or Hogan and anti-Trump Republican governor of Arkansas Asa Hutchinson would carry a lot of weight. But isn’t a solid majority of Republicans pro-Trump? Wouldn’t Trump prevail over even fairly formable candidates opposing him in a primary? Maybe so but maybe not, especially since Trump’s criminality is likely to be increasingly exposed during the next couple of years in the course of investigations and litigation. If Hogan won the primary, the Republican Party could be restored to legitimacy, and the country saved from being under the thumb of a dangerous sociopath. Even if Trump prevailed in the primary, Hogan would have performed a great service to the country in demonstrating what the Republican Party could stand for if it was willing to extract itself from the moral quagmire it’s slipped into by tolerating and supporting Trump. If Hogan runs against Trump, it would be a salutary development at the least, and might be the catalyst that saves our democracy.

How Long Can Republicans Stand It?

As more and more damning revelations come to light about Trump’s criminal and seditious hands-on efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election, bring American democracy to an end, and install himself as the authoritarian ruler of the country, will more than two or three Republican members of Congress find it intolerable to continue to support him explicitly or implicitly? Will more than pitifully few of them discern that there is a limit to how much farther they will degrade themselves in the name of party unity and personal electoral survival? Will some of these frogs jump out of the pot before the water boils?


At a recent rally of MAGA cultists in Texas, Trump let loose with a display of high-pitched demagoguery in the course of which he made clear that he tried and is still trying to overturn the 2020 election. He called on his followers to take to the streets if he is indicted. Trump is a classic bully, trying to get what he wants through intimidation. “Cross me, and you’ll regret it” is his message. He is dangerous rather than just buffoonish because he is tolerated and encouraged by powerful cynics and opportunists and because hordes of malicious, deluded, resentful, thuggish characters are inclined to indulge their worst impulses on his behalf.

The Supreme Court of the United States: Implementer of Right-Wing Ideology

I’ve seen data showing that people infected with the Covid virus are 50 times more likely to die from it than people who have been vaccinated and received booster shots. It’s hard to grasp the intellectual depravity of the six ideologically driven right-wing Supreme Court justices who struck down the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s rule that, during this health emergency, large businesses must require employees to be either vaccinated or regularly tested for Covid. The justices’s stated rationale, which has no basis in law or as a matter of common sense, was that the health hazard the rule addressed existed outside the workplace as well as within it. Nothing in the Constitution, applicable statutes, or in administrative law supports such a distinction as having legal significance.

In ruling as they did, these justices will cause many illnesses, hospitalizations, and deaths. In his dissent, Justice Breyer wrote, “Underlying everything else in this dispute is a single, simple question: Who decides how much protection, and of what kind, American workers need from covid-19? . . . An agency with expertise in workplace health and safety, acting as Congress and the President authorized? Or a court, lacking any knowledge of how to safeguard workplaces, and insulated from responsibility for any damage it causes?”

The Saturating Effect of Writing a Novel

I’m very close to finishing writing a novel. I knew that if it was to have a chance of being any good, I would have to get saturated in it. I would have to feel that I was living in the fictional world I created, so much so that I had to know a lot more about it than is set down in the text.

I realized that this would have to be the case when I read that James Joyce knew how exactly how much money Leopold Bloom had in his pocket every minute of the day during which the action in Ulysses takes place.

Of course, I don’t claim to be as meticulous as Joyce, much less closer than very distant from the circle of literary geniuses in which he resides, but I am experiencing that effect of saturation which gives one the feeling of living in a different world. I wonder if this is the way video game addicts feel, especially when playing cutting edge virtual reality metaverse games that enthusiasts feel show the way to how life really (or unreally) should be lived.

The Republican Crime Wave

The records turned over to the House Select Committee to Investigate the Insurrection after the Supreme Court blocked Trump’s attempt to keep them in their file cabinets have further revealed the enormity and scope of the effort by Republican politicians and their allies to overturn the 2020 presidential election. The Committee has subpoenaed fourteen people involved in the scheme to submit a fake slate of electors from seven swing states in which, in each such state, real electors had certified that Biden had won the popular vote. There is a good chance that the Committee will bring more than enough evidence to light to warrant committing scores of seditious plotters to the hall of shame, if not a lengthy stay in prison. There’s no shortage of damning facts that will be brought out into the open. Enough voters should be enlightened by these revelations to swing enough elections this November to place firm control of Congress in control of Democrats. Unfortunately, this is highly unlikely to happen for reasons too complex to explore here today. Maybe I’ll try tomorrow.

Trump, DeSantis, and the Republican Deep Bench

It would be further conclusive evidence of the GOP’s moral disintegration if Trump is their nominee in the 2024 presidential race, but no sighs of relief should be breathed if he isn’t, because their leading backup candidate is Florida governor Ron DeSantis, who is as demagogic and malevolent in his own way as Trump himself, most conspicuously at the moment in his Covid rhetoric and policies, which are infused with false and dangerous lines of propaganda and implemented with legislated wrongheaded strictures that are grossly counterproductive in combatting the virus. Republicans have a deep bench of morally bankrupt presidential aspirants. There’s no reason to hope that an honorable candidate will head their ticket in 2024.

Ukraine’s Fate

There’s been a lot of talk about how determined the Ukrainians are and how Russia will pay a terrible price if they invade that country. But the Russian military is immensely more powerful than Ukraine’s military, and they can advance on Ukraine from three sides. If they attack, I think it would be quickly seen that resistance would be suicidal. Putin could probably install a puppet government supported by a sizable segment of the Ukrainian population within a few days.The threat of U.S. and E.U. unprecedented economic sanctions will not likely be sufficient to deter Putin. I’m guessing that what happens will depend on the degree to which (1), E.U.countries can tolerate being deprived of Russian natural gas; (2) China, North Korea, and Iran are in league with Russia; and (3) Putin’s obsession with restoring Russia to its status when he was a KBG officer suppresses his pragmatic instincts.One thing certain: that making war would cause untold numbers of deaths and suffering of millions of people won’t enter into his calculations.

The Epistemological Crisis

New York Times opinion writer Farhad Manjoo has an interesting column this morning commenting on a new book by the philosopher David Chalmers about how we’re probably living in a computer simulation developed by an advanced civilization somewhere. I’ve heard about this before. It sounds like a whacky idea, and I doubt that I’ll ever be convinced that it’s not, but I’m interested in how a respected philosopher constructs such an argument, so I plan to read (or at least start reading) Chalmer’s book.

Manjoo seems drawn to this theory and raises a good point about virtual reality and how internet groups can become immersed in alternate realities that become very real to them, which is to a large extent why we’re experiencing an EPISTEMOLOGICAL CRISIS, a situation where large groups of people believe in patently false ideas, and that addresses questions like, “How is is that so many nut-cakes stage a rally near the Lincoln Memorial to protest “tyrants” like Dr. Fauci who want everybody to get vaccinated. I plan to read more about what’s going on here, which seems to be at the core of the most pressing threat to American democracy and to world order.

Nihilism on the Loose

In his MSNBC news and commentary show last evening, Chris Hayes profiled the Anti-Vax rally in Washington this past weekend. The United States ranks with Russia as the least vaccinated major country because of such people — the disinformation spreaders who are responsible for the much higher incidence of illnesses, hospitalizations, and deaths from Covid than would be the case if our country were not so replete with malicious nut-cakes and cynical opportunists shrieking Wolf! when there is no wolf. The most vocal of this cadre of deranged misanthropes compare doctors who urge people to get vaccinated to the vile Nazi doctors who experimented on helpless people against their will. Anti-Vax is just one of the species of mass hysteria that has infected our country, spread by agents of nihilism propelled by greed and resentment instead of empathy and love.

Trump’s Vulnerability

There is, I’m guessing, about a one-in-three chance that Trump’s criminality and betrayal of his oath of office will be so brightly illuminated that fellow members of the pack of hyenas who haven’t dared challenge the presumed alpha will see that he is so blazingly discredited in the public mind that it will be safe to break from him and run against him for the Republican presidential nomination in 2024. The Republican Governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, is sufficiently consumed with that idea that he’s already snarling and baring his teeth. Other members of the pack, like Senator Ted Cruz and Texas governor Greg Abbott, and half a dozen or so others are equally eager to stop sniveling in Trump’s presence, nip sharply at his heels, and leap ahead of him and battle for the spoils. Only Trump’s most devoted followers, particularly ones who know that they may be in need of a presidential pardon, would be unhappy if he fails to win the nomination. There is a fair chance, if not a satisfying likelihood, that he will fall very far very fast.

Closing the Ring

This was the title of one of the volumes in Winston Churchill’s History of World War II. The “ring” refers, of course, to the allied forces closing in on Hitler. There are now so many law suits pending and investigations in process exposing new evidence and revelations implicating Trump in criminal wrongdoing that I get a sense that a ring is forming around him and might be beginning to close.

One is always reminded to be careful in comparing anyone to Hitler. Trump has never shown any inclination to order armies to invade
other countries or commit millions to gas chambers because of their ethnicity, but in his thug-attracting character and his blind disregard of the devastating consequences of his behavior in pursuit of his crazed self-serving ambition, he shares some notable psychopathological characteristics with the Führer. Justice will be done if the ring closes on him. 

The Apocalyptic Scenario People Aren’t Thinking About

Some catastrophes are visible in advance. There are increasing numbers of signs that they might happen. Steps are taken to try to avoid them. Others come as a total surprise. No one was thinking about the possibility of that particular catastrophe happening and suddenly it does, and it is utterly devastating, and the survivors see that there was a chance that it would happen and everyone should have been thinking about how to reduce the risk. That’s why I’m a supporter of the Nuclear Threat Initiative. I get emails from them from time to time, reminding me of the apocalyptic-level peril we’re in. The email I got yesterday quoted an expert and former national security advisor who warns that it’s not enough for leaders to say “nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought . . . Without concrete steps to de-escalate tensions and reduce reliance on nuclear weapons, the United States could end up in a nuclear war it says must not be fought.”

I fear that the Biden Administration is so beleaguered, so preoccupied in trying to address so many problems on so many fronts, that it is failing to address this very grave concern.

Good News and Bad News

The bad news is that Biden’s Build Back Better initiatives have been set back to square 1. Republican obstructionism (with a little help from certain Democrats) prevailed. Even worse, because potentially far more consequential, Republicans (with decisive help from Democratic senators Manchin and Sinema, whom I’ve referred to as “enigmatic” and “obdurate,” and have quite a stock of unflattering adjectives would be equally apt in referring to them) successfully blocked passage of voting rights and electoral process integrity bills that would have greatly lessened the likelihood that the United States will fall under authoritarian rule.

The good news is that Trump and his cohorts have been thrown on the defensive in Federal courts, in the House Select Committee investigation of the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection, and in various state judicial and investigative proceedings. There’s an increasing chance that he won’t get away with as much as quite recently it looked as if he would.

A Bright Spot in the News

We can take some small comfort in the revelation yesterday that, although the majority of justices on the Supreme Court are partisan hacks, with the apparent exception of Justice Thomas, who registered the sole dissent, there are limits to the extent they will allow Trump largesse in his relentless effort to establish himself above the law. The Court yesterday rejected his baseless attempt to prevent release from the National Archives to the Congressional Select Committee of records that pertain to Trump’s involvement in the January 6th Insurrection. Only by bringing to light and enlightening the public as to the full scale of the criminal purposes of Trump and his allies is there likely to be a sufficient change in understanding and attitude of enough voters for our democracy to be saved.

So Much Depends on Garland

So much depended on enigmatic Democratic senators Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema. Their votes were crucial to modifying the filibuster rule so that voting rights and election integrity protection bills could be enacted to contravene laws passed by Republican-controlled legislatures designed to tilt election results in favor of Republican loyalist candidates regardless of the will of a majority of voters. Manchin and Sinema whiffed, each making clear that they preferred to serve their perceived self-interests rather than save American democracy from likely extinction.

Now, so much depends on Attorney General Garland. He needs to follow through on his promise to prosecute perpetrators of grave federal crimes “at any level.” Our democracy might still be saved if the most gross prominent Republican malefactors, including, indeed, in particular, Donald Trump, are unflinchingly investigated and prosecuted. To shy away from that duty, to be fearful of the divisiveness and ugly responses that enforcing the law would generate, would be a great gift to Trump and his associates and a great disservice to our country.

Putin’s Goals and Republicans’s Goals

In a trenchant Op-Ed that appeared in yesterday’s online Washington Post, retired general, Rhodes Scholar, and former NATO commander Wesley Clark sets forth sane and sensible steps the U.S. should take to deter Putin in his agenda for restoring Russia to its position prior to the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Conquering or installing a puppet government in Ukraine is Putin’s immediate goal.

The Republican Party, with the help of two obdurate Democratic senators, has gained the power to block President Biden’s legislative initiatives, including voting rights and election integrity protection initiatives, and through their promotion or tolerance of damaging misinformation, their complicity with Trump’s attempt to overturn the 2020 election, their opposition to investigation of the January 6th, 2021, insurrection and their refusal to censure or restrain the conspicuous militant nihilists in their ranks in Congress, and in having succeeded in installing a solid majority of like-minded justices on the Supreme Court, they have made substantial progress toward achieving their goal of making Biden fail and, coupled with their radically anti-democratic legislative initiatives in states they control, maximizing their chances of gaining control of Congress in the November elections and the presidency in January 2025. They have shown no concern that, in their anti-democratic methods of weakening Biden, they have significantly weakened the country, much, we can be sure, to Putin’s satisfaction

Thoughts Prompted by Turning on the Television Last Evening

I turned on the news last evening. The newscaster / commentator was interviewing a Canadian political scientist. I didn’t have the sound on, and didn’t need to because a banner headline summarized what the political scientist was saying: “America could soon be a dictatorship.” I switched the channel to a football game, not because I didn’t think what this fellow was saying was very possible, but because I could guess what he was saying -– I’ve been following the news that closely. By the time the football players were occupying the screen, running through my mind for about the 500th time this year (and the year is still young) were lines from Yeats’s poem “The Second Coming”:

Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold,
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world . . .

The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

Thankfully, many of the best don’t lack all conviction. There are a lot of well positioned people who are working energetically to keep our country from falling under authoritarian rule. The banner headline on that newscast might just as well have read; “America could soon show that it will not let itself become a dictatorship.”

The Road to Wrong

Robert Reich notes that “Maybe, just maybe, when the two wealthiest people in this country own more wealth than the bottom 40%, something is wrong.” By preventing voting rights and election integrity legislation to be enacted, Democrats Senators Simena and Manchin have given a huge boost to the massive effort by Republicans to exchange American democracy for longterm, one-party autocratic rule, ensuring that the wrong Reich cites is just the beginning.

America the Beleaguered

“The Republican Party is now the party of voter suppression and election subversion,” writes Jennifer Rubin in a recent Washington Post column. Republicans’s goal is to lock-in longterm minority control of all branches of government, and they’re well on their way to achieving that goal. Some Republicans are more vocal and virulent than others, but even those who speak in measured terms exhibit no interest in saving American democracy. “America is coming apart at the seams,” writes New York Times columnist David Brooks. No wonder Putin thinks this is a good time to conquer Ukraine.

The Call That Isn’t Going To Get Through

Senator Krysten Sinema made clear yesterday that, although she would vote for bills crafted to counter voter suppression and ensure the integrity of election processes, she would not vote to make an exception to the filibuster rule that would allow such such bills to become law. Her reason was that it would foster political division.

The Republicans are much more likely to achieve their aim of converting our form of government from a democracy to long term authoritarian one-party minority rule in the absence of legislation that Simena, apparently with the concordance of Senator Joe Manchin, has blocked.

As Jennifer Rubin noted in a column earlier in the day, “Republicans . . . almost certainly would dump the filibuster at the drop of a hat if it suited them. (as they did on confirming Supreme Court justices).”

Yet we wouldn’t want to risk fostering political division with a political party that is engaged in a concerted effort to end American democracy and reinstall as president a malevolent sociopath, would we? Simena believes that avoiding fostering political division is a weightier matter than preserving American democracy when you balance the scales.

This is a “Planet Earth to Senator Sinema” moment, but the call isn’t going to get through. Simena’s either extraordinarily obtuse, or deeply cynical, state of mind presages dark times ahead.

More on the Magnificent Webb Telescope

The fantastic but real Webb telescope is gradually decelerating as it approaches its station about a million miles from Earth. The complexity of this instrument and what’s involved in deploying it get relatively little attention in the media, over-saturated as it is from a seemingly endless succession of unprecedentedly disturbing events.

Reading about this stunning scientific project gives one a sense of what humans can do when they aren’t engaged in enterprises (like running Congress, for example), dangerously contaminated by pathologically self-obsessed nihilistic actors. Even if you’re not interested in astronomy or cosmology, you might find it worthwhile to check the NASA website, “Where is the Webb?”: https://jwst.nasa.gov/content/webbLaunch/whereIsWebb.html

Trump, Georgia, and Justice

Concerning the the investigation of a Georgia District Attorney of Trump’s efforts to intimidate the Georgia Secretary of State into
fraudulently “finding” enough votes to enable Trump to have “won” that state despite Biden having won a solid majority of Georgia votes cast in the 2020 presidential election, in one of her columns yesterday, Washington Post op-ed writer Jennifer Rubin noted that “it is rare for any criminal case to have this much direct evidence available.” She cautioned that to obtain a conviction, prosecutors would have to “prove his state of mind, knowing that he was seeking fraudulent, not legitimate, votes.”

This reminded me of the legal maxim Res ipsa loquitur, “the thing speaks for itself.” What a breath for fresh air it would be if, in this instance, justice prevailed.

Those Present and Those Absent

At the House of Representatives ceremony to honor the police officers who died as a result of the January 6, 2021 insurrection, Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) and her elderly father, former vice president Dick Cheney, were the only Republicans who showed up. All the others, taking the Republican Party banner and the detritus of their honor with them, clambered aboard an unseaworthy pirate ship commanded by a malevolent sociopath who never learned how to tell port from starboard, much less right from wrong.

Where We Are in the Stream of History, Simply Said

“There is no more left vs right. It’s now democracy vs authoritarianism. . . If Democrats fail to protect the
right to vote, we will fall to fascism. We’re already on our way.” Robert Reich.

The Most Disingenuous Assertion of the Day

News Item: “The Washington Post revealed that “at least 163 Republicans who have embraced Trump’s false claims are running for statewide positions that would give them authority over the administration of elections.”

The headline yesterday of a column by right-wing pundit Hugh Hewitt in this same newspaper read: “Go ahead Democrats: Revise the filibuster and reap the whirlwind again.” This takes the prize as the most disingenuous assertion of the day, and probably of the year so far, because embedded in it is the risible assumption that the morally disintegrated Republican Party won’t unleash the whirlwind anyway if they take control of the senate. In fact, in supporting Trump’s Big Lie that the presidential election was stolen and in aggressively working to bring the sociopathic former president’s authoritarian aspirations to fruition, Republicans are already nothing but all whirlwind all the time.

It’s a good bet that this columnist’s aim was to give maverick Democratic senators Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema an excuse to oppose carving out an exception to the filibuster rule even though doing so is a necessary condition of saving American democracy from extinction.

The Magnificent Webb Telescope

If you’d like a some relief from the endless succession of foreboding and disturbing news stories and commentary (e.g. the chances of American democracy surviving seem to be ebbing every day), read about the magnificent Webb telescope, which was launched Christmas Day and is now about three-quarters of its way en route to its station about a million miles from Earth. The telescope’s sun shield and secondary mirror and port primary mirror have been successfully deployed in space. I’ve read that this fantastic instrument will fail and become worthless if any one of something like 350 things go wrong. So far about 175 things haven’t! Still ahead: deployment of mirror segments, telescope cooling, telescope alignment, and instrument calibration. First images and spectra are expected in about six months. We’ll learn a lot more about the universe if and after the Webb becomes fully operational.

This Pivotal Moment

In his remarks marking the one-year anniversary of the insurrection, Biden rightly assailed the vile conduct of “the former president”
and vividly described the peril our country is in. A solid majority of Americans would prefer to save our democracy than lose it. Unless a solid majority of Americans understand that this is the overriding issue in the upcoming elections, democracy will not likely survive. Biden seems to understand that he must be the principal messenger of this stark fact.

Garland’s Intentions

In his speech yesterday, Attorney General Merrick Garland sought to assure the public that the Department of Justice investigation of the January 6, 2021 insurrection would be thorough and would examine whether there were criminal violations of the law at all levels. He was unclear as to whether that would be the case with respect to the concerted attempt to overturn the legitimate election of Biden as president, which is an even more important issue, since it goes to the heart of our Constitutional form of government. Garland must pursue both issues with equal vigor and resolve if American democracy is to have a chance of surviving past the upcoming elections.

The Critical Questions of the Day

1. Does Attorney General Merrick Garland, in addition to being superbly qualified and having unquestionable integrity, have the right stuff, the right stuff being the courage and wisdom to conduct a vigorous, thoroughgoing, uncompromising criminal investigation of the instigation of the January 6, 2021 insurrection and the concerted attempt to overturn the legitimate election of Biden as president?

2. Do Democratic Senators Kyrsten Sinema, of Arizona, and Joe Manchin, of West Virginia, have sufficiently good moral character to endorse an exception to the filibuster rule so that legislation can be enacted that is critical to saving American democracy from ending within the next few years?

The answers to these questions will provide the answer to Lincoln’s question as to whether “we will nobly save, or meanly lose, the last best hope on earth.”

Note from Surreal Land

That the omicron variant is causing such an agonizingly high number of cases and hospitalizations is largely due to malevolent right-wing disinformation campaigns discouraging people from getting vaccinated. Right-wing Republican politicians and media stars delight in demagoguing the issue by championing freedom to refuse to be vaccinated. This nihilistic form of madness has been carried to such lengths that five states (all unsurprisingly dominated by Trumpian types and their supporters) are giving people unemployment compensation if they lose their job because they (presumably heroically) refused to be vaccinated.

If. . .

Something like 73% of Republicans (I’d guess about 30% of the entire electorate) believe or falsely claim that the 2020 presidential election was stolen and that Biden is not the legitimate president. They therefore feel, or falsely claim to be, justified in doing whatever they can to replace Democratic control of Congress and the presidency with Republican control, including instituting blatantly anti-democratic measures such as grossly partisan gerrymandering, voting suppression, concerted intimidation of election officials, and even, in the case of the presidential election, empowering Republican-controlled state legislatures to substitute Republican slates of electors for ones responsive to the will of the majority of voters. This means that about thirty percent of the electorate is willing to trash democratic norms based on false beliefs or false cynical claims in order to secure longterm entrenched Republican rule.

Many analysts have observed that democracy itself is on the ballot in 2022 and 2024 elections. It’s more than “on the ballot.” It eclipses all other issues in significance. If all voters understood that Democrats are committed to preserving democracy, and Republicans to ending it, Democrats would easily prevail in the upcoming elections.

On the Significance of the Word “Brave” in Our Present Circumstances

A Washington Post article the other day referred to “a few brave Republicans speaking out against the ‘big lie’ of a stolen election.” What was brave about their speaking out? What would be the consequences of being truthful, honest, and responsible? If they were legislators, they might receive a primary challenge from a rabid Trumpian. Is that such a risk that it requires bravery to take it? Whether they were legislators or not, by speaking out, they might receive intimidating threats from the thuggish paramilitary contingent of MAGA cultists, who are not just tolerated, but encouraged, by the well-tailored leaders of the Republican Party. One-third of Americans say that it may be necessary to use violence to attack the government. Such folks, most of them well-armed, describe themselves as champions of freedom even as they try to limit that that hallowed right to those brave enough to contest their vicious and nihilistic agenda.

A Cheerful Thought to Begin the New Year

I resolved to think of a cheerful thought to begin the new year. One could make a heartening list of good developments, inspiring examples, and favorable portents for 2022, though I’m not sure their aggregate mass would surpass that of the potential apocalypses hovering barely over the horizon. The most cheerful thought that comes to me at the moment is that you can handle all manner of situations much better if you have the right state of mind. I know that because, even though my basic situation, being 90 years-old, isn’t as favorable as it was decades ago, I’m feeling anxiety-free, more self-confident, and more relaxed than I did decades ago because my state of mind improved. I think most people would be happier and more clear-headed if they could develop a better state of mind. I don’t presume to advise anyone on how to bring that about. I describe how it happened to me in “The View from Ninety,” accessible on this website.

Year-End Wrap Up

Here we are again, wrapping up the year and looking ahead to the new one. Watching a couple of MSNBC news shows last evening was like playing a game called Choose Your Own Apocalypse; for example, there’s the multi-pronged, thug-assisted, truth-assaulting attempt by Republicans to convert American democracy into longterm, one-party, authoritarian rule that, right now, looks more likely to succeed than not; there’s the “doomsday glacier” in Antarctica, likely to be undercut by warm water and destined to significantly raise sea level, which you can read about in conjunction with news of a devastating wildfire in northern Colorado, in late December, next to the report of a 67 F. temperature reading in Alaska that topped the previous record by 20 degrees; then there’s Putin, acting like Stalin, massing troops in preparation for conquering Ukraine, threatening to reprise The Cold War and risking a hot one; then there’s the seemingly endless pandemic (who knows what mutant is next?). The list of looming apocalypses to choose from is longer than I want to devote time to thinking about. Tomorrow is New Year’s Day, and one of my resolutions is to be more cheerful.


What a year ahead. So many problems, the biggest of which is that 71% of Republicans, close to 35% of the population, have been duped into believing that Biden somehow stole the election, and that he is not the legitimate president. That there is zero evidence that this is the case means nothing to these folks. A similar percentage believe most of the myths spun out by disseminators of right-wing propaganda, including about the cause of the January 6th insurrection and the value of Covid vaccines. The duped and deluded and those who duped and deluded them are the biggest problem this country faces in 2022. More than 50,000,000 Americans have been infected with the Covid virus. More than twice that number are infected with false beliefs virus. It’s a phenomenon that has weakened our country and imperils its continuance as the world’s leading democracy.


Over the past couple of years, I’ve read or skimmed a couple of books and several articles promoting stoicism as the best way to live. I won’t attempt to analyze the pros and cons of stoicism here, but I’ll say that I believe something is missing from it. It’s colorless. It lacks verve. It’s unimaginative. Maybe I’m a romantic.

New Year Resolutions for America

In a Washington Post column this morning, Jennifer Rubin proposes six New Year’s resolutions for America. All make sense. Most pertain to elected officials and media people. One pertains to everybody: We need to be good citizens. Following and keeping all six is essential if American democracy is to survive. Most salient, in my opinion, relates to Attorney General Merrick Garland. The Justice Department must conduct a thorough criminal investigation of the incitement of the January 6th insurrection and obstruction of Congress in its Constitutional role of ensuring the peaceful transition of power to the duly elected president. Failing to do so will amount to a license to try again.

What We’ll Likely Know a Year from Now

It’s stunning to contemplate: Right now, it looks premature even to guess, but a year from now we’ll know whether it’s likely that American democracy will be saved or whether it’s likely that it’s in an irreversible down spiral into long term, one-party authoritarian rule.

Omicron: Not To Be Taken Lightly

A cautionary op-ed this morning on the front page of the online Washington Post makes a compelling argument that omicron could have a much worse effect on humanity than most people seem to think. The author, Dr. William Hanage, an epidemiologist at the Harvard School of Public Health, says that the variant is so new that we don’t yet know what its long-term effects may be. Because of its extreme ease of transmissibility, it’s producing record numbers of cases. Likelihood of new mutations that could be more deadly or more resistant to vaccines is correlated with the numbers of cases. We shouldn’t go into a daze induced by the hope that omicron will quickly pass. It’s “past time,” Dr. Hanage says, for the world to deliver billions more vaccine does throughout the world, to make rapid tests freely available, and to work in other ways he talks about to minimize the virus’s toll.

Merry Christmas to Everyone!

I was glad to see that the world got a little present this morning with the successful launch of the James Webb telescope, which, if it reaches its planned location about a million miles from Earth and becomes fully operational, thereafter accompanying Earth at that distance as we continue our revolutions around the sun, will expand our explorations of the universe and help us better understand it and our place in it far more than could be accomplished by sending astronauts on space missions, and, I believe, in some small way, increase our sense of commonality and relationship to the cosmos.

The Likely Person of the Year for 2022

If, twelve months ahead of time, I had to guess who my choice for person of the year will be for 2022, I’d guess it that it will be Attorney General Merrick Garland. That’s because during 2022 he will have either (i) effectively demonstrated that the rule of law and the principle that no person is above the law are still intact by having launched a full-scale Justice Department criminal investigation of Donald Trump and high-level characters that aided him in inciting the January 6th insurrection and plotting to overturn the legitimate election of Joe Biden as president in 2020, or (ii) by failing to do so, will have established a place in history for himself as a good man with superb credentials who failed to summon up the courage and lacked the wisdom to come to the aid of his country when duty demanded it.

The Child Tax Credit

The $300 per month child tax credit which reduced child poverty by almost 50% is set to expire because Democratic senator Joe Manchin and all fifty Republican senators say it’s mostly giving money to people who haven’t earned it and don’t deserve it. Challenged to say why he doesn’t want to sharply reduce child poverty at a cost well within the nation’s capability, Manchin cited a talk he had with a woman who said her daughter was a crackhead, implying that she would spend the child tax credit on drugs. I’m sure some parents spend money they receive stupidly or self-indulgently, resulting in no benefit to the child. In what percent of families is that the case? Maybe 2%, maybe 10%? Whatever it is, you can bet –– I believe it’s been documented ––that for the overwhelming percentage of eligible families, the child tax credit makes a substantial difference in the physical and mental health of the children involved. Sure, some of this subsidy is wasted. There are sensible ways of addressing that problem. Throwing millions of children that have been lifted out of poverty, back into it, in great numbers of cases blighting their lives, isn’t one of them.

Another Standout Journalist Worthy of Praise

Further to my nomination of Jennifer Rubin as the Journalist and Opinion Writer of the Year, I should say that someone who is no less a credit to the profession and ranks with Rubin in quality of analysis, exemplary character, and service to the truth, is MSNBC news and opinion host Chris Hayes. In his weeknights show at 8:00 p.m. E.S.T., he is consistently on target. Last night he began documenting the Republicans’s “festival of violence,” exhibiting how Fox News propagandists and extreme right-wing politicians have been parading and glorifying as a hero the disturbed youth, 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse, who journeyed from his home in Illinois with his military style assault weapon and shot three people but was acquitted of all charges on the ground of self-defense. The entire episode and the appropriation of this young man for their exultation of violence is disgusting beyond words. Chris Hayes shined a bright light on it.

Journalist and Opinion Writer of the Year:

If I were nominating someone for this, it would be Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin. What clinched it for me was her marvelous holiday list of gift wishes for various people, entities, and groups, which is witty and bespeaks her good-heartedness and practical wisdom. My gift wish would include a copy of her columns next year landing each day on every politician’s desk.

Here’s a sampling of gifts Rubin would like to bestow. The entire list is much longer and much worth reading, and her daily columns are too.

Facebook: A new business model that does not monetize anger, polarization and disinformation.

The District of Columbia: Statehood.

Doctors and nurses: Patients who are vaccinated.

The Senate: A reformed filibuster that will make the body functional.

Person of the Year

Time Magazine has shown itself to be exceptionally clunk-headed by naming Elon Musk as its “Person of the Year.”

I don’t know who, if anyone, should be Person of the Year, but one person who would have been a far better choice for Time to have made is the Republican Representative from Wyoming, Liz Cheney. I would cite her for exceptional service to our country in acting like a normal Republican, in particular in serving and playing a leading role as member of the House Select Committee to investigate the January 6th insurrection.

Why would Cheney be a candidate for Person of the Year just for acting as a normal Republican? The answer is that, with a handful of exceptions, no other Republican member of Congress is normal. They are all abnormal, abysmally so, in abjectly tolerating or enthusiastically supporting the authoritarian-power-seeking sociopathic former president.

Omicron: The Need to Sharply Step Up the Rate of Booster Shots

The rate of discovery of new Covid cases with the omicron variant, where it is present, which by now is just about everywhere, appear to be doubling every two or three days. You know how graphs look with that kind of exponential growth. Although, as one always hears, “there’s still a lot to be learned,” it seems well established that beyond six months after vaccination with two shots a few weeks apart, Pfizer and Moderna offer scant protection from omicron, but that a third (booster) shot of either of these brands offers excellent protection, especially against severe illness. It’s not known how long this booster protection lasts, but presumably for at least several months before gradually losing efficacy. One would think that everyone who got the recommended two-shot dose many months earlier in the year would be running, and not walking, to get their booster shot. (I got mine without having to wait in line on October 1st.) Yet I just read that 70% of people who have had two shots have not gotten their booster shot. These people aren’t anti-vaxers: Most of them got two shots many months ago. It’s puzzling and disturbing that the rate of booster shots is so sluggish. The result will likely be a considerably faster rise than need be in the rate of new omicron variant cases in the coming weeks.

he 2024 Presidential Election and the Grave Threat that Attends It.

I’ve come across a lot of unsettling headlines in recent years, none more so than for an opinion piece by three retired generals that can be found on today’s online Washington Post: “The military must prepare now for a 2024 insurrection.”

The authors hypothesize this plausible scenario: The outcome of the presidential election in 2024 is contested; an insurrection and armed confrontations ensue; conflicting claims are made as to who is in rightful command of our armed forces; some military units align themselves with one claimant and others with the other claimant.

The present administration, Congress, and the military leadership must act effectively to ensure that neither this scenario nor anything like it can occur. The authors lay out steps that need to be taken. Their warning and their advice should be treated as a matter of highest importance and priority.

The Constitution and the Supreme Court

There’s an old saying: “The Constitution is what the Supreme Court says it is.” An authoritative column yesterday by New York Times Supreme Court analyst Linda Greenhouse yesterday discusses the ways in which the present Court, stacked by Republicans with a super majority of right-wing extremists, is in effect saying that the Constitution means what suits the personal preferences of the majority of justices. The words of the Constitution remain unchanged, but their meaning, as lower courts must take them to be in the future, is changing, among other ways, in curtailing women’s reproductive freedom, forcing states to fund religious education, and reprehensibly limiting gun safety regulation.

American Democracy, Joe Biden and Joe Manchin

Voting rights and electoral processes protection legislation must be enacted if American democracy is to be saved.This is the pre-eminent issue of our time. Apparently Democratic senator Joe Manchin’s reluctance to carving out an exception to the filibuster is standing in the way. What is going on in conversations between Biden and Manchin? From Manchin’s behavior, one would think that he doesn’t care what happens to American Democracy. Has Biden asked him if that’s the case? Can’t Manchin’s yearning for power, money, and prestige be met some other way? For example, can’t other Democrats accede to his demands with respect to the Build Back Better legislation and let him claim that he saved America’s solvency by standing firm? It’s worth sacrificing most of Build Back Better, if that’s what it takes to save American democracy.

On Being Ninety

If you’ve had enough luck so far, since with a little more of it you’ll reach ninety in good health, you’ll be glad to know that, despite attenuated life expectancy and diminished mobility, this can be a much better situation than I imagined when I was young. By this age, little is expected of you, and only a smattering of your relatives and friends your age are still around and none from older generations. You may feel, as I do, as if you died some time ago but were able to return with barely a care for yourself in the world and check out the scene, become aware of some important things that hadn’t previously entered your consciousness, and try to accomplish something significant you had thought about but neglected to attend to when you were alive earlier.

Where is the January 6th Insurrection Investigation by the House Select Committee charged with that task heading?

In one of her columns in yesterday’s online Washington Post, Jennifer Rubin lays out what’s already been uncovered and concludes: “The committee appears well on the way to detailing indisputable evidence of Trump’s role in attempting to override the Constitution.”

It would be the most satisfying breath of fresh air this country has ever experienced if justice prevails.

The Purification of Fox News

Chris Wallace, a popular host and interviewer known for his journalist integrity, is leaving Fox News to take a position at CNN, thereby removing the only major obstacle to Fox News’s fulfilling its mission as an uncompromising disseminator of extreme right-wing truth-free propaganda.

Stiffening Our Resolve

Glancing at the online Washington Post front page last evening, confirmed my feeling that 2022 is going to be an exceptionally challenging year. We need to get into a mental state where we can keep balanced, stiffen our resolve, work for the good, and not succumb to despair. First, dominating the news, were the tornados that barreled through central states. They were more devastating than any I can recall, and December isn’t in the tornado season. Elsewhere on the front page I saw that the 14-day change in new Covid cases is up 40% and deaths up 31% (They were trending down this morning, but it was reported that the omicron variant is spreading fast). Next I turned to see what the opinion writers have to say and scanned the headings of featured columns. The top one read, “Jan. 6 wasn’t an insurrection. It was vigilantism. And more is coming.” That doesn’t sound good. The next was headed, “Jan. 6 crossed a line. We need to say so before it’s too late for democracy.” Right, but how does saying so get us anywhere? What was next? “I monitor Trump’s die-hard base. They’re still plotting out in the open.” Put these together and they’re more than alarming. Maybe the next column is more encouraging. Afraid not: it’s headlined: “18 steps to a democratic breakdown.” That caused me to be glad that we have an independent judiciary –– surely the courts will save us. That doesn’t seem likely either: The headline for the last column, the editorial, reads: “The nation needed a strong defense of constitutional rights. The Supreme Court did this instead.”

What can you say after reading this stuff? “Have a nice day.”?


It’s nice but quaint to think that the succession of eras of the human species had ended when from time to time a country tried to conquer another and subjugate it or incorporate all or part of it as a province. Putin, who rules Russia, is threatening to invade Ukraine and incorporate it into Russia as was the case in the time of the Soviet Union, and it looks like he’s going to do it. Ukraine is about as capable of defending itself against Putin as Poland was of defending itself against Hitler in 1939. A war between the two would probably last a day or two, whereupon Ukraine would surrender for humanitarian reasons. Putin knows that the United States and other NATO countries will let this happen rather then engage in a war with Russia. Biden has warned Putin that there would be serious consequences for such blatant aggression. Meanwhile western European countries want Russian natural gas to stay warm in winter. They are reluctant to jeopardize getting it. I hope, but am doubtful, that Biden can assemble enough formidable economic consequences and have them ready to wield to deter an invasion.

The Most Despicable Person of the Year

So much competition! Minority House Leader Kevin McCarthy has made an excellent case for himself, as have Republican Senators Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, Ron Johnson, Tom Cotton, among other high ranking Republican politicians, including several contemptible governors. The list of execrable politicians and media personnel has never been longer nor has it ever included more sociopaths who would coast to victory under normal circumstances. And while I’m on that subject, let me give a special shout at Rupert Murdoch, who has never been adequately depreciated.

Note to wanabees Republican Representatives Majorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert: You’re both too obviously whacko to be as serious threats to American democracy as the front runners. You’re not in a class, for example, with mob henchmen Michael Flynn and Roger Stone, much less the incomparably repulsive Steve Bannon. Among media stars, Tucker Carlson’s stunningly ignoble performances have exceeded those even of Sean Hennessy, and both are certainly deserving of unparalleled excoriation.

How could I have not already mentioned the stupendously horrible Florida member of the House of Representatives, Matt Gaetz? Let me not be even more remiss in failing to acknowledge that standout among schmucks, Mark Meadows. And I want to give special condemnation to Arizona Republican Representative Paul Gosar, who produced and distributed an animation depicting himself murdering his progressive Democratic colleague Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, an imaginative and bold attempt to win the title. There are many more miscreants than I have space to list here, all worthy of dishonorable mention, but like you, Mr. Gosar, they are all also-rans. Once again, as happens year after year, hands down, Donald J Trump is the most despicable person of the year.

A Hopeful Note Concerning the 2022 Elections

Jennifer Rubin sounded a hopeful note about the 2020 elections in one of her online Washington Post columns yesterday, pointing out that though it won’t be easy for Democrats to retain their tenuous grip on Congress in next year’s elections, a favorable factor for them is that because radical, obstructionist, right-wing conspiracy theory-promoting, authoritarian-minded Trump supporters and emulators dominate the Republican Party, many of their candidates will be the kind of extremist figure that most voters recoil from. That’s a nice thought, though it only qualifies as a hopeful note.

America’s Civil War between Truth Tellers and Liars

Imagine a scene where a town has plenty of cops, but there’s almost as many robbers, and all the robbers are wearing police uniforms and are just as well armed as the cops. Our country is in similar circumstances. We are presently engaged in a civil war between truths (to give a few examples, though a full list would be much longer: that the last presidential election was fairly won; that the attempted coup on January 6th should be fully investigated and the those participating in it and those involved in instigating it should be criminally prosecuted no matter how lofty a position they hold or held at that time; that it’s important for the common good for everyone to be vaccinated against Covid; and that it’s fundamental to our democracy that obstructions should be removed that make it harder for people to exercise their right to vote) and lies (denying these and other truths and asserting that the opposite is true). In this civil war, speaking with passionate intensity, the liars call themselves truth tellers and call the truth tellers liars. It’s the greatest tragedy this country has endured since the Civil War itself.

Can American Democracy Be Saved?

Later this week, President Biden is convening a virtual meeting in which a great many countries, including ones with conspicuously shaky democratic institutions, are to confer about how to strengthen democracy and repel authoritarian movements. Is Biden aware that American democracy itself is on the ropes? Last evening, on her MSNBC news show, Rachel Maddow read aloud for viewers lengthy excerpts from a chilling just published article in the Atlantic about the Republican Party’s multi-pronged effort to engineer a “legal” coup and establish long term one-party control over the federal government and how plausible it is that they will succeed. Democrats, particularly Biden himself, must get across to all Americans of good will the peril we’re in, its cause, and what must be done about it.

Red States, Blue States, and Vaccinations

Red States and counties –– ones in which Republicans tend to win elections –– have significantly lower percentages of residents who have been vaccinated and significantly higher rates of cases, hospitalizations, and deaths from Covid than Blue states (ones where Democrats tend to win elections). This distinct correlation is caused by the tendency among Republicans and their media allies to denigrate the efficacy of vaccines and undermine efforts by the Biden administration to fight the virus. The desire of these people to undercut the Biden administration is stronger than any concern they have for the public good or even for members of their own constituency. Their dominant characteristic is destructiveness to the point of nihilism.

Serial Killers

It’s striking how in certain instances a person can act maliciously, causing the deaths of others, yet not be subject to criminal prosecution. That’s the case with people who have a large audience and, although they know otherwise, assert that vaccines are harmful and best avoided and that vaccine requirements are medically inadvisable or tyrannical, or both. There are a lot of people in this category, including the woman on Fox News who compared the president’s chief health advisor to a Nazi war criminal because he wants people to get vaccinated. Prominent Republican politicians and right-wing media personalities have deterred millions of people from getting vaccinated against the Covid. Many of these people have contracted the virus who would not have had they been vaccinated, and among these, many have endured serious illness, and among these, many have died. The malefactors responsible for these deaths may not be prosecutable under federal or state criminal law, but they are serial killers just the same.

The West at Bay

Headline: “Russia planning massive military offensive against Ukraine involving 175,000 troops, U.S. intelligence warns.”
A book by the British economist Barbara Ward, published in 1949, the year in which the Soviet Union conducted its first nuclear weapons test and Mao Zedong established the People’s Republic of China, was titled The West at Bay. I’ve never read the book, but the title and the concept have long haunted me. To say the least, an update with the same title, would be apt. We’re in grim circumstances, both because of the character and resources of our adversaries and because the West is at bay from within itself. The European Union, post-Brexit, is besieged by fractious forces, and the United States is semi-paralyzed by multiple afflictions, at the heart of which is the moral disintegration of the Republican Party, evidenced most spectacularly by the stance of the vast majority of Republicans, ranging from abject tolerance of, to enthusiastic allegiance to, the sociopathic former president.


Early analysis of new data from South Africa reported on this morning suggests that the Omicron variant is three times more transmissible than the Delta, and that previous infection with other variants confers less immunity against Omicron. My nonauthoritative impression from what I’ve read suggests that Omicron is also more evasive of vaccines than previous variants, but that current vaccines are still substantially effective in preventing severe illness and death.

The world in a much better position to deal with this development than it was a year ago, but the need for collective, rational, aggressive action has never been greater. If we weren’t also enduring a plague of anti-vaccination hysteria, conspiracy theorizing, mask mandate opposition, and malicious misinformation spreading, we could feel positive about humanity’s chances of ending the pandemic in 2022.

Requiem for Roe v. Wade

The six Supreme Court justices who will almost certainly decide to either overrule Roe v. Wade or strip it of any practical meaning are all hard-nosed doctrinaire Catholics of a mind to think that by decreeing that a woman’s choice to have an abortion is not a Constitutional right, they are showing themselves to be more Christian, and therefore more virtuous, than those with contrary opinions. In this righteous act of self-sanctification they will ignore —they cannot bear to consider –– the dismay, cruelty, and hardship that will ensue from their decision. They will ignore that the incidence of abortions has radically declined since Roe v. Wade was decided. They will ignore that the Constitution not only guarantees freedom of religion, it guarantees freedom from religion. They will ignore that, in states where abortions will be illegal, women who are well off will be able to get an abortion by traveling to a state where it is allowed, but most poor women will not. It is the poor who will suffer. Our country will suffer. When the Court issues its decision, the Christian spirit will not be found in the majority opinion. It will be found in the dissent, which I hope will be written by Justice Sonia Sotomayor, the Christian Catholic on the Court.

Running Out the Clock

If the House Select Committee investigating the January 6th insurrection could get all the testimony and documents it’s seeking, the odds are that it would assemble more than enough evidence of criminal wrongdoing to result in prosecution and probable conviction of Trump and some of his prominent collaborators. These people know that this course of events will probably play out unless they can delay proceedings sufficiently so that no irreversible harm will happen to Trump or any of his loyalists before, as is more likely than not, Republicans gain control of the House of Representatives a year from now. American democracy’s survival may depend on whether the wheels of justice turn fast enough to keep its enemies from running out the clock.

What Must Be Prioritized Above All Else

Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin reported yesterday on a conversation she had with former Soviet dissident and world chess champion Garry Kasparov. He leads The Renew Democracy Initiative, which comprises dissidents from 28 countries who are working to defend and preserve American democracy. Kasparov has lived through what he’s talking about. He says that “the very existence of well-functioning liberal democracies threatens dictators’ legitimacy.” That’s why autocrats throughout the word will do everything to create chaos and divide our country. In a time of crisis, like the present one, those who wish to preserve democracy must prioritize working to do so above all else. That’s why it’s so absurd for people like Senators Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema to prioritize preserving the filibuster rule over preserving and restoring voting rights and ensuing the integrity of electoral processes. It’s behavior akin to refusing to break the glass facing of a case to take out a fire extinguisher with which you can keep a building from burning down.

The Month Ahead

It will be momentous. There’s the almost certain warping of basic Constitutional principles by the extremist right-wing-dominated Supreme Court, the funding the government issue to grapple with and the raising the debt ceiling issue, the new omicron variant challenge, the dealing with inflation without precipitating a recession problem, parrying Russian and Chinese expansionism, trying to pass meaningful “soft” infrastructure and climate change-slowing legislation, trying to get recalcitrant Democratic senators to agree to amend the filibuster so that voting rights protection and electoral process reform legislation can be enacted in time to save the country from becoming an authoritarian state, and I don’t think this list is complete.

On Being Awed

Last evening, I read a New York Times “guest essay” that resonated with my own thoughts. It was titled “Why Space Tourists Won’t Find the Awe They Seek.” The author, Henry Wismayer, a travel writer based in London, made a persuasive case. Super rich tourists pay upwards of $450,000 to rocket to what’s called the edge of space (about 1 /5,000th of the way to the moon, by the way) and are served champagne upon return to celebrate their experience. Wismayer explains that “under such contrived conditions, awe will always be a chimera.” To seek awe is to undercut finding it.

After reading this essay, I recalled some instances in which I’ve experienced awe. The first time cost 25 cents at most rather than $450,000. It occurred when our family spent a week’s vacation in Miami Beach in 1941 when I was ten years-old. There was virtually no light pollution in the park we strolled through one evening, and we came upon a man with a telescope on a tripod who offered to let anyone look through it for a small fee. Pop treated, and for the first time I saw Jupiter as a disc, and lined up in a row on either side of it three or four of its moons. I doubt if Galileo was more thrilled than I when he had the same experience. I had an ice-cream cone afterwards, but it wasn’t to celebrate being awed.

Gerrymandering Run Amok and What It Means

New York Times headline: “Maps Give G.O.P. a Stranglehold in Key States.” The maps referred to are of Congressional districts and state legislative districts drawn so as to confer disproportionate representation to the party controlling the state government. The effect of this profoundly anti-democratic trend is to favor Republican candidates at both state and federal levels. The right-wing- controlled Supreme Court has washed its hands of the matter. Enactment of Federal legislation to protect voting rights and ensure the integrity of electoral processes is all that stands in the way of (at best) gross degradation of American democracy in the 2022 and 2024 elections. Two obtuse and shamelessly opportunistic Democratic senators stand in the way of enactment of Democratic-sponsered Federal legislation to protect voting rights and ensure the integrity of electoral processes.

Climate Change –– The View from Colorado

I remember a decade or two ago, a climate-change-scoffing Congressman brought a snowball into the House chamber to back up his claim that climate change was a hoax. This was risible, and even more it was idiotic. Trends are another thing. Our house is in southwestern Colorado, elevation 6,600’. When we moved here about fifteen years ago, we were told that that the first snow on the ground should be expected by the end of October. I just checked the weather forecast for the coming days, and it’s evident that, for the first time, we won’t have snow on the ground by the end of November. Sunny and mild is the prediction for each of the next five days, with a high of sixty on December 1st. Even a trend can be an anomaly. This one is clearly not.

Thanks and Hope

Happy Thanksgiving everybody, and no less so to those who don’t celebrate it! Jennifer Rubin had a lovely and affecting column in the online Washington Post yesterday titled “Giving Thanks for Democracy.” Troublesome as our times are, many people have worked for the good, and much has been accomplished. A bright note yesterday was the murder conviction by a jury in Georgia of three men who gunned down a black man who was running away from them. After Thanksgiving comes the Season of Hope. Thankfully there’s a basis for it.

No Ordinary Moment in History

The historian Doris Kearns Goodwin titled her book about Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt during the World War II “No Ordinary Time.” It sure wasn’t. There’s nothing as dramatic as many of the events of Word War II occurring at present, so it’s tempting to think we are living in ordinary times, even though we are living at a singularly momentous time: The fate of the nation is at stake. In a Washington Post column yesterday Jennifer Rubin reported that a group of 150 scholars have sent an extraordinary letter to members of Congress, in which they state: “This is no ordinary moment in the course of our democracy. It is a moment of great peril and risk.” The letter lays out with clarity and precision the consequences that will result if the senate doesn’t suspend the filibuster rule and pass voting rights protection and electoral process reform well before the 2022 elections. The likely alternative is one of unprecedented horror.

The Good Guys and the Bad Guys

The great classic Western movies usually featured the Good Guys, like the sheriff and those loyal to him in High Noon, and the Bad Guys –- the outlaws. In these movies the Bad Guys knew they were bad. They didn’t deny it. They just thought they could shoot their way out of it. In contemporary United States, the Bad Guys make a great show of pretending that they are the Good Guys, and there are a lot of Bad Guys –- politicians, media personalities, and their financial backers –– who have convinced a large segment of the public that they are the Good Guys and that it’s the guys generally regarded as good that are the bad ones. It’s easy for someone like me, who has seen a lot and learned a lot about American history, having lived through well over a third of it since 1776, and has a pretty good understanding of our society and culture, to tell the Good Guys from the Bad Guys, and it’s agonizing to observe that there are so many Bad Guys and no less so that there are so many people who can’t tell the difference between Good Guys and Bad Guys or have been duped into getting it backward. If the existential struggle going on in the United States right now were happening in a classic Western movie, I could assure you that the Good Guys are going to win. I’m sorry it’s not.

A Challenge –– (adapted from a letter to the editor of my regional newspaper)

Regional newspapers play a vital role in keeping the public informed and offering a forum for a wide range of opinion. Their task has been been made more difficult in recent decades not only because of competition with TV cable networks and internet publishers, resulting in erosion of revenue from subscriptions and advertising, but also because the country has become so politically polarized that many of the most newsworthy stories, even though they are reported truthfully and comprehensively, may be enthusiastically welcomed by one constituency and denounced by another with such intensity that the newspaper risks alienating sizable blocks of readers and advertisers simply by fulfilling its journalistic responsibilities.

As a result, owners of newspapers may be tempted to avoid expressing highly controversial opinions and shy away from publishing freely and fearlessly, calling out truth and lies for what, in each case, they are, because they fear that doing so could impair their ability to operate profitably enough to stay in business. In meeting this difficult challenge, newspaper owners should keep in mind the Washington Post’s motto, “Democracy Dies in Darkness.” Newspapers must shine light brightly no matter what.

History and Chance

Headline: “{Democratic Senator Krysten} Sinema holds firm in support of the filibuster, imperiling late voting rights push.”

I’ve long been haunted by the limerick “For want of a nail, a shoe was lost. / For want of a shoe, a horse was lost. / For want of a horse, the battle was lost. / For want of a battle, the war was lost. Now I’m haunted by this speculative thought: For want of a senator’s vote to bypass the filibuster, federal voting rights and electoral process integrity protection legislation didn’t pass. For want of federal voting rights and electoral process integrity protection legislation, American democracy was lost

A World Where Everybody’s Shooting in Self-Defense

You may have read or heard about the 17-year-old fellow who went to a street protest in Kenosha, Wisconsin, carrying an assault weapon and ended up shooting three people and killing two of them. He was tried for murder and lesser charges, and yesterday a jury acquitted him on all counts. This is what happens in our gun-besotted society. If you go to a protest, planning to protest either for X or against X, you’re exercising your right of free speech and assembly; you’re performing a civic duty too, expressing your views as a concerned citizen.

The trouble is that in these highly polarized intense times, given that high Republican public officials, including the former president, and well-dressed right-wing media personalities have persistently incited impressionable people to be violent, attending a protest can be dangerous. Violence can break out. It’s best to be prepared to defend yourself in case you’re attacked, and to be safe, it’s best to have a powerful automatic weapon (an assault rifle) because it will have a stronger deterrent effect and thereby minimize the risk of violence. To be extra safe, it’s best to display and brandish your weapon a little to show hostile protestors that you’re not to be trifled with. Doing that will surely minimize the risk of violence even more.

But suppose you are another person, and you are at the protest and see someone approaching you, brandishing an assault rifle. You can’t be sure, but he looks ready to shoot you. Best to shoot first in self-defense. It’s the law that you can shoot in self-defense, so why take a chance? Unfortunately, you don’t get a chance to think about it because that’s what the fellow with the assault weapon thinks you’re likely to do whether you are or not. Just thinking it could happen makes it so as far as he’s concerned. You feel threatened, so much so that he shoots you. Maybe, at least, he’s sorry. He may cry later about having shot you in self-defense. You don’t learn about that though, because you’re dead.

Tax Structure and Tax Collection Enforcement

News Item: “Over the next 10 years, the IRS is on track to collect 7 trillion less than is owed.” That’s apart from all the trillions that would be owed if it weren’t for all the the tax breaks and loopholes in the law that enable the rich and especially the super rich to avoid paying their fair share of taxes. A lot of people not only don’t want an equitable tax structure, they don’t want the IRS to be adequately funded to enforce the existing law, and they’re calling the shots.

Once Again, Republicans Reveal Themselves for What They Are

Yesterday, The House of Representatives, having far more than ample cause to do so (expulsion from Congress would have been a more appropriate sanction), voted to censure one of its members, Paul Gosar (R – Arizona). Gosar had used congressional resources to produce and release a cartoon video of him murdering Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D -New York). Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank reported that “In the video, the Gosar figure flies through the air and slashes the Ocasio-Cortez figure across the back of the neck. Blood sprays profusely from the neck wound.” That only two Republican members of Congress (about 1% of them) voted to censure Gosar reveals with crystal clarity the degree to which Republicans and the Republican Party have abandoned all sense of responsibility, decency, and fitness to hold public office. They are a shameful lot. Their perpetuation in positions of power constitutes a grave threat to our country.

Keeping in Touch with the Universe

Because of trees, other houses, and the slope of the land, it’s not easy to keep in touch with the universe from our house, but still possible. In the upstairs hallway there’s an octagonal window facing west through which, by the time it got dark last evening, Venus shone with dazzling luminosity. This morning, it was still dark when I got up, and Venus had been replaced by Sirius, the brightest star in the sky. Venus, right now, is about fifty million miles away. Sirius is about fifty million million miles away. I used to live in a house where I could look up from the deck and see the Andromeda galaxy, which is about fifteen million, million, million miles away. Astronomers think of it as local.

How I Was Astonished by the Transformation of Republicans and the Republican Party

Growing up, and after growing up, I was so indoctrinated in American exceptionalism, in thinking how proud most Americans must be in our country, our Constitutional form of government, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, the Gettysburg Address, making the world safe for Democracy, how, through American goodness, former fascist dictatorships Germany, Japan, and Italy became transformed into shining democracies, winning the cold war, breaking down the Berlin wall, the Civil Rights movement –– all that and a lot of other good stuff –– that it never occurred to me that the Republican Party, affectionally known as the GOP (the Grand Old Party), could become dominated by people intent on subjugating, or acceding to the subjugation of, our country to fascistic, mendacious, plutocratic, white supremacist-tolerating, brutish, authoritarian, unAmerican one party rule.

The Virtue of Refusing To Be Discouraged

People of good will have reason to be discouraged. Biden’s approval rating is at a new low. Chances are fading that Democratic Senators Manchin and Simena will allow the Build Back Better program to pass in anything but pathetically watered-down form, and chances that they will allow reform of the filibuster so that voting rights protection and electoral process reform can be enacted seem slimmer every day. Right wing-propelled propaganda and misinformation continue to poison the air. The New York Times reports that Republicans have gained a “heavy House edge in 2022 as Gerrymandered maps emerge.” The spurt in inflation is another blow to Biden’s agenda. The just concluded conference on climate change was a flop. The outlook is bleak on almost every front. Remember though, there is virtue in refusing to be discouraged. There’s always a chance that happy surprises lie ahead.

Headline: Biden’s Approval Rating Drops To New Low

It sounds like Biden isn’t doing a good job as president, even though Democrats control Congress. Suppose Democratic Senators Joe Manchin and Krysten Simena had the mindsets of Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, or for that matter of almost any of the other Democratic senators, Biden’s Build Back Better bill would have been enacted largely intact, voting protection and electoral process integrity legislation would have been enacted, the mood of the country would be a lot better, and Biden’s approval rating would be much higher. It would be the same Biden, doing no better or worse a job than he is now, but luckier.

“The Republican Party is mainstreaming menace as a political tool.”

The above line, a distillation of observations of historians, is from a New York Times article published online last evening about the rise of violence, threats of violence, and encouragement of violence that Republicans have increasingly directed at their opponents, even those who are members of their own party. Trump, Trump-emulating politicians, and propagandist right-wing media, most notably Fox News, have whipped a large segment of the population into a frenzy of hatred and vengefulness. It’s a very disturbing phenomenon that, if it continues to escalate, will almost certainly lead to tragedy.

Countering the Assault on Democracy

Yesterday, Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin commented on a new report by the nonpartisan group Protect Democracy on what is needed if American democracy is to be saved from the massive concerted attack on it by authoritarian-minded Republicans and their allies. Example: Republicans have introduced or passed more than 200 bills in state legislatures “that would enable Republican legislatures to dislodge neutral election officials, challenge and overturn results and undermine confidence in election outcomes.”

Unprecedented horrors lie ahead if effective federal legislation to protect voting rights and election integrity isn’t enacted well in advance of next year’s elections. The Protect Democracy report lists other measures that must be taken as well. Otherwise, in a few years, the American experiment, as pundits have oddly taken to calling our constitutional form of government, will have failed.

Republican Reality Check

Any person of good will who thinks of themselves as a Republican and therefore is inclined to vote for or support a Republican running for public office needs to conduct a reality check as to the character of today’s Republican Party –– It’s very different from what it was over the course of many decades during which my parents were committed Republicans. The conclusion from a reality check conducted today must be, as Jennifer Rubin put it an online Washington Post column yesterday: The reality of the Republican Party is “total obstruction, manipulation of voters to foster white resentment, malicious attacks on reality. . . . and preference for. . . authoritarian leadership. . .”

The China / Russia / Climate Problem

In her Washington Post column yesterday the always astute Katrina vanden Heuval pointed out that even if the world leaders who recently convened in Glasgow were able to keep their pledges to reduce carbon emissions, which it appears they don’t have the will or political power to carry through on, two elephants that should have been in the room but weren’t, are Russia and China, both led by dictators who, let us say, lack team spirit. Both of them failed to send representatives to the conference. Both of them represent threats to world peace and stability. Both are inclined to threaten, challenge, and destabilize the U.S. Yet the cooperation of both is requisite to effectively addressing climate change. This presents another challenge to President Biden. He has to reach out to the dictators of these pivotal countries and try to engage their support in saving humanity without acceding to their imperious demands. It’s a seemingly impossible task.

Climate Change and Change Blindness

I recently read a book about the brain in which the author referred to a phenomenon called “change blindness.” When a change takes place relatively slowly, we tend not to notice it. Geological changes take place so slowly that continents may be rising and islands sinking, but at a rate that’s indiscernible over the course of a lifetime. Climate change is faster –– one can discern seemingly slight changes over the course of decades –– but it’s not fast enough to overcome change blindness. That’s what’s happening. Some see it and are waving red flags. Most don’t see it or barely notice it. Others, whether they see it or not, prefer to ignore it.

Wealth and Taxes

A recent article by the historian Jill Lepore told of a birthday party Bill Gates recently gave on a rented yacht anchored in a cove off the coast of Turkey to which he ferried guests by private helicopter, among them Jeff Bezos, who happened to be nearby on his yacht, which, as Lepore noted, is not the same as the yacht he has ordered and is still under construction, as to which I’ve read that even though it will cost half a billion dollars, is not designed to carry a helicopter, but that will not inconvenience Bezos, because he plans to have an assistant yacht that carries a helicopter and can trail along behind his main yacht, ready to be of service when needed. Not only super-billionaires, like Gates and Bezos, but also ordinary multibillionaires and just barely billionaires, and even super multimillionaires, and, come to think of it, even common multimillionaires should be taxed a lot more than they have been.

A Ray of Hope

Having enacted the “bipartisan” infrastructure bill and with some reasonable hope remaining of enacting a watered down “build back better” bill through “reconciliation” (avoiding a Republican filibuster), and some chance left that recalcitrant Democrat senators Simena and Manchin will agree to carving out an exception to the filibuster so the Freedom to Vote bill can be enacted, ensuring that voting rights and election integrity will be at least fairly well protected, and given the reasonable possibility that the economy will continue to improve and that Covid can be beat back further, there is a significant chance that Democrats will prevail in enough swing jurisdictions next year –– enough to provide a ray of hope that American democracy, decency, and rationality will survive, for at least a few years longer, the assaults of greed, cynicism, and malice Republicans and right-wing extremist media are certain to continue to hurl against them.


Headline: Myanmar’s nightmare now includes systematic torture

Having been responsible for torturing prisoners during the Iraq war and having failed to bring those responsible to justice, the United States has weakened moral authority to exercise world leadership in ending this abhorrent practice.

The Simple Essential Pressing Imperative

Democrats must get effective voting rights and election integrity legislation enacted by Congress within the next few months or American democracy will be lost, perhaps forever.

Headline: “An abnormal Republican Party was treated normally by voters in New Jersey and Virginia”

This was the heading for Washington Post pundit Perry Bacon’s column this morning. It’s the full shocking story in two lines. Voters don’t understand that the Republican Party has become the authoritarian party, the party that failed to remove Trump from office, that tolerates or promotes his Big Lie that the 2020 presidential election was stolen by Joe Biden, that opposed a full-scale investigation of the January 6th insurrection, and is bent on warping election laws so that Republicans will have an unassailable advantage in future elections. If Democrats can’t change this dynamic within the next year, American democracy will not likely survive.

Election Day 2021: a Portent of Bad Things to Come

Even though Biden beat Trump by about 10 percentage points in Virginia in the 2020 election, the Trump-endorsed Republican candidate has been elected governor of that state, beating the well-regarded Democrat candidate by a comfortable margin. The result bodes ill for elections coming up next year and for the 2024 presidential election. A great swath of voters don’t seem to understand that, inspired by Trump and Trump-like politicians and propaganda-spreading right-wing media barons, Republicans have become ruthless in their efforts to bring down our democracy and supplant it with one-party authoritarian rule. If most voters realized this, Democrats would win most elections overwhelmingly.

On the Enormity of Being Aligned with Trump

News Item: “For more than three hours, {President Trump} resisted entreaties from Republican lawmakers and numerous advisers to urge the {January 6th} mob to disperse, a delay that contributed to harrowing acts of violence.”

As I recall, the crime of reckless endangerment is a felony in most jurisdictions. Reckless endangerment is unjustifiable behavior that puts others at a significant risk of grievous injury or death. It’s just one of the crimes for which Trump should be criminally prosecuted. Candidates for office –– most Republican politicians –– who fail to publicly repudiate him thereby descend to his moral plane. Anyone aligned with Trump, whether explicitly or by failing to repudiate him, is unfit to hold public office.

Approval Ratings

I read that Biden’s approval rating had dropped to 42%. This is said to bode ill for the Democrats’s chances in the 2022 elections, and it certainly isn’t encouraging. Biden has performed well in some respects and not so well in other respects. Given the extraordinary challenges he’s had, I think on balance he’s done pretty well. I can see how some people would be so disappointed in him that they would say they “don’t approve,” but this approval rating business produces a misleading and contorted statistic, diverting attention from what’s of overriding importance. Biden may be barely better than O.K. on an absolute scale, but he he’s infinitely preferable to Trump, or any Trump emulator, or anyone who acts as if Trump is fit to serve in public office, which includes almost every Republican. What’s of ultimate importance is that Biden is a highly experienced honorable man who wants to preserve our democracy. I approve of that 100%.

Critical Race Theory

The outcome of the Virginia governor’s race Tuesday may turn on whether enough voters think that Democrats try to get schools to inculcate children with critical race theory, the purpose of which, the more histrionic Republicans, of which there are a lot, say is to make white children feel ashamed of being white. I don’t approve of theories of history. In my view, the term critical race theory should never have been invented. But teaching significant historical facts is right, and, if arguments about “critical race theory” have become publicly significant, teaching about critical race theory, its various meanings and the reactions it has generated, is right. The essence of good teaching of history is good faith proportional coverage and emphasis of significant true facts.

Note from Surreal Land

Because of an absurd, archaic, undemocratic, and seemingly unalterable Senate rule, a single senator can put a “hold” on a presidential nomination. It’s a rule that cries out for abuse, and Republican senators, most notably Ted Cruz, have answered the call. As a result, other than Mexico and Turkey, President Biden has been allowed to name no ambassadors to any of the other countries in the G20. The problem with Cruz has nothing to do with any legitimate substantive consideration and has everything to do with his deeply flawed character.

Hoping for the Best Despite the Following:

Events come and go so thick and fast that often highly significant ones that cry out for attention are all but forgotten within a few days. Last week Washington Post columnist Katrina vanden Heuvel reported that a great number of “leaked financial records from 14 different ‘offshore’ wealth-service firms” expose how the rich, the superrich, and all varieties of big-time criminals hide their money in tax havens. Thus, the people who should be taxed the most are substantially undertaxed or aren’t taxed at all. Yet, it seems, nothing can be done, Nothing can be done; on to the next problem. Biden hasn’t performed flawlessly, but the challenges he has faced and still faces have been exceptionally rough. The entire Republican Party is dedicated to sabotaging his initiatives and bringing him down, and he has been forced to placate difficult people in his own party. I hope some good parts of his ambitious policy proposals get enacted into law. But whether they do or not, we’ll continue living in more than usual perilous times. If you think of the “civilized” world as a 19th-century sailing ship, it’s leaking from stem to stern, some of its timbers are rotten, its standing rigging is rusty, its running rigging is frayed, the crew is in a mutinous mood, and it’s on course to the tropics, where it will probably be becalmed until the hurricane season arrives.

Note: After writing the above, I read a timely posting by Robert Reich warning against sinking into cynicism and despair.and advocating resilience and constructive engagement.

The Probably Unfixable Limitations of Our Criminal Justice System

A possible reason why the Justice Department hasn’t apparently been more aggressive in conducting a criminal investigation of Trump’s role in inciting the January 6th insurrection and probable commission of other felonies for which there is ample evidence in the public recored is that roughly 25% percent of the jurors in any criminal trial would likely be ones who either believe or pretend to believe his Big Lie that the 2020 election was stolen from him and other monumental falsehoods, and would believe or pretend to believe that the same forces responsible for this purported outrage would be responsible for securing his indictment and trial for criminal wrongdoing –– call them “true believers.”

True believers may be expected to vote for acquittal regardless of overwhelming evidence of guilt.Since a unanimous verdict of twelve jurors is required to secure a conviction, one true believer would be enough to block it. If 25% of prospective members of the jury are true believers, the odds are extremely high that a jury will contain at least one of them. Nor would jury selection procedures likely make much difference. It cannot responsibly be argued that Trump is above the law, but as a practical matter, in the most important respects, he may be.


Headline: “Five points for anger, one for a ‘like’: How Facebook’s formula fostered rage and misinformation”

I must have signed up for Facebook a long time ago, because for years I have had it bookmarked and can scroll down to see postings that appear on it. I never initiate a post but I sometimes click on “like” and occasionally make a comment. A few people I know post with some frequency and I enjoy seeing what they have to say and looking at photos they display. Most of the items I see when I scroll down are posts by public figures, usually prominent progressive political or media figures. Many postings are political fund raising requests. Facebook obviously steered these people to me. Every now and then I see a post by the Dalai Lama and have found them inspiring. I’m never exposed to hate speech or conspiracy theories. Facebook’s famous algorithms presumably wall me off from such noxious stuff, which, the company steers receptive people toward, cranking up vitriol and misinformation, playing on people’s worst instincts and inflicting harm on others and on society. It’s clear from what I’ve read that Facebook hasn’t come close to adequately responding to such exposés. The company needs to be regulated, but this is tricky business because of First Amendment considerations. Unless someone comes up with a better solution soon, it would be best to break Facebook up.

The Party of Thugs

This is the title of a column by Paul Waldman in yesterday’s online Washington Post. You can guess what he’s talking about. Instead of repudiating the thug-in-chief, Republican politicians have opted en masse to emulate him. Here’s the test, as Waldman puts it: “Can you give offense, can you make people cringe, can you do your part to make our politics as mean and unpleasant as possible?” Alarming numbers of people have no trouble answering in the affirmative and acting accordingly.

Not all Republican members of Congress meet Trump’s requirements for being a thug –– he has set a exceptionally high bar, yet is eager to raise it. Some Republicans are temperate in their rhetoric and behavior. But with near unanimity, they support or fail to refute Trump’s Big Lie that the election was stolen from him. They create confusion and chaos and cultivate public ignorance and false beliefs. Yeats’s line, “the worst are full of passionate intensity,” flies out of his poem and sticks to them.

One of the Ways in which Inequality Grows

Most income of most people is in the form of salaries or wages. The amount paid in each case is reported to the IRS. Taxpayers can’t cheat. Richer people tend to have more income as to which there’s no way the IRS can check to see if it’s accurate. The IRS estimated in 2019 that Americans conceal from taxation more than half of income that is not subject to some form of third-party verification.

From the government’s point of view (and from the honest taxpayer’s point of view), it would be highly cost effective to set up procedures to minimize such leakage of tax revenues. Unfortunately, it’s the policy of Republican political leaders to keep the IRS underfunded so that the agency isn’t able to adequately enforce tax collection. Republican big donors to political campaigns, on average, prefer to donate smaller amounts to friendly politicians than pay larger amounts in taxes.

Another Illustration of the Transformation of the Republican Party

Last week, Congress voted to hold Steve Bannon in contempt for defying the subpoena issued by the select committee investigating the January 6th insurrection. The last time this happened was almost forty years ago, and the vote was unanimous. Every member of both parties understood that if a witness can defy a subpoena to testify or hand over documents that are material and relevant to an investigation, Congress’s oversight function, an important feature of our Constitutional system of government, would be crippled. In Bannon’s case, all but nine House Republicans voted against holding him in contempt, illustrating, once again, the transformation of the Republican Party into an assemblage of unprincipled, authoritarian, truth-denying opportunists.

Good Will and Bad Faith

Good will is a core concept. The idea is that everyone is flawed, some lose perspective or never gain it, some lose their temper when they shouldn’t, some are too anxious to please or to cut corners if that’s what it takes to prevail, some are too often thoughtless about how they behave hurts others. But in my experience the vast majority of people have a basic sense of good will; they have an innate sense of decency. It’s more than disturbing to see that ethos, that basic unwritten compact that holds society together, systematically assaulted by issuers of false and malicious rhetoric. Mean-spiritedness and bad faith are ascendant. They are directing the course of events. To borrow the title of the last book of the late journalist Tony Judt, “Ill Fares the Land.” We have to hope that, like the pandemic, this distressing phase of history will pass.

Hate Waiting To Happen

A remark made by Joe Biden the other day neatly expressed something I’ve been thinking about: “Hate never goes away,” Biden said. “In all the years I’ve been involved [in politics], I thought once we got through it, it would go away. But it doesn’t. It only hides. It only hides until some seeming legitimate person breathes some oxygen under the rocks where they’re hiding and gives it some breath.”

There are a lot of sulky, aggrieved, resentful, uninformed, and misinformed people who mostly aren’t usually particularly vocal or civically engaged, but are responsive to incitement by demagogic characters who exude hate and spew lies and venom. That’s the oxygen Biden is referring to, and these people, when they are exposed to this kind of noxious drivel from Trump or Trump-emulators, lack the innate decency of character to act responsibly and they feel relief in exuding hate and spewing lies and venom too. It makes them feel like, finally, they are contenders.

Republican Senators

Yesterday, taking advantage of the filibuster rule, Republican senators, voting unanimously, blocked debate on the Freedom to Vote bill. They don’t want to debate whether proposed legislation to ensure free and fair elections is desirable. They know that they would lose the debate, because they have no serious arguments against it and are themselves engaged in undermining democracy. They don’t want to perpetuate democratic processes. They are so desperate in their desire to achieve authoritarian one-party rule that they are are willing to support as their candidate an ignorant, crude, mean-spirited, bullying, megalomaniacal sociopath. They are ––every one of them –– guilty of the crime of reckless endangerment of American democracy.

Heading Nowhere

In 2017, the Trump administration’s great legislative initiative, revising the tax code to sharply reduce taxes on corporations and provide even greater tax breaks than already existed for the rich and especially for the super rich, sailed through the Republican-controlled Congress in a flash of time. It now appears that after prolonged struggle, Democrats may be able to enact only a grievously diluted version of Biden’s plan to strengthen our country. address to some degree crippling and unconscionable economic inequities, and combat climate change. In blocking legislation, Republicans and “moderate” Democrats are pinning our country down, stifling progress, and snuffing out opportunities. One example: In a Washington Post column yesterday, Katrina vanden Heuvel reported that “the average country in the Western industrialized world spends $14,436 annually per child on toddler care. The United States spends a measly $500.” This is the kind of country it appears we will continue to be.

Inequality and Public Policy

One might think that wealth inequality, which has been increasing for decades, would by now have reached a point where those entrusted with running our government would with near unanimity think, and publicly disclose that they think, that we could accomplish a great deal more as a nation, we could lift ourselves up from our present sorry state, if we adopted policies of the sort President Biden dreams of, and policies that he hasn’t dreamed of, because, after all, although he is a decent man, he can’t think of everything, and they would be much better policies because those entrusted with running our government would all be working toward the same goal and wouldn’t carve out innumerable exceptions to satisfy lobbyists employed by rich donors and corporations who are benefactors of compliant politicians, and they would be policies more finely tuned to be efficient in achieving the results the Biden dreams of and beyond what Biden dreams of, for it turns out that cost is not a problem: All that’s needed is to restructure our tax and subsidy system, which grossly favors the rich, the really rich, and even more, the super rich, and even more, the oligarchal characters perched on the tops of their respective shining hills. The statistics prove it. One among dozens that leap off the page: “The wealth in stocks alone for the top 1 percent increased by more than $6.5 trillion over the course of the pandemic.” The money’s there. A lot more of it should be directed toward the common good.

The Virginia Election

An election scheduled in Virginia two weeks from now will determine who that state’s next governor will be, McAuliffe a Democrat, or Youngkin, a Republican. Democrats want to preserve our democracy, Republicans want to convert our system of government to one-party authoritarian rule. According to pollsters, the race is a close one. Not that many years ago, I would have thought that any candidate who is a member of a party that wants to convert our system of government to one-party authoritarian rule would get only a handful of votes, all of them from crackpots. How times change.

An Example of Why Humankind May Not Be Able To Save Itself from Extinction.

California has decided to ban gasoline-powered lawn mowers and leaf blowers. Besides being noisy, smelly and, especially in the case of leaf blowers, generally irksome, they emit a tremendous amount of toxic pollution and greenhouse emissions. This is the kind of reform that should have been instituted throughout the world years ago, but won’t be replicated in most jurisdictions for a long time, if ever, which is another example of how humankind seems unable to act collectively and rationally to save itself.

Fusion Energy

If one is aiming to write a blog every day about what’s going on in the world that catches one’s eye, there’s never any shortage of material or subject matter: To give an example, last week I read an article in The New Yorker about fusion energy, which unlike fission energy, which powers all the world’s nuclear energy plants, doesn’t produce radioactive waste, doesn’t carry the risk of meltdown and radioactive contamination, and produces a much more energy per pound of fuel. It’s been demonstrated to work in an experimental unit –– the physics is well understood –– but it is devilishly hard to build a nuclear fusion power plant in a way that would be commercially feasible. That goal may be reachable and it may not, but since fusion energy may be our only hope of arresting global warming, we should have spent and should be spending a lot more money trying to develop it. If the United States had spent on it a very small fraction of what it has spent subsidizing the fossil fuel industry, we might have solved the problems that thus far have been preventing fusion from becoming humankind’s cheap ticket to ubiquitous clean safe energy.

The Epidemic of Madness that Plagues the Land

I saw a video clip last evening that showed a Trump supporter pledging allegiance to an American flag that he thought had been waved by one of the thugs who stormed the capitol on January 6th. Might there be an as yet unidentified virus that infects people’s brains and makes them go crazy? I don’t know of a better explanation as to why a large segment of the population has been propelled to idolize the dangerous sociopathic former president. How can it be that every Republican senator and almost every Republican member of the House of Representatives clings to him and seeks his blessing, and that it means more to them than honesty, decency, and American democracy? They seem to have been stricken by a particularly vicious strain of the virus, one that destroys the moral compass in the brain.

The Dark Prospect for the 2024 Presidential Election

In a chilling op-ed in yesterday’s online Washington Post, Paul Waldman persuasively argued that Trump will almost certainly run for president in 2024 and that no Republican will oppose him, raising the beyond horrifying prospect of a second Trump presidency. Moreover, even if Trump loses the election, he will again claim that it was stolen from him, and this time Republicans will likely have set in place a much more sophisticated and coordinated framework for overturning the election and installing him as president, effectively ending American democracy. We can only hope that events during the coming months will result in a happier scenario.

One of the Most Maddening Set of Facts of the Day

Pharmaceutical prices in the United States are higher than in other countries. Practically everyone in the United States thinks Medicare should be able to negotiate drug prices with pharmaceutical companies. This would bring pharmaceutical prices down close to reasonable levels, save lives, reduce hospitalizations, and reduce economic hardship without disincentivizing new drug development. All Republicans oppose this measure, because its enactment would reflect well on Biden, and their policy is to oppose any measure that would reflect well on Biden. All Democratic senators favor the measure except Krysten Sinema, of Arizona, who accepts large campaign donations from pharmaceutical companies. This not bribery. There is no quid pro quo. The pharmaceutical companies favor her because they know she is a reliable ally.

The Interrelationship between Trump and Democracy

Former United States National Security specialist in Russian and European affairs Fiona Hill: “If he {Trump} makes a successful return to the presidency in 2024, democracy’s done.”

This is true, as is that: If democracy’s done, he {Trump} will make a successful return to the presidency in 2024.

The Task Ahead for Biden and Defenders of Democracy

President Joe Biden’s approval rating has slipped, but if all voters understood what’s been going on in this country –– that the vast majority of Republicans (i) promote or play along with Trump’s Big Lie that the election was stolen, (ii) pretend that he was not the principal instigator of the January 6th insurrection, (iii) ignore that he illegally tried and isn’t continuing to illegally try to reinstate himself as president, (iv) have no policy other than to obstruct and derail the administration’s agenda, (v) have put forth no alternative substantive policy proposals, and (v) are engaged in a concerted effort to warp the electoral process in such a manner that Republicans will control the government even if a majority of voters don’t want them to –– Biden’s approval rating vis-a-vis the disgraced former president would be far higher. Biden and all defenders of democracy must get it across to the public that the upcoming elections will not be a contest between candidates who are traditional Democrats and candidates who are traditional Republicans, but between candidates who want to preserve American democracy and candidates who want to convert our form of government to one-party authoritarian rule.

America’s Second Civil War

The opposing forces are still mobilizing and positioning themselves in America’s second civil war. We know that key battles will take place in the elections in 2022 and 2024. Hard fought skirmishes will occur in the meantime and right into 2025.

It’s too early to accurately assess the strength of the forces of each side. A supposedly neutral party, the Supreme Court of the United States, which, as one astute commentator has observed, has become “a cynical enabler of right-wing extremists,” will likely supply armaments to the Republicans, which could give them a decisive advantage.

Midnight in Washington

“Despair is a luxury we can’t afford,” writes House Intelligence Committee member Adam Schiff in his new book, Midnight in Washington –– How We Almost Lost Our Democracy and Still Could. Carlos Losada, reviewing the book in the Washington Post, notes that Schiff “is more interested in the insurrectionists wearing suits and ties than in the shirtless ones in buffalo horns.” There are a lot more of those suits-and-ties people, and they are better financed and in far more formidable positions power than the thuggish characters who invaded the Capitol and threatened the lives of legislators, and they are working concertedly and continuously to bring our democracy down. It’s not too much to say that the United States is engaged in a second civil war. Tumultuous times lie ahead.

A Feeling of Disquietude

I woke up in the night with a feeling of disquietude. The cause is the state of our country, and for that matter, the whole world. Greed and hatred are proliferating. Malevolent forces are on the ascendent. It’s as if Trump was a pathogen that escaped from the lab and infected a great swath of the population. Clear-eyed Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin is more accurate than hyperbolic in observing that “The sane faction of the GOP could probably fit around a dining room table.” 

Note from Surreal Land

As far as I know, no member of Congress in either political party has argued that it would be a good thing if the United States of America, the world’s greatest democracy, what Lincoln called the “last best hope of earth,” defaulted on its debts, which is apparently what will happen if Congress doesn’t act to raise the debt ceiling. Yet every Republican member of the senate has taken the position that Democrats must raise the debt limit ceiling without the support of any Republican votes. Moreover, Republicans promise to filibuster any attempt by Democrats to do so. This political maneuver is designed to associate in the public’s mind the notion that Democrats are reckless big spenders and Republicans are guardians of the fiscal integrity. Republicans ignore that they raised the debt ceiling three times during the tenure of the Trump administration, in the course of which some eight trillion dollars was added to the national debt, a substantial portion of which is attributable to tax cuts for big corporations, the rich, and especially the super rich. Republican posturing over the debt ceiling is hypocritical, cynical, irresponsible, and starkly contrary to the public interest, and very much in keeping with their basic policy of institutional nihilism.

Yesterday, in an act of affected graciousness, Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell offered to allow the debt ceiling to be raised for a couple of months, a tactic designed to perpetuate the state of uncertainty, confusion, and chaos that he and his followers have chosen to impose upon the country.

Note from The Wild West

Lauren Boebert, the notorious owner of the Shooter’s Grill, in Rifle, Colorado, and that state’s 3rd C.D, representative, is one of the most morally and intellectually unqualified members of Congress. No wonder six citizens are competing for the Democratic nomination to oppose her in next year’s election. None of them seem particularly impressive, though any one of them would be a tremendous improvement over Boebert. Boebert herself may face a primary challenge from a more moderate member of her party. It’s like an old-time Western movie out here in Colorado, except it’s a long ways from certain that the good guys will win.

A Model for Spiritual Instruction

Religions and, for that matter, secular self-improvement movements are vulnerable to being corrupted by self-seeking profiteering huckstering promoters pitching ways in which you can get ahead, feel good, and find success by following their instructions, donating to their enterprises, and enriching their promoters. The Dalai Lama is of a rarer sort. He doesn’t purport to align himself with some divine truth, catechism, sacred text, or mystical knowledge. Thus, he wrote recently, “What we need today are universal values based not on faith but on scientific findings, common experience and common sense.” How refreshing. How unpretentious. How sensible.

The Supreme Court

The Supreme Court of the United States begins its new term today, just after getting a supremely low approval rating from the American public –– 40%. Recently, Justice Amy Coney Barrett asserted that the Court is not just “a bunch of partisan hacks.” Even more recently, Justice Samuel Alito declared that the Court is not “a dangerous cabal.” Such defensiveness! Unfortunately, save for a minority of honorable exceptions, the reverse is true on both counts. American democracy won’t be out of the intensive care unit unless and until the Court is reconstituted as a rational non-doctrinaire decision-making body that places the law above personal ideology.

The Egoist

Democratic Senator Krysten Sinema appears to be blithely willing to torpedo president Biden’s legislative agenda and thereby facilitate Republican efforts to supplant American democracy with one-party authoritarian rule. She seems to be such an egoist that her field of vision does not extend beyond her imagined short-term personal interests. She may single-handedly take down the country, not realizing, as is typical of egoists, that in her garish self-absorption, she is taking down herself.

It’s an Old Story

1920: W.B. Yeats, “The Second Coming”: “The worst are full of passionate intensity.”

1955: Claude Lévi-Strauss, Triste Tropiques: “I have never known so much naive conviction allied to greater intellectual poverty.”

2021: Jennifer Rubin: “The ignorance of our elected officials is matched only by their conviction they can bamboozle their equally ignorant constituents.”

People Who Don’t Care and People Who Do

So many people are corrupt, each out for himself or herself, and the public be damned, it’s disheartening, but one can’t despair; there are even more people with noble souls who care about others, and humanity, and the world. Yesterday, I read an article by a woman who’s concerned about the water quality in our rivers. She rightly urges that we should improve them. To check out the situation first-hand, this past summer she swam in 108 rivers in the United States. She said that “most were varying degrees of disgusting.” That’s a definitive scientifically sound report in my opinion, and bad news, but it’s also uplifting to read, giving hope that people like this intrepid swimmer, people who care, may save us. 

American Democracy

American Democracy is fighting for its life. As Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin wrote the other day, “It’s now clear we have one party that would gladly swap U.S. democracy for a tin-pot dictatorship with its champion at the helm.” Democrats want to save our democracy, and they would be able to save it if two Democratic senators weren’t unwilling to reform the anti-democratic filibuster rule that’s enabling Republicans to thwart voting rights protection legislation. It seems more likely than not that a great tragedy will befall us.

A Ted Talk Worth Watching

Notice of a Ted Talk appears in my email inbox almost every day. Occasionally I watch one. I didn’t have to think twice yesterday before watching Crystia Freeland, an enormously intelligent and well-informed Canadian who tends to hold top posts in that country’s government. Her topic was The Rise of the Super Rich. The proliferation of the super rich, who tower over ordinary extremely rich people and acquire such staggering amounts of wealth that they can influence national policy is a world-wide phenomenon. Productivity trends up and up. Wages stay relatively flat. Money rules. Oligarchies arise.

The Justice Department Must Prosecute Trump

The evidence is far more than abundant that, in addition to whatever other crimes he has committed, Trump committed multiple federal and state felonies in the course of his efforts, which appear to still be ongoing, to overturn the 2020 presidential election results and effect a coup by which he would retain his office despite being voted out of it. The Justice Department must not allow itself to be intimidated by threats and bullying behavior of Trump and his supporters. We must not accept the principle of “too big to jail.” To do so would be to cede American democracy to a bunch of thugs masquerading as public servants. Attorney General Merrick Garland, despite his impeccable character, incomparable qualifications, and superb professional record, is likely to be remembered as a dismal failure if he fails to prosecute Trump.

Report from the World’s Leading Plutocracy

Big corporations and superrich donors fund politicians who reciprocate by enacting tax laws that please big corporations and superrich donors. What’s the result? White House statement: “We estimate that the 400 wealthiest families paid an average Federal individual income tax rate of 8.2 percent on $1.8 trillion of income over the period 2010–2018.” You don’t have to be an egalitarian to grasp that the superrich get away with paying a puny amount in taxes. From the perspective of anyone concerned for the common good, they should be paying a lot more.

Bottom Feeders

Gregg Abbott, the Republican governor of Texas, quickly acceded to disgraced former president Trump’s demand that Texas conduct an Arizona style sham audit of the Texas vote count in the 2020 presidential election even though in that election Trump won the state of Texas by a sizable margin. Of course, it’s not the result of the election Trump is questioning, it’s the electoral process itself. He is trying to inculcate in the public’s mind that elections are fraudulent by nature, which is why it would be justifiable for state officials and members of Congress to refuse to recognize presidential election results if a Democrat wins the most electoral votes in 2024. That people like Abbott and Florida governor Ron DeSantis are eager to do Trump’s bidding, regardless of how destructive and irrational an act it requires, is a marker of the base moral plane such people live on, a foul expanse inhabited by most Republican politicians and right wing media personalities.

The Tragic Transformation of the Republican Party

It should be evident to anyone who follows the course of public affairs in the United States that the unifying agenda of the Republican Party has become dedicated to obtaining and retaining power regardless of harm inflicted on the country. In furtherance of this goal, Republicans at all levels and in all branches of government have banded together to promote and practice what Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin calls “institutional nihilism.”

The Critical Importance of Federal Legislation to Reform Presidential Election Processes

The details are too complex to lay out here, but the procedures for electing the president of the United States are so misconceived, unclear, and convoluted that in certain circumstances, which it happens are likely to obtain in 2024, it’s quite possible that the party controlling Congress and key swing state legislatures and secretaries of state could install its candidate as president contrary to the electoral vote tally reflecting the will of the people. The only way we can be assured that this won’t happen is for Congress to pass remedial legislation controlling election procedures. The Proposed Freedom to Vote Act has been introduced in Congress for this purpose. All Republican members of Congress oppose it. Even though the survival of American democracy is at stake, present indications are that it won’t become law.

Notes from Surreal Land

Headline: “U.S. careens toward shutdown; financial crisis.”
News item: A study says that, if the U.S. defaults on its debt, it would trigger a financial crisis of unprecedented proportions, leading to loss of six million jobs and fifteen trillion dollars in wealth.

Classic military strategy calls for the artillery to soften up the enemy’s defenses, then send in the infantry to capture new territory. Republican strategy is based on the same idea: Create chaos to soften the ground for staging a coup and installing an authoritarian regime. The line fed the public is that things have gotten so bad that only this strong and uncompromising leader can fix it.

Taking a Close Look at a Big Number

A recent poll indicated that 78% of Republicans think that Biden stole the 2020 presidential election. That’s a proposition that, since the election, the disgraced former president and heavyweight Republican politicians and right-wing media personalities have been professing to believe in or assert is a reasonable possibility with such persistence that tens of millions of voters believe that it is, or might well be true, though there is no evidence that it is true and overwhelming evidence that it is false.

It’s so preposterous, in fact, that we can be sure that a large percentage of Republicans who answered the poll question by saying that they think Biden stole the election don’t believe any such thing, but answered in the affirmative because it’s the policy of the Republican Party and its leaders to sow doubt about the legitimacy of our electoral policies in order to justify enacting laws calculated to put Republicans in power in upcoming elections. It has become standard operating procedure for “good” Republicans to say they believe Biden stole the election even though they know he didn’t.

How a Plutocracy Works –– an Example

Most dividends on stocks, which are overwhelmingly held by the super rich, the rich, and the well-off, are taxed at an especially low rate, a sign of the pro-plutocratic tilt in our tax system. Moreover, Amazon and many other huge companies pay no dividends, so the value of shares go up because all earnings are plowed back into the company. Amazon founder Jeff Bezos is worth in the neighborhood of 200 billion dollars. Only a trifle of what he has accumulated has been taxed because it’s treated as “unrealized capital gains.” If Bezos were to die, the law provides that the cost basis of his stock will be stepped up to market value, which means that his capital gains will be ignored. As Robert Reich has pointed out, this “‘stepped-up basis’ tax loophole allows heirs of billionaires to avoid capital gains taxes on inherited assets.Closing this loophole is an absolute no-brainer. But Dems on the House Ways and Means Committee wouldn’t even touch it.”

Even Democrats are reluctant to raise taxes on the rich. That’s how entrenched a plutocracy we’re in.

The Hour is Nigh

With unusual precision and clarity, an online New York Times editorial appearing yesterday laid it out: Republicans, who control most key state legislatures and state houses, rightly think that, given their stances on key issues, their chances of gaining control of Congress and the White House will be greatly diminished unless they can (i) institute voting laws designed to exclude a substantial number of voters likely to vote for Democratic candidates, and (ii) where possible, place responsibility for tabulating and certifying votes in the hands of partisan hacks who will manipulate the vote count in favor of Republican candidates.

Within the next couple of weeks, the proposed Freedom to Vote Act, introduced by Democrats and passage of which is critical to ensuring a reasonable degree of integrity in our electoral processes, will come before Congress for a vote. Since no Republican is expected to support it, there is virtually no chance it will become law unless all Democratic senators agree to modify the filibuster rule, so it can pass with a mere majority of votes rather than require 60% of them. What happens is likely to be pivotal in American history.

Changing Times

Depending on the outcome of a runoff, the next mayor of Boston will be either Michelle Wu, daughter of immigrants from Taiwan, or Essaibi George, daughter of immigrants from Tunisia and Poland. I guess this is the kind of thing that freaks out the MAGA crowd.

Notes from Surreal Land

Rachel Maddow reported that a recent poll indicated that 78% of Republicans believe that the 2020 presidential election was stolen by Biden, up from 70% in April. This is an utterly whacko belief, right up there with the Earth is flat and not far behind the moon is made of green cheese, yet it is cultivated, perpetuated, and elaborated upon, for example with fanstastical orchestrations such as the faux audit of election results in Arizona, now being copied in other states with Republican-controlled legislatures. Our country faces multiple critical challenges. Our ability to deal with them is being hobbled by, to evoke Yeat’s poem “The Second Coming,” “the worst,” who are “full of passionate intensity.”

On Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s Implying That She Is Not a Partisan Hack

Justice Amy Coney Barrett, after being introduced by no-holds-barred hyperpartisan Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell at a venue named for him in Kentucky asserted that she and her high court colleagues aren’t “a bunch of partisan hacks.” This reminded me of a speech made by President Richard Nixon shortly before he was forced to resign for criminally covering up the Watergate burglary, in which he asserted that “I am not a crook.”

Criminal Politicians and Media Figures

A new study reported in The New York Times indicates that if everyone in the United States had become vaccinated as soon as they had a chance, deaths from the pandemic would be many thousands less than the 35,700 reported so far. Politicians and media figures who have discouraged people from being vaccinated or created doubt or confusion among people as to whether federally approved Covid vaccines are safe and effective (which they are), have engaged in reckless endangerment of the lives of millions of people. As I recall, in New York State, and likely in many other states, reckless endangerment is a felony, and reckless endangerment resulting in death an even more serious one.

These reckless and cynical politicians and media figures won’t be prosecuted for the deaths and suffering for which they are responsible, though in a real sense they are criminals.

Vaccine Refusers

What is one to do with these people? They are misguided. They are irrational. Some kind of fear controls their decision making. Powerful emotional forces within them are at work. The more one tries to shame them, argue with them, or coerce them, the more their fear ratchets up, the more adamant they become. One must consider that most of them are no more able to will themselves to abandon their intransigence than they would be able to shake off a Covid infection by willing it to go away.

In situations where it’s feasible, we have to offer alternatives that are emotionally acceptable to them, like weekly testing. We have to empathize with them and gently try to enlighten them and hope that they will gradually come to see that it’s in both their own self-interest and in the interest of others to do what they can to subdue the virus that is the common enemy of us all.

The Pandemic of Irrationality

News Item: A county hospital in upstate New York announced that it will have to stop delivering babies because six staffers resigned and seven more are considering resigning because they don’t want to comply with the hospital’s Covid-19 mandate.

The chief reason why freedom of speech is thought to be desirable is that in the clash of opinions and claims, truth will win out. In situations where there are rational positions to be taken on both sides or where the facts are ambiguous, falsehood may temporarily prevail, but cases where all but an insignificant number of people should readily grasp that the evidence in favor of one proposition and against an opposing one is overwhelming should be quickly resolved.

Presently, we are experiencing a pandemic of irrationality. It’s impossible to predict how long it will last, how much suffering it will produce, or how many deaths it will cause. No cure or vaccine for it has yet been found.

Children of the Same Foul Spirit

Former President George W. Bush, referring at a 9/ll memorial ceremony to the violent extremists who, stirred to action by Trump and his allies, stormed and occupied the Capitol on January 6th in an attempt to block certification of Joe Biden as president: “There is little cultural overlap between violent extremists abroad and violent extremists at home. But in their disdain for pluralism, in their disregard for human life, in their determination to defile national symbols, they are children of the same foul spirit.”

Did any of the Trumpian members of Congress who opposed a Congressional investigation of the January 6 insurrection, promote the Big Lie that the 2020 presidential election was stolen, and are working to set the stage for undermining and, if necessary, overturning the next one wince upon hearing or reading these words? I doubt it. They have already proved that they lack any such emotional capability. Like a former generation’s infamous United States senator, Joe McCarthy, they have no sense of decency. They are incapable of shame.

The Party of Nihilism

It’s not useful to pretend otherwise: Republicans have hitched their wagon to the malevolent star of Trumpism. The Republican Party has become the party of nihilism. The overarching theme of Republican policy positions is negativism. The Republican agenda, regardless of the consequences, is to undermine everything the Biden administration and Congressional Democrats are trying to accomplish. As Jennifer Rubin has pointed out in her Washington Post columns, Republicans have demonstrated that they will not change their ways unless they are enlightened by being voted out of office.

Republicans voted en masse against investigating the January 6th insurrection and attempt to overturn the 2020 presidential election. The Republican House minority leader threatened to retaliate against companies that provide information to the House Select Committee investigating the insurrection. Republicans have undermined the Administration’s attempts to control and end the pandemic, save lives, and reduce misery. Republican have worked on every level to undermine electoral processes to their own advantage. They have demonstrated that they are not responsible opponents and critics of the Administration’s agenda and responsible proponents of alternative policies, but a destructive and dangerous menace.


A friend forwarded to me an op-ed article that suggested that the main problem in America is stupidity. It’s true that stupidity is a big problem, but it’s less of one than either malice, cynicism, mean-spiritedness, greed (whether for money or power), or anti-social behavior to gain the approval of others in one’s cult. These are the characteristics of thugs. These are the qualities that distinguish the character of Donald Trump and his allies and followers. They are displayed in the behavior of politicians and others claiming that mask mandates and vaccination requirements are assaults on sacred values of liberty, when in fact they are sensible measures to save lives and reduce misery. They are displayed in the behavior of politicians and others who promote or acquiesce in Trump’s Big Lie that the 2020 election was stolen and that our electoral processes can’t be trusted and should be set aside when they say so.

Adolph Hitler was a magnet for attracting thugs during the years of the Weimar Republic. Just about every thug in Germany flocked to him. Trump unleashed the thuggish potential of millions of Americans. It’s not unlikely that as large a percentage of the population of our country are thugs or potential thugs as was the case in Germany almost a century ago. Thugs don’t normally determine the character of a nation and the course of history, but in certain circumstances they do.

Biden’s Big Infrastructure Plan

Biden’s big infrastructure plan is designed to lift our country up on all fronts. We’re long overdue for the kinds of initiatives and reforms and nudges and upgrades our country needs, big investments, for example, serious climate-change measures and expanding child care and pre-K care and education, that will yield longterm dividends. The cost, 3.5 trillion, sounds frighteningly high, but that’s the amount spread out over a 10-year period. The cost per year is only 350 billion: not that much compared to the cost of subsidizing big corporations and rich people with a rigged tax code that was enacted by legislators subsidized by big corporations and rich people, a regime that can be scaled down a lot. Even the fat cats would benefit, because they would start living in a more enlightened country and could breathe easier, literally.

A Tale of Two Neighbors

It’s ironic, or some kind of poetic justice, that the Mexican Supreme Court decriminalized abortions within days after Mexico’s Trumpian types-controlled neighbor, the former Mexican province of Texas, passed the most insidious, repressive, illegal (under federal law), and unconstitutional (because the Supreme Court has not yet overruled Roe v. Wade) anti-abortion legislation in United States history. Humanitarian values blossom in Mexico. Self-righteousness and cruelty reign in Texas.

Getting Used to It

Historically, normal early September daily high temperatures where I live, at 6,600’ altitude in southwest Colorado, are in the high seventies or low eighties. Nice. But the forecast for this week is for the high to reach 90 five days in a row. That doesn’t prove there’s global warming going on, but maybe the New York Times online video map does. You can check every day to see how smoke mostly from the California fires spreads across western United States. Of course it’s much worse near where the fires are.

You know about the frog in the pot of water that slowly gets hotter and hotter, but the frog doesn’t jump out because the pot’s heating up so slowly that the frog doesn’t notice. This may be just a story and not really true for frogs, but it does seem to be true for humans. I’ve gotten to take it for granted –– it seems perfectly normal –– that I should check the smoke forecast every morning, just the way I used to check whether it might rain today.

Labor Day Thoughts

It’s ironic that Labor Day is apparently the day unemployment revenues end for millions of people. Republicans talk as if all these people could have gotten jobs, but instead of finding work they sit around expecting and accepting free handouts. There’s a shortage of workers for many jobs, but a lot of people can’t find a job because the skills they have aren’t needed for as many jobs as they used to be, and they don’t have skills that are needed for the kind of jobs that are available. Minimum wage jobs or grueling unpleasant jobs are the only kind of jobs a lot of these people can get, and the federal minimum wage requirement has remained stagnant for decades while the rich and those with the right kind of jobs have been making a lot more and are helped in doing so by tax laws that are in many respects highly regressive and full of loopholes and breaks that favor the rich and influential, and people working at minimum wage can’t make enough to get above the poverty line, and a lot of people who have been out of work for months are shunned or ignored when they try to get a job, and a lot of people don’t get enough to eat or have been, or are in danger of being, evicted out onto the street and aren’t able to get minimally decent health care, and a lot of children are deprived of adequate educational opportunities. The problem isn’t laziness so much as it is that we live in a plutocracy, and too many people who are either mean-spirited, or selfish, or misguided are in positions of power and calling the shots.

Nightmare: A Competent Trump

From time to time I make notes for possible blogs. Sometimes they are just fragments, and I don’t draw on them for a particular blog. Some become fragments of nightmares, like this one, which followed reading the transcript of Michael Moore’s interview with the veteran journalist and Biblical scholar Chris Hedges, who rightly worries that a “competent Trump” becomes president, “a competent fascist who, when they attempt to carry out a coup, actually have organized it to make it work.”

Disaster Areas

Wind Damage, fires, and floods have resulted in various parts of the country being declared a disaster area. if this keeps up, there may be a concatenation of adverse weather events that results in the entire country being declared a disaster area. The most worrisome disaster area is American democracy itself, the latest, perhaps most disturbing indication of which is that a majority of members of the Supreme Court have subordinated fidelity to the Constitution and the rule of law to their personal idealogical convictions.

The Supreme Court and American Democracy

There is an old saying: “The Constitution is what the Supreme Court says it is.” One always presumes that members of the Supreme Court, having been carefully vetted for character and competence and being exceptionally well schooled in the law, will do their best to interpret the Constitution with objectivity and intellectual honesty, and that, however they rule on a Constitutional or other question, it will be based on intellectually defensible reasoning. What if in some cases it isn’t? What if in the worst case, a majority of justices on the Court are of a mind to subordinate the law and the Constitution to their personal ideology? The old saying holds. There is no appeal. And when it happens, it constitutes a possibly mortal wounding of American democracy.

The Tragedy of the Republican Party is America’s Tragedy

Republicans, including the ideologically driven justices who control the Supreme Court, have abandoned all pretense of wanting to preserve American Democracy. The court rejected without comment an emergency petition challenging the new Texas statute restricting abortion that is clearly unconstitutional under existing jurisprudence and empowers self-appointed vigilantes to enforce certain provisions and awards them of bounties for doing so. The law, setting compliant citizens against noncompliant ones, is straight out of the authoritarian playbook. In a no less contemptible exhibition of authoritarian tactics, Kevin McCarthy, the minority leader of the House, warned all the companies that were requested to supply relevant information and records to the House select committee investigating the January 6th insurrection that, if they complied with the committee’s request, Republicans would take revenge against them if they gained control of Congress in next year’s elections.

It’s evident beyond doubt that if Republicans gain control of Congress, they will exercise no restraint in seeking to undermine our democratic principles and institutions in an effort to subject our country to unshakeable long-term one-party rule.

Explaining Behavior of Seemingly Crazy Republicans

One can understand why so many Republicans promote, or at least entertain, or at least look benignly on the Big Lie that our election processes are hopelessly flawed and that the election was stolen from Trump. The reason is that (i) it gives them cover for corrupting and contorting election processes sufficiently so they can gain control both houses of Congress in the 2022 elections and the presidency in the 2024 election, even though a majority of people wouldn’t want that to happen, and (ii) they lack sufficient character and courage to hew to the truth and uphold American democracy if it means that doing so would diminish their chances of gaining power.

That doesn’t quite explain why so many Republicans cast phony doubts on Covid vaccine and why prominent GOP governors like DeSantis (Florida) and Abbott (Texas) ban, or try to ban, mask mandates in schools and other venues, even though their efforts ensure increased spreading of the virus, more hospitalizations, and more deaths. One would think that their crazy tactics would be politically counter-productive. Why do they pursue them? I think the answer is that successfully corrupting and contorting the election process requires sowing confusion and stimulating distrust in government. The more confusion and distrust in government there is, the more likely they are to succeed in gaining power. Their seemingly crazy behavior makes perfect sense.

The Democrats’ Task

The worst thing about the messy, painful, dismaying U.S. pullout from Afghanistan may be the political damage to Biden, threatening to tip the scales against Democrats in the 2022 elections, an event from which disastrous consequences would surely ensue. That’s why it’s more important than ever that as Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin has stressed, “Democrats need to do a much better job explaining how radical, unhinged and dangerous the {Republican} party is.” 

Biden’s Task

Stanford professor and former ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul has laid out the requirements of addressing an important opportunity and challenge Biden has with respect to Ukraine, a critically important country that Putin wants to dominate, subdue, and enfold into his empire. Ukraine has exhibited considerable resilience and independent democratic characteristics, and has a president who has learned a lot since Trump tried to get him to do him “a favor.” To save American democracy and keep alive hope for the world, Biden and his team must undertake constructive engagement and action with respect to Ukraine and on every other important front at home and abroad. Biden’s Afghanistan lapses need not be the defining mark of his presidency.

The Supreme Court and American Democracy

If Democrats get firm control of the White House and both houses of Congress (an unlikely event, though one that’s probably necessary if American Democracy is to be saved), they need to reshape the Supreme Court through legislative reforms, instituting term limits, and probably increasing its size. Their purpose in doing so would not be to politicize the judiciary. To the contrary, it would be to depoliticize the Court and rehabilitate it as an institution distinguished for its integrity, intellectual honesty, and fidelity to the Constitution and the law.

Robert Reich, in one of his acute observations on the state of our nation, has supplied the reason why this is so: “Today’s Supreme Court majority is a group of knee-jerk conservatives whose intellectual leader (to the extent they have one) is Samuel Alito, perhaps the most conceptually rigid and cognitively dishonest justice since Roger Taney.”

The Ubiquity of Religious Perversion

News Item: “Some senior members of the Buddhist clergy have given their blessing to the generals in power.”

The generals referred to seized power in Myanmar (Burma), jailed elected leaders, fired on protestors, and imposed brutal tyrannical rule on the country, the antithesis of Buddhist teachings. The episode is a reminder that no religion is exempt from perversion by sociopaths adept at twisting noble ideas and attracting followers to suit their own malevolent purposes.

Biden’s Approval Rating

Biden’s approval rating has dropped because of his lapses in planning the Afghanistan pullout. It may drop a point or two more because of the ISIS bombing yesterday that killed 13 of our troops and injured a lot more and many civilians as well.

If approval ratings were based on overall performance rather than what’s prominent in the news, Biden’s would be much higher, and if they were based on comparison with Trump or other prominent MAGA crowd-pandering Republican presidential aspirants, higher still.

The Supreme Court, the Law, and Ideology

I won’t attempt echo the assessments of distinguished legal experts set forth in major media outlets yesterday and today concerning the ruling, accompanied by an unsigned opinion, three justices dissenting, of the Supreme Court Tuesday night compelling the Biden administration to revive Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” policy. A good example is the article in today’s Slate by Dahlia Lithwick and Mark Joseph Stern under the heading “The Supreme Court has let a lone Trump judge take over Biden’s foreign policy.” The circumstances and history of this matter are complex and this is not the place for another account of them. I’ll simply say that this decision reveals unequivocally that all six “conservative” (i.e. right-wing) justices of the Supreme Court are driven not by their dedication to law and precedent, but by a deeply held, and in my view deeply perverse, ideology. It’s a decision that bodes ill for the future of American democracy.

Cryptocurrencies and Global Warming

Cryptocurrencies are quite the rage. I understand that they require a tremendous amount of energy. If there’s any reasonable hope of slowing global warming, carbon emissions should be taxed and carbon neutral initiatives should be subsidized, in each case in proportion to their cost or benefit to humanity. If such a policy were followed, I suspect that crypto currencies would fade away. Since such a policy is not likely to be followed, I suspect that they are here to stay.

The Most Deadly Virus

Last evening on his MSNBC news, commentary, and interview show, “All In,” Chris Hayes played a nightmare-inducing, in my case, clip showing Trump at his latest rally in which he fans the flames of hatred, ignorance, and bigotry among the delusion-driven members of his cult. This episode took place in Alabama, which is experiencing a horrifying Covid surge because of widespread vaccine reluctance. Trump said that people should get vaccinated, which elicited some gentle boos. Opposing vaccinations is a cardinal principal of Trump cult mythology. Trump realized his mistake and did his best to remedy it, reassuring the crowd: “You have your freedoms,” adding, in a sarcastic tone, “Take the vaccine. If it doesn’t work, you’ll be the first to know.” Trump continues to be a superspreader of the most deadly virus, the one that corrupts the human brain. It’s rampant in this nation. A lot of people –– including members of Congress, governors, and media figures –– engage in spreading it every day.

The Dalai Lama

Somehow, some years ago, I got on the list of people who see the Dalai Lama’s Facebook postings. I come across one every week or so. I find it instructive, inspiring, in fact, that although he is surely one of the world’s most prominent religious leaders, his teachings require no belief in the supernatural. Piety, ceremony, and faith are beside the point. A posting I read yesterday, began: “Please don’t think that compassion, love and tolerance only belong to religion. They belong to human life.”

Blotting Out Trump: A Correction

Yesterday, after reading yet more sickening accounts of the Administration’s monstrous botching of the Afghanistan pullout, I decided to reread my recent blogs on the subject and noticed something strange about my blog of August 16th, which concluded:

In an astute column in yesterday’s Washington Post, Max Boot reviewed the major blunders relating to Afghanistan made by each of Biden’s three predecessors: Bill Clinton, G.W. Bush, and Barrack Obama, each of them appalling in their wrong-headedness, but none matching Biden’s thoughtlessness in the way he withdrew American forces without regard to the unacceptably disastrous consequences that would very likely ensue.

Checking what Mr. Boot actually wrote: –– “This was a disaster that was produced by four administrations, two Republican (George W. Bush, Donald Trump) and two Democratic (Barack Obama, Joe Biden) –– I realized that my brain inexplicably malfunctioned in blotting out Trump and, no less weird, installing Bill Clinton in his place.

Was that a Freudian slip? My unconscious desire to blot out Trump overcame rational thought?

When the 2020 Democratic presidential primaries were getting underway, I expressed the opinion that Biden was too old to be president. It may be that age was a factor in his blotting out critical facts in planning the withdrawal of our forces from Afghanistan. Maybe I was right that he was too old for the job! Maybe, at 90, I’m too old to publish trustworthy blogs. I’ll leave it to readers to judge whether, whatever flaws may be visible from time to time, most of what I write makes sense.

Affordable Housing

The stalwart progressive Katrina vanden Heuval has pointed out that we have a gargantuan housing problem in the U. S. We have great numbers of people who are homeless, living in substandard housing, or for whom rent eats up an inordinate amount of their income. How do some countries deal with the housing problem? In Vienna, “two-thirds of people live in social housing –– housing built by the government where renters are charged ‘cost-rent’, or the cost of building and maintaining their units.” We could offer options like this in our country, and we would if it weren’t for powerful rich people for whom every measure for the common good is decried as rank socialism, a menace that threatens liberty, decency, and virtue of every man, woman, and child in our great land.


Like a lot of people, I’ve been critical of how Biden handled the pullout from Afghanistan. He blundered badly in failing to evacuate and grant asylum in timely fashion to people likely to be targeted by the Taliban. Republicans have been having a field day claiming that this episode is proof of Biden’s unfitness to be president.

The facts are that someone else might have made a better president, but Biden is generally very capable and he is a good and decent man, whereas the leading Republican candidates to run for president in 2024 have deomonstated their willingness to trash American democracy and substitute lies for truth. Our country is vastly better off with Biden as president than it would be with Trump or anyone who shares or tolerates Trump’s values and attitude.

Doesn’t Biden Get It Yet?

Headline: “U.S. troops will stay in Afghanistan until all Americans leave, Biden says.”

Biden should have said, “U.S. troops will stay in Afghanistan until, among all those who wish to leave the country, all Americans, all those of whatever nationality who aided American forces, and all others who face reprisals from the Taliban have been given the opportunity to leave the country and enabled to find safe haven in the United States or elsewhere.”

Biden’s Blunder and the 2022 Elections

Regardless of whether one thinks Biden was right or wrong in pulling troops out of Afghanistan, his execution of that decision was irrefutably awful. It may turn out to be the political gift Republicans needed to gain control of Congress in 2022, enabling them to weaken democratic institutions sufficiently to gain longterm one-party rule, which would be a signigicantly worse tragedy in the course of world history than the Taliban’s triumph in Afghanistan.

Biden and Afghanistan

Perhaps belatedly understanding the magnitude of his error in failing to ensure the safe exodus of people who have aided the United States before he drew down our armed forces in Afghanistan, Biden has dispatched enough troops to secure the Kabul airport for a limited length of time. This should permit more people who are targeted for death or brutal persecution by the Taliban to find asylum in the United States or elsewhere. In his speech yesterday, Biden said that he was persuaded not to evacuate these people before drawing down troops in part because the Afghan leadership warned that it would be bad for morale and in part because some people were reluctant to leave. Neither of these reasons is in the least convincing. I think Biden was gripped by an idée fixe, an overwhelming impulse to end the war and bring our troops home that crowded other thoughts out of his mind. I think of him as a good, and in many respects capable, man who has often exhibited flawed judgment.


The rapid-fire fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban yesterday was the most sickening news development since the election of Trump to the presidency, which in turn was the most sickening news development since 9/11 and the “preventative war” against Iraq that followed it.

The baleful ramifications of Biden’s miscalculation regarding Afghanistan may embolden propagandistic disinformation machines: Biden lied to us about Afghanistan; what makes you think he isn’t lying to us about vaccines, or about claiming that he didn’t steal the election. Loss of faith in Biden’s judgment could be the tipping point that enables Republicans to take control of Congress in 2022, which in turn could lead to the conversion of our country from a democracy to authoritarian rule.

In an astute column in yesterday’s Washington Post, Max Boot reviewed the major blunders relating to Afghanistan made by each of Biden’s three predecessors: Bill Clinton, G.W. Bush, and Barrack Obama, each of them appalling in their wrong-headedness, but none matching Biden’s thoughtlessness in the way he withdrew American forces without regard to the unacceptably disastrous consequences that would very likely ensue.

Correction: The above blog contains an inexplicable error, which I comment on in my blog of August 22.

Global Warming; Notes from the Field

Headline: “British Columbia battles 300 wildfires at once.” I used to think of Washington and Oregon as being cool and wet in the summer compared to most of the country. I knew that a current of arctic origin flows south along the Pacific Coast, causing ocean water in the vicinity of San Francisco to be considerably colder than off beaches at comparable latitudes on the east coast. I assumed that British Columbia, which lies north of Washington State, would be even more reliably cool and wet. This summer will be remembered for floods and fires, and so may most of the next ones.

The United States Needs a Much More Progressive Tax System

I read some months ago that the new federal stimulus law that temporarily increased the child tax credit had cut child poverty in half. The cost of this was quite large, but very much smaller than the amount of revenue that could be raised by making our tax system only moderately more progressive.

Rich people would be happier if their mindsets were such that they gained greater satisfaction knowing that they had contributed to the elimination of child poverty (giving every child access to a nourishing diet, health care, and educational opportunity) rather than further increasing their wealth and material possessions.

The House Select Committee’s Task

As Jennifer Rubin pointed out in one of her Washington Post columns yesterday, the scope of the House select committee’s investigation of the January 6th Insurrection has been expanded to include the plot to overturn the 2020 election and keep Trump in the White House. The two are intertwined, the Insurrection being a last ditch effort after all other illegal methods for keeping Trump in power had failed.

Trump Must Be Criminally Prosecuted

In our legal system, everyone is presumed innocent until proven guilty, and Trump deserves that presumption just as much as anyone else. But the evidence against him, including his own words and actions, in plotting to nullify the election and inciting the January 6 Insurrection is in plain sight. The evidence is so manifest, so overwhelming, that it would be a monumental affront to justice to let him escape prosecution.

The only reason for the Justice Department not to prosecute Trump is the risk that large numbers of his ideologically driven supporters –– many of them heavily armed –– would resort to violence in an effort to derail the workings of justice. It’s all but certain that Trump would encourage them to do so.

To refrain from prosecuting Trump out of fear would be to abandon the principle that no one is above the law and would invite further attempts to replace American democracy with authoritarian rule. Remember: Our country is the land of the free and the home of the brave. No one, least of all the attorney general of the United States, should be intimidated by a bunch of thugs.

Saying a Lot with Few Words

U Cal Berkeley Professor Robert Reich is a master of social and economic statistics, and a master at juxtaposing them to make a powerful powerful point. Few words are needed, as, for example, in his recent Facebook posting; “I will never be satisfied with a system that enables 713 billionaires to add 1.8 trillion dollars to their wealth in 16 months, but doesn’t raise the $7.25 minimum wage for 12 years.” A single sentence is all that’s needed to cast a glaring light on the extreme income and wealth inequality in our country.

The Challenge That Must Be Met

Goaded, bullied, and encouraged by Trump, all but a few Republicans assented to, and in many cases abetted, his attempt to overturn the election and perpetuate his presidency in classic authoritarian style. As Jennifer Rubin has written, “Quite plainly, with a House majority in hand, the GOP in 2024 could run a more sophisticated rerun of Jan 6 to install a MAGA president — regardless of the voting outcome.” This is the prime challenge our country faces. We can only hope, and work, to meet it.

Ignorance, Resentment, Megalomania, Greed, and Democracy

A lot Trump supporters believe the phony arguments about how the election was stolen. A lot of seditious-prone individuals think that they are like heroes of the American Revolution. A lot of them can’t grasp the distinction between the noble principles that guided George Washington and the megalomaniacal sense of entitlement that guides Donald Trump.

The result of this tragic state of mass ignorance, coupled with stoked-up resentment, coupled with the shameless opportunism and power hunger of Republicans in positions of power and their super rich backers and media allies is a state of affairs in which, as Jennifer Rubin wrote the other day, “Republicans are the immediate threat to our democracy.”

If we survive this immediate threat, Rubin says, “the longer-term problem of civic illiteracy remains. If Democrats do not champion American democratic values, Republicans will continue to trample them.”

Climate Change –– Notes from the Field

This particular apocalypse is happening in slow motion, though in faster slow motion than expected. It’s a bit unsettling to see that our local weather forecast for the last two days hasn’t been something like “fair and warmer” or “likely showers,” but simply “smoke.”

The smoke here mostly comes from fires burning in west coast states, on average roughly a thousand miles away from us. The forecast may be “smoke” for sizable areas of the country for the next month or more. This morning a nearby ridge looked like it was veiled by gauze. I’m guessing that the health effects of breathing outside are similar those from smoking a pack of cigarettes a day. Closer to the fires, two packs. At least most people don’t do that anymore.

The Republicans’s Plan To Steal the 2024 Presidential Election

Of course, they may not need to steal it. Their candidate might prevail by getting the most electoral votes in a reasonably fair election. But fueled by extreme right-wing super rich mega donors, and under color of processes that are nominally legal, Republicans plan to have their candidate installed as president even if they lose the electoral college vote, which is how our presidential elections are supposed to be decided, rather than by the popular vote, even though elections are thereby tilted in favor of Republicans.

In Chris Hayes’s MSNBC news and commentary show last evening, Hayes and his guest, a specialist in election law, laid out how this could happen. That such a thing is possible has largely to do with the byzantine interplay of federal and state constitutions and laws in America’s patchwork federal system and is too complex to describe here, but the threat is real. It’s far from certain that American democracy will survive through 2025.

Trump Should Be Held To Account, Continued

In a Washington Post opinion piece yesterday, Laurence Tribe and two other distinguished law professors, Joyce White Vance and Barbara McQuade, urged the Justice Department to initiate, if it hasn’t already done so, a criminal investigation of the “former president’s dangerous course of conduct.”

Some observers have expressed fear that Attorney General Merrick Garland has been holding back from investigating the former president because he is fixated on appearing to be nonpartisan. The authors of this piece make clear that the danger of giving a pass to presidents whose criminal behavior undermines and threatens our national stability and democratic form of government would encourage a repeat of such behavior. Let’s hope Garland won’t be deterred by anticipation of the howls, accusations, and vicious slurs certain to issue forth from the Trump cult, if Garland refuses to indulge Trump’s fantasy that he is above the law.

Trump Should Be Held To Account

Trump should be criminally prosecuted in a number of jurisdictions on a number of grounds. Whether that will happen is doubtful. In any case, as Robert Reich points out, Trump should be barred from holding office under section 3 of the 14th amendment to the Constitution on the ground that he “engaged in an insurrection” against the United States. Reich says that Attorney General Merrick Garland should issue an advisory opinion clearly stating this. There is a plethora of evidence incriminating Trump on this score, most recently the revelation that on December 27th he called the acting attorney general and told him: “Just say the election was corrupt + leave the rest to me.”

The Badly Weakened Infrastructure Bill

If, as is possible, the roughly one trillion dollar infrastructure bill passes, it will be celebrated as a great triumph of bipartisan achievement. In actuality it’s a travesty of that. As Katrina vanden Hueval pointed out in a column in yesterday’s Washington Post, Republicans succeeded in excising critically important provisions: “funding for research and development, for U.S. manufacturing, for public housing, schools and child-care centers, for home and community-based care, . . .for clean-energy tax credits,{and it cut} proposed funding for public transit by half, for electric vehicles by 90 percent and for broadband by a third.”

Not all Democratic senators, much less any Republicans, understand that evading or eliminating the filibuster is critical to the viability of our country and American democracy.

The Plotters

Three-quarters of a century ago, home-grown demagogues, most notably Senator Joe McCarthy, raised a hue and cry that Soviet agents and American communists were plotting to turn the United States into a communist nation. The danger of that happening was between negligible and nonexistent. Today, as described by the investigative reporter Jane Mayer, in The New Yorker, some extremely rich people are plotting to convert American democracy into a Putin-style, oligarch-friendly, authoritarian form of government. This time, given the movement’s support by the majority of members of the Republican party, insidiously powerful and effective elements in the right-wing media, and widespread susceptibility to contemporary techniques of disseminating and replicating destructive propaganda, the danger is between substantial and critical.

Free and Fair Elections Are Critical to Preserving Democracy

Amazingly, there seems to be a chance –– only a chance, but a fairly good one –- that a bipartisan infrastructure bill will be passed: Enough Republicans realize that upgrading our infrastructure is critically important. The trouble is that no Republican senators are willing to support federal legislation to counter new laws in Republican-controlled key states that are designed to tilt elections in favor of Republican candidates. Ensuring free and fair elections is the most important issue facing our country. Every Democratic senator must understand this principle, and be willing to put all other considerations aside to ensure that effective federal voting rights legislation is enacted.

Republican Strategy

The strategy of the vast majority of Republican office holders and their media confederates is evident from their behavior. As Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin recently explained, their denial of scientific truths, their baseless attacks on experts even though they result in more deaths from the coronavirus, their vicious attacks on elements of the media that don’t support their false narratives, and their continuing promotion of the Big Lie that the 2020 election was stolen are “all attempts to exhaust the public’s trust and capacity for rational judgment.”

No One in a Democracy Is above the Law

News Item: “The Treasury Department must turn over six years of former President Donald J.Trump’s tax returns to House investigators, the Justice Department said in a legal opinion issued on Friday.”

Vladimir Putin is above the law. Xi Jinping is above the law. Trump wants desperately to be above the law. Thankfully, it looks
increasingly likely that this won’t happen.

Fair and Balanced Reporting

I hope that Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin, who wrote about the matter yesterday, stirred some journalists into giving more thought to what fair and balanced reporting requires: For example, it does not require –– it does not permit –– saying, “{A named politician} says that there are real concerns about fraud in the 2020 elections that need to be investigated.” Since the record is clear that all such concerns are baselessly fabricated and bear no relation to the truth, the statement is not worth reporting, or if it is reported, being fair and balanced requires stating that the statement is false. The news involved is not that there may be a genuine issue as to fraud, as the statement suggests, it’s that a particular politician chose to make a false statement. A fair and balanced report of this event would place it in the context of Republicans’s concerted attempts to mislead the public.

The Spirit of the Republican Party

Chris Hayes has tried to pinpoint the spirit of the Republican Party: it’s cruelty. He showed some clips to back up this assertion, including one that showed a right-wing media persnality savagely criticizing Simone Biles for dropping out of the Olympics: she was weak; she let America down; etc. I suspect that this character feels inadequate to the core. Criticizing someone who is a great athlete and a lovely sensitive human being is his way of trying to prop up his battered ego. He likely has a population of regular listeners who are as mean-spirited as he is. Trump epitomizes this malevolent strain of personality and cultivated it in others. People like that can’t feel shame, an emotion that never seeps into the narcissistic bubble they inhabit and are helpless to escape.

Is this really the spirit of the Republican Party? Maybe it’s not, but it’s certainly pervasive among a lot of Republican office holders, media people, and their supporters.

Notes from Surreal Land, continued

Yesterday, the Justice Department, led by attorney general Merrick Garland, took a stand in defense of the real. In its brief filed in federal court, the Department stated that it “cannot conclude that {Republican Congressman Mo} Brooks was acting within the scope of his office or employment as a Member of Congress at the time of the incident out of which the claims in this case arose,” and that “inciting or conspiring to foment a violent attack on the United States Congress is not within the scope of employment of a Representative—or any federal employee.”

Brooks’s claim to the contrary was surreal. That there was any doubt that it would be rejected was surreal. It’s astonishing enough that Garland’s phrasing of the Department’s statement –– “we cannot conclude that . . . “ sounded as if he had tried to agree with Brroks’s argument, but just couldn’t do it. Another, no less honorable, attorney general might have treated it with scorching contempt, which is what it deserved. But that’s not Garland’s way, which may be just as well. It’s not a bad philosophy to cast as much light with as little heat as possible.

Notes from Surreal Land

Jennifer Rubin reported that today, Tuesday, July 27, 2021, “the Justice Department and the House of Representatives will file briefs explaining to a federal court whether each believes that Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) was acting within the scope of his employment when he allegedly incited the violent attack on the Capitol and sought to subvert the peaceful transfer of power on Jan. 6.”

This is more surreal than any of the surreal events I’ve yet commented on. That anyone could question whether such activity could be within the scope of “official duties” is both bizarre in the extreme and very disturbing. If I find out what happened in this matter, I’ll report on it tomorrow.

Protecting Voting Rights

In a thoroughgoing review yesterday of President Biden’s remarks concerning the necessity of federal legislation to protect voting rights against the assaults mounted in key states controlled by Republicans, Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin rightly dismissed anyone’s hopes that support could be found on the part of ten Republican senators, which is what would be required if the filibuster rule is allowed to remain intact. She warned against imagining that “passing a big economic agenda, coupled with super-duper organizing, is enough for Democrats to keep the House and Senate in 2022,” and that to rely on such a strategy is to take “an enormous risk and disregards the potential of Republicans attempting to overturn election results.” American democracy remains in deep peril.

Extreme Income and Wealth Inequality

It’s a bad sign that income and wealth inequality have become increasingly extreme in our country. In one of his recent Facebook posts, Robert Reich noted that the net worth of the richest 1% of the population is $41.52 trillion and the net worth of least rich 50% is $2.62 trillion. Imagine that the total amount of wealth in our country were the same as it is now, but our tax and subsidy system and social policies had been such that the richest 1% had only $38.9 trillion instead of $41.52 trillion and the least rich had $5.24 trillion instead of $2.62 trillion. The wealth of the least rich 50% would have doubled, making a huge difference in their lives, and the wealth of the richest 1% would have been reduced by an amount that would in no case result in more than a minor, albeit for many of them annoying, inconvenience. Our society would be healthier for it.

Tax Evasion and Tax Avoidance

Tax avoidance is taking advantage of provisions in the tax law that enable one to legally pay lower taxes. Tax evasion is criminal violation of provisions in the tax law, resulting in lower taxes being paid than should be. At the behest of rich donors to their political campaigns, politicians holding office (mostly Republicans) have succeeded in weaving many provisions into the Internal Revenue Code that provide their supporters with numerous avenues for tax avoidance. That’s what people like Senator Elizabeth Warren are talking about when they say the system is “rigged.”

Republicans in Congress evidently think that the system isn’t rigged enough. Of course they would never advocate tax evasion, as distinguished from tax avoidance, but they strenuously oppose providing the Internal Revenue Service with sufficient funds to adequately enforce the tax laws, even though it’s incontrovertible that doing so would discourage tax evasion and would bring a high return on investment that would materially help finance government expenditures and reduce the government’s annual deficit.

A Salute to Nancy Pelosi

Republican politicians and propagandists revile Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi because she is such an intelligent, decent, and effective leader. I watched her on television yesterday making the case for a thorough investigation of the January 6th insurrection and attempt to overturn the election of Joe Biden as president. She spoke plainly, truthfully, and rationally, without rancor, rhetorical flourish, or partisan heat. The contrast between her and bombastic, duplicitous, mean-spirited, self-aggrandizing, grandstanding of dishonorable characters like Republican Senate Minority Leader Kevin Minority or the Fox News propagandist Tucker Carlson –– and I regret to say those two could be just the beginning of a long list of prominent Trumpian type Republicans –– couldn’t be more clear.

We Can Run from Global Warming But We Can’t Escape

A few weeks ago, when it was really really hot in southwestern Colorado, even at 6,600’ elevation, where I live, I thought, Where would be a good place to move to, at least theoretically? I settled on Montana, near the Canadian border, about 12 degrees of latitude farther north and near Glacier National Park. That sounded cool. That was then, but now we’re getting showers here and tolerable summer temperatures, but it’s been in the high nineties in northern Montana. Cross that off the list. On TV last evening I saw that visibility in the New York City area was markedly reduced by smoke. An animated map showed it mostly came from Manitoba or thereabouts. Meanwhile, our government is struggling to deal with imperatives and crises. I’m in awe of all the good people trying to right wrongs and make the world a better place, but so many people are cynical or nihilistic or self-obsessed –– I could name a couple of dozen public figures without taking a breath. It’s a huge challenge trying to save American democracy, much less the planet, and no, Mr. Bezos, we can’t escape into space.

Biden after Six Months

In a Washington Post column well worth reading this morning, Jennifer Rubin provides a clear-headed commentary on Biden’s performance during his first six months in office. It’s been generally excellent, though not free of lapses and serious concerns. We have been spared the horror of a second Trump term in office, but his malevolent spirit lives on in the hearts and minds of all but a handful of Republicans, whose control of key state governments, coupled with the perverseness of key members of Congress, bodes ill for the land.

Trump’s Pinch Hitter

At a recent meeting of C-Pac, the primary doctrinal testing ground and core ideological tuning component of the Republican Party, the overwhelming favorite for a pinch hitter if (God forbid) the party’s 2024 presidential nominee has to be someone other than the sociopathic former president was Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. No wonder! DeSantis has displayed insuperable credentials as a Trump-class crude and irredeemably unprincipled demagogue by such behavior as offering in his campaign fundraising operation merchandise emblazoned with the slogan “Don’t Fauci My Florida.”

Gaining Perspective

It must have been a heady experience for billionaire Richard Branson, flying to “the edge of space,” and probably will be for superbillionaire Jeff Bezos, who is expected to get even higher this week. Branson says he would like it if everyone in the world could fly into space. Robert Reich says, “Can we please start with everyone having access to health care?” I think the problem is that getting very rich tends to distort one’s thinking, like being on drugs. You can lose perspective, and you can’t regain it by looking down from 55 miles up in the extremely thin air.

Truth, Justice, and Republicans

Back in radio days, there was a popular crime series titled “Mr. District Attorney.” As I remember, the program began with the title character promising, in ringing tones, to uphold “truth, justice, and the American Way.” If Republicans succeed in their efforts to so warp our electoral processes that they can achieve long-term, one-party, authoritarian rule, the district attorney would have to decide whether to fight for truth and justice or the American way, which would have become the GOP’s way, described recently by Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin as “horrifying in its contempt for truth, disdain for democracy and embrace of racism.”

The Gathering Storm, Continued

If, as appears likely, Democrats are unable to pass federal legislation to contravene laws enacted in Republican-controlled states designed to undermine voting rights and integrity of elections, can Democrats rely on the courts to protect such blatant assaults on basic constitutional rights? One would think so, but it doesn’t look likely. In an interview with Chris Hayes, former attorney general Eric Holder, speaking of the Supreme Court, commented,“I think we need to be very worried about this court. They have demonstrated an ideological distaste for protecting the right to vote.”

The Gathering Storm

The heading for my blog today is the title of Volume One of Winston Churchill’s six-volume history of World War II. It’s also an apt title to describe the present political situation in the United States. In a searing column that appeared in last evening’s online Washington Post, Paul Waldman recounted a conversation he had with Yale historian Timothy Snyder, an expert on how authoritarian factions have toppled democracies. Snyder noted that the January 6th insurrection was a failed coup, and that “a failed coup is practice for a successful coup.” The evidence is overwhelming that Republicans are gearing up to take power in 2024 even if they lose the election. They’re setting the stage for it. They control the governments of critical swing states, and they have the power to enact laws that have the effect of controlling election outcomes. They’re doing just that, and they’ll get away with it unless they’re blocked by federal legislation to protect voting rights. As of this writing, it doesn’t look likely that Democrats can get any such legislation passed by the senate. The storm clouds are gathering in our country. They are growing darker and drawing closer.

Election Rigging and Its Consequences

Washington Post opinion column headline this morning: “Democrats will lose if they don’t prevent the rigging of our elections.”
    This might just as well have read: “Democracy will lose if Democrats can’t prevent the rigging of our elections.”
    Or, more to the point: “Democracy will be lost if Democrats can’t prevent the rigging of our elections.” This is evident, because, if Republicans are able to gain control of the federal government by rigging elections, they will use that power to rig them even more decisively in the future.

The Effects of Drought and Heat in the West

News Item: ” As of Monday, 59 large fires have burned 863,976 acres across the country this year, according to the National Interagency Fire Center.”

One of the pleasures of living in Colorado is looking at the landscape. A short walk from our house brings into view a cluster of mountains that rise well above the timber line. They’re between about ten and thirty miles distant, but are sharply defined and decked with snow most of the year. Since we returned here from travels ten days ago, the mountains appear as if seen through a thin layer of gauze. Throughout western United States, this summer, visibility is reduced by the countless smoke particles in the air. I’ve seen a video simulation of how smoke drifts downwind from fires. Sometimes I can smell the smoke; sometimes not.

Spacey Competition

There was quite a hoopla yesterday when billionaire Richard Branson and some others flew in a special plane that went as high as 53 miles above sea level, to “the edge of space.” That compares with the paltry six or seven miles above sea level most of us have ever gone riding in commercial jets. Branson accomplished this feat nine days ahead of when billionaire Jeff Bezos expects to fly to “the edge of space” in his special plane. You might think that therefore Branson won this important competition, but don’t be so sure! Officials at Bezos’s company claim that “the edge of space” only begins 62 miles above the Earth’s surface, and that Bezos’s special plane will get that far, but Branson’s didn’t. To put it all in perspective: The first people to reach the moon got there over fifty years ago, and the moon is about 239,938 miles farther above sea level than either Branson or Bezos are going. I’m reminded of the limerick, “You can tell the men from the boys by the price of their toys.”

Robert Draper: To Start a War: How the Bush Administration Took America into Iraq

This would be at the top of my list of books all policy makers should read, a lucid account of one of the most notable American tragedies in a long succession of them. I remember in the months after 9/11 shuddering upon hearing about the need for a “preventive war,” how our military could produce “shock and awe,” the desirability of torturing prisoners, and the “mission accomplished.” Today, our country is locked in internal confrontations, confrontations with other nations, and confrontations with nature. What tragedies lie ahead?

American Democracy and the Political Reality

Yesterday, Washington Post columnist Paul Waldman laid out the political reality: (i) By 2022, Republican-controlled legislatures in key states will have enacted laws that will make it much harder for Democrats to win elections; (ii) With the help of two complicit Democratic senators, Republicans have blocked passage of federal legislation that would protect voting rights; and (iii) a solid majority of ideologically driven justices of the Supreme Court have demonstrated that they won’t invalidate state-enacted laws relating to the electoral process. As a result, Democrats will have to make prodigious efforts to have a chance of stopping Republicans from taking control of Congress in 2022 and the presidency in 2024. If Democrats fail to win this uphill battle, Republicans will likely be able to rig the system even more tightly in their favor and achieve long-term one-party minority rule, thereby supplanting American democracy with an authoritarian form of government.

Afghan Translators

Afghan translators and their families and others who helped U.S. forces are slated for death at the hands of the Taliban. Biden has promised to protect them and welcome them to the U.S. The idea is to fly them to Guam for processing and grant them asylum here. But will the U.S. be able to make good on this promise? I read that 90% of U.S. forces have already been withdrawn. Just as an honorable captain of a sinking ship doesn’t leave it until all the passengers and crew are in the lifeboats, so U.S. forces shouldn’t leave Afghanistan until all Afghans who aided us are on their way to a safe haven.

The Competition with China

America is locked in competition with China, which threatens to surpass us economically, technologically, and militarily. China has a tightly controlled authoritarian form of government. The U.S. has a semi-functional semi-democratic form of government. In the U.S. liberty is the primary value. In China, submission to its ruler is the primary value. Some Republicans are suggesting that to prevail over China, the U.S. must be governed the way China is. They don’t seem to realize that becoming like China is losing to China.

Notes from Surreal Land

Washington Post columnist Max Boot reports that “86 percent of Democrats have gotten at least one vaccine shot, compared with only 45 percent of Republicans,” and that “47% of Republicans say they likely won’t get vaccinated, compared with only 6 percent of Democrats.”

It’s one thing for Republicans to promulgate the massive false narrative that the election was stolen –– it’s malevolent, but at least it’s rational, because it’s necessary to achieving their goal of transforming America from a constitutional democracy to one-party authoritarian rule –– but it’s another thing to promulgate a massive false narrative that is certain to result in many more Republicans getting sick and dying of Covid-19 than Democrats. That’s both malevolent and irrational.

Six Months after the Insurrection

Six months after the January 6th insurrection, American democracy is like a prizefighter reeling from a telling blow, struggling to shake off brain fog and stay upright. All but a handful of Republicans have subscribed to a false narrative about the election and the insurrection. Let’s hope that the select committee constituted by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will shine a bright light on the facts and that American democracy will still be standing at the end of the round. We have entered the age in which one of our two major political parties has renounced the American compact and seeks to convert our government to one-party authoritarian rule.

Road Report

Sara and I returned to Durango, Colorado, yesterday after driving six days from eastern Long Island, visiting relatives along the way. Notable were the tremendous numbers of trucks on the highways, the haze that hangs over much of the landscape, and, in Colorado, the destruction of spruce forests by beetles that flourish in the warmer dryer conditions. My most vivid visual memory, formed in eastern Colorado, fifty miles east of where the Rocky Mountains begin to loom through the haze to the west, is of a gently rising grassy green slope culminating in a distant ridge graced with power-generating windmills with immense, slowly turning, arms. Later we pass some, close by on either side. I think they are beautiful and wonder whether my esthetic judgment is affected by associating them with efforts to slow global warming.

Blog Break

Tavelling for a few days –– driving west to Colorado. This blog will resume on July 5.

A General Feeling of Disquietude, continued.

Also contributing to my feeling of disquietude is the high percentage of Americans who are inlined to follow an authoritarian figure and reject democratic values, more so, apparently, than in other Western democracies. This tendency is linked to the powerful influence of America’s version of evangelical Christianity, aspects of which are strikingly antithetical to Jesus’s teachings. Submitting to a higher authority is an easy path for some people to take, so that even if means being loyal to someone like Trump, it’s justifiable, a perversion of the idea that God works his will in mysterious ways.

A General Feeling of Disquietude

That’s what I have, and am trying to figure out what’s causing it. I selected the following: the fact that a substantial percentage of Americans are people driven by resentment, are receptive to propaganda and conspiracy theories, have no sense of caring about the common good, and are so numerous that unprincipled politicians and media personnel pander to them, encourage their fantastical thinking, and court their money and their votes; that democracy is being beaten into insensibility, in China and Russia, of course, but is on the ropes even in India, Brazil, and elsewhere, and is at grave peril in our own beleaguered country; the fact that the most reliably cool part of the United States, the Pacific Northwest, is experiencing temperatures in excess of 100 degrees, in some places in excess of 110, providing the clearest sign I’ve seen yet that humanity is headed toward self-extinction. I’m sure there are other elements of my general feeling of disquietude, but I’ve yet to pin them down. I must reflect some more.

The U.S. Intelligence Report about UFOs

U.S. Intelligence released a report on UFOs (now called unidentified aerial objects) after studying numerous sightings of them over the past few years, mostly apparently by Navy pilots. Some sightings have been confirmed to be optical illusions; some may be more in the nature of pranks; others maybe something else. Among the something else categories are craft sent by advanced alien civilizations based elsewhere in the galaxy. If so, so far, at least, they haven’t harmed any Earthlings, and the right attitude toward them, I maintain, is to let them have their fun,

Why Republicans Resort to Promoting Lies and Voter Suppression

Sometimes one comes across a brief observation that has great explanatory power. This happened to me yesterday when I read this one by someone named Tressis McMillan Cotton: “An intellectually impotent ideology and party –– when it cannot win, it will cheat.”

Investigating the Jan. 6th Insurrection

Republicans shamefully blocked establishment of an independent bipartisan commission to investigate the Jan. 6th Insurrection, including Trump’s role in inciting it. Attorney General Merrick Garland, concerned about appearing to be politically motivated, shied away from initiating a Justice Department investigation. Accordingly, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has announced that the House will form a select committee to conduct such an investigation, breathing life into our imperiled democracy.

“Merrick Garland is the wrong man for the job.”

This is the heading of one of Jennifer Rubin’s online Washington Post columns yesterday. It reflects a highly important unfortunate situation: No one was more qualified to be attorney general of the United States than Merrick Garland. After witnessing the subjugation of the Justice Department to the self-serving will of the sociopathic former president, and how the Department became sullied by corruption, bad faith, politicization, and unethical conduct on the part of Trump DOJ appointees and complicit subordinates, Garland resolved that not only would he adhere to the highest standards of conduct, but that he would make every effort to avoid any taint of politicalization, a stance that bespeaks his impeccable character and professionalism, but amounts to sweeping under the rug gross wrongdoings during the Trump administration, which, if the health of our democracy is to be restored, must be brought to light. 

The Tilted Political Playing Field

Republican-controlled state governments have instituted laws and procedures that will have the effect of tilting elections in favor of Republican candidates. Republican senators have succeeded in blocking passage of federal legislation that would contravene these brazenly antidemocratic authoritarian-inspired measures. As a result, the federal elections playing field has become tilted in favor of Republicans. Democrats are substantially less likely to be victorious in the 2022 and 2024 elections. Trump is fading away, but so is American democracy.

Will Attorney General Merrick Garland Do the Most Important Part of His Job?

A full and unflinching investigation of egregious instances of the politicalization of the Justice Department during the Trump years is one of the requisites to restoring the health of our democracy. Merrick Garland, the superbly qualified new Attorney General, seems to be shying away from any action, whether justified or nor, that would give Republicans and right-wing media talking points for accusing him of waging a campaign of retribution against Trump appointees. If Garland has elevated bipartisanship and collegiality above the interests of justice and the preservation of our democracy, it’s lamentable. As Jennifer Rubin wrote in one of her Washington Post columns yesterday, “Refusing to learn about the events of the past four years amounts to endorsement of their misdeeds. We cannot restore the {Department of Justice} to its former stature by giving miscreants a pass.”

Happy Summer Solstice

The solstice may seem like an inadequate excuse to be happy, but any port in a storm, I say.

I notice this blog has been less “daily” lately. That’s because I’m visiting family and have been drawn into an unaccustomed whirlwind of activity, leaving little space in my head for contemplation of public and international affairs; not that a lot doesn’t weigh on my mind, for example, will most of the country west of the continental divide be smoky all summer?

The Power Player and the Compromiser

Mitch McConnell, the majority leader of the senate, who is the most powerful Republican politician not counting the ghost of Donald Trump, is determined to block every piece of legislation the Biden administration advances, regardless of whether doing so would be good for our country or not. That’s because McConnell doesn’t care a whit about our country. He only cares about gaining and solidifying power. Nearly all his Republican colleagues follow his lead. After rejecting his own party’s position on voting rights legislation, Democratic senator Joe Manchin, a great believer in bipartisanship, advanced a compromise and persuaded some Republican senators to endorse it. Predictably, McConnell rejected it. Attempting to reach a bipartisan consensus would contravene his basic credo: Block everything Democrats want.

Will Manchin learn from this the limits of “bipartisanship?
My guess is that he will, but pretend he hasn’t.

The Most Important News Every Day

The media reports the current events daily, but far more important than the latest news, whatever it may be, is the old news, evidence for which keeps piling up, that with near unanimity Republicans have decided that they can’t gain control of the federal government through democratic processes and that their only hope for gaining and retaining power is to use every means possible to turn American democracy into one-party authoritarian government, a goal they are tirelessly working to achieve. It’s news that, given its importance, warrants a large-type, bold-faced banner headline every single day.

Summer Reading

I’m traveling and Sara and I are hanging out for most of June near the beach on the east end of Long Island. it’s hard to hard to work on the science fiction novel I’m writing in these circumstances, so I’m taking a break for “summer reading.” A book that’s sat on the edge of my consciousness for many decades is Jack Kerouak’s “On the Road,” written in the time of the hippies, the 1960s, I think. I got a copy, expecting just to read a bit of it to satisfy my curiosity and am finding it very engaging. Kerouak doesn’t bother much with paragraphing, much less division into chapters –– his narration just flows along. The events described are mundane, the characters unremarkable, but the book evokes life as it’s lived by a lot of people, a series of things that, with variations, keep happening day after day and what your reaction is to them, when you have a reaction rather than just having them wash over you. I’ve grown to think that being sensitive and attuned to and observing nature is important, so I’m rereading Annie Dillard’s” A Pilgrim at Tinker Creek.” She lived alone for a while in a cabin near a water course of that name in the mountainous part of Virginia. She’s an observer par excellence and a very good writer to boot. The book won the Pulitzer Prize for general non fiction the year it was published, about four or five decades ago. Next up, one just published: mathematician Joran Ellenberg’s “Shape –– The Hidden Geometry that’s the Basis of Information, Biology, Strategy, Democracy, and Everything Else.” Intriguing!

End Destitution in the United States

I favor medicare for all and for having the U.S. government pay everybody enough monthly income so that, if that is your only income and even if you have little or no assets, you’ll still be able to eat enough to stay nourished and have shelter from the elements –– enough so that many may still be very poor, no one will be left destitute. This program can be financed by a much more progressive and effective tax system, including closing tax loopholes and rigorously enforcing laws relating to collection of taxes.

It is said that in such a society, a large percentage of people would take the money and sit around and contribute nothing to society rather than work. This would not be the case, because this minimum income would be like social security income. Any income anyone can make from work would be added to it rather than substituted for it. Only an insignificant percentage of people would choose to be indolent and remain in impoverished circumstances rather than work and achieve greater economic flexibility. Such people are almost invariably incapable for one reason or another of contributing to society in any case.

It is also said that those who can contribute a lot to society would lose incentive to work and be creative if they had to pay significantly more in taxes. This not the case: Truly creative and productive people are ones who are motivated by inner drive to be creative and productive. They don’t yearn to do nothing but slouch around in comfortable circumstances just because they can’t get much richer anymore than impoverished people yearn to slouch around in shabby circumstances just because they won’t go to bed cold and hungry.

Unfortunately, it would take considerable enlightenment on the part of the public and policy makers –– a revolution of desires –– for such a transformation of our society to be achieved.

The Super Rich and the System

In her New York Times column today, Maureen Dowd rightly rails over the extent to which the super rich avoid taxes. They get away with it thanks to politicians whose political campaigns they finance and provisions in the Internal Revenue Code drafted by lobbyists they hire. It’s disgusting, and the same can be said about those who are content to perpetuate it.

Legend on a Bumper Sticker: Just Be Nice

You can’t distill all the wisdom in the world into
three words, but this is a good try.


News Item: “Water levels {in Lake Mead} have fallen140 feet since 2000, leaving the reservoir 36 percent full.”

Headline: “Record heat forecast in the Southwest next week, and worsening drought.”

Cmmentary: “The billionaires got a lot richer during the pandemic.”

Editorial Heading: “The Myanmar military government imprisoned 50 journalists — including two Americans.” 

Tax Policy

Columnist’s Headline: “Think twice before changing the tax rules to soak billionaires”

Right. Better yet, think eight or nine times. The Internal Revenue Code is enormously complicated. Impulsively enacted changes can cause deleterious unintended consequences. But that doesn’t mean that the U.S. doesn’t need a much more progressive tax structure. A special commission composed of honorable experts should be appointed to study how the Code should be revised and what supporting measures should be enacted to efficiently and fairly raise revenue and reverse the trend toward ever greater income inequality.

There’s not the faintest reason to have the faintest hope that such a thing can happen.

Democrats Should Concentrate on Winning Elections

Democratic senator Joe Manchin is firmly on record that he prefers to be “bipartisan” than oppose Republicans’s efforts to manipulate electoral processes as a means of gaining control of the federal government. In a Washington Post column yesterday, Jennifer Rubin sensibly advises Democrats that it would be both futile and counterproductive to admonish Manchin. Concentrate on winning elections, she says. Win enough of them and you can gain control by a sufficient margin so you’re not dependent on unreliable fellow Democrats. Unfortunately, because of structural reasons, for example Wyoming having the same number of senators as California, which has a vastly greater number of citizens, gerrymandering, voter suppression laws, and other anti-Democratic mechanisms, to win elections in some key states Democrats will have to attract substantially more voters who favor Democratic candidates than Republican candidates.

Is American Democracy on the Way Out?

Robert Reich, who has a long and distinguished record in academia and public service, lays out the dark truth: America is on course to transition from a Constitutional democracy to one-party authoritarian rule. Referring to the Democratic senators who are so intent on exhibiting their “independence” that they are willing, as Lincoln put it, to “meanly lose . . . the last best hope on earth,” Professor Reich wrote yesterday, “Make no mistake: By refusing to end the filibuster, Manchin and Sinema are giving Republicans the green light to cheat their way to victory in 2022, 2024, and every election thereafter.”

Shrinking Lakes

Yesterday I came upon the saddest picture I’ve seen in a long time, an aerial photo of a once large lake in California that looked as if it had about a tenth as much water in it as it should have. It was evidently once a popular lake for houseboats, because dozens of them were clustered into the part of the lake that was still wet. The scene reminded me of one I remember coming upon on an ocean beach –– a tidal pool with dozens of minnows clustered in an ever shrinking volume of water. The article opposite the California lake picture was about how the western United States is in the grip of worsening longterm drought. The article’s text was almost superfluous.

The Future of Covid-19

News Item (from Nature, a leading science magazine): “B.1.617.1 carries a mutation called 484Q, which [compared to B.1.1.7} is more strongly associated with vaccine escape.”

It looks as if U.S. deaths from Covid-19 will top out at a little more than 600,000, but the toll could shoot up to over a million if a variant emerges that is largely impervious to current vaccines. That’s why it’s essential to vaccinate as many people in the world as possible. Reduction of new cases equals reduction in odds of a variant emerging that is capable of “vaccine escape”.

Triumph and Tragedy

This was the title of Winston Churchill’s final volume in his monumental history of World War II. It could also be title of a history of the U.S. 2020 elections. The Democrats succeeded, albeit by the narrowest of margins, in gaining control of the presidency and both houses of Congress, but their victory has been ruthlessly undermined on the federal level by Republican obstructionism and on the state level, where Republicans control key legislatures and governorships, by passage of measures aimed at converting our country’s form of governance from a Constitutional democracy to one-party authoritarian rule.

Republicans could be thwarted, and American democracy sustained for many more years, were it not for Democratic senators Joe Manchin, of West Virginia, and Kyrsten Sinema, of Arizona, who have declared themselves unwilling to vote to abolish or suspend an archaic anti-democratic rule in the U.S. Senate, the filibuster, in order to assert federal authority to protect and preserve the electoral process in federal elections.

Investigation of the January 6th Insurrection

Jennifer Rubin, whom I regard as the most insightful of the Washington Post columnists, has adopted a policy of selectively answering questions submitted by readers. I asked her this one yesterday:

In the wake of Republicans blocking Congressional authorization of a commission to investigate the January 6th insurrection, what steps are being taken by appropriate Congressional committees to conduct their own investigations; to what degree will they be coordinated; will they possibly produce a report embracing their collective findings; to what degree will they be able bring out the key facts that Republicans are trying to keep hidden; and can this be accomplished sufficiently in advance of the 2022 elections?

Losing Democracy to Save the Filibuster

In a Facebook posting this morning, Robert Reich observed: “Future generations won’t understand why we were willing to lose American democracy because a few people wanted to preserve the filibuster.” Madness, perhaps, or malevolence, or some combination of the two? Future generations will theorize endlessly, but they will never understand it: By its nature, it’s incomprehensible.

The Constitution and the Bible

I read that a new edition of the Bible has come out, with the Constitution appended to it, reminding me of the bumper sticker I saw on a pickup truck that said: “I have my Bible, my Constitution, my Bible, and my gun: I am an American.”

A Cosmologist Considers the Mortality of the Universe

Katie Mack, a cosmologist and authority on the end of the universe, begins her brief Ted Talk on that subject by saying, “I love the universe.” I hadn’t heard anyone say that before, but was pleased to hear it. I feel a lot of affection for the universe myself. It belongs to all of us, and all of us belong to it, and it’s impossible to say much about it that isn’t a hopeless understatement. According to the latest scientific findings, the universe is going to die. Ninety percent of the stars that will ever form, have already formed, and every one of them is doomed.The universe will hang on for hundreds of billions of years, but it’s already over the hill. I empathize with Professor Mack’s dismay that this object she loves will die and share her happiness that we have come to know it so well.

Battle of the Titans

In what may be the greatest sporting event of the 21st Century, two of the richest people on the planet, Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos, are competing with each other for who will be the biggest space travel tycoon. Each wants to establish a base on Mars, the well-known red-tinged planet that is vastly less hospitable to human life than the interior of Antartica. Musk and Bezos are both geniuses, though not in how they spend their money.

Demographic Trends

I read that the rate of world population growth is falling. This is regarded in some quarters as cause for alarm: Suppose population growth levels off, or worse, begins to fall. Economic growth would stagnate. Unemployment would rise, or, on the contrary, not enough goods could be produced. My view is that leveling off of population growth is essential to the long-term survival of our species. It would be best for population to trend down to levels where despoilation of the environment is reversed. Why not free people for better and more creative living and let robots do the work?

Self-Interest and Generosity

I read two articles, each making a persuasive case that the U.S. should mount an effort to vaccinate everyone in the world. Apparently that could be accomplished with 50 billion dollars, diplomacy, determination, arm-twisting, and refusing to be deterred by whining and complaining on the order of “We have enough to do at home without trying to take care of hundreds of other countries” and “This is liberal extreme-left-wing socialism on steroids.” In this case, and in a lot of other cases, by the way, generosity is in our own self-interest. If we don’t come close to stamping out Covid-19 globally, outbreaks will continuously occur. The more cases that occur, the more variants will occur. The more variants that occur, the more likely it is that one or more will be especially lethal, or transmissible, or resistant to vaccines, or a combination thereof, and, given the volume and ubiquity of international air travel, a highly transmissible virus anywhere is a direct threat everywhere. Such an initiative would also help reestablish the U.S. as an enlightened and generous-spirited world leader, all but erasing the image of an incompetent, corrupt, buffoonish, pathetic, failing state mirroring the mental processes of our disgraced former president.

An Inside Report from a Quality Inn

In Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, tonight after two days of unremarkable driving from St. Louis. Unremarkableness isn’t good from the standpoint of a blog writer, though it’s what most travelers seek. Our motel tonight –– a Quality Inn –– has two framed identical pictures on the wall. Did the Quality Inn company get a huge discount for buying in bulk, precluding having different pictures in the same room? Do all Quality Inns have the same two pictures? I’m curious about it, but not curious enough to investigate.

Tomorrow: back to weightier issues.

Descending through Kansas and Missouri; Checking up on the News.

Kansas is the tilted state. It slopes downward from Colorado to Missouri, losing about 3,000 feet of altitude from its west to its east boundary. The terrain continues to slope west to east through Missouri, though much more gently, until by the time you reach St. Louis, and the Mississippi River, you’re only about 450 feet above sea level, and summer sultriness has set in by late May.

Sara and I are staying here a couple of nights, visiting her relatives. Time to catch up on news. Let’s see — a poll says that 53% of Republicans think Trump is the true president. Another segment of Republicans think Trump isn’t the true president but that the election was stolen from him. As Jennifer Rubin wrote in a Washington Post column this morning, “There is no way to ‘understand’ MAGA voters . . . They are beyond the bounds of rational political debate.”

Sunday in Kansas

Sunday, we spent most of the time driving east on I-70, which seems to go on forever through this impressively wide state. Livening up what otherwise would have been an uninspiring day was the assembling of demonstrators, I guess they would be called, on overpass bridges, people holding American flags and other types of flags, and waving at occupants of approaching cars. The occasion seems to have been the one-year anniversary of the murder of Geoge Floyd by a police officer. Apparently that was a reason to show loyalty to the disgraced former president and support his false claim that the election was stolen from him. Trump and his supporters have been working furiously to supplant constitutional democracy with authoritarian rule. I wonder how many of these flag-waving folks appreciate the irony of affecting patriotism in their support of a movement to overthrow the government of the United States.

Hitting the Road

Saturday, Sara and I started driving from Durango Colorado to Long Island, taking it slow and visiting relatives along the way. Last night we stayed in Limon, which is fifty miles or so east of Denver.

Highlights: the strangely beautiful landscape east of Wolf Creek Pass; the saddening devastation of spruce forests in the vicinity of the pass, the work of pine bark beetles, which thrive as the climate warms; the etherial beauty of black angus cows against bright green grass of meadowlands; leaving the mountains behind and entering the great plains; driving through a windmill farm –– we slow and open windows, hoping to hear the whirring blades; can’t, but they are majestic. I wondered what Don Quixote would have thought of them. The blades don’t sweep close enough to the ground to hack at them with a sword.

The brooding dark clouds. Rain, driving rain; hail, near darkness an hour before sunset. We pull over and wait till it lets up, though we’re only half a mile from La Quinta Inn, where we’re booked for the night. When we got there, a couple of dozen people are hanging out in the lobby, seeking shelter. We are under a tornado warning! All in all, it was a satisfying day.

The Trouble We’re In

In a single sentence in her New York Times column yesterday, Michelle Goldberg explained the principal source of the trouble we’re in: “For four years America was run by a sociopathic con man with a dark magnetism who enveloped a huge part of the country in a dangerous alternative reality.” And, she might have added, continues to perpetuate it.

Tax Policy and the Super Rich

Robert Reich is a master at wielding statistics to prove a point. A familiar refrain of his is that the rich and super rich aren’t taxed enough. I agree with him. The innumerable loopholes and breaks sprinkled throughout the Internal Revenue Code were largely drafted by lawyers and accountants whose clients benefit from them. Reich cites the 25 bathrooms in Jeff Bezos’s D.C. mansion as damning evidence that the super rich aren’t taxed enough. At, I’m guessing, $100,000 average for each luxury bathroom, that adds up to 2.5 million dollars, just for bathrooms in just one of Bezos’s residences.
Professor Riech would have done well to wait for an update on Bezos’s spending: For the price of a new yacht he’s acquiring, he could have bought 5,000 more bathrooms.

Report from the Battlefield of the War on Truth

The House voted to authorize an expert nonpartisan commission to investigate the Jan. 6 insurrection and occupation of the Capitol. A large majority of Republicans voted against the measure, and it’s expected that senate Republicans will block it. Republicans don’t want the full truth coming out about the insurrection, because it would expose their cynical and reprehensible support of the insurrectionist in chief. The Washington Post has a slogan: “Democracy dies in darkness.” All but a few Republicans want the lights turned out.

Republicans and America’s Future

A recent poll shows that about two-thirds of Republicans –– a sizable segment of the population –- say that it’s important for Republicans to be loyal to Trump. This is like saying it’s important to be loyal to the devil: Trump favors spreading the Big Lie that the election was stolen from him, instigating an insurrection when the occasion presents itself, pressing for phony audits of election results, spreading false conspiracy theories, and every other means possible in an effort to convert our form of government from a Constitutional democracy to authoritarian one-party rule.

Until recent years, with the exception of a tiny percentage of he population, all Republicans and all Democrats revered our democracy and our form of government. That’s what all the flag-waving and the Fourth of July celebrations are supposed to be about. That’s what, despite all its flaws and acrimony between political parties, made America an exceptional country, a shining beacon of democracy.

Adoption of the authoritarian ethos by one of our two great political parties and a substantial portion of the population, abetted by a substantial portion of the media, is a development that has already caused our country immeasurable damage and may wreck it completely.

The View from Ninety

I can state with authority that writing “The View from Ninety,” posted elsewhere on this website, has improved my psychic state. Others can judge whether it has wider applicability.

American Democracy Incurs a Possibly Mortal Blow

News Item: “A push for sweeping federal election legislation appears to be dying out.” 

Republican-controlled state legislatures are busily passing targeted vote suppression laws and laws that would have the effect of allowing Republican-controlled legislatures to manipulate election results in the fashion that Trump and his enablers tried but failed to achieve in the case of the 2020 elections. Federal voting rights protection legislation is desperately needed to counter these baleful initiatives, but apparently can’t make it through Congress. 

Today, this is just one of dozens of news items, but a few years from now it may look like the punch that knocked American democracy out of the ring.

The Meaning of Liz Cheney

As Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin noted last week, what Liz Cheney, a veteran Republican Congresswoman with as impeccable conservative credentials as anyone in Congress, is saying is that “the vast majority of House Republicans are liars, unfit to serve.” That this is unquestionably true marks a horrifying unprecedented shift in the course of American history. We are so immersed in the flood of events taking place in a seemingly speeded-up passage of time that we’re in danger of becoming numb to the enormity of what has happened. 

Why Write a Daily Blog

The playwright Ionesco said, “I write to find out what I think.” That’s a good reason for keeping a journal or writing a daily blog. Writing helps you consider what’s important and sharpens your thinking. Useful deas may occur to you that wouldn’t otherwise. Some people have many more conversations each day than I have, and in them give their opinions and try to be informative and point out things they think others would be interested in hearing about. Writing a daily blog is one of the ways I make up for my relative isolation. And I hope to influence the thinking of others for the good.  

Senator Joe Manchin 

A congeries of circumstances have thrust Joe Manchin into a position of  extraordinary power. Manchin is considered to be the most conservative Democratic senator. He represents a state that voted overwhelmingly for Trump in the 2020 elections. He holds a pivotal position in a senate split 50-50 between those aligned with the Republican leadership and those aligned with the Democratic leadership. It may not be an overstatement to say that Manchin has the power to save American democracy or trash it. 

     Being thrust into a position of great power, like winning a mega million lottery, can affect one’s thinking. It’s an experience that in many instances generates arrogance and ego-driven behavior. It can also invest the lucky winner with a sense of moral responsibility. We’ll learn in the coming months how it affects Joe Manchin.

For Want of a Whim American Democracy May Be Lost

Unless federal legislation is passed to counter voter suppression and election results manipulation laws enacted in states controlled by the Authoritarian Party (still called the Republican Party), the Authoritarian Party will likely gain control of Congress in the 2022 elections.

Unless the filibuster rule in the U.S. Senate can be set aside, federal legislation countering voter suppression laws cannot pass.

Without the vote of Democratic senator Joe Manchin, the filibuster rule cannot be set aside.

Since Manchin has declared his opposition to setting the filibuster rule aside, it will take a whim –– a surprising turn in his thinking –– for him to allow the filibuster rule to be set aside.

For want of a whim American democracy may be lost.

The Authoritarian Party and American Democracy

The biggest threat to America isn’t China or Russia; it’s the Republican Party, which has adopted an authoritarian strategy of wanton lying, promoting alternate realities, obstructionism, voter suppression, and election results manipulation. Republicans have cast their most basic civic responsibilities aside and pinned their hopes on achieving authoritarian rule. If they succeed in their ambitions, American democracy will end. If they fail, American democracy will be invigorated. As Nietzsche said, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”

Note: I slightly revised today’s post, and I see that the Word Processing program kept the older version instead of replacing it with this one. I’ve decided to keep both. It’s like underlining a statement for emphasis. 

The Authoritarian Party and American Democracy

The biggest threat to America isn’t China or Russia; it’s the Republican Party, which has adopted an authoritarian strategy of wanton lying, promoting alternate realities, obstructionism, and voter suppression. Republicans have cast aside heir most basic civic responsibilities  and pinned their hopes on achieving authoritarian rule. If they succeed in their ambitions, American democracy will end. If they fail, American democracy will be invigorated. As Nietzsche said, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”

Note from the “You Can Tell the Men from the Boys by the Price of Their Toys” Department

Jeff Bezos, the world’s richest man ever, has commissioned construction of the world’s most expensive yacht ever. It’s reported cost is $500 million. The upkeep and operating cost will probably be at least $50 million a year. The only thing it lacks is a helicopter pad. That’s not a problem for Mr. Bezos. He has ordered an assistant yacht with a helicopter pad. The assistant yacht will tag along behind the main yacht. The assistant yacht can probably be obtained for under a $100 million and will only cost $10 million a year to maintain.

  The only problem, as I see it, speaking as a former naval person, is that if Mr. Bezos wants to take a helicopter to get somewhere from his yacht, he’ll first have to take a motor boat from it to get to his assistant yacht. How plebeian. 

 I suspect that Mr. Bezos will take a couple of rides on his new yacht, but quickly tire of it and put it on the market. He may have trouble selling it. Ordinary billionaires won’t  be able to afford it.


“Horizons” Growth, Population Growth, and A.I. Growth

Headline: “Slowing population growth raises questions about America as a land with unlimited horizons.” 

This suggests that a continuing high rate of growth in population is a good thing. But horizons are not limited by slow population growth. They are limited by how much land there is, how extensive our natural resources are, and how urgent our need is to reduce environmental degradation. More people equals more crowdedness, more greenhouse emissions, and more nature being crowded out. Horizons shrink as the number of people grows. Humanity’s welfare and chances of longterm survival depend in substantial part on the degree we are able to temper population growth. A few months ago, I read that there would be increasingly high unemployment as A.I devices become more and more capable of performing work done by humans. Lately, the main concern seems to be the opposite: that the labor force won’t grow enough to keep pace with goals for ever increasing economic growth. I think the best course is to adopt a low population-growth policy and avoid labor shortages by pursuing an aggressive A.I. development policy.

The View from Ninety

This past year I wrote a book titled The View from Ninety. I set forth in it how I look at life, which it turned out is a lot different than I looked at life when I was twenty, fifty, or even eighty. This winter, after getting the manuscript in pretty smooth shape, I sent it to my literary agent. She wrote back and said just about every nice thing that anyone has ever said about anything other than that she thought someone would want to publish it. 

Rather than self-publish it, I thought, well, during the next two years I can probably make it a better book, and The View from Ninety-Two is a better title anyway. Meanwhile, I’ve distilled the main theme into an essay and posted it elsewhere on this website. 

The Most Dangerous Pathogen

Headline: “Republicans are embracing Trump-enabled conspiracy theories more vigorously than ever.”

It’s as if a pandemic of a virus that infects the brain has swept the land, Republicans are singularly vulnerable to it, nearly all of them have fallen ill with it, there’s no cure for it, nor hope that a vaccine will be developed to prevent it, and even if there were, those vulnerable to it would refuse to be inoculated. The pathogen destroys judgment and any sense of what is right and wrong. Victims become obsessed with bizarre and patently irrational theories and become willing to destroy democracy in order to invest power in hyper ego-centric demagogues. For example, in what, if it were a movie, would be a farce too absurd to be considered for public release, the Arizona Republican-controlled senate recently hired a firm with the name of Cyber Ninjas, owned by an extremist Trump supporter, to conduct a faux audit of the results in the state’s most populous county of last fall’s election. Meanwhile, although Trump is out of office, he is as active as ever as a super-spreader of this ghastly disease.

Climate Policy

I read that China now accounts for 27% of the world’s greenhouse emissions, the U.S. accounts for 11%, India and the E.U., for about 7% each. Climate change can’t be significantly slowed unless emissions are sharply brought down beginning very soon. This can’t happen without a consensus among world leaders that we have to unite to act much more aggressively.  Something more is needed than the “Paris accord” and various countries and mega-corporations setting goals. China’s participation is critical. Biden should initiate discussions with Xi Jinping to discuss the issue. If a common understanding can be reached, it would ease tensions between the two countries in other respects. Probably nothing can be done. But we should try, and not just pretend to try.

What a Way to Wake Up

I wake up and selectively read the news. Today I started off reading about China’s relentless determination to control Taiwan. When the time is right, they’ll take dramatic action to that end, and the U.S. will be powerless to do anything more than get a lot of people killed. Then I read about how Trump’s Big Lie has devoured the GOP. Except for a few brave and honorable souls like Rep. Liz Cheney, a longtime stalwart conservative and pillar of the party who is about to get thrown out of it for telling the truth, Republican leaders and the great majority of their followers have cast their lot with the sociopathic former president, causing me to wonder: If you decide to convert one of America’s two great political parties into an authoritarian force, can’t you find a less repulsive figure to unite behind? I’m sure that, if they could, they would, but I can understand their thinking, “Hey, you take what you can get.” Now on to the next news item.

Lying: It’s the Republican Way

Headline for a Michael Gerson Washington Post column: “Elected Republicans are lying with open eyes. Their excuses are disgraceful.”

  Since they can’t win on issues, they conduct a war of words. Since since they can’t win a war of words with true words, they conduct it with false words, aided by right-wing media masters long accomplished at “lying with open eyes.”

The #1 Tragedy of the Day

Headline: “Rejection of 2020 election results becomes defining GOP loyalty test.” It’s fair to call this the #1 tragedy of the day. Republican leaders and the great majority of those who follow their lead embrace the sociopathic former president’s big lie that the election was stolen. Honorable Republican leaders, like Senator Mitt Romney and Representative Liz Cheney, who refuse to spout malicious falsehoods, are ostracized. Mass depravity has become the defining characteristic of one of America’s two great political parties. It’s an unfathomable, extremely disturbing turn of events.

Billonaires’s Minds

Robert Reich is unexcelled in marshaling statistics to illustrate the extremities of wealth and income inequality and how the tax laws are rigged to favor the rich and especially the super rich and why the U.S. should have a much more progressive tax system. One of Reich’s favorite targets is Jeff Bezos, who is reputed to be the richest man in the world except when Elon Musk is. Last week Reich spread the news that Bezos’s D.C. mansion has 25 bathrooms. That does seem excessive, doesn’t it? Is it not a window into Bezos’s psychic state? The trouble seems to be that most billions are made by people with pathologically acquisitive minds.

The Most Urgent Global Need

India has been overwhelmed by a large upsurge in Covid cases. More contagious and possibly more lethal variants are outstripping vaccination capabilities. Chances of variants arising that are highly contagious and resistant to current vaccines are proportional to numbers of new cases. It’s critical –– for selfish reasons as well as humanitarian ones –– that world-wide vaccine manufacture and distribution be stepped up at an accelerated rate. Intellectual property rights must be subordinated to this most urgent global need.

Putin and Navalny

Vladimir Putin, the malevolent despot who rules Russia, has been trying to kill Alexei Navalny, the opposition leader, in a way that makes it seem like a natural death, or as if someone else did it. This is not as easy as it might seem, because Navalny is courageous, wily, and a model of virtuous behavior. No one knows how the conflict will play out. Putin is a model of depravity. Navalny is a model of how to live and a beacon of hope for the world.

Mortal Threats 

Some weeks ago, I got a communication from the Nuclear Threat Initiative discussing the danger of governments sleepwalking into nuclear war. Yesterday, New York Times columnist Tom Friedman commented on a new book, jointly written by an admiral and an intelligence expert, titled 2034 –- a Novel of the Next World War. The war is with China, and it goes nuclear.

 The scenario is plausible. The pile of dry tinder waiting for a match to be thrown on it is Taiwan, and, in particular, technological capabilities of Taiwanese companies that China covets. Think of trains in the dark heading towards each other on the same track, still some distance away, but the engineers are distracted and under stress. Our leaders need to stay awake and think hard and work hard to avoid mortal threats, of which this is just one.

The Night Sky

The most wonderful sight I’ve ever beheld is one that most human beings who ever lived saw countless times — the unobscured night sky on a clear moonless night undiminished by ambient light from human sources. This is an experience that, because of light pollution from highly populated areas, only a small percentage of people living today have had.  Some places, far from urban centers, can rightly be classified as “dark sky locations,” but yesterday I read that there may no longer be any place on Earth where the night sky is not affected by light reflected from satellites and space junk orbiting Earth.

      The upside of this is that one of these satellites is the Hubble Space Telescope, which has provided us with thousands of stunning images that most people who ever lived have never seen and few imagined could exist.  

Getting History Straight

Headline: “Biden declares that the 1915 mass massacre of Armenians was a ‘genocide’, breaking with tradition amid tense relations with Turkey.” Because it would offend the rulers of Turkey, this has been a subject that American presidents have been reluctant to discuss, even though the facts have not been in doubt.

No government should be complicit in covering up monstrous acts. True painful facts should be exposed to the light of day. It might be a good idea for the U.S. to commission a panel of respected historians to document all the instances in which our country had transgressed human rights. Let’s put on record our own ignominious failings. We’ll be more likely to avoid repeating them, and we’ll have moral standing to condemn those of other nations. 

The Tragedy of the Moral Descent of the Republican Party

Sometimes things are so weird that they are hard to believe even when we know they’re true. That’s what caused Chicago Daily News reporter Charley Owens to say, after hearing that the much admired baseball player Shoeless Joe Jackson admitted that he had cheated in the 1919 World Series, “Say it ain’t so, Joe.”

     Shoeless Joe had more integrity than the close to 50 U.S. Republican senators and 212 Republican House members who aren’t admitting that they have betrayed our country by mouthing Russian propaganda about the election; being dismissive of the January 6th insurrection; trying to disenfranchise voters, particularly in areas with large Black populations; abetting “replacement theory” and white nationalism; keeping alive the big lies that the 2016 presidential election was stolen from Trump and that voter fraud is a serious problem; and . . . the list goes on –– Jennifer Rubin laid it out in her Washington Post column yesterday. It’s sickening that the vast majority of Republican politicians have chosen to descend to the moral plane of the disgraced former president, and that they will never say it’s so.  

The State of the Supreme Court

It has come to pass that the Supreme Court of the United States is controlled by six people who are usually referred to as conservatives, though the defining feature of their characters is not “conservativism,” it’s a religiously-justified ideological rigidity hostile to enlightened, liberal, compassionate ideals and attitudes. That this is the case was conclusively revealed this past week in the Court’s 6-3 upholding of the sentencing of a 31-year-old man to life in prison without even the possibility of parole for killing his grandfather when he was barely 15 years-old.

   This ruling will do nothing to deter juveniles from committing violent crimes. It denies the possibility of redemption. It denies the possibility that someone’s psychic state might change over the course of his life from what it was when he was an abused child. It denies non-controversial findings of neuroscientists that the frontal cerebral cortex of human brains –– the faculty responsible for exercising judgment –– is slow to develop and far from fully formed in brains of adolescents. 

    In rendering their decision, these six justices revealed their corrupted vision of human life, their mean-spiritedness, and their ignorance of science. That they control the Court is one of the tragedies of our times.

Climate Change and Human Destiny

Noam Chomsky: “If we don’t take control of environmental destruction in the next decade or two, we’re finished. It’s that simple.”

Climate Change Initiatives and Destiny


It’s heartening and commendable that president Biden has pledged to reduce U.S. carbon emission 50% by 2030. If every country could do that, humanity might have a chance of saving itself from self-extinction. But in our fractured polity how can the Biden Administration get the measures enacted to pursue that goal? 

Meanwhile, China says it will achieve net zero emissions by 2060, but that its emissions will keep rising until 2030. Is there any reason to have confidence in what the present ruler of China says will be achieved 39 years from now? Then there’s India, soon to be the world’s most populous country, whose Covid situation, among other problems, is out of control. And Russia, run by an old-fashioned ruthless tyrant, whose main revenue comes from fossil fuels. And Africa, whose energy needs are likely to grow exponentially in the coming years. I wonder whether at some point, perhaps fairly soon, world leaders and experts will acknowledge that human destiny is to destroy itself. I’m just wondering, not predicting.

The Authoritarian Party 

The Political Party that is known as the Republican Party has embraced the mindset of the sociopathic former president, thereby disassociating itself from the “Grand Old Party,” the Republican Party of former times. 

In almost every state, Republicans have passed or are attempting to pass legislation targeted to reduce voter turnout among citizens likely to vote for Democrats. Recently, as Robert Reich reports, “State Republicans in 34 states have introduced 81anti-protest bills in 2021 so far,” including laws passed in Florida, Oklahoma, and Iowa granting immunity to drivers who drive through and injure crowds of protesters!

It’s evident that if a Putin-like aspiring despot took over leadership of the Republican Party, the great majority of Republican politicians would follow him. They would follow the sociopathic former president if he runs again. Simply put, most Republican politicians are authoritarian-minded, and there are a lot of them, and collectively they have a lot of power and pose a grave threat American democracy. 

The Power of Bystanders

It’s been widely noted that the murderer of George Floyd would not have been prosecuted, if it had not been for bystanders who videoed the crime and came forth to testify about it. Crime would be reduced and the administration of justice improved if everyone capable of doing so carried a phone capable of making video recordings and resolved to bring serious crimes they witnessed to public awareness. 

Why the IRS is Deprived of Adequate Staff and Resources

Washington Post columnist E.J. Dionne recently noted that the IRS commissioner reported that as much as a trillion dollars a year is not collected because of errors and fraud, and because the IRS lacks the staff to go after the money. I also read that every dollar of extra funding for the IRS would yield six dollars in added dollars collected. This situation is self-worsening: The more people hear about how many people are getting away with cheating on their taxes, the more people say, “Why am I such a chump as to be paying the full amount?” 

Why doesn’t Congress act with alacrity to provide the IRS with adequate resources? Could it be that a lot of rich donors to political campaigns prefer to keep the IRA underfunded. What other reason could there be?

Infrastructure Legislation, Greed, and Power

The United States faces multiple very serious challenges. Democrats have put forward multiple legislative proposals to to meet them. In 2017, Republicans rammed through legislation providing for enormous tax reductions for corporations, the rich, and especially the super rich, despite any economic need for them and despite the appalling rise in income and wealth inequality that had been in progress. Now, in 2021, Republican politicians balk at the idea that some of these breaks should be reversed to finance needed initiatives. Their superrich donors wouldn’t look like it. Power-fueled greed may cripple our country’s future.

Restructuring the Supreme Court

“Packing” the Supreme Court (increasing the number of justices on the Court) sounds like a bad idea. Even Justice Breyer, a liberal, thinks it would erode public confidence in the Court. On the other hand, Republicans have been packing the court for some time, and not with standard mainstream Republicans, but with ideologues. Most notoriously, in 2016, Mitch McConnell, abetted by the Republican-controlled senate, refused to allow a hearing for President Obama’s superbly qualified nominee, Merrick Garland, enabling Trump to install a temperamentally unfit right-wing judge after he took office. And in October 2020, Republicans rammed through confirmation of a right-wing ideologue on the eve of the presidential election.

Robert Reich, master of salient facts, has noted that “since 1969, Democratic presidents have appointed 4 Supreme Court justices, while Republicans have appointed 16 (5 of them by presidents who lost the popular vote).” Arguably, to achieve public confidence in the Court, the balance should be restored.

Biden Blunder

Biden appears to have made a serious blunder in saying that the number of refugees admitted to the U.S. in the coming year would be no higher than the number Trump had set. The White House said that a final decision would be made by May 15. Feeling pressure from all directions on all fronts, Biden seems to have gotten his Irish up (let his irritation get the best of him) and thought, “I’ve got to be tough.” He failed to consider the powerful adverse psychological effect this announcement would have. He has generally been performing well, but the challenges he faces and the demands on him are enormous. America can’t afford having him stumble. 

Notes from the Misinformation Age

News Item: “A recent poll shows that 43 percent of Republicans are determined not to get a shot.” It’s a good bet that these are roughly the same people who believe Trump’s big lie that the election was stolen from him. There’s something about them that renders them vulnerable to nihilistic propaganda.  The more people who get Covid, the more likely it is that a variant will emerge that’s resistant to current vaccines. Alternative facts cost lives.

Pulling Out of Afghanistan

I don’t know enough to form an opinion rather than guess, but my guess is that Biden was right to announce a firm pullout date. It’s not a war we can win. Our armed forces are spread too thin as it is. Eighty thousand Russian troops are massed on the Ukrainian border. China is converting the South China Sea into a Chinese pond. Our problems are manifold, Congress is divided, Our society is in disarray.  

   We have clear duties remaining with respect to Afghanistan. We must allow the Afghanis who helped American operations and seek refuge in the U.S. to be swiftly admitted and given a path to citizenship. We must monitor the situation in that beleaguered country indefinitely. We must help its people any way we reasonably can.

The Media and Abnormal Politicians

Journalists are trained to search for the truth, and in this process air opposing views, suppress any biases they may have, and deliver the news in such a way that viewers and readers can form their own opinion as to the truth of whatever is at issue. Despite the mass descent of Republican politicians to the base moral plane of the disgraced former president –– for example in (i) blocking his conviction after he was impeached for inciting the seditious January 6th mob invasion of the capitol that caused multiple deaths and injuries, and (ii) refusing to denounce his Big Lie that the election was stolen from him –– as Jennifer Rubin noted in a Washington Post column yesterday, “the media . . .  continues to treat Republicans as normal politicians. . .” They are something else. Media, wake up!


Deals with the Devil

During the 2016 primaries, Republican politicians watched with dismay, trending toward wonder, as Trump attracted increasing numbers of Republican voters. Abetted by propagandistic right-wing media, he appealed to their worst instincts, which turned out to be abundant, and he won the nomination.

Republican politicians who had held him in contempt followed him like sheep, most of them, I suspect, thinking of themselves not as sheep, but as foxes using this repellent character as a tool for solidifying political power. They forgot that deals with the devil don’t work well. Trump is a human-shaped substance made of glue. Republican politicians got stuck to him. It would take the right stuff (decent moral character) to pull free from him, and they don’t have it.

News Note on the Disgraced Former President

If you read the account of the disgraced former president’s speech to a Republican National Committee gathering at his Mar-a-Lago Club, you can marvel that such a crude, mendacious, and thoroughly despicable man became president of the United States, then marvel again that most Republican politicians venerate or affect to venerate him because they think doing so works to their political advantage. Trumpism will endure for as long as America does as one of the most shameful episodes in our nation’s history.

Climate Change and Human Destiny

Colorado Headline: “Water supply, wildfire concerns loom over spring, summer.”

 There used to be just a ski season and a (summer) tourist season, and occasionally there were wildfires. Now there’s a wildfire season, one that seems to last longer each year. Along with happy anticipation, one feels the beginnings of dread at the approach of summer. The graph showing the number of parts per million of carbon in the atmosphere is dismaying. Glaciers are sliding over one another at a glacial pace that has speeded up. President Biden has a plan to combat climate change. There’s the Paris accord. Steps are being taken. Exxon is going to spend almost a billion dollars a year on “carbon capture.” Uh huh.

 I keep thinking of how Easter Island was once forested and people that lived there kept chopping down trees until they were gone. 

Time to Stop Putting Up with Putin

The agents of the Russian despotic dictator, Vladimir Putin, botched an attempt to assassinate Alexei Navalny, Russia’s principle opposition leader, by poisoning him. When Navalny courageously returned to Russia after recuperating in a German hospital, Putin had him arrested and incarcerated. Navalny has initiated a hunger strike after being denied medical care, which he apparently needs because of the sadistic treatment inflicted on him.

Executing Navalny might cause unpleasant blowback. Putin thinks it would be more politic for Navalny to die slowly from “unfortunate” medical conditions. An editorial last night in the online Washington Post urges that stronger sanctions be imposed to demonstrate to the chief monster in the Kremlin that the U.S. won’t ignore such behavior. The Post argues that an appropriate step would be to freeze the assets and apply visa bans of 35 oligarchs and their families in the Putin entourage. This sounds right to me.

The MaGa Crowd

The MaGa crowd, Trump cultists –– what Jennifer Rubin calls  a “permanently alienated, furious and irrational segment of Americans” –– comprises a large enough chunk of the American electorate so that Republicans can’t win Party primaries and can’t win general elections without their support. Instead of repudiating such types and honorably facing the world without their support, the rest of the Republican Party panders to them, lowering themselves to their level. 

Manchin Bashes a Hole below the Waterline in the Ship of State

In an Op-ed in last night’s online Washington Post, Democratic Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia said he will not vote to circumvent the filibuster. Because of the 50-50 split in the senate, and united Republican opposition to all of Biden’s legislative initiatives, this looks likely to doom the rest of Biden’s progressive agenda. Manchin justified his position by claiming to be a champion of bipartisanship. But since the Republicans have rejected bipartisanship, and preserving the filibuster will only bring forth from them self-satisfied snickers, Manchin’s position makes no sense. Manchin has bashed a hole below the waterline in the ship of state, and it doesn’t look as if it can be plugged.

Voting Rights and the Filibuster

Because all Republican senators will vote against it, there’s no way Congress can pass desperately needed voting rights protection legislation without elimination or targeted reform of the filibuster. Two Democratic senators, Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona and Joe Manchin of West Virginia, though presumably they would vote to pass voting rights bills, appear to be intransigent about preserving the filibuster. They evidently feel that if they don’t vote to preserve the filibuster, they will lose the votes of centrists and independents they need to hang on to if they are to keep their seats in the senate. Passage of voting rights protection is critically important. Neither of these senators appears to have the courage or conviction to do the right thing.

The Spookiest Thing

I don’t know if it’s the most dangerous threat to our country and our civilization, but it’s clearly the spookiest thing affecting us –-something I could never have imagined would happen –– that, despite the overwhelming evidence of its falsity, 60% of Republicans believe Trump’s Big Lie that the election was stolen from him and believe a lot of other malicious nonsense as well. As Robert Reich noted in a Facebook posting yesterday, “Fueled by the right-wing media ecosystem, a huge portion of the electorate now lives in a parallel reality where facts and truth don’t exist.” What measure of havoc this phenomenon will inflict on our country is impossible to predict. It doesn’t bode well.


How Republicans Can Sleep at Night

Republican members of Congress, possibly without exception, are adhering to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s policy, which is to block every significant legislative initiative advanced by Democrats regardless of whether or not it’s in our country’s interest to do so. Their aim is to keep the Biden Administration and Democrats in Congress from accomplishing anything during this term of Congress, thereby positioning Republicans to urge the electorate to restore them to power, so that they can institute constructive policies and lead the country to greatness. 

How can Republicans sleep at night by pursuing such a policy? They can sleep at night because their brains are constituted in such a way that they are unaffected by matters of conscience. 

The Border

You can see the Mexican border problem in a different perspective if you read Jorge Ramos’s op-ed  in the online New York Times. He tells of how when he was in elementary school in Mexico City he learned that in 1848, with the end of the Mexican-American war, Mexico was forced to cede 55 percent of its territory to the U.S. for 15 million dollars. Thereupon, Ramos notes, a lot of Mexicans didn’t cross the border, the border crossed them.

America desperately needs an enlightened immigration policy. Despite President Biden’s good intentions, it seems unlikely that one will materialize. Ramos commented that in 1997 the Mexican writer Carlos Fuentes described the U.S. – Mexico border as a “bleeding scar.” It’s hard to see how it can be healed until the U.S. heals itself. 

Baseball and Democracy

This past week, the organization that runs major league baseball moved the All Star Game from Georgia in a stunning rebuke of the GOP-controlled government of that state for enacting election laws designed to make it harder for people likely to vote Democratic to cast their ballots, and, worse than that, to permit GOP officials to overturn local election results not to their liking, a brazen attempt to convert democracy into one-party authoritarian rule. Georgia-based Delta Airlines and Coca Cola also, though belatedly, criticized the new laws. 

That large conservative-minded organizations find voter repression laws on this scale sufficiently repellant to speak out about them should be instructive to Democratic senators who have been reluctant to reform the senate filibuster rule that threatens to prevent Congress from nullifying such grossly anti-democratic legislation.

With regard to the issue of voting rights protection, the contest between Democrats and Republicans is not the classic one between differing shades of political philosophies, it’s one between the good guys and the bad guys. 

Republican Party Policy

Republicans have so far introduced 361 voter suppression bills in the legislatures 47 states. That’s their main business these days, along with trying to block every significant legislative proposal introduced by Democrats in Congress. 

Republicans have no responsible agenda of their own. Their aim is to Block Biden Better. If they can sufficiently reduce Democratic turnout and cause Biden to fail, they can gain control of both the House and the Senate in 2022. 

The Big Infrastructure Program and Tax Policy

Republicans senators and members of Congress will probably vote unanimously against the 2.3 trillion dollar infrastructure and remedial spending legislative package advanced by Democrats. They will say it’s too expensive. They didn’t say the 1.9 trillion dollar tax cuts primarily for the rich and especially for the super rich they rammed through in 2017 after Trump took office was too expensive.

The proposed infrastructure expenditures this year are for much needed investment in our country that will yield a high rate of return and will benefit everyone. A good way to finance it would be to reverse the tax cuts primarily for the rich and especially for the super rich of 2017. And this should be just the beginning of instituting a more progressive tax policy if we are to strengthen our country and reverse the longterm trend toward ever greater income inequality.

The Filibuster

In his book Kill Switch: The Rise of the Modern Senate and the Crippling of American Democracy, Adam Jentleson exposes the filibuster’s true nature as an anti-democratic mechanism with dark roots in efforts to establish white supremacy and suppress civil rights. Politicians defending it claim that it protects the public from the tyranny of the majority. In fact, it serves to inflict upon the public the tyranny of the minority. That will be its effect writ large if it stands in the way of voting rights protection bills passed by the House and awaiting consideration by the Senate. As of this moment, it appears likely that if the filibuster survives, American democracy won’t.

My Favorite Person of the Week

Born in Japan, Mazie Hirono, a Democratic senator from Hawaii, is a great American. In a recent interview she aptly describes the status of most Republican politicians: “When you enter the moral dead zone that is the Trump ambit, you’ve lost your soul.” What is Hirono’s attitude toward Republicans who have lost their soul? She says, “When they vote en masse to screw people over, it’s hard to be all warm and fuzzy.”

Sociopaths and Georgia Republican Politicians

As the Harvard psychologist Martha Stout pointed out in her book The Sociopath Next Door, a defining characteristic of sociopaths is that they lack a conscience. They can only think of their own interests. They aren’t capable of empathy.Many sociopaths rise to positions of power. It’s convenient not to be slowed in carrying out your ambitions by thinking about how your actions might hurt others.                                                                                                                                       

A trouble for sociopaths, however, is that this cognitive abnormality sometimes prevents them from seeing how thoughtless their behavior would appear to others. A recent instance of this was senator Ted Cruz’s escape to Cancun with his family when most of his constituents in Texas were freezing and without power and water after an unusually severe winter storm. Last week, the sociopaths who control the Georgia Republican Party passed an assortment of targeted voter suppression laws, one of which made it a crime to give someone who has been waiting in line to vote for hours (another effect of voter suppression) a bottle of water regardless of how thirsty they might be. Were they not sociopaths, they would have foreseen that by inserting such a provision in the law, they would reveal themselves to be bizarrely antisocial in pursuit of their ambitions.

The Authoritarian Party

Republican-controlled state legislatures are engaged in passing targeted voting suppression laws. The new repertoire of laws in Georgia includes one that goes beyond that: It would enable Republican election officials to overturn election results they don’t like. Sounds unconstitutional, doesn’t it. But would the right-wing justices who control the Supreme Court so rule in a case brought before it?  The Republican Party, which has become the Authoritarian Party, is united in its strategy of voter suppression. That’s the Authoritarian Party way. Congressional legislation is essential to protect voting rights and the integrity of the electoral process.

The Issue That Is Key to All Issues

In a recent Facebook post, Robert Reich said, “{Democrats} have a tiny window of opportunity to abolish the filibuster and raise the minimum wage, protect voting rights, provide universal health care, save the climate, raise taxes on the rich, and get big money out of politics.” 

Of these, protecting voting rights is the key to keeping the window open longer. Protecting voting rights requires forbidding the filibuster to block voting rights legislation. If all 50 Democratic senators can agree to that, American democracy will likely be saved. If not, it will likely be lost.

Brain Virus?

Headline: “49% of Republican men say they won’t get vaccinated.” Is there some sort of virus that gets in these people’s brains that causes them to form convictions contrary to elementary general knowledge and against their own self-interest? You can bet most of them would tell you the election was stolen from Trump. I suspect that they seize upon and adhere to such myths as a way of propping themselves up, carving out a world of alternative facts in which they are special; they are in the right. Self-satisfaction in their contrariness sustains them. 

Can Democrats Pass Voting Rights Legislation?

Senator Amy Klobuchar explained why she and other Democrats say they are confident that they can get voting rights protection legislation passed despite unanimous Republican intransigence and lack of enough votes of senate Democrats to break the filibuster, which would permit the relevant bills to pass by a simple majority. Klobuchar explained that Democrats can bring the voting rights bills to the floor of the senate for full debate. Republican senators, who uniformly oppose voting rights protection, will argue against them. Since all such arguments are absurd on their face, the Republicans’s true motive –– establishment of white supremacist anti-democratic one party rule –– will be glaringly exposed to public view. Some Republicans will thereupon give way and vote for passage of the bills; or Democrats opposed to reforming the filibuster will gain enough political cover to dare to reverse their opposition to filibuster reform, enabling voting rights bills to pass by a simple majority. 

It’s a pretty picture, and it’s essential that it happens, but it still looks like long shot to me.

The District of Columbia Should Be Made a State

The District of Columbia, which has a larger population than Wyoming and Vermont, should be made a state. Robert Reich said it well: “46% of D.C. is black, and D.C. has no senators; 1% of Wyoming is black and Wyoming has 2 senators. Opposing D.C. Statehood is racist. Period.” Republicans haven’t advanced a single argument that isn’t silly on its face against making D.C. a state. Democrats like Joe Manchin who try to appear centrist and moderate by siding with Republicans on key issues like D.C. statehood and protecting voting rights place our democracy in great peril. 

Republican Strategy

In one of her Washington Post columns yesterday, Jennifer Rubin reiterated the doleful fact that because Republicans can no longer gain of retain power by “pandering to their White base,” they’ve adapted a strategy of disenfranchising people of color through targeted voter suppression laws and tactics. Their goal, as Rubin says, is “to permanently enshrine white supremacy and thereby unravel our democracy.” 

The Workings of Plutocracy

Everyone concerned with widening federal deficits and the scale of expenditures required to meet the nation’s needs should be aware that, from the standpoint of ordinary taxpayers, trillions of dollars go down the drain every year because of our inadequately progressive tax structure, enormous tax benefits and loopholes for rich people and corporations, and lack of mechanisms to ensure adequate collection of taxes by the Internal Revenue Service. 

All these deficiencies could be remedied, but rich people and rich corporations resist them and fund politicians who are willing to accommodate their donors. For every AOC and Elizabeth Warren in Congress there are a dozen Kevin McCarthys and Mitch McConnells. 

A Perilous Situation

Headline: No end in sight’: Inside the Biden administration’s failure to contain the border surge”

The cornerstone of Trump’s immigration policy was cruelty: Rip children away from their parents and lose track of where you send them. That will show those people not to try to enter our country. Biden rightly ended Trump’s despicable policy, but he failed to anticipate that the impetus to enter the United States would increase sharply once Trump was gone. 

Countering mass border crossings without being cruel requires a massive effort on the part of the United States. Biden’s failure to anticipate a crisis and prepare for it was a major failure on his part. It’s not clear that the crisis can be ended during the present term of Congress. Republicans see this a golden political opportunity to divert the public’s attention from their contemptible behavior in undermining our democracy and supporting and protecting the sociopath in the the White House for four years. 

The Power of Statistical Comparisons

Ari Berman, sometime MSNBC talk show maven, has become a rival to Robert Reich in adeptness at juxtaposing disparate statistics to dramatic effect. The latest: “38,000 gun deaths a year in the U.S.? Who needs gun control? Two cases of voter fraud in 2020; let’s pass 253 new voter suppression laws.”  

May Justice Prevail

Headline: Trump’s onslaught of legal problems: Investigations in multiple states and dozens of lawsuits.

May justice and fairness prevail, and Trump’s sustained effort to be above the law have dramatically adverse consequences for him in courts of law.

Slipping Away


For want of a nail, the shoe was lost.

For want of a shoe, the horse was lost.

 For want of a horse, the battle was lost.

 For want of a battle the war was lost.

 –– all for the want of a nail.


So goes a rhyme that’s been lodged in my head for a long time.


     For  want of senator, filibuster reform will be lost. 

     For want of filibuster reform, a Federal voting rights act will be lost.

     For want of a Federal voting rights rights act, American democracy will be lost. 

     For want of American democracy, America will be lost.

–– all for the want of a senator.

The senator in question, Joe Manchin (D.) of West Virginia, isn’t lost yet; but he appears to be slipping away.

More About Good Book

I finished reading Kazuo Ishiguro’s new novel, Karla and the Sun, and want to say something about it without spoiling anyone’s experience of reading it with fresh eyes. Since readers learn on the first page or so that the book is narrated by an AF, an “artificial friend,” a character who is essentially a robot, or an android, or something in between, endowed with artificial intelligence at a level not yet attained in our society, but that’s almost certainly coming, I don’t think it’s a spoiler to reveal that much.

Nor do I think it’s a spoiler to say that by deftly creating such a character in a work of fiction, the author has conducted a valuable thought experiment. How might such a character be programed? What rules should be followed in designing the complex of algorithms that will govern her behavior? In what circumstances might the AF’s behavior deviate from the realm of what the designers thought possible? At what point do observed emotions in such a creature become real rather than simulated? At what point do ethical obligations toward such a creature arise? And will we ever be able to tell? 

The Overriding Issue

Can Congress pass effective voting protection legislation? It must in order to prevent massive disenfranchisement by Republican-controlled state legislatures that are busily enacting laws aimed at making it harder for people likely to vote for Democrats to vote. Congress can’t achieve this unless all Democratic senators agree to do away with, or at least modify, the filibuster rule. Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer, appearing on the Rachel Maddow show, has been saying  repeatedly, with regard to this and other matters, “Failure is not an option.” That’s a nice, if overused, phrase. The trouble is that failure is an option, and avoiding it is not within Mr. Schumer’s control. 

I assume that, behind the scenes, talks are taking place. It’s critical that they succeed in getting all Democratic senators on board. Protection of voting rights is the overriding issue during the rest of this Congress’s term. 

A Good Book

Kazuo Ishiguro’s new novel, Karla and the Sun, which I’m sixty percent through, is the most engaging novel I’ve read in a long time. It’s been heavily reviewed, but I’m not going to read any reviews until I’ve finished it, and I recommend you avoid them too, and I’m not going to say anything about here, except that reading it at bedtime may not be a good idea. It left such an imprint on my mind last evening, like the imprint of a bright light that lingers after you’ve closed your eyes, that it took me two hours to go to sleep and is still there this morning.

Time Out for Trivia

A friend of mine who is tech expert once commented that “Computers sometimes seem to have a mind of their own.” Or programs. Or collections of algorithms, for sure. That’s why my last two entries on this blog are in reverse order and share the same date. What caused the program to “go rogue”?  In this case it was that I tried to change the heading on the previous day’s blog. Sorry, program, it won’t happen again, probably.

Why is there such a gap between this blog and the last one?  Dunno. Maybe the sun will come out tomorrow.




A Senate Rule that Reveals the Plutocratic Character of Our Democracy

Professor and former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich, whom I follow on Facebook, is a master of comparative data. In a posting yesterday, he asked why 60 votes in the senate is necessary to raise the minimum wage for ordinary people, but it only takes 51 votes to pass a 1.9 trillion dollar tax cut for corporations and the super-rich. That’s the kind of remark that sends Republican state legislators scurrying to introduce bills designed to make it more difficult for ordinary people to vote. 

Ways of Referring to Trump

Robert Reich, whom I wrote about yesterday, has always thought it’s inappropriately respectful to call Trump “President Trump” or “Mr. Trump.” Among the hundreds of Professor Reich’s Facebook postings I’ve read over the past five years; he never once referred to the former TV reality star other than as “Trump.” I read the transcript of an interview with Spike Lee a couple of days ago, from which I learned that Mr. Lee thinks that calling Trump “Trump” is inappropriately respectful and makes it a practice to never refer to him other than as “Agent Orange.” Jennifer Rubin, who in my opinion is the most astute of the Washington Post op-ed columnists, also thinks calling Trump “Trump” is inappropriately respectful. She prefers to refer to him as “the disgraced former president.” That’s more elevated verbiage, certainly, but I think “Agent Orange” is preferable because it more perfectly captures the essence of the man.

A Senate Rule that Reveals the Plutocratic Character of Our Democracy

Professor and former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich, whom I follow on Facebook, is a master of comparative data. In a posting yesterday, he asked why 60 votes in the senate is necessary to raise the minimum wage for ordinary people, but it only takes 51 votes to pass a 1.9 trillion dollar tax cut for corporations and the super-rich. That’s the kind of remark that sends Republican state legislators scurrying to introduce bills designed to make it more difficult for ordinary people to vote. 

Voting Rights Protection and the Filibuster

Voter suppression legislation is presently the main business of Republican-controlled state legislatures. Stacey Abrams, who is the leading authority on voter suppression and how to counter it, appeared on the Rachel Maddow show last evening. She made clear that it’s critically important for Congress to pass voting rights protection laws. The House has already done so, but their bills can’t pass in the senate without first doing away with the “filibuster,” the requirement that passing legislation of this sort requires sixty votes in the senate rather than a simple majority. Tantalizingly, it takes only a majority vote to do away with the filibuster.

This is a great test of Biden and Congressional Democratic leaders. Can they convince two Democratic senators who have been reluctant to support doing away with the filibuster to reverse or sufficiently modify their positions so voting rights protection legislation can become law? Can they be made to understand that the fate of American democracy may depend upon it?

Guaranteed Minimum Income?

There should be a guaranteed minimum income, indexed for inflation, sent monthly to everyone who is eligible, enough to cover minimum basic needs, so no one is usually penniless. You’d have to be below the poverty level to qualify. Let’s say -– I’m just guessing –- 50 million people living in America would qualify. Let’s say the minimum guarantee is $12,000 a year ($1,000 / month). If you’re making $8,000, you only get $4,000. The cost of this program might average $10,000 per recipient per year –– $500 billion per year. 

The above figures may be way off. You’d need to have the Congressional Budget Office analyze it all and plug in the right numbers; then all you’d need is an enlightened Congress to implement it. Because the recipients are, by hypothesis, living hand to mouth –– spending every nickel they get ––  virtually all this money is pumped back into the economy directly and indirectly, increasing tax revenues by many tens of billions, maybe hundreds of billions, of dollars (the multiplier effect). The balance can readily be supplied by having a more progressive tax system. (The present one was designed to please plutocrats).

It will be argued in opposition to such a program that it will cause a lot of people to sit on the couch and not look for jobs. Let them sit on a couch. If they are so dull and unambitious, they’re not going to contribute anything to the economy anyway. But this is a baseless worry. The vast majority of eligible  people would find it unbearably boring to sit on a couch. They will want to get a job in which they can lift themselves up to a level where they have some disposable income. They’ll be more likely to find that kind of job –– one in which they can contribute to the economy and begin to feel good about life –– if they’re not stressed out from wondering where their next meal is coming from.

How Light May Be Thrown on an Interesting Proposition

It looks quite likely that Trump will be indicted on several counts in Georgia as a result of his efforts to browbeat local officials into fabricating false election results in that state. It’s hard to see how a jury would convict him, because any Georgia jury is likely to contain at least one or two members of the Trump cult who would vote to acquit him regardless of how heavily the evidence weighs against him. Such a prosecution would be salutary nevertheless, casting light on the proposition that no one is above the law.

The Biggest Challenge –– Voting Rights Reform

Republicans control key state legislatures, but they can’t win control of Congress and the White House without pervasive gerrymandering and voter suppression laws targeted at likely Democratic voters. The right-wing dominated Supreme Court can almost certainly be counted on to be supportive of them in their efforts. Congress, which Democrats control by the slimmest of margins, could pass voting rights legislation that would thwart the Republican anti-democratic agenda, but only by eliminating the mechanism called the filibuster, which requires a 60-40 vote in the senate for voting rights reform to pass. Eliminating the filibuster would require only a majority vote, and Democrats could accomplish that if two Democratic senators, who have opposed eliminating the filibuster, can be persuaded that the fate of American democracy may turn on whether voting rights reform can pass and that this term of Congress may be the last one in which that will be possible.

Trump as a Prop for Advertising

Headline: “Trump sends cease-and-desist letter to GOP organizations to stop fundraising off his name.”

Apparently a major concern for Trump is that some money raised might be used to support Republicans who voted to impeach him. I hope Democrat organizations can still conduct “fundraising off his name,” as in, for example, “The Republican Party has become little more than a Trump cult.” 

Policies and Communication

The majority of working-class white people voted for Republican candidates in last fall’s election, even though policies of Democrats work to the advantage of this constituency far better than those of Republicans, which are largely tailored to appeal to the rich donor class. One trouble is that so much of working-class people’s intake of “news” comes from right-wing propagandistic sources such as Fox News and talk radio. Democrats have been losing the competition to get their message across. During the years of the great depression, FDR showed how to do it. Biden lacks FDR’s gifts as a communicator. It’s hard to see how this destructive imbalance can be reversed.

The Sad Truth about Republicans

Republicans in Congress have no significant policy proposals. Their entire strategy is to take advantage of every method available to them to obstruct and troll to keep the Biden Administration and Democratic-controlled Congress from accomplishing anything. Their idea is that if the Democrats can’t accomplish anything, they are less likely to be re-elected. 

Meanwhile, Republicans who control key state legislatures are relentlessly gerrymandering Congressional districts in order to increase the proportion of Republicans in Congress, regardless of popular will, and have introduced more than 200 bills crafted to suppress voter turnout of people likely to vote for Democratic candidates.

It didn’t used to be the case, but it is now: Republicans are willing to scrap American democracy in order to gain and retain power.

The Dr.  Seuss books Controversy

The Dr. Seuss estate discontinued publication and distribution of six  Dr. Seuss books because they contained racist images or themes. This event provided right-wing propagandists a pretext for trumpeting their favorite diversionary battle cries: Cancel culture! Censorship! Freedom destroyers. 

How about the freedom of authors and their representatives to cease publication and distribution of their books for whatever reason they like? There are still lots of Dr. Seuss books available to delight young readers and pre-readers. I haven’t seen the ones said to be racist, but I can understand that it’s not good to subject either white or black pre-schoolers to books that give the impression that blacks are inferior. In a recent column, the African American New York Times columnist Charles Blow recounted the effect such books had on him as a child.

Just as there is a Holocaust Museum, maybe there should be a White Supremacist Museum, where books like these would be exhibited. The historical record should be preserved and be accessible to the general public, but little kids shouldn’t be subjected to racist picture books, any more than grownups should be subjected to the sight of statues in public venues of racist politicians and generals who were bent on perpetuating slavery.

Time for a Wealth Tax

Elizabeth Warren, appearing on the Rachel Maddow Show, again urged passage of a wealth tax. It’s astonishing to consider how little the super rich would be disadvantaged by giving up two percent of their wealth in excess of a fifty million dollars,  and three percent of their wealth in excess of a billion dollars, and what good could be accomplished by redirecting the amounts raised to where it’s desperately needed.

Republicans and centrist Democrats wrongly consider Elizabeth Warren to hold an extreme view. What’s extreme is the gap of wealth and income inequality in this country and the way it’s taken for granted.

The Threat

How it happened is a long story. That it happened is not in doubt. The Republican Party has become the Trump Party, which, as Robert Reich accurately states, is a “dangerous, deluded, authoritarian, and potentially violent faction that has no responsible role in a democracy.” 

Because of the filibuster, which two Democratic senators are reluctant to oppose, legislation protecting voting rights from assault by Republican-controlled state legislatures is blocked. If the Trump Party gains control of either the Senate or the House in next year’s elections, all progressive initiatives will be blocked. If the Trump Party gains the presidency in 2024, democracy itself will be blocked.


Weekend Headlines:

“With new mass detentions, every prominent Hong Kong activist is either in jail or exile.”

“The Republican Party is no longer committed to democracy.” 

“Myanmar security forces open fire on protesters, killing at least 18, according to U.N.”

“Militaries are getting better at overthrowing elected governments.”

As democracy is in peril, so is civilization.

True Believer

A recent letter to the editor of my local paper serves as a model of the true believer, an extreme example of what sustained exposure to right-wing  propagandists like the late Rush Limbaugh and Fox News star personalities can do to the human brain. The writer has become convinced that government is the root of all evil — not just the federal government, but all governments. 

Some letters in this vein are barely literate. This one exhibits excellent prose style and mastery of basic grammar. The author seems to be intelligent and well-educated, but that didn’t insulate her from nonsensical ideology. She states: “The governments have taken away every right that they can. They have forced the economy to the bottom limits of sustainability. . .  The abuse of power that these self-righteous nobodies (governors. mayors, council members, commissioners and of course know-nothing health department heads) is disgusting to say the least. It is way, way beyond time for us to take our country and our lives back. Why don’t we set a date of March 1?”

Take back our country? Wasn’t that what the rioters attempted on January 6th. They set their goal too low, aiming just at Congress. Government at every level must go –– and tomorrow, March 1st. Then what? That’s the question right-wing propagandists never come to grips with.

The CPAC Show

Watching clips from the CPAC conference, the annual gathering of right-wing politicians, held this year in Orlando, is a depressing experience. I saw Ted Cruz pacing back and forth, gesticulating as he ranted about his dedication to democracy, the Constitution, the people! Trump’s speech, in which he may be expected to reiterate the Big Lie that the election was stolen from him, is yet to come.

The whole lot of them have their sights set on ending democracy, ignoring the Constitution, and duping or excluding the people. As Jenifer Rubin commented in a Washington Post column yesterday, “The problem is that the GOP has transformed into a cult of the person who instigated the attack, fed propaganda to radicalize his party and refused to denounce white supremacists.” 

American Plutocracy

Robert Reich is a master of statistics. He uses them to illuminate that we are living in a plutocracy. Plutocrats have most of the money. As a general rule, plutocrats donate to Republican politicians, and Republican politicians vote to serve the interest of plutocrats, which for the most part is to get even richer. Republicans are aligned against the stimulus bill and raise in the minimum wage to $15 an hour. In a Facebook posting yesterday, Reich noted: “The 1.3 trillion wealth gain by America’s 660 billionaires since the pandemic began would pay for a stimulus check of $3,900 for every one of the 331 million people in the U.S. and the billionaires would be as rich as they were before the pandemic.” 

Even the billionaires would get $3,900 each! Those worth about four billion, for example, would each get about one-millionth richer than they were before their stimulus check arrived. Richer ones, worth about forty billion (much much less rich than Jeff Bezos), would only get only one-ten-millionth richer. Really, there’s  not much in it for them.

White Supremacists  

If white supremacists think that they are supreme, that they are superior to non-whites, why are they so fearful of them? Why do they feel so threatened? Could it be that they fear that they are not superior after all; that non-whites might out-compete them? Do they think so little of themselves that they need to protect themselves from non-whites? 

Let’s Do Something Right That Would Be Shameful Not To Do

A New York Times editorial this morning begins: “The United States allows more than 10 million American children to live in poverty, bereft of resources and opportunity.” This is a shocking indictment of our society. Cheers for the Times editorial board for endorsing Mitt Romney’s plan to come as close as we can to eliminating child poverty by having the Social Security Administration distribute adequate cash to impoverished families without requiring them to file income tax returns as a condition of eligibility.

Wouldn’t it be great if the present Congress could bring off such a shining accomplishment? Cost is not a problem. Rich people in this country are overflowing with money. It will barely dent their bank accounts to raise tax rates on them enough to pay for it. Those among them who have any sense of decency and care for the common good will welcome it. 

What the Republican Party Has Become

Republicans have decided that they can’t win elections in swing states and Congressional districts if they play by the rules. Instead of adopting policy positions and legislative proposals that might enable them to win playing by the rules, they have resorted to voter suppression and promoting Trump’s big lie that the election was stolen from him. Their behavior may not be prosecutable, but it’s criminal. As Robert Reich noted: “Any Republican member of Congress who refuses to admit Joe Biden legitimately won the 2020 presidential election is helping incite violence against the United States.”

Like the elephant in the room, which is difficult to believe is real even though its presence encompasses a large segment of your field of vision, the Republican Party has become the party of the Big Lie. 

Democracy at Bay

American democracy just had what has aptly been called a near-death experience. China’s governing regime has become increasingly repressive and intolerant of dissent, choking freedom in Hong Kong and conducting massive human rights violations in treatment of minorities. India appears to be drifting toward becoming a Hindu nationalist state in which the large Muslim population is marginalized and repressed and free speech attenuated. What happened to the Enlightenment? We seem to be sliding back. Despotic rulers are stamping out democracy in many other countries as well, among them, lately in the news, Russia and Myanmar. And what happened to Arab Spring? 

Conservatism Defiled

The prominent “conservative” organization, C-Pac, has invited Trump to speak at their annual gathering. Trump can be expected to reiterate his big lie that the election was stolen from him. The C-Pac attendees can be expected to cheer.             

In her Washington Post column this morning, Jennifer Rubin quotes longtime impeccably conservative William Kristol: “Real, existing conservatism as it exists in America in 2020 is an accomplice to, an apologist for, and an enabler of Trump’s nativist, populist, unconservative, and illiberal authoritarianism.”

Unconservative conservatives dominate the Republican Party. They can not be accommodated. They need to be shunned, exposed, and voted out of office. As Rubin comments: “A right-wing, populist and authoritarian party should not be allowed to hold power. It has proved to be dangerous, racist and fundamentally un-American.”

Ted Cruz: So Smart, So Stupid

There is no doubt that Senator Ted Cruz (R. Texas) is very smart. He was an academic star in college and law school and has had a dazzling career. One might wonder, then, why he was so stupid as to take his family on an impromptu tropical vacation during a state-wide calamity in which millions of his fellow Texans were suffering from life-threatening, and in some cases life-taking, frigid weather, prolonged power outages, and water shortages. 

The reason is that Cruz is an extreme egoist. He can only think of his own needs and wants. He can probably solve intricate and difficult logic problems, but his brain has a defect that prevents him from thinking about the feelings of others, even when thinking about others would work to his own selfish political advantage!

Cruz is rich and smart and powerful, but in the most important ways he is severely disadvantaged.  

Joy Spreader

Life abounds with ironies. Senator Ted Cruz (R. Texas) flew to Cancun for a family vacation while millions of his fellow Texans were suffering from record-breaking cold, massive power failures, and water shortages, thereby giving people all across America reason to engage in euphoric mockery and gleeful condemnation, while improving the prospects of Democrats in The Lone Grid State. At the online store of former Minnesota Senator Al Franken, sales of “I hate Ted Cruz coffee mugs” soared in response to Cruz’s latest demonstration that he is a pox on the land and a pre-eminent jerk.

The Voting Rights Conflict

In the United States, it’s generally understood that the easier it is to vote, the better Democrats will do, and the harder it is to vote, the better Republicans will do. In the 2020 elections Democrats gained control of Congress by a very narrow margin. Republicans hope to take back control in the elections next year.

Republicans control the legislatures in most swing states, and they are trying to make it harder to vote by enacting restrictive legislation. Democrats in Congress would like to enact legislation making it easer to vote, countering Republican efforts at the state level, but to have such legislation pass, they need to eliminate the filibuster, which makes it necessary to have a supermajority in the senate to get any such legislation enacted. Unfortunately, at least two Democratic senators are opposed to ending the filibuster, so it looks like, by the time for next year’s elections, it will on balance be harder to vote in the United States, increasing the chances that the Republicans will take back control of Congress. 

Democracy at Bay

A shockingly large percentage of the American electorate is receptive to authoritarian rule. A headline in a recent dispatch I received from the Atlantic stated: “America’s next authoritarian will be much more competent.  . .  It won’t be easy to make the next Trumpist a one-term president.”

 Prominent Republican politicians who are very smart and highly educated but whose moral compass points in the same direction as a hyena’s  –– men like Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley –– have surely been thinking: “If I had been in the White House, instead of Trump, by now I would be positioned to be president for life. 

 We need to strengthen the defenses of our democracy, and we may not have much time to do it.

On Reaching Ninety

When I was about twelve, my grandfather that I knew well and had seemed healthy died of pneumonia at the age of 84. Several others in the family had died at earlier ages. I reached a settled conclusion that the oldest I could live would be 84, and I probably wouldn’t make it that far. My mother said that one of her grandmothers had reached 91, but that women tended to live longer than men. In any case, it was something of a surprise to wake up today and consider that I’m 90, mobile, feel healthy, and can still type fast. What it takes, I guess, is to not wreck yourself, and especially, I regret to have to add, have had a lot of luck.

The Hall of Shame –– a Vision

I can imagine a great institution named The Museum of American History, perhaps commissioned a few decades from now to mark the three-hundred-year anniversary of the founding of the Republic. One wing, The Hall of Shame, would have a number of galleries, in one of which would be exhibited portraits or photographs of the 43 Republican senators who voted to acquit Trump in the just-concluded impeachment trial. Visitors would be able to watch a video narrated by prominent psychiatrists and historians in which they attempt to explain how the brains of these people became so corrupted that they lost all sense of decency and honor and were overwhelmed by ambition, greed, and resentment. Parents would be cautioned to use discretion in allowing children to look at some portraits, it having been established that post-traumatic stress disorder could be brought on by staring for more than a few seconds at faces like those of Mitch McConnell, Lindsay Graham, Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, and others, whose inner hideousness so glaringly shines through.   

The Need for Illumination

Headline: “9/11 commision leaders call for bipartisan probe into Capitol attack.” 

The Trump tenure in office was a far worse tragedy than 9/11, among other reasons because it resulted in far more many deaths and misery (mostly from Trump’s Covid denials, his gross mismanagement, abrogation of responsibility, and misinformation campaigns), and culminating in his shameful acquittal in his second impeachment trial in the face of searing overwhelming evidence that he incited a hate-driven insurrection with the aim of converting the United States into a Putin-style autocracy. From the moment Trump came into national prominence, he and his allies have engaged in a relentless attempted demolition of truth itself. The whole ghastly business must be illuminated with sufficient brilliance to render it visible to all

Bad People / Good People

Why are some people so bad, possessing moral compasses that swing wildly in response to their blindly self-seeking impulses –– people like Lindsay Graham, for example, and a flood of others come to mind -– instead staying true to the magnetic force of rightness, honesty, and decency ––thankfully an equal or greater number of others, of whom I’ll take space to mention just one: Fulton County, Georgia District Attorney Fani Willis, who has opened an investigation into Trump’s pressure campaign after his election loss in that state. Interviewed by Rachel Maddow the other evening, without the slightest indication that she was trying to do so, Willis gave a lesson in how to be. “Since we’ve opened this,” she said, “we’ve gotten — my security has doubled. We’ve gotten a lot of comments. Interestingly enough, the comments are always racist, and it’s really just a waste of time and foolishness. It’s not going to stop me from doing my job, and I don’t think it’s an insult to remind me that I’m a black woman.”

The State of the Republican Party

In a Washington Post column this morning headlined, “Stop trying to save the GOP. It’s hopeless,” Jennifer Rubin noted that, among Republicans, there is a “fundamental division over whether the party should become a right-wing populist cult willing to subvert democracy to keep power.” 

Honorable Republicans need to withdraw from the Party and regroup. They will not find middle ground with the cultists.

A Promising Development in Georgia

Trump tried to pressure Georgia officials to overturn Biden’s victory in that state. The officials, who are Republicans, rightly rebuffed him. Now Georgia prosecutors are conducting a criminal investigation to determine whether election interference crimes were committed. There is a quite good chance that Trump will be criminally prosecuted for felonious violations of Georgia law. Trump should not be given a pass for any of his civil or criminal misbehavior. His famous claim that if you’re a celebrity you can get away with anything should be resoundingly disproved.

The Enduring Tragedy of Trump

It’s sickening that all but a handful of Republican senators are virtually certain to vote to acquit Trump in the impeachment trial despite the overwhelming evidence that he committed a grave and reckless crime against our democracy, the malevolent effects of which will be felt for a long time.

Another Strange Thing about Our Times

Another strange thing about our times is that a lot of money is going into make-believe assets, most prominent of which is Bitcom. It’s make believe, but worth a lot and just went even a lot more up in value after Elon Musk, the richest man in the world, bought over a billion dollars worth of it, causing Mr. Musk to get even richer, as he surely knew he would. I’m reading a book that discusses such phenomena and may have more to say about it when I finish it.

The Trump Impeachment Trial

Headline: “Poll finds narrow majority of Americans favor convicting Trump”

A “narrow majority” instead of an “overwhelming majority” lays bare the truth of Stacey Abrams assertion in a Washington Post op-ed this morning that American democracy “faced a near-death experience.” The goal of those prosecuting Trump in the impeachment trial this week should be to illuminate the gravity of Trump’s moral depravity and educate the populace as to the threat that he and his enablers posed and still pose to our country –– to enlighten a great many more people that it is right, just, and important to convict Trump and, no less important, of the rightness of subsequent criminal prosecution. 

Costs of Progress: an example

Headline: “Invasive Insects and Diseases Are Killing Our Forests.” 

We have so many problems in the world that some of the most important ones escape our attention. Technology advances relentlessly, but at much greater cost than we appreciate.

Convicting Insurrectionists

I read that the grinning insurrectionist who posed with his feet up on Nancy Pelosi’s desk has pleaded not guilty. If, as seems to be the case, about a third of the people in the U.S. were in favor of overturning the election and converting our country into an authoritarian regime led by a sociopath, then is it not likely that the average jury of twelve citizens will contain at least one such ideologue willing to ignore clear evidence of guilt of anyone involved in the January 6th outrage at the Capitol? That surely is what the defendants’s lawyer is counting on. 

The Compromised Senate

U.S. senators once liked to call their institution “the world’s greatest deliberative body.” That sounds like a sick joke, given the behavior of the vast majority of Republican senators and the bizarre senate rules, most particularly the “filibuster,” which requires sixty (out of a hundred) senators to approve most pieces of legislation. Thanks to the weird process of “reconciliation,’’ the senate passed the desperately needed pandemic relief package last night on a 51-50 party-line vote. Regrettably, reconciliation can’t be used for legislation aimed at curbing voter suppression by state legislatures. Republicans can still and surely will block such remedial measures because at least two Democratic senators are opposed to eliminating the filibuster.   

Poverty and Impoverished Thinking

In a New York Times article yesterday, Nicholas Kristof commented that the U.S. has one of highest rates of child poverty in the advanced world and that 12 million American kids live in households that lack food. Yet the ten “moderate” Republican senators urging Biden to cooperate with Republicans in scaling back proposed pandemic relief want him to drop the provisions targeted at reducing child poverty. 

It’s hard to comprehend the callousness of this kind of thinking, the product of the same minds that rammed through the lavish tax cuts and tax breaks for the rich and especially the super rich in 2017.

Conviction is Certain

In a Washington Post column yesterday, Jennifer Rubin pointed out that, in Trump’s impeachment trial, Republican senators will either vote to convict Trump for having incited an insurrection or, by acquitting him, convict themselves of putting their perceived selfish interests ahead of their duty defend the Constitution and our democracy.

Right now, it looks like more than 40 senators will be convicted. The sentence imposed upon them will be ignominy in the history books. 

The Ominous Political Outlook, Continued

Demographic trends are such that political scientist Norman Ornstein says that, within about 20 years, 70% of Americans will live in 15 states, resulting in the other 30% being able to choose 70 senators, and that the 30% “will be older, whiter, more rural and more male {i.e. dominantly Republican voters} than the 70%.” This trend, as well as the Republican legislatures-driven voter suppression trend and the gerrymandering trend, is in the direction of one party minority rule. Our country survived efforts by Trump and his enablers to kill American democracy with a single blow, but it’s in danger of dying a slow death.

The Ominous Political Outlook

Republicans control key swing states legislatures and are expected to gerrymander districts in order to give themselves a decisive advantage in Congressional races in 2022, and with the aid of other voting suppression measures flip the House of Representatives to Republican control. The Supreme Court should have reined in this blatantly anti-democratic practice, but in one of their more shameful decisions in recent years (another being their trashing of the Voting Righs Act) the right-wing majority of justices washed their hands of the matter. Democrats control the White House and, for the moment hold paper-thin majorities in Congress, but American democracy remains very much on the defensive. 

Crises to Come: The China Threat

Trump is out of power (To quote Nancy Pelosi on this subject: “Thank God.”), but multiple tremendous problems remain, for example, the likelihood of Chineses aggression. See China expert Nicholas Kristof’s column in the current online New York Times. Kristof notes, “Xi {the Chinese premiere} is an overconfident, risk-taking bully who believes that the United States is in decline.” That’s a recipe for trouble. 

The Republican Party, Rename It What You Will

Except for a few protesting voices, the Republican Party has become the Trumpian Party, or the Authoritarian Party, or the Nihilistic Party, or whatever you want to call it that far more accurately describes it than the term that used to be associated with it –– conservative.

Transition to Lower or Zero Emission Energy Sources

To obtain the requisite support among those most directly affected and in the interest of fairness, no worker whose job is lost in the urgently needed transition to lower or zero emission energy sources should be hurt financially. To give a rough example: coal miners whose plants are shut down should be subsidized to the extent necessary to train and place them, including moving expenses, if necessary, in more socially responsible lines of work. This will be costly, but it will be preserve the purchasing power of those affected, which will have the tendency of stimulating the economy and raising tax revenues, and the remaining shortfall can comfortably be made up by more progressive taxation, as to which reversing the 2017 tax cuts and tax breaks for the rich and especially the super rich would be just the beginning.

Alas, the above is an aspirational policy proposal, not something that is possible given the psychic state of Republicans in Congress.


Headline: “U.S. issues rare warning about potential violence by domestic extremists.” 

It would have been wonderful if, as I once dreamed could be possible, Biden’s election and Democrats taking control of the senate would clear the air. This was not to happen. Republicans have polluted the air further, exacerbating all our problems, and creating new ones by almost uniformly banding together in condoning Trump’s incitement of insurrection and promotion of the Big Lie that Biden’s election was illegitimate.

What Trump’s Impeachment Trial Will Reveal, Continued

It will reveal just how morally sick this nation is. You can think of the trial as a moral health meter. There are 100 senators. Moral health of the nation is measured by the number of senators voting to convict Trump of the high crime and misdemeanor which is the subject of impeachment:

morally very healthy-                              91 -100

moderately morally healthy-                   79 – 90

just barely morally healthy-                    67 – 78

disturbingly morally unhealthy-             55 – 66

very dangerously morally unhealthy-  under 55

Judging by yesterday’s vote over whether the Constitution permits such a trial even though the person accused is no longer in office –- it appears that the nation is disturbingly morally unhealthy, and nearly very dangerously morally unhealthy. The Republican Party has become the authoritarian party. 

What Trump’s Impeachment Trial Will Reveal

The impeachment trial of Trump, which is scheduled to begin two weeks from now, won’t reveal whether or not Trump is guilty. The publically displayed evidence of his impeachable offense is overwhelming.  What the trial will reveal, as to each senator, is whether he or she is something more than a cynical morally deficient politician. 

Republican Obstructionism 

Republicans appear to be reverting to their strategy that worked during the Obama years: Obstruct Biden’s initiatives to address the multiple crises facing our country, and voters will decide that Democratic leadership can’t work.

Senator Chris Van Hollen of Maryland has it right: “We should give Senate Republicans a very short amount of time to signal if they want to be partners in moving the country forward, or if they intend to be obstructionists. . .  and the early signaling is that they are reverting to their obstructionist mode.”

Worth Watching / Listening To

Amanda Gordon reading her Inauguration Poem, “The Hill We Climb,” which I accessed yesterday courtesy of Ted Talks, inspiring people of good will to overcome the forces of cynicism, nihilism, mean-spiritedness, and resentment.

The Watchword for Our Time

After Trump was elected president in 2016, the esteemed journalist Christiane Amanpour wrote, “Fight against the normalization of the unacceptable.” When I read this, I decided that this would be my watchword until Trump is out of office. Unfortunately, a great many people promoted, acquiesced in, or tolerated the unacceptable, with tragic results for our country.  

After Biden was inaugurated as president this past week, Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin wrote, “There is no forgiveness without truth, no ‘unity’ without justice.” When I read this, I decided that this will be my watchword until truth and justice prevail.

Getting Rid of  Rot

Rot will spread if you cover it up instead of rooting it out. All those, from Trump on down, who instigated, aided, or abetted the January 6th insurrection should be investigated and, if found probably culpable, prosecuted to the full extent of the law, as well as being subject to civil liability and public shame.

Concerning Trump in particular, Nancy Pelosi put it well yesterday:  “Just because [Trump is] now gone –– thank God –– you don’t say to a president, do what ever you want in your last months –– you’re going to get a ‘Get Out of Jail Card’ free because people think we should make ‘nice, nice’.”

The Clock Is Ticking

So says the astute political analyst Ezra Klein in a New York Times op-ed this morning. He’s referring to the tendency of mid-presidential term cycles to produce a reaction. This is what happened in the 2010 election, when the Democrats’s two-year grip on the House and Senate abruptly ended in what president Obama called a shellacking. Today, Democratic dominance in the House and Senate is much thinner than it was when Obama was elected 2008. A return to Trumpism-McConnellism two years from now, even without Trump himself, would be a catastrophe for the nation. Klein rightly says the Democrats will have to accomplish a lot, and their accomplishments must be clearly visible to the electorate, and, despite the filibuster-constraint in the senate, they’ve got less than two years to do it. 

Eviction of Trump from the White House Day

It should be declared a national holiday, except we already have too many of them this time of year, and there’s so much work to do! The United States is like a country that just won a war of terrible attrition, or like a patient recovering from a terrible disease, the aftereffects of which will be felt for a long time. Still, I feel that the happiness index is rising.  It’s not naive to be hopeful.

Split in the Republican Party

Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin sets forth an important principle: “There is no forgiveness without truth, no ‘unity’ without justice.”  She has pointed out that the split in the Republican Party is so profound that there no longer is a Republican Party. There are Trump Party adherents and a non-Trump Republican Party. 

The former, comprising those who believe or cynically profess to believe Trump’s big lie that he won the election and won it in a landslide, have helped construct or have adopted a false alternative reality as a political tool to retain or gain power. Honorable Republicans should mount primary campaigns against those among them who hold elective office. They should be shunned, and their lies should be discredited as fast as they are produced.

Are Any Having Afterthoughts?

Is it beginning to sink in on some of the people who stormed the capitol and delayed Congress for a few hours from certifying that Biden was the president-elect that there wasn’t anything they could have accomplished politically no matter what happened while they were in the halls of Congress grinning and glaring with their flags and costumes and guns? 

Are some of them beginning to think it maybe wasn’t such a good idea? And of all the politicians who have gone along with Trump’s Big Lie that he actually won the election –– in fact won it in a landslide––is it dawning on any that repeating this Big Lie is no way to live their lives? Are any having afterthoughts?

Demons of Our Nature

Lincoln tried to bring out the better angels of our nature, and had limited success. Trump tried to bring out the worst demons of our nature, and had great success. Trump leaves in disgrace after his failed attempt to replace American democracy with autocratic rule; yet the vast majority of Republicans still support him. That only 10 of the 221 Republican members of the House of Representatives voted to impeach him for inciting an insurrection reveals that our country is shot through with moral rot. It will be a long slog trying to clean it out, but that is our task in the days, weeks, and months, and years ahead.

Trump’s Last Days

Trump will be out of the White House for good in less than a 100 hours. I read that he will leave Washington early Wednesday morning from Edwards Air Force Base, presumably bound for his residence in Florida. Word is that he has summoned a military band for the occasion. Presumably it will play “Hail to the Chief” as he climbs the ramp to board the plane.

Between now and then, he can be expected to pardon his family members and more fellow criminals who have demonstrated sufficient fealty to him. He’s not likely to pardon himself, because odds are that he’s been advised that doing so would more likely hurt him than help him. There’s a chance he will resign before his term expires in hopes that Pence will pardon him, but would Pence find it in his own interest to do so? I think not. Is there any chance that Biden would pardon Trump. No, because it would be unpardonable for him to do so. 

The Challenge for Republicans 

A substantial percentage of Republicans in Congress belong to what Jennifer Rubin aptly calls the Sedition Caucus, a malevolent group of politicians who, by subscribing to Trump’s Big Lie that he won the election and failing to speak the truth have demonstrated their willingness to trash American democracy and allow our country to fall under autocratic rule. Rubin lists questions that should be put to these characters and repeated relentlessly. They should not be allowed to say anything else until they answer them. They should not be allowed to hide behind their equivocations and diversions. They should be exposed in a bright light for what they are: frauds and failures, rotten to the core. The Republican Party can revive and thrive, but only if it can shed itself of sociopaths that have degraded it.


It’s gratifying that ten Republican members of the House of Representatives voted to impeach Trump, but lamentable that a very large majority of Republicans in Congress choose to cling to his coattails in the face of overwhelming evidence in plain view that he induced a mob to carry out an insurrection, occupy and desecrate the Capitol, interfere with the work of Congress, cause five deaths and many injuries, alarm and dismay America’s friends, and delight its enemies.

Will the Republican Party ever regain its status as an honorable, responsible party? Not while most of its elected representatives are so morally deficient that they pander to the deluded followers of a vile destructive demagogue. 

The Truth about the Big Lie

Trump and his enablers repeated and magnified his Big Lie that the election was stolen so persistently and with such fervor that a substantial percentage of the population came to think it was true or was probably true, or if they were more knowledgeable and knew better but were sufficiently cynical, immoral, and ambitious, that subscribing to it and promoting it would work to their own political advantage. In the wake of Trump’s incitement of insurrection, the Big Lie has become less effective in obscuring the truth. Let’s hope that those promoting it, from Trump on down, will be seen by increasingly large numbers of people as what they are, Big Liars.

Civil War II

It seems that the United States has become immersed in a new civil war, except that instead of opposing factions being heavily concentrated in particular areas of the country, like  the North and the South, the belligerents are widely dispersed geographically. Opposing forces may be housed only a few blocks away, or even next door. It should be easy to choose which side to be on –– the conflict is between truth and good will on one side and falsity and malevolent ideology on the other.

The Effectiveness of Big Lies

An article in yesterday’s New York Times about political lying, its long lineage, and its effectiveness illuminates Trump’s mode of operation. I had wondered at how he not only falsely claims to have won the election, but to have won in a landslide and at least once to have won every state! Wouldn’t it be more credible if he claimed that recounts and audits and investigations of fraud would show that he won? That’s certainly a more reasonable claim than saying that not only did he win, but his victory was a landslide. More reasonable, yes, but more persuasive, not necessarily. It’s the big lie, magnified far out of proportion and relentlessly repeated that seems likely to sway the minds of many people: Surely he must have at least edged out a victory if he says it was a landslide! The readiness of so many people to be swayed by relentless reiteration of big lies is a lamentably common characteristic of our beleaguered species.

The Situation

Domestic terrorists are threatening renewed attacks on the orderly processes of government. There is no reason to believe that Trump and his newly installed lackeys in the Defense Department and the Pentagon will provide needed security. Domestic terrorists threatened Lincoln’s life prior to his inauguration, and his route was altered to avoid them. Once again, 160 years later, unconventional precautions must be taken to protect our democracy from armed extremists who relish any damage they can inflict on it. 

Meanwhile, articles of impeachment have been drafted. The requisite evidence, in the form of Trump’s words and behavior and their consequences, is in plain view. The House should impeach him tomorrow. If the senate could function responsibly, it would try, convict, and remove him the same day.

Impeach Trump?

Senate Majority Leader McConnell, who in our lamentably imperfect democracy has far more power than he should, says that if the House impeaches Trump, he will hold up the trial in the senate until after Trump has left office January 20th. The House should impeach Trump anyway. Prosecute criminal acts. The law and truth must prevail. 

It’s Time for Justice to Prevail

This is not a time for forgiveness and trying to repair divisiveness in our country. America’s problem isn’t with decent and good-hearted people with opposing views or with misguided citizens who have gone astray. It’s with cynical power-craving politicians and with thugs, bullies, and racists who are perfect replicas of the thugs, bullies, and racists that propelled Hitler to power almost a century ago. 

The only way to deal with this sort of collective menace is to act with unshakeable resolve to bring malefactors to justice. Michael Moore puts it well: “Every one of these terrorists must be rounded up, arrested and tried. No exceptions. No mercy. If these actions don’t have consequences, we will be living with this terrorism for years, decades.” Civil actions should be brought against them for the damage they did as well. 


The insurrection yesterday was an exhibition of felonious behavior on the part of Trump, his allies, and his followers. Bargains with the devil don’t work out. The election of two Georgia Democrats to the senate, giving Democrats control of both houses of Congress, thin as it is, is a cause for joy. A lot more punches will be thrown at American democracy, but for the moment it’s off the ropes.

Our Somber Future

It’s a cause for relief, if not wild celebration, if, as appears likely as this is written, Democrats won both senate races in Georgia, thereby securing a less than razor-thin majority in the senate (50-50 with Vice-President Kamala Harris breaking tie votes on behalf of the Democrats). But Trump leaves behind him incalculable moral and institutional wreckage. As Diana Lithwick notes in a powerful and brilliantly written article in Slate this morning “leadership by distortion, untruth, and nihilism will be the new normal for some substantial portion of the GOP.” 

A Big Red Flag on the Road Ahead

An appalling number of Republican members of Congress have jumped on the authoritarian bandwagon. They want to control the government of the United States, and they don’t mind destroying our democracy in the process. Washington Post columnist Greg Sargent quotes Alexander Keyssar, whom he says is the leading  historian of U.S. democracy, on the implications of this development. Keyssar finds it “deeply disturbing.” In a future close election, Sargent asks, “What’s to stop a Republican-controlled Senate and House from refusing to count a victorious Democratic presidential candidate’s electors from numerous close states?”

Trump’s Descent into Unplumed Depths

Yesterday, Trump spiraled into all-out Mafia boss mode in an hour-long phone call to Georgia’s Republican secretary of state, importuning and threatening him if he did not “find” enough votes to reverse the presidential election outcome in that state. Trump’s harangue, a recording of which has been made available, amounts to extortion, was an impeachable offense, and violated multiple criminal federal and state laws. 

Trump is armed and dangerous. Members of Congress still supporting him in his mad attempt to pull off a coup have shown themselves unfit to hold office. They deserve contempt and nothing else.

Bad People: A Case Study

On Wednesday, January 6th, twelve Republican senators are poised to challenge certification of Biden’s victory in the election. Robert Reich rightly describes their behavior as seditious. They hold positions of great power. Yet they lack basic decency. They are living embodiments of moral rot. 


The classic Western movie features a showdown between the good guys and the bad guys. High Noon, starring Gary Cooper and Grace Kelly, is probably the most classic of the classics in this genre. Wednesday January 6th we’ll see a showdown in Washington, as the most Trumpian of the Trumpians in Congress force a prolonged mock debate that may last as long as two or three days, in which they try to create the impression that Joe Biden’s election should be reversed because of fraud and election irregularities, which about sixty lawsuits filed by Trump and his allies have frivolously alleged, eventuating in all of them being withdrawn, sidelined,  or thrown out of court. Accompanying this baleful charade in Congress, a showdown in the streets will take place featuring the band of thugs who call themselves “The Proud Boys,” and were summoned by Trump to produce a big enough riot to give him a pretext for proclaiming martial law. The goal is to destroy our Constitutional democracy and replace it with one-party authoritarian rule, or, failing that, to fool as many people as possible into thinking that Biden is not, or may be not, a legitimate president. 

Those participating in this project may never be convicted of crimes, but they will be remembered in history as the bad guys of the worst sort.  It’s a tragedy of our times that their conduct will occur  in the realm of reality. In a rational world it would be confined  to where it belongs –- the plot of a pathetically bad grade B Hollywood film.    

Welcome 2021

Welcome 2021. You don’t look like you’ll be a great year, but you should have no trouble being a big improvement over your predecessor.

To everyone else: Happy New Year, Happy forthcoming Martin Luther King Day, and Happy forthcoming Eviction of Trump from the White House Day. There are a lot of things to hope for this year, and it’s reasonable to hope for a lot of them.


Headline: “Sen. Hawley {R. Missouri} announces he will contest certification of electoral college vote.” 

Neither Senator Hawley nor any other Trump-supporting politician in Congress believes that Biden won the election because of voting fraud. They know there is no chance of overturning the election. Their purpose is to create a cloud of doubt in the public mind about the legitimacy of Biden’s presidency. They will keep doing this during Biden’s term in office. This is their substitute for putting forth constructive policy agendas. It’s behavior that reveals a moral sickness among these people as virulent and damaging as the Covid-19 virus. In service to their authoritarian ambitions they have chosen to devote themselves to spreading a pathogen composed of falsehoods, for which unfortunately there is no vaccine. 

Reading Novels

Harold Bloom, who taught at Yale for many years and died this year at the age of 90, was a literary genius. He may have read more novels, plays, and poems than anyone who ever lived. He could recite from memory more literary works than most of us have read. What I presume was his final book, just published last month, is titled The Bright Book of Life: Novels to Read and Reread. In it, he lists and discusses 48 great novels. I’ve read 12 of them. I was chagrined to note that I had started to read and gave up on eight on his list of perhaps greatest novels of all time and that I can’t remember a blooming thing about several that I read all the way through. I plan to read a couple on Bloom’s list that I never began and a couple that I started but didn’t finish, including Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse, which I’ve started and not finished more than any other. This time I’m not going to expect that the characters in it will actually get to the lighthouse.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

Safeguarding Our Democracy

The past few years have exposed weaknesses in the way our government is structured that render it vulnerable to enormous damage when a sociopath gains one the most powerful positions in our government.  Biden should create a commission to develop recommendations for reforms and safeguards that would protect our democracy against gross abuses of power. 

On the Path to Plutocracy

Washington Post columnist E. J. Dionne listed some things we’ve learned from having lived through 2020, among them that “while millions of Americans suffered economically, a significant part of our citizenry — particularly those with large stock holdings — got richer.” Income and wealth inequality, already an obscene ratio a year ago, significantly worsened in 2020. It will be a great blessing if we can reverse this trend, and a great tragedy if it continues.

An Interesting Genre of Books

I wonder if there’s a name for the genre of books comprising first-person accounts by a relatively “ordinary” people of their time spent with a famous person. I just finished reading a book in this genre by Jay Parini, a novelist and poet I’d never heard of, titled Borges and Me: An Encounter. (Through an odd concatenation of circumstances, while still a graduate student, around 1970 or thereabouts, Parini spent about a week with Borges, who at that time was an elderly, blind, world-famous, Argentinian literary legend.) Parini’s account made for entertaining reading. I’d never heard of Deidre Bair, either, but I’ve now started reading her book Parisian Lives, an account of her time spent with Samuel Beckett and Simone de Beauvoir. Reading books like this can be like looking in on the private everyday activities of  unusually interesting people, leading to seeing them in a new light.

Merry Christmas to All

Christmas is a sacred day in in the Christian calendar.  Though I am not a Christian, I celebrate it  nonetheless. The spirit of Christmas is for everyone for every day.

A Christmas Message

As is often the case, among all the New York Times and Washington Post columnists, Jennifer Rubin said it best this morning: “As bad as 2020 was, we muddled through and have reason to hope for a safer and saner 2021. For all who are celebrating, I wish you a safe and joyous Christmas.”

How American Democracy Works

Headline: “Tucked into stimulus bill: $110 billion in special-interest tax giveaways”

Message: “Our trade / industrial association / mega company funds your political campaigns and keeps you in office. It would be a shame if anything happened to that revenue stream. Don’t worry. We’ll protect it, but we need you to do us a favor.”

Definition: Protection Money:”money that criminals take from people in exchange for agreeing not to hurt them or damage their business”

The Stimulus Deal and the Three-Martini Lunch

Apparently one of the non-negotiable requirements of Republicans in forging the stimulus package this weekend was what has been called the three-martini lunch, referring their insistence on amending the Internal Revenue Code to allow a 100% business deduction for the cost of meals, including alcoholic beverages, at which business is discussed rather than the 50% deduction that has been permitted for many years. 

I once had occasion to look up the language of this provision in the Code and, as I recall, to qualify for the deduction, discussion at the meal didn’t have to be fully devoted to business matters, or even substantially devoted to business matters, or even significantly devoted to business matters. A two-hour long lunch including three martinis would be 50% deductible as long as it included at least some discussion of business. Now the cost of such a lunch will be 100% deductible. The argument for amending the Code to provide for such an egregiously regressive tax break, was that it will help the restaurant industry. If the government wants to help the restaurant industry it would be vastly more efficient to provide it with targeted subsidies. The insistence of Republicans on subsidizing three-martini lunches demonstrates that, as Jennifer Rubin put it in one of her Washington Post columns yesterday, they are “apparently more interested in grabbing stray goodies for the donor class than in helping the country fend off a full-fledged recession.” 

The Stimulus Deal

Putting together a minimal stimulus deal and authorizing enough funding so the government won’t have to “shut down” for a while should have been a simple and uncontroversial task for Congress to conclude before adjourning for holiday break, but given the extremist tendencies of Republicans in Congress, this unremarkable accomplishment was elevated into a great breakthrough in constructive government and bi-partisanship. 

It’s flawed and short of what is needed. Yet it struck a happy note and injected hope into the collective consciousness and seems likely to improve the country’s mood at the end of this doleful year.

America’s Problem with Trump’s Putin Problem

New York Times News item: “Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Friday it was clear that Russia was behind the widespread hacking of government systems that officials this week called a grave risk to the security of the United States.” Trump had said nothing about this serious threat to national security. After hearing what Pompeo said, Trump tried to downplay it and, true to form, he claimed that China might be the culprit. As has been the case throughout his term in office, Trump continues to act in a way that suggests that Putin keeps him on a short leash. Thirty-one more days of Trump. Thirty-one too many. 

The Fragility of American Democracy

One Hundred and twenty-six Republican members of the House of Representatives, several Republican senators, and the Republican attorneys general of eighteen states joined in, or backed, Trump’s attempt to get the Supreme Court to overturn the election for no reason other than power-grabbing desire, and a large percentage of other Republicans holding public office have demonstrated that they would be have been willing to join in this enterprise if it had had any chance of success. This turn of events reveals that, although American democracy is for the most part still intact, it remains vulnerable to succumbing to autocratic rule, a calamity that may have been avoided this election cycle only because, as Michael Gerson put it in a Washington Post op-ed yesterday, “Trump combines the ambitions of a despot with the strategic planning and operational competence of a hamster.”

My Gloss on Jennifer Rubin’s Prescription (Washington Post 12-17-2020) for a Sane 2021

    Don’t refer to or quote Trump. Let him fade into oblivion.

  1. Don’t try to understand people divorced from reality. If you must interact with them, deal with them pragmatically.
  2. Work to improve government at state and local levels. 
  3. Work with reasonable Republicans to forge coalitions. There aren’t many of them, but they can be of critical help with regard to some issues.
  4. Work to repair the voting rights act and counter voter suppression wherever possible. 


Poitical Sectarianism and the Cure for It.

New York Times columnist Thomas Edsall wrote yesterday about a baleful phenomenon, “political sectarianism,” which is said to have three basic ingredients, “the tendency to view opposing partisans as essentially different or alien to oneself; aversion — the tendency to dislike and distrust opposing partisans; and moralization — the tendency to view opposing partisans as iniquitous.”

Edsall doesn’t say that the cure for this condition is for morally deficient characters, like the 126 Republican members of the House of Representatives and the 18 states attorneys general, those Republican U.S. senators and their media confederates, and a lot of others who have endorsed Trump’s destructive and totally phony claims that the election was rigged against him, thereby betraying and undermining our democracy, stop being different from and alien to decent responsible people of good will, stop being dislikable and untrustworthy, and stop being patently immoral and iniquitous. 

Building Bulwarks to Defend Democracy

Much has been written about the tremendous challenges facing the incoming administration. Perhaps the most important of these is setting place institutional safeguards that would prevent a future president from converting our country from a democracy to an autocracy, something Trump and his allies tried but failed to do.

Thinking of our democracy as a fortress, bulwarks need to be set in place. Weak points in the wall must be shored up. I’ve seen some good proposals to this end. Implementing  them should be top priority.

The Effect of Reality Seeping into the Disinformation Bubble  

The electoral college functioned properly yesterday, confirming Joe Biden as president-elect. This development convinced even Vladimir Putin, causing him to congratulate Biden on his victory. It had no effect on Trump, however. He continues to claim that he was the real winner. Has anyone in history persevered to such a degree in repeating a big lie in the face of so much contrary evidence?

It seems likely that Trump will keep proclaiming himself to be the rightful president for the rest of his life. As reality seeps into the disinformation bubble, increasing numbers of his faithful supporters will begin to wonder whether that really is the case.

Will More than a Handful of Republicans To Do the Right Thing?

Today, the electoral college will confirm Biden’s decisive victory in the election. Today is yet another appropriate day for Trump to graciously concede that Biden won and to offer full support in the transition process. We know that Trump won’t do this, because he is an externe narcissistic sociopath without a shred of respect for our Constitutional form of government.

Today is also the last chance for the overwhelming majority of Republican members of Congress to show that they are not sociopaths too; that they they have enough honesty, decency, and fidelity to their oath of office to forfeit support from the aspiring autocrat in the White House and the large block of voters accurately referred to as the Trump cult. Will a few more than a handful of them do the right thing by acknowledging that Biden won the election and that Trump should acknowledge it?

This Other Pandemic

Headline: “Tensions flare in D.C. as thousands gather for pro-Trump demonstrations.” Follow-up headline: “Multiple people stabbed after thousands gather for pro-Trump protests in Washington.” 

What motivates these people, so reminiscent of the thuggish characters who rallied around and idolized Hitler during the years when he clawed his way to power? And what motivated those 18 state attorneys general and more than half of the Republican members of the House of Representatives to pursue their baseless and shameful petition to the Supreme Court seeking its complicity in a project to overturn the election and bring American democracy to an end? 

It’s as if, no less virulent than Covid-19, a virus infecting the brain is raging ithroughout the land. No vaccine  can end this other pandemic. It will take steadfastness, firmness, wisdom, and equanimity to manage it until it has run its course. 

The Autocracy Party (formerly known as, and still called, the Republican Party)

Remarks of Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) yesterday on the floor of the senate: “Right now, the most serious attempt to overthrow our democracy in the history of our of country is underway. Those who are pushing to make Donald Trump President, are engaged in a treachery against their nation.”

It’s hard to believe this has happened. The Republican Party has become the Autocracy Party. Most of its members and adherents have decided that they want to replace our Constitutional democracy with one-party rule autocratic rule like that existing in Russia and more recently in Hungary and Poland.

To this end, Republicans may be expected to obstruct and undermine the administration of Joe Biden, which will begin on January 20th, and work in the fashion of aspiring despots to achieve their goal in the coming years.

Life in Surreal Land


The Petition to Convert the United States into an Autocracy

Attorneys general of 18 states and a majority of Republican members of the House of Representatives signed on to or supported a petition to the U.S. Supreme Court asking the Court to overturn the election results of four swing states that went for Biden, not because any of them think this shameful exhibition has merit, but because they are prisoners of the Trump cult, which controls the Republican Party.

Biden Errs

Biden has been doing almost everything right in the face of Trump’s criminal obstructionism, but he erred in picking recently retired General LLoyd Austin for secretary of defense. Austin is a good man, but clearly not the best choice. Confirming him will require a permissible, but awkward, waiver of the statute that discourages appointment of a secretary of defense who has not been a civilian for at least seven years. I suspect that Biden’s desire to install an African American in one of the most important cabinet posts swayed his judgment. Appointing Austin was asking for trouble, and Biden has more than enough trouble already, with a lot more to coming down the road. Let’s hope his pick for the critically important post of attorney general is perfect.

Georgia on My Mind

The fate of the nation may depend on the outcome of the dual senatorial races in Georgia January 5th. Unless both Democratic candidate win, thereby flipping (barely) control of the senate, (to which I arbitrarily assign a 25% probability), Republicans will block progress and blame lack of progress on Biden’s poor leadership.  

Trump’s Legacy

I’ve read a sampling of op-ed pieces, letters, and analyses trying to explain why over 70 million people voted for Trump. None of them I’ve seen acknowledge that Trump is manifestly a dangerous, destructive, demagogic sociopath. Supporting Trump is supporting nihilism. As Peter Wehner, writing for The Atlantic, notes, Trump will leave behind “a nihilistic political culture, one that is tribalistic, distrustful, and sometimes delusional, swimming in conspiracy theories.”

The Case for Trump:

There is none. Just from watching Trump speak or from reading his tweets it should be glaringly evident to anyone that he is a deranged and dangerous criminal. Why do nearly all Republican politicians either support him overtly or fail to condemn his rabid behavior? In her Washington Post column yesterday, Jennifer Rubin correctly observed, “No longer animated by a positive vision or policy ideas, the GOP is now simply a cauldron of writhing resentment and paranoia — a party that survives by spinning a web of lies and terrifying its own voters.”

Trumpism’s Future Life

In an astute and sobering op-ed in this morning’s online Washington Post, Yale history professor Beverly Gage explains that: “While the Trump presidency will soon be over, the history of Trumpism is just beginning.”

I’m in a bit of a rush this morning and won’t comment further except to say that it’s a piece worth reading.

A Troubled Nation

News Item (Washington Post): “Out of 249 Republicans in the House and Senate, 222 would not say who won the election, largely hiding from answering questions about President Trump’s loss.”

Trump’s claims that the election results are fraudulent and that he actually won the election have been shown to be false not just beyond a reasonable doubt, but beyond a shadow of doubt. Every member of Congress knows this. The above poll didn’t measure anything about the election, but it measured with striking precision the incidence of moral deficiency among Republican members of Congress. We live in a deeply troubled nation.

The Georgia Senate Runoff Races

The November 3 election results preserved Republican hopes of converting the U.S. into a one-party- (theirs) governed country.  Unless the two Democratic candidates can win the special election on January 5th, the Mitch McConnell-led U.S. senate will block progressive legislation and probably key judicial appointments, because McConnell’s primary aim is to make the Biden administration look weak and ineffective.

Normally, there would be no chance that Georgians would elect two Democratic senators, but the two Republican candidates are both appalling character even by the standards of their own morally derelict party, and some Republican voters won’t bother going to the polls because Trump has told them that elections are rigged. 

I’ll still be surprised if even one of the Democratic candidates wins,. 

Insufficiently Corrupt 

Trump thought that, even if he lost the election, he could get loyalists he appointed to “find” that Biden’s victory was obtained by fraud. Corrupt lawyers, like Trump’s chief stooge, Rudy Giuliani, would bring lawsuits in key states, and corrupt judges Trump had appointed would uphold them. Trump surely thought that Attorney General William Barr, who got his job by convincing Trump that he would support his authoritarian ambitions, would support Trump’s baseless claims, and up until very recently, Barr gave every evidence that Trump could count on him.

Trump’s plan might have worked if Biden’s margin of victory had been narrow enough. (As former U.N. Ambassador in the Obama Administration Susan Rice noted, “American democracy had a near-death experience.”) But Biden won decisively, and no evidence of fraud could be found that Trump’s lawyers could cite. The result was that only Trump’s most zealous acolytes and deluded followers (of whom tragically there are tens of millions) continued to support his outrageous and baseless claims. 

Now Barr has acknowledged that there is no reason to doubt the election results. Trump has learned to his dismay that even if Barr and some of the judges Trump appointed and some of the key election officials are corrupt, they are insufficiently corrupt to try to keep him in office.


I’m not telling you anything you don’t know when I say that this is a strange time: The pandemic is raging, the aspiring autocrat in the White House is raging, fifty million or more Americans appear to be living in an information bubble, the Republican party is controlled by morally compromised politicians who have the power to block needed remedial legislation; but it’s not naive to be hopeful. Some months ago Jennifer Rubin wrote in one of her Washington Post columns that what’s needed in our government is not revolution but fumigation. I think, metaphorically, if not physically, the air will be a lot better to breathe after January 20th.

The Con Artist Who Puts Other Con Artists to Shame

I read that Trump has raised $150,000,000 for his “Stop the Steal of the Election” campaign,  It occurred to me that if Huckleberry Finn had been required reading for graduation from every high school, instead of being banned or shoved aside in a lot of them, Trump would never have been elected president, and if he were president, his “Stop the Steal of the Election” campaign would have raised about $1.50. Huck would have been impressed by Trump’s artistry, but he would have seen right through him.

Truth and Needs

Republicans have convinced about half the population that democrats are socialists, and that if these socialists get in power, they will immediately raise taxes on everybody, build up the government bureaucracy, drive up the national debt, impose burdensome regulations on businesses and individuals, make trade deals that will result in all good jobs going to foreigners and illegal immigrants, and do away with our freedoms, especially religious freedom, and, while they’re at it, destroy the Second Amendment so we have no way of protecting ourselves against the rampant crime that will be unleashed.

 None of this is true. The Republican Party has become an anti-truth, anti-science, corruption-tolerant, plutocratic-favoring, environmentally indifferent, cynically opportunistic cadre that has benefited by aligning itself with a sociopathic, corrupt, divisive, and dangerous president. Democrats need to have a strong and aggressive agenda and they need to educate the public. The United States needs to become a truth-based nation. Then we can have rational debates about policy issues.

Robert Reich and Plutocratic Trends

Among those whose Facebook postings appear regularly when I check that site is Former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich, who is currently a professor at University of California in Berkeley and is one of the smartest and best informed people in the country. Reich is a master of statistics, which he is adept at using to expose plutocratic trends.

He recently pointed out that Jeff Bezos, the chief plutocrat in the country, could give each of his tens of thousands of Amazon workers a $100,000 bonus and he would still be as rich as he was before the pandemic. (Bezos apparently has made 60 billion in Amazon stock appreciation this year.) I don’t think that would be the best use of Besoz’s spare change, but Reich’s hypothetical nicely illustrates how growing income and wealth income inequality have come to define our country.

Communication Is Critical

Tens of millions of people voted for Republicans up and down ballot even though they would be much better off (as would the entire country) if Democrats were in control. Democrats must be far more imaginative and effective in communicating basic truths to the large section of the population that lives in a delusionary world fashioned by right-wing propaganda. 

This is What a Plutocracy Looks Like

News Item: “With the holidays upon us and the pandemic worsening, 26 million now say they don’t have enough to eat, an increase several times greater than the most comparable pre-pandemic figure.”

News Item:Billionaires in the U.S. have grown their wealth by over a third — or by more than $1 trillion — since the COVID-19 pandemic hit the nation in March, a new report finds.” 

Democrats should aggressively address this problem which is at the heart of what is wrong with this country. To be effective, they must educate the public as to realities that have been grievously obscured and ignored in political discourse.

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to All

Income and Wealth Inequality Worsen

The stock market hit a new high yesterday –– the rich get richer, and the super rich get even super richer–– while a large segment of the population is impoverished and tens of millions lack adequate food and shelter. As income and wealth inequality worsen, Republicans emulate whoever it was in the French royal family, who when told that most people couldn’t afford bread, said “Let them eat cake.” This country needs a much more progressive tax and subsidy structure. Otherwise, though it may retain the trappings of democracy, its essential character will increasingly be that of a plutocracy.

Memo to Republican Leaders

You’ve demonstrated that you’re willing to trash American democracy and the Constitution and support autocratic rule. You’ve never tried this before, so it’s understandable that you’re not very good at it. Next time, find coattails to cling to of an aspiring autocrat who isn’t so inept at disguising that he is a malevolent narcissist.

Can Reality Survive?

Headline: “The disinformation system that Trump unleashed will outlast him. Here’s what reality-based journalists must do about it.”

A lot has changed since I was college-age, about seventy years ago. In those days I had never heard of “a wild fish.” Nor had I heard of “reality-based journalists.” Is there now a special course on reality in journalism schools? Is it possible to concentrate in this branch of journalism?

In college I read John Stuart Mill’s essay “On Liberty.” I was convinced by Mill’s belief that free speech was desirable because, in the clash of discourse, truth will shine forth. I remember the quote from Voltaire, “I disagree with what you say, but I defend to the death your right to say it.”

This sort of sentiment became my creed, but, weirdly, it’s beginning to seem quaint. A great swath of media outlets and malevolent provocateurs constantly spew forth lies and conspiracy theories with no factual basis. Large segments of the population live in disinformation bubbles. If Orwell were alive, he’d have all the material he needs to write a sequel to 1984.

Reality-based journalists have their work cut out for them.

The Longterm Effect of the Trump Cult

During the primary campaign in 2016, Republican Party leaders rightly reviled the charlatan and grifter competing against them, but when he improbably won the nomination and the election, they realized that he was of great use to the Party because his mode of demagoguery attracted and energized great numbers of voters, who were fooled into thinking he cared about them and would act on their behalf. This substantial block of voters –– the Trump cult –– conferred on Republicans the political power they needed to advance their plutocratic agenda, block progressive initiatives, and stack the courts with right-wing ideologues.

As has long been known, bargains with the devil tend to have long-term negative consequences. The Trump cult, energized by pulsating streams of disinformation and conspiracy theories, flourished and now effectively controls the Party. Republicans can’t win primary or general elections without support of its adherents.

If Republican leaders weren’t lacking in courage and a basic sense of moral responsibility, they would risk their political careers in the service of truth, justice, and decency by repudiating Trump. Almost none have. Nearly the whole lot of them either echo outrageous lies and behavior by Trump and his lackeys, or pretend not to notice the damage Trump has inflicted on our country. Their status as indentured servants to the Trump cult will outlast Trump’s term in office.

The Biggest Challenge

Robert Reich: “The richest company in the country {Walmart}, owned by the richest family in the country, pays such low wages that thousands of their workers need food stamps to survive. This is the real looting in America. Enough of this morally obscene corporate welfare.”

Along with all the other problems we have is the stark fact that our country has become a plutocracy. We need a much more progressive tax structure, but the election results reveal that this is not going to happen in the foreseeable future. Almost half the electorate is trapped in a disinformation bubble. The biggest challenge for progressives is how to reach them



Trump’s Last Stand

Trump’s invidious attempts to negate election results through law suits despite any significant  evidence to support them have failed.  Trump is now trying to get Republican-controlled legislatures of states that Biden won to appoint electors who will cast their state’s electoral votes for Trump contrary to the expressed will of the people they represent. This will only work if enough Republican legislators are willing to sign on to this despicable scheme. That doesn’t seem likely, but a lot of unlikely things have been happening lately, including the participation of many powerful Republicans in a conspiracy, led by a sociopathic president, to convert our form of government from a democracy to an autocracy.

Real Socialists

Headline: “Walmart and McDonald’s have the most workers on food stamps and Medicaid, new study shows”

Food stamps are a federal subsidy enabling low income people to get enough to eat. Companies like Walmart and McDonald’s are able to pay workers less because of this subsidy and the workers will still be nourished enough to keep working. Thus, this government subsidy is a subsidy to companies like Walmart and McDonald’s. Yet Republicans argue that electing Democrats will lead to socialism. Republicans are the real socialists, practicing socialism for big business.

The Greatest Danger

It may be that the greatest danger to American democracy isn’t Trump, an outsized plastic bag of toxic hot air that is leaking at an increasing rate and appears destined to become a deflated pile of rubbish to be carted away, but religious nationalists who believe that our country should be an authoritarian Christian Republic. Powerful, billionaire-backed people, including justices of the Supreme Court, senators, and representatives, are members of, or sympathetic to, this high-powered movement, distinguished by, as Katherine Stewart, in a New York Times op-ed, puts it, a “radical political ideology that is profoundly hostile to democracy and pluralism.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

The Conversion of the Republican Party to the Authoritarian Party

News Item: Republican Senator Lindsay Graham, Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, importunes the Georgia Secretary of State to find a way to exclude ballots from heavily Democratic districts in the upcoming runoff elections for two Georgia senate seats.

Graham and most Republican politicians and their allies have abandoned any semblance of upholding the Constitution and preserving American democracy. They have turned the Republican Party into the Authoritarian Party. Democracy won a battle with Biden’s election, but a long and brutal war lies ahead.

How to Calm Trump Down

Trump is throwing a prolonged fit of pathologically extreme proportions because he can’t bear being a loser. Morally deficient Republicans are trying to calm him down and escape vengeful responses from Trump and members of the Trump cult by pretending that there may be some merit in his absurd false claims.

     Better would be to tell him this:

Yes, Biden won, but he only won another boring election of someone who will  have to stand and take it while the media snipe at him for four years. What really matters is that you’re the winner in the world-wide competition to decide who is the greatest con-man of all time. You are the greatest. You WON! You demonstrated again and again that you’re a sociopath and a grave danger to the country and to humanity at large, and that you don’t give a damn about anyone but yourself, but you were still able to con over 73 million people into voting for you. That was a tremendous accomplishment. No one on the planet could have done that but you! Do you mind if we say it again: You are the greatest. You will be in the history books and the Guinness Book of World Records long after Biden is forgotten. Now let us help you pack your belongings, so you can get out of this dump. No, nobody will notice if you snatch that vase that’s been here since Dolly Madison was the first lady. A very stable genius like you deserves a souvenir.

Note from Surreal Land

Fragment from a Washington Post news story this morning: “Hours later, with midnight approaching, a group of marchers unfurled a massive “TRUMP LAW AND ORDER” banner and laid it atop Black Lives Matter Plaza.”

Republican Machinations

It’s evident that Trump and most leading Republican politicians no longer envisage any scenario in which Trump will remain in office after January 20th. Biden won decisively, the election went too smoothly, and legal attacks on it in key states have been brushed off in the courts. Nevertheless, Republicans continue to cast doubt over the results. As emerges from a conversation between journalist Anne Applebaum and Ezra Klein, reported in Vox, the purpose of Republican leaders at this point is to cement in the minds of a very large cohort of voters, roughly equivalent to the Trump “base,” the false belief that, as Trump relentlessly tweeted, the mainstream media is fake news, and Democrats –– “the deep state” –– conspired to undermine Trump and steal the election from him. Republican leaders believe that keeping this block of voters and their rage and delusions intact will be useful in future campaigns.


Criminal bosses need thugs to carry out their dirty work. The best portrayal of a thug I can remember was supplied by Joe Pesci in Goodfellas. As I recall, Pesci received an Academy Award for best supporting actor in that film.

We don’t think of thugs as being educated men wearing suits and ties, but in abetting and aiding Trump in refusing to accept the results of the election, impeding orderly transition of government, degrading government agencies, and inciting divisiveness and distrust, Pence, Barr, Pompeo, Mitch McConnell, Lindsay Graham, and others in the Trump crime family have demonstrated that they are thugs no less than the Joe Pesci character in Goodfellas, and doing a lot more damage.

The Worst Crime

Back in the 1950s, during the Red Scare and blacklisting of suspected Communists and Communist sympathizers, demagogues like Senator Joe McCarthy and other conspiracy theorists of the day accused a lot of people of being Communists, mostly controlled by the Soviet Union, and claimed that they sought to overthrow the government of the United States. This was considered to be just about the worst crime imaginable —our precious democracy under assault from traitors controlled by foreign actors. I haven’t heard any mention of conspiracies to overthrow the government of the United States since then, but a pernicious one appears to exist right now. Members of the conspiracy include Trump, Pence, the secretary of state, the attorney general, prominent members of Congress, and others, who are conducting a massive disinformation campaign, claiming that Biden’s election win was fraudulently secured, sabotaging transition procedures, bringing baseless law suits, and trying to convince anyone they can that Trump won the election and should remain in office. Participants in this malevolent charade deserve to be permanently shamed and shunned.

G.O.P.  R.I.P.

Republicans have decided that since they no longer have sufficient  public support to stay in power, they should bring to bear authoritarian techniques in an effort to overturn the election. It’s unlikely they will accomplish this. What they will accomplish –– in fact already have accomplished –– is the destruction of the G.O.P. The Grand Old Party is no more. How viable and successful its successor, the Authoritarian Party, will be remains to be seen.

What’s Wrong with So Many White People?

Exit polls showed that more white people voted for Trump than for Biden. That Trump will be turned out doesn’t disguise that a moral plague hangs over our country. It took the descendants of slaves kidnapped from Africa and brought here against their will to save America from autocracy, which would surely have ensued if Trump had been re-elected. Black people know tyranny and cruelty when they see it. What’s wrong with so many white people that they don’t?

A Useful Selection of Adjectives and Nouns Descriptive of Trump and His Enablers.

Trump wasn’t defeated in a landslide, but he was defeated decisively. This selection of adjectives and nouns describing Trump, the Trump administration, and his enablers serves as a guide to what we can expect from them in the weeks ahead. 

Adjectives (from Michelle Goldberg’s New York Times column yesterday): “squalid, terrifying, degrading, tragic.”

Nouns (from Jennifer Rubin’s Washington Post column yesterday): “kooks, conspirators, liars and authoritarians.”

We May Not Be as Lucky Next Time

It appears that, battered and bruised, American democracy will survive a while longer. The hyper-narcissistic aspiring dictator will be ushered out of the White House by January 20th. It’s more than disturbing how close he came to winning, and it’s more than disturbing contemplating how he would have behaved if he had. It’s more than distressing how so many Republicans in positions of power were willing to support his autocratic ambitions, and that many still are ––echoing and amplifying his hysterical protestations and baseless accusations. Suppose Trump had been less glaringly incompetent, and more devious. more clever, more Machiavellian. We may not be as lucky next time.

The Outlook

As of this morning it looks likely that Biden will become president on January 20th, but ugly weeks may lie ahead. Trump’s malignant narcissism knows no bounds, and, with few exceptions, Republican politicians have been too cowardly and morally deficieint to repudiate this dangerous enemy of truth, decency, and democracy.

Trump’s hysterical and baseless claims of fraud and a stolen election are so far removed from reality that it’s unlikely that even the right-wing agenda-driven Supreme Court would disgrace itself with a ruling that would award him a second term. 

I Don’t Want To Bring You More Bad News, But . . . 

In a New York Times column I read last evening, Nicholas Kristoff said he was wondering why “so many millions of Americans watched Trump for four years, suffered the pain of his bungling of Covid-19, listened to his stream of lies, observed his attacks on American institutions — and then voted for him in greater numbers than before?” 

 I’ve been puzzling over this too. In Tom Friedman’s column in the same newspaper, Friedman quoted Harvard Law School professor Michael Sandel, who gave this answer: “Democrats need to address the sense of humiliation felt by working people who feel the economy has left them behind and that credentialed elites look down on them.”

Ironically, it’s been mostly Republican politicians, including Trump, who have “left them behind.” If Democrats controlled both houses of Congress and the presidency, they could address grievances of this nature with constructive legislation and change perceptions of millions of voters, but it’s almost certain that Republicans will control the senate and block any legislative initiatives that might reflect favorably on Democrats. This ugly dynamic is likely to endure for the foreseeable future.

The Morning After Election Day

The forces of nihilism run strong in our country. The United States, and humanity, needed an overwhelming Democratic victory to clear the air and signal to the world that it had recovered its equilibrium, and that, beginning next January 20th, our government could be expected to work for the common good.

Instead, it appears that Republicans will retain control of the senate, in which case, even if Biden becomes president, chances of constructive legislation are close to nil. That’s the best case. The worst case, which looks at least as likely and probably more likely, is that Trump will remain in office, and the trend of America’s descent toward a Putin-type autocracy will accelerate. 

Headline: “How Does This Election Look Outside of the U.S.? You Don’t Want to Know”

I didn’t read this article. They were right. I didn’t want to know, or, rather, I already knew: Our country is viewed from abroad with pity, puzzlement, and scorn. After Trump was elected in 2016, a friend in Barcelona wrote that he was surprised that Americans would elect a fascist. I imagine he and a lot of people around the world have been even more surprised that we have allowed a dangerous sociopath to remain in office and that he has a chance of remaining in power for four more years. Our ship of state is listing badly. If Trump can be dragged off the bridge and a new captain placed in charge, I’m confident that we can pump out the bilge water, patch the hull, right the ship, and sail on.

Election Prediction

I predict that Biden will win election in the sense that voters who voted, or tried to cast their vote, for him will outnumber those who voted, or tried to cast their vote, for Trump in a sufficient number of states to give Biden the 270 electoral votes he needs to prevail.

What I cannot predict is whether Biden will become president of the United States on January 20th. That’s because this election is not so much between Biden and Trump, as between American democracy and autocracy. Supporting democracy is a clear majority of voters. Supporting autocracy are Trump, Pence, the attorney general and many of his underlings, other cabinet members, virtually every Republican who is a member of Congress, the vast majority of Republican members of state governments, many judges of lower courts and, there is reason to believe, as many as five justices of the Supreme Court of the United States.

Republicans Who Have Distinguished Themselves and Republicans Who Have Disgraced Themselves

In an op-ed in the Washington Post this morning, Jennifer Rubin salutes the distinguished Republicans who have repudiated Trump. They stand in stark contrast to “the legions of scurrilous and spineless Republicans who cowered before President Trump and refused to uphold our democratic norms and traditions.” As conservative New York Times columnist Brett Stephens noted in his column this morning, those in this latter group, who control the Republican Party, “will have spent the past four years squandering their reputation, forsaking their principles, and trashing the kind of political culture they once claimed to hold dear.”

Election Odds

Headline: “Major delays slow mail voting in swing states, USPS data shows, as strict deadlines loom.” 

Judging by polls, margins of error, and early voting patterns, I’m guessing that if there were no calculated Democrat-targeted voting suppression and baseless ballot invalidation by Republicans in all three branches of government, the odds would be about 95% that Biden will win. Given the reality, I’m guessing that the odds are about 55% that Biden will win.

Trump (sick as I am of talking about him)

There are dozens of reasons why no one, regardless of their political philosophy, should vote for Trump. Just one example: his child separation policy inflicted trauma on thousands of families and essentially orphaned more than 500 children. Every vote he gets is a miniature tragedy, a failure of comprehension or moral compass on the part of one of our fellow Americans

The Tilted Playing Field

Tens of millions of votes are being cast in the form of mail-in ballots. With a pandemic ravishing the country, it’s the most sensible way to vote. Tens of millions have voted, and their ballots have been received in election offices and will be counted. Tens of millions more have voted by mail, but their ballots are still in transit. Normally, there would be no question that they would reach election offices by election day, but the postmaster general, a Trump lackey, has revamped the postal service, and he and his allies have been working to slow deliveries, especially in heavily Democratic urban areas like Detroit and Philadelphia. Because of this insidious, profoundly immoral, behavior, millions of ballots, though mailed in what should have been plenty of time, will not reach election offices until after election day, too late to be counted under the laws of many states. This is just one of the ways in which Trump is trying to ensure that he will “win” the election, even though, if all votes were counted there is little question that he would lose.

The election is being held on a tilted playing field. Democrats can’t win unless they get sufficient votes counted in key states, despite Republican efforts to stifle them.

Too Late to Vote by Mail

Republicans in power are trying to suppress votes likely to be cast by Democrats. Mail is being slowed in key areas that vote heavily Democratic, like Detroit and Philadelphia. Right wing legislatures and judges have instituted or are instituting rules preventing ballots from being tabulated if they arrive after election day even if they were postmarked several days before election day. It’s probable that, if an issue that comes before the Supreme Court that gives them the chance, a majority of Justices –– Kavanaugh, Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, and Barrett –– will vote to throw the election to Trump. Democratic candidates and supporters are urging voters to vote in person or hand-deliver ballots to official drop boxes. Six days before election day shouldn’t be too late to vote by mail, but it is.

Excerpts from How to Steal an Election – a Guide for Aspiring Autocrats Who Get to Be President of the United States.

from Chapter 27 –– “Manipulating Mail-In Voting”:

“IMPORTANT. This is one of the most important chapters in this book. Have someone explain it to you if you’re not good at reading . . .   Appoint a Postmaster General who will slow mail delivery selectively as needed . . . In battleground states like Michigan, even if the mail volume is extraordinarily heavy because of a pandemic, get friendly judges to rule that mail-in ballots can’t be counted if received after election day, even if they were postmarked by or before election day. . .   Get your postmaster general to slow mail delivery in areas like Detroit, where most votes are likely to be for your opponent. . . . This should enable you to win in that state, but, in case you lose anyway, have your press release and tweets ready claiming mail fraud and legal briefs ready to file in court demanding that the election results be nullified because of massive fraud by agents of your opponent and ‘the deep state’.”

The Threat of Religious Dogmatism

Having religious faith is well-regarded in the United States, as well as elsewhere throughout the world. In our country, it would be virtually impossible for a self-proclaimed atheist to be elected to high office. Our Constitution rightly protects freedom of religion. True wisdom is found in the teachings of great religious teachers. All this is good, and it’s understandable that many religious people think that what they believe their faith requires overrides all other considerations. But what happens when critical numbers of people in positions of power hold religious beliefs that clash with liberal, reasoned, compassionate, equitable, honest, empirically based principles that have become enshrined in Constitution, statutes, and institutional workings of post-Enlightenment societies? What happens when the Supreme Court of the United States becomes dominated by such people? What happens when Supreme Court justices, though they are obliged to disguise their motivation, decide cases by responding to what they believe is the mandate of their religious convictions rather than to secular laws and institutions they swore to uphold? This is the threat of religious dogmatism.

Willam Barr, the authoritarian-minded chief law enforcement officer of the United States is a religious dogmatist. It’s a safe bet that he already has in hand drafts of petitions, including one addressed to the Supreme Court of the United States, seeking a ruling that election results in designated states be nullified because a substantial number of ballots were fraudulently submitted or tampered with. His loyal assistants will only need to fill in a few details on election night. We don’t know how the religious dogmatists controling the Supreme Court would decide such a case, though we have plenty of clues.

Among the Many Horrors

The Trump administration has brought so many horrors upon us, we tend to lose track of them. Among the most lamentable is the accelerating transition of our democracy into a plutocracy. Greed and indifference to the less advantaged drive policy. No one is more aware of this and more disgusted by it than former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich. In a Facebook posting yesterday, he noted that the Federal minimum wage has remained unchanged from what it was in 2009 –– $7.25 per hour –– while the aggregate wealth of the 400 richest Americans has increased from 1.27 trillion dollars to 3.2 trillion dollars.  Reich has written elsewhere of socialism for the rich. That’s what we have. It’s built into the tax code.

The Shrinking of the American Mind

This title of Roger Cohen’s New York Times column this morning gives a sense of the “stunning mediocrity and myopia” of the final presidential debate, of how far our country has fallen. Trump exemplifies the worst in America, and he has brought out the worst in all those who have been susceptible to his snarling, blustering, mendacious, resentment-stoking, utterances and tweets. Trump and his fellow proto-fascist propagandists and morally deficient enablers have disgraced and weakened our  country to a degree that we are viewed with pity, bemusement, and contempt around the world.

“Be as mean, selfish, cruel, hypocritical, and dishonest as you want,” is Trump’s message. Tens of millions of Americans have responded to it. If he is not only voted out of office, but also forced out of office in January –– it appears that both steps will be necessary –– the best our country can hope for is a long, contentious, agonizing period of self-repair.

Last Night’s Presidential Debate

I only watched about half of it. Trump is a con man, fraudulent to the core. I can’t stand looking at him. Biden is stolid, knowledgeable, and competent. It’s tragic that Trump was elected. It’s tragic that he wasn’t expelled from office after being impeached. It’s tragic that Republicans have supported his candidacy for reelection. After I left the debate, I settled down with my computer and checked out the Astronomy Picture of the Day, which showed a picture of a NASA probe that had landed on an asteroid about 180 million miles away and was gathering little rocks to bring back to our planet for examination. Neat. This morning I was glad to read Jennifer Rubin’s observation in a Washington Post column: “Nothing that occurred during Thursday Night’s debate increases the chances we will have to endure four more years of the unhinged, know-nothing narcissistic president.”

500  Children

During the course of the Trump administration, the United States government  kidnapped more than 500  children of migrants seeking asylum and sent them to various locations without bothering to keep track of their parents, condemning all or most of them to permanent separation from their families. Apart from other crimes and violations of human rights by the Trump administration, this was a mass crime of exceptional cruelty perpetrated by Trump and those who followed his directives.

It staggers the imagination that we have to worry that it may prove impossible to remove Trump from office by inauguration Day, January 20th. Every single voter in America who does not vote for Biden is either deluded or morally deficient.

Thirteen Days to the End of Voting

The title of this blog reflects that by the time the polls open on November 3rd, a large percentage of votes will have already been cast. Election day has been smeared into Election Weeks. Similarly, it’s quite likely that election results, instead of being available election night, as is usually the case and was in 2016, may be smeared through the following days, weeks, or even months.

By election day, Amy Coney Barrett will be installed on the Supreme Court, cementing a solid majority of right-wing ideologically driven justices. Trump is counting on their support in the event that Republicans contrive to bring a crucial voting issue before them so they can tilt the scales in his favor. There’s also a chance the election will be decided by the House of Representatives, with each state being allowed to cast one vote. Under this bizarre regime, given the present composition of state legislatures, Republicans would prevail, but this may not be the case when the vote would take place the first week in January. That will depend on how local elections came out.

Like a Covid patient in critical condition, American democracy is on a ventilator in the ICU, trying to get enough oxygen to survive.

Thursday’s Presidential Candidates Debate

Because Trump incessantly interrupted Biden and flouted the rules in the first debate, the Debate Commission has decided to shut off each candidate’s microphone for the first two minutes of his opponent’s opening statement during each of the four 15-minute segments of the debate. This will not suffice. The rest of the time will be a repeat of the first debate debacle, with Trump constantly interrupting with false accusations, dark insinuations, feigned righteous indignation, sneers, gesticulations, obfuscations, fabrications, and every other trick in his demagogic playbook. At least the debate will give the viewing public another chance to see him in his all his carnival barking, snake oil-selling, thuggish glory. I’m hopeful that a solid majority of viewers will understand that he is unfit to hold public office.

How I Got To Be a Distinguished Person of the Week.

Every week in a Washington Post column, Jennifer Rubin salutes a distinguished person or persons of the week. Yesterday that award went to American voters who, as is permitted in most states, voted early by mail or in person, including many who waited in line for as much as eleven hours.  I voted Thursday by inserting my ballot in a drop box at the county offices, so I’m a distinguished person, though a lot less distinguished than people who waited hours in outrageously long lines.  As Rubin noted, “At a time when democracy is under siege around the world . . . it is immensely encouraging to see Americans flock to the polls.”


I’m skipping posting a blog this weekend except to say that this NASA picture of Earth rising over the moon has long haunted me. Our planet is no longer as universally beautiful close up, closer to the ground. It looks like saving it, and thereby us, will require a revolution of desires.

If Only It Could Happen

The theme of a Ted talk yesterday by a climate expert (I didn’t listen to it) was that humanity has ten years left to radically change course on emissions of greenhouse gases before global warming becomes irreversible and our planet consigned to uninhabitability (presumably within a few centuries rather than within a billion or so years.)

If humans were sufficiently rational, world leaders would quickly convene and agree to radical changes in energy policy. Parliaments and legislatures would swiftly enact laws and mechanisms for implementing agreed-upon policies. Tax and subsidy policy would be designed to speed and facilitate needed changes. To give an example: Coal miners would be given stipends while being trained to make and install solar panels. Higher gasoline taxes would match subsidies for electric cars. It would be thrilling to be involved in this historically unique effort to save humanity from self-extinction. It would lift spirits around the globe.

Amy Coney Barrett and Religious Dogmatism

It’s evident from her life record and her testimony in the hearings concerning her nomination to the Supreme Court that Judge Barrett is a religious dogmatist. One of the great threats to human civilization is religious dogmatism. The religious convictions of a religious dogmatist override all other considerations, including fidelity to the constitution, the law, and, when they conflict, all norms of human decency. Judge Barrett is not immoral, but her moral compass allows her to say she will be faithful to upholding the Constitution and the law despite her religious convictions, even though she will not. Through an odd combination of circumstances and events, as is so often the case in the unfolding of history, four and possibly five justices presently on the Supreme Court are religious dogmatists. When, as is virtually certain, Judge Barrett is confirmed to the Court, there will be five and possibly six.

Hypocrisy of Republicans

Republicans have controlled the senate since 2010. During the remainder of Obama’s administration, they blocked 110 of his judicial nominees and blocked consideration of his nominee to the Supreme Court in February 2016 on the spurious ground (contrary to the intent of the United States Constitution) that only eleven months remained in his presidential term. During the Trump administration, they have confirmed 218 judges, many of them right-wing ideologues, including two supreme court judges, to which, with only three weeks remaining until a presidential election, they are about to install a third. Republicans have no standing to complain about how, if Democrats gain control of the White House and the senate, they might pack the courts.

The Frail Nature of Optimism

Biden is running well against Trump in the polls, cause for optimism, but my optimism is frail. Republican politicians have betrayed the Constitution, norms of decency, and the American people en masse and show no signs of letting up. Disinformation and voter intimidation campaigns abound.  New evidence has surfaced of coming cyber attacks on the electoral process. Election night may be a nightmare. It’s not clear  we’ll get through the next three months with democracy intact.

Journey to the Year 3000 – The Interactive Audio Adventure!

I’m taking a break today from bashing Trump and related topics to announce the release by SpeechCloud Studios, Amsterdam, of my adaptation of one of my favorite Choose Your Own Adventure®* books, Journey to the Year 3000, as an interactive audio adventure. 

Not long ago, I didn’t know there was such a thing as an interactive audio product, so, in case you don’t, and are interested, here’s how it works, and, by the way, it’s free! If you have an Amazon Alexa enabled device (mine is called an Echo Dot), once it’s up and running, say these exact words: “Alexa, launch Journey 3000.” You’ll soon find yourself about a thousand years in the future.

The story is narrated by my grandson David Corenswet, who to my good fortune happens to be a highly accomplished professional actor. He’ll recount what’s happening to you in the story and give you choices from time to time. You’ll say what you decide to do, and the story will continue from there, just as it did in the original book, except for some terrifying new situations.

If you undertake this adventure, even if you don’t survive to get back to the present from the year 3000, if you think it’s worth commenting on, please consider visiting the Amazon skill store  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08KJ6DGNT/ and say what you think.

Note: You may see references to Journey 3000 as a “skill.” That’s because Amazon, which is a corporate version of a narcissist, calls interactive products like this an Alexa “skill.” From their standpoint, what anyone creates and produces is simply another skill that one of their computers has acquired.

I should also say that, if you’ve played (Is that the right word?) the story for a while and quit and later want to start over at the beginning, or from where you left off, say to your device, ”Alexa, launch Journey 3000,” and whoosh –– you’ll be there.

*Choose Your Own Adventure is now a registered trademark of ChooseCo LLC, which is not related in any manner to me, this product, or Speech Cloud Studios.

Technical Difficulties

This blog will be down for a few days because of technical difficulties. I wrote earlier about this and wasn’t satisfied with how it came out, so I trashed it, producing the following notice:’

“You just trashed a Post. Search engines and other websites can still send traffic to your deleted post. You should create a redirect to ensure your visitors do not get a 404 error when they click on the no longer working URL. With Yoast SEO Premium, you can easily create such redirects.”

Good grief. What’s that all about?

I’ll resume after I get help from my website manager.

Criminals in Elective Office

I read that the Governor of Texas ordered that ballot drop-off boxes must be limited to one per county, and the Texas government and legislature decreed that photo I.D.s required for voting would not be deemed adequate if they have been issued by State or local governmental agencies in Texas, but that a card showing that the applicant is a gun owner would would suffice. These measures amount to rank acts of voter suppression, clearly tilted to decrease the number of eligible voters likely to vote Democratic far more than those likely to vote Republican. Such requirements are indefensible. Since they are designed to deprive individuals of basic rights and to contravene the Constitution and the laws establishing the principle of universal suffrage, they are criminal acts, and the elected officials imposing them are criminals.

Of course, Texas is not the only state where this sort of thing is happening. That voter suppression of this sort has become standard practice for Republican-controlled state governments and has become tolerated by the majority of justices of the Supreme Court is one of the tragedies of our time.

Predisposed Authoritarians

Yesterday, I finished reading Anne Applebaum’s superb new book Twilight of Democracy –- The Seductive Lure of Authoritarianism. I made notes and plan to write a memo about it. I’ll just say here that near the beginning she refers to an estimate made by the behavioral economist Karen Stenner that about a third of the population of any country have an “authoritarian predisposition.” This is something I’ve been thinking about for a long time, and I think one-third of the population is a good guess. It lines up pretty closely to the roughly forty percent of the country that comprises the “Trump base.” It’s not that hard to spot people with an authoritarian predisposition, though they include people as disparate as Bill Barr, Sean Hannity, Clarence Thomas, and the Proud Boys.

Nightmare Scenarios

In a Washington Post column yesterday, Brookings Institution scholar Norman Ornstein detailed how our Constitution and statutory laws fail to provide for presidential succession or designation of someone to temporarily assume presidential powers in the event of not implausible scenarios too numerous to list here. To give an example: What happens if Trump dies, and Pence falls ill and is on a ventilator? Our ship of state is more prone to alarming leaks than most of us imagined.

Trump and Covid

Trump has Covid and is in the hospital. Most politicians, journalists, opinion writers, and many others are wishing him a speedy recovery. Some are sending thoughts and prayers. No one should wish suffering on anyone, but, in sending thoughts and prayers, I would put him last in line behind all the people who contracted Covid because of his callous indifference to it and all those who have suffered otherwise because of his greed, mean-spiritedness, and sloth. 

The Candidates in the November 3 Election

The two candidates running against each other are Autocracy and Democracy.  Last evening,  Rachael Maddow presented an inside look at the Republican-controlled Pennsylvania legislature’s plan to create an “Election Integrity Committee” that would have subpoena  power to investigate polling and vote tabulation, find irregularities, and delegitimatize results, thereby permitting the legislature to determine how Pennsylvania’s electoral votes will be cast. This is one of the most brazen and potentially consequential of many Republican efforts in process to suppress voting and alter outcomes in order to preserve power contrary to popular will.

Notes from the Plutocracy; courtesy of Robert Reich

In the United States, teachers can only deduct up to $250 of the amount they spend on school supplies, even though the average teacher spends twice that amount. Meanwhile, Trump deducted over $70,000 on hairstyling costs. 

The Presidential Candidates Debate Last Night

I promised I would report my impressions of the debate last night, but I flunked as a journalist and analyst, quitting about two-thirds of the way through. My trouble is that I can’t watch Trump for a sustained length of time without feeling physically ill. I know that he is not as bad as Hitler, or Stalin, or any one of a tremendous number of villains in history, or numerous homicidal maniacs or sadistic perverts scattered throughout the world, but he is the most repulsive human being I’ve witnessed among the thousands I’ve observed in person or on television over the course of dozens upon dozens of years.

Chris Wallace, the moderator, is reputed to be a tough questioner, but he failed to institute and enforce strict rules, which were very much needed. He should have mandated that there would be zero interruptions during each candidate’s allotted time to speak. Did Wallace expect Trump to be civil? It’s an absurd concept. Trump should be penalized for infractions. Next time cut off his mic until he behaves.

The producers should only have shown the person who was speaking. It was a bad idea to have a split screen, subjecting viewers to the distracting sight of Trump sneering and silently snarling between his outbursts. Why allow him to be on camera when he is violating the debate rules?

I doubt if many prospective voters made up their minds as a result of watching this debate. Biden is not an impressive candidate, but he is a capable, honorable, and good-hearted man, who is committed to serving the public interest rather than his own,  Trump has none of these qualities. He is a sociopath and a menace to our country and to all humanity. That was true before the debate, true after the debate, and it will be true on election day.

Explaining the Upcoming Election in “The World’s Greatest Democracy” to my Friend in Amsterdam.

Trump is well behind in most polls, so he and his enablers, including the attorney general, the chief law enforcement officer of the United States, are trying to sabotage the election in advance and intimidate voters, so that even if Trump loses, which looks highly likely, he will declare that the results were fraudulent, refuse to leave office, file multiple lawsuits, and hope that friendly judges will violate their oath of office and support him. 

Duty Calls

Jennifer Rubin’s Washington Post article this morning is an open letter to Justice Department lawyers, laying out their Constitutional and professional duties, which they are called upon to obey rather than directives from corrupt officials, including any emanating from Attorney General Bill Barr. They must be willing to lose their jobs rather than accede to those who would betray our democracy. Few of us expected that we would reach such a point, but there are times in the unfolding of history when people of good will are called upon to be heroes, and such a time has come.

Faithful Followers of the Autocratic Playbook

Autocrats try to shut down responsible journalism. They tolerate adulation, complicity, and passivity, and nothing else. Elements of the media other than their sycophantic supporters are “enemies of the people.” They substitute their self-aggrandizing fabrications for facts. They become fountains of lies, which they repeat, reiterate, repeat, and say again. People begin to think that what they’ve heard so much must be true.

As an aspiring autocrat, Trump faithfully employs this tactic. So do his followers. For example, Lauren Boebert, a self-avowed Trump supporter who is the Republican candidate for Congress in Colorado 3rd Congressional District, continually runs a campaign ad that says nothing about her policy proposals or important issues at stake, but keeps repeating the false accusation that her Democratic opponent, Diane Mitsch Bush, is “a Lying Socialist who will force Americans to have socialized medicine.” Anyone who has examined Mitsch Bush’s record and policy positions, knows this isn’t true. Boebert, like Trump, hopes that she will prevail by continually and repeating false accusations. 

The Saddest Thing

It was a sad thing that, in 2016, all the forces and circumstances that determine which candidate will be elected president of the United States came together in a perfect storm of coincidence such that an individual manifestly unfit to hold that office secured it. During his presidency, Trump has behaved in a way that revealed the full measure of his depravity. The saddest thing is that all the Republican members of the senate, with the fleeting exception of Mitt Romney, have chosen not only to prop Trump up and allow him to remain in office, but also to support perpetuation of his tenure despite the incalculable harm he has inflicted upon our country and the prospect that if he remains as president for another four years, he will fracture our society, destroy our democracy, and imperil all humanity, perhaps irreparably.

This Pivotal Moment in History

Trump’s criminality reached a new peak yesterday as he announced that he intends to change our system of governance from a democracy to an autocracy. “Get rid of the ballots,” he said, “and you’ll have a very — we’ll have a very peaceful, there won’t be a transfer, frankly. There’ll be a continuation.”

These words are a call to all people of good will to do their utmost to remove him from office.

On a Train with No Brakes Traveling though a Dark and Stormy Night toward a Bridge That’s Out

That’s the way I felt reading Stanford Law professor Pamela Karlan’s review in the current New York Review of Books of Will He Go?: Trump and the Looming Election Meltdown in 2020, by Lawrence Douglas, an analysis of our federal and state patchwork of loosely assembled, mostly ill-thought-out, individually and collectively subject-to-abuse, constitutional provisions, laws and procedures that will come into play in determining who, if anyone, will be inaugurated as president on January 20, 2021 and compendium (supplemented by professor Karlan in her review) of possible horror scenarios, some or most of which are likely to occur shortly before the election, on the day of the election (November 3), and during the weeks following the election. No, there’s virtually no chance the bridge isn’t out.

Bad Faith

“Fight against the normalization of the unacceptable,” Christiane Amanpour” counseled Americans after the 2016 election. That fight has not been successful. Republicans heartily endorsed the unacceptable; for the past four years they have acted, almost en masse, in bad faith. As Jennifer Rubin wrote in one of her Washington Post columns yesterday, “By now it should be obvious that President Trump and the Republican Party have exploited with authoritarian viciousness a system that depends on good faith and restraint.”

American democracy will not be saved by passivity on the part of Democrats. Unlike Republicans, they must act in good faith and with good will. But if they can secure control of the presidency and both houses of Congress next January 20th –– an almost even bet –– they must act decisively to restore and strengthen the institutions of democratic governance and protect them against future assaults by the forces of malice, greed, and dogma.

If the Need for Obliteration Arises

In a Washington Post column yesterday, after a moving tribute to Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Jennifer Rubin made clear, in a rare and probably unprecedented use of bold face type, that Democrats must explain to Republicans unequivocally that if they persist in ignoring the Constitution and norms of decency and fairness and further pursue their reckless and shameful effort to secure longterm control of the government of the United States by filling the Supreme Court court vacancy during the remaining weeks of the Trump presidency that: “If the Senate confirms a new justice before the next president is inaugurated, the new Senate and president will by any means necessary obliterate the impact of that move.”

   Such means could include expanding the size of the Court, ending the filibuster, and admitting the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico as states.

Thoughts about the Supreme Court

Rather recently, as I recall, in the 1990s, we had a conservative court, which outrageously overstepped its bounds in throwing the 2000 election to Bush. (O’Connor was considered a moderate conservative, but she went along with the majority.)  Obama played by the rules, but Trump / McConnell, abetted by the Republican-controlled senate, elected not to. Refusing to even hold hearings on Obama’s nominee, Merrick Garland, was a rank affront to the Constitution.

A major event of this century has been the accelerating corruption and fecklessness of the Republican Party and its contempt for the Constitution, the rule of law, civic responsibility, and decency. Their tolerance for the sociopath in the White House is appalling and indefensible. Their acquiescence to his stuffing the Federal courts with ideological allies, limited to those certified by the right-wing Federalist Society, many of them rated unqualified by the A.B.A., is contemptible. Typical of Republican malfeasance and nonfeasance was the faux F.B.I. investigation of Brett Kavanaugh and the refusal of  Republican senators to give serious consideration to the facts and conduct a trial after Trump’s impeachment.

The present Court has inflicted great damage on our democracy, most conspicuously, as far as I know, with the Citizens United case, the evisceration of the Voting Rights Act, and throwing up their hands at brazenly partisan gerrymandering. Moreover, the Court has ignored that the Constitution guarantees not only freedom of religion, but freedom from religion.  Roe v. Wade has been dragged closer to the guillotine.

On the Court today, Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh are all authoritarian-minded religious nationalists, and Roberts is not far removed from them in his views. Now, Republicans are about to seal long-term control of the Court by adding another one.

A Crisis on Top of a Crisis

Making a bad year worse, we’ve lost RBG. If the Supreme Court has to weigh in on an election decision on the order of Bush v. Gore or some variant of it with five right-wing ideological justices, it’s practically a foregone conclusion what the outcome will be regardless of the merits. Then there’s the whole raft of cases that would likely be decided on their religious nationalist authoritarian power-aggregating utility. In principle, I’m against packing the court, but I agree and then some with Michelle Goldberg in this morning’s New York Times — if Republicans jam through another ideologue under these circumstances, it will be required to save democratic governance.

If Trump Isn’t Defeated

Co-Chairs Ernest J. Moniz and Sam Nunn of the Nuclear Threat Initiative have warned that “achieving security and stability and reducing catastrophic risks on the {Korean} peninsula will require intensive, expert-level negotiations and comprehensive, step-by-step implementation over many months and years.”

This is simply not Trump’s thing. Trump’s thing is blather, bluster, magical thinking, lies, and photo ops. It may not just be American democracy that hangs in the balance with this election. It may be the fate of humanity.

American Democracy and Religious Nationalism

In a recent interview, David Deutsch, one of the most respected and thoughtful physicists in the world, expressed his view that there are two dangers to civilization: “One is moral relativism and the other is religious dogmatism.”

Religious dogmatism is what propelled the mass murderers of 9/11. It abounds throughout the world, very much so in our own country. Men like vice-president Mike Pence, secretary of state Mike Pompeo, and attorney general Bill Barr are religious dogmatists. They are in the grip of a religious vision and slaves to an imagined purpose that energizes them and confirms them in their actions, obliterating all other considerations. Thus, Barr, sworn to uphold the Constitution and the law, has no compunction about betraying his duty, because he has a higher calling –– to change America into an authoritarian religious nationalist state, which will thereby serve as the instrument of God and carrying out His plan.

Barr recently urged prosecutors to consider charging violent protestors with sedition –- a crime that has to do with trying to overthrow the government of the United States. His aim, shared with that of despots throughout history, is to intimidate and persecute critics. Just as Trump, who portrays himself as the law and order president, is the most dangerous criminal in the United States, Barr is the most impassioned seditionist.

The Law and Order Criminal

My recollection from law school is that “reckless endangerment” is a felony in many states. Trump recklessly endangers others when he holds an indoor rally, as he did in Nevada a few days ago, violating a State of Nevada order and discouraging the wearing of masks. In one of her Washington Post columns yesterday Jennifer Rubin quotes constitutional expert Laurence Tribe on the matter: “I think Donald Trump’s deliberate exposure of people attending his rallies without masks and without social distancing, given all he has admitted on tape that he knows about how covid is transmitted and how deadly a virus it is, would qualify for state criminal prosecution.”

Trump has said he wants more law and order. He should be careful what he wishes for. Law and order, properly administered, would bring indictments down upon him faster than he can say, “Global warming is a hoax.”

The Useful Idiot

Alexander Vindman, a former Army officer and National Security Director of European Affairs who immigrated to the United States from Ukraine as a child and is fluent in both Ukrainian and Russian, played a key role in the impeachment of Trump, who in retaliation ruined Vindman’s Army career. In a recent interview by Jeffrey Goldberg, of the Atlantic, Vindman commented that “Trump is Putin’s useful idiot.”

Trump has expressed his admiration for Putin, and has proven his sincerity in that respect by never criticizing Putin and invariably defending him. Putin seized the Crimea: nothing worth making a fuss over, as far as Trump is concerned; Putin pays bounties to the Taliban as a reward for killing American soldiers: Ho hum, as far as Trump is concerned: Putin poisons another of his political enemies: Oh, it can’t be true, as far as Trump is concerned.

Does Trump ever think about how he is Putin’s useful idiot? The thought may have flickered across his mind for half a second, but he’s adept at suppressing his humiliation and perfidy by directing his rage at critics and opponents. Putin could not have found a more useful idiot.

The Malignant Narcissist

Narcissus, the original exemplar of self-adoration, was a benign narcissist. As I recall, he stared at his reflection in a pond so long that he starved. No one else was injured. Trump’s narcissism infects others. “If the president can get away with it so can I” is the logic of tens of millions of people infected by his malevolent rhetoric. His way of being is like a cluster of  cancer cells that spread, killing off healthy cells in the process. Those who have strong immune systems resist him. Those who don’t succumb. 

America in Crisis

It seems lately that books have been coming out once or twice a week with new revelations about Trump’s criminality, his deeply corrupt and narcissistic character, and his incompetence and ignorance, his only skills being those of a con man and mafia boss. Abetted by the entire Republican caucus in Congress, corrupt and complicit cabinet members, greedy and power-hungry morally deficient rich corporate and individual donors, and wildly irresponsible right-wing media, he has mounted a full scale assault on our constitutional system and institutions of justice in his attempt to undermine electoral processes and retain power in Putinesque fashion. Meanwhile, the pandemic continues its grip, and fires of unprecedented ferocity and scope ravage the California, Oregon, and Washington.

We are in the midst of what appears to be the worst crisis in American history, arguably worse than the Civil War, because even if the Union had lost, it would have been diminished, but it would have survived –– “the last best hope on earth” would have survived ––  and its citizens would not be living in a world in which civilization is threatened by the effects of accelerating climate change and the resurgent risk of nuclear war.

Worse and Even Worser

The tapes of Woodward’s conversations with Trump uncover new subterranean levels of Trump’s depravity.

Robert Reich reports: “In another interview with Bob Woodward, Trump bragged about helping Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman avoid consequences for the murder of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi. The CIA determined that Khashoggi’s gruesome murder was the direct order of the Crown Prince, but Trump insisted during the interview that the Crown Prince “didn’t do it,” bragging that he “saved his ass” and “was able to get Congress to leave him alone.”

“History Will Judge the Complicit”

The above is the title of an article by Anne Applebaum in the July / August Atlantic. She draws parallels with what went on in the Soviet satellite states, particularly East Germany, and in Vichy France. The pattern is being replicated, to a degree, in the United States by Republicans in Congress, each of whom has rationalized why they are not betraying America by supporting Trump and enabling him to remain in office.

It’s hard to believe that sliding from democracy into autocracy, plutocratic kleptocracy, or whatever you want to call it could happen in the U.S.A. But it’s clearly in process, and it’s by no means certain that it can be reversed. Applebaum observes that once certain behaviors become normal, people stop seeing them as wrong. Trump becomes more and more outrageous at such a fast pace that the course of events become a blur. What was once unthinkable becomes the norm.

The Lethal Depravity of Donald Trump

Trump admitted in an interview, taped with his permission, that though he knew how deadly and easily transmissible the Covid-19  virus was even by late January, he deliberately downplayed the risk and discouraged preparations for limiting its effects. His perversity and mendacity have no limits. His behavior has cost tens of thousands of lives. Meanwhile, he and his enablers ignore law and ethics in their efforts to undermine the election. His authoritarian aspirations and contempt for democratic institutions are in full view. If we can get rid of him by January 20th it will be a great blessing. If not, a great curse.

Resentment and Respect

Tom Friedman made an important point in his New York Times column this morning. In 2016 a lot of people, particularly non-college-educated whites, voted for Trump because they felt they had been disrespected and ignored by liberal elites, and they felt that Trump understood them and was more supportive of them than Clinton. For many, Clinton’s remark about Trump supporters being “deplorables” may have quashed any inclination they had to vote for her. Biden needs to counter this driving force of resentment on the part of such voters and convince them that he respects them and will vigorously pursue policies, like supporting unions, providing many more well-paying job opportunities, and enacting a much more progressive tax structure, getting it across as well how, despite Trump’s claims to the contrary, he has pursued a policies that enrich the already rich and squeeze the middle class and the poor.

Lawlessness in the Name of Law

From last evening’s online Washington Post: Last night, Trump supporters drove to the Oregon state capitol. “Armed with rifles, pistols, knives and clubs, the far-right demonstrators at one point charged into a smaller group of liberal counterprotesters, knocking at least one activist to the ground.

Sounds as if they are training for likely confrontations after the election. Aspiring Autocrat Playbook: Create chaos. Claim fraud if you lose the election. Declare an emergency and proclaim election results to be invalid. Assume protestors will take to the streets. Encourage armed right-wing vigilantes and militias to attack and intimidate peaceful protestors. Ignore police misconduct and enlist police in your cause. Proclaim that you’ve saved the country from anarchy.

The Big Issue

News Lead: “The president and his supporters are disseminating falsehoods and trafficking in obfuscation at a rapid clip, through the use of selectively edited videos, deceptive retweets and false statements.”

In a recent letter to the editor of my local newspaper, I wrote that the big issue in the upcoming election isn’t conservativism versus liberalism; it’s autocracy versus democracy. The resolution of that issue will turn on the resolution of another one: truth versus falsehood.

Catastrophe in the Making

In a Washington Post op-ed last evening, Georgetown Law professor Rosa Brooks describes “war games” recently held to consider several plausible scenarios on the day of and following this November’s presidential election. Unless Biden wins in a landslide, which presently looks highly unlikely, tactics of Trump and his authoritarian enablers will almost certainly produce violence and a Constitutional crisis. Significantly, what was once called “American democracy” is increasingly often referred to as “the American experiment,” as in “The American experiment may soon be coming to an end.”

Putch in Process

The evidence keeps mounting up, lately exemplified, among other events, by the reduction of the Republican policy platform to an expression of loyalty to Trump, Trump’s urging supporters in North Carolina to vote twice for him, Attorney General William Barr’s brushing off the question as to the legality of such an action, and the continuing campaign of these scoundrels to delegitimize the election. Trump, Barr, Pompeo, et.al., supported by Republicans in Congress and right-wing media and abetted by cadres of deluded Americans and malevolent foreign dictators, most notably Vladimir Putin, to whom Trump has been unwaveringly subservient, are engaged in an outright attempt to replace our constitutional democratic government with autocratic rule.

“The Eerie Stability of Trump’s Approval Rating, Explained”

The above headline is to an article by Ezra Klein in Vox.

Why is it that, as the evidence of Trump’s crimes, destructiveness, corruption, and incompetence piles higher by the day, his approval rating holds almost steady at about 42%?

Kliein gives reasons, but they doesn’t amount to a satisfactory explanation. How do you verify and quantify moral rot and fatalistic stupor, which appear to have enveloped a substantial percentage of the U.S. population?

Add this to the pile: a Washington Post news lead last evening:

“Trump suggests voting twice, once by mail and once in person.  The president encouraged voters to cast ballots twice to ensure their vote is counted. Intentionally voting twice is illegal, and in many states, including North Carolina,  it is a felony.”

We’re deep in surreal land, and it’s hard to see how it won’t get worse in the coming months.

Are Trump and His Enablers Really That Bad?

Are Trump and his Republican enablers really as bad as I’ve been saying? They are. As Jennifer Rubin noted in a recent Washington Post column. “We have become numb after four years or so of lies, racism, xenophobia, narcissism and cruelty. . . The sheer quantity of {Trump’s} lies, outrages and attacks makes it all a blur.” She could have added, massive corruption and staggering incompetence. Resist becoming numb.

Flag Waving

When dozens of American flags are displayed as backdrops for political speeches and and gatherings, waved vigorously at political events, and fly from poles mounted on parades of pickup trucks, Old Glory takes on properties of the Nazi swastika. It begins to signify belligerence and intimidation rather than our mutual commitment to constitutional government, ordered liberty, and a just and compassionate society.

Echoes of Naziism

You can’t trust a lot of what you read on the internet, but I know enough 20th century European history to know that this Facebook post yesterday by Lee J. Carter is accurate: “The history of Nazis holding rallies in left-wing areas of Weimar Germany, instigating street fights, and then telling the press that only they could save Germany from the ‘violent communists’ seems like an important thing for people to be studying right now.”

Trump differs from Hitler in many ways, but like Hitler, he relies on and encourages thugs to create fear and division in an attempt to justify his demagoguery and advance his autocratic aims.

My Republican Friend

I have an old friend who describes himself as a life-long Republican. He is critical of Biden and seems even more critical of Trump. He says he hasn’t decided whom to vote for. I know him to be a person who is highly intelligent and has high moral character. I should be able to communicate with him about the election, but feel at a loss as to how to begin. It’s as if he said he was undecided as to whether pigs can fly. How do you begin to explain that they can’t? I’d like to begin by telling him that if Elizabeth Warren’s golden retriever, Bailey, instead of Joe Biden, were running against Trump, I would vote for Bailey, but I know that saying that wouldn’t fly any better than a pig.  

If American Democracy Is Intact after Jan 20, 2021 . . .

Headline: Pelosi says Dems will release Trump’s tax returns if they win White House

Much needed. And a commission should be established to investigate the tragedy of Trump’s term in office, so the public will be made aware of the full extent of his criminality and perfidy and the venality of his enablers. The commission should recommend legislation ensuring that our democracy will be better protected from internal and external assaults such as we have witnessed during the past four years, and legislation to that end should be enacted into law.

Of course, this can only happen if American Democracy is Intact after Jan 20, 2021.

Good-bye Kellyanne. Into the History Books with You!

Kellyanne Conway, Trump’s highly intelligent morally deficient mouthpiece, has stepped aside for personal reasons. She will long be remembered for her association with the term “alternative facts,” which, as I recall, she had the quick wit to come up with as a way to more felicitously label what she’d been spouting than as lies. As if in tribute to Kellyanne, most of what was said at the Republican convention were alternative facts. If Orwell could look in on us, he might be kicking himself for not having invented “alternative facts.” The term would have fit perfectly in 1984.

Post Election Prospects

This morning, two astute legal commentators, Diana Lithwick, writing in Slate, and Linda Greenhouse, in the New York Times, speculate about frightening scenarios, some of which may –– correction: seem likely to –– occur on November 3 and the days and weeks that follow.

Their columns brought a classic scene to mind: On a dark and stormy night, the train is traveling at high speed, and the engineer is unaware that the bridge ahead has been undermined by floods and may give way under the weight and vibration of a speeding train. A red signal is flashing, but his eyes are shut, his head nodding, as the train speeds on.

A Thought after Watching as Much as I Could Stand (very little) of Night #2 of the GOP Convention

The Republican Convention is a case study of how the unprincipled, the deluded, the resentful, the cynical, the slavish, and morally deficient opportunists of all stripes are drawn to bathe in the sickly light cast by a demagogic aspiring autocrat. Trumpism is different from Naziism is some respects, but not in this one.

The Republican Agenda

Rachel Maddow Show reports: “Instead of writing a 2020 platform, Republicans are simply endorsing Donald Trump’s agenda . . . Trump doesn’t have an agenda.”

Of course not. In a kleptocracy the agenda is always the same and always unspoken: Maximize getting money and power for leaders, family members, collaborators, followers, and enablers regardless of what tactics you use or what damage it does to the country and everyone else.

My Election Anxiety Dream

The grim truth about Trump and his enablers never reaches many tens of millions of American voters. It’s blocked, perverted, controverted, pulverized, and dissipates in thin air. One night last week I had a Kafkaesque dream. I had a new job, which was to read the news aloud on a cable TV network. I arrived at the studio well ahead of time. I thought the producers would brief me on what I was to do, but no one would tell me where I was to stand to deliver the news, or what the news was, or when I was to begin. Then, suddenly I was standing in a booth, I was live on the screens of millions of viewers, but I had no script, no news to read. I explained to viewers that I had no script with news to recite to them. I said a few words of encouragement and consolation to those suffering from the pandemic, and my brief time on camera was over. The production people were disappointed in me. I would not be invited back. People would never get the news.

The List

The list of instances of Trump’s misfeasance, malfeasance, and nonfeasance is long, the facts on it damning, and their import conclusive: Trump is  temperamentally, intellectually, and morally grossly unfit to be president of the United States. That this is the case is manifest to every observer except those confined within right-wing propagandistic media bubbles, most scandalously Fox News. It follows that  every Trump supporter in our country is either deluded or morally deficient. That so many Americans are in one or the other of these categories is the tragedy of our times.

The Upcoming Republican Convention

There will issue forth from the speakers at the Republican convention next week a succession of lies, fabrications, evasions, irrelevancies, false innuendo, and bombast such as may never before been witnessed. Having decided to support a thoroughgoing scoundrel, participants have no choice. Every material true fact relating to Trump reflects badly on him. It would be folly for his enablers to allow reality to intrude on the evil fantasy they create and hope will be embraced by voters.

Daily Damage

It’s evident that Putin has poisoned Alexei Navalny, the foremost opposition leader, who Putin must feel poses a threat to his autocratic rule. As former U.S. ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul wrote in a Washington Post column last night. “Navalny’s heroic struggle is no different from what Gandhi, King, Mandela and Havel fought for.”

Putin knows he can get away with anything without fearing criticism, much less retribution, from Trump and his enablers, who find it in their self-interest to turn a blind eye to Trump’s crimes and betrayals.

Every day Trump remains in office, added damage is inflicted on our country.

The Moral Condition of the Republican Party

The Republican Party feeds on demagoguery, and lies. It’s a front for advancing plutocratic faux-populism, following the Putin model. The fruits of its success are evidenced in Robert Reich’s report that the richest 1% own half the value of the stock market; the richest 10% own 92%. Autocracy is fine with Republican leaders as long as it pays off.

The Second Night of the Democratic Convention

I watched about a third of the proceedings and thought it was better than it would have been had it been packed into a huge convention center in the old manner. It was worth watching for the roll call itself, a succession of scenes on site in each of the 50 states, D.C.,  Puerto Rico and (I believe three) U.S. territories. It was like taking a whirlwind tour of the whole spread-out country. The impression was that the Democratic Party is largely composed of decent people of good will. One pundit this morning said that the Republican Party wouldn’t be able to match it. I think that’s true: At this point, every single Trump supporter is either deluded or morally compromised. Put dozens and dozens of them on camera, and it would show through.

The Democratic Convention Opening Night

The opening 25 minutes reminded me of the half time show at the super bowl –– all glitz, aiming to create an aura of goodness. I think it would have been better to begin with a talk by someone with gravitas and credibility –– perhaps Nancy Pelosi –– laying out the stakes, explaining how this election is not a contest between conservatives and liberals, but between autocracy and democracy, between resentment coupled with greed and decency coupled with good will.

The convention events evidenced a deliberate effort to appeal to black voters. A strong turnout of black voters is critical to getting rid of Trump. If the aspiring autocrat in the White House is deposed, it will be in part because enough eligible black voters put their resentment aside and chose to be heroes of our time.

Republican Senators

Suppose you had polled all the Republican members of the senate four years ago and asked this question:

“Imagine that in 2020 a pandemic would make mail-in voting much safer. Would you support a president, whether a Democrat or a Republican, who, fearing that he or she would not be reelected, directed the compliant postmaster general he or she had appointed to impede mail delivery service to a degree that a great many mail-in votes would not be received by election day, thereby delegitimizing the election?”

I am sure that very few would have answered “Yes.” Yet now, when this is exactly what is happening, not one Republican senator has withdrawn support from Trump. The whole lot of them have slid down the slippery slope of accommodating an aspiring autocrat who is betraying his office and betraying our country in the plain light of day. The whole lot of them should be turned out of office.


Just Another One of Countless Reasons To Vote Trump and His Enablers Out.

News Item: “The Trump administration is scrapping limits on methane leaks. . . methane is estimated to be at least 25 times and as much as 80 times more potent {than carbon dioxide} in terms of trapping heat in the atmosphere.” 

Republican Members of the Senate

Suppose you had polled all the Republican members of the senate four years ago and asked this question: “Would you support a president who, having decided that he was not likely to win reelection in a year in which a pandemic made mail-in voting much safer, directed the postmaster general he had appointed to slow mail delivery service to a degree that many mail-in votes would not be received by election day, thereby delegitimizing the election?” I am quite sure that very few would have answered yes.

 Yet now, when this is exactly what is happening, not one Republican senator has withdrawn support from Trump. The whole lot of them have slid down the slippery slope of accommodating an aspiring autocrat who is betraying his office and betraying our country in the plain light of day. The whole lot of Republican senators seeking reelection this year should be voted out of office. Like Trump, none of them are fit to serve.

Newspaper Editorial Page Policy: a case study in shirking responsibility

Text of letter I sent to the editor of my local newspaper yesterday:

It’s commendable that many Herald editorials focus on historical events –– we need historical perspective woven into an understanding of our times. Still, I think the editors should consider writing more often about the pressing issues facing our country right now. For example, recently Trump installed a mega-donor confederate as postmaster general, and this fellow immediately fired 23 key executives in the postal service, evidently to facilitate Trump’s project of slowing the mails so as to delegitimize mail-in voting. That’s reprehensible. And what about Trump’s dismissiveness of solidly sourced intelligence that Russia has been paying the Taliban bounties for killing American soldiers? When Trump was asked if he had confronted Putin about this in their most recent phone conversation, Trump said the subject hadn’t come up. Then there’s Trump’s welcoming Russian illegal (by its nature) interference with our election on his behalf. These are just a few examples of an endless succession of Trump’s assaults on our democracy that I think responsible newspapers like the Herald should not ignore, particularly because the overriding issue in the upcoming election isn’t about the relative merits of conservative and liberal policies, but about the survival of American democracy.


I got a distinct mood lift yesterday when I read that Kamala Harris is Biden’s pick for V-P. I think she was the best choice. I like her a lot.

The Threat 

Rachel Maddow noted last night that authoritarian rulers tend to get reelected, typically by enormous margins, when their terms are up. They use the levers of power to manipulate every element of the electoral process with the aim of ensuring that the vast majority of votes against them are not counted.

Trump is an aspiring authoritarian ruler. He has demonstrated that he doesn’t care a fig leaf for our country’s sacred institutions or norms, that he cares nothing about the rule of law, and that he has no qualms about ignoring his fiduciary duty to serve the American people rather than his personal interest.

As is characteristic of power-grasping demagogues, he has gotten rid of those in government who don’t bend to his will and replaced them with sycophants and morally deficient opportunists willing to assist him, because doing so would serve their own selfish ambitions.

Trump is no less a traitor to our country than any American who would give aid and comfort to a foreign power invading our shores. To rid ourselves of this scourge, all people of good will –– surely a large majority of our citizens –– must work energetically to expose, discredit, and defeat him.

Trump’s Campaign Strategy

Putin will do everything he can to help Trump get reelected. Trump welcomes Putin’s assistance and will do everything he can to facilitate it. Trump hopes that by spreading disinformation and through voter suppression he will win the election, but because he knows he may lose it anyway, he will do  everything he can to lay the groundwork for delegitimizing a win by Biden. Among other tactics, he has instructed the corrupt postmaster general he appointed to slow postal service enough so that, in case he loses, he can plausibly claim that the postal service is unreliable and that results of mail-in voting were fraudulent and should be nullified. Trump will assert this with great passion and with the seeming conviction of a master charlatan, and with the collaboration of his authoritarian-minded and corrupt attorney general, bring multiple lawsuits with the aim of causing further confusion and prolonging his tenure. Such tactics on the part of Trump and his enablers should be relentlessly called out, discredited, and scorned.

Four ways Autocrats Assault Truth

In his timely little book, On Tyranny, historian Tim Snyder lists the four ways in which autocrats assault, debase, and vitiate truth:

1. Contradict verifiable reality: e.g. “Biden “hurt the Bible. Hurt God.” “He’s against God.” “He’s against religion.”

2. Shamanistic incantations: e,g, drumming negative phrases into people’s minds; e.g. “Lock her up.” “Shifty (Adam} Schiff.} “{name of political opponent} is a “dangerous, left-wing, extremist socialist.”  (Note the repetitiveness in example 1, which also qualifies as an incantation.)

3. Magical thinking; e.g. “The virus will go away.”

4. Misplaced (misdirected) faith: “I understand the system better than anyone. I alone can fix it.”

One might think that the dishonesty of such techniques would be manifest, but when employed on a sustained basis by a naturally talented demagogue abetted by powerful and influential factions, they can become normalized. They can take on a life of their own. They can produce a collective numbness of mind. They must be relentlessly called out, discredited, and scorned.

The Crises We Face

Bill McKiibben’s review in the August 20 New York Review of Books of Our Final Warning, Six Degrees of Climate Emergency, by Mark Lynas, lays bare the extreme peril humanity faces from global warming. In the same issue, foreign policy expert Jessica Matthew’s review of four books relating to the threat of nuclear war, including, most saliently, The New Nuclear Arms Race and Presidential Power from Truman to Trump, by former defense secretary William J. Perry and Tom Z. Collina, is equally alarming.

     Global warming and the threat of nuclear war are the paramount issues facing us. At the same time, as Slate legal affairs commentator Diana Lithwick notes, we are facing a “catastrophic economic crisis, constitutional crisis, public health crisis, and rule of law crisis.” 

      Our country can’t begin to deal with these grave challenges until we get past the Trump and his enablers crisis.

The Moral Descent of the Republican Party

My parents were staunch Republicans, but they would not recognize the Republican Party in the era of Donald Trump. They would not have believed that the Party would sink so low. They would not have imagined that a Republican president would put his reelection above national security concerns, or would praise foreign dictators, or refuse to hold Russia accountable for paying bounties to Afghans who kill our soldiers, or would promote quack remedies, ignore expert advice, and indulge in magical thinking in dealing with a pandemic, or would direct the compliant postmaster general he appointed to slow post office operations so as to create election chaos, so he can claim that election results are fraudulent. “Republicans would never behave that way!” they  would have said. 

The Most Shocking Thing

I would be able to imagine how people whose whole world of what they assume is information is limited to Fox News and other Trumpian propagandistic elements of the media get their brains so altered that they think Trump is a good president and has been unfairly treated by leftists, liberals, and socialists if these people were not in the process exposed to Trump’s utterances and tweets. No criticism of Trump by others should be needed. In almost every utterance, every tweet, and every gesture he reveals what an appallingly unprincipled, crude, self-aggrandizing, incompetent, reckless, dishonest man he is. The most shocking thing is that his gross unfitness for office – his sheer repulsiveness – is constantly on display in plain sight. Apparently a very large percentage of people in our country “have eyes, but they do not see,” and ears “but they do not hear.”

The Republican Party and Plutocratic Populism

The Republican Party is controlled by the rich and the super rich. The Party elites like being rich and super rich; they want to be taxed less and get even richer, and to that end they want to cut government spending except to support their own interests, and they’ve shown that they don’t much care about the problems of the middle class and the poor and disadvantaged. Because these elites comprise only a small minority of voters, to gain and retain power they have had to entice large numbers of voters whose economic interests would be better served under Democratic administrations. 

Republican elites succeeded in accomplishing their aims by appealing to people for whom possession of firearms is of great importance, people for whom particular religious teachings are of great importance, and people motivated by their resentment of African Americans, immigrants, recipients of pubic assistance other than themselves, and those whom they have been led to believe are dangerous radicals, socialists, liberals, or leftists.

Aided by highly partisan right-wing media and donations from very rich donors, Republican elites succeeded in patching together a winning coalition of these disparate groups. The brand of political faith they successfully marketed has been well characterized as plutocratic populism. They’ll keep pitching it as long as it works, and, as long as it works, they will keep getting richer at the expense of everyone else.

How Trump’s Name Should Live

A fine op-ed in this morning’s Washington Post by George Conway is titled “Trump’s Name Should Live in Infamy.” So it should, and anyone who doesn’t think so is either ignorant or morally deficient. That he was elected president and has been allowed to remain in office indicates that there is something profoundly wrong with this country, and even if we are lucky enough to be rid of him on January 20, 2021, something profoundly wrong with this country will remain. Whether or not it can be remedied we don’t yet know.

Two Questions Definitely Answered by Jennifer Rubin

Could we have foreseen that the Trump presidency would be such a disaster?   

       “If you elect a narcissistic, ignorant, corrupt and cruel president, disaster will ensue.”

Is there any chance that Trump could act more capably and decently?

      “Character this twisted is destiny. Unfitness this severe is irreparable.”

A Good Idea

I read that Spain launched a new program under which it will pay the equivalent or $1,145 per month to the nation’s poorest families.

We could do something like that in the United States. If we did, we would instantly become a better country.

Resisting Tyranny

News Header: “Postal employees are warning that new procedures put in place by a Trump ally {the big-donor crony Trump installed as postmaser general} could undermine their ability to deliver ballots in time for the election.”

Most of the way through historian Tim Snyder’s incisive new book, On Tyranny, I sense a central theme to it, which is that having a majority of good people isn’t enough for a nation to resist tyranny. Our hallowed institutions won’t save us. It will take a critical mass of alert, determined, and courageous people to do so.

Trump’s Idea of How American Democracy Should Work

If you are the president of the United States, and the election is approaching, and you are aware you will not likely be re-elected, you must act decisively. First, state publicly that the election should be postponed. Think of the best reason you can. Don’t worry that it’s not a good reason. It’s planting the idea in people’s minds that  counts –– getting them to think of it as a possibility. But this is not enough! It’s important also to claim that, if you are not re-elected, it will be because mail-in voting led to fraudulent election results. Then instruct the loyalist authoritarian-minded attorney general you appointed to say that he thinks there is a high risk that the election results will be fraudulent. Then instruct the loyalist lackey postmaster general you appointed to slow post office service to give the impression that the mails are unreliable. Don’t worry that what you’re doing is outrageous. Chaos and confusion are your friends. Because you are the president, this is how American democracy should work.

Word Abuse

Among the numerous ways in which Trump has damaged our country is his abuse of words by flinging them willy nilly in his tweeted and spoken rants, sewing misinformation, creating confusion, and tending to put everyone in a worse mood than they would have been in if the world had been lucky enough to be spinning through space without him. “Tremendous” need now be laid to rest; “disgraceful.” “socialists,” “criminal,” “anarchists,” “bad,” and even “sad,” are all terribly the worse for wear, as is “terribly.”

It’s important not to take words to mean what they meant when we first learned them. Does “conservatism” mean what you think it does? In a recent column, Jennifer Rubin brought the definition up to date: “Conservatism” now is a chaotic blend of right-wing nationalism, conspiracy theories, plutocratic economics, cronyism, protectionism, realpolitik foreign policy and repudiation of objective reality.”

Sad and Sobering Facts

At the moment, it appears that Biden has a clear lead over Trump in he polls. Yet, if the election were held today, my understanding is that if no votes were cast by African Americans, Trump would win. A majority of whites are apparently either too deluded or too morally compromised to vote Trump out of office. It’s also my understanding that if no votes were cast by women, Trump would win. A majority of men are apparently either too deluded or too morally compromised to vote Trump out of office. What’s the matter with white people? What’s the matter with men? I don’t know. I only know that these are sad and sobering facts.

Notes from Surreal Land

David Remick, the editor of The New Yorker, observed in a recent interview: “Trump is cornered. There is nothing he won’t do.”

Yesterday, I learned that Trump evidently directed the mega-donor crony he installed as Postmaster General to slow down mail deliveries. The president of the United States wants to make mail service less efficient and reliable. Nothing will seem strange about that if you keep in mind that we’re living in surreal land.

If, as seems likely, Trump loses the election, his plan is to claim that mail-in voting produced a fraudulent outcome to the election, then declare the reported results to be void, initiate lawsuits in order to escalate doubts and confusion, remind everyone that under the Constitution he is the commander and chief of the armed forces, send every federal police unit and militia he can get his hands on to quell uprisings and protests he causes by such action, declare a national emergency requiring the imposition of martial law, and promise to hold a new properly conducted election in the fall of 2021. Undermining peoples’ faith in the postal service is part of this grand plan.

The Plight of a Local Newspaper

Like many regional newspapers, the dominant local newspaper in our area, The Durango Herald, struggles to maintain basic journalistic standards and still make a profit. It doesn’t help that political polarization in our area is probably as extreme as it is anywhere in the country. In our Congressional District race, the Democrats are running a moderately progressive candidate with strong experience as a county commissioner and state legislator. The Republicans are running a restaurant and bar owner, whose main publicity photo shows her wearing a sidearm and posed in front of a cluster of members of “Bikers for Trump.” Two motorcycles embellish the scene. The contrast with the Democratic candidate is stark.

     My observation of the Durango Herald is that they have tried to hew a non-controversial editorial policy, steering away from highly charged issues. I suspect that they are afraid of alienating a large number of subscribers if they express a clear-cut political preference. For the Herald, as for similarly situated newspapers, a fateful moment approaches. By late October, they will have to take clear-cut positions. They will have to earn the scorn of a large number of subscribers. 

The Republican Party and Plutocratic Populism

The Republican Party is controlled by the rich and the super rich. The Party elites like being rich and super rich; they want to be taxed less and get even richer, and to that end they want to cut government spending except to support their own interests, and they don’t care much about the plight of the middle class and the poor and disadvantaged. Because these elites comprise only a small minority of voters, to gain and retain power they have had to entice large numbers of voters whose economic interests would be better served under Democratic administrations.

Republican elites succeeded in accomplishing their aims by appealing to people for whom possession of firearms is of especially great importance, people for whom particular religious teachings are of especially great importance, and people motivated by their resentment of African Americans, immigrants, recipients of pubic assistance other than themselves, or those whom they have come to believe are dangerous socialists, liberals, or leftists.

Aided by highly partisan right-wing media, Republican elites succeeded in patching together a winning coalition of these disparate groups. The brand of political faith they successfully marketed has been well characterized as plutocratic populism. They’ll keep pitching it as long as it works.


In his online New York Times column last evening, Roger Cohen conveyed the German perspective on Trump and his strenuous efforts to subject the United States to autocratic rule. Cohen notes, “The German horror at Trump has many components. He’s the fear-mongering showman wielding nationalism, racism and violence . . . He is a fascist in the making.”

A Peripheral Major Tragedy

One of the dismaying effects of the pandemic is that critically important challenges are relegated to the periphery of debate and discussion. One of these is the shocking widening of the disparity of wealth and income over the past few decades and the threat it poses to our tattered society. A central question posed by the authors of the distinguished new book Let Them Eat Tweets is “How has the Republican Party persuaded so many working-class voters to support a plutocratic agenda that they often don’t like, and that often undermines their own livelihoods?” 

The Fooler in Chief

It would be nice if we could take comfort in Lincoln’s famous dictum: “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and you can fool all of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.” Alas, you only have to fool most of the people some of the time to win an election. And with our electoral college system, in which the final result isn’t determined by the popular vote, you may not even have to fool most of the people some of the time. This year, Republicans will succeed in keeping some of the people who would be among most of the people from voting.  And even if Trump isn’t able to fool enough of the people to win the electoral college, he’ll try to fool enough of the  people into thinking the election was rigged against him. It’s concerning that, although Trump is deficient in every other human quality, he’s a master at fooling people, the result of intensive practice throughout his entire life.

The Present Trajectory of Events

The more outrageously Trump behaves, the more people will protest. The more they protest, the more federal camouflaged unidentified enforcement officers Trump will send in to round up protestors and intimidate them, which will elicit more protests, which must be subdued by greater force. No city can be left unprotected from the socialist leftist anarchist criminals terrorizing our nation. Only a strong authoritarian leader can save the country now. Certainly not Biden, who, along with Obama, allowed China to use the virus against us. 

Trump’s Strategy

Cause chaos and outrage, which will cause more mass protests, which he will blitz-tweet are the work of anarchists and left-wing extremists requiring tough tactics to subdue and restore America to the greatness he achieved before China, emboldened by Obama and Biden caving into them, unleashed the virus on our country. Launch such a torrent of tweets as will produce further outrage and protests until it becomes evident that authoritarian rule is necessary to subdue leftist extremists and anarchists and restore law and order and people learn that whatever happens in the election is meaningless because it was rigged by socialist extremists and criminals, and that only a strong determined leader can save America and protect traditional American values and bring back liberty and justice and a strong economy.

The Aspiring Autocrat at Work

Headline:  “Trump declines to say whether he’ll accept Nov. election results.”   

Trump’s strategy: Cause chaos and outrage, which will cause more mass protests, which he will blitz-tweet are the work of anarchists and left-wing extremists, requiring tough tactics to subdue and restore America to the greatness he had achieved, which will produce further outrage and protests until it becomes evident that authoritarian rule is necessary to enforce law and order, and people learn that whatever happens in the election is meaningless because it was rigged by socialist extremists and criminals, and that only a strong determined leader can save America and protect traditional American values and bring back liberty and justice and a strong economy for all.

Field Testing Fascism

Federal law enforcement officers have the legal right to protect federal buildings and other federal property. They do not have the right to leap out of unmarked cars, heavily armed and in camouflage gear, single out peaceful protestors, shove them into cars, fail to identify themselves or give any reason for their behavior, take their captives to a federal building and detain them for hours before releasing them. Despite the objections of the mayor and other officials, this has been happening Portland, Oregon.

These episodes are straight out of the fascist playbook. If Trump is reelected, he will claim that practices such as these have been approved by the people. He knows that the thoroughly cowed and craven Republican political establishment won’t push back. He will push the power of intimidation to the limit, if any limit is still in place. At the moment, these fascist techniques are being field tested. During a second Trump term they would become standard operating procedure.

What Barr Thinks

Headline: “Attorney General William Barr condemns U.S. tech companies for “kowtowing” to China.”

Now let’s all condemn Barr for kowtowing to Trump.

Note: Barr doesn’t think he’s kowtowing to Trump –– he thinks of Trump as a useful instrument for  pursuing his religious nationalistic authoritarian vision of America, which likely includes himself as the authoritarian leader in the post-Trump era.

Reading Agenda

I’m about to read “Let Them Eat Tweets: How the Right Rules in an Age of Extreme Inequality. Among other topics, this new book by two political scientists talks about how “the Republican Party persuaded so many working-class voters to support a plutocratic agenda that they often don’t like, and that often undermines their own livelihoods.” If all the people whose lives have been damaged by Trump and his enablers knew how much he has hurt them and degraded the country, Trump vote totals would shrink to historically new levels.

Looking Back from the Future

New York Times opinion writer Nicholas Kristoff is distinctive in how often he thinks outside the frame of current events and controversies. In a recent column he considered how future generations will look back at the behavior of our generation.

Just as we look back in horror at what strikes us as barbaric behavior of respectable citizens in the past, people in the future may look back at our behavior with disgust, particularly, Kristoff speculates, in our cruelty toward billions of animals, most horrifically in factory farms, in our failing to act decisively to arrest climate change, and in our indifference to malnourished children living in extreme poverty, most of them in what to us, but not to them, are remote corners of the world.

Dispatches from Surreal Land

Dispatches from Surreal Land:  Almost Everyone Lies Constantly except Trump

A recent Trump Tweet: “The most outrageous lies are the ones about Covid 19. Everyone is lying. The CDC, Media, Democrats, our Doctors, not all but most, that we are told to trust.”

When Autocratic Rule is Shoved in Your Face

Karen Cheung, a Hong Kong native who still lives there, wrote a lovely essay –– it appeared in last night’s online New York Times ––about what it’s like to live in a densely populated urban community with a tradition of independence and self-governing that overnight becomes fully subjected to repressive autocratic rule, which is what happened to that great city-state on July 1. Cheung’s article isn’t bitter or complaining. It’s a testament to the human spirit, a declaration of her refusal to relinquish joy in living.

Once Again

The Green Party nominated a candidate to run for president. I haven’t read the Party platform. If it advocates measures to aggressively curb fossil fuels, stimulate production of alternative energy, and reduce air and water pollution, there may be much to be said for it. But the Green Party decision to once again promote their own candidate rather than support the Democratic ticket is an act of rank stupidity. The same behavior almost certainly was responsible for the election Bush and the defeat of Gore in the 2000 election. By running a candidate in 2016, they helped Trump and hurt Hillary Clinton. This year, once again there is zero chance that the Green Party candidate will be elected. The only effect of its efforts will be to hurt Biden and help Trump. These people think of themselves as idealists. In fact, they’re nihilists.

The Republican Truth Tellers

Employing powerful TV ads, George Conway, Steve Schmidt, and other prominent honorable Republicans involved in “The Lincoln Project” are getting the truth across about Trump’s dishonesty, incompetence, and profound unfitness to hold office. Their efforts are a stinging rebuke to members of their party who cravenly fail to repudiate our sociopathic president. They are true American heroes.

Corruption in Broad Daylight

Trump and Barr have become so bold that they don’t try to disguise their corruption and authoritarian ambitions. Trump commutes the sentence of Roger Stone, his partner in crime in abetting Russian efforts to help him win the 2016 election. Barr initiates criminal investigations of officials who exhibited higher loyalty to the United States Constitution and the rule of law than to Trump and fires U.S. Attorneys in key districts who have been conducting criminal investigations of Trump associates.

Roger Cohen, in his column appearing in last night’s online New York Times, notes that Trump recently tweeted: “RIGGED 2020 ELECTION: MILLIONS OF MAIL-IN BALLOTS WILL BE PRINTED BY FOREIGN COUNTRIES, AND OTHERS. IT WILL BE THE SCANDAL OF OUR TIMES!”

Cohen continues: ‘Trump is preparing the ground to contest any loss to Joe Biden and remain president, aided, no doubt, by Attorney General William Barr’s Justice Department.”

American democracy is in the fight of its life.

A Cheery Note

A highly plausible scenario is that Trump loses the election, he declares that his loss resulted from voter fraud, he refuses to leave office until the matter is resolved, and he initiates a slew of law suits hoping to keep the question of who won tied up in the courts indefinitely. 

In a Washington Post op-ed yesterday, the distinguished Constitutional scholar Laurence Tribe and two colleagues pointed out that cabinet members who tried to act in their appointed capacity on Trump’s behalf after a Trump loss could be subject to criminal prosecution.

It’s far from certain, but I think that more likely than not we’ll get through this nightmare: that Trump will be out of office by January 21, and that we’ll be able to begin the long and arduous task of repairing the damage.

Democracy Wins a Round in Defending Itself against Autocracy

In a pair of 7-2 decisions, the Supreme Court ruled that Trump’s financial records are not exempt from subpoena in a New York State judicial proceeding and that, subject to meeting certain reasonable criteria, the same is true in the case of subpoenas issued by Congressional committees in the course of carrying out their oversight and legislative responsibilities.

These cases rejected Trump’s claims to king-like status by virtue of his being president. Thank goodness.

Trump-Biden Debate Prerequisite

Veteran New York Times columnist Tom Friedman has put forth a persuasive argument that Biden should declare that he will take part in a debate only if (i) Trump releases his tax returns for 2016 through 2018. (Biden has already done so. Why should Trump be given a free pass on hiding his finances?); and (ii) ten minutes before the scheduled conclusion of the debate independent fact checkers “report on any misleading statements, phony numbers or outright lies either candidate had uttered.”

Why should Trump, who, it is well established, is a serial liar, be allowed to lie, bluff, and bluster his way through the debate without being held to account? Biden can rebut him: “That’s just not true, Mr. President. That’s just not true,” again and again. But Trump will express outrage at Biden’s accusations, deny them, go off on tangents, and bring more lies to bear on what will amount to a brawl rather than a reasoned debate.

Trump won’t play by the rules voluntarily. He should be forced to. 

If Biden set such conditions, Trump will almost certainly opt out of the debates, claiming that Biden insisted on ridiculous conditions because he was afraid to debate him. They aren’t ridiculous. They make all the sense in the world. Most people would understand that.


Continuous Astonishment

I’m continuously astonished that, even though Trump is patently a clear and present danger to America and to the entire world, Republicans haven’t forced him to withdraw his candidacy in favor of a member of their party who is honorable, conscientious, and competent, Instead, a vast majority of Republicans continue to support him.

At this point, every Trump supporter in the United States, without exception, is either uninformed, deluded, or morally deficient.

The Heart and Soul of Our Country

The far-right Republican candidate for Colorado’s 3rd Congressional District, Lauren Boebert, has proclaimed that she’s battling for the “heart and soul of our country.” Since she’s identified herself as “an avid Trump supporter,” what better way to ascertain how she envisages the heart and soul of our country than by reading Trump’s iconic Fourth of July speech at the Mount Rushmore National Monument. The full text is available on the internet, but you can learn all you need to know about it from Jennifer Rubin’s description of the speech as a “raving, paranoid one peddling hate and dystopia.”

A New Low

Our intelligence agencies reported to Trump that Russia was paying the Taliban a bounty for each American soldier they killed. Trump said he was never briefed about it, and that the report was a hoax. He showed no concern about our dead soldiers. He showed no concern about our intelligence agencies.  He showed concern only for getting on with campaign rallies, bands playing, flags flying, bombs bursting in mid-air, jets fighters flying overhead, and statues.

U.S. Ambassador Russian Michael McFaul observed in an online Washington Post column yesterday, “Trump has been subservient to Putin throughout his presidency, but this latest moment of indifference — silence about the killing of American soldiers — marks a new low.”

Republican senators, all but one of whom stood arm to arm to protect Trump from being removed from office, remain silent. They, too, care more about their political futures than about the nation they promised, on their oath, to serve.

“A Cheap, Simple Way to Control the Coronavirus”

When I see a headline like this, I’m likely to think, oh sure, and turn the page. This time I read the article. To my surprise, it would be possible to supply most Americans with a year’s supply of Covid-19 do-it-your-self daily virus test kits at a cost of something like $3 a day per person –– simple as pie, spit on a paper strip with results in 15-minutes. Not 100% accurate but close enough to it. Test positive and you self-quarantine. This could slow down spreading tremendously. The cost in the U.S. might be something like 300 billion dollars a year. It would be a good investment.

It’s in the category of good things that might happen.

Why Trump Can’t Change

Why can’t Trump act more in his own self-interest? Why does he so desperately seek praise? Why is he so obtuse about what would bring it forth?

In a recent Washington Post column, Jennifer Rubin provided us with the answer to such questions: “Character this twisted is destiny. Unfitness this severe is irreparable.”

A Sign of the Times

We had a stunning political development in Tuesday’s primary elections in our red, but not deep-red, Colorado 3rd Congressional District.

My candidate, Diane MItsch Bush, a capable progressive veteran state legislator, handily won the Democratic primary, but had been given little chance to unseat the heavily-financed five-term Republican incumbent, Scott Tipton, a smooth-talking, unwavering Trump loyalist and faithful follower of the GOP agenda.

It’s a commentary on the transformation of the Republican Party that, despite Tipton’s sterling right-wing voting record, he was deemed too far to the left for a decisive majority of C. D. 3 Republicans, who voted to dump him in favor of Lauren Boebert, a 33-year-old bar owner, from the town of Rifle, with no experience in public service and who appears to be more Trumpian than Trump. Chances that our district would flip from red to blue skyrocketed overnight.

Barr and American Democracy

Recent Headlines:

Washington Post: “Four ways William Barr is already subverting the 2020 elections”

New York Times:  “Inside Barr’s Effort to Undermine Prosecutors in New York”

Next to Trump, Attorney General William Barr is the most dangerous person in the United States. He is not a slavish Trump toady, like Mike Pence, for example. He is a strong-minded religious nationalist with a pathological attraction to  authoritarian rule. Like Trump, he should be impeached, convicted in a trial in the senate, and removed from office. This would happen were the senate not controlled by Republicans who have lost their moral compass and ignored their solemn duties in the course of pursuing personal political, economic, and idealogical agendas.

American Democracy is and will remain in the intensive care unit until Inauguration day, January 20, 2021, whereupon it will be either be pronounced dead or need to enter a long period  of rehab.

Trump and Republican Senators

It’s undisputed. Our intelligence agencies knew by February that Russia (i.e. Putin) was paying the Taliban a bounty for each American soldier they killed. Intelligence officials say they briefed Trump on this matter at the time. Trump did nothing about it. Confronted with the facts, Trump says that he was never briefed about the matter. Trump is clearly lying. If he had not been briefed about it he would be outraged. Instead he has treated the matter as if it were of no more consequence than if a mouse had been found in the White House kitchen. 

Appalling as Trump’s behavior is, it’s of a piece with what we’ve come to expect of him. No less a tragedy of our times than his holding the reins of power is that Republican senators and cabinet members fail to repudiate him and make it their mission to remove him from office.

Our Viral Future, continued

Thanks to some informed feedback, what follows is a revision of “my understanding” of the situation. Excisions are in brackets. Additions in italics.

{My guess is that} A widely available safe and effective vaccine or solidly effective antiviral drug, as distinguished from a Trump/Pence fantasy of one, is at least a couple of years away. 

Until a vaccine is widely available, we’ll likely experience continuing cycles of tighter and looser restrictions with roughly inverse correlations of falling and rising numbers of cases. 

Over time, more and more people will have been infected and may have developed immunity, (it not being known to what degree and for how long).

CDC recently estimated that there may have been at least ten times as many cases as have been reported. This is because a lot of infected people have no symptoms or minor symptoms and don’t get tested. 

{It appears that people who have been infected will have immunity lasting at least until a vaccine is available.} By a year from now it’s possible that half the people in the country will have been infected, recovered, are non-communicative, and have immunity. A wide variety of other scenarios are possible as well.

At some point, we’ll reach {“herd” immunity,} a state where, even though rules have been very much relaxed, the average infected person infects fewer than one other person. Then the numbers of communicable people and numbers of new cases begin fall. One can then feel increasingly less imprudent engaging in traditional activities involving close proximity to others.

     It’s shocking how much is still unknown about this virus.

Our Viral Future

My guess is that a widely available safe and effective vaccine or solidly effective antiviral drug (as distinguished from a Trump/Pence fantasy of one) is still a couple of years away. What follows is my understanding of the situation:

     Until a vaccine is widely available, we’ll likely experience continuing cycles of tighter and looser restrictions with inverse correlations of falling and rising numbers of cases. Over time, more and more people will have been infected and developed immunity. CDC recently estimated that there may have been at least ten times as many cases as have been reported. This is because a lot of people have no symptoms or minor symptoms and don’t get tested. It appears that people who have been infected will have immunity lasting at least until a vaccine is available. By a year from now it’s possible that half the people in the country will have been infected, gotten over it, are non-communicative, and have immunity. At some point, we’ll reach “herd” immunity, a state where, even though rules have been very much relaxed, the average infected person infects fewer than one other person. Then the numbers of communicable people and numbers of new cases begin steadily falling even when precautions have been almost done away with. One can then feel increasingly less imprudent engaging in traditional activities involving close proximity to others.

What’s Wrong with Middle Aged White Men?

Most polls show Biden leading Trump by comfortable margins among nearly all segments of voters. A segment that favors Trump is that of white men between 50 and 64. 

Men that age should be pretty mature. They’ve had ample life experience to have developed good judgment. What’s wrong with them?

 In my view, the main driving force causing people to support Trump is resentment. It would appear that most of these middle-age men have lived long enough to have given up on their dreams; that most of them feel that life/society has let them down. A lot of them seem to be resentful.

Trump is resentful. He is resentful of critics; resentful of constrictions imposed on him by virtue of our constitutional system. He constantly expresses resentfulness and contempt for those who fail to admire him.

Trump’s mood of resentfulness infects the nation, most so, it seems, the population of middle aged men. Democrats must run inspiring campaigns to snap them out of it.

Trump’s Contingency Plan

Headline: “White House intensifies effort to install Pentagon personnel seen as loyal to Trump.”  

Trump and his advisors are undoubtedly planning a strategy to follow if he loses the election. Following first principles, he will claim that massive voting fraud occurred; he will call it the worst crime ever committed in American history. He will refuse to concede defeat or prepare for transition of power.  He will launch lawsuits in an attempt to decertify results. He will call for a new election. Trump loyalists in the senate will launch investigations. His media allies will claim that the election results were fabricated.

Trump would like to be able to call on our military forces to stave off any effort to remove him.

Checks and Balances

Checks and balances are of the essence of our constitutional system, which was designed to protect our democracy from autocratic rule. The U.S. Constitution, as amended, is one of the great achievements of humankind, but it doesn’t provide a mechanism for checking a corrupt president who is supported by a corrupt majority of senators of his party, a corrupt attorney general, and corrupt judges in critical positions. 

American democracy is on the ropes, and Trump and his allies are doing everything they can to knock it out of the ring, before he is voted out of office and forced to relinquish power.

Trump’s Truth Department

Headline: “Trump family seeks to block book by niece that calls him ‘world’s most dangerous man.’” 

Trump and his aides are like a fire department, fires being truths. Truths keep flaring up all over the place, and Trump’s Truth Department spends a lot of time and energy rushing here and there trying to put them out before they flare out of control. It’s not easy.

Nervous Apprehension

Trump feels nervous apprehension about the election. He has aptly been compared to an animal that is all the more dangerous when cornered. 

Not one whose decisions are subject to Constitutional or ethical considerations, Trump is determined to win even if he loses. Covid-19 virus constraints will impede the electoral process. Trump and his allies will do make everything they can to suppress voting and make the election as chaotic as possible. In the event of adverse results at the polls, expect Trump’s allies, aided by Trump’s authoritarian-minded Attorney General, William Barr, to file lawsuits and launch a propaganda campaign of unprecedented intensity. Trump is not alone in feeling nervous apprehension. Nearly everyone I know is too.

The Wrong Justice Department Official Lost His Job This Weekend

The title above is that of a today’s New York Times op-ed by former U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York Preet Bharara, who himself was fired by Trump for  repeatedly demonstrated integrity. Bharara commented on the ham-handed firing of the current holder of that office, Geoffrey Berman, a Republican and donor to the Trump campaign, who chose to be faithful to his oath of office and the rule of law, a concept so foreign to Trump that he has almost insuperable difficulty imagining that others would give it any thought. The firing was conducted by Barr and Trump in a way that would be surprising if it had occurred in any other administration: Each asserted that the act was instigated by the other.  

Bharara’s op-ed is masterful in its clarity and its temperate tone and language. Mindful of the principle that writers should avoid excess words, he didn’t name the Justice Department official who should have lost his job,

Barr’s Brain

What goes on in the brain of Attorney General William Barr? Why would a man so well-educated and financially secure be willing to betray his oath of office and defy the Constitution in order to aide and perpetuate in power a blustering, ignorant, narcissistic aspiring autocrat who has the heart and the soul of a thug?

I think the answer is that Barr, a religious nationalist, finds psychic satisfaction in the notion of a society governed by higher authority, and he recognized that Trump was an instrument he could take in hand to pursue that goal. What I don’t think Barr realizes is that he himself is in the grip of a higher authority, a dangerous cerebral condition over which he has no control. 

Another Step on the Road to Autocracy

Trump took a big step forward this past week in his relentless efforts to convert the United States of America from a democracy to an autocracy, once again with the shameful blessing of the Republican-controlled senate, installing a loyalist hack as head of the Voice of America. The hack immediately dismissed all the capable, independent, experienced, honorable division heads preparatory to replacing them with sub-hacks. The goal: to convert this long-standing, effective, non-partisan, internationally respected journalistic enterprise into a disseminator of Trumpist propaganda.

Informed Honorable Republicans Will Vote Democratic

Prior to the Trumpian era, Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin was a Republican. Her column was titled “Right Turn.” It must dismay Trump and allies that she is an honorable person, someone who favors truth over falsehood and right over wrong. Accordingly, she wrote yesterday, “Senate Republicans. . . were and are enablers of the most destructive president in our history and deserve — every last one of them — to be booted out of office.”   

Bolton’s Book

Judging by Jennifer Szalai’s review, which I read in the online New York Times, of the long anticipated book by former National Security Advisor, John Bolton, the truth spilling out of it about Trump’s ignorance and perfidy to his oath of office, while damning, is so shot through with Bolton’s egotistically pumped-up self-justifications and so interlaced with immaterial raw excerpts from his over-detailed notebooks as to land with a thud and have little impact on the question of Trump’s fitness to hold his present office. 

Boton’s book evidently does show clearly that Trump should be removed from the White House, but it amounts to no more than another scrap added to an already mile-high pile of evidence.

Truth is Spilling Out All Over

Trump’s efforts to bluster and lie his way to reelection have been encountering increasing difficulty. Repeating and embroidering big lies is standard practice for autocrats, but so many facts countering the Administration’s false narratives have been spilling out that Trump’s support appears more likely that not to erode before the election. 

Trump’s lawsuit to prevent former National Security Director John Bolton’s tell-(mostly)-all book from being published June 23 has roughly zero chance of success. That particular chunk of truth, either poured or leaked, will be spilling out next week.

What Do Honorable Republicans Think? (Continued)

My Republican friend replied at length to the questions I referred to in my blog yesterday. He acknowledged that “the Republican Party has  been  taken over by conservatives and as a consequence strayed from  the principles” I listed. (I should have used the word “betrayed” rather than “strayed” –– it’s far more accurate.)  And it would have been more accurate for him to say that the Republican Party has been taken over from conservatives by unprincipled opportunists, religious nationalists, and protofacists. He did remark, “No comments necessary on his tweets or crude press remarks!” So he isn’t happy about that aspect of Trump. This doesn’t count for much, however, because all Trump loyalists except the most slavish of his sycophantic following find this aspect of Trump to be unfortunate, but dismiss it as being in the category of “We all have our little flaws.”

My friend offered his opinion on what it would take for the Democrats to defeat Trump, but he didn’t say whom he would vote for, and he credited Trump, saying that he “has and is addressing issues which for years were kicked down the street.”

 What issues? How did he address them and how is he currently addressing them? And who kicked them down the street?” These are my next questions for my old Republican friend.

What Do Honorable Republicans Think?

Over the weekend, I had an enjoyable phone conversation with an old friend, a longstanding Republican with whom I had been almost completely out of touch for decades. Our lengthy conversation ended before we got talking about politics. When I later wrote him, I asked:

“Would you agree that the Republican Party and the vast majority of Republican office holders have strayed from basic principles traditionally held by Republicans: civility, honesty, respect for the Constitution and the rule of law, fiscal responsibility, competency in government, forging and nurturing  alliances with other democracies, exercising leadership in international initiatives and institutions dedicated to betterment of the world, and, apart from some notable lapses during the Cold War, defending democracy and human rights against dictatorial and authoritarian abuse in all quarters?

‘The reign of Trump and his entourage has been a spectacle of gross betrayal of every one of these principles; yet, with only the feeblest or rarest exceptions, Republican members of Congress have gone along with  Trump every step of the way, most of them, apparently, as one commentator put it, “out of fear that they’ll get tweeted out of their office and not get elected the next go-round.” In my view, the Republican Party has become so corrupted that it needs to be reconstituted, a process that should begin with a great many more prominent Republicans renouncing Trump and Trumpism in all its forms.”

I hope he’ll write back and let me know what he thinks.

What Do Decent, Honorable, Well-Informed People Who Have Been Longstanding Republicans Think These Days?

Over the weekend, I had an enjoyable phone conversation with an old friend, a longstanding Republican whom I had been almost completely out of touch with for decades.  Our lengthy conversation ended before we got talking about politics, but when I wrote him afterwards, I asked:

“Would you agree that the Republican Party and the vast majority of Republican office holders have strayed from basic principles traditionally held by Republicans: civility, honesty, respect for the Constitution and the rule of law, fiscal responsibility, competency in government, forging and nourishing alliances with other democracies, exercising leadership in international initiatives and institutions dedicated to betterment of the world, and, apart from some notable lapses during the Cold War, defending democracy and human rights against dictatorial and authoritarian abuse in all quarters?

‘The reign of Trump and his entourage has been a spectacle of gross betrayal of every one of these principles; yet, with only the feeblest or rarest exceptions, Republican members of Congress have gone along with  Trump every step of the way, most of them, apparently, as one commentator put it, “out of fear that they’ll get tweeted out of their office and not get elected the next go-round.” In my view, the Republican Party has become so corrupted that it needs to be reconstituted, a process that should begin with a great many more prominent Republicans renouncing Trump and Trumpism in all its forms.”

I hope he’ll write back and let me know what he thinks.

Sociopaths and the Treasury

In her book The Sociopath Next Door, Martha Stout notes that sociopaths are often very successful. It can work to your advantage if you are devoid of empathy, have no conscience, and no sense of shame, although some such people notably get their comeuppance. 

Robert Reich reports and comments: “The careless greed of Trump and his family never ceases to amaze me. Last year, Don Jr. charged American taxpayers more than $75,000 for an exotic 8-day hunting trip in Mongolia. The goal of the trip was to hunt a threatened Mongolian sheep in the remote reaches of the country. In just the past three years, the Trumps’ excursions have already exhausted the Secret Service’s entire personnel budget. Remember, these are the same people who want to cut federal funding for the poor, elderly, and sick. But when it comes to their own lavish lifestyles, they have no problem raiding the treasury. We can’t vote these cronies out of office soon enough.”

Looking Ahead to the Elections

The Trump-enabling Republican-controlled senate, led by Mitch McConnell, has caused great harm to our country. To begin to repair the damage will require that Democrats win the presidency, keep control of the House, and gain control of the senate, where Democrats need to win a net minimum of three or four seats –– the more the better. The last of these tasks is the most challenging, but an analysis yesterday by Washington Post opinion writers suggests that chances of it happening, at least at the moment, are slightly better than even. It’s also lately been looking more likely that Trump will be defeated. To say we’re not out of the woods yet would be an extravagant understatement.

Case Study of a Journalistic Failure

I’m among those that believe that local and regional newspapers run by people who are committed to principles of competent, honest, and objective journalism are vital to the healthy workings of a democracy. The internet has subjected most such newspapers to severe financial pressure, generating fear of alienating significant portions of their readership, being called a liberal mouthpiece or a right-wing propagandist and losing subscribers and advertisers as a result.

My local paper is in this position, and I think it has adversely affected the quality of their editorials, which lately have avoided taking a clear-headed, principled stance on important issues. It was dispiriting this morning to read its endorsement for the Congressional Democratic primary race of a distinctly unpromising candidate because he “would be less partisan and able to provide some of the collaboration Congress requires.” The editors evidently thought it would be too risky to endorse his opponent. the capable, progressive, principled representative our district and Congress needs.

Barr and Hope

Attorney General William Barr, who has succeeded to a shocking degree in turning the Justice Department into an illicit political instrument of Trump –– harassing and trolling those who have stood up for the rule of law in defiance of Trump’s criminality and working diligently to shield Trump’s abettors from adverse consequences of due process of law –– encountered a stumbling block the other day, when the retired judge hired by the judge overseeing Barr’s attempt to rescue convicted perjurer and Trump henchman Michael Flynn from the operation of the criminal justice system, concluded: 

“The reasons offered by the Government are so irregular, and so obviously pretextual, that they are deficient. Moreover, the facts surrounding the filing of the Government’s motion constitute clear evidence of gross prosecutorial abuse. They reveal an unconvincing effort to disguise as legitimate a decision to dismiss that is based solely on the fact that Flynn is a political ally of President Trump.”

There’s still hope that our democracy can be saved from a fascistic takeover.

Primary Voting Research

In the next week I have to mail in my primary ballot and vote for one of the two Democratic contenders –– John Hickenlooper and Andrew Romanoff -–– to run against U.S. Senator Cory Gardner, a faithful Trumpian who pretends he thinks for himself and that he cares about his constituents and the country more than he does about remaining in office at any cost, but doesn’t. I know which of the two Democrats I’d prefer to see in the senate, but that probably won’t affect my vote, which will be for the one I think is most likely to oust Gardner. Today I’m going to call my friend in Denver who’s an expert on Colorado politics and see what he thinks.

A Decent Man

Running for president in 2012, Mitt Romney showed no awareness of the harsh inequities brought about by unbridled capitalism, but he was the sole Republican senator to vote for removing Trump from office in the impeachment trial. Sunday, he marched with Black Lives Matter protestors, for which Trump mocked him. Romney is deeply misguided in some respects, but in striking contrast to Trump, he has moral convictions. He is a decent man.

Good News Items

It was good to read in the online New York Times last night that New York City, having met required metrics, such as, for example, rate of new hospitalizations, rate of testing, and consistent decline in hospital deaths, is beginning to open up, cautiously and systematically. The line tracking good news items each day may possibly be turning up. A day may come, I’m bold enough to hope, when they surpass the bad news ones.

Real Religious Leaders

Real Religious Leaders, as distinguished from what Jennifer Rubin aptly characterizes as Trump’s “evangelical lackeys,” sharply rebuked Trump’s latest display of phony piety last week. As Rubin underscored: “Faith requires that we treat our fellow men and women with empathy, kindness, respect and generosity. Faith instructs us to eschew prejudice, misuse of power and ‘domination’ of the weak and the poor.”

Trump Sinks Ever Lower Than We Can Imagine

Yesterday, bragging about unexpected improvement in the unemployment rate, referring to the black man murdered by application of a policeman’s knee upon his neck for over eight minutes, Trump said, “Hopefully, George is looking down right now and saying this is a great thing that’s happening for our country. It’s a great day for him, it’s a great day for everybody.”

With every layer lower in the muck Trump sinks, those who support him sink with him.

American Democracy — Signs of Life

Some high-ranking present and former military officials have very recently made clear that their loyalty is to the Constitution of the United States and the values it represents rather than to a man who is the commander and chief of the armed forces but flagrantly violates his oath to uphold the law under which he holds his office. That Trump’s behavior has become unacceptably revolting for many who are traditionally inclined to be unquestioning of authority indicates that American democracy is showing signs of life.

American Democracy –– Will It Live or Die?

Democracies typically morph into a dictatorship when the most powerful general in the country seizes power. For a civilian to succeed in attaining dictatorial rule, complicity on the part of the military is essential. The Founding Fathers, drafters of the U.S. Constitution, sought to establish a system of government that was protected as much as possible against a military takeover. To that end, they provided that the president, rather than a military leader, would be the commander and chief of our country’s armed forces.

What happens when a civilian who is a demagogue and aspiring despot is allowed to stay in power by a phalanx of corrupt and dishonorable senators who ignore his commission of high crimes and misdemeanors, refuse to remove him from office upon justly deserved impeachment, and allow him to place in office a fascistic minded attorney general, secretary of defense, and other powerful officials?

Then, ironically, the military becomes democracy’s last line of defense. The question becomes “Will the top military commanders block the autocratic takeover of our government or will they be complicit in extinguishing our democracy?”

It was a bad sign that General Milley, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, put on his combat fatigues and traipsed around outside the White House grounds the other night with Trump and the secretary of defense while military forces tear-gassed peaceful demonstrators.

If Trump loses the election November 3rd (unless it’s by an overwhelming landslide), it is virtually certain that he will refuse to concede defeat, initiate a barrage of false claims of voting fraud, direct his autocratically minded attorney general to bring lawsuits in an effort to invalidate election results, and insist that he has a right to remain in office rather than acquiesce in a peaceful transition of power as is required under the Constitution and in keeping with the sacred traditions of our country.

In this event, protests and demonstrations will ensue that dwarf all previous instances by a wide margin, and our top military commanders will face a fateful moment of truth. We have no idea where their highest loyalties would prove to lie.

Trump Stunts

Having visited an Episcopal church Monday evening for the purpose of being videoed and photographed in front of it holding a bible, the idea being, I suppose, “If you are religious, vote for me, because, as you can see from this photo, I’m religious, which should be obvious because I’m holding a bible,” to make sure Catholics don’t feel left out, yesterday Trump visited a shrine to a recent Pope. I didn’t see it reported that he stood in front of it with a Rosary or a Catholic Missal –– maybe he’s getting cocky, imagining that devout Catholics will vote for him merely because he visited a place associated with Catholicism. Surrounded and supported by dishonorable and incompetent people, the only kind who will work for him, Trump tirelessly fashions stunts.

Beyond Weird

Last evening Trump ordered security forces to fire tear gas on peaceful protestors outside the White House preparatory to his walking to a nearby church so he could be photographed holding a bible. He had a two-fold objective: first, to make himself look like a tough law-and-order president, and second, to make himself look religious. What, after all, could be more Christian than teargassing people, then walking to a church and standing there holding a bible? 

Yet Republicans still play the game of Let’s Pretend That Allowing This Man To Remain in Office Isn’t a Continuing Clear and Present Danger to the United States of America.

It’s beyond fecklessness. It’s beyond shamelessness. It’s beyond weird.

What the Protests Are About

Many of the protestors and rioters may be demonstrating solely against the racially motivated police brutality exemplified in the killing of George Floyd. I suspect that for even greater numbers, that wretched event served as a catalyst that propelled them out on the streets, and that their feelings of frustration and dissatisfaction range over the entire state of affairs in our hapless country, most particularly the triumph of cynicism, greed and selfishness over concern for the common good.

Beating the Same Drum

Politics is only of peripheral interest to me. Sometimes I feel that I should write about something else, something besides how awful Trump is and how awful Trump enablers are. I think the reason I keep beating the same drum is that I’m ever mindful of Christiane Amanpour’s exhortation after the 2016 election: “Fight against the normalization of the unacceptable.” The sad thing is that the fight has been lost: Trump’s hating and hateful character, ever renewing itself, bursts ceaselessly out of his bloated persona and spreads across the land: a self-renewing flood of toxic waste impossible to contain behind a dam. 

The Two Types of Trump Supporters

By this point, any minimally informed person of good will should be able to judge whether Trump is morally and mentally fit to be president of the United States. There now remain only two types of people who would vote for him under any circumstances: (i) those who are driven by greed, resentment, or nihilism, and (ii) those who are deluded or have been misled. As Jennifer Rubin recently stated in one of her Washington Post columns: “Republicans’ failure to convict {Trump} at his Senate impeachment trial and willingness to line up behind him as their nominee make them morally culpable for his conduct.” It’s both shocking and tragic that the Republican Party has descended to such a base moral plane.

Biden’s Pick For V-P Candidate

To maximize chances of getting rid of Trump, Democrats must elicit a strikingly high turnout among black voters. The stench of yet another clearly unjustified killing of a black man by police officers, this time in Minneapolis, will seep into every corner and niche of the country and linger until past election day even if similar incidents are avoided in the coming months. I agree with those who think that Biden should pick a black woman to run with him. Names of several who are amply qualified come readily to mind. The candidate should not only be black, she should be someone whose commitment to reverse, remedy, and provide recompense for racial injustice should be clearly evident and convincing to justifiably skeptical voters.

Life After Trump

If Trump departs from the White House this coming January, trumpets should sound, and church bells should ring throughout the land. But even if Trump is gone, a great many of his allies, enablers, and boosters will remain in positions of power and, with few exceptions, continue to defile our principles and degrade our democracy. The ever perspicacious Katrina vanden Heuvel nailed it in one of her recent Washington Post columns: “But while Trump emits his own unique forms of venom, he is a reflection of, not a contrast to, today’s Republican Party.”

A Critical Task for Democrats

I read that, in 2016, 900,000 eligible black voters in Georgia didn’t vote. I also read that “the greatest danger is a feeling of hopelessness.” It’s likely that a lot of these people didn’t vote because they felt the situation was hopeless; that it wouldn’t matter if they vote. There’s a good chance that the upcoming election will turn on whether Democrats succeed in giving people like this realistic cause for hope.

Trump’s Stock in Trade

New York Times columnist Roger Cohen: “Autocracy feeds on fear, misery, resentment and lies.”

Greed, Power, and Trump

In this time of crisis, when so many people are slipping into poverty and health-imperiling deprivation, Trump and his allies have remained intent on tightening access to food stamps and have diverted much in the way of economic relief to the rich, the super rich, and political allies. Because of voter suppression and because the popular vote will not be decisive in the November election, Trump needs only to fool some of the people some of the time to further degrade our democracy and impose on us longer and more painfully his reign of mean-spiritedness, greed, resentment, misery, and lies.

Statistical Analysis of Medical Tests

I finally figured out how to calculate the probability that you are positive if you tested positive on a medical test.  To accomplish this, you have to have requisite data, as I have assumed I have in this hypothetical: 

Assume that a test yields a false positive 2% of the time. 

Assume that 10% of the test takers are actually positive.

You take the test and test positive.

 Problem: What are the odds that you are positive?

 Solution: Either you are positive and tested positive, or you are negative and tested false positive.

Assume 1000 people take the test.

Of the 100 who are actually positive, 98 test positive.

Of the 900 who are actually negative, 18 tested false positive. 

So, of the 1,000 taking the test, you were one of 116 test takers who tested positive.

So the odds are 98 out of 116 that you were a true positive. 

Therefore there’s a 83.05%  chance that you are a true positive.


Biden’s “You ain’t black” Gaffe

Biden is just about the most seasoned politician in America. Where are his political instincts? Why don’t they kick in when the thought of saying if you’re a Trump supporter “you ain’t black”? I know why that utterance occurred to him, but I don’t know why he hasn’t developed a monitor in his brain that warns him in time that this would be a self-destructive thing to say.

If there wasn’t sufficient reason for Biden to pick a black running mate before –– and I think there was ––  there is now. In my opinion Kamala Harris should be the one. And if she is, Stacey Abrams and a lot of other people should be relentless in getting the point across, particularly to black women voters, that they can help America set on a path to having a black woman president, and not have to wait that long for it to happen.

Antibodies Test Statistical Analysis Reconsidered

The other day, concerning my antibodies test, I wrote that “If the test shows a false positive only 1% of the time {as my test was claimed to}, that doesn’t mean that, if you test positive, there’s only a 1% chance it’s a false positive. Your chance of a false positive is affected by how many people who take the test are positive, and how many are not. For example, if out of 1,000 people who take the test, only 10% are positive, out of the 900 people who aren’t positive, 1% –– 9 people –– will test false positive. So, if you are test taker #1,001, you’re roughly nine times more likely to be a false positive than a true positive.” Then I said, “I think I have that right.” Reflecting upon this in the middle of the night, I began to doubt it. Suppose 10,000 people, instead of 1,000, have taken the test. Then of the 9,000 people who aren’t positive, 1% –– 90 people –– will test positive. So, by my logic, if you’re test taker #10,001, you’re 90 times more likely to be a false positive than a true positive.

That can’t be right. Why would the likelihood of your being a false positive depend on how many people have taken the test, and vary so widely? Something’s wrong here. I’ll investigate further.

Dual Tragedies

Serial lying no longer being sufficient to divert attention from his failings and follies, Trump has resorted to constructing whole swaths of alternative false history in a bid to delude greater numbers of people into imagining that he is morally and mentally fit to be president. To this end, despite the lack of a shred of evidence to support it, he has invented a new rallying cry – “OBAMAGATE,” which he calls “the biggest political crime in American history, by far!”

As great a tragedy as  having a sociopath in the White House is that so many people in powerful positions accept and even participate in his monstrous scams.

My Antibodies Test, concluded

My antibodies test came back negative, meaning that, despite some Covid-19 symptoms that accompanied the viral respiratory infection I came down with in mid-February after four days in New York City, my malady was almost certainly not Covid-19. This was a disappointing result; yet, even if my test had come back positive, I wouldn’t have felt I had a license to be less cautious, because a positive test result would likely have been a false positive for reasons I discussed in yesterdays’s blog. How likely, I have no idea because the woman who called from my doctor’s office with the results had no information about what percent of results are coming in positive and what percent negative in our area. 

My Antibodies Test

In mid-February, after spending four days in New York City, I developed a respiratory viral infection that featured certain symptoms associated with Covid-19. Yesterday I had an antibodies test that is supposed to be 99% accurate. I expect to learn the results today. You can’t evaluate the results of these tests without some statistical analysis. If the test shows a false positive only 1% of the time, that doesn’t mean that, if you test positive, there’s only a 1% chance it’s a false positive. Your chance of a false positive is affected by how many people who take the test are positive, and how many are not. For example, if out of 1,000 people who take the test, only 10% are positive, out of the 900 people who aren’t positive, 1% –– 9 people –– will test false positive. So, if you are test taker #1001, you’re roughly nine times more likely to be a false positive than a true positive.

I think I have that right.

When I get my test results today, I’m going to try to find out what percent of the people who have taken the test in my cohort, if there is such a thing as my cohort, tested positive. I’ll be surprised if I get a straight answer to this question. Even if I do, I’m not sure it will help me figure out what the odds are that I really do have antibodies even if my test came out positive.

America’s Democracy Is in the Fight of Its Life

In a chilling op-ed in this morning’s Washington Post, Evelyn N. Farkas, a former deputy assistant secretary of defense for Russia, Ukraine and Eurasia who is presently running for Congress, describes the cynical, phony, Putin-style, extreme right-wing tactics mounted against her. “In President Vladimir Putin’s Russia,” she writes, “disinformation and intimidation tactics are commonly used to silence domestic opposition. . . False allegations, followed by contradictory, also false, narratives are the norm in Russian media and political discourse. . . In Trump’s America, similar tactics are taking hold.”

Trump and his allies aren’t content with telling bald-faced lies, they are constructing elaborate false constructions of recent and current history, dressing them up with phony investigations, and disseminating them with mock outrage in a full-court press assault on truth, decency, and fairness. This year, like no other, our democracy is fighting for its life.

Trump: a Case of Res Ipsa Loquitur

If voting were limited to regular viewers of Fox News, the right-wing propaganda TV channel, would Trump be sure to win the election? Apparently so, though it’s hard to understand why, if, as I assume, Fox shows clips of Trump speaking from time to time. His extreme unfitness for office is evident from his utterances and body language alone. No further evidence should be necessary, though there are mountains of it from which I take it most Fox News viewers are never exposed.

Another Day in Surreal Land

Not the worst of Trump’s utterances and actions yesterday, but unacceptably bad, was his expressed hostility to testing on the ground that the more testing you do, the more cases you find, whereas if you test less, you have fewer cases.               

This is the logic of a mad man. Trump’s has a sick and twisted mind. Every day he remains in office is tragedy renewed. His supporters should slink away in shame. 

The American Psychosis on Display

The most disgusting image I’ve seen on TV lately is that of the assemblage of goons assembled in front of the Michigan capitol building protesting lockdowns in place to suppress spread of the Covid-19 virus. With their signs and automatic weapons and American flags and confederate flags, and their posturing, and their mindless grinning and restless looks, they epitomize the American psychosis of bellicosity and resentment nurtured by Trump and countenanced by Republican politicians. As Jennifer Rubin noted recently in a Washington Post column, “President Trump has cemented the Republican Party as the home of xenophobia, racism, anti-intellectualism, cruelty and lawlessness.”


Trump’s Role Model

George Soros: “In Hungary, Viktor Orbán has already used the COVID-19 emergency and a captured parliament to legally appoint himself dictator.”

Democratic control of the House of Representatives is probably all that has kept Trump from achieving de facto autocratic power. 

Barr, Trump, and the Law

Headline: “More than 1,900 former Justice Department employees again call for Barr to resign {for} moving to drop the case against Michael Flynn.”

Barr should be impeached and removed, just as Trump should have been impeached and removed. Barr is a traitor to American democracy. Ditto the Republican senators who voted not to remove Trump from office after he was impeached. Their acceding to Trump’s claim that he is above the law is the only thing that has kept him in office and out of prison.


Headline in Vox: “It’s time to take UFOs seriously.”

 No it’s not.

The Growing Crisis

In a Washington Post op-ed yesterday, titled “The Storm We Can’t See,” Garrett M. Graff makes a strong case for his assertion that we haven’t begun to grasp how much damage the pandemic will do. Our survival as an ordered society is at stake. 

We need to keep job positions viable; not have them evaporate, or if they must evaporate, help workers find employment in new endeavors, including ones in the nature of public works programs such as kept the wolf from the door for tens of millions during the Great Depression. We need to support people impoverished by this catastrophe. Our first responsibility is to those who would lack adequate nourishment, shelter, and health care without public help. 

Graff suggests that, if we escape a crisis “only” on the scale of the Great Depression, we would be lucky. There’s a very good chance that he’s right.


A Sampling of Recent Observations as to How Trump Has Made America Great Again

Nature Magazine: “The EPA is becoming a shell of its former self.  Its leaders have chosen to abdicate leadership, disregard evidence and expose the country’s environment and health to risk of further degradation.” 

Timothy Egan in the New York Times: “A country that turned out eight combat aircraft every hour at the peak of World War II could not produce enough 75-cent masks or simple cotton nasal swabs for testing in this pandemic.”

Jennifer Rubin in the Washington Post: “President Trump has cemented the Republican Party as the home of xenophobia, racism, anti-intellectualism, cruelty and lawlessness.”

A Dark Day for Democracy

Yesterday the Justice Department has dropped its prosecution of Michael Flynn, Trump’s first national security adviser. Robert Reich commented: “Flynn had previously pleaded guilty twice to lying to F.B.I. agents . . . is getting zero jail time for lying to the F.B.I, undermining prosecutors, and betraying the country . . . Attorney General William Barr has turned the Justice Department into nothing more than a political tool for Trump to wield against his enemies and withdraw against his friends. This is how dictatorships are built.”

Trump has been preparing to pardon Flynn because Flynn put loyalty to Trump over duty to the country. Whether it was Trump’s idea or Barr’s we may never know, but the two of them surely discussed the matter and decided that their common goal of perpetuating Trump’s presidency and moving the country toward a right-wing autocracy would be better served if Barr dropped charges against Flynn, sparing Trump the political blow-back from pardoning him.

Democracy at Bay

The recently released 2020 Freedom House’s annual Nations in Transit Report details the continuing decline in democracy around the world. The report states that “a growing number of leaders around the world have dropped even the pretense of playing by the rules of democracy.” 

Returning Trump to his towers and golf courses next January would be a big step forward in reversing this baleful trend.

Wouldn’t It Be Wonderful

Katrina vanden Heuvel quoting the Reverend William Barber: “May we have the necessary righteous indignation in this moment to fight for transformation.”

Wouldn’t be wonderful if this devastating pandemic could be a catalyst for a transformation of our government and society from one driven by greed and resentment to one driven by beneficence and concern for the common good.

Voting By Mail and American Democracy

There’s a good chance of a new wave of Covid-19 infections in the fall. Voting in person at polling stations is likely to be risky, if not outright dangerous, for many, if not most, voters. Voting by mail is the obvious solution. That system has been in place here in Colorado and in several other states for several years, and it works smoothly and efficiently. Voting by mail should be national policy. 

Most Republicans want to prevent voting by mail from being an option. Preventing voting by mail fits in with their general policy of voter suppression –– disenfranchising as many people as possible in an effort to tilt elections in their favor. Trump wants to shut down or cripple the U.S. Postal Service as a precaution to make sure voting by mail doesn’t happen.

There’s a chance that American democracy will survive this nightmare of Trump and Trumpism. It’s too early to tell.

Need for a Paradigm Shift — Part II

The needed paradigm shift in this country requires (i) the decisive defeat of Trump and (ii) Democratic control of both Houses of Congress, thereby enabling the adoption and implementation of honorable, decent, compassionate, sensible, foresighted, competent, enlightened, science-based foreign and domestic policy, the elements of which are too numerous and complex for me to attempt to comment on here, except to say that they would include making freedom of want a reality for everyone within our borders and ensure as well freedom of opportunity, both financed by a far more progressive tax policy that, once in place, could be justly described as a system no longer rigged for the rich and powerful, and especially for the super rich and super powerful, but for all the people, especially the least rich and least powerful.

Need for a Paradigm Shift  ––   Part I

The economy is in precipitous decline. Until a widely available vaccine for Covid-19 is available, we’ll have to have continued waves of infections, restrictions on movement, and impediments to production to avoid a rise in debilitating cases to levels that overwhelm health-care services and a rise in the number of deaths from the virus in the United States from over one-hundred thousand, which it is almost certain to reach by summer, to over a million, which it could well approach within a year in the absence of an effective national policy of managing the crisis. We need a paradigm shift in public policy.

The appalling and destructive Inequality in wealth and income obtaining in this country has been greatly exacerbated by the crisis. Increasing numbers of people slide into insolvency every week. Of the four essential freedoms Franklin Roosevelt said should be the right of every person, two of them, freedom from want and freedom from fear, are slipping out of the grasp of most Americans. 

Though there is no chance of having a responsible national government until next January, it’s not too early to think about where a paradigm shift could take us ––  about how we could turn the tide.

Looking in on the World from the Outside

When, as in my case, you’re 89 and most of the people you’ve ever known, including your parents, all your aunts and uncles, your only sibling, the last two, save one, of your last remaining first cousins, and two of your closest friends have died, the last four within the past month, it can alter your perspective. Empathizing with them, you begin to feel as if you’re with them, as if you are looking in on the world from outside it, as if you were an explorer from an alien planet. It’s quite a heady feeling.

Tara Reade and the Putin Taint

Tara Reade may be telling the truth about Joe Biden’s having sexually assaulted her in 1993, but in this he-said / she-said controversy, her story is contaminated by her past outspoken admiration for Vladimir Putin. Putin is a murderous autocrat and an enemy of democracy, who has worked assiduously to destabilize the Untied States and played a major role in the installation of our sociopathic president. The mental and moral stability of any American who is admirer of Putin is deeply suspect. Reade’s complaint should be a non-factor in the election. We have a country to save.


You may have read that Vice-President Mike Pence visited the Mayo Clinic and spoke with patients, that he was asked to wear a mask, and that he declined to do so, manifestly because he thought doing so would displease Trump. Probably only a handful of Trumpian hangers-on and other nihilists in our country would behave the way Pence did, justifying completely Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin’s characterization of him as a sniveling sycophant. Pence is quite a phenomenon, a man without a heart, a soul, or a brain.

Socialists –– The Big Lie

Right-wing propagandists, who comprise a majority of Republicans, try to fool people into voting for Republicans by claiming that progressives, in fact all Democrats, are dangerous liberals, which is to say, socialists, who want to raise everyone’s taxes and spend a lot of money on bloated bureaucracies whose main function, to the extent they’re not just spinning their wheels, is to impose burdensome regulations on everyone and dole handouts to every freeloader in the country, stifle free enterprise, and turn America into a Godless society like Soviet Russia under Stalin. That’s what you’re supposed to think when you hear the word ‘socialist,’ and “socialist” is what you’re supposed to think when you hear the word “liberal” or the word “Democrat.” It’s a big lie, repeated, embroidered upon, and pumped into the consciousness a huge segment of the population every day.

America the Oligarchy, continued

I haven’t quite finished Robert Reich’s new book, The System –– Who Rigged It and How We Fix It. The evidence for his case is overwhelming: The system is rigged for the rich and powerful, and this cuts across party lines. The man who epitomizes the situation, JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, is a Democrat who talks a good liberal game, which hasn’t kept him from being a prime operative in promoting the interests of the rich at the expense of the beleaguered middle class and the oppressed poor. Summing up the problem, Reich quotes Louis Brandeis: “We can have a democracy in this country or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can’t have both.” Today, I’ll finish the book and tomorrow say something about the hard problem: how to fix it.

America the Oligarchy

In his new book, The System –– Who Rigged It and How We Fix It, Robert Reich meticulously lays out the facts supporting his assertion that the United States of America has become an oligarchy, or close to it. We’ve retained the trappings of a democracy, but the way things work is that the rich and powerful employ armies of lobbyists and finance politicians who carry out their self-serving greed-driven agendas.

Although neither Bernie Sanders nor Elizabeth Warren were able to become the Democratic presidential candidate, they were essentially right in their accusations that the system is rigged in favor of the rich and powerful at the expense of the poor and the middle class. Biden would make a better president than Trump by an astronomically wide margin, and it will be a tragedy of an extreme dimension if he is not elected president, but it’s not clear whether, as president, he would initiate and succeed in bringing into being the fundamental reforms needed to convert the system into one that serves the people rather than the rich and the powerful.

to be continued tomorrow

The Moral Pandemic

Trump speculates on national TV that ingesting bleach might be an effective way of thwarting the coronavirus. It’s another day of Trump being Trump, and another day that Trump supporters, Trump enablers, Trump apologists, and Trump tolerators should be ashamed of themselves. That they are not –– that there is a substantial risk that this man may still be in power after Inauguration Day, January 2021–– is indicative of a pandemic-like moral infection spread across the land.

Why Write a Blog Every Day

Rather recently, I decided to think more about why I was doing what I was doing. Does writing a blog every day fit in with what I consider to be my purpose in life, which I decided is to have fun and make the world a better place? It’s fun, so I can check that off. And I hope that people who read what I write will find it to be stimulating and informative; if it is, then in a very modest way it should be tending to make the world a better place.

Another reason I’m trying to write a blog every day is to force myself to get my thoughts in order, to think more and not just drift through life. The playwright Eugene Ionesco said, “I write to find out what I think.” I understand what he meant.

Living in an Oligarchy

In his important new book, The System, which I’ve started reading, Robert Reich describes what it’s like to live in an oligarchy. Russia is an example.  The United States has been drifting in that direction for decades. I’ll write more about this when I finish the book.

Income and Wealth Inequality

A lot of people are seeing their savings wiped out by the virus crisis. The numbers of people who are absolutely impoverished is rising. The attitude of Republicans is let them eat cake. Amazon has thrived. I read that the Jeff Bezos net worth has increased by 24 billion dollars this year. We need to provide everybody with a minimum income. The well-off, the rich, the super rich, and super super rich can afford to pay for it. The shocking and disgraceful increase in income and and wealth inequality needs to be reversed, fast. The survival of our country as a decent place in the world is at stake.

Losing It

I’ve visited about a dozen U.S. national parks over the years. If I had to pick one I considered to be the most memorable, it would be Sequoia National Park in California. I was sad to read an article yesterday by a park ranger, who reported that these majestic trees are dying; enchanting forests are withering: “‘Giant sequoias are so good at surviving that you almost never see a dead standing sequoia’, I used to tell visitors,” he wrote. “‘They keep living and growing for thousands of years, until they finally get too top-heavy for their shallow root systems to support. Then they topple over.’ I don’t say that anymore.”

I read that 2020 is shaping up to be the warmest year on record. The Great Barrier Reef incurred terrible bleaching this year. We’re losing the natural world. It will take a revolution of human desires to save much of it.

Perfection Cut Short

Because I don’t expect to travel this summer, I shifted some of my 2020 budget for travel to music, thereby enabling me to acquire Sony MDR -1A headphones, whereupon I went to YouTube and was treated to a terrific rendition of my favorite piece of music, Darius Milhaud’s Le Boeuf sur le Toit, performed in this instance by Alondra de la Parra and the Orchestre de Paris. I was happily mesmerized, a state the conductor seemed to share with me, until, as the final notes of this spirited performance were still sounding, it was cut off with an ad. Oh, our wonderful but flawed world.

The Power of Resentment

According to polls, 20% of Bernie Sanders supporters say they won’t vote for Biden, and, of these, three-quarters say they will cross over and vote for Trump. It’s clear that these people don’t share Sanders’s ideals and aspirations. Like the people who attend Trump rallies, with their hats and their signs and wearing their stupid grins, they are driven by resentment rather than by ideals.

The Uncertainty Index

If there were an uncertainty index, I think it would be rising to new levels. Yesterday, I read several articles by experts in economics, epidemiology, and vaccines. In each case, I began by thinking, now, at last, I’ll get a grip on what’s in store for us, but no clarity emerged from any quarter, except that the top vaccine expert said it would be two years minimum before an effective vaccine would be generally available. It would be an exceedingly difficult time even if we had a normal president. Having Trump and his enablers in control of the federal government raises the uncertainty index much higher.

The Decadence Index

I’m not sure whether there is, in fact, a decadence index. If there is, one of the useful sources for constructing it would be the current Hammacher Schlemmer catalog. Among the merchandise featured are items I think of as tailored for people who haven’t been taxed enough. They serve as indicators of the degree of decadence in America.

The latest catalog, which I received yesterday, contains an item that sets a new high in decadence: a very special type of rubber raft you can prop yourself up on while floating about in your swimming pool. No more tedious paddling across the pool for you once you own it. No such plebeian labor is required when you’re the captain of this Hammacher Schlemmer raft. It’s equipped a tiny electric motor that will propel you across your pool with no effort at all. 

A Feeling of Uncertainty

A feeling of uncertainty hangs in the air. It’s about a lot of things, most acutely at the moment about the course of the virus crisis, the economy, and the political future of the United States.  I remember only two occasions of comparable uncertainty. The first was after the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. The second was the Cuban Missile Crisis in October 1962.

I talked to a cousin of mine on the phone this morning, someone I’ve known since we were toddlers in 1932. We agreed that this is the strangest time we’ve witnessed in the long string of intervening years.

Could Inflation Be Around the Corner?

A non-expert’s guess-view:

Traditionally, a depression is accompanied by deflation, and wars are accompanied by inflation.

What about a depression attendant to a war against a virus?

It seems to me that, because the Trumpian administration will probably continue to do everything wrong without fail, the U.S. will get in such a hole, and so many people will be so desperate for relief, that doling out cash will eventually become overwhelmingly politically necessary. Therefore, I think the case for a surprising (to most) uptick in inflation is a good one.

A Simple Truth

Trump: “When someone is president of the United States, the authority is total.”

Wikipedia: Megalomania: “a delusional mental illness that is marked by feelings of personal omnipotence and grandeur.” 

To support the reelection of this man is deeply ignorant or deeply immoral.

Easy Predictions

It’s only April but it already seems easy to pick who will be Time Magazine’s choice for person of the year 2020. It will be the health care workers and attendants who risked their lives to tend for the sick and save the lives of others. Trump, once again it won’t be you, but don’t fret: You’ll remain in the limelight, yet again receiving the award for being the gravest threat to American Democracy, and you’ll be able to feel extra proud of yourself for having beat out two extremely formidable competitors, Mitch McConnell and Attorney General William Barr.

The 180º-wide Blind Spot –– a Case Study

I got an email inviting me to watch a podcast conducted by a prominent liberal intellectual who presumably has a grasp on what’s been going on in this country. The subject matter is the shortcomings of Joe Biden. I’m aware of  the shortcomings of Joe Biden. Devoting a podcast to discussing them is the equivalent of arguing that a lifeboat should not be launched from the Titanic because the varnish is peeling on the brightwork.

What the Charts Say

With about a dozen well-chosen charts in a New York Times op-ed this morning, David Leonhardt and Yaryna Serkez lay bare the sickening growth in income and wealth inequality in the United States over the past decades. The concentration of wealth among the super rich and the very rich is appalling, as has been its effect. Money is power, money rules.

The trend toward the U.S. becoming a feudal society may be reversed in the coming decade; there’s enough of a chance of that happening to give cause for hope and motive for activism.

Does the Federal Government Have Plans to Deal with the Coronavirus Crisis Going Forward?

Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin supplies the answer to this important question:

“No, there are no plans. The states are on their own and, worse, must contend with a vengeful, ignorant and impulsive president.”

American Democracy in the ICU

If American democracy –– our Constitutional system of government –– were a person, it would be like one with a severe case of Covid-19. It would be in the ICU, the intensive care unit of a hospital.

Washington Post columnist  E. J. Dionne writes: “We know that this fall’s election is in deep jeopardy. We have been warned that Trump, the GOP, and the party bosses in robes on the U.S. Supreme Court are perfectly willing to obstruct the right to vote of those most likely to vote Democratic.” New York Times columnist Paul Krugman notes: “What if Trump loses? . . .He’ll claim that Joe Biden’s victory was based on voter fraud.”

Republicans have shown that they care not a whit about our core values, the Constitution, and the rule of law. There’s every indication that they would prefer a self-perpetuating, authoritarian, right-wing government than a Democratic victory at the polls, and they’ll do whatever they can get away with to bring about that result. Our nation is in peril as never before.

Universal Vote-By-Mail Is a Necessity

Opinion Headline: “Democrats should make voting reform a nonnegotiable baseline for the next stimulus bill: Vote-by-mail is the only way to ensure free and fair elections in November.”

Agreed. Republicans fear–– and Trump has voiced this fear expressly –– that their Party will lose power unless voting by great numbers of eligible voters is suppressed. The right-wing majority justices of the Supreme Court have made clear that they are onboard with this strategy. The only way to ensure that the general election this November can be free and open is to require universal mail-in voting. There aren’t two honorable sides to the question. Democrats should not relent on it.

The Authoritarian-Minded Court

Monday, April 6th, the right-wing majority of the U.S. Supreme Court overturned a lower court ruling upholding the Wisconsin governor’s order extending the deadline for returning mail-in ballots, which voters had not received in time because of delays relating to the coronavirus crisis. The Court’s rationale was that the extension would have violated the integrity of the electoral process. As Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg wrote in dissent, the court’s order “will result in massive disenfranchisement” of voters, the opposite of preserving  the integrity of the electoral process.

     Step by step, the Court has been moving toward validating right-wing authoritarian rule.

The Tragedy of Trump Supporters

Trump’s ineptitude, incompetence, meanness, and muddle-headedness have been on full display during the course of the coronavirus crisis. I don’t know if a constructive thought ever wells up in his mind. If it does, it’s instantly snuffed out by pathological narcissism of such intensity that it overrides all other processes in his brain. Shame on those who, though they are aware of what kind of man he is, would perpetuate his remaining in office.

What 2020 Will Be Remembered For

Headline: “Trump, GOP challenge efforts to make voting easier amid coronavirus pandemic.”

American democracy, our Constitutional system, and equal rights and justice under the law are not values and institutions that most Republicans and their leaders care about. Their overriding interest is in acquiring and holding on to power whatever the cost. The Republican Party is composed of disparate factions held together by the common purpose of transforming our country into a vehicle for realizing their worldly goals and emotional aspirations. The principle factions are greedy plutocrats and those drawn along in their wake, religious nationalists, people driven by mindless resentment, and the deluded disaffected. 2020 will long be remembered as the year of the coronavirus and the year when American democracy died or survived.

One of the Greatest

One summer when I nearing the end of my teenage years, I played poker occasionally with my friends, Robert, Kenneth, and Peter, who were brothers. They had an impressive house overlooking Huntington Bay on Long Island. Their father had made a lot of money. At one of these sessions, as one of them, after successful bluffing, raked in the chips, he said, “As dad says, ‘Play ‘em as if you got ‘em’.”                                                             

That’s Trump’s way of operating, in spades. He’s one of the greatest bluffers of all time. It’s his only talent, but it’s taken him a long way.

Trump, a One-Man Scourge

Blaming everyone but himself and his sycophantic followers for his failure every step of the way to take basic steps to institute a federal response to the coronavirus crisis, Trump has proven himself, once again, to be not only corrupt and dishonest, which he incontrovertibly demonstrated before the coronavirus crisis arose, but ignorant and incompetent to a degree that will likely cost tens of thousands of lives.

Another Red Light Flashing: Danger, Danger.

In a Facebook post yesterday, former Senator Al Franken mocked Mike Pence’s six-minute, rambling, stupid, non-responsive spiel after Trump decided to evade a tough question by turning the mic over to the him.  After Pence’s pathetic performance, Trump directed a zinger at him. Franken predicts that Trump will dump Pence and pick Nikki Haley, a former South Carolina governor and U.S. ambassador to the U.N. to be his running mate.

Would Trump dump his most slavishly loyal supporter over the past three and a half years? You bet. Trump no longer thinks he needs Pence to become president so he can be sure of getting pardoned for his crimes, and Haley is unquestionably a more formidable running mate than the hollow-brained V-P.

If Franken is right –– and I think he is — that’s bad news for Democrats, bad news for America, and bad news for humanity.

If Haley is Trump’s running mate, it will be all the harder to get Trump out of office. All the harder but no less necessary.

The Office of the President of the United States and Trump

It’s been a tradition in our country to respect the Office of the President of the United States. However much you disagree with the president’s policies, he is our duly elected president. The president must be accorded a high degree of respect simply because he is the president. So it goes, beclouding Trump’s ignorance, mendacity, and narcissistic character that will continue to contaminate and weaken our country every day he remains in office. 

The Smearing of Joe Biden

Between now and the election in November, expect an ever increasing flood of attacks, smears, accusations, allegations, canards, and all manner of disinformation and phony revelations concerning Joe Biden. Recently, there has been a flood of accusations that on multiple occasions he inappropriately touched women. It’s highly likely that they are all either false or highly exaggerated. Even if they were not, Biden would remain a better candidate than Trump by an astronomically large margin. 

Pro Sanders Extremists.

Report: “15 percent of Sanders supporters say in polling that they would vote for President Trump over Biden.”  These people may be left-wing nuts rather than right-wing nuts, but they are of the same ilk as the people you’ve seen in clips of Trump rallies, possessed by a mix of stupidity, nihilism, and resentment that blots out rational brain processes. In their enthusiasm for Sanders run amok they may tip the scales  and perpetuate the plague of Trump.

Sanders may be remembered more as a moral failure than as a champion of progressivism if he fails to stop encouraging his nihilistic supporters.

The Flawed Demagogue

Trump has been rightly praised as a gifted demagogue. He has exhibited astonishing brilliance in this art, but he has a remarkable flaw that may result in his undoing. He is incapable of faking being a decent person. His psyche is so parched that he can’t generate crocodile tears, much less those characteristic of the vast majority of humans. What New York Times columnist Roger Cohen refers to as Trump’s “eerie inhumanity” is so manifest that one must suppose that those who support his reelection are morally compromised as well. If this flaw isn’t sufficient to bring about Trump’s downfall in November, it will signal that our country is deeply flawed itself.

We’re # 1

Headline: “The destruction of India’s judicial independence is almost complete.” If, as it appears to be, that’s the case, India can no longer be considered to be the world’s largest democracy. That means we’re #1! Yippee! Except if Trump is still in the White House after inauguration day next January, Indonesia will become #1, if it qualifies, or if not, maybe Mexico, if it qualifies. Safest bet for #1 would probably be Japan, whose democracy was born in the U.S.A.

Bernie Sanders’s Duty

Bernie Sanders isn’t going to be the Democratic nominee for president. Yet he insists on remaining in the race and arguing and allowing  his supporters to argue that he would be a superior choice than Biden.  This involves sharp criticism of Biden.

This is reprehensible, because it increases the chance that Trump will be reelected. Sanders is violating his primary duty, which is just the opposite. Basically decent people who commit wrongs often allow themselves to do so by rationalizing their behavior. I’m sure that Sanders is thinking that by staying in the race he will increase the chances that his policies, which are more progressive than Biden’s, will gain greater political traction. In particular, Sanders hopes that he will be able to persuade more people to support “Medicare-for-All.”

I think that would be a good thing, but it’s of trivial importance compared to the stark necessity of getting rid of Trump. It’s a tragic failing of Sanders that he doesn’t see that.

The Power of Trump’s Tweets

Trump has a huge following of faithful readers of his tweets. You don’t need to read the tweets themselves to know what they say: They are regurgitated in summary form in letters to the editor that appear in your local paper. One this morning I read was collection of falsehoods and non-sequiturs worthy of Trump himself. The author’s conclusion: “This virus does validate all of President Donald Trump’s major agenda items.”


Contrasts in Leadership

One of the surprising developments during the coronavirus crisis has been the emergence of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo as a conspicuously energetic, competent, and rational leader. The contrast between his press briefings and those of Trump expose in a glaring light how profoundly unfit Trump is to hold office. 

Busy day and missed blog. Back tomorrow.

How Base and Corrupt the Republican Party Has Become

Robert Reich reports that “the Senate GOP bill creates a $500,000,000,000 slush fund for corporations that only Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin has control over; doesn’t require reporting of recipients for six months; provides no guarantee that Trump’s own businesses won’t benefit; has no worker protections and only one weak restriction on executive bonuses.”

Needed: Breaths of Fresh Air

As what seems like an apocalypse plunked down from nowhere on the course of history, how welcome breaths of fresh air would be. Some may come! One that should would be a well-articulated expression of utter disgust with Trump and his enablers and kindred scoundrels by Bernie Sander coupled with his dropping out of the presidential race and urging his supporters to get unreservedly behind Joe Biden. 

Leadership Contrasts

I’ve never been a particular admirer of New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo, but I was impressed with the Corvid-19 briefing he delivered, shown on television yesterday. He was calm, methodical, thorough, transparent, and authentic. His presentation was a model of competent leadership. That confirmed cases in New York State greatly outnumber those in any other state. may be because New York leads every other state in testing. I was left with the impression that Cuomo is doing everything that can be done, and he’s doing it right.

What a contrast with the unreality shows Trump has been putting on recently with his sycophant-in-chief, Mike Pence, standing, as always, dutifully beside him. Watching Trump perform, one wonders why anyone would vote for him even if their sole source of information about him came from watching him talk.

A Tale of Two Charts

Vox’s chart this morning showing the progression in newly diagnosed Covid-19 cases in Italy and the U.S. is instructive. Italy appears to be about two weeks ahead of the U.S. Following the Italian experience, the exponentially rising curve of U.S. cases yields a frighteningly high number two weeks from now. There’s no reason to believe that the U.S. containment efforts are more efficient than those in Italy. The worst is yet to come and it’s coming faster than it has been.

Call for a Progressive Agenda

I hope that Bernie Sanders will delay no longer in dropping out of the presidential race and that he will throw his full support to Joe Biden. This is the only responsible thing for him to do, because defeating Trump in November eclipses all other considerations. I also hope that if Biden becomes president, he will press for a more progressive agenda than the Democratic Party and recent Democratic presidents (Barrack Obama and Bill Clinton) have espoused. 

I can’t enlarge on that here; suffice to quote a recent comment of Rober Reich: “The biggest U.S. airlines spent 96 percent of free cash flow over the last decade to buy back shares of their own stock in order to boost executive bonuses and please wealthy investors. American Airlines alone repurchased more than $12.5 billion of its shares over the last ten years. Now, they expect taxpayers to bail them out to the tune of $54 billion.

The system has been tilted to benefit big corporations and rich people. I believe the system should be tilted in the opposite direction.

Supervening Circumstances and the Like

I was unable to post a blog yesterday and earlier this morning because of technical difficulties with my website provider’s software, and because of supervening circumstances this blog will not resume until tomorrow.

America’s Luck Runs Out

The playing out of history in the Trumpian age seemed surreal even before the Covid-19 pandemic spread through the world. Within the course of a month, we’ve entered a period of unimaginable chaos. In past mortal crises, America has been lucky  enough to have inspired leadership. I’m thinking of the American Revolution and the years that followed in which the founding fathers brought forth the Constitution, how it was Lincoln who was president during the Civil War,  Franklin Roosevelt at the depth of the Great Depression and the onset of World War II, and John F, Kennedy  during the Cuban Missile Crisis. 

On this grave occasion the leader in power is an ignorant malignant narcissist abetted by an assemblage knaves and fools.

Bernie and Biden –– The Debate

The other day I wrote: “Bernie has an obligation to refrain from saying anything that would hurt Biden in the general election. He has a patriotic and moral duty to try to raise Biden’s stature. Subject to this stricture, he has plenty of room to legitimately argue that Democrats should pursue more progressive policies and to try to inspire the Democrats to move in that direction.”

Bernie didn’t rise to the occasion. He lost sight of his duty, which was to make it more likely that Trump would be defeated as a result of the debate. Instead, he acted as if his goal was to defeat Biden in the debate. He hectored and badgered Biden, and yet again failed to lay out how, as a practical matter, his laudable dream of Medicare for All could be set in place. Lacking grace, finesse, or humor, he gave no indication that he could be effective leader as president. 

Biden is an uninspiring choice as a candidate, but he’s enormously experienced, decent, stolid, and has a better chance of beating Trump than Bernie, which is the only thing that counts. I hope he wins decisively in tomorrow’s primaries in four important states.

COVID-19 –– the Prospects

Rachel Maddow’s interview with Dr. David Ho last evening was illuminating. Dr. Ho was instrumental in developing anti-viral drugs that subdued the AIDs virus. He and his team are working on developing a similarly effective drug to subdue COVID-19. Dr. Ho was optimistic that this can be accomplished, but it will probably take at least a year before any such drug can be widely available, and availability of an effective vaccine appears to be at least a year-and-a-half away. In the meantime, drastic measures must be taken to slow the rate of new infections. The experience of China and South Korea demonstrate that aggressive interventions can succeed. At best, tough times lie ahead.

The Pandemic and Interventions

There’s a lot to be said for checking online editions of the New York Times and the Washington Pose. For example, in today’s Times, William Kristoff and colleagues display an interactive graph based on professional research. It’s critically important to put the brakes on the natural exponential rise in cases of people infected with the coronavirus infection. This can be accomplished by aggressive interventions described in the article. You can be the virtual policy decider by moving a vertical bar on the graph that represents the date you initiate aggressive interventions. It’s an enlightening exercise. Hundreds of thousands of lives are at stake.

Biden and Bernie –– The Debate

Even though Bernie’s chances of being the nominee are between slim and zero, he has chosen to stay in the race, and will debate Biden Sunday as planned. Bernie has an obligation to refrain from saying anything that would hurt Biden in the general election. He has a patriotic and moral duty to try to raise Biden’s stature. Subject to this stricture, he has plenty of room to legitimately argue that Democrats should pursue more progressive policies and to try to inspire the Democrats to move in that direction. 

A principal goal of Biden’s should be to inspire confidence in his candidacy among Bernie supporters. He can do that by acknowledging the great service Bernie has done by shining a bright light on big money corruption of politicians and on the shocking and destructive rise of income inequality in this country. Biden should outdo Bernie in this respect by citing statistics and instances with specificity that has been lacking in Bernie’s arguments. 

Biden can rightly assert that he and Bernie largely share the same goals, but he can and should point out that Bernie’s dreams would not be translated into reality: they are not achievable politically, and they are full of holes economically. Biden should explain how and why he can advance progressive agendas more efrectively than Bernie could, and how he intends to do so. Biden’s performance should be notable for equanimity, steadfastness, patience, meticulousness, affirmation of common purpose, and absence of rancor. Let’s hope Bernie’s is as well. 

Biden and Bernie

Biden won decisively in yesterday’s primary contests. Barring a medical catastrophe, he’s almost certain to be the Democratic nominee. The reason he did so well is that most voters believe that he is more likely than Bernie to defeat Trump and understand that this eclipses all other considerations. It’s now important for all people of good will to get behind Biden and work to defeat Trump, keep control of the House, and, if at all possible, flip the senate to Democratic control, so that the task of rehabilitating our country from the damage inflicted on it by Trump and Trumpism can begin. 

A danger is that many of Bernie’s boosters will be embittered and sit on their hands rather than support and vote for Biden. 

These are people –– and there are many of them –– who don’t understand that the perfect can be the enemy of the good. Many of them are too young to remember how Ralph Nader, running for president in 2000, claimed that there was no difference between G.W. Bush and Al Gore and peeled off a critical percentage of progressive voters. If Nader had supported Gore, Gore would have been elected president and we would have been spared the disastrous presidency of G, W, Bush. Trump is a far greater danger to American democracy and to the entire world than was G. W. Bush. I fervently hope that Bernie boosters will understand what’s at stake and will support Biden.

Biden has work to do too, which I’ll discuss tomorrow.

The Coronavirus

The virus is highly contagious. Cases in the U.S. seem to be doubling every week. If the present trend continues, something like eight million people may be infected by the end of June. Most people have mild cases and need little if any medical help, but if the number of people who are infected continues to grow at the present rate, the relatively small percentage of people who will need intensive medical care will be so numerous that hospitals and clinics will be overwhelmed, and the fatality rate will rise substantially higher than it would reach if the spread of infections had been slowed.

In trying to minimize risks and contravene facts instead of educating the public and taking steps to reduce the rate of spreading of the disease, the Trump administration is, in yet another way, inflicting tremendous damage on our country.

Health Care Policy and the Presidential Race

On Facebook you can see a little video by Robert Reich in which he convincingly demonstrates that Medicare for All would provide more comprehensive coverage and cost a lot less than the present system. This would be achieved because private insurance companies would be cut out except for supplementary insurance, which some companies currently offer to those eligible for Medicare and Medicaid. 

These insurance companies are largely parasitical. Why tolerate them? The only reason they exist is that they finance legislators. To get rid of them, we would have to have a critical mass of politicians agree to spurn their largesse. It’s unrealistic to think that such a thing would happen just because a proponent of Medicare for All, like Bernie Sanders, became president. Politicians inclined to keep the present system –– a large majority –– point to the huge number of insurance employees who would be thrown out of work, and the hardship such a seismic shift would impose on investors, whose shares of stock in health care insurance companies would plummet if they suddenly lost most of their business. Offsets could be devised to deal with these problems, but  as a matter of practical reality, transitioning to Medicare for All can’t be accomplished overnight. If it’s ever is to come about, it has to be through incremental steps, for example, bit by bit lowering the age at which people are eligible for Medicare. The transition should be financed not only by reducing funds spent on insurance companies, but by a far more progressive tax structure, more than reversing the 2017 monstrous tax cut for the rich and especially for the super rich. The next president should set these changes in motion.

Bernie Sanders would be much more aggressive in effecting the transition than Joe Biden. But, despite the protestations of his supporters, Bernie appears to be much less likely to beat Trump than Biden. Better to have a bird almost in hand than have sight of two on the other side of the hedgerow. 

Letter to the Editor of My Local Newspaper

March 7, 2020

Cory’s Choice

I once assumed that Senator Cory Gardner was a traditional Republican like my father, a staunch defender of the Constitution and the rule of law, an advocate of fiscal responsibility, a person who had no tolerance for dictators and autocrats, favored strong alliances with our democratic allies, and despised dishonesty and corruption, most of all among those in positions of power.

Whether or not I’m right in assuming that Cory Gardner was once a traditional Republican, he chose to abandon these core Republican principles by going along with the corrupt and self-aggrandizing policies of President Trump, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, and their allies.

House Impeachment managers presented overwhelming evidence of Trump’s high crimes and misdemeanors, particularly of his shakedown of Ukraine’s President Zelensky by conditioning release of military aid authorized by Congress on Zelensky’s participation in Trump’s project to smear Joe Biden, Trump’s most feared political opponent. At the outset of the senate trial, Majority Leader McConnell called on Republican senators to be loyal to Trump by refusing to consider evidence on the record, refusing to subpoena witnesses and documents, and by summarily acquitting Trump without permitting an impartial trial.

Cory Gardner chose to be faithful and loyal to Trump and McConnell and their corrupt and authoritarian agenda rather than to his duty under the Constitution to protect and preserve our democratic institutions. Our choice should be to vote him out of office in November.

Democracy’s Last Stand

In one of her Washington Post columns yesterday, Jennifer Rubin quoted from Freedom House’s newly released annual report on the state of democracy and human rights around the world: “Democracy and pluralism are under assault. Dictators are toiling to stamp out the last vestiges of domestic dissent and spread their harmful influence to new corners of the world. . . The chief executives of the United States and India, the world’s two largest democracies, are increasingly willing to break down institutional safeguards and disregard the rights of critics and minorities as they pursue their populist agendas.” 

Republicans overwhelmingly back the authoritarian ambitions of Trump and allies. American Democracy makes its last stand at the polls this November; it’s our last chance to keep this country from being the greatest and most powerful banana republic in history. 

The Trumpian Smear Machine Gears Up

If Biden is the Democratic nominee, the Republican propaganda machine will launch a smear and disinformation campaign against him like nothing ever seen before. You will be told that when Biden was vice-president of the United States, he and his son Hunter colluded with Ukraine’s corrupt officials to arrange for Hunter to get rich in exchange for Biden using his influence on their behalf; also that Biden has been officially diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease, but that the Dems have covered it up. Also, and so on, you’ll hear, drummed into your head until you realize that Biden is one of the most traitorous and irresponsible and mentally unfit people who has ever run for office. 

When you think of the relentless false attacks that will be launched against Biden, it almost makes you hope that Bernie Sanders will be the nominee instead of Biden. But wait, the Republican propaganda machine would launch an equally vicious array of false stories and claims about Sanders. If Sanders is the nominee, Biden’s alleged traitorous behavior will suddenly become inconsequential compared to Sanders’s secret plan to turn our country into a communist state run the way Stalin ran the Soviet Union. You’ll be told that Sanders and his wife made millions through a real estate schemes that bankrupted a college in Vermont. That’s not the half of it. What Sanders would do if elected president would make your blood curdle, you’ll be told.

No matter who the Democratic nominee is, the Trumpian Smear Machine will be ready to unleash its venom.

What Counts

It emerged from Super Tuesday results that, on average, older people prefer Biden, and younger people prefer Sanders. Many younger people preferring Sanders don’t realize that many older people who prefer Biden are just as progressive as they are, but they prefer Biden because they think he is significantly more likely to beat Trump than Sanders.

This year, that’s all that counts.

Super Tuesday Aftermath

We now have a two-person race for the Democratic nomination. A refreshing development: Bloomberg was not able to buy the election. Many voters may have felt the way I did, which was irritation at the giant-sized postcards extolling the super-billionaire that kept arriving in the mail. The test of Bloomberg’s character is whether from now on he’ll concentrate more on defeating Trump and less on promoting himself. 

Warren did poorly at the polls, but she still has a solid segment of supporters. She’s remaining in the race for good reason. There’s a chance that voting at the convention will be deadlocked between Sanders and Biden. Warren may choose to drop out and back one of them at a critical moment. Less probably, but not to be ruled out, the leading candidates might agree to make her the nominee. She would be more appealing than Sanders to most Biden supporters, and more appealing than Biden to most Sanders supporters.

Super Tuesday

Here we are. I already voted by mail for Warren, but if I were voting today, I would vote for Biden. I think Warren is hoping that there will be a contested convention, and that she will be the compromise nominee. That’s a possibility, and it would be fine as far as I’m concerned, and it might mollify Bernie enthusiasts, who would be satisfied with Warren, but would sit out the election rather than vote for Biden. But if Warren drags away enough voters from Biden to let Bernie win, and those of us who think that Biden is much more likely to beat Trump than Bernie are right, that would be a tragedy, and my early voting for Warren would have contributed to it. 

A Call for Unity

New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman correctly notes that the Republican Party has degenerated into a Trump personality cult. Nothing constructive can be expected of it. Moderate and progressive Democrats must work to defeat Trump and build governing coalition. Our country’s survival depends on it.

It took a weird concatenation of circumstances in 2016 for Trump to get elected. It will take a concatenation of circumstances in 2020 for him to be reelected, but not as weird a one.

Biden for President

I’ve wavered in my tentative choice for the Democratic nominee between Klobuchar and Warren, but, now that the South Carolina primary results are in, it appears that Joe Biden will be the only serious contender against Bernie Sanders. And since I agree with most informed observers that Biden is significantly more likely to defeat Trump than Sanders, no other issue is worth considering. Beating Trump is all that counts. As Jennifer Rubin noted, “This is not a time for revolution  –- it’s a time for fumigation.”

 If Biden wins, he’ll need a much younger impressive running mate who will help in getting out the biggest vote possible. I’ll start thinking about who that should be after the Super Tuesday results are in, about sixty hours from now, unless it turns out to be useless, because Sanders romped.

The Coronavirus

From the CDC (Centers from Disease Control): “The 1918 influenza pandemic was the most severe pandemic in recent history. It was caused by an H1N1 virus with genes of avian origin. Although there is not universal consensus regarding where the virus originated, it spread worldwide during 1918-1919. In the United States, it was first identified in military personnel in spring 1918. It is estimated that about 500 million people or one-third of the world’s population became infected with this virus. The number of deaths was estimated to be at least 50 million worldwide with about 675,000 occurring in the United States.” 

    The coronavirus that lately has been spreading throughout the world may be somewhat less lethal, but it’s disruptive effect may be even greater. The world’s population is now five times what it was a century ago. I learned last night that the great 1918 pandemic subsided over the summer. For many, it appeared to be going away, just at Trump assured Americans that this one would go away, but there was was a resurgence of it in the fall, and it proceeded to take its terrible toll. If this pandemic takes a similar course, it could bring about a global economic depression. We are in the position of  prairie dwellers who see a tornado bearing down on their house. It may miss it and it may not.

This Horror of a Human Being

Trump no longer tries to cover up his transgressions. He has settled into unrestrained authoritarian leader mode. He admires Putin. His greatest wish is to become America’s Putin. The most shocking thing about our times is that the temper of  America is such that this horror of a human being may be reelected. 

Robert Reich notes: “It’s not enough for Trump to attack Congressional leaders, the Justice Department, the FBI, the intelligence community, the entire military justice system, diplomats, government officials, Congressional leaders, immigrants, foreigners, prosecutors, the judge who presided over Roger Stone’s trial, and even the foreman of Roger Stone’s jury.”

Warren’s Strategy

Some were surprised that, in the debate Tuesday evening, Warren directed her fire-power at Mike Bloomberg, rather than at her principal progressive rival, front-runner Bernie Sanders. I think she knows that she can’t best Bernie in gathering progressive-minded voters, but that among all Democratic voters, it’s likely that more would prefer her than Bernie. In a brokered convention in which the consensus is that it would be too risky to make Bernie the nominee –– that someone else would be a better bet –– it would be understood that that someone else must not be someone whom Bernie supporters can’t stomach. That would be the case with Bloomberg, for sure. More than that, if Bernie is not to get the nomination even though he is the front-runner, to satisfy his supporters, the nominee must be someone who’s policy proposals are largely congenial with his. That person is Warren. That’s my theory as to why Warren attacked Bloomberg rather than Bernie.

The Meaning of Never Trump

A columnist’s headline in yesterday’s Washington Post has it right:

“I’m no fan of Bernie Sanders. But #NeverTrump means never Trump.”  

Bernie Sanders would be a better president than Trump by an astronomically wide margin, but if he were not even infinitesimally better, he would be better than Trump, because he would be a duly elected president, replacing one with whom voters were dissatisfied, Trump’s attempt to become an unrestrained authoritarian ruler would be thwarted, and all the dishonorable people, including all but one Republican senator and most of Trump’s cabinet members, would have been delivered a stinging rebuke.

Shifting Sands

Amy Klobuchar has been my tentative choice for the Democratic nominee for president but is no longer because, as Jennifer Rubin persuasively pointed out in one of her recent Washington Post columns, there is no longer any chance that Klobuchar can win the most delegates. Her remaining in the race increases the chances that Bernie will win, and I’m among those who believe that Bernie would  probably lose the election to Trump. I like Amy, but too many voters prefer someone else. And at this point Amy should too.

I wrote the above paragraph last night. Reading it over this morning, I’m not so sure I’m right that Bernie is as likely to lose as the punditocracy thinks. The future looks more murky than ever. Tonight’s debate will probably be the most contentious yet.


Will Bernie Be the One?

If the Democrats run Bernie against Trump, would it almost ensure Trump’s reelection? A lot of people think so, though some very smart progressives, notably Robert Reich and Michael Moore, think that Bernie is the Dems’s best bet. Bernie, who is old and recently had a heart attack and won’t release all his medical records, enjoys particularly high support among young people. The outlook keeps reaching new levels of scariness.


Blog Suspension for the weekend

For some days I’ve been laid low by a respiratory viral infection –– not the seasonal flu, my doctor tells me, but maybe just as bad. In any case, it has had the effect of much reducing my energy level, causing me to miss posting a blog yesterday and deciding to skip posting one for tomorrow.

For today, my main thought is that it would be an understatement to say that we’re in the midst of a Constitutional crisis. We’re experiencing a wrenching loosening of Democratic governance, a worse crisis than the Civil War, in a way, because even if the Union has lost the war and the Confederate states had seceded, the Union, though shrunken, would have survived, and, with it, American democracy, which, at present, is at risk of vanishing from the face of the Earth.


Last Night’s Debate

I only watched the first half of last night’s Democratic candidates debate because I have what my doctor says is a respiratory viral infection, which sounds more impressive than a cold and feels like it, but based on what I saw and after reading columnists’s analyses this morning, I concluded, along with a lot of other people, that Bloomberg will not be the knight in shining armor who gallops in to save America from Trump. I was disappointed in Klobuchar, my tentative favorite. Maybe she was tired. You’d think they’d all be tired. I’m now trending toward favoring Warren for the nomination. She sharp, and she has passion. So has Bernie, but Bernie has more limitations, too many to talk about here, and in any event I think his stonewalling on fully releasing health records is disqualifying.

The Fate of the Nation

You can get some idea of how passengers on the Titanic must have felt when the impossible had happened –– the ship had hit an iceberg, and it was going to sink. The United States, which Lincoln called “the last best hope on earth,” has hit an iceberg. It’s not yet certain that our ship of state will sink, but it’s listing dangerously, and water is pouring in. 

The iceberg is a conglomerate of a president engaged in a relentless effort to supplant our Constitutional system with his personal authoritarian rule, Republican senators to whom our country means so little that they have chosen to give such a man free rein regardless of the gravity and multiplicity of his offenses, and an attorney general willing to deploy the Justice Department as an instrument of autocratic rule.

For Whom Should We Be For?

When I was an undergraduate at Princeton University, it had a slogan, “Princeton in the Nation’s Service.”  I remember wondering whether that was the way a university should look at itself, failing to consider what the nation might be in service to?  Yesterday, I got a form email from the dean of Princeton”s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs that bore the slogan “In Service to the Nation and Humanity.”  I think this is a big improvement.

Exactly What’s Happening

In his book Thinking the Twentieth Century (2012), the historian and journalist Tony Judt noted, “Democracy is not likely to fall to the charms of totalitarianism, authoritarianism, or oligarchy; it’s much more likely to fall to a corrupted version of itself.”


American Tragedy

Trump has tweeted that he is “the King.” He feels that way, because Republicans have decided he can do anything he wants and get away with it. According to a recent Gallup poll, 94% of Republicans approve of Trump. Trump’s ally, the attorney general, has shown himself willing to persecute those whom Trump perceives as enemies and intervene on behalf of loyal members of his criminal family who have been incarcerated, or risk incarceration, as a result of the proper workings of the justice system. 



Ongoing Horror at the Highest Levels

I wish everyone in this country could read, or have explained to them, Michelle Goldberg’s terrific op-ed in last night’s online New York Times. It concerns, among other things, the perfidious machinations of Attorney General William Barr in being the prime instrument in Trump’s campaign to prosecute, or at least persecute, everyone who has gotten in his way by defending the rule of law and to intervene in judicial proceedings to protect his political allies who have been convicted for criminal offenses. “There is now one set of laws in this country for people who serve Trump, and another for everyone else,” writes Goldberg. What a tragedy has befallen our nation. All people of good will should make every effort to try to rescue it. 

Traveling + a Cold

Traveling + a cold. This blog will resume Feb. 15.

Where are we headed?

News Item: Trump ridiculed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for “mumbling” during his speech to Congress, then visibly approved as the crowd chanted: “Lock her up!”

Is this mentality to determine the destiny of our country?


Let’s hops that Democratic candidates heed Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin’s warning to mount a united front against Sanders, a leader in the race who, nevertheless, is clearly the candidate most likely to lose to the election to Trump, and thereby to cause the loss of American democracy. Bernie, 78, had a heart attack last fall. It’s disturbing that, although he promised to do so by now, he hasn’t released his medical records, and he brushed off inquiries as to why. I admire Bernie’s views about a lot of things. He would be a better president than Trump by an astronomically wide margin, but the most significant thing about him right now is that he’s a threat to the nation.

Another Gloomy Political Note

The review by the esteemed political analyst Norman Ornstein of Ezra Klein’s new book, Why Are We Polarized, supplies little cause for encouragement about America’s future. Among other problems –– like systematic voter disenfranchisement, unrestrained deep pocket financing of donor-compliant candidates, and Supreme Court-authorized blatantly partisan gerrymandering ––  population trends are such that electoral college results, which determine who is elected president, are becoming increasingly unrepresentative of the popular vote. By 2040, we may see a president elected despite losing the popular vote by a margin of five or six million, and because every state has two senators though their populations may differ by a factor of fifty or more, 30 million people may be empowered to elect 70 of the 100 senators. The U.S. appears to be slipping in the direction of authoritarian rule.

Best Bet to Beat Trump

Better than grumpy impractical old man Sanders and inexperienced whiz kid Buttigieg, better than fading Biden and Warren, is Amy Klobuchar, heartland stalwart with an impressive record in the senate and winning in red districts. Mature but not old, smart, capable, experienced, knowledgeable, and little less important, witty.


After last night’s debate, Klobuchar remains the candidate who I think would be most successful in winning over the most voters among those who voted for Trump in 2016. To win against Trump, she would also need to perform conspicuously well in bringing out voters among members of minority groups. She can do that by picking the right running mate and crafting and implementing the right strategy. It’s a good bet she can, though still a long shot that she will be the nominee.

Shredding Trump’s State of the Union Speech 

Standing alongside Trump after he delivered his State of the Union speech, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi tore her copy of the speech apart. Some say this was “childish.” Some say it was the behavior of “a sore loser.” Some say that it was counter-productive: that it only emphasized that the Democrats pursued a hopeless strategy, that Trump and his supporters outplayed them; that it only increased the chances that Trump will be reelected in November.      

Asked why she did it, Pelosi replied that the alternative would have been worse. What would the alternative have been? To stare stonily ahead? That would have elicited the same criticism without producing any positive effect. To smile politely and pretend that this was a normal president delivering a normal State of the Union speech, rather than the self-serving monologue of a dangerous megalomaniac, whose criminal behavior was stamped “We don’t care what he did” by all but one Republican senator? That’s what one might expect of a soulless, cynical, Trump hanger-on.

Trump’s speech will endure as a model of bad faith, mendaciousness, hatred, and cynical opportunism. It should have been torn up as soon as it was written. Tearing it up afterward was the next best thing.

After Trump was elected in 2016, the journalist Christiane Amanpour counseled, “Fight against the normalization of he unacceptable.” Trump is unacceptable. Trump’s speech was unacceptable. Tearing it up was the right thing to do, not only morally, but politically. People of good will must get it across to voters that Trump is unacceptable, that treating him otherwise is to foolishly indulge him, and that reelecting him would be to normalize the unacceptable as America’s way of being a nation. Pelosi’s speech-shredding helped make that point.

The Discovery of an Honest Republican Senator

Remember the ancient Greek philosopher Diogenes, who walked about Athens with a lantern, which he held in front of the faces of citizens he encountered? Diogenes said he was looking for an honest man. 

His lantern might have run out of oil if he had been looking among the Republican senators who would not allow witnesses to be called or relevant documents to be introduced in evidence, then kept out of sight or pretended for one clearly phony reason or another clearly phony reason that Trump should be acquitted. 

But if Diogenes had had enough oil in his lamp to keep it shining long enough, he would have eventually shone it on Mitt Romney, perhaps while the Utah Republican was making an excellent short speech explaining why he would vote to convict Trump of abuse of power and remove him from office. It was a dark day for American democracy, but a ray of light shone through, reflected from the face of the single honest Republican senator.

The Democratic Candidates Race

After Iowa, the race is all the more a horse race with no favorite. Biden faltered, but he will probably do better in states with a much larger percentage of African American voters, but many of these states are southern red states, which the Democratic candidate has little or no hope of winning. 

Biden must feel terribly disappointed, because he is by far the most experienced candidate, but he should realize that he is old, and voters have reason to worry about his mental acuity. Buttigieg has done astonishingly well, but, besides being alarmingly young and inexperienced, he strikes me as tending toward the robotic. Sanders may have peaked. I hope so. He is too old, too grouchy, and insufficiently smooth and pragmatic. There’s good reason to doubt his electability. 

Warren and Klobuchar are still in the running. And who’s that horse moving up on the outside? It’s Michael Bloomberg!

The Authoritarian Party

As Jennifer Rubin wrote a few days ago, “The public should understand fully that the Republican Party has become the authoritarian party.” Let us not shrug and pass this off as the new normal. It’s a crisis of the highest order. Since the Republican Party is the authoritarian party and the Republican Party controls our government, America is now an authoritarian country. The question before us is not “Can our democracy be saved? It’s “Can our Democracy be restored?” 

Back on Track

I couldn’t post blogs the past few days because of technical difficulties. Thanks to the arrival of Monday morning, I’ve been able to get things fixed. Starting tomorrow I’ll resume normal comment. 

American Democracy –– R.I.P.

With the refusal of Republican senators, and possibly several Democratic senators more fearful of losing their red- or swing-state seats than of the destruction of American democracy, it seems certain that the senate will summarily acquit Trump with no pretense of conducting a fair trial. Moreover, it appears that Trump-controlled censors will prevent the publication of Bolton’s book, scheduled for March 17, which we know from leaked portions demolishes any last vestige of deniability by Trump of his most egregious crime. 

It was almost a miracle that the U.S. Constitution came into existence. There’s a famous story about how, after the Constitutional Convention, a woman asked Ben Franklin, “What have you brought into being?”, to which Franklin replied, “A Republic, if you can keep it.”  Indications are that we can’t.


Life in Surreal Land

According to Donald Trump’s lawyers, he can do practically anything he wants as long as it’s in the public interest. As president, he’s the one to decide what’s in the public interest. Since he has decided that his re-election is in the public interest, he can do almost anything he wants  aimed to achieve that result.


Bernie Sanders appears to be the Democratic candidate who would be most vulnerable to Trumpian attacks that would result in defeat for the Democrats in November. He should not be the nominee for that reason alone.

Many of his supporters are so fervent that they risk dividing the Party to a fatal degree. Bernie has been almost Trumpian in encouraging their truculence. Many moderates who despise Trump might nevertheless sit the election out if Bernie is the Democratic nominee. It’s a worrisome situation.

America the Beautiful Has Fallen Gravely Ill

New story: “Forty-four percent of Americans view Trump favorably,                                                                          according to a recent poll, matching his highest rating ever.”

The Grim Reality

This comment in an opinion column caught my eye: “But the more impressive the Democrats’ case is, the more depressing the reality becomes.” This perfectly captures the situation. The reality is the perfidy of Republican denial of the gravity of the crimes committed by Trump and his collaborators. The response of Republican senators planning to acquit Trump is to sink to ever lower moral depths in order to support him no matter how much overwhelming  evidence against him mounts up. 

Who’s the Best Democratic Candidate?

Right now, things look more up in the air than ever.  Bernie is showing exceptional polling strength, but he’s grouchy and he’s dangerously to the left politically. And he’s the oldest of the old. Reports of Biden’s failings keep surfacing. Warren is still reeling from her clumsy handling of the Medicare for All business. Klobuchar appears to me to be the best candidate, but for some reason she’s way behind the leaders in the polls. Buttigieg strikes me as too young, too inexperienced, and talks too much like a computer program. Bloomberg is a force to be reckoned with –– Our billionaire can best your billionaire, a dispiriting thought.

All of the above would be preferable to another four years of Trump by an astronomically wide margin.

Who’s the Best Democratic Candidate?

Right now, things look more up in the air than ever.  Bernie is showing exceptional polling strength, but he’s grouchy and he’s vulnerably to the left politically. And he’s the oldest of the old. Reports of Biden’s failings keep surfacing. Warren is still reeling from her clumsy handling of the Medicare for All business and wasn’t helped by initiating a spat with Bernie. Klobuchar appears to me to be the best candidate, but for some reason she’s way behind the leaders in the polls. Buttigieg strikes me as too young, too inexperienced, and talks too much like a computer program. Bloomberg is a force to be reckoned with –– Our billionaire can best your billionaire, a dispiriting thought.

Any of the above would be preferable to another four years of Trump by an astronomically wide margin.

Cover and Cover Up

The goal of Republicans in the impeachment trial of Trump is to cover up his commission of high crimes and misdemeanors, which more than justify his conviction and removal from office. For that reason they support Trump’s blocking access to key witnesses and his refusal to turn over relevant documents. Because Republicans control the senate, they have the power to cover up evidence, make a sham of the trial, and acquit Trump.

A further problem for them remains. They have to reckon with the court of public opinion. Otherwise, it will be all too obvious that the senators voting for acquittal, rather than adhering to the oath each took to administer impartial justice, chose to participate in the cover-up of Trump’s wrongdoing. These benighted politicians need Trump’s legal team to provide the semblance of cover for them. 

Trump’s lawyers don’t have the barest traces of a professionally respectable legal argument or supporting facts, so they have fallen back on the only recourse available. which is to employ bombast and affected outrage, hoping to achieve with heat what they lack in light. That’s the Republican strategy: Cover-up and Provide Cover. 

The Gun Rights Rally

It was quite something. watching TV, seeing the guys at the Richmond, Virginia, gun rights rally last weekend. They were standing around looking wary and awkward with AK-47s and the like strapped on their shoulders. They were trying to look ready for action, ready to be heroes. 

Why did they acquire those heavy-duty military-style weapons? Almost none of these guys plans to shoot anybody. I think the reason most of them acquire a weapon designed for committing mass murder is so that if, in the years ahead, anyone (like some liberal who’s gotten in power, for instance), tries to take it away from them, they’ll be ready to defend their right to keep it. They’ll be ready to fire it. That’s because their reason for obtaining it was to make sure no one would take it away from them.

Impeachment Trial Reality

It would take every Democratic senator and 20 Republican senators, to satisfy the Constitutional requirement of a two-thirds vote to convict Trump and remove him from office. Everyone agrees that this won’t happen, no matter what happens at the Senate trial (or, as Republicans hope they can succeed in it being, faux trial). As Robert Reich has pointed out, it logically follows that “there aren’t 20 Republican Senators with the courage and integrity to protect the Constitution and the nation from the most dangerous and demagogic president in history.” It is this fact, no less than the phenomenon of Trump itself, that is one of the most dismaying facts of our times.

One of the Troubles with Senator Cory Gardner

Colorado Republican senator Cory Gardner, seeking reelection to another six-year term in November, clings to the elephant in the room while pretending not to see it. 

The elephant is Trump, and what’s elephantine about him is his abuse of power, not just any abuse of power, but gross abuse in the form of conditioning release of Congressionally authorized and legally mandated military defense funds to Ukraine on that country’s president’s participation in a fraudulent campaign to malign Trump’s political opponent for Trump’s personal gain and directly contrary to the security interests of the United States.

The pretending not to see it is Gardner’s strategy of stepping up sending emails to his constituents (of whom I’m one), extolling his accomplishments, while remaining silent about the paramount issue facing our country –– the impeachment trial of Donald John Trump.

Dishonorable Senators, continued:

As more credible evidence piles on in support of the already overwhelming evidence of Trump’s commission of multiple high crimes and misdemeanors, Republican senators who have dug in –– who have shown themselves determined to acquit him no matter what –– have revealed themselves in ever brighter light to be knaves and scoundrels. We just have to hope, and besides that, do what we can to help make it happen, that despite the oncoming blitzkrieg of right-wing media propaganda, social media disinformation campaigns, and voter suppression by Republican-controlled state governments, enough voters in the November elections will have grasped that Trump and his entourage –– the whole lot of them –– should be turned out of office forthwith.

Dishonorable Senators

Thursday all 50 United States States senators swore to fulfill their constitutional duty to be impartial in the impeachment trial of Donald John Trump. It is incontrovertible that several of them, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, having already announced their intention to acquit Trump as quickly as possible, swore falsely. Imbued with the Trumpian ethos, they have abandoned even the pretense of moral integrity.

Dishonorable Senators

Thursday all 50 United States States senators swore to fulfill their constitutional duty to be impartial in the impeachment trial of Donald John Trump. It is incontrovertible that several of them, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, having already announced their intention to acquit Trump as quickly as possible, swore falsely. Imbued with the Trumpian ethos, they have abandoned even the pretense of moral integrity.

The Most Disheartening Fact

It’s no longer possible, if it ever was, for an informed honorable person to defend Trump. The most disheartening fact is how many informed people are not honorable.

The Warren – Sanders Feud.

It appears that about a year ago, Sanders either told Warren or implied, or didn’t quite imply, but Warren (probably with some justification) inferred, that Sanders didn’t think a woman could be elected president. Under the pressure of their rivalry and because of their natural competitiveness (qualities that helped get them to where they are), Warren decided to confront Sanders with her recollection, surely thinking that exposing what he had said would work to her competitive advantage. Sanders, having his own contrary recollection and interpretation of what he had said, denied Warren’s allegation. Under pressure, they both hardened their positions, and after Tuesday night’s debate, they indulged in a further exchange that was videoed and became public, with the result that they each came off as having accused the other of lying. Warren is most at fault in this episode. She should not have raised the issue –– there was no way any good for either of them could have ensued from pursuing it in public. Warren ended up hurting herself as much as she hurt Sanders. The episode strengthened my (still tentative) preference for Amy Klobuchar.

Last Night’s Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate

My tentative favorite continues to be Amy Klobuchar.  She is experienced and has a terrific record. There’s a problem with the basic situation: Biden has by far the strongest support among black voters in the south, and black voters in the south are likely to decide who wins the primary in their respective states. So that gives Biden an edge up in winning the nomination. But all those black voters in southern states are highly unlikely to turn their states blue in the general election. Biden may be able to run stronger in southern states than any other candidate but be unable to win them. I think the most desirable candidate is the one who can win the big northern swing states of Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania, and for the moment, at least, Klobuchar looks to me to be closest to meeting that requirement.

Back Home

Back home last night from traveling to Los Angeles mainly to visit my grandson. 

I’ll be watching the Democratic presidential candidate debate this evening and resuming this blog tomorrow.


Still traveling plus my blog posting application isn’t working


Traveling this weekend. This blog will resume Wednesday Jan 15.


Traveling this weekend. But hope to have something to say Saturday.


Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has been one of the most durable and effective of the enemies of American democracy. It’s nice to know that he may soon have to squirm. He has said that he will not be impartial in the constitutionally mandated trial of the impeachment of Trump. He has made it clear that he wants to engineer a quick acquittal of Trump and doesn’t give a damn about justice. As Harvard Law School professor Lawrence Lessig pointed out in an op-ed in this morning’s Washington Post, to participate in the trial –- to act as a juror in his capacity as a United States senator –- McConnell must swear an oath to do impartial justice. Unless he disavows his earlier statements and acts accordingly –– don’t hold your breath –– McConnell will have to swear a false oath. Lessig points the likely consequences for such behavior. If McConnell gets his comeuppance, it will be justly deserved.

Cory Gardner and the Let’s Pretend Party

Senator Cory Gardner (R. Colorado), frequently sends his constituents emails telling what great things he’s been doing for them. He never mentions Trump. He wants everyone to play “Let’s pretend” with him: Let’s pretend Trump isn’t a dangerous sociopathic president who has been impeached and is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors and should be removed from office for the good of the country, and the entire world. The Republican Party has become the Let’s Pretend Party. No rebel is Cory Gardner. He’ll tag along all the way.

Our Country Is Sick

Gaining nothing except risking a full-scale war with Iran, Trump first abrogated the nuclear deal with Iran, then ordered the assassination of Iran’s top military leader, Qasem Soleimani. Iran promptly renounced its remaining restraints under the nuclear deal that was forged during the Obama administration. We can expect Iran to proceed at top speed to develop nuclear arms capability. Trump is a dangerous sociopath. The Republican members of Congress are acting shamefully, selfishly, and stupidly in blocking his removal. That we are in these circumstances is an indication that our country is sick. We don’t know whether the malady is curable.

The Wild Year Ahead

The future is unpredictable, except that it’s certain that 2020 will be a wild year. There’s almost no limit to what Trump will do; nor to what his enablers in Congress and the right-wing media will allow him to do. The political campaign will be little short of war, as two astute Washington Post columnists recently warned:

Jennifer Rubin: “You can expect a vicious, anti-factual campaign that likely will make 2016 look like a picnic.”

Greg Sargent: “If you thought the 2016 election was awash in disinformation and lies, get ready: The 2020 election is going to make that affair look like a knitting session.”

Biden for One Term

If Joe Biden is nominated and wins the election, he will be 78 by the time he’s inaugurated. In a New York Times op-ed yesterday, Timothy Egan suggests that Biden pledge that, if he’s elected, he will serve only one term. I like this idea a lot. It would allay fears of Biden remaining in office for a second-term, into his mid-eighties, with possible decreasing mental acuity and increasing risk of debilitating illness. It would also allay fears that the Democratic Party is in the grip of older people who are to a large extent stuck in the past. Biden’s V-P pick would be much younger, smart, progressive, and dynamic, and someone who would attract younger and minority voters. Names mentioned are Kamala Harris, Stacey Abrams, and Julián Castro. I would rule out Buttigieg, because I think broader ethnicity would be preferable to two white guys.

Trump’s Strategic Vision

Ordered to do so by Trump, U.S. forces assassinated Iran’s most important military commander. Iran’s supreme ruler has promised revenge. Tens of millions of Iranians who were preoccupied with opposing despotic rule of their country are now preoccupied with opposing the United States. 

Iran’s ruler must take revenge against the United States, as promised. Otherwise, he would look weak and fearful. Once revenge is taken, Trump must take counter revenge. Otherwise, he would look weak and fearful. What will come of this no one knows except that it won’t be good.

Can even the most slavish, opportunistic, feckless, cynical Trump supporters imagine that Trump’s actions are motivated by U.S. security interests? Trump will only do what he thinks is most likely to keep himself in power. That is the beginning and the end of Trump’s strategic vision.

Climate Change Effect

The Washington Post reports: “Thousands flee Australia’s coastal towns as raging wildfires close in. A navy ship prepared to evacuate tourists and residents from one remote area, as authorities warned of potentially catastrophic conditions this weekend.”

This reminds me of the Dunkirk evacuation (1940), when Hitler’s army forced people to escape into the sea. In the twenty-first century it’s climate change. 


In a recent BBC interview with  Greta Thunberg, David Attenborough asked her what she thought of attacks on her by Trump and others. She answered: ”Those attacks are just funny. Because I mean they obviously don’t mean anything. Well I guess of course it means something. It means that they are terrified of young people bringing change, which they don’t want. But that is just a proof that we are actually doing something. And that they see us as some kind of threat.”

Voices like Thunberg’s are like flowers springing up in a ravaged and desolate landscape.


Attorney General Bill Barr is a dangerous criminal. That may sound like hyperbole. I’m not suggesting that Barr could be convicted of violating any criminal law. But I consider it to be a dangerous form of criminality to apply oneself to subverting the United States Constitution by reshaping our government into religious-based authoritarian rule, and that’s what Barr and like-minded extreme radical confederates are up to. Barr is not a Trump toady. Trump is an instrument that Barr and his allies are using to twist American democracy into their favored model of government. For more on this, read the op-ed piece in this morning’s online New York Times by Katherine Stewart and Caroline Fredrickson, titled “Bill Barr thinks America is Going to Hell.” 

Shared Fact-Based Reality

Did you ever think you’d come across such an odd phrase?

The alternative is shared fiction-based reality, which is prevalent among a large segment of the U.S. population and is what Trump and Trumpians want to impose on the rest of us.

The New York Times asked ten super smart people to predict how the world would be in 2030. Garry Kasparov had the best comment, I thought. He said that the post-truth reality that has had increasing currency in recent years was the greatest threat. In the Soviet Union, where he once led a luxurious but constricted life as a chess champion, truth was what the government said it was each day. The greatest challenge of the 2020s will be for shared, fact-based realty to prevail. 

India in Transistion

Prime Minister Modi’s popularity among Hindus, who comprise an overwhelming majority of the country’s population, is perpetuated by his oppression and disenfranchisement of 200,000,000 Muslims. India, often recognized as the world’s largest democracy, is sliding toward autocratic rule. 


This will probably be the title of a book written by a historian about one of the most tumultuous years in modern history. Maybe the book will be titled “2020.” It won’t need a subtitle.  

Twenty-twenty looms like a great approaching storm. Soon we’ll be immersed in it. If America can’t rid itself of Trump in the next thirteen months, the years following will be bleak ones.

Merry Christmas

Whatever your faith, or lack of it –– Merry Christmas to all. 

The Super Rich and Acquisitiveness

It would be nice if the super rich, who by definition have a lot more money than they need, would all lobby for a much more progressive tax structure, but it’s not hard to see why only a handful of them, at most, do. They got to be super rich by being acquisitive, or in some cases because their forebears were acquisitive. It’s in their nature to want to hold on to what they have and to want even more than they have. Tom Steyer is a rare and commendable example of a billionaire who advocates a more progressive tax structure. Yet he’s still very much in acquisition mode –– he wants to acquire the presidency. When he doesn’t get it, will he still be a crusader for progressive tax structure reform? Maybe he will, but I wouldn’t count on it.

The Despicable Phoniness of Mitch McConnell

Headline: “Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell accused House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of trying to tell his chamber how to run a trial.” This is typical McConnell phony talk. Pelosi isn’t telling him how to run a trial; she’s only telling him that he should conduct a trial, as contemplated by the Constitution: That means having witnesses testify, relevant documents admitted, and arguments made, rather than going through a few meaningless formalities, followed by a vote resulting in instant acquittal, followed by proclamations that Trump has been vindicated.

A Good News Story

This morning my eyes moved to and fastened on a Washington Post headline with the alacrity of a thirsty traveler in the desert coming upon an oasis with cool clear water springing out of the ground: “Blight wiped out the American Chestnut. We’re close to bringing it back.” Decades of dedicated bioengineering and breeding techniques may finally restore the eastern United States’s most magnificent tree, whole forests of which were destroyed by blight early in the 20th century. When I was a little boy in the 1930s, climbing my grandmother’s horse chestnut tree, adults told me how it was a pale reminder of the great American tree of the past. It will be inspirational if it returns, an indication that perhaps there’s a chance we can stem environmental degradation; that there’s a chance that the future might be brighter than the past.

What Kind of Democratic Candidate Is Most Likely to Beat Trump?

Two super-smart political observers I much admire are Robert Reich and Jennifer Rubin. Reich says that the only nominee who can beat Trump is one with a full-blown progressive agenda, namely Sanders or Warren. Rubin’s view is that the candidate most likely to win is one with a moderate realistic agenda.

I’m not sure who’s right, but I agree with a Huffington Post headline this morning stating that Pete Buttigieg (a leading moderate contender) was wrong to meet with super rich donors in a billionaire’s crystal wine cave, an event that, sickeningly, reminded me of Hillary Clinton’s highly paid speeches in private to Goldman Sachs executives.

Amy Klobuchar remains as my tentative choice for the Democratic nominee

Last Night’s Democratic Candidates Debate

The debate benefited from the reduction of the field from 10 to 7. Biden held up well. Warren was as impassioned as ever, but still not convincing that she would overcome practical problems in achieving her goals. Yang has no chance of being the nominee, but he always has interesting things to say. Klobuchar remains my tentative choice to head the ticket. Steyer should drop out and help finance important senatorial campaigns and, of course, throw his financial weight behind the eventual nominee. Buttigieg is steady and prepared, but I think he would be a poor choice to head the ticket; nor should he be the V-P nominee, who must be someone who inspires a very large minority voter turnout, for example Harris, Booker, or the woman who could be the Democrats’s secret weapon –– Stacey Abrams. 

The Impeachment

Yesterday’s impeachment debate consisted of democrats laying out the overwhelming evidence of Trump’s abuse of power, betrayal of his oath of office, and constitutionally prohibited obstruction of Congress, and Republicans, having no defense, indulging in a sickening display of ranting, name-calling, insults, diversions, obfuscations, and outright lies. As Jennifer Rubin put it in one of her Washington Post columns last yesterday, “The Republican Party will be known not as the Party of Lincoln but the Party of Trump, a quisling party that lost its bearings and its soul to defend an unhinged narcissist.” The great drama, in which the fate of American democracy hangs in the balance, continues to unfold before our eyes. 

Particularly Ominous Sign of Climate Change of the Week

A week ago, I wrote:

It seems that about once a week I see a news story about how new studies or data show that global warming is happening at a faster rate than previously thought. 

Yesterday, arriving right on schedule, was this news report:

“Australia braces for highest temperatures in recorded  history amid blistering heat wave.”


Brazenness in the Extreme

The public announcements of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee Lindsay Graham that they have no intention of conducting a constitutionally mandated trial of Trump is shocking. Contrary to their obligations under the Constitution, they have admitted, in fact bragged, that instead of acting as fair-minded jurors and examining the facts relating to Trump’s multiple impeachable offenses, they will work to bring about his acquittal as quickly as possible; in short, they have said that they will act as members of Trump’s defense team.

     That Republican senators would countenance Trump’s corrupt and criminal behavior is shocking. That they would abandon any pretense of examining the facts and searching for the truth is an example of brazenness in the extreme. It exposes their larger intention, which is nothing less than to bring about the transition of our country from a constitutional democracy to a republic controlled permanently by one party, free of constitutional restraints. Trump is old and inept. They don’t see him remaining long as a quasi king. He is useful to them because of his demagogic gifts. They see him as a convenient instrument they can use to effect the destruction of American democracy.

Unpredictability and Continuity

We don’t regard the future as being entirely unpredictable; we count on some degree of continuity. Until recently, I would have predicted that it would be unthinkable that every Republican senator would defend the behavior of an American president who compromised national security by conditioning release of congressionally approved military assistance to a besieged American ally on that country’s president agreeing to participate in a deceptive and dishonest scheme to discredit the American president’s prime political rival. 

I would have predicted that it would be unthinkable that one of our two major political parties would be willing to participate in transitioning our country from a constitutional democracy into an autocracy. 

It’s evident that we can’t count on as much continuity as I had thought.      

Fooling People

Lincoln said, “You can fool all the people some of the time, and you can fool some of the people all of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.”

Superficially this sounds reassuring, but Lincoln didn’t say –– because it wouldn’t have been true ––  that “You can’t fool most of the people some of the time,” or even “You can’t fool most of the people most of the time.” 

Fooling as many people as much of the time as possible is the principal goal of the Republican Party and its allies.

The Warriors

Trump praised the Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee who defended him, calling them “warriors.” He was right. Rather than fulfilling their constitutional responsibility to consider the facts and come to a reasonable conclusion as to whether Trump committed impeachable offenses, they conducted warfare. Trump’s conduct was impossible to defend  with rational arguments, so they ignored the facts and hurled toxic adjectives and phrases at the Democrats conducting the proceedings: “abuse” … “outrageous” … “kangaroo court” … “witch hunt” … “scam” … “farce”… “bogus” . . .  “like Stalin” . . .

     All evening long you could hear the shells flying, warriors firing, creating sound and fury signifying the morally bankruptcy of the Republican Party.

Amy Klobuchar for President (tentatively)

I think she’s the least vulnerable to effective attack of all the candidates. She’s smart, competent, practical, and politically experienced. She has an impressive grip on all areas of governance. She’s from the heartland; I would expect her to run very well in the key states of Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. I think she’s the candidate least likely to falter between now and election day. I think she’s the candidate most likely to beat Trump. 

It’s not impossible that I’ll change my mind before Super Tuesday, March 3, when I’ll be casting my vote. Right now, I think there’s an 80% chance I’ll stick with Amy.


Former attorney general William Holder: ”Last month, at a Federalist Society event,  the attorney general delivered an ode to essentially unbridled executive power, dismissing the authority of the legislative and judicial branches — and the checks and balances at the heart of America’s constitutional order.”

Barr bears no resemblance to a normal attorney general. He acts as he if he is Trump’s literate mouthpiece, speaking far more eloquently, through no less dishonestly and malevolently, than Trump.  

Most progressives regard Barr as a Trump toady, another person in a high position who has jettisoned whatever moral scruples he might have to gain favor with Trump and the support of the Trump base. I don’t think think Barr is a Trump toady. I think he would be more accurately described as an ultra conservative (meaning ultra radical) perverted-Christian, in his case Catholic (in contrast to an authentic Catholic Christian like Nancy Pelosi), authoritarian obsessed with secular liberal trends and willing to do whatever it takes to convert the United States from a liberal democracy to a theologically grounded authoritarian state. Barr doesn’t consider Trump to be his leader. He sees Trump as a useful tool in his effort to reshape our country into the mold he craves. Ted Cruz and Mike Pompeo have similar mindsets. To the extent people like this have power, they present a grave danger to our country.

A Particularly Ominous Sign of Climate Change

It seems that about once a week I see a news story about how new studies or data show that global warming is happening at a faster rate than previously thought. Yesterday I ran across this:

News Item: “Rapid warming in the Arctic has caused the region to cross a key threshold and become a net emitter of greenhouse gases.” 

The reason is that melting of the permafrost allows methane to seep into the atmosphere. This is the kind of phenomenon that contributes to a runaway effect, wherein even if we were able to cut emissions to zero, global warming would continue by the operation of processes we have set in motion. 

Inequality, Greed, and Deception

News Item: In 2018, the top 400 earners for the first time paid a lower effective overall tax rate than working-class Americans.

I remember when a couple of years ago Warren Buffet, one of the world’s richest of the rich, commented that his secretary was taxed at a higher effective rate than he was. What an odd fact. Doesn’t seem right, does it? That was the last I heard about this from Buffet. He strikes me as an honorable man, but he hasn’t become a crusader for a more progressive tax structure. 

One the many sad things competing for the saddest thing about our present situation is that Republican propaganda has duped so many low-income workers into imagining that Republicans are their champions, protecting them from the “tax and spend” Democrats. 

On the Road to Autocracy

Trump has accused Democrats of trying to effect a coup by impeaching him. On the contrary, authoritarians are trying to effect a coup by supplanting our constitutional democracy with an authoritarian regime: Out with democracy; in with autocracy is their goal. They are doing this (quoting constitutional scholar Laurence Tribe), by protecting “a president whose Justice Department says he cannot be indicted, whose White House counsel says he cannot even be investigated, and whose lawyers say he can block the executive branch from participating in the impeachment process.” 

Rules for Success

Nicholas Kristoff’s New York Times column this morning lists four principles to follow to achieve success. His advice is obviously addressed to young people, but should be of interest to older people as well. There may be hundreds of such recipes floating around, with huge variations among them. Kristoff’s is somewhat surprising and probably one of the best. 

His number 1 is: Take a course in economics, specifically in statistics. I agree.  If you don’t understand a concept like “reversion to the mean,” for example, you’re less likely to be good at thinking straight. Number 2 is to find a cause bigger than yourself. That’s absolutely true, but I would supply a big caveat: Make sure the cause is a worthy and honorable one, something that can make the world a better place. Number 3 is to find a supportive and loving mate. That too is wise, but easier said than done. To make sure you’re psychologically equipped to make the right choice, you have to follow a bunch of other rules I won’t get into here. Number 4 is to get “outside your comfort zone.” Particularly, live in country for a year where a language other than English is spoken. Become so fluent that you can even say the word for doorknob in that language. 

I agree with this one as well, but, if you embark on such an adventure, make sure you are forced to converse nearly all the time in the language of that country. In one like the Netherlands, for example, you’re likely to find that nearly everyone can speak English. Don’t let them do that to you. 


(to be supplied later)


News Item: “More than 40 percent of Republicans are favorably disposed, in one poll, toward a presidency unfettered by constitutional checks and balances.” A lot of people, feeling frustrated, want a cure-all. They don’t want to live in a messy divisive democracy. Just think how much could be accomplished if the president didn’t have to deal with all these investigations, and now impeachment, which will consume even more time with a useless senate trial.

The pervasiveness of such delusional thinking is appalling. Everyone of good will must fight to disperse the toxic fog of slurs, lies, and fabrications that Trumpians  pump into the atmosphere day after day after day. 

The Prognosis is Guarded

American Democracy is in the intensive care unit. The patient has some fine doctors and nurses dedicated to saving it, but the hospital is full of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and sociopathic attendants have been trying to wreck the MRI equipment. 

An operation is scheduled for next November. In a properly operated health care facility, there is no question that the patient would survive. 

The Moral Descent of Republicans

Republicans –- just about all of them in Congress –– continue to cling to Trump despite overwhelming evidence of his deeply corrupt and patently impeachable conduct. They should be ashamed of themselves. Lacking the requisite degree of moral integrity to be capable of experiencing such an emotion, they are not. 

It would be one thing if Trump were an ordinary crook, seizing on opportunities to line his pockets with a few million bucks now and then, but also cared about serving the best interests of the United States and showed concern for others than himself and his family. One could imagine being content with letting him serve out his term of office and leaving redress for his crimes to judicial processes. But Trump is no ordinary crook. He knowingly subordinated the security interests of the United States in order to advance his political prospects by smearing a likely political opponent. That Republicans are still willing to defend such conduct signals their moral descent to the basement where Trump himself resides.

Not Just an Ordinary Crisis

Headline:  “Global greenhouse gas emissions will hit yet another record high this year, experts project.”

Can you imagine Trump calling the leaders of the biggest polluting countries and saying, “The fate of humanity will turn on whether we meet this crisis or continue to ignore it. We must unite to radically cut carbon emissions, and we must act now.”

The species Homo sapiens is self-destructing right in front of our eyes.

Bad Air

This morning’s online New York Times has a list of major cities of the world and a notation as the degree of air pollution in each of them on the worst day this year. A few cities suffered only “moderate” pollution, I suspect because of favorable prevailing winds. But unhealthy conditions were registered in nearly every big city. In some, the rating was “hazardous.” In New Dehli “beyond hazardous.”

Even if climate change weren’t a problem, it would be a wise for countries to radically cut fossil fuel emissions and accelerate conversion to alternative energy. There’s no need to debate how fast sea levels will rise. The health of billions of people is at stake.


Poll: “53% of Republicans think Trump is a better president than was Lincoln.” 

Do so many Trump supporters really believe this? I suspect that most of them are ignorant of American history, that few of them tried to reach a considered opinion, and that most of them simply wanted to give a provocative and contentious answer. They are dug in. They have nothing constructive to offer. Clinging to Trump, they say “No” to constitutional democracy, honesty, and decency. Trumpism is a form of nihilism.

A Pernicious Book

Why Liberalism Failed, by Patrick J. Deneen, has been eagerly received and applauded in conservative quarters. The title contains a false premise. Liberalism hasn’t failed. It has been maligned, misrepresented, undercut, and eroded by conservative politicians, opportunists, and agenda-driven ideologues.

In an incisive critique of the book in the November 28  New York Review of Books, Robert Kuttner exposes Deneen’s book as “a theologically based broadside against secular modernity.” 

The book exemplifies a strain of largely uncompromising, hypocritical, and intellectually dishonest authoritarianism, which its proponents presume to be theologically justified. It exemplifies thinking that is pervasive among highly educated extremely conservative Christians, particularly, it seems, Catholics, both in academia and in public life. Examples of such types among the most powerfully placed Trump enablers include Barr, Pompeo, and at least four, and possibly all five, of the conservative Supreme Court justices.

Books like Deneen’s give characters like these intellectual cover in their efforts to propel American democracy in the direction of a religiously ordered authoritarian state. 

Characteristics That Are Undesirable in a U.S. President






Wantonly Capricious


Exemplifies Extreme Narcissism 


Aspires to One-Man Rule

Ignorant of History

Contempt for the Constitution and the Rule of Law

Unrelentingly Mendacious


Puts Personal Political Agenda Ahead of National Interest

Encourages Voter Suppression

Coddles dictators

Trashes Alliances with Traditional Allies

Stuffs Federal Courts with Ideologues

Corrupt to the Core 


Characteristics That Are Undesirable in a U.S. President






Wantonly Capricious


Exemplifies Extreme Narcissism 


Aspires to One-Man Rule

Ignorant of History

Contempt for the Constitution and Rule of Law

Unrelentingly Mendacious


Puts Personal Political Agenda Ahead of National Interest

Encourages Voter Suppression

Coddles dictators

Trashes Alliances with Traditional Allies

Stuffs Federal Courts with Ideologues

Corrupt to the Core 

Categories of Trump Supporters and Enablers


Righteous authoritarians 

Seekers of a strong leader

Cynical opportunists

Resentful anti-elites

Resentful elites


Greedy rich

Prisoners of the right-wing media bubble

Bigots (all forms)

Frustrated Malcontents 


Happy Thanksgiving 

And thanks for tuning in on my blog. I notice that I keep writing about political matters. My original intention was to write about a wide range of topics, but we’re going through a prolonged crisis of utmost gravity –– the survival of American democracy is at stake. One of the unfortunate effects of this is that so much else is crowded out. 

Climate Change and Hopelessness

The latest findings on the rate of climate change and the failure of humans to curb greenhouse gas emissions suggest that we’re approaching a tipping point. 

On this side of the tipping point is the reality that efforts to institute conservation and convert to alternative  energy production have been so sluggish and desultory that we (the people of the world) would have to take immediate drastic action to arrest the accelerating trend –– still in its early stages but clearly established in its trajectory -– toward an uninhabitable world.

On the other side of the tipping point is a sense of hopelessness; a consensus that nothing can be done; resignation that our species is doomed and will probably take all or most macroscopic living organisms along with us.

This doesn’t mean that life can’t be wonderful for most people; that inspiring developments can’t still occur. But on the other side of the tipping point life will be in some respects like life on the Titanic after it hit the iceberg, after it passed its tipping point.

We’re a lot better off than passengers on theTitanic who couldn’t get off the ship, which remained afloat for only two or three hours. Even if we do next to nothing to arrest climate change, much of the Earth will remain habitable well into the next century, and possibly for hundreds of years.

News Item: ”On Fox News on Sunday, Energy Secretary Rick Perry said that he told Trump he was God’s choice.’”

Samuel Johnson got it right when he noted that “Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel,” but that was about 250 years ago and needs to be updated. Now religion is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

The Party of the Unacceptable

After Trump was elected in November 2016, veteran journalist Christine Amanpour reacted with a stirring exhortation: “Fight against the normalization of the unacceptable.” Trump was a menace to everything good and the embodiment of everything bad, no less unacceptable because, by the coincidence of unusual circumstances, he had become president of the United States. 

Republicans have not fought against the normalization of the unacceptable. They have shamefully embraced it. They have become the party of the unacceptable.

Common Senses

Headline: Climate Change Action Protestors Delay Harvard – Yale Football Game. From the New York Times report:  “‘It looks like there’s a lot of common sense that has missed their generation’, said Chuck Crummie, 68, who attended the game with his son, a former Yale football player. ‘It goes to show that this generation is all about themselves and not a football game.’”

You could make out a good case that people who are concerned with keeping the planet habitable are showing more common sense than people for whom the sanctity of a football game is of paramount importance and that it is the latter who are “all about themselves.” The episode appears to demonstrate incompatible forms of common sense.

Mass Corruption 

Given the revelations of the impeachment hearings, it’s beyond doubt that the Trump administration is, as Kamala Harris puts it, “a criminal enterprise,” bent on perpetuating its power despite the damage Trump is inflicting on American national security interests and, indeed, on the entire world.  

As of this writing,  the entire Republican Party appears to be subsumed with moral rot. Prominent Republican members of Congress have joined Trump in promoting false narratives manufactured by Russian intelligence services. Their less brazen colleagues, sheep-like, follow along. The Republican Party should be purged of all its members, who should be replaced with honorable persons of conservative bent, people like most Republicans once were.

A Weird Turn of History

History has taken such a weird turn that it’s hard to believe what’s happened. The evidence that Trump has committed bribery and other impeachable offenses is so overwhelming that Republicans have abandoned efforts to contest it. Instead they are promoting false narratives about Biden and about how it was Ukraine rather than Russia that interfered in the 2016 elections, as if, were it true, which it’s not –– there is no plausible evidence in support of it –– that such revelations would exculpate Trump and his fellow conspirators. It’s a strategy of obfuscation and diversion, a form of pounding the table in feigned outrage, an attempt to fool enough of the people enough of the time to keep Trump in office.

That not only Trump’s henchmen would participate in this baleful scheme, but nearly every Republican member of Congress as well, is a tragedy that has befallen the nation. It will take a long time, if ever, to work ourselves out of it.

Last Night’s Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate

Since this process is like the game musical chairs, an elimination contest, we could start by eliminating (and I hope they are absent from the next debate) Tulsi Gabbard, whose presence is counterproductive, and Tom Steyer, who, having paid tens of millions as an admission price to be on the stage, has made the good though generalized and somewhat vague points he has to offer, and should now devote his energy and resources to aiding critical campaigns of other Democrats. Andrew Yang has no chance of being on the ticket, and he too should be eliminated, though I’ll miss him –– his remarks are mostly crisply delivered and interesting. I’m concerned about Biden’s age and mental acuity. I’d feel better if he dropped out.

 Keeping in mind that the need to decisively defeat Trump is by far the most important consideration, my takeaway is that the nominee must have a lot more appeal than Hillary had to swing voters in critical northern states –– Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania –– and that the ticket must be one that elicits a very strong turnout of African Americans and other minority voters. It’s too early to guess what would be the ideal ticket, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it turned out to be Klobuchar and either Kamala Harris or Stacey Abrams. Or would an all-female ticket strike too many otherwise amenable macho-type guys as a punch in the gut? 

Concerning Trump’s Health

Trump’s doctor’s seemingly reassuring comment about the implications of his recent two-hour stay at Walter Reed Hospital was significant for its omissions. Trump is elderly and obese, and has been under increasing stress lately, which is likely to increase even further during the months ahead. As Jennifer Rubin noted in a Washington Post column yesterday, it would be a good thing for everyone, including Trump himself, if he bowed out and let Pence take over. 

Trump could probably be prosecuted successfully for multiple crimes, but if he would do us “a favor though” by admitting to having health problems and agreeing to return to his towers and golf courses, I can imagine a quid pro quo of limiting his prosecution and punishment for criminal acts to a thorough accounting of his invidious behavior in future history books.

Admittedly, Pence shows every capability of becoming the second worst president in history, but if there’s even only a scintilla of rationality in the world, the Dems should be able to oust him, or Nikki Haley, if the Republicans decide to go with her, in the 2020 election.

Despotism Rules

Leaked documents supplied the information that prompted this segment of a New York Times editorial: “Hundreds of thousands of Uighurs, Kazakhs and other Muslims in the western Xinjiang region have been rounded up in internment camps to undergo months or years of indoctrination intended to mold them into secular and loyal followers of the Communist Party.” 

     China, Russia, India, and Brazil –– some of the biggest and most powerful countries in the world ––  have fallen under the grip of authoritarian leaders and their enablers. One once would expect the president of the United States to be a staunch opponent of despots. Instead, he aspires to be one.

William Barr and the Project to Dismantle Our Liberal Democracy

In a recent speech before the right-wing Federalist Society, Attorney General William Barr excoriated Democrats for waging war on Trump. In so doing, Barr confirmed that, in defiance of his oath of office, he has no interest in defending and upholding the Constitution of the Untied States. To the contrary, he confirmed impressions he’d given earlier that he is a deeply committed authoritarian. His instincts in that direction are so strong that he is too impatient to wait for a leader who would not seriously weaken American national security. For Barr, any aspiring autocrat in the Oval Office, even a crude and ignorant demagogue will do. 

Authoritarianism is presently a powerful force in this country and throughout the world. A surprising number of rich, well-educated, and powerful people, Barr prominent among them, though they may think little of Trump, have shown themselves willing to protect him because they see in the happenstance of his presidency a rare opportunity to transform our precious democracy into the theologically sanctioned authoritarian state they fervently believe America should be.                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

Impeachment Strategy

In a New York Times op-ed column this morning, veteran Washington Journalist Elizabeth Drew discusses the Democrats impeachment strategy, which appears to be narrowly focused on establishing a bribery charge against Trump for communicating to president Zelensky of Ukraine that the United States would release Congressionally appropriated military aid only if Zelensky would do “a favor” by cooperating in Trump’s effort to fabricate a defamatory story about Trump’s prime potential political opponent, Joe Biden. Drew argues that that impeachment charges should be more wide-ranging and should emphasize Trump’s multiple abuses of power, even though that would drag the hearings out longer, ever closer to the 2020 election, an event that would seem to render impeachment moot. 

I think the best strategy is probably to impeach Trump on the bribery charge soon after the first of the year, while continuing hearings on other clearly demonstrable impeachable offenses, maximizing the likelihood that a critical segment of the electorate will come to understand that Trump didn’t just cross the line on one occasion, but that his entire mode of governing is an offense to the Constitution, that there are multiple ways in which he has violated his oath of office and multiple reasons why he should be impeached and removed from office. 

Events are moving fast, however. Democrats must be resourceful, nimble, and unified in responding to them.

Our Kafkaesque Existence

To live in America today is to feel the way a Kafka character feels –– bewildered and frustrated in a surreal environment in which the people he interacts with act obliquely, as if reality were not what it is, so what would seem reasonable and natural doesn’t happen, can’t seem to happen, though there’s no seeming explanation for it.

Trump’s criminality, his invidious behavior, his brazen trashing of national interest in pursuit of his personal authoritarian ambition would in any fairly reasonable, mostly rational, world prompt a universal outcry for his swift removal from office. Instead, we face the prospect that he will be allowed to complete his term and that there is a serious risk that he will be reelected. Like the hapless hero in a Kafka novel, we grope our way forward — we think it’s forward, but maybe it’s sideways, or even backward, in this surreal world, this strange strange world.

The Moral Descent of Scott Tipton

News item: “After the first day of impeachment hearings, {Colorado 3rd C.D.} Representative Scott Tipton said he remains firm in his belief President Donald Trump has not committed an impeachable offense.” 

This though the evidence is overwhelming that Trump committed multiple impeachable offenses. Tipton, along with his Republican colleagues in Congress, thus demonstrates his willingness to sacrifice our country’s national interest to save his own political skin, thereby sliding down the rest of the way to Trump’s moral plane.

Note from the Impeachment Hearings – Day 1

The evidence, already overwhelming, keeps piling up. Proof of Trump’s extortion — withholding vital aid to an ally for personal political purposes— is irrefutable. Ukrainians have died because of it. It wasn’t an isolated incident. It was part of a sustained effort to lay the foundation for gross fabrications. The hearings are peeling away and exposing the moral rot pervading the Republican Party and its members in Congress, whose entire strategy consists of obfuscation, disinformation, and distraction. If the public could be fully educated and informed, the whole lot of Republicans would be shown the door in 2020.

Impeachment Hearings

The impeachment hearings begin: a contest between truth, justice, decency, and the Constitution on one side and corruption, disinformation, distortion, disruption, and obfuscation on the other.

Which Way Will the Arc of Justice Bend?

Bill Moyers: “This is a moment in American history where the arc of justice will either be bent forward or it will be bent backward.“   

I’ve often heard about the good guys being on the side of history, as if justice and decency will eventually prevail; that it’s just a question of how long it will take.

There is no such long-term trend. Moyers is right; We are at at an inflection point. The arc of justice appears just as likely to bend backward into dark ages as to bend toward better days.                               



Mr. Bloomberg, Your Country Needs You, But Not the Way You Wish

Jennifer Rubin hit it out of the park again in her Washington Post column yesterday, pointing out five much better things super billionaire Michael Bloomberg could spend money on than running for president. Number 1 on the list: Buy Fox News. 

It would indeed be nice to disassemble the prime right-wing propaganda channel, which has acted as if it’s the state-run media outlet of the authoritarian ruler that Trump relentlessly tries so desperately to become. If Fox News were liquidated or converted into reputable news organization, a great weight would be lifted from our country’s shoulders.

The trouble is that it’s doubtful that Murdoch would sell Fox News. People like that crave power as much as money. They want both. Then there’s a danger that the network’s star propagandists would reconstitute their disinformation machine on another cable channel. 

In any case, Jennifer is right. Bloomberg has done a lot of good things  –– his vigorous opposition to the gun lobby is an example –– but he could do a lot more good than by running for president. 


It’s not surprising that billionaires are complaining bitterly at the prospect of higher taxes. Most of them got to be billionaires by being relentlessly acquisitive or growing up in a highly acquisitive and accustomed-to-privilege family, or both. In Behave – the Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst (2017), neuroscientist Robert Sapolsky explains: “Our frequent human tragedy is that the more we consume, the hungrier we get. More and faster and stronger. What was an unexpected pleasure yesterday is what we feel entitled to today and won’t be enough tomorrow.”

That’s the case in the extreme with most billionaires.

I think Democratic candidates who attack billionaires, acting as if it’s time to make war on them, are making a big mistake. There’s no question that this country needs a much more progressive tax system. Bashing billionaires is not a smart way to try to bring it about.

Rationalizing Republicans

Who can doubt that all but the most brain-contorted Republican members of Congress are aware that Trump is a scoundrel. Many of these “lawmakers” are scoundrels too, albeit less conspicuously so, and few of them would admit it to themselves, much less anyone else. 

The more cerebrally competent of them self-justify their moral turpitude in protecting Trump by adhering to high-toned sophistry of the sort exhibited in the recently published, respectfully received, book titled The Failure of Liberalism, by Patrick J. Deneen,

In a review published in the current issue of the New York Review of Books, Robert Kuttner systematically exposes the intellectual dishonesty that suffuses Deneen’s polemic. Liberalism hasn’t failed; it has been traduced, eroded, and betrayed. That right-wing propagandists have been largely successful in making “liberal” a dirty word is a tragedy of our time.

Choice for Republican Lawmakers

What Kind of Country Do You Want America To Be?

A.  a country in which, contrary to the incontrovertible interests of the United States, the president has the right to demand of an American ally (Ukraine), which has been invaded and besieged by our adversary (Russia), that it participate in a dishonest attempt to advance his personal political agenda as a condition of releasing hundreds of millions of dollars worth of Congressionally authorized military assistance.

B.  a country in which the president is held to his Constitutional oath of office to subordinate his personal political interest to his Constitutional duty to act in the best interests of the United States. 

If your answer is A, keep evading the issue.

If your answer is B, condemn Trump’s behavior and support the impeachment proceedings in the House of Representatives.

Democracy and Education

Recent poll on hypothetical matchup: 

Biden vs. Trump:

white college grad.          57-41

white non-college grad.  39-57

All informed people of good will would vote for Biden. Most people are people of good will. Less educated people are more susceptible to being conned. A higher percentage of less educated people of good will have been conned by Trump and his allied propagandists. 

Then, you might ask, “Why do polls show that African Americans overwhelmingly would vote for Biden, even though (we can assume) they are on average no better educated than white people?” The answer is that they are extremely well educated in identifying racists.

The Republican Playbook

This morning’s Washington Post reported that Trump again repeated the false claim he has made more than 100 times in the past six weeks: that the whistleblower misrepresented the substance of Trump’s phone call with Ukraine president Zelensky last July.

Trump doesn’t just lie. He repeats lies again and again, always passionately, affecting indignation, fabricating attendant facts. It’s a technique straight out of the authoritarian playbook. Republican politicians, aware that Trump’s conduct has been indefensible, follow the same script. It’s their playbook too.

Headline: “Trump highly competitive in key states a year before the election.”

It’s a profoundly disturbing commentary on our country that this is the case. No informed person of good will would vote for Trump. Surely, a large majority of prospective voters –- I would think at least three-quarters –- are persons of good will. The relentless stream of propaganda disseminated by Trump, his lackeys, and Fox News and other right-wing media outlets have poisoned the minds of tens of millions. The prognosis for American democracy is guarded. It’s touch and go whether it will survive.

Life in Surreal Land

The Washington Post  reports this morning that the new White House press secretary, Stephanie Grisham, said “I worked with {former four-star marine general and chief of staff} John Kelly, and he was totally unequipped to handle the genius of our great President.”

Imagine any other president tolerating such both ludicrous and fawning praise. I doubt if you can.

technical difficulty resolution in process

The Cultivation of Ignorance

Headline: Trump: ‘Impeachment is an attack on Democracy itself.’”

There in a nutshell is the technique that Trump and cynical Republican politicians use to try to stay in power. Call it the cultivation of ignorance:

 Impeachment could lead to the removal from office of a duly elected president. What could be more undemocratic! It’s shameful what these Democrats are doing. Nancy Pelosi is a threat to the foundations of our precious Democratic system. Thank goodness president Trump is a fighter and has a strong character and is standing up to people like her and the traitorous Adam Schiff, who is directing the impeachment inquiry!

Democracy under attack? How many people understand that the founders provided for impeachment in the Constitution, because they wanted our country to be a democracy and not a monarchy? How many people understand that the president is in no danger of being removed except by a two-thirds vote of the Republican-controlled senate? Yet Trump and his enablers are claiming that Democrats are trying to stage a coup; trying to subvert our precious democratic system. Tens of millions of people believe this nonsense because Trump, Republican politicians, and right-wing media propagandists are  skilled at the cultivation of ignorance.

Cause for Worry

Elizabeth Warren has put forth a revolutionary budget and tax reform plan. If implemented, it would probably be a huge improvement over the present regime, but transitioning from here to there is the stuff of nightmares. Given the composition of Congress after the election, even in the best case scenario for Democrats, few, if any, of Warren’s measures could ever become law. Chaos is much more likely. Worse, chaos is exactly what Republicans will predict will happen if Warren becomes president, and for once they may have a persuasive argument. I had seen Warren as a hope. At this point she may be more of a threat.                                                                                                                       

The Biden and Sanders candidacies are rift with problems. A cloud hangs over each of the front-runners. If only Amy Klobuchar could pull ahead. I think she is the most electable of the bunch, but she’s only polling 4%,  It’s a cause for worry. 


The Impeachment Proceedings

Trump will be impeached. Because the general election is only a year away, and primary contests only a couple of months away, there won’t be time to prepare all the justifiable articles of impeachment. The Democratic leadership has decided to concentrate on an article detailing Trump’s efforts to pressure Ukraine into investigating and falsely giving the impression that Joe Biden and his son were involved in corrupt business dealings in Ukraine. Trump’s criminality in this regard is indisputable. Republicans are trying to protect him by adopting his technique of high-decibel counter-attacks, bluster, distractions, and construction of elaborate fabrications. Trump’s perfidy has a wide sweep. He is a scoundrel and so is every knowledgeable person who supports him.  

Rising Sea Levels

Based on recent studies, an article in today’s New York Times displays maps  of major coastal cities showing what’s above sea level now and what will be above sea level in 2050. More than 150,000,000 people will be displaced by then. The before and after maps illustrate the changes in process more vividly than words and statistics. I guess in thirty years there will be a marker sticking up from the Gulf of Mexico showing where New Orleans was. 

What Democratic Ticket Would Be Most Likely to Win the Election?

Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin reports that Biden performed admirably on the popular TV newsmagazine 60 Minutes this past weekend. He was very good at bashing Trump, a big plus, in my opinion. He is, by virtue of experience, the most highly qualified Democratic candidate. Presumably he’s learned from his mistakes. Having made a lot of them, he must have learned a lot. 

     Biden and Klobuchar might be the ticket most likely to beat Trump / Pence. I’ll be voting for one of the candidates on Super Tuesday, March 3, just a little over four months away. I’m still undecided. If I had to vote today, I’d vote for Amy Klobuchar. There are a lot of reasons to like her, and the only negative thing I’ve heard about her is that she was ungentle in her treatment of staff members. The only specific instance I’ve seen reported is that she once said to some of them, “I’d trade the three of you in for a bottle of water.” This shows she has a sense of humor, a big plus in my opinion. 

    I might prefer someone else by next March. My guiding star is, and always will be, Who is most likely to beat Trump.

The Strange Case of Attorney General William Barr

An op-ed in yesterday’s New York Times by Emily Bazelon explores in depth the strange case of Attorney General William Barr, shedding light on why he would act so perversely in betraying his oath of office and constitutional responsibility by bringing the full weight of his power to protect a sociopathic president. 

     Thinking about it, I realized that Barr is not unprincipled. He’s very principled –– he’s a dedicated authoritarian. That he would allow this impassioned stance to control his conduct in betraying his oath of office is explained by his being steeped in an extremist longstanding antinomian interpretation of Christianity (in his case the Roman Catholic strand), which harbors the conviction that, by the grace of God, Christians are released from observing established moral law.

The Slow-Building Apocalypse

Headline: A bipartisan group of senators warns that, without concerted international action, there will be more plastic by weight than fish in the oceans by 2050.

 What about the weight of all the plastic that’s inside the fish. In which column is that counted? I see headlines like this every day. One yesterday reported the increasing amount of bleaching of coral reefs. Every day lately there’s been a headline about the unprecedented severity of California wildfires. Immediate international action is needed to hold off the slow-building ecological apocalypse. It’s almost inconceivable that it will happen. Four of the largest and most powerful countries in the world, India, China, Brazil, and the United States, as well as many others, are led by sociopaths. The prognosis for humanity is poor.


The Abnegation of Moral Responsibility of Republican Members of Congress in Full View

Trump’s behavior is so patently impeachable that none of the Republican members of Congress are seriously denying it or defending it. They exhibit their loyalty to him, however and protect their acceptability with the Trump base by making a great show of attacking the impeachment process, even echoing Trump’s claim that it is unconstitutional, even though the Constitution provides that the sole power of impeachment resides in Congress.

How 4 People Could Make 160,000,000 People Happier.

The combined wealth Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, and Google’s Sergey Brin and Larry Page is larger than the combined wealth of the bottom half of the American population. If these super-billionaires distributed their fortunes (reserving a few tens of millions of dollars each for maintaining a tolerable lifestyle) among those in the bottom half of the American population, it would approximately double the wealth of everyone in the bottom half. About 160,000,000 million people would instantly feel happier. That’s a huge return on investment. It’s a wonder these four lucky fellows don’t do it. 

All the President’s Thugs

Yesterday a Defense Department official’s testimony was delayed five hours by a group of about 30 House Republicans who barged into a secure room where depositions were to be taken, and refused to leave. They had no legal or moral arguments to make, so, following Trump’s instructions, they behaved like thugs.

If Only

America is at a crossroads. We shall either restore and reinvigorate democratic principles and moral leadership in our country, or slip into a corrupt authoritarianism. Lincoln’s words reach us across time: “We shall nobly save, or meanly lose, the last best hope on Earth.”

      In an op-ed in last evening’s online New York Times, Andrei V. Kozyrev, who was Russia’s foreign minister from 1991 to 1996, drew a parallel between our two countries. He concluded: “I believe that if Congress, Republicans and Democrats alike, act to remove this president, a new powerful message would be sent to governments and people around the globe . . .  Moral principles still matter in American politics and policy. And the future still belongs to moral truth and to those who embrace it.” That would clean the air. That would breathe hope to all the world. If only enough Republican senators could understand that, and care about it.

The Mindset of Republican White Evangelical Protestants

Over the past few years I’ve read perhaps a dozen purported explanations of why evangelical protestants overwhelmingly support Trump, but I still find it mystifying. Yesterday I read that 99% of Republican white evangelical Protestants oppose Trump being impeached and removed from office. That’s a preponderance eyebrow-raisingly close to unanimity. 

Trump’s behavior is approximately 100% of the antithesis of Jesus’s teachings. His conduct overwhelmingly meets the Constitutional criteria for impeachment and removal. The Devil must be as powerful and dangerous as some preachers warn us, capturing so many righteous minds.

The Mindset of Ordinary Folks Who Support Trump

An article in The New York Times this morning reports on interviews with Trump supporters in northern Florida. “I’m just glad he’s standing his ground during this witch hunt,” is a typical remark. The author of the article comments, “I’ve been in this state for almost a decade, yet its politics still surprise me. Fox News tag lines come out of real people’s mouths.”

Years and years of listening to the likes of Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh and to regurgitations of their spiels by friends and acquaintances who have been overexposed to them have taken a terrible toll. The mindsets of millions of people may have been permanently altered, as if their brains had been taken over by by malevolent aliens. If Trump is ousted in the 2020 elections, most of these people will believe that it was an deep-state coup. 

Trump’s Concession that His Florida Doral Resort Should Not Be the Venue for the G-7 Meeting next June.

Probably 95% percent of everyone in the country knew that Trump’s designation of his own resort was a rotten idea. Congressional supporters of Trump knew instantly that it was indefensible. It was not in the nation’s interest. Worse, from the standpoint of Republican politicians, it was not in their interest, nor was it in Trump’s interest. That Trump couldn’t see this from the outset is another indication of how his extreme and dangerous narcissism clogs his mind. 

Concerning Trump’s Designation of His Florida Doral Resort as the Venue for the G-7 Meeting next June. 

One might think that, fearful of losing the 2020 election and thereupon losing his immunity from federal criminal prosecution, Trump might suspend some of his most conspicuous continuing infractions of the Constitution. One might think that between now and the election, he might want to try to project an image of someone less despicable and conspicuously unfit to serve as president of the United States. One might think that for this relatively brief period he would want to try to affect being an honorable public servant. One might think so, but there is no likelihood that this will will happen. Thuggishness infuses Trump’s psyche. There’s little else to it. He is incapable of imagining what it would be like not to be a thug and therefore lacks the ability to pretend he isn’t one.

Belief and Truth

In conversation with my barber yesterday, I alluded to Russian interference on behalf of Trump in the 2016 election. “Do you believe that?” she asked, revealing that she is one of the tens of millions of Americans living in the right-wing, Trump supporting, alternative facts bubble. She was unaware that a grand jury had indicted 12 Russians on just such charges, that U.S. intelligence communities were unanimous that this was the case, that the Republican-controlled Senate Intelligence Committee had reached just a conclusion, and that more than a 1,000 former Republican and Democratic Federal prosecutors had signed a public letter stating that the facts laid out in the Mueller Report were sufficient to support indictment of Trump for obstruction of justice, which he was exempt from only by virtue of still being in office.

I didn’t attempt to get all this across during the course of my haircut, but we reached enthusiastic agreement that everyone should know the truth. 


In response to a question in Tuesday’s debate, Warren said: “I don’t think we should have troops in the Middle East. But we have to do it the right way, the smart way. . .  We need to get out, but we need to do this through a negotiated solution.”

Given the chaos, horror, and threat of genocide that Trump just unleashed on the region by green-lighting Turkey’s invasion of Syria, this was an altogether unsatisfactory answer.  We would have no leverage in negotiating a solution, such as Warren says we must, without having a credible military force to bring to bear against recalcitrant parties. Warren missed a chance to condemn Trump; instead, she tossed off the meaningless phrase, “the right way, the smart way,” without so much as a hint that she has any idea what that would be. No doubt, she would claim that she wasn’t allotted time to elaborate, but she could have at least said so, or given it a try. Her answer amounted to a brush-off of s critical issue. 

No one ever accused Warren of not being a hard worker. She has a lot of hard work still to do.

Last Night’s Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate

As Jennifer Rubin noted in her Washington Post analysis this morning, the race became no less fluid as a result of last night’s debate. Let’s hope that the number of contenders on the stage will be sharply reduced in the next one. Certainly Gabbard and Steyer will be gone. Neither O’Rourke nor Castro supplied any reason why they should remain in consideration. Of the three front-runners, I think Biden is too old, and he shows it. Bernie, who had been fading, bounced back with surprising vigor and acuity, and cannot yet be counted out, though I wish he would be. Warren failed to lay out how her many commendable initiatives would be fiscally responsible, or why her proposed wealth tax would not be vitiated by avoidance schemes. Klobuchar, Buttigieg, and Booker each turned in a good performance, but none of them appear likely to surge in the polls. Harris is appealing but her performance was spotty. Andrew Yang might be a good pick for Secretary of Commerce, but not much else. 

I don’t see any of the candidates as a front runner at this point. I think Warren could pull away from the pack, but only if she starts being a lot more more pragmatic than she has been so far. At the moment, I think that the least problematical of the lot is Amy Klobuchar. A ticket of Klobuchar and Senator Chris Murphy, of Connecticut, who is not currently in the race, would be hard to beat. 

The Polarization Index

Almost everybody agrees that our country has become increasingly polarized. If there were a polarization index, it would be at an all time high and give every appearance of going higher. Trump has committed multiple impeachable offenses and continues to do so. The evidence, already conclusive, piles ever higher. There’s no longer any doubt that Trump will be impeached. With the help of his lackeys, many of them in high places in government, he is fighting back the only way he knows, with scornful denials, elaborate fabrications, and campaign rallies where he incites morally deficient crowds as if training them to wage civil war, which I suspect he senses is the only hope he has of saving his skin.

Tomorrow’s Democratic Candidate Debate: Anxiety and Hope

For reasons stated here before, I’m hoping Biden and Sanders will fade. I’m hoping Elizabeth Warren will make clear that her proposals are practical and fiscally responsible. I’m hoping that this is the last we’ll see of the Tulsi Gabbard and Tom Steyer.. I’d like to see Amy Klobuchar and Cory Booker shine. I’d like Beto O’Rourke to be calm and measured not flail his arms about. I hope Pete Buttigieg will be his usual steady self. I hope they all pummel Trump and his feckless enablers. I’m anxious that the overloaded stage may collapse.

The Scourge of Wealth / Income Inequality

William Kristoff’s New York Times column this morning is titled “Should We Soak the Rich. You bet.” Indeed we should. As Kristoff points out, we live in a country where “the top 1 percent own more than the bottom 90 percent — and where on any given night more than 100,000 children are homeless.” Over the past few decades wealth and income inequality have strikingly increased, causing much misery, suffering, resentment, confusion, ill-tempered behavior, and lasting damage that would have been avoided had we had a progressive, equitable, humane, enlightened tax structure all these years. Trump and greed-driven propagandists duped much of the electorate into thinking that a government controlled by Republicans would benefit people with minimal and moderate incomes. After gaining control of the White House and Congress, they swiftly enacted fiscally irresponsible tax cuts that overwhelmingly benefited the rich and especially the super rich. Our country can only begin to reverse this baleful state of affairs if Democrats gain control of the White House and both houses of Congress in 2020.  Sadly, despite the horror that Trump and Trumpians have unleashed upon us and we’re now living through, that’s a long shot. 

A Study in Contrasts

Before testifying for nine hours behind closed doors to Congressional impeachment investigators,  U. S. former ambassador to the Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch released a public statement that will stand as one of the great documents in the history of the never ending struggle to preserve and invigorate American democracy.                                    

Yovanovitch, a career foreign service officer, was fired by Trump so he and his operatives could proceed unencumbered in their efforts to enlist the new president of Ukraine in fabrications designed to smear Trump’s prime political opponent, Joe Biden, and erase and rewrite the history of Russian interference in the U.S.electoral process.

Yovanovitch’s courage, honorableness, and competence will stand forever in shining contrast to the smarmy, evasive, mendacious, perfidious, greedy comportment and behavior of Trump and his allies.

The Tragedy of What’s Ignored

America is consumed by rapid fire news events, preparations for Trump’s impeachment, and Trump’s and his enablers’s frantic efforts to invent distractions, delay proceedings, and construct elaborate fabrications by way of counterattack. Meanwhile, critically important matters of state are being ignored. Arms control negotiations are imperative. So is leadership in uniting the world to combat global warming. So is the need to address the widening gap between the rich and the poor, and its destructive effect on society. So is immigration reform and gun control. So are half a dozen other requirements of responsible government. They are all being ignored and will continue to be ignored until Trump is out of power and stable, sane, and honorable government has been restored.

Trump, Turkey, Syria, the Kurds, Congress

By green-lighting, after consultation with Turkey’s ruler and apparently no one else, a Turkish offensive in Syria against the Kurds, who have been our stalwart ally in the prolonged fight to quell ISIS, Trump has not only betrayed our friends but acted so wildly counter to American interests that even some habitually mute Republican senators have criticized him. 

Not enough! Every member of Congress should unequivocally condemn Trump’s action and call for his swift impeachment and removal from office. Can’t they see by now? For the good of the country; for the good of the world, Trump must removed from office.


Just yesterday, it seems, people of good will were debating whether it might be counterproductive for the Democrat-controlled House to impeach Trump even though there would be no chance of getting the two-thirds vote in the senate required to convict and remove him from office. That argument is moot. Trump and his enablers have dropped any pretense of disguising their ambition to turn America into an authoritarian state. Failure to impeach Trump would be amount to the surrender of American democracy to a villainous cabal.

How Does It Feel?

So begins the lyric of a great Bob Dylan song. As more and more evidence of Trump’s transgressions surfaces and impeachment moves closer, Trump and his agents escalate their bombast and propaganda, expressing faux outrage that exceeds the genuine outrage of the rest of us, so it feels like we’re standing on a windy plain fixated at the blackening sky and tornado coming.

The Autocrat’s Playbook

Astute observers have noted that Trump and his enablers have faithfully followed prescriptions from “The Autocrat’s Playbook.” In his New York Times column the other day, Roger Cohen remarked on one of Trump’s favorites: “Repeat something often enough, brazenly enough and aggressively enough to people dazed enough by the cacophony around them, and they will lose their bearings enough to believe anything.”

Facing piercing criticism, Trump called for the impeachment of House Intelligence chairman Adam Schiff. As further revelations of his perfidy surfaced, he called for the impeachment of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. Accuse the accuser, only in a louder voice, is Trump’s way. 

Excerpt from an email sent to my “pen pal” in Ukraine on the occasion of her 18th birthday. 

It’s an interesting time we’re having here in the U.S. because we have a president who is a thug and would like to run our country the way Putin runs Russia. Moreover, the U.S. vice-president, the secretary of state (our foreign minister) and the attorney general (our minister of justice) are in league with him, and nearly all the members of his party in Congress (roughly equivalent to parliament in most countries) are supporting him, so it’s unlikely that he can be removed from office for violating the Constitution and not at all certain that he can be removed as a result of the election scheduled for November 3, 2020. The fate of American democracy hangs in the balance.

They Can Run, But They Can’t Hide

Republican members of Congress dance and duck and squirm rather than proclaim, as they have a moral obligation to do, that Trump should be impeached and removed from office. I got an email from Senator Cory Gardner yesterday telling me what great things he’s doing. Google him and you’ll read, “Fifth generation Coloradan Cory Gardner is fighting to protect our values and future.” Fighting to protect our values, but not saying a word about Trump’s and his cabal’s despicable efforts to supplant American democracy with autocratic rule? Like his Republican colleagues, Gardner runs, he struts, he crows, but he can’t hide his subservience to the cult of Trump.


A Terrible Truth

Yesterday, in one of his typically incisive Facebook postings, Robert Reich noted: “Trump has now openly encouraged Ukrainian and Chinese leaders to investigate Joe Biden — on camera. This is an impeachable offense, and Trump committed it right in front of our eyes. Members of Congress who haven’t yet supported formal impeachment no longer have a choice. Unless they come out in support, they are violating their oath to protect the Constitution.”

Of all the terrible truths were facing today, perhaps none is more terrible than that in failing to condemn Trump and call for his impeachment almost every Republican member of Congress is violating his or her oath of office.

A Book That Needs To Be Written

Some qualified expert (a psychiatrist?) should write a book explaining the etiology of the psychopathology that causes certain informed persons in government –– Vice-President  Mike Pence, Attorney General Bill Barr, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and Senator Lindsay Graham, for example –– to prostitute themselves and trash American democracy by trying to help Trump stay in office and be reelected. 


One doesn’t tend to think of a thug as a well-educated, well-groomed man wearing a well-tailored suit and a tasteful necktie, but that can be an even better disguise than a wolf in sheep’s clothing. By their shameful efforts in stonewalling Congressional committees carrying out their Constitutional duties of executive oversight, in their efforts to exculpate Trump in the face of his patent betrayal of his oath of office in his interactions with the president of the Ukraine, and in their strenuous efforts to wipe Russian interference in the 2016 election off the history books by constructing an alternative false narrative, the attorney general, William Barr, and the secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, and their aides, along with others engaged in this nefarious enterprise, have shown themselves to be morally no better than street thugs, in fact worse, because they know better.

Articles of Impeachment

I agree with veteran Washington observer Elizabeth Drew, who wrote persuasively on the subject in an online New York Times column yesterday, that even though it will take longer to prepare them, the Articles of Impeachment should be multi-pronged rather than limited to Trump’s admitted appalling behavior in his dealings with Ukraine. It will be useful to educate the public on what the president’s oath of office requires of him, and of the numerous ways in which he has breached it. Trump should be let off no hooks.

Such Strange Times

Adam Schiff, Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, announced that the whistleblower (concerning Trump’s machinations with respect to Ukraine) will testify before the Committee in closed session. Apparently, his or her identity is to be kept secret. In not such strange times, the whistleblower might be sequestered through the witness protection program, but that program is administered by the Justice Department, which is headed by a Trump loyalist who has shown no respect for the Constitution or his oath of office.  Harvard Law School Professor Laurence Tribe had good reason to comment on a talk show yesterday that the whistleblower is a “profile in courage.”

     Meanwhile, Trump and his allies emit impassioned fusillade after fusillade of counter accusations, misinformation, denials, distortions, obfuscations, and sheer lies. Trump’s role-model is Putin, who, if he could identify the whistleblower, would make sure that he would have an unfortunate “accident.” At least that’s not as bad as Stalin, who, as a precaution, would have had anyone who might be the whistleblower executed.

Letter to the Editor of my local (Colorado) newspaper

Real Republicans, Gardner and Tipton

My sentiments lie with the economic philosophy of Democrats, principally because the system has become increasingly rigged in favor of the rich and very rich, whose after-tax wealth has greatly increased over the past few decades in relation to that of the poor and the middle class. Nonetheless, I agree with much of what real Republicans believe in. Real Republicans believe in personal honesty, truthfulness, respect for the Constitution and the rule of law, opposition to executive overreaching, free trade subject to reasonable protection of U.S. interests, strengthening alliances with other democracies, and opposing tyranny in all its forms. 

     President Trump has consistently disregarded every one of these principles. Yet, Senator Cory Gardner and Congressman Scott Tipton and most other Republicans have supported and protected him and continue to do so even though it’s become clear that he tried to shake down Ukraine president Zelensky, holding up military aid authorized by Congress and implying to Zelensky that restoring it would be conditional on Zelensky doing “a favor” –– not a favor to benefit the United States, but to benefit Trump’s political campaign!  

     Even when Trump acts like a mob boss instead of a president, Gardner and Tipton choose to go along with him. Their policies favor the rich and super rich at the expense of everyone else. What’s more, they’re not even real Republicans. For that reason alone they should be voted out of office.

What’s Wrong with These People?

That was the heading of a recent Washington Post column by  Jennifer Rubin. She was talking about people who are aware of Trump’s criminality and across-the-board unfitness to hold office, yet continue to support him. Trump is not only guilty, in some respects by his own admission, of high crimes and misdemeanors, he’s deranged. In a column in this morning’s online New York Times, Roger Cohen quotes recent remarks of Trump at the United Nations: “I didn’t do anything. I don’t know if I’m the most innocent person in the world.. . . I just said I’m the most presidential except for possibly Abe Lincoln when he wore the hat — that was tough to beat. Honest Abe, when he wore that hat, that was tough to beat. But I can’t do that, that hat wouldn’t work for me. Yeah, I have better hair than him.”  

      What’s wrong with these people is that they are deeply morally flawed.

Strange Times

What a terrible period in our country’s history this is. It’s not just Trump. His entire Administration is awash with corruption, abetted by right wing propagandistic media and by Republican members of Congress, just about every one of whom has shown no respect for truth or desire to preserve our democracy. Harvard Constitutional law professor Lawrence Tribe, quoted by Jennifer Rubin: “The massive White House coverup of Trump’s abuse of power vis-a-vis Ukraine & Biden, including evidence of concealment, is now clearly documented. Bill Barr is up to his eyebrows in the criminal conspiracy. He’s Trump’s John Mitchell. Mitchell ended up in prison. It’s all unraveling.” Unravelling. Rampant criminality exposed to public view. But these are strange times. I don’t feel at all sure that truth and justice will prevail.


Any person of good will who has followed the course of events over the past three years is aware that Vice-president Pence is grossly unfit to serve as president of the United States. His position as first in line of succession to the president has consistently been the strongest argument that could be mounted for not removing Trump from office. Now it appears that Pence may have participated in Trump’s recently exposed appalling abuse of power and betrayal of his oath of office in his interactions with Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky.  

Jennifer Rubin wrote yesterday in a Washington Post column, “It is obviously necessary to determine if the vice president, in case of [Trump’s} removal or resignation, is fit to take over. Congress should move swiftly to subpoena him and obtain all documents relating to this travesty.” 

This observation precipitated the instant fantasy in my mind of Trump being impeached and removed from office, Pence being duly sworn in as president, then immediately impeached and removed from office, whereupon the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, is sworn in as president as prescribed by the Constitution. This won’t happen, but sometimes it’s fun to dream.


It’s a relief that Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House, has finally initiated a formal impeachment inquiry. There are multiple grounds on which Trump should be impeached and removed from office. Articles of Impeachment will be drawn. The House will likely vote to impeach Trump.  The vote in the senate will fall short of the two-thirds majority required for conviction. The 2020 presidential election is approaching. Tumultuous times lie ahead. We’ve entered one the most critical periods in the country’s history. 

Simple Logic

There is no serious question that Trump should be impeached. Impeaching Trump is the right thing for the House of Representatives to do. Many Democrats, following the lead of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, have felt that impeaching Trump might backfire because senate Republicans, who have consistently tolerated and defended Trump’s transgressions, would refuse to convict him and remove him from office, and that a great many voters would then think that Trump had been exonerated. 

Refusing to convict Trump would be the wrong thing for Republicans to do. If Democrats refuse to impeach Trump, they would be failing to do the right thing because Republicans would do the wrong thing, which is illogical, and that’s a matter of simple logic.


Like nearly every other reasonably informed and well-intended American voter, I’m hoping that the Democrats will nominate the candidate most likely to defeat Trump in 2020. That calculus must anticipate the prolonged campaign of smears, ruses, disinformation, voter suppression, probable election results manipulation, and other assaults on our electoral process that are certain to be waged by Trump and his domestic and foreign allies. Despite Warren’s ill-advised playing up of her apparently 1/32 American Indian heritage and her clumsy handling of criticism of it. I believe that her high intelligence, legal acumen, and manifest sincerity and passion would carry the day for her against Trump. I think her moral and intellectual superiority would shine through.

Trump and Republican Politicians

The Republican Party used to stand for integrity, fiscal responsibility, respect for the Constitution and the rule of law, opposition to executive overreaching, free trade subject to reasonable protection of U.S. vital interests, strengthening alliances with other liberal democracies, and opposing tyranny in all its forms. Nearly every Republican member of Congress has thrown these principles aside and chosen instead to support, protect, and empower a money-grubbing, mercurial, mendacious, self-dealing, narcissistic, crude, corrupt, proto-fascistic, law-defying, aspiring autocrat. They do so because they think it serves their narrow political and economic interests. 

    These interests alone would fall far short of a sufficient reason for them to play along with Trump if they were persons of good moral character. It’s a startling conclusion to reach, but an inescapable one, that almost all Republican members of Congress aren’t.

What It’s Come To

In a flagrant violation of a federal statute, Trump loyalists attorney general Barr and acting director of national intelligence McGuire have blocked testimony to the House Intelligence Committee of a whistle blower who was privy to a phone call between Trump and the president of the Ukraine in which Trump apparently made, or offered to make, a commitment that, if brought to light, would unquestionably amount to a “high crime or misdemeanor,” an impeachable offense. As Jennifer Rubin noted in a Washington Post column yesterday, by acquiescing in the administration’s unconscionable defiance of the law, Republican members of Congress have betrayed their oath of office to ‘defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic’.”

King Trump

So much of Trump’s behavior can’t be claimed to be legal that he’s taken the position that he is above the law, like the king who inspired the American Revolution a quarter-millennium ago. In a case being pursued in New York State courts, his lawyers have raised the claim that he cannot under any circumstances be investigated for criminal wrongdoing while he is president. They don’t imagine there’s any merit in this claim. Their purpose is dilatory, the equivalent of  throwing sand in the wheels of justice.

Sociopaths and Sycophants

A sociopath is a person who lacks a conscience, who has no concern for anyone but himself. A sycophant is someone who is willing to debase himself and cast aside moral principles in order to curry favor with someone with greater power, hoping thereby for personal gain. Sycophants sense that their efforts will gain them nothing with anyone who has a good moral character, but they are skilled at identifying morally deficient people in superior positions who will be susceptible to their blandishments.

Sociopaths, having no moral compass to guide them, often feel insecure and in need of sycophants to reassure themselves and help them carry out their agendas. Sociopaths feel more secure and more powerful when they are surrounded by sycophants, so they seek them out and gather them into their orbit. Trump is a sociopath who has worked diligently to surround himself with sycophants and weed out anyone with any sense of honesty and decency.  Vice-president Mike Pence and attorney general William Barr are outstanding examples of sycophants who have fastened themselves to him.      

Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell is not one of Trump’s sycophants. He is a sociopath in his own right with his own following ––  sadly, all the other Republican members of the U.S. Senate. 

Trump and the Environmental Polluting Agency

Headline: EPA scales back federal protection of water bodies to 1986 standards.

Trump’s purpose in life isn’t to injure or destroy our country. He only wants to further enrich himself and satisfy the needs of his grotesquely warped and inflated ego. The effect of his behavior is therefore one of collateral damage, which, it turns out is as great as what one would expect if his sole purpose was to reduce America to a pitiful vestige of its former self.

Deadly Distractions

Headline:The planet’s largest rainforest is on fire. Brazil and the world must halt the destruction before it’s too late.

Challenges on this order are what we should be leading the world in meeting. Instead we’re mired in distractions, owing to the sociopathic behavior of Trump, his enablers, and their counterparts throughout the world. The ship could be saved from sinking if crew members would unite to patch the hull, but they are engaged in highly important, but relatively minor, matters, oblivious to the peril they’re in.

The Hong Kong Protestors

Headline: Hong Kong protesters confront tear gas with petrol bombs in 15th weekend of protests. The determination and persistence of Hong Kong protestors, as well as their numbers, are extraordinary and instructive. When it becomes clear that freedom  –– basic human rights –– are under mortal attack by a far more powerful government, besieged people may act as if their lives were at stake. Sometimes their heroic efforts are successful. More often they are crushed. An honorable, courageous, and inspiring  U.S. president could do a lot to persuade Xi Jinping that it is in his interest to desist from oppressing these people. Trump, as he demonstrates every day, has none of these qualities.The protestors are on their own.

The War on Truth

The subject of Michelle Goldberg’s terrific New York Times column today is the newly published sequel to Margaret Atwood’s acclaimed dystopian novel, A Handmaid’s Tale, but her main concern is that the conventional wisdom that free expression will save a society, that truth will carry the day, no longer appears to be the case. We’ve entered an era in which “truth is less suppressed than drowned out,” when “reality feels as if it’s disintegrating under the weight of digital simulacra and epistemological nihilism.” I agree. I think it’s the most challenging problem of our time. 

Ugly Times Lie Ahead

Trump is desperate to be reelected. He knows that if he isn’t, he will be exposed to criminal prosecution and possible prison time. His prominent supporters will be exposed as the knaves they are as well. That’s why Washington Post columnist Greg Sargent warned yesterday that Biden and other Democrats must be “prepared for the massive onslaught of absolutely brutal and distortive attacks that Trump and his propaganda apparatus will wage,” including  “shamelessly propagandistic media manipulation and outright disinformation tactics.”  

     There’s no question that this will happen, and that the Russians will be doing their best to help. It’s an indication of the moral disintegration of members of the Republican establishment that they  countenance such tactics –– they have already shown that they will. 

Last Night’s Democratic Candidates Debate

I meant to write this blog before reading Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin’s comments on the debate, but couldn’t resist reading what she had to say first. (As regular readers or this blog know, I consider her to be the most astute pundit writing today.) In Jennifer’s opinion the moderates put in the best performance. I agree with her that Harris and Klobacher were impressive, and that Bernie is too strident and too old. I can’t share her high opinion of Biden. I think he is too old, has a mediocre mind, a spotty record, and is lacking in grace and humor. He sounded desperate to be forceful and decisive. I like Booker and Buttigieg, but neither of them had a breakout evening. Of course, any one of the ten candidates debating would be a better candidate than Trump by an astronomically wide margin. 

      Warren is most impressive, but I can’t understand why she refuses to articulate how, under her plan, a more progressive tax structure yielding enough revenue to pay for medicare for all would in truth require higher taxes on some taxpayers, but that their combined out-of-pocket expenditures for taxes and medical insurance would be lower because of the immensely greater efficiency of the reformed system. Well, now I understand. It’s simply too complicated to explain, especially given the time constraints of this type of debate. At this point, I’d be happiest with either Klobacher or Harris running against Trump.

Tonight’s Debate

At the the Democratic candidates debate tonight, I hope Jennifer Rubin’s advice will be followed:

To the Moderators: Ask questions about important foreign policy issues, an area that has been unwisely ignored in the previous debates.

To the Candidates: Instead of attacking fellow candidates, show how you would be the best at demolishing Trump.

The San Juan Islands

This week we’re staying at a house on Orcas Island by way of a break in our exploration of the Northwest. I can best describe these islands, which lie between Seattle and Vancouver Island, by saying that if you added lobsters, you’d have instant Maine.

Climate Change: Letter to the Editor

In a letter to the Herald (Sept. 9) headlined “Democrats need to meet some people,” Robert Goodrich asserts, “Climate change is the only scientific theory ever proposed that scientists are not allowed to question.” This sounds like it came out of the mouth of Rush Limbaugh or some other Trumpian propagandist. It’s an implausible assertion on its face: Who would it be who is not allowing scientists to question climate change? In any case, the evidence of climate change (global warming) is overwhelming and thoroughly documented.

Inconvenient Truths

Yesterday, I talked with a Mr. Rainier National Park ranger about measurement of extent of glaciers. She told me that they continued to shrink between 2012, when the photo I referred to in yesterday’s blog was taken, and 2015, but she knew of no measurements since then. I would have thought they would be made annually. 

Apart from other overwhelming evidence of global warming, glaciers are shrinking everywhere. If humans could act cooperatively and rationally, global warming could still be slowed to a crawl, but few are those who think there’s a chance of that happening. We seem to be close to a point where people give up hope and abandon thought of serious efforts to combat the peril. Imagine the mood on the Titanic after word spread that it was certain the ship would sink. It may be only a decade or two before everyone feels that way. 

Inconvenient Truths

Yesterday, at a visitors center at Mr. Ranier National Park. I saw large comparative photos of the same view of Mt. Ranier showing the extent of glaciers, one in 1921 and the other in 2012. They receded substantially during this period. I wondered to what degree they have have receded since 2012. It’s a good bet that Trump and any of his Park appointees would ban an updated photo. Deny, distort, contradict, and stifle inconvenient truths is the Trump way. 

Change and Time Scales

What impressed me most, driving from south-western Colorado to Mt. Rainier National Park, in Washington, the past few days, was the haze that hangs over the land, heavier along urban strips, such as in the vicinity of Salt Lake City, Utah, and Boise, Idaho. Sixty-six years ago, when I first drove across the West, from Chicago to San Francisco, distant mountains and ridge lines were sharply defined. Now, except at high altitudes, they have a gauzy look at any distance beyond a mile or so. The world is changing. All manner of statistics tell what’s happening. If you’ve lived long enough, you don’t need statistics –– you’re an eye-witness.

Trump and Right-Wing Propaganda

Some recent letters to the editor of my local newspaper are revealing of the mindsets of people who have been living in the cocoon of Fox News and other right-wind propaganda vehicles. One writer, indulging in an Orwellian turning of truth on its head, referred to the American Civil Liberties Union as “evil.” Another writes: “Large liberal news outlets like the Washington Post, The New York Times, CNN, and the AP have more or less declared that since Russian collusion can’t be found against President Trump, the plan is to accuse him and Republicans of being racist for the next two years.”

If voters elect the Democratic nominee next year, Trump will declare that millions of votes were fraudulently cast and that he was the victim of a deep state fake news liberal conspiracy, and tens of millions of Americans will agree with him. A lot of ugliness lies ahead.

Democratic Debating Strategy

Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin has good advice for Democratic presidential aspirants: Instead of trying to show that you would be the best candidate to oppose Trump by focusing on how your  health care plan is best and your civil rights record is best, and so forth, show how you would be the most effective candidate in exposing, point by point, Trump’s appalling unfitness to continue being president.

Alta, Utah

En Route to Washington State, we’re staying at a moderately luxurious ski lodge with off-season rates. After a drive through hot hazy central Utah, it was a relief to exit the highway and ascend to the relatively cool and tranquil mountains, like having gauze pulled away from your eyes so the outlines of trees, rocks, and entire mountains became sharply defined and the air smelled clean. We arrived in time to walk on a deserted dirt road leading higher than we had energy or time to climb. 

Green River, Utah

It’s in the middle of this heat-wave-plagued state, and I hadn’t heard of it either, but it’s where Sara and I stayed last night on our three-week exploration of the Northwest. Along the way, we passed red rock formations gracefully eroded at such a rate that you probably wouldn’t notice a change in the landscape one century to the next. We crossed the Colorado River, which I was glad to see had enough water in it to reach its banks on both sides. Where does the water go?  None of it reaches the sea.

I’m not sure what the headline for this should be

Earlier this morning:

My website management company installed new software, violating the rule: “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Somehow, the headline of yesterday’s blog replaced the listing “Daily Blog” on my home page, and I can’t extract it, so it looks like I’ll have a page devoted to the Democrats having a special duty to be accurate for the indefinite future.

     That’s not altogether bad, because this statement is true not just one day, but every day. Still, I’ve asked the good people managing this business to try to fix it Tuesday. I’m traveling tomorrow –– more about that later ––  and won’t post my next blog until Tuesday, probably still under the heading, “Democrats have a special duty to be accurate.”

Later this morning:

Amazingly (because it’s in the middle of the Labor Day weekend), my website manager just wrote to say she’d fixed this.

Democrats have a special duty to be accurate

Yesterday, Washington Post columnist Greg Sergent lamented that Joe Biden had conflated two stories he presented as an factual account of events. Biden brushed off criticism of this lapse, saying that what he recounted was true in spirit. 

     This won’t do. As Sergent writes, “Prosecuting the case against Trump’s nonstop lying and contempt for the truth and reasoned discourse is going to be a key part of making the case against his profound unfitness for the presidency.” 

      Democrats have a special duty to avoid giving Trump supporters any instances they can cite, claiming “What Democrats do is just as bad!”  Evasions such as Biden’s are far from being “just as bad.”. But that’s not the point, which is that Trump supporters should be denied any ammunition. They should have none.

Travesty and Tragedy

Headline: Trump to roll back rules for methane, a major source of climate change

Trump’s perversity is limitless. His presidency is a travesty and a tragedy. Except for those among them who are ignorant or deluded, his supporters reside on the same base moral plane.

Trio of Scoundrels

Jair Borosono, the demagogue running Brazil, fiddles while the Amazon rain forest burns. 

Boris Johnson, fixated on detaching the U.K  from the European Union, engineers a suspension of parliament to forestall common sense from taking hold.

Donald Trump, the accidental American president, displays contempt for the Constitution at every turn.

Trump:  What You Can Count On Him For

August 28, 2019

Headline:  “Trump pushes for new logging in Alaskan rainforest”

Those who criticize Trump’s erratic behavior should admit that no one can match his consistency in saying or doing what is contrary to the public interest and damaging to our country and to the world.

Corruption Writ Large

Trump wants the next meeting of the G-7 to be at one of his golf communities. Representatives of countries attending would have to pay his company for accommodations, meals, etc. 

You don’t have to be a lawyer, or familiar with the emoluments clause of the U.S. Constitution, or have even heard the phrase “conflict of interest” to know that something would be profoundly corrupt about such an arrangement. Trump doesn’t care. He’s gotten away with so much, why shouldn’t he get away with this? 

Trump Summed Up

In an interview shortly before his death, Philip Roth gave the most concise and accurate assessment of our president I’ve seen: “Trump is a massive fraud, the evil sum of his deficiencies, devoid of everything but the hollow ideology of a megalomaniac.” 

Reasonableness, Agreeableness, and Reality

In a letter to the editor printed in my local newspaper this morning, the author, dismayed by the amount of rancor in our political discourse, pleads for reasonableness, agreeableness, and compromise: He writes: “Governing is about dialog. Governing is about compromise. Lose a little. Win a little. This is the stuff that makes America great.”  It’s a lovely sentiment, but betrays a shocking ignorance of what has been going on in our country and in the world. Pervasive ignorance may be the greatest threat of all.

Trump and His Enablers

Unless you’ve been living in the protective cocoon spun by Fox News and similar right-wing media entities, you’re aware that Trump has become increasingly obnoxious, incoherent, and irrational. His mind is so pervasively infected by malignant narcissism that he’s increasingly unable to act even in his own self-interest. He disgraces the United States, and  those who support him disgrace themselves. In allowing him to remain in office, Republicans render themselves vulnerable to everlasting shame.

Notes from the Ecological Scene

The Amazon rainforest has incurred  74,155 fires since January, an increase of 85 percent from last year.

Lake Tahoe, the clearest large lake in the United States, is losing its famed clarity because of algae growth. 

July was the hottest month ever recorded on Earth. 

Colombia declared a national emergency on 8 August because of a fungus that threatens to devastate banana crops.




Air Pollution

Yesterday The New England Journal of Medicine reported on a massive study that confirmed already existing mountains of data linking air pollution with increased mortality. Even if climate change weren’t a grave threat to the continuing existence of our species, it would make sense to reduce emissions levels as fast as possible. Only the ignorant and the sociopathic proclaim otherwise.  


As Trump realized,  Greenland is a tremendously important piece of real estate. It should be under the most responsible stewardship possible. This principle rules out the United States as governed by Trump and his enablers as purchasers.


Stars No More

There was a time when every human being without impaired eyesight could look up on a cloudless moonless night and see thousands of stars, usually one or more brilliant planets, an occasional comet, sometimes a meteor, and the Milky Way stretching halfway across the sky. Years ago, on summer nights, I could see a faint fuzzy patch high up, the Andromeda Galaxy, our galaxy’s neighbor, 12 trillion trillion miles or so away.

These days, because of light pollution in more than sparsely populated areas, only a small and dwindling percentage of humans ever witness such a sight. Besides the numerous human-launched satellites presently passing overhead, we face the prospect of thousands more, which because of their low-level orbits will outnumber visible stars at night even in areas with minimal pollution. One of the most magnificent spectacles humans ever beheld, once universally available, will be lost to all.

India’s Tragedy

India, often referred to as the world’s largest democracy, has fallen under the rule of a friend of democracy in name only. Just as Trump has shown a great talent for attracting the support of white nationalists and supremacists, so, in India, recently reelected prime minister Narendra Modi has fueled his political engine by appealing to Hindu nationalists eager to change India from a multicultural country to one in which Hinduism reigns supreme.

Everyday Corruption

It’s been reported that Royal Dutch Shell will pay employees at overtime rates for attending a speech by Trump this week. Trump, learning that so many workers at Shell support him, will feel more warmly toward this company, causing him to treat Shell more favorably whenever the opportunity arises. This is how the brains of decision makers at Shell work. This is how Trump’s brain works. This is what goes on in this country every day: everyday corruption.


In traditional democracies, like the U.S., the U.K., and Australia, and in countries like Hungary and Brazil, where democracy had become a generally accepted ideal, democracy has lately been strenuously assaulted and in some countries brutally suppressed. 

Washington Post columnist Anne Applebaum has recently written eloquently about heroic and imaginative protesters who have risked their lives and freedom in defiance of quintessentially corrupt and repressive regimes in Russia and China. Trump, an exponent of authoritarian rule, has no interest in their cause. Our cause is to work to end the death grip on our country of Trump and his enablers.

Three Cheers Ready for John Hickenlooper

The United States continues to be in an undeclared national emergency caused by support of Republicans for our sociopathic president. If American democracy is to survive, Democrats must win the presidential election in 2020. If America is to flourish, Democrats must win the senate.

      Former Colorado governor John Hickenlooper has commendably dropped out of the overcrowded field of contenders for the Democratic presidential nomination. As the politician with the best chance of ousting Colorado’s Trumpian supporter senator Cory Gardner in 2020, Hickenlooper has a patriotic duty to enter the senate race. 

I’m in readiness to give him three cheers if he does.

Moscow Mitch

Republican senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell doesn’t like being called “Moscow Mitch.” Ordinarily, it would be demeaning, defamatory, undignified, unseemly, and contrary to long-established protocol to affix such a crass sobriquet to the most important and powerful senator in “the world’s greatest deliberative body.” But there is an exception, you see. There’s no problem at all with it once it’s revealed how McConnell intervened to lift sanctions on a Russian company after it had invested $200,000,000 in a new aluminum plant in his home state. In a just and fair society, being called “Moscow Mitch” would be the least of McConnell’s troubles.

The United States –– A Medical Report

I read that Trump’s approval rating with prospective voters is about 43%, and hasn’t varied much from that since he’s been in office. This isn’t a high approval rating, but it’s appallingly higher than it should be. That such a large percentage of the population is satisfied with Trump tells us that there is something gravely wrong with our country, as if it had fallen seriously ill and may never recover. Many smart and good people are trying to treat the patient with the best medicine they know of, but our country’s condition is what I believe doctors call “critical,” and the prognosis is “guarded.”

A Picture That Says It All

The image hangs in my mind: Trump and Melania in El Paso; Melania holding a baby whose mother and father were murdered by the shooter; Trump, grinning, giving a thumbs up, signifying that this photo-op is a success, showing how concerned he is for victims.

That powerful people who know better keep this horror of a man propped up is the American tragedy of our times.


I got a first-hand report that far north of the Mason-Dixon line many Trump supporters are displaying  the Confederate flag. Do they favor secession from the Union? 

Apparently so: Trumpians want not just the southern states, but the entire country, to secede from the Union, to abandon everything America has stood for. They’re eager to reconstitute our nation into a new confederacy, a proto-fascist state. So it would seem, though I doubt if their thinking has advanced that far. They are prisoners of their resentment. Displaying the confederate flag is their way of expressing it.

Hiatus July 31 – August 11

Sorry not to have noted this earlier. Daily Blog is on vacation until August 12th.

The March to Autocratic Rule

Dan Coats, a stalwart Republican but a decent man, is being  forced out as Director of National Intelligence. Trump has  appointed a partisan lackey named John Ratcliffe to replace him. If Ratcliffe is confirmed, intelligence unfavorable to Trump will be suppressed, and another step will have been taken in the march to autocratic rule. 

Summer Reading

The idea is to read something light and diverting, so you’ll stay relaxed at the beach and not get all wound up reading a book that’s serious and intellectually demanding, but boring is not relaxing, so you might consider instead a classic that gripped you when you read it a long time ago but remember hardly anything that was in it. Three in that category for me I’d like to read before Labor Day are Faulkner, As I Lay Dying, Morrison, Beloved, and Marquez, One Hundred Years of Solitude. 

Headline: In Brazil, Amazon Protections are Slashed and Forests Fall.

Like the United States, Brazil has fallen into the grip of a proto-fascist menace to his country and to all humanity. Whether legal or not, permissible is the new rule for Brazilian loggers, ranchers, and miners. The Amazon rain forest is critical to Earth’s ecological health. Efforts to save it have been abondoned. Human rapaciousness is uncontrolled.

Next Week’s Democratic Candidates Debates

The candidates should avoid attacking each other about issues that may be very important, yet are insignificant compared to the ruthless assault on American democracy being conducted by Trump, Republican politicians, and their allies in the media. Which candidate can best get across to voters what is at stake in the 2020 election: liberty, decency, honesty, and truth itself. That is the question.

Trump’s Campaign Strategy

Widespread public understanding of the degree of Trump’s venality and criminality would result in certain defeat for him in the 2020 elections. For that reason, as Anne Applebaum pointed out in her Washington Post column yesterday, the strategy of Trump and his enablers will be ”to make facts so suspect, and institutions so shaky, that nobody believes in anything.”

Russian Interference Threatens 2020 Election, Mueller Warns

Headline in last evening’s online Washington Post

Trump encourages it. Congressional Republican refuse to support measures to counter it. Their behavior evidences a massive moral failure and betrayal of our country on the part of almost every single one of them. If they remain in power after the 2020 election, America the beautiful, “the last best hope on earth,” will be reduced to a memory and a dream.

Mueller Testimony

Mueller testifies before Congressional committees today. Former Solicitor General Neal Kaytal points out that Trump has declared that the Mueller Report found “no collusion,” “no obstruction,” and “complete and total exoneration.”

Given the content of the Report, which, of course, only a tiny percentage of people have read, the answers Mueller gives will enlighten a few people to what all those who have been attentive already know, that as to these key propositions, Trump lied, lied, and lied.

Wild Times Ahead

Washington Post pundit Paul Waldman yesterday treated readers to a nightmarish description of how Trump and his enablers will conduct his reelection campaign. Lies, distortions, and diversions, magnified by propaganda-spewing media outlets, voter suppression, cyber attacks, more sophisticated and massive Russian interference, Twitter storms, stuff we haven’t imagined. Wild times lie ahead.

Headlline: Trump Campaign Selling 10 Plastic Straws for $15: “Liberal Paper Straws Don’t Work.”

Clever marketing, aimed at people who sneer at efforts to reduce environmental harm, the same people who are likely to admire Trump.

Trump’s Core Principles of Governing

Robert Reich has identified them:

divide and conquer,
lie and distort,
conjure up conspiracies,
accuse the accusers.

Friday’s Washington Post Pundit 2020 Power Ranking

Friday’s Washington Post Pundit 2020 Power Ranking shows Joe Biden still leading the pack; Kamala Harris, 2nd; Elizbeth Warren, 3rd; Pete Buttigieg, 4th; and Bernie Sanders, 5th.

Biden vs. Harris will be the featured attraction in the next debate, scheduled for July 30, and Warren vs. Sanders in the July 31 debate. Right now, it looks like one of the five front-runners will be the eventual nominee, but if a near deadlock for leadership occurs, a compromise consensus candidate might be chosen. Best bet for that, I think, is Senator Michael Bennett, of Colorado. 

Trump’s Role Model

The Man Without a Face –– The Unlikely Rise of Vladimir Putin, by Masha Gessen, is an inside look at Russian history over the past couple of decades and a revealing portrait of an unremarkable former KGB officer who gradually gained despotic control over his country. Vain, shallow, crude, vengeful, ruthless, brutish, and with insatiable greed for money and power, Putin is a natural role model for Trump.

The Surreal is the Real

I watched a clip of Trump at a rally, vilifying his critics, who in this case are members of Congress who happen to be women of color, inciting the crowd to chant, “Send them back!” Here, for all to see, is the master demagogue doing what he excells at, providing the world with another example of how he disgraces the office of president and degrades our country. Every day that Republicans continue to tolerate this monster, they disgrace and degrade themselves.

Another Sickening News Report in the Trump Era

Washington Post reports: “Six officials running nonprofit migrant child shelters earned more than $1 million in 2017. Southwest Key’s former CEO made $3.6 million that year. The company shelters a little more than a third of the minors held by Health and Human Services.” 

The Normalization of the Unacceptable

Christiane Amanpour warned against it when Trump was elected. We can’t pretend it hasn’t happened, most glaringly among Republicans in Congress who tolerate Trump no matter how much he debases and degrades the office of the presidency and damages our country. Two recent quotes capture the present circumstances:

Robert Reich: “{Trump} is a symptom of our eroding political system. He’s the product of years of stagnant wages and big money’s corruption of our democracy combined with a long legacy of racism and bigotry.”

E. J. Dionne: “Trump has so debased the standards of our politics that we stop noticing how low we have sunk.”

Trump Admires

Trump admires dictators and aspires to be one. He emulates them in his indifference to human rights and the rule of law. Stung by criticism, instead of trying to reform himself, he has created a commission to reform human rights, meaning to narrow them or obliterate them.

Dog Days

These are the dog days of summer. That’s what we used to call mid-July when I was a kid growing up on Long Island: In the heat and sultryness, you could sit in a sailboat for what seemed like hours waiting for the wind to come up. Once, sailing on Long Island Sound, the flat calm lasted so long, we dove off the boat to cool off. Moments later, the air stirred, and the boat began sailing away by itself. I swam hard and caught it before it got away. This story has no point except to give a dog days explanation of why there was no blog here for the last two days.

News Item: By more than two-to-one (68% to 25%), white evangelical Protestants say the U.S. does not have a responsibility to accept refugees.

Conclusion: Most white evangelical Protestants aren’t Christian.


North Carolina has 13 Congressional Districts. In 2018, approximately 50% of voters voted for Republicans and 50% for Democrats. Ten Republican candidates were elected to Congress and three Democrats. This appalling imbalance resulted from Gerrymandering by the Republican-controlled legislature. Democratic-controlled legislatures have been guilty of this same offence. The Supreme Court recently ruled that Federal Courts are obliged to do nothing about it. Speaking for the four dissenters, Justice Elena Kagan correctly described the decision as one that “debased and dishonored our democracy, turning upside-down the core American idea that all governmental power derives from the people.” 

As the year wears on, American democracy slips into ever greater peril.

Iran / Republicans

At Trump’s direction, the U. S. withdrew from the nuclear treaty with Iran despite Iran’s being in compliance with it. Freed of the constraints of the treaty, Iran has exceeded the uranium enrichment limits set by it. Trump had no reason for his action other than to appear to be tough. The resulting dangerous crisis is entirely of his making. It’s a tragedy of our times that Republicans continue to tolerate him.

Headline: 40% of Americans still struggle to pay bills.

Rising income inequality, significantly exacerbated since Trump took office, is indicative of a degree of decadence historically associated with a nation’s, or an empire’s, decline and fall. 

Traveling. Will resume tomorrow.

Traveling. Will resume tomorrow.

Traveling. Will resume tomorrow.

Independence Day, 2019

The Fourth of July has never been celebrated with such fanfare as has been orchestrated for today by a president who is doing his best to restore tyrannical rule, from which, in 1776, America declared itself independent.

Trump’s Shows How a Dictator Would  Celebrate Independence Day –– tanks rumbling down the street; war planes flying overhead, etc.

Jennifer Rubin, in her Washington Post column“This is why a lying braggart and ignorant narcissist must go. He defiles and deforms everything he touches, putting our American creed and values in jeopardy.”

Treatment of Children at Border Detention Camps

Barbaric, cruel, and life-time damaging treatment of children at border detention camps continues. Republicans are complicit in this child abuse by failing to even criticize Trump much less fulfill their Constitutional duty to impeach and remove him from office for, among a long list of impeachable offenses, child abuse. They should all be voted out of office.

Mean-Spirited People

Avid (sometimes livid) Trump supporters and enablers are quick to attack any Democratic candidate who they fear might expose, to a much wider audience, that their avatar is a total fraud and charlatan. In view of her strong performance in the Democratic candidates debate, it was inevitable that Kamala Harris would become one of their prime targets. I read that she was castigated because she wasn’t black enough. Not only that, she wasn’t descended from American slaves. Her grandparents were Jamaican, apparently a worse fault even than Obama’s in having a father who was Kenyan. And, come to think of it, they say, Harris’s grandparents were Jamaican slave owners! And so on, and so on, and this is the sort of crude calumny we can expect a steady stream of between now and the election. The cardinal characteristic of Trump supporters, other than those who are woefully deluded, is that they are mean-spirited, just like the man to whom they’ve given their allegiance.

Traveling –– no blog today

Election Interference: The Grim Outlook

Trump and Putin met at the G-20 the other day, and someone took a video of them showing Trump, grinning, as he told Putin not to meddle in our elections. That was revealing, as commentators pointed out. Even more revealing was the self-satisfied smile on Putin’s face in reaction to being issued a stern warning by the president of the world’s greatest democracy and commander and chief of the most powerful military force on Earth. We can expect Putin to employ every artifice available, at whatever cost it takes, to bring about Trump’s reelection, and we can expect Trump to do everything he thinks he can get away with to encourage Putin in his efforts. We’ll be very fortunate if American democracy makes it through the Trump era intact.

Last Night’s Democratic Candidate Debate

Our country needs not only to rid itself of the sociopath we have as president; it needs a sea change in public attitude, a revolution of desires. I hope the Democrats nominate a candidate who is capable, authentic, vibrant, and inspiring. 

     Last night Kamala Harris stood out from the other candidates in persuasiveness, judgment, and authority. She is, at the moment, my first choice. Gillibrand showed some of the same stuff, but was narrower in her focus. Biden didn’t make any serious gaffes, but there’s nothing inspiring, in fact there’s something depressing, about him. Sanders was assertive, but imprecise, and I think he lacks broad appeal. He would be a very risky bet as a nominee. Buttigieg was solid, but not likely to inspire a big turnout among African American voters. Bennet was solid and sharp, though short on charisma. The other candidates seem to be good and capable people, but peripheral. Among candidates with any stature, Hickenlooper, in particular, seems out of his league. (He should be running for the senate.) It will be interesting to see how the polls are affected by the debates. 

Democratic Candidate Debates

Most of the candidates debating last night put forth policy proposals that are far superior to anything embraced by Republicans. For example, legislation proposed by Democrats would tend to reverse the trend toward greater income and wealth inequality. 

       But how would Democrats get remedial legislation passed in the likely event of continuing Republican control of the senate? Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will surely continue to use his outsized power to prevent a Democratic Administration from accomplishing anything requiring senate approval. This is a problem for which no candidate could provide a solution. Democrats must take control of the senate. Otherwise, their excellent ideas will never spring to life from the paper they’re printed on.

Headline: U.S. returns 100 migrant children to overcrowded facility.

“Overcrowded” doesn’t come close to describing conditions

so abhorrent that public pressure forced the Administration to move the children elsewhere, which they started to do, but then realized they didn’t have any elsewhere, so they moved them back. What a failure, not just in absence of competent management, not just in the absence of compassion, not just in the absence of minimal standards of decency toward other human beings, but of imagination.

Donald Trump, Serial Child Abuser, Continued

It’s the hallmark of a sociopath that he has no conscience. As a color-blind person can’t tell one color from another, a sociopath can’t tell cruelty from a round of golf. 

In his latest Washington Post column, Eugene Robinson wrote: ”President Trump’s immigration policy has crossed the line from gratuitous cruelty to flat-out sadism. Perhaps he enjoys seeing innocent children warehoused in filth and squalor. Perhaps he thinks that’s what America is all about.”

Some day people will look back and ask, How could this have happened? Why was this destructive dishonest poseur allowed to remain in office?

Donald Trump, Serial Child Abuser

Trump is abusing migrant children by separating them from their families and keeping them in detention camps in disgusting, unsanitary, and cruel conditions. Just one instance: Visitors have described inadequate food, water and sanitation for the 250 infants, children and teens at a Texas border patrol station. One visitor described “a whole cell full of kids . . . who were forced to sleep on the floor.” 

Trump could stop this. He is responsible for its continuance.
It’s yet another reason –– there must be dozens by now –– that he should be impeached and removed from office. Republicans blocking such action are complicit in his abhorrent and criminal behavior. 

Big Money and Politics

The theory of democracy is one person equals one vote, but very rich people have such power that, as a practical matter, depending on the particular circumstances and the effectiveness on its use, a million dollars poured into political projects can equal perhaps 500 votes, and a billion dollars perhaps 500,000 votes. 

      The very rich overwhelming vote for, and financially support, politicians who promote the interests of the very rich. These very rich people had to reinvest only a tiny portion of the their windfall savings from the Trumpian tax cut primarily for the rich and especially for the very rich and even more so for the super very rich to ensure the continued subservience of targeted politicians.

     Maybe we can break through this. Maybe politicians who favor sane, pragmatic, fiscally responsible policies to reduce income inequality and provide greater opportunities for lower income people will be elected in sufficient numbers to gain control of legislative bodies. Maybe our country can be set on a better course.

Republican Senators Can’t See the Big Picture

Imagine that you are a Republican senator, for example Cory Gardner, of Colorado. You know Trump is a fraud, a blowhard, an ignoramus, and a pox upon the land, but you’re afraid that if you say so, Trumpians will wage a primary fight against you, and because Republican voters support Trump by a large margin, you will lose. 

     For this reason, you think it doesn’t make sense for you to oppose Trump except in occasional trivial instances you can brag about during the general election campaign.

     You think you’re being smart, but you’re not, because you’re not seeing the big picture: that Trump is degrading the country and dragging it down, month by month. increasing the likelihood of catastrophic consequences for the people of the United States, including the people of Colorado, including you, Cory Gardner. 


Joe Biden must know by now that he’s famous for making gaffes. It’s become evident that he has no ability to stop himself. The other day he reacted defensively after being called out for cluelessly reminiscing about how well he got along with two notorious, racist, ante bellum variety, now long-deceased senators, James Eastland and Herman Talmadge, from Mississippi and Georgia respectively. Shockingly revealing about this incident was that Biden bragged that Eastland called him “son,” and never called him “boy.” “Boy” is, of course the sneering epithet raists like Eastland directed at African American males. 

     Responding to criticism, Biden asserted that he hasn’t a racist bone in his body. I believe he doesn’t, but he does have some defective neurons in his body. If he becomes the Democratic nominee, I will unreservedly support him, but I hope he doesn’t.

Fiscal Responsibility and Political Sense

In a Washington Post column yesterday, Max Boot made a strong case that Elizabeth Warren’s array of bold proposals would blow up the deficit even more than the grossly irresponsible tax cut for the rich and especially the super rich enacted by Republicans a year and a half ago. Moreover, the centerpiece of her revenue-raising plans, a “wealth tax” on very rich people, is of doubtful Constitutionality (especially given the current composition of the Supreme Court) and in any event likely vulnerable to tax avoidance schemes of the sort rich people’s lawyers are so adept at inventing.

This country badly needs enactment of progressive reforms, but Democratic candidates must be rigorous in mapping out how they will be fiscally responsible, and Constitutionally acceptable. It makes political sense as well as fiscal sense to do so.

What’s Gone Wrong with Our Country?

Something has gone gravely wrong with our country. Otherwise, Trump would have been impeached and removed from office by now. I’ve seen that his approval rating recently was about 42%. That’s low by normal standards, but apparently his approval rating before he was elected was even lower. It’s horrifying that there is a serious risk that he might be reelected, and that if loses in anything but a landslide, he’ll likely attribute it to fraud and try to remain in office anyway!

     Truth is supposed to shine through. Somehow, Trump and his enablers have managed to squelch it, distort it, contradict it, and divert from it enough so that great numbers of people have been blocked from it. I wish I were confident that our country won’t be turned into a Trumpian state, but I’m not.

Pete Buttigieg and Elizabeth Warren

It seems almost miraculous –– the 37-year-old mayor of a not very large midwestern city may be the most articulate and have the soundest judgment and the most impressive grasp of the workings of business and government and the issues facing our country of any of the twenty candidates who will be on the debate stage Wednesday and Thursday the 25th and 26th of June. Polls indicate that Joe Biden would be most likely to beat Trump in the 2020 election. But that may change after a couple of rounds of debates. There are half a dozen others I think would perform more impressively as president, Buttigieg among them, though my present favorite is Warren. She is passionate, intellectually formidable, and her values are ones we all should share.

The Stark Horror of the Moral Descent of the Republican Party, Cont.

Yesterday the Washington Post reported that Trump called both the Washington Post and the New York Times “the Enemy of the People,” and he added: “The good news is that at the end of 6 years, after America has been made GREAT again, and I leave the beautiful White House (do you think the people would demand that I stay longer? KEEP AMERICA GREAT), both of these horrible papers will quickly go out of business & be forever gone!”

The silence of Republican lawmakers in the face of such remarks, rather than condemning them and swiftly removing this abominable man from office, is but a scrap in a heap of evidence of their moral degradation.

The Stark Horror of the Moral Descent of the Republican Party, Cont.

In her column yesterday, Slate’s stellar legal analyst, Dahlia Lithwick, asked: “How is it possible that the president—whose chief occupations seem to be tweeting, lying, lying about what he tweeted, watching television, and committing crimes –– is not on the hook for anything?” This morning, in her New York Times column, Maureen Dowd commented on Trump’s “Nureyev leap into the absurd,” going from no collusion to pro-collusion.”

Constitutional government of “the world’s greatest democracy” is ablaze; yet Republicans, who have the power to control and remove this lawless and dangerous president and his sinister vassal, the nation’s chief law enforcement offer, are content to watch impassively, as if enchanted by the flames.

The Stark Horror of the Moral Descent of the Republican Party, Cont.

Each day, it seems, Trump supplies yet another ground for impeaching and removing him from office. He manifests lawlessness and lack of concern for anything but his personal aggrandizement with every utterance and tweet. The stench of corruption flows out of the White House, permeates the atmosphere, and spreads across the land. Yet Republicans band together to protect him and allow him to remain in office. What consequences will there be for their doing so?

The Stark Horror of the Moral Descent of the Republican Party

Jennifer Rubin shines a light on it with a single question in one of her Washington Post columns yesterday: “Why is there not a single Republican other than Rep. Justin Amash (Mich.) who is willing to denounce such conduct {Trump’s invitation to foreign powers to help him in the 2020 election}, read the Mueller report’s findings on obstruction and seek to protect our democracy by removing a menace to our national security?

Good and Bad Members of Congress

There are many criteria to consider in determining whether a senator or representative is a good member of Congress or a bad member of Congress, but it is certain that a member of Congress is a bad member of Congress if he or she has either (a) not bothered to read the Mueller Report, or (b) has read the Mueller Report and has failed to repudiate Trump. 

The Race for the Democratic Presidential Nomination

Joe Biden leads in the polls, but despite his long experience in the senate and as a two-term vice-president, it’s become evident, I think, that Senator Elizabeth Warren and former Mayor of South Bend, Indiana, Pete Buttigieg would be a superior chief executive of the United States. They each exceed Biden by a clear margin in intellect, judgment, industriousness, energy level, meticulousness, and character. 

Billionaires –– Good and Bad

Think what an enlightened U.S. government could do to transition energy production from fossil fuels to renewable energy! Instead, we have not just an unenlightened government, but an abhorrently irresponsible one, many of whose leaders are subsidized by fossil fuel promoters, like the Koch brothers. Former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg has pledged to spend $500,000,000 in an effort to phase out coal-fired utilities. Michael Bloomberg is a good billionaire. The Koch brothers are bad billionaires. It’s as simple as that.

The Race for the Democratic Presidential Nomination

Despite his shortcomings and some outstanding people running against him, the latest polls indicate that Joe Biden has a commanding lead over other contenders. I suspect that’s not because he is so favored as a prospective president in comparison with Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris, for example, but because of a perception that he is the candidate most likely to beat Trump. 

    There is no question that “electability” dwarfs all other considerations in selecting a candidate to run against Trump, but Biden is prone to missteps, and there’s a good chance that one or more of his opponents will distinctly outshine him in the debates, the first of which just 16 days away. If that happens, the calculus may radically change.

Republicans and Conservatives

In a letter to the Editor of The New York Times former solicitor general Charles Fried rightly criticized mainstream media for calling Republicans “conservatives.” It’s irresponsible to use the terms interchangeably. Almost without exception, Republicans in Congress have thrown conservative values and principles overboard. Journalists should call them “McConnellites,” “right-wingers,” “party loyalists,” “Trumpian toadies,” or some other accurate synonym of Republicans. Calling them “conservatives” won’t do.

A 2020 Congressional Campaign Kicks Off

In my somewhere-between-pink-and-red Congressional District, (Colorado 3rd C.D.), even though she lost decisively in 2018, Democrat Diane Mitsch Bush announced that she would once again challenge the Tea Party stalwart and Trump-enabling Republican incumbent, Scott Tipton, in next year’s Congressional election. 2018 was a strong year for Democrats in Congressional races, a year in which it seemed that Diane had a good chance to flip our district into the Democratic column; yet she lost decisively. She’ll need a new strategy if 2020 isn’t to be a repeat of 2018.

     Tipton’s operatives reacted to the news of Diane’s candidacy with derision. His strategy in 2018 is not likely to change. It’s to incessantly trumpet the Big Lie that Diane is a radical extreme left wing dangerous socialist. There is no basis in truth in this whatsoever, but that’s no deterrent to Tipton. Truth is inconsequential to him. He’s Trumpian through and through.

Impeachment Proceedings

It’s time to end the debate as to whether an impeachment inquiry should be initiated as a matter of principle or deferred because it could be politically counterproductive. The former course should be taken because of the overriding consideration that courts are more likely to enforce Congressional subpoenas if they are issued in conjunction with an impeachment hearing. The House of Representatives must assert its authority or, like the senate, be subservient to autocratic rule.

How a Narcissist Thinks:

Headline: “Trump is ‘making up’ for not serving in Vietnam with increased defense funding, he says.” 

In deciding whether defense funding should be increased, a rational leader would reflect on whether or not it is needed. This is not the way a narcissist approaches the question. A narcissist thinks that the decision should depend on him, in this case on how he has acted in the past. Thus, Trump concludes that defense funding should increase because he avoided serving in a war fifty years ago. If he had served in a war fifty years ago, increased defense funding would not be needed. It all makes sense in the narcissistic mind.

The Fight for the Senate

Even if the Democrats hold the House and win the presidency in 2020, American Democracy will still be on the ropes if the Dems don’t win control of the Senate. That’s because Republican senators, led by their proto-fascist leader, Mitch McConnell, will almost certainly block progressive legislation advanced by Democrats, block Supreme Court nominations, and stall lower court nominations. Republican strategy will be the same as it was during Obama’s second term: paralyze the government, find a suitably stirring populist to run for president in 2024, retake control of the government. and continue to stuff the judiciary with right-wing ideologues to ensure perpetual, unchecked, one-party rule. 

      The stakes are so high that three candidates for the Democratic presidential nomination, Hickenlooper, of Colorado, Bullock, of Montana, and O’Rourke, of Texas, have a patriotic duty to defer their presidential ambitions and try to oust the incumbent Republican senator in their respective states. It’s tragic that chances of this happening are close to nil.

The Constitution at Bay, continued

Trump has committed multiple criminal and impeachable offenses. His daily conduct disgraces, demeans, and endangers our country. Yet all Republican senators and, with but one exception, all Republican members of the House of Representatives have chosen to ignore their duty to uphold the Constitution by removing him from office. By such conduct they turn America the Beautiful into America the Sordid. 

The Constitution at Bay

The Trump Administration defies lawful Congressional subpoenas as a matter of policy and, in clear violation of statutory federal law, has refused to release Trump’s tax returns to the appropriate committee of the House of Representatives. The Washington Post reported, “Federal prosecutors on Friday declined to make public transcripts of recorded conversations between Michael Flynn and Russia’s ambassador to the United States in December 2016, despite a judge’s order.” Acting in obeisance to the White House and contrary to its Constitutional duty, the Justice Department has defied the order of a federal court to turn over documents pertinent to a case before it. These acts bespeak an unabashed effort to convert our form of government from a Constitutional democracy to an autocracy. This unprecedented and tragic turn in the course of American history has been made possible by the Republicans controlling the senate, who continue to countenance Trump’s lawless behavior no matter how extreme it gets.

      It’s no longer tenable to argue that an impeachment inquiry should be deferred until more politically opportune time. Democrats have a duty to defend the Constitution, and that requires impeaching Trump and Barr. The gravity of the situation –– the enormity of the behavior of Trump and those allied with him –– must be vividly conveyed to the American people.  

Trumpian Travesty on Tour

Anne Applebaum, Washington Post European expert, reports that the U.K. will spend about 18 million pounds on security for Trump’s visit and that the U.S. will spend many multiples of that sum.

The U.K. is in a state of total malfunction and dysfunction, as is evidenced by its invitation to Trump for nothing resembling a useful purpose. Trump, however, has a purpose: to make himself look like he’s an important world leader. He is important, it’s true, in that he’s a terrifying menace to his country and to the entire world.

Democratic Race Update

With less than four weeks until the first  Democratic presidential candidates debates, Joe Biden retains a commanding lead in the Washington Post Pundit 2020 Power Ranking. Kamala Harris is in second place, followed by Elizabeth Warren. It’s daring even to guess, much less predict, but I’ll guess anyway: I think the most probable ticket is Biden and Harris. Biden and Amy Klobuchar is also a strong possibility, because she is from Minnesota and has a strong record in attracting independent-minded voters in rural areas. There’s a lot to be said for including someone from the heartland on the ticket.


Congressional Democrats have been debating whether the House should impeach Trump. Every informed person of good will is aware that Trump should be impeached by the House, convicted by the Senate, and removed from office, but House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has tamped down the impeachment movement. She advocates waiting until, in the course of further Congressional investigations, the case against Trump seeps more broadly into public consciousness. She and those persuaded by her thinking believe that impeaching Trump at this point could backfire politically. 

     Pelosi’s thinking is undoubtedly formed in part by opinion polls, which show that, although most voters disapprove of Trump, only a minority favor impeaching him at this time. I suspect that these polls may be misleading; that a substantial number of voters who favor holding off on impeachment are doing so not because they think impeachment isn’t warranted, but because they know that the Republican-controlled senate will not convict Trump, and fear, as Pelosi evidently does, that he will gain politically in the process. This view is understandable, but given the abundance of evidence of Trump’s multiple high crimes and misdemeanors, my view is that by not at least opening an impeachment inquiry, Democrats give the impression that there may not be sufficient grounds for impeachment, when in fact they are overwhelming.


The statement Mueller’s delivered yesterday about the Mueller report provided no new information, and he said he doesn’t want to be questioned about it. In acting this way, he is being careful not to exceed the confines of his assignment as special counsel. He has solidified his reputation for being circumspect. 

     Mueller plans to resign from the Justice Department and resume life as a private citizen. He thinks his work is done. It’s not, because he is not any private citizen. He is one who possesses a great deal of information that is of the highest public interest, and he is in a unique position to inform a perplexed and divided citizenry of the true facts and the true stakes. The appropriate Congressional committees should subpoena him and grill him under oath in public session. We can count on him to be truthful. Only those wanting to cover up the truth have reason to object. Unless Mueller wants to be remembered more as an competent and dutiful robot than as a courageous and patriotic citizen, he has no reason to object either. 

Democratic Candidates Update

Yesterday’s Washington Post Pundit Power Poll showed that Pete Buttigieg, the 37-year-old former Rhodes Scholar gay mayor of South Bend, Indiana, has raced ahead to 4th place in the rankings. Buttigieg is impressive, and more and more people are mastering how to pronounce his name, which isn’t exactly an asset. In the first of a series of so-called debates to be televised in June, Buttigieg is likely to turn in a superior performance. Biden and Sanders are still numbers 1 and 2 on the list. I wish they would drop out –– they are too old and each has other significant liabilities as well.

Progressives Be Truthful

This morning, the Washington Post fact checker noted that 

Planned Parenthood had exaggerated the number of women who died annually from botched abortions prior to Roe v. Wade. Progressives have a special burden to be unwaveringly meticulous and absolutely truthful. The Washington Post fact checker has also noted that Trump has told more than 10,000 lies since he took office. When progressives cite that as one of the many reasons he is unfit to hold office, his propagandists should not be able to cite instances of lies or sloppy misstatements by progressives. Don’t let Trumpians draw false and cynical equations. Don’t let them cry, Everyone lies. So what else is new? 

Lies and Big Lies

Trump traffics in lies. Large numbers of his supporters admire how he gets away with it. It appears that the Republican senators and cabinet members who allow him to stay in office admire how he gets away with it.

     Despite the efforts of Trump and his enablers to becloud overwhelming evidence of his criminality and gross unfitness to hold office, truth has been filtering into public consciousness. When ordinary lies don’t suffice, aspiring despots resort to Big Lies. Trump and his enablers have fabricated a monstrous one: that the Mueller investigation was initiated and conducted as part of a treasonous attempt by Democrats to force a duly elected president out of office. To invest his Big Lie with an aura of authenticity, Trump has ordered the attorney general to investigate this fabricated scandal: those responsible for betraying their country should be prosecuted and locked up. 

    In his long history of fraudulent conduct, this may be the biggest and most outrageous con Trump has ever attempted. Republicans controlling the senate who encourage it or tolerate it deserve as much condemnation as Trump himself.

How Far We’ve Fallen

Posted by Robert Reich: 

”We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.” 

– Abraham Lincoln, First Inaugural Address, March 4, 1861

“My Campaign for President was conclusively spied on. Nothing like this has ever happened in American Politics. A really bad situation. TREASON means long jail sentences, and this was TREASON!”  

– Donald Trump, Tweet, May 17, 2019

Democrats Candidate Race

Joe Biden retained the lead in Friday’s Washington Post Pundit 2020 Power Ranking. Elizabeth Warren advanced from 4th to 2nd place. They were followed by Sanders, Harris, and Buttigieg in that order. Fifteen others will qualify for the first debates, which will be held June 26th and 27th. Warren appears to be putting together the most progressive and constructive legislative agenda of any of the candidates, but even if she’s elected, none of it will get implemented unless Democrats gain control of the senate.

 My guess is that Biden and Harris would make the strongest ticket, but there’s a good chance I’ll change my mind after the first debates. Harris and Buttigieg would be an interesting combination and would have the added virtue of freaking out the bigots. 

American Democracy’s Prognosis

Our constitutional system of checks and balances may be the best in the world, but it’s no better than an old rag if key people in power choose to violate their oath of office to protect and defend it. There’s no evidence of such a commitment on the part of Trump, the attorney general, or any of the Republicans who collectively control the senate. As a result, the prognosis for American democracy is somewhere between fair and poor. If Trump is reelected, or otherwise manages to remain in office, it will be next to hopeless.

Where We Are

Each day that Trump continues to obstruct justice and display his contempt for the Constitution gives further evidence that his occupancy of the White House is dangerous in the extreme. That cabinet members and so many members of Congress continue to support and protect him is one of the saddest facts in our beleaguered world, sadder even than the existence of Trump himself.

Where We Are

Regarding the tragedy that so many members of Congress continue to support and protect Trump, E. J. Dionne noted in a Washington Post column Wednesday: 

There is one other thing {the framers of the Constitution} certainly didn’t have in mind: that extreme partisanship would so obliterate institutional patriotism that congressional Republicans would put the interests of a power-abusing president over the legitimate rights and prerogatives of the legislative branch of government. Democrats should not have to be fighting Trump’s imperiousness on their own.

Robert Reich: “Trump has threatened to direct Attorney               General William Barr to prosecute his political enemies. At a       rally in Pennsylvania he accused members of the FBI and         Democrats in Congress of “treason” for investigating him and his associates — which was immediately greeted by chants of ‘Lock them up!’

“We cannot become inured to this authoritarian behavior. Dictators and despots twist the rule of law to punish their enemies and suppress opposition. It is up to us to work as hard as we can to remove him — and his enablers — from office in the next election. Together, we must reclaim our democracy.”

We can expect Trump and his enablers to show no restraint in their efforts to convert our country from the world’s greatest democracy to an authoritarian state. It’s entirely likely that Trump would initiate war with Iran as a pretext for claiming emergency powers. Our sweet land of liberty is engaged in a fight for its life.

Dealing with Adversity –– the Trumpian Way

To help coal companies increase their profits the Administration loosened rules restricting pollution from coal-fired utilities. This had the effect of causing many more premature deaths among people in affected areas, which was disturbing to Trump and his enablers because it raised the danger of public pressure to reinstate anti-pollution regulations. The E.P.A. plans to handle this crisis by changing the way it calculates the health risks of air pollution, thereby causing the risk of predicted deaths to be much lower. 

A Lone Voice in the Republican Wilderness

This past weekend Justin Amash, a Republican Congressman from Michigan tweeted that: “Attorney General Barr has deliberately misrepresented Mueller’s report. President Trump has engaged in impeachable conduct. Partisanship has eroded our system of checks and balances. Few members of Congress have read the report.” 

He elaborated: “Contrary to Barr’s portrayal, Mueller’s report reveals that President Trump engaged in specific actions and a pattern of behavior that meet the threshold for impeachment. In fact, Mueller’s report identifies multiple examples of conduct satisfying all the elements of obstruction of justice, and undoubtedly any person who is not the president of the United States would be indicted based on such evidence.” 

Amash’s judgment is supported by more than 900 former federal prosecutors who signed onto a letter making this exact point. Amash’s statement is news only because every other Republican has acted as if there is nothing to condemn about Trump’s conduct, and many of them have lent support to Trump in his quest for an imperial presidency. That so many Republican legislators and others in positions of power have sunk to such moral depths has opened a deep crack in the foundations of American democracy.

The Rot Spreads into the Judiciary

With unfailing aid of nearly every Republican senator, Trump has been able to stuff the federal courts with an unprecedented number of unqualified and partisan judges who will all enjoy life appointments and play a key role in protecting Trump and contaminating the law in furtherence of his execrable agenda. Long after Trump is gone, this cadre of irresponsible jurists will endure like patches of wet sand clogging the wheels of justice. Diana Lithwick writes in Slate: “Senate Republicans’ assembly-line processing of unfit nominees brings Donald Trump closer and closer to the imperial presidency he so deeply craves.”

The Call of Duty

Senator Sherrod Brown, of Ohio, answered the call of duty, which was to defend his critical senate seat in Ohio instead of running for president. Governor Bullock, of Montana, former Governor Hickenlooper, of Colorado, and former Congressman Beto O’Rourke, of Texas, are in each case the Democratic Party’s best hope to capture a vulnerable senate seat held by a Trump-enabling, Mitch McConnell-obeying Republican. They should answer the call of duty: They should withdraw from the presidential race and run for the senate.

A Democratic president can arrest the current trend toward authoritarianism, but Democrats must hold the House and retake control of the senate to have a chance of initiating legislative reforms and undoing the damage of the Trumpian years. Gaining Democratic control of the senate is almost as important as ridding the nation of Trump.

I doubt if any of these gentleman will answer the call of duty, too ego-bound are they to resist chasing the biggest prize.

The Race for the Nomination

A recent Quinnipiac poll showed that Biden would win by 11 points (53 percent to 42 percent) in a hypothetical match-up against Trump, Bernie Sanders would win by 7 points, and Elizabeth Warren by 3. Pete Buttigieg and Kamala D. Harris would tie Trump. Beto O’Rourke would lose by 2.

It will be interesting to see the polls after the first candidate debates, six weeks from now. If Biden performs well, he may pull further ahead, as voters seek unity and certainty in the nomination process. 

Instructions for Turning a Democracy into an Autocracy

Use voter suppression, invite the help of a ruthless foreign power, and have a little luck to ensure that an aspiring despot gifted in the art of demagoguery becomes the chief executive.

Contrive to elect a majority of members of the upper legislative body who are willing to confirm the aspiring despot’s nominations of politically compliant judges and cabinet members, including, most importantly, the chief law enforcement officer.

Lie so often that the public gets used to it and treats it as normal.

Flout the law in every instance in which it’s useful to do so.

Create false domestic and foreign emergencies to divert public attention from your efforts to convert your country’s form of government into an autocracy.

The Art of Doing Nothing

I saw an ad for an app that features various scenes you can watch while doing nothing for thirty seconds, a practice it’s claimed is good to follow every day. It has a calming effect. I’ve been meditating, an ancient technique of doing nothing, for twenty minutes a day. The idea of being able to do nothing for only thirty seconds a day appeals to me. What a time saver. And I bet that if you get really good at it, you can cut down time spent doing nothing to ten or fifteen seconds a day. Imagine a grand master guru of this art, someone who manages to spend no time at all doing nothing. A bridge too far, in my opinion.

Autocrat School

Hungary’s strong-man ruler, Viktor Orban, visited the White House to tutor Trump in the art of converting a democracy into an autocracy. He praised Trump’s natural gift for demagoguery. Trump modestly said he had been inspired by Vladimir Putin, of course, but even more by Orban’s beautiful work in suppressing the free press in Hungary, banning a leading university, and making a lot of money on the side. Orban assured Trump that Trump was the greatest leader of modern times. What a coincidence! Kim Jong-un said exactly the same thing last time he and Trump met. 

Trump was buoyed by Orban’s visit and thrilled by Orban’s praise of him. Having your greatness recognized by a keen judge of character is the most satisfying thing in the world.  

Mass Atrocities

The New York Times has reported in detail on Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assid’s torture prisons. It makes for sickening reading, and it’s sickening that the “civilized world” has allowed this monster to remain in power. After the dissolution of the Soviet empire, it appeared briefly that the community of liberal democracies, with whom it was hoped Russia would align itself, would preserve, adhere to, and spread enlightened norms, and that we would not again witness institutionalized mass atrocities like those that will endure forever as great ugly blots in 20th century history.  

The recent solidification of authoritarian regimes in various countries and the emergence of new ones in others give warning that humanity may be sliding toward barbarism. Soulless leaders of some major powers, including, most lamentably, the United States, are so lacking in decency and compassion that they view mass crimes against humanity with indifference. 


Those who allow themselves to be woven into Trump’s webs of fabrications, feed his beasts of corruption, hypocrisy, and cruelty, and affect outrage at members of Congress fulfilling their constitutional duty to conduct oversight of the executive branch, in their actions and in their silences, have been conveying our country ever closer to the maw of authoritarian rule. In so doing they expose their essential characters, whose etched ugliness let us hope becomes visible to more and more people in the weeks and months ahead and not just, as it surely will, in the light of history.

Democratic Candidates

Yesterday’s Washington Post 2020 Pundit Power Poll top seven ranking:

  • Biden
  • Sanders
  • Harris
  • Warren
  • Buttigieg
  • Booker and Klobuchar (tied) 

Biden has a big lead.  As for Sanders, as I have written before, it would be best if he would drop out, but there’s no chance of that before the primaries. Harris is consistently strong, and a Biden-Harris ticket might be an effective combination. Warren, with her energy, passion, and a whole slew of policy ideas, will invigorate the debate, and she has a shot at heading it. Buttigieg is impressive and no doubt has a great future, but I think his entry into the presidential race is premature.  If he could win a state-wide election in Indiana, he’d be strong contender to be on the Democratic ticket in the following presidential election. Klobuchar is an attractive candidate and on my short list for the ticket. Cory Booker is a good man, but doesn’t quite make it in my opinion. And I think O’Rourke needs more seasoning.  He would perform a greater service to the nation by withdrawing and running for the Senate against the Republican incumbent in Texas.

Trumpian Logic

The Trump / Barr / Republican Enablers position is that: 

A president cannot be indicted while he’s in office;

The attorney general’s decision to exonerate the president is not subject to question;

Congressional Committees have no right to examine critical potential evidence of presidential crimes;  

When the founding fathers drafted the Constitution, they had no interest in protecting the United States from falling under autocratic rule even though gaining freedom from it was the purpose of the American Revolution.

Mirabile Dictu

Chris Hayes: “Trump is the most successful con-artist of all time.”

We don’t live in the time of the greatest poet, the greatest composer, the greatest painter, the greatest philosopher, the greatest scientist, or the greatest statesman, but we do at least live in the time of, and are able to witness, the all-time greatest master of something.  

Barr’s Bad Faith Exposed

That more than 600 former federal prosecutors have signed a statement asserting that the facts set out in the special counsel’s report justify prosecuting Trump on multiple counts of obstructing justice after Barr had proclaimed the contrary to be the case exposes him for betraying his oath of office. In choosing to serve the aspiring autocrat in the White House instead of the people of the United States, Barr has revealed his true character: that of a thug equipped with glib tongue instead of a pistol.

The Gathering Storm

In a Washington Post column yesterday Karen Tumulty quoted Harvard Law School professor and Constitutional expert Lawrence Tribe’s reaction to Trump’s most recent imperialistic utterances:Tribe wrote, “This is as loud a warning as anyone could ask for: Trump has no intention of leaving his sinecure and exposing himself to jail time. . . If he plans to stage his own coup, I’d count on the judiciary, the military, and, ultimately, a popular uprising to stop him. Best = landslide.”

A Hopeful Thought

June 26 and 27 we will see the first two rounds of Democratic presidential candidate “debates.” Of the 20 qualifying candidates, 10 will stand behind podiums the first night and the other 10 the second night. Fair-minded undecided voters will scrutinize the performance of each candidate. This is a high quality field. I expect most of the candidates to perform ably, put forth sensible progressive policy proposals, and refrain from personally attacking other candidates. I think the overall effect will be to educate the public on various issues and sensible approaches to addressing them. I think most viewers will come away feeling positive toward one or more candidates and enlightened as to what a relief it would be to have any one of them president instead of Trump.

Civil War

No shots have been fired. None likely will be. But what is it but civil war when the president and attorney general are supported by a majority of senators and a substantial block of voters and propagandists in defying the law, ignoring the Constitution, spreading disinformation, and seemingly attempting to convert America into a proto-fascist state?

To cite but one example of Republican-supported assault on American democracy: Despite conclusive evidence of Russian interference in our electoral process, massively documented in the Mueller Report, last week Trump admitted he’d just had an hour-long phone talk with Putin in which the subject of Russian interference in our elections didn’t come up. 

Trump and his supporters have all but invited Russia to reprise its efforts to swing the election to Trump in 2020 and are putting the brakes our intelligence agencies attempts to uncover and thwart continuing Russian interference.

Even non-shooting civil wars can be ugly. That’s likely to be the character of the eighteen months between now and the election. And if Trump loses by a narrow margin, he will claim fraud and refuse to accept results, whereupon unpredictable, possibly horrific, consequences will ensue.

The Challenge

If our nation is to avoid slipping into fascist rule next year, the Democratic candidate for president must win, and he or she must win by more than a very tight margin or post-election-night chaos will likely ensue. 

The Proto-Fascists

William Barr was caught lying in testimony to a Congressional committee. Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House, called him out on it; she said that he had committed a crime. Under normal circumstances, this would have ended Barr’s career. Not just that: he would be prosecuted. The attorney general of the United States would see to that. Except Barr is the attorney general of the United States. He is also a proto-fascist, a loyal lieutenant of the proto-fascist who is president of the United States. It’s uncertain whether America will survive as a democracy. There are multiple factors that could tip the scales either way.

The Sociopathic Mentality

One might think that if you were a shady, smug, bullying, blustering big-time real estate developer with no aspirations other than to live a glitzy self-indulgent life and make money and be admired, but then somehow through a weirdly unlikely concatenation of events you became president of the United States, you might be awed by this opportunity and want to emulate past outstanding presidents and faithfully execute your duties and uphold the laws and work tirelessly to advance the interests of our country and all its people and give up your shady ways so you would be admired throughout the world and be remembered in history as someone who, thrust into a position of great power, met the challenge and rose to the task and worked to make the world a better place. One might think so, but if the individual we’re talking about is a sociopath, his mind doesn’t work that way. That’s because he has a brain aberration –– he is deprived of any conscience, any sense of duty to others, any sense of shame. He is incapable of changing his behavior.

Sociopaths attract other sociopaths, people, who though their personal styles may differ, share a pathological acquisitiveness unburdened by any sense of responsibility to others and are blind to anything other than raw opportunity for themselves.  Enter Attorney General William Barr into the Trump orbit.

Democratic Campaign Notes

Joe Biden has pulled significantly ahead of Bernie in the polls. Democrats want clarity and unity. At the moment, despite his age and flaws, Biden, who is, after all, by far the most experienced candidate and is universally acknowledged to be a decent warm-hearted guy, appears to be the best bet to be the Democratic nominee. Thankfully, Bernie has taken Indivisible pledge to wholeheartedly support the Democratic candidate. Warren has been gaining momentum –– she is probably the most capable and articulate of the lot. Harris is still very much in contention. Biden and Harris would be a formidable ticket. 

Factors for Rating Presidential Candidates; Note

Yesterday I posted ratings for three leading Democratic contenders and for Trump. I should have explained that I didn’t rate other leading candidates, such as Kamala Harris, who was in third place in the most recent Washington Post 2020 Power Pundit Poll, because I don’t feel I know enough about her. The same is true of William Weld, who is contending Trump for the Republican nomination.

Some might think that Trump’s survival as president despite being grossly unfit for office should earn him better than the “C” I gave him for political skill. I didn’t mark him higher because I don’t ascribe his endurance to his political skill, but to the immorality of those in powerful positions who have kept him propped in his pulpit.

Factors for Rating Presidential Candidates; Examples


  • character                             B+
  • judgment                            B-
  • authenticity                         B+
  • intellectual intelligence        B-
  • moral intelligence                B
  • essential knowledge            A-
  • political skill                        B


  • character                           B+
  • judgment                           B-
  • authenticity                        A-     
  • intellectual intelligence       B+
  • moral intelligence               A-
  • essential knowledge           B
  • political skill                       B


  • character                             A
  • judgment                             B+
  • authenticity                          A
  • intellectual intelligence        A
  • moral intelligence                A
  • essential knowledge            A
  • political skill                        B


  • character                            F                     
  • authenticity                         F
  • judgment                            F
  • intellectual intelligence       C
  • moral intelligence                F
  • essential knowledge           D
  • political skill                       C


After decades of resisting taking up meditation, I’ve been practicing it for the past several weeks – 20 minutes a day, trying to concentrate on my breathing without interrupting the normal pattern and banishing extraneous thoughts that surface as soon as I become aware of them. I’m moderately disciplined at resisting fidgeting and refraining from scratching occasional itches that assert themselves. I’ll never become an accomplished meditator. Even so, practicing seems to have something of a calming effect. When my timer goes off –- a soft ching –– I feel as if I’ve been brought back from another world. 

Is it worth it – 20 minutes of doing nothing every day? Probably so. 

Democratic Contenders / Particularly Biden

Former Vice-President Joe Biden formally entered the race a couple of days ago and immediately jumped into the #1 spot in the Washington Post Power Pundit Poll. Biden is the most recognizable candidate and the one with the highest name recognition. The top five are now:

  • Joe Biden
  • Bernie Sanders
  • Kamala Harris
  • Pete Buttigieg
  • Elizabeth Warren

I expect some slight repositioning, but these five will probably stay in the top ten. I’d like it if one of them, or someone lower on the list, emerges as a clear frontrunner, a candidate who has all it takes be president and then some, someone most people can get enthusiastic about, someone who doesn’t make me feel a little depressed at the thought of their being in the White House, like Joe Biden, for example, who a Washington Post article this morning headlined as the “master of not quite getting it.” The article was referring to how he had called Anita Hill to express “his regret for what she endured” in the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing he conducted at the time of the Clarence Thomas confirmation. He didn’t quite get what should have been easy to get.

The best thing I can say about Biden is that he would be a better president than Trump by an astronomically wide margin. I’d like to be able to say more about the candidate the Democrats nominate.


Biden is only moderately intelligent, he’s uninspiring, he carries a considerable amount of political baggage, and he’s too old, but it may develop in the coming months that, among the twenty Democratic candidates, he is the one most likely to beat Trump. If that happens, he’s my man.

Presidential Campaign Developments

Most leading contenders for the Democratic nomination spoke at the She the People Forum in Houston yesterday. Watching excepts, I was particularly impressed with Elizabeth Warren. She is  passionate, authentic, and immensely capable. She remains at the top of my list of favorites. In my latest ranking, the top three are women U.S. Senators.

  • Elizabeth Warren
  • Amy Klobuchar
  • Kamala Harris
  • Cory Booker
  • Pete Buttigieg

Beto O’Rourke dropped off my top five –- I think he lacks gravitas and needs more experience.  I would be happier if both Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders dropped out. They won’t, of course. They are leading in the polls. 

Anxiety Report

I’m worried that the Democrats won’t put up the strongest possible candidate to oppose Trump. And I’m worried that some people will be so emotionally involved with their favored candidate that they won’t vote for the nominee if it’s someone else. There are indications that this is a serious danger in the case of Bernie supporters.

Of course, I’ll enthusiastically support the Democratic candidate even if he or she turns out to be my least favorite of those who vied for the nomination.

Here are my favorites –– the five best candidates for the Democrats to nominate. My ranking may –– in fact probably will –– change in the coming months:

  • Elizabeth Warren
  • Amy Klobuchar
  • Kamala Harris   
  • Beto O’Rourke
  • Pete Buttigieg


Every member of the House of Representatives has a Constitutional duty to impeach Trump. Morally there is no question it’s the right thing to do; yet arguably it may be counterproductive politically and psychologically! What a dilemma! Best to initiate an investigation of whether there are grounds for impeachment even though we aleady know there are. Proceed deliberately, clinically, unwaveringly, and without missing a beat. 

Mueller Redux

it’s likely that Special Counsel Robert Mueller will testify in May before the House Judiciary Committee. There’s reason to hope that his honest answers to well-constructed questions will reduce the percentage of the population that views Trump favorably. The wheels of justice are grinding, though they grind exceedingly slow.

A Looming Menace

Even in the highly redacted form in which it was made public, the Special Counsel’s Report exposed Russia’s wide-ranging and massive interference in the 2016 presidential election. We’ll never know if that attack on our country was decisive in Trump’s election, but we can be certain that the Russians will try to tilt the 2020 elections the same way and that their efforts will likely be more strenuous and more sophisticated than in 2016. 

Combatting this looming menace should be one of the nation’s highest priorities; yet we can expect Trump and his enablers to be inert in the face of it, and, to the extent they think they can get away with it, to encourage it. No one can rest easy until Trump has been sent to prison, or, at the very least, returned to his towers and golf courses.

The Impeachment Question

The Special Counsel’s Report, even in its redacted from, is replete with evidence that Trump is criminally liable for attempting to obstruct the Special Counsel’s investigation of Russian interference in United States elections. There is no question that Trump should be impeached, convicted, and removed from office. This is not happening only because few, if any, Republican senators would vote to convict Trump regardless of how culpable he is: they themselves are brigands and scoundrels who put personal desires ahead of Constitutional duties. That is the state of affairs in our country today. 

Democrats in Congress –– every one of them –– understands that Trump should be impeached, but they are divided as to whether to initiate proceedings, because they know that impeachment by the House would not lead to removal by the Senate, and many, including their leaders, think that the political and psychological effect of impeachment would be to increase chances that Trump would be reelected. Sadly, they are probably right.

Truth and Tragedy

The redacted version of Special Counsel Mueller’s Report lays out a 180-page roadmap for prosecution of Trump for obstruction of justice. It comes across clearly that Mueller would have sought to indict Trump were it not for Department of Justice guidelines proscribing indicting a sitting president. Trump toady Attorney General William Barr’s “finding” that Trump did not obstruct justice has been exposed as a fraud and a betrayal of Barr’s Constitutional responsibilities.

It’s a great tragedy of our times that so many legislators and officials in positions of power are content to participate in the conversion of the United States from a democracy to an autocracy for what they see as their personal gain, though it gravely damages their country and befouls their own lives.


Attorney General William Barr plans to give a press conference this morning, hours in advance of making the highly redacted Mueller Report public. Why not after people have had a chance to read it and question him on it? He’s wants to give the already truncated report a spin that will linger in people’s minds and he wants to avoid answering hard questions. In choosing to act as Trump’s publicist and defense lawyer, Barr has breached his Constitutional duty to the people of the United States. That’s the level he’s sunk to, joining legions of scoundrels who, at some point in life, for whatever reason, choose the low road. After Barr dies, he’ll live on in disgrace in history books.


Former Republican Governor of Massachusetts Bill Weld has launched a primary campaign against Trump. In so doing he is performing a noble public service. Other Republicans dissatisfied with Trump, like former Governor of Ohio John Kasich, have backed off, complaining that they can’t win a primary contest against Trump because a clear majority of Republicans support him.

That’s not a good enough reason to sit on the sidelines. The foremost responsibility of any politician is to help the nation rid itself of Trump. Trump will not likely be willing to debate Weld, but Weld can convince some who would otherwise vote for Trump in the general election not to do so. Weld should be relentless in exposing Trump’s depravity. Honorable Republicans should support Weld vocally and financially. Every Republican that Weld can persuade not to vote for Trump is a victory for Weld, regardless of whether he wins the nomination, and even more so a victory for our country.

Heroes and Villains

Last evening Rachel Maddow interviewed South Bend, Indiana, mayor and presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg in an exhibition of civilized, literate, substantive, humanistic discussion of the sort that shines in sharp contrast to the cynical dissembling by characters in Trump orbit like Attorney General William Barr and Secretary of the Treasury Steve Mnuchin. Life is dominated by heroes and villains. America’s future will turn on whether voters can tell which is which.

Surreal Land

Our country has become surreal land. It’s screamingly obvious that Trump is morally, temperamentally, and intellectually unfit for office; yet instead of acknowledging that one of their own is a monster and removing him from office, Republicans support him and encourage him. They accede to him. They become more like him. They act as if some hallucinatory mental disease has taken over their brains, and there’s no indication it will ever run its course.


Rarely a day goes by that doesn’t brings news of fresh instances of execrable behavior on the part of Trump and his enablers and like-minded dark-souled characters around the world. It’s uplifting to read of exceptions, people who inspire us to reject cynicism and despair and work to bring about a better world: young leaders like New Zealand president Jacinda Ardern, who shone with goodness and strength after the Christ Church massacre, and Slovak President-elect Zuzana Caputova, who announced: “My three priorities are in the areas of rule of law and justice, social care, and protecting the environment.” 

The Race for the Democratic Nomination

Yesterday’s Washington Post 2019 Power Pundit Poll shows Senator Kamala Harris maintaining her first place lead. Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden, in second and third place respectively, have been scoring higher in various polls, but I guess the pundits ascribe a lot of that to their very high name recognition. Perhaps the pundits feel as I do that Harris will emerge as a stronger and more appealing candidate once they are all lined up on the debate stage before what is likely to be a very large TV audience. 

Or someone else. The times they are a changin’ you know that for sure when you note that a 37-year-old gay mayor of a small mid-western city, Pete Buttigieg, is in 4th place, and a black woman from Georgia, who hasn’t held an office higher than minority leader of a state assembly, Stacey Abrams, is in 9th place, up from 12th a week ago. 

Yes, the times are a changin’. Let’s hope for the better. We sure need it.

Notes from the Autocrat’s Handbook (Official 2019 U.S. Edition)

1.  Make sure you have enough senators who approve of your autocratic agenda to confirm your appointment of flunkies to key cabinet posts and judgeships.

2.   Make sure you can count on your flunky appointees to support you rather than get hung up on their Constitutional duties. Fire ones, like former Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who turn out to have a honorable streak.

3.  Tell your reliable flunky Attorney General –– in this case William Barr –– to deny Congress and the public access to any material in the Special Counsel’s Report that would reflect badly on you and to make up phony excuses for withholding it.

4.  Tell your reliable flunky Treasury Secretary –- in this case Steven Mnuchin –– to refuse to release your tax returns to the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee as required by law and make up a phony excuses for withholding it.

Democratic Strategy

With a dozen or so potential candidates for their presidential  nomination, all of whom are superior to Trump by an astronomically wide margin, the Democratic Party should have a sure road to the White House in next year’s election, but it would be folly for Democrats to be complacent about their prospects. 

Major missteps could lead to the catastrophe of Trump’s reelection, and one seems to be in the making. Bernie Sanders has introduced his Medicare-for-All bill. Its aim is worthy, but, to tens of millions of people who are satisfied with their present coverage, it’s likely to be alarming. Even more alarming is that Sanders doesn’t say how much his plan would cost, and how it would be paid for. 

What’s more, because the plan is so generous, it would be enormously expensive. In its present form it’s irresponsible, foolish, and highly vulnerable to effective political attack by Republicans. Promoting it would allow the Republicans pivot from playing defensive to coming out swinging: Save America from Socialism! 

Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, and Kirsten Gillibrand have signed on as co-sponsors to Sanders’s plan. In doing so, they’ve done him a favor and themselves, the Democratic Party, and the country a disfavor. All policy proposals should include a realistic accounting of how they will be paid for. 


What a loathsome person is Attorney General William Barr, who while affecting to be following the law is doing everything he can to withhold critical portions of the Mueller report not only from the public, but from Congressional committees charged with oversight. Barr is a star performer in the cadre of Trump enablers attempting to transform the United States from a country subject to the rule of law to one subject to the rule of unprincipled men. All that’s needed for their success is a critical mass of strategically placed complicit elected officials and appointees.

Can America Regain Moral Leadership in the World?

The Trump effect has been to bring out the worst in our natures. Can the mindset of Americans ever be reset, be retuned to laudable values? Yesterday, Jennifer Rubin, talking about matters that should be central in political discourse leading up to next year’s elections, noted: “We certainly need to have a conversation about and a commitment to what we used to call civic virtue — respect, tolerance, humility, honesty, empathy and the rest.” 

Notes from the American Kleptocracy:

Courtesy of Robert Reich: “How much did some corporations benefit from Trump’s tax cuts? Well, the tax cuts boosted JPMorgan’s profits by $3.7 billion, helping the bank post record profits last year. The company has plowed most of the money — $55 billion over the past 5 years — into buying back shares of its own stock, which boosts payouts for executives and wealthy investors. Meanwhile, Trump and the Republicans’ $1.9 trillion in tax cuts have exploded the deficit and wages have continued to stagnate for American workers.”


All sixteen –- or is it more like twenty –– Democratic candidates would be a better president than Trump by an astronomically wide margin. The question is: who would be best to run against him. Some astute pundits think a moderate candidate would be best: Don’t scare swing voters who might be vulnerable to Republican propaganda that the Democratic candidate is a dangerous, extreme, radical, left-wing, socialist nut!

Maybe so, but I’m hoping that the candidate who becomes the Democratic nominee is inspiring. It’s almost a necessity, for what this country needs is not just an ordinary honorable and competent president; we need one who could change the national mood, someone who could precipitate a revolution of desires. More than anyone else I can think of, Elizabeth Warren might do so.

The Race

Kamala Harris sprinted ahead of Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden to take the lead in Friday’s Washington Post Pundit 2020 Power Ranking. I was happy about that because I like Harris, and I think Sanders and Biden would both do the nation a service by dropping out. 

Astonishing Pete Buttigieg, the 37-year-old gay mayor of South Bend, Indiana, held on in 4th position. In a WaPo column yesterday, Jennifer Rubin gave readers a good idea why such a thing could happen, as well as why Stacey Abrams, the black legislator from Georgia who was narrowly defeated in last November’s Georgia gubernatorial race (and would almost certainly have won had not voter suppression taken a toll at the polls) is in the ranking at all. Buttigieg and Abrams are both spectacularly smart, decent, dedicated, sensible, self-disciplined politicians.

The Psychopathology of William Barr

Why does Attorney General William Barr debase himself by shielding Trump from scrutiny? Trump, of all people. Barr has an authoritarian mind. He wants to be part of an authoritarian structure. He wants it so badly, it matters not how depraved the authority is. Indeed, serving a scoundrel of such eminence may be what Barr requires to achieve inner security, self assurance, and peace.

It’s a weird psychopathology, but a common one, pervading much of the Republican Party. Neuropsychologists would perform a great service to the world if they could unmask its workings. I’d advise them not to start with Barr, however, whose cognitive workings might present them with daunting complexities, but to first investigate Vice President Mike Pence, the archetypal simple-minded case.


Yesterday the House Ways and Means Committee exercised the committee’s statutory authority by demanding that the Internal Revenue Service deliver to it the last six years tax returns of Trump and of a number of his business entities. Trump’s refusal to expose his tax returns to public scrutiny is a conspicuous marker of his turpitude, evidence of his unfitness to be president. 

Headline: Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) released more than a decade’s worth of her personal tax returns Monday afternoon. She joined Sens. Elizabeth Warren, (D-Mass.) and Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) as well as Washington Gov. Jay Inslee

Why have other Democratic candidates stalled on releasing theirs? By failing to do so, they make Trump look less despicable. If you’re running for president, failing to release your tax returns should be a disqualifying factor. No excuses. No exceptions.


Headline: “Trump takeover of the Republican Party almost complete.” A generation ago or less, few would have believed that a sociopath on the order of Trump could be elected president of the United States. Fewer would have believed that if such a thing happened, the Republican Party would care so little for the interests of the nation and the world that they would support such a man and enable him to remain in office. Across the Atlantic, who would have believed that Britain would enter into such destructive and self-destructive behavior as to produce the Brexit fiasco. Unpredictability rules. It’s a stunning fact. We can only hope that unpredictably good things will happen too.


Biden isn’t a sexual harasser, but his lately highlighted longterm practice of excessive touchy-feelyness is indicative of a lack of sensitivity, an area of built-in cluelessness, and so must be counted as a significant political deficit. He has too many of them.

The Fundraising Quandry

It takes a lot of money to make a serious run for the presidency. I read that Trump has over seventy million bucks in his campaign fund. If he’s half as rich as he says he is, he could shove in a hundred million of his own. His billionaire buddies will help. Meanwhile, Democrats have to raise a lot just to run against each other. Excellent candidates like Cory Booker, Amy Klobuchar, and Kamala Harris want to get big money out of politics, but have bowed to reality and are reportedly running around the country seeking big money. I understand that Elizabeth Warren is the only one who is eschewing super PACs and relying on small donations. I would like to send six or eight Democratic contenders I like best each $20, but I’m going to hold back until after I’ve seen how the candidates perform in the first debates, scheduled for June 26 and 27th. Democrats will have to have a lot of money left to beat Trump. 

An Enduring Image

In some ways my mind is like a file of photographs. From time to time a new one is added. Anytime I want, I can call one up and look at it. One sometimes appears of its own accord. 

A new enduring image was added last week: that of House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff addressing Republican colleagues who had called for him to resign because of his support of the Mueller Investigation and his efforts to uncover facts about Russian interference in U.S. elections, probable complicity of Americans in such criminal activity, and other threats to U.S. national security. 

“You many think it’s okay,” Schiff said repeatedly, each time reciting incontrovertible perfidious acts on the part of Trump, those associated with him, and others either hostile to or indifferent to the interests of the United States, “but I don’t. I don’t think it’s okay.” The enduring image is not only of Schiff’s soft-spoken, devastating rebuke of his colleagues, but of the obvious discomfort of those at whom it was directed: Any of them who were honorable would have slunk away in shame. None were. None did.

My enduring image is a portrait of Schiff’s grace, courage, and intellectual acuity and of his Republican colleagues, every one of them shot through with rot. 

Character and Tax Returns

For Democrats to win the White House next year, there must be no blurring of the sharp moral distinction between the Democratic nominee and Trump. Among the myriad of indicia of Trump’s moral turpitude is his refusal to release his tax returns. His shameful example should not be taken as a license for Democratic presidential aspirants to emulate him. Any of them who equivocates about releasing tax returns or has not released them by the first debates in June should withdraw from the race. Politicians are not entitled to their privacy if they want to be president. 

I’ve read that the only Democratic candidate who has released tax returns so far is Kirsten Gillibrand. She may be a stronger candidate than I had thought. No excuses for failing to release your tax returns, candidates. Make them public or drop out.

Headline: “Trump demands that Schiff {Adam Schiff, Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee} resign from Congress.”

In a properly run dictatorship thugs would have dragged Schiff away long ago.  


Last evening, I watched Chris Hayes interview Pete Buttigieg, mayor of South Bend, Indiana, and aspirant for the Democratic presidential nomination, and found him to be as impressive as I’d been led to believe he would be. He’ll likely elevate the level of discourse in the candidate debates. He’s gay, which presents a political hurdle to overcome, as does his lack of experience and what might be called excessive youth. He’s only 37, and what’s worse, he looks about 27, which is, thankfully, a problem he’ll surmount in the years ahead, and we can hope that intolerance of gays will continue to decline. It’s uplifting to see young politicians as honorable, astute, and capable at Pete Buttigieg coming to the scene.

The Communications Challenge

The case for voting Trump out of office in 2020 and replacing him with a highly qualified honorable and competent Democrat is overwhelming. For a good summary of it, see Jennifer Rubin’s March 25th Washington Post columns. The big challenge for Democrats will be to get their case across to the public in the face of relentless propagandizing by Republicans and their media allies, who we can expect to endlessly express faux righteous outrage at the detestable campaign Democrats have waged to undermine a Constitutionally elected president who is dedicated to making America great again, even going so far as to conduct a high-profile investigation of the president pursuant to their fake claim that they could prove “collusion,” and even though their investigation has been exposed as a total fraud, continuing to conduct their own multiple phony Congressional investigations in a desperate effort to distract the public from thinking about the fantastically great job President Trump has been doing in creating a booming economy, protecting our borders from terrorist gangs, destroying ISIS, and defusing the Obama-caused nuclear standoff with North Korea.

It’s too soon to tell whether truth will win out.

The Contenders

Here is how last Friday’s Washington Post Pundit Power Poll ranked candidates in the race to secure the Democratic presidential nomination:

  • Biden
  • Harris
  • Sanders
  • O’Rourke
  • Booker
  • Klobuchar
  • Warren
  • Buttigieg
  • Hickenlooper
  • Bennett

I’ve ruled out Biden and Sanders for age and other reasons, O’Rourke for inexperience and lack of self-discipline and rigor in his thinking, Buttigieg for inexperience, Hickenlooper primarily for lack of gravitas, and Bennett, at least temporarily, because of lack of clarity as to his positions. I downgraded Klobuchar because of her recently disclosed sub-optimum behavior as a prosecutor and in managing her staff. I’ve upgraded Harris because she has recently exhibited political acumen and articulated several sound and imaginative policy positions. The result is my own power poll ranking:

  • Harris
  • Warren
  • Booker
  • Klobuchar

My preferences may shift more than once in the months ahead.

Smiles and Body Language

One of my mother’s favorite observations was, “They say it was a smile that put Roosevelt in the White House.” That may have been an exaggeration, but there’s some truth to it. Amy Klobuchar and some other presidential candidates have nice smiles. Candidates with forced smiles, tight-lipped smiles, reflex smiles, and flashing smiles aren’t to be trusted. 

Former Watergate prosecutor Jill Wine-Banks related an interesting anecdote the other day. Several people were asked to judge Michael Cohen’s latest statements after reading them. They all doubted his credibility. After watching a video of the same testimony, they all found him credible. Body language made the difference. There’s a good chance that it will make the difference in the candidates’s debates. 

Skipped my blog today. I’m excuseless.

Campaign Note

Headline: As a prosecutor, Amy Klobuchar declined to go after police involved in fatal encounters with black men

The above isn’t Fox News propaganda, but the headline to a responsible report in the Washington Post, which, along with reports of Klobachar’s ill-treatment of staff members, puts a damper on my enthusiasm for her. In 2016 Hillary was kept on the defensive during her campaign because of missteps such as her handling of email and her highly paid speeches at Goldman Sachs gatherings. 

At least a dozen highly capable people are running for the Democratic presidential nomination. Ones who will have to be constantly defending themselves against reasonable serious criticism should step aside. Democrats should choose as their nominee someone with unquestioned competence, integrity, and humanity. 

Campaign Websites –- Harris and Warren

Kamala Harris’s website, besides showing close-up pictures of her –– she’s glamorous-looking, and that probably counts for not nothing –– informs us that she is tough, principled, and fearless, and that she works for the people and always has.  I’m willing to believe it, but I think candidates’s websites should set forth policy positions. They should lay out the progressive, pragmatic, and fiscally responsible policies they will press for as president.  I’m impressed by Harris, but i’m more impressed by Warren, who as the ever astute Jennifer Rubin puts it, is “brimming with solutions to just about every problem you can imagine.”

Klobuchar and Warren

Klobuchar’s website abounds with generalities, yet as a senator and in interviews she has displayed a high level of competence, and she has staked out sound policy positions across the board. I like Klobachar and Warren best among the contenders.  Klobachar may have a political advantage in being from Minnesota –– she’s an elite, but not a coastal elite. Warren’s Oklahoma origins and family background may be somewhat helpful to her. 

Getting It Right –– The Antipode of Trump

Michael Moore is a national treasure. I’m always invigorated by his postings on Facebook. Last night’s is an example. Along with a striking picture of Jacinda Adern, he noted:  “What a true world leader looks like. The prime minister of New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern, put on a hijab, said ‘They are us’, announced the gun laws were going to change, and called out white supremacists, haters, and Donald Trump. She’s 38. SHE.”

Campaign Websites –- Elizabeth Warren

For the rest of the month I’m taking a look at websites of contenders for the Democratic presidential nomination. I’m starting today with Elizabeth Warren. 

One of the worst problems in our society is the growth of inequality and the anti-democratic and dehumanizing effects of extreme wealth and the corrupting power that accompanies it. The 400 richest Americans — or the top 0.00025 percent of the population — now own more wealth than the bottom 150 million Americans. Warren’s proposals would begin to address this outrage, attempting to provide some measure of economic security and opportunity for all, invigorate our society, and arrest the appalling trend toward gilded decadence. Her plans include an ultra-millionaire tax on America’s 75,000 richest families to produce trillions that can be used to build an economy that works for everyone, including universal childcare, student loan debt relief, and down payments on a Green New Deal and Medicare for All, and allow us to make a historic investments in housing that would bring down rents by 10% across America and create 1.5 million new jobs. Wrenchingly difficult to attain politically but pragmatically doable.  

Bold sweeping initiatives like this is the way to go, but it’s critical that they make sound economic sense and that they can be practicably implemented. I’m confident that Warren understands that. What a tonic a Warren presidency would be for America. 

Democratic Candidates

Like a lot of people, I haven’t decided which one to back. Some promising youngish candidates –– Beto O’Rourke, Pete Buttigieg, and Andrew Yang –– strike me as lacking sufficient experience, and in O’Rourke’s case, maturity.  Biden and Sanders strike me as too old and in each case burdened with other problems. Of the two with experience as governors, Jay Inslee strikes me as too focused on a single issue (climate change) and John Hickenlooper as too unfocused generally. Senator Cory Booker is impressive, though vague on policy positions, as far as I have observed.  Of the four women senators running, I rule out Kirsten Gillibrand because she’s shown herself to be disturbingly opportunistic. Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, and Amy Klobuchar have impressive strengths and, in each case, political vulnerabilities. 

Every one of these people would be a better president than Trump by an astronomically wide margin. It will be intensely interesting to see which one, if any, emerges as the strongest candidate.

How a Thug Thinks

Trump wants to remain in office indefinitely. He knows that if he were reduced to being an ordinary citizen, he’d be subject to prosecution and probable conviction and incarceration. Unlike some thugs, he thinks out loud: 

“I can tell you I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of the Bikers for Trump — I have the tough people, but they don’t play it tough — until they go to a certain point, and then it would be very bad, very bad.”

Most Republicans support him.

I’m traveling this week and am suspending this blog until Saturday March 16th.


Apparently Joe Biden is about to enter the race for the Democratic presidential nomination. He’s already leading the Washington PostPundit 2020 Power Ranking. Biden has the most impressive experience of any of the candidates, but I wish he’d drop out. He’s significantly older than Trump. For anyone with a strong sense of responsibility (which of course excludes Trump), being president of the United States is one of the most stressful and demanding jobs in the world; it’s not for someone who will be entering his eighties during his first term, and Biden has already endured extraordinary personal stress in his family, which may be the reason he’s shown himself to be ambivalent about running. He is known for gaffes, and it’s likely that he would make some gaffes during the campaign. If he does, it will be attributed by his foes to his advancing age. He sometimes shows poor judgment, for example recently in calling Pence “a decent man.” If Biden doesn’t know that Pence isn’t a decent man, there’s something wrong with him. If he does know, and said it anyway, there’s something wrong with him. If Biden becomes the Democratic nominee, I will strongly support him. He would be an infinitely better president than Trump.

Political Developments

Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown and Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley have taken themselves out of the race for the Democratic presidential nomination. Just as well. Though Brown was near the top of my list of favorites, the Dems have a deep bench, and Brown and Merkley can do a greater service to the country by protecting their seats in the senate. I wish that instead of entering the presidential race, former governor of Colorado John Hickenlooper had made a comparable decision, staying home to challenge Republican incumbent senator Cory Gardner, who is a Trumpian toady and should be sent packing.

Knaves and Fools

Congressional Republicans and their media allies are not only knaves in protecting Trump, they are fools, unable to see that their own self-interest would be better served by impeaching him and removing from office. Their short-term opportunistic political benefit in shielding Trump is far outweighed by impairment of their personal stakes in our country, which has been seriously damaged, undermined, and imperiled by Trump’s mendacity, incompetence, corruptness, narcissism, vanity, and meanness.

Hurrah for Michael Bloomberg

Many notable politicians are so ego-bound that it’s hard for them to imagine that they shouldn’t run for president even though they could serve their country much better in other ways. Seventy-seven-year-old former NYC mayor and super billionaire MIchael Bloomberg is not among them. Realizing that his chance of becoming the Democratic nominee was very slim and that running as an independent, like his fellow billionaire Howard Schultz, could have the horrifying result of Trump being reelected, Bloomberg plans to back Democrats in key races as he did in last year’s midterm elections. This is bad news for Trump and Trump enablers and good news for our country.

House Investigations Relating to Trump

Republicans are pointing to wide-ranging investigations by committees of the House of Representatives as evidence that Democrats are waging a political campaign to undermine Trump. It’s not the process of investigations that will undermine Trump, it’s the facts that they will bring to the light of day, stripping away all pretence that Trump is fit to remain in office.

The Democratic Presidential Debates

Time hurtles along. The first Democratic Presidential “debate” is only three months away, though some much-talked-about candidates, among them Joe Biden, Senator Sherrod Brown, and Congressman Beto O’Rourke, have yet to announce that they are running. The debates will be held in two sessions with as many as ten candidates at each session, standing at their lecterns, making their pitches. Let’s hope most of them drop out before the end of the year.

My favorite to head the ticket is either Senator Amy Klobuchar or Senator Sherrod Brown, but I’m keeping an open mind. One consideration overwhelms all others: Who is most likely to beat Trump?

Headline: “Republicans rally around Trump as threats mount.”

Our political system would be healthiest if we had two strong honorable major parties. Alas, so fast that we could barely register it happening, the Republican Party descended into unplumed moral and intellectual depths. Jennifer Rubin nailed it: “Fidelity to the Constitution, ensuring the nation’s security, and even simple honesty are foreign to this gang. They have become apparatchiks in Trump’s authoritarian scheme.” 

Authoritarian rulers don’t ascend to power single-handedly; they rely on unprincipled, opportunistic, strategically positioned lieutenants to assist them in undermining and eventually destroying democratic institutions.

Our Constitutional system of checks and balances presumes that those who have a duty to check and to balance the president will do so. Occasional peeps and squeaks aside, Republicans have propped Trump up. Their moral depravity is a great tragedy of our times.

What Course Will History Take?

Trump assumed office with only a dim understanding of, and no respect for, our federal system and system of checks and balances. Belatedly he has learned how dangerous it was for him to become president. His hope now is that masses of dogged followers, media allies, corrupt cabinet members, a fawning vice-president, authoritarian-minded judges, and unprincipled Republican members of Congress will protect him from eventual prosecution, universal contempt and disgrace, a prospect that looks increasingly unlikely, but not certain, to be the course history takes.

A Call to Duty

It becomes ever more obvious that Trump should be impeached, removed from office, and prosecuted. Republicans in Congress have demeaned the G.O.P. and betrayed their country by protecting and enabling him. Given the moral bankruptcy and gross irresponsibility of the Republican Party, it’s critically important for Democrats to gain control of the presidency and the Senate and to retain control of the House in next year’s elections. 

In every state in which a Republican senate seat is vulnerable the strongest possible Democrat should oppose the incumbent Republican. Democrats need neither Colorado governor John Hickenlooper nor Texas Congressman Beto O’Rourke to win the 2020 presidential election. Other candidates and prospective candidates for this office are as strong or stronger. Hickenlooper has a patriotic duty to forgo running for president and instead run against Senator Cory Gardner in Colorado, and O’Rourke has a patriotic duty to forgo running for president and instead run against Senator Jon Cornyn in Texas. I will not support either of them for the Democratic presidential nomination, principally because neither of them should be seeking it.


The weight of the evidence seems to be that presidential candidate Senator Amy Klobuchar has been abusive toward staff members to a degree that casts doubt on whether, despite the cheeriness and equanimity she displays in public, she lacks the temperament to be the best nominee the Democrats can put forward to run against Trump. New York Times columnist Bret Stephens has suggested that Klobuchar should resolve, and promise publicly, to be more considerate in her interactions with people who work for her. This strikes me as a good idea. So few politicians ever admit errors, it would be refreshing for a leading contender do so. In other respects Klobuchar stands out as an exceptionally promising candidate. She would be wise not to barricade herself behind a wall of rationalizations of her behavior. 

No to Bernie Sanders as a Presidential Contender

There are plenty of highly qualified candidates running for the Democratic presidential nomination. Those who have evidenced significant drawbacks should drop out, the sooner the better. I’ve already suggested that Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders should stay out of the race because of their age and other issues. Yesterday I learned that Sanders has equivocated about making his tax returns public. That’s a disqualifying issue. Bernie, if you have reservations about releasing your tax returns, you should withdraw from the race.

Tax Policy

Inequality has been growing for several decades. It’s well past the obscene level. New York Times columnist David Leonhardt reports that, since 1980, average net income of the bottom 90% has grown only about one-fourth the rate of the GDP growth. For the top 2% to 9%, average income growth has roughly matched the rate of GDP growth. For the top .01% to 1%, average income growth has been about twice the rate of GDP growth. For the top .01%, average income growth has averaged about five times the rate of GDP growth. It was in this environment that Republicans enacted a tax overhaul designed primarily to benefit the rich and especially the superrich. This country needs, not just a “wealth tax” or a 70% marginal rate on incomes over a million dollars per year, but a tax system that’s revenue-neutral or positive and much more progressive across the board.

First Order of Business for the Next President

Democratic presidential contenders have put forth various policy proposals that they intend to implement if they are elected. In her Washington Post column yesterday Jennifer Rubin pointed out that the first order of business for the next president is to “repair the presidency”–– to institute policies and procedures to prevent the kinds of corruption, nepotism, and other affronts to decency and to our Constitutional system that have characterized Trump and his entourage. Rubin lists eleven measures that should be taken for starters. I hope every candidate agrees with her.


New York Times article based on interviews with present and former members of Senator Amy Klobuchar’s staff gives the impression that she is too ungentle with people who work for her: she rebukes staff members too sharply and too often and is ferociously demanding. Tough to take, but a lot less tough than being in the Marines, and it’s valuable experience for those subjected to it. One interviewee complained that Klobuchar said, “I’d trade three of you for a bottle of water.” My reaction to this is that if they didn’t laugh instead of feeling humiliated they need desensitivity training.

The Race to Run against Trump.

Yesterday the Washington Post published its weekly “power ranking” of candidates vying to oppose Trump in 2020: Bernie Sanders, who last week announced that he’s running, sprinted into fourth place, just behind Joe Biden, who hasn’t yet said whether he’s gong to run. Among the ten leaders are four women, including one of the two African Americans in the race, and a gay guy, Indianapolis mayor Pete Buttigleg, who may be held back because he’s only 37 and his name is hard to pronounce. (It’s “Boot-edge-edge”).

  • Harris
  • Klobuchar
  • Biden
  • Sanders
  • Warren
  • Booker
  • Brown
  • O’Rourke
  • Gillibrand
  • Buttigieg


By calling Vice-President Pence “vile,” am I displaying the kind of incivility and disrespect that is said to be tearing the country apart? Personal attacks tend to be unhelpful even when warranted, but glossing over shockingly egregious behavior is dangerous. Trump and his enablers are threatening American democracy to the core. Trump is a moral catastrophe of a human being. Pence, who appears to have dedicated his life to fawning on him, is an example of behavioral and spiritual degradation that is vile. Polarization may issues from caprice. In this case it issues but facts.

Bernie Sanders

It’s a little spooky how many people have entered the race for the Democratic presidential nomination. Bernie Sanders’s candidacy in 2016 was exciting. This time it’s not. Like so many politicians, Sanders is unrestrainedly ambitious. He can’t understand that he’s too old; that it’s time for a younger fresher person to head the ticket. 

For anyone who has high moral character –– and I have no doubt that Sanders qualifies in that respect –- being president of the United States is a tremendously demanding job. Sanders has tremendous energy, but I wonder if he could keep from running out of steam during a term lasting into his mid-eighties. A second term would seem out of the question for someone his age in 2024. I’m in general agreement with his progressive agenda, but, as was the case in 2016, it’s not adequately researched. I don’t think he adequately connects the fiscal and tax policy dots. I hope someone who is more pragmatic as well as progressive wins the nomination.

Editorial Note: The software program for this blog is pretty primitive. When the word count reaches a certain level, it both screws up the format and font size and stops working until I remove a lot of it. Trying to tame it, I’ve removed and archived all postings prior to Feb. 1, of this year. If I ever have time, I’ll clean up the font size and spacing as well.


Jennifer Rubin, whom I keep citing because she is such an exceptionally astute observer of the political scene, devoted a recent Washington Post column to Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown, who is likely to enter the race for the Democratic presidential nomination. Brown has established himself as a pragmatic progressive. He espouses policies that are fiscally responsible, yet would go a long way toward reversing the trend toward the enrichment of the few at the expense of the many that has characterized our society for the past several decades and accelerated since Trump took office. Brown may turn out to be the best choice to lead Democratic ticket.


I call your attention to Roger Cohen’s current online New York Times column reporting on a conference in Europe at which Pence “inflicted on the audience an extraordinary exercise in obsequiousness, arrogance and mawkishness.” It’s worth reading it to appreciate how Pence is not just vile; he’s vile in an particularly repulsive idiosyncratic way. 

Democrats: Progressives and Centrists

A possible pitfall for Democrats during the months of political jockeying leading up to the Democratic nominating convention is clashes between progressives and centrists that undermine the common effort to depose Trump at the ballot box. Internecine warfare can and must be avoided.

Race for the Democratic Presidential Nomination.

 Every Friday the Washington Post releases its power ranking of candidates to run against Trump in the next presidential election. I liken this to a horse race. Some horses tend to be early leaders; others are stretch runners. There’s nothing close to a clear favorite in this one, and it has hardly begun. Old hands at the track know that the lead can change wildly during the course of the race like this. At the three-week mark, Kamala Harris is holding the lead. Amy Kobuchar is running second by a neck. Joe Biden, who hasn’t yet announced that he’s in the race, is nevertheless running third. Elizabeth Warren is edging up along the rail

There are four women among the ten leaders in the race.  I bet that one of them will be on the the Democratic ticket as either the presidential or vice-presidential nominee. 

Republican Challenges to Trump

It’s good news that a prominent Republican, former Massachusetts governor William Weld, intends to challenge Trump for the Republican nomination, though Weld says he’ll have to raise a considerable amount of money before undertaking an all-out campaign. Let’s hope other Republicans follow his example or run on an independent ticket, pledging to restore traditional conservative principles –– honesty, decency, competency, fiscal responsibility, and sound judgment –– to the White House.  Whether they think they can win the nomination or the election should have no bearing on their decision. The only question they need to ask is whether they can weaken Trump politically and increase the chance that he’ll lose in the general election. That is a noble goal in itself.

The Democratic Presidential Primary Debates

Upwards of 20 Democrats have either entered the race for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination or are expected to. The Democratic National Committee (DNC) has announced how it will run the primary debates in a way that is fair, democratic, and doesn’t result in a ludicrous numbers of aspirants on the stage at once. There will be two heats –– two nights of debates. Lots will be drawn to determine which night and with which other candidates each candidate will debate. No more than 20 candidates will be allowed to debate; no more than 10 will be on stage at either of the two nights of debating. To make the cut a candidate must rank high enough in polling or have secured at least 65,000 “grass-roots” donations. The first debate will be held this June, sooner than I would have thought likely.

Tell the Truth

Washington Post fact checker Glenn Kessler has documented thousands of lies Trump has told since he took office. Trump is a pathological liar. His supporters resort to a time-proven method of dodging the ugly truth that Trump’s habitual lying is indefensible by from time to time catching a Democrat making a misstatement. Kamala Harris, who is one of the leading aspirants for the Democratic nomination, earned “4 Pinocchios” from Kessler by suggesting that, because, on average, tax refunds were down, tax liability had increased for middle class Americans.” This was not case. 

Harris had plenty of reasons to attack the Republican tax cut, which was designed primarily to benefit for the rich and especially the super rich, but she carelessly seized on a specious argument. Now we’ll be hearing endlessly from the right-wing media that Harris is a notorious liar and totally untrustworthy.

Democratic candidates have a special obligation to be scrupulous about being factually accurate. Our nation’s survival as a democracy is at stake. 

The Limit

By agreeing with Democrats on a compromise that would increase funds for border security but rebuff Trump in his demand for 5.7 billion dollars dedicated to his Wall, Senate Republicans displayed that there is, at last, a limit to how much damage they’re willing to inflict on the country to please the Trump and his deluded and cynical supporters. The result, Jennifer Rubin notes, is that “Trump is left with his cultlike followers, vague threats to ‘finish’ the wall regardless of Congress, his mindless chants and his sycophantic right-wing media.” It’s a hopeful development, but as long as Trump remains in office, our country remains in peril.


I’m traveling and suspending this blog until Wednesday, Feb. 13th.

The Right Candidate to oppose Trump

Jennifer Rubin suggests that a good choice would be someone “youngish, knowledgeable, idealistic, empathetic, and high-energy,” to which could be added honorable, all qualities that Trump lacks. In the course of the campaign the contrast would become evident to all but the most deluded and cynical, which there’s reason to hope doesn’t comprise more than 40% of the population.

The Tragedy of Our Times

Headline: “The United States will withdraw from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty between Russia and the United States.”  As Katrina vanden Heuvel observed in a Washington Post column yesterday, it’s an act that initiates a new arms race. Consider Trump’s rationale for this decision, bestowed on the world last fall: “we have more money than anybody else by far. We’ll build it up until [China and Russia] come to their senses.” 

That, as I recently read, 88% of Republicans support Trump, is the tragedy of our times.

Trump Delivers a Devastating Attack on Himself

One of Jennifer Rubin’s columns in the online Washington Post yesterday had the effect of being a devastating attack on Trump. Rubin said very little. Most of the column consisted of a verbatim transcript of remarks Trump made in the course of being interviewed by Margaret Brennan of CBS. Trump’s own words –– a stunning display of appalling ignorance and incoherence –– were more revealing of his gross unfitness to hold office than anything any critic could say against him.

Universal Access to Basic Healthcare

Nearly every advanced democracy assures all its citizens access to basic health care.  Everyone in our country should have access to basic health care too. Opponents falsely claim that it would be too expensive.

The U.S. spends more on healthcare per capita than any other country. That’s not because people in the U.S. are getting better health care. It’s because our health care system is so inefficient. We would spend less on a well-planned, well-administered universal health care system than we spend under our present system. 

Prospective Democratic presidential candidates haven’t been getting that message across. Right-wing attackers have been shrieking that universal access to health care would bankrupt our country. As a result, some proponents of universal access to basic health care have gotten skittish and have been backing away from it. Instead, they should marshal credible and accurate studies and data showing what can be accomplished and what the savings would be and hammer it it in until most people realize that everyone in the U.S. can and should have access to basic healthcare too.


Senator Amy Klobuchar, of Minnesota, a former prosecutor, is experienced, smart, compassionate, tough-minded, pragmatic, honorable, competent, and likable. The Washington Post’s perceptive columnist, Jennifer Rubin, has commented on Klobuchar’s “emotional equipoise, a blend of relaxation and concentration, stamina leavened by cheerfulness.”

I can think of political drawbacks or personal deficiencies in the case of every one else I’ve seen mentioned, who is running or thought likely to run, but none in the case of Klobuchar. It’s too early to endorse a particular candidate, but there’s a good chance that a year from now I’ll be arguing that Amy Klobuchar should be the Democratic nominee.

The Early Line

Recently and unoriginally, I likened the competition among aspirants for the Democratic presidential nomination to a horse race. I predicted that Kamala Harris would be one of the front runners.  In the same vein, the Washington Post has begun rating people who are have already entered the race or appear likely to do so. The ratings reflect the consensus of Washington Post columnists. They are ranking candidates in order of strength, by which I think they mean likelihood to defeat Trump. Leading the field out of the gate are Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, Sherrold Brown, and Beto O’Rourke in that order.  Howard Schultz, running as an independent and who should have been scratched, is running 11th. Keep your eye on Amy Klobuchar, in 7th and moving up on the outside.

What Shultz Thinks

Howard Schultz thinks that if his personal platform is conservative enough, he’ll get a huge number of Republican votes because Republicans know in their hearts that he would be a much better president than Trump; that he’ll get practically every independent vote because he is a quintessential independent and is running on an independent ticket; and that he’ll get a lot of Democrats votes because he’s basically a liberal, has been “a life-long Democrat,” and because, as is well known, liberals like lattés.

Schutz is deluded. Most Republicans will dislike him for fracturing the Republican party by opposing Trump. Anti-Trump voters –– nearly all Democrats and most Independents –– will see him as a catalyst that would cause the horror of Trump’s reelection. Third party candidates don’t win presidential elections. Schultz has demonstrated that he’s politically naive. He is not going to be the exception. He’s an example of a man consummed by vanity.